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Version 5 (FEB 2016)
The FAQ is broken up into a few major areas- Rulebook additions (which are new, introduced rules that are not included in the
rulebook) ERRATA/ Changes (to the basic rules of the game), FAQ, and changes to old cards. Most recent changes or additions are
listed in RED. -see end of document for changes to old cards

effect- including minimum range, requiring a
RULEBOOK ADDITIONS straight line to shoot, PINGs, and abilities that
Gas- These weapons ignore any PING rolls, affect Firearms (like bulletproof vests, and
and may be used even while enemy models Disruptors)
are within 5cm. Enemy models within 5cm of
a model using an expansive gas weapon are
considered in the “lethal” area of the template. Flare: this ability may only be used once per

Anti-Tank: These weapons ignore the
penalty to damage rolls of Light, Medium and Securing the area- One objective must be placed
Heavy Armoured traits; can repeat the in EACH enemy deployment zones, and one
damage roll versus models with those traits must be placed in the centre area.
too. Ignore the Bulletproof Vest, Hardened
and Kevlar Traits. Fire- P78- Fire-If a Character is affected by Fire,
place a Fire counter on their Card. At the Start of
the Victory Points and Recovery Stage,
SUPERNATURAL- All this models’ attacks Characters with at least one Fire counter receive
have the Magic trait (ignoring the effect of: 1 Blood for each Fire counter they have and
invulnerable incorporeal, and tough skin add 1 more Fire counter. A Character may
traits) spend one Action Counter at any time to
remove one Fire counter.
The Quick Reference Guide at the end of the p78- Blind models cannot RUN instead of Move.
rulebook contains errors
p62- Lets go should be clarified that it is the
Crew Configuration: Equipment and funding Henchman that you want to act with who must
(p45)-The Funding of the crew’s boss is reduced spend the 1sc.
to $0 for crew construction (In the example, if
Gordon was selected as the boss, his funding P63- Puzzle master- Should say “this character
would be $0 instead of $200) gains the full 3VP when he ATTEMPTS to solve a
riddle (he doesn’t even need to roll)”
Aggressive Schizophrenia- If this model is in
contact with another character during their -The strategy "secret objective" is worth 2
activation, they must attack- and gain a free AC strategy points, instead of 1.
against the target. Once this attack is resolved, The effect is resolved in Phase D- during the
this character may continue their turn normally. Objective Phase (as opposed to A, as written
in the rulebook)
Hypnotize: Models that are Hypnotized cannot
be moved so they would to fall or enter sewers.

ONE Shot Gun- This ability is considered a
ranged weapon with the firearm rule, so all
rules, traits and abilities that relate to it are in
Q: Alleyways? how big are they? A: Never can reduce BMD to 1/4, maximum
A: 2 cm bigger than the Base. Halved plus 1 MC to starting to move if
difficult terrain.
Q: How wide is "very wide" for difficult
obstacles? Q: Let's say i have a BMD of 10, 2MC and i have
A: 3cm because the model can stand up on it. to move through difficult terrain. I spend the
5cm for large characters first MC to be able to move through difficult
terrain (BMD/2) and then the second one to
Q: Falling. Where does the model go, if it cant move further and i roll a 4. How far can I move?
be placed (like right on top of another model) Is it :
A: The model’s owner decides where but it - 10/2 + 4 = 9cm ?
always must be to the nearest point the model - or (10+4)/2 = 7cm ?
will fit. A model being “fallen on” takes no A: The second one (bolded) is correct
damage or penalties.
Q: Can you "crouch" behind another model? How do I resolve multiple abilities that could
friend or foe? stop a shot (pings, batarmour, etc)
Decide LUCK
Q: Moving and Falling: If you move 5 CM and Reroll all dice with HANDY (or other rerolls)
spring off a building and land ( not dead) do Bodyguard
you get the rest of your base move and any PING (from the shooter to the target)
additional movement you rolled? DODGE
A: If you have movement left when you spring Batarmour
into the air it can be counted as a jump by Roll DAMAGE
spending 1MC. If you do not spend the MC you Reroll dice
take the full damage then you need to make an
agility roll or be knocked down. If you survive Q: Does the scratch rule mean that 1Stun is the
the fall and are not knocked down you can minimum for the full attack with a distance
continue your move. If you are knocked down weapon- or is it minimum 1 Stun per successful
you can continue your movement but at half impact?
speed because of your now disabled A: 1 stun per hit that becomes a non
movement. successful wound roll

Q: Can I move through or place myself where a Q: Is there a Max ammo clips? or can you keep
KO model is? spending move dice to keep gaining clips from
A:No you can only place a miniature where an ammo dump?
the Base could be placed ;) A: You can only hold the amount listed on
You can pass across a KO character but can your card.(Unless +1 Ammo equipment is
not finish your movement on it taken) Plus, you can only manipulate an object
once per turn
Q: Poison Ivy have the rule Chlorokinesis does
that count as a movement? Because as I know a Q: Batman has Total vision and his Batarangs
character can only move once in a turn. Can she are remote controlled. How does this work?
move to a target using BMC to perform a close A: He can always see all models, so he can
combat, and then use Chlorokinesis to get to target foes out of line of sight; even through
other point in the plant action zone? terrain, but to shoot he has to measure from
A: Yup, this special ''jump'' doesn't count as a his base, around the terrain.
Move because it is not a “movement”
Q: If you are on a building edge above a model
Q: If you were Knocked down in difficult and they shoot up at you, any kind of blink roll?
terrain you can move like disabled movement A: Yes, target on top of building receives a 5+
and need to spend 1 MC to move cause of the Blink Roll.
difficult terrain rule.
Q: Can you shoot your own models? Q: When do I declare I am using the Halt/Stop
A: Yup, you can attack your own characters. Ability?
A: As soon as a model can see the “active”
Templates: model, they must declare if they are activating
Q: Expansive weapons- are they "light" the HALT ability, if they chose to not use it,
somehow? they cannot declare it for the rest of the turn.
A: No. They are a ranged weapon (they have
ammo and ROF)- so they may not be fired Q: can Total Vision see through Smoke
while an enemy is within 5cm A: No, Total vision does not ignore smokeor
Q: Spray Templates and explosions, do they
effect all levels. Such as if I spray a guy with Q- Does a Amphibious model like Killer croc
Scarecrow on the ground, and the template need to spend the 1mc to enter or exit the
goes over someone who is on top of a small sewers?
house, does he get hit to? A: No, Amphibious or Handyman models only
A: Only if the template touches that models need to spend 1SC to enter or exit the Sewers.
volume. You can angle it up to go through a
model at ground level and catch another p62- Mobster- if a mobster outnumbers 2
model on a higher elevation but the template different models, does he get an AC against
must touch both models. each of them?
Q: For poison Ivy's "Sprinkling spores" and
Scarecrow's "drug spray", do they need to Q: Bodyguard- when you use this ability- they
DAMAGE their target(s) to give them the takes a hit? or takes ALL the hits from the
"poisoned" effect- or does the template just attack? Can they bodyguard TEMPLATES (and
need to touch them? receive 2 hits from the same attack?
A: No, Expansive weapons Automatically A: Yes, 1SC for all the hits of the same attack.
Inflict any effects they give just by causing a
Q: Are Acrobats able to RUN over small

Q: If a weapon has no listed damage, can it
A Yes
deal damage from scratch/crossfire, crt, or

knockdown? pg60- so, can a large character push or grab
A: No. If no Damage is listed on their Damage another large character?
branch, then no damage for crossfire (or
A: Yes

Q: pg65- when does SUPERIOR SMELL end? at
Q: Robins Stun Grenades. It is a mechanic
the end of that characters activation? or at the
blast, do I need to roll to wound everyone
end of the round?
separate or one single roll? Are they auto A End of round.
blinded, or do I need to wound?

A: Roll separate for everyone hit. If damaged,
Q: If my opponent has a model with TOTAL
becomes blind till the end of the round.
VISION, can I deploy my HIDDEN models?

A: you can deploy your HIDDEN models in
Abilities: your own deployment zone (during the
Q: How long does the Willpower reduction last normal “hidden” deployment phase)
from TERROR, and does it Stack?
A: Terror only affects the NEXT round for the Q: What does Red hood’s “ instinctive fire “
character, after that round, their willpower ability do, exactly?
returns to normal. Terror also does not Stack, if A: Once activated, SO LONG as there is at least
a model is affected by multiple TERROR effects, one enemy model within 5cm- Red hood may
use only the higher TERROR value. ignore the rules preventing Attacks while an
enemy is within 5cm (so he can target any
character he can see) AND limiting the RoF of
a moving character to 1 (so he may fire both Q: Is the max a character can have in a trait
his weapons at full RoF) the value listed or equal to their Willpower?
A: Dice can only be allocated to traits up to the
Q:When a leader ability targets this Leader's trait max. Such as Batman has a Attack Value
henchmen that mean that it targets only of 5, so he can have a max of 5 dice in that
henchmen who share his affiliation ? pool.
A: 2Face's Attorney's Allegation can only
affect Only 2 Face Henchmen. Q: When Arkham Bane uses a Titan Dose, it
Kaos agent-Only Joker Henchmen. increases all his trait values. His base attack is
Black Mask (no mercy)-for all friendly 6. Would it go to 7? Meaning he can now put 7
Henchmen, not only Affiliated to Black Mask. attack dice in that trait. And what about
blocking him? You can't roll a 7 so is he unblock
Q: Can I Death or exile on Grundy? able when he is on Titan?
It is not an "effect" (listed in the rulebook) or a A: When on Titan all his stats increase by 1
"crit effect"- it is a special trait. including his willpower & attack. So yes, he is
A: He is immune to CRT: Casualty but you can attack 7! You always block on a 6 so his
kill him as usual, use arrest on him too. attacks can still be blocked. Also he is harder
to hit as his defense increases to 4.
Q: when does Harvey Dent’s “bipolar” trait
activate? Q:With Sharp can you can be reroll all Damage
A: “bipolar” activates at the beginning of the dices rolled
ROUND- during that player’s Raise the Plan A You can reroll any number of damage dice
Phase (right before Action counters are you want, but you must accept the second roll.
assigned) Collateral Damage dice isn't rerolled. Handy
works similar.
Q:The Stop/halt! rule, does that completely
stop the miniature from doing anything so long Q: If I give a Loyalty Tattoo to Lotus, may I use
as the cop see them? Or Can the miniature still his Dodge skill on shots redirected to him by his
attack? Can he use his base movement still and Bodyguard skill ?
no extra MC? And what happens if the A: NO
"Stopped" model uses charge? Does it cancel it?
A: Stop! Only prevents you from using MC Q: Gordon has Kevlar Armor. 1 Damage
whilst the model with the rule can see you. If marker is Subtracted from the total, but if he
you spent the MC to move further or activate a receives injury and stun markers which marker
charge before the model with “stop” can see is deducted?
you are not affected. However if you wanted A: Gordon controller chooses.
to cross difficult ground or climb you would
need to spend MC this could be prevented if Q: If I attack Gordon in melee and do say 3
you had them moved into the Cops impacts, and of those 3 impacts I inflict 2
wounds that do 2 injury each Does Gordon take
Q; Weapon that have Mechanic such as 3 damage (4-1 for kevlar) or 2 damage ( 2 x (2-
Nightwing's baton that always wounds on a 3+. 1))
What happens when he tries to wound Killer A: Gordon takes 3 damage (4-1 for kevlar),
Croc. He has Tough Skin so to wound him this Trait Triggers every time you received
needs 1 higher. What rule takes effect, is it still Damage, and Gordon in this case Received
3+ to wound or does Croc make it a 4+ Damage 1 time (but from multiple Hits)
A: The Mechanic weapon trait states that you
always wound on a 3+ regardless of the users Q: If batman uses his combo trait, how is this
strength. Tough Skin says you -1 from a dice used.
roll to wound this character. Therefore if you Batman put 4 tokens in AC. he make 2 combos
roll a 3 to wound Croc you would -1 from that simultaneously, so 6 hit dice are generated.
roll making it a 2. In this case you did not roll
a 3 to wound and thus would cause no Q: Can he divide the dice between separate
damage. Basically you need 4's. characters? 2 on a clown and 1 on Harley
Quinn, for example.
A: Yup, you are free to distribute dices, combo Q: When I perform push, can I use the weapon I
only give you more attack dices have for example a Bo instead of unarmed ?
A: Yup you can use weapons
Q: Can you dodge a template?
A: Yes
Q: With the 360 special attack I spend 1AC
Q: what is the area of illumination granted by and 1SC, but how many dice do I get? I guess 1
the lantern trait ? P83, it's wriiten "10cm per opponent. If that's true can I add more
diameter (i.e. 5cm in every directions) like a attack dice by spending AC?
lamppost". But lampposts have a 10cm radius A: Pay 1SC+1AC and you obtain 1 attack dice
(i.e. 10cm in every directions) area of effect. for each enemy in range.
So, is it 10cm diameter or 10cm radius ? Any left over AC can be used either before or
A: 10cm diameter , 5 cm radius, and work like after the special attack (pg.96)
Q: Can you push an opposite character out of
Joker's one shot gun- can it be dodged? does the table ?
a bullet proof vest affect it? does it have the A: No the edge of the play area works like a
"scratch" rule (1 stun if fail to wound?) wall, roll for a 1stun hit with Str 4+ like the
A: It may be dodged , but it is not a firearm, Push effect describes.
so Bulletproof vest does not affect it

Q: If a model with a rank (leader/ Sidekick)
joins another gang with Affinity - do they (Charging is not clearly written in the
retain their old rank (and its abilities, and VP rulebook)
A: NO, They become “free agents” for all To declare a charge action, first you pay 1MC
purposes. and 1SC for the Special Attack.

Q: Arkham Knight’s Arrogant- does he need to The Character moves in a straight line their
be the MOST espensive model, or can there be BMD as part of this special attack (you may
another model for 95 points in the list (like spend and roll MC to extend this distance as
Croc) per normal)

A: No, All other models in the crew must be a You MAY NOT do any special movements
lower reputation then Arkham Knight during a charge (like Run or Batclaw)

As the charging model moves, they may (for
free) make a single attack (or push) on each
SPECIAL ATTACKS model they contact. If they are pushed they
Q: how far must a character be PUSHED To fall are displaced just far enough to allow the
off the edge of an object- can they be pushed charging model to pass.
over a low wall?
A: A Character must be pushed completely
across an object or ledge to pass it or fall, if it If a charging character fails to push an enemy
is less they do not move, meaning a normal out of the way, the charging model just passes
character would have to be pushed 3cm off a through them if they still have enough
ledge to fall. movement to completely pass the model. If
not, they end the movement and the charge in
Q: When performing the "close combat grab" or base contact with the model.
"push". When I deal damage to them, they
suffer the immobilize effect or displace effect
together with the damage dealt? What about
the collateral- can I knock down or crit still? MISC
A: Yes to Both Q: Can I choose no not apply a CRT effect and
just use the normal 1 stun (or another CRT
A: Yes, you can always choose which CRT
effect to apply. Q: Can I place an objective within 5cm of
scenery (like a building)
Q: Which abilities are affected by a Titan dose A: Yes, you may place objectives near pieces of
? Attack, Defense, Movement, Special ? scenery, but not within CM of any other
Willpower and Endurance too? markers.
A: Yes everything
p90- change of plans- can this be used to
Q: Does Titan Dose Affect your strength too? counteract the regular objective rules to move
(making a 5+ into a 4+) an objective to within 5cm of another objective
A: Yes, Titan upgrades your Strength (and therefore score 2 objectives with 1
Q: Can Stupid characters go down sewers? A Yes
A: No
p82, if a character drops loot, is it always the
Q: How does work Lord of Business ? You have controlling player that decides where?
3 objectives + 1 Loot or you are still with 3 A: Yes
objectives but two of them can be Loot ?
A: 2 of them can be Loot, and one other Can you drop loot off the edge of a building?
different one (normally) A: Yes.

Q: Can seeds be places on buildings, cars and Q: What PING roll does AMMO and TITAN
other scenery? containers provide
A: Yes ;) A: AMMO and TITAN are small obstacles ( 6+
PING, may be moved over, but may not stand
Q: If I damage with a 6 with a CRT roll of a 6, is on top)
the target knocked down in addition to the
extra 1 Stun damage? Q: When you solve a Riddle, or use a Batsignal
A: YES!! you are not controlling it, are you ? It doesn't
count for scenario's victory conditions like
"Hurry up, take it all !" or "The more, the
SCENARIOS better" ?
Q: for the NOISE! Objective, does my strike need A: Correct, only Objectives that are worth VP
to be successful to score the VP, or do I just need for being controlled may be “controlled”
to make an attack.
A: it must be a successful hit, so if it is dodged, Chance Encounter
or blocked, the points are not scored. Q: Are Ivy's seeds affected by the special
deployment rule ?
Q: Where do I place the BATSIGNAL in the A: No like Killer Croc Lord of Sewer, they
Plunder Scenario? special rules and ignore the scenario
A:The Batsignal must be placed in the enemy deployment rules.
deployment zone in plunder (as per it’s
special rules) Q- Can lamps, sewers and objectives be placed
above ground level- on scenery?
p82- if 2 of my models are touching my A-Lamps/ Sewers- Yes
objective, and an enemy model is touching ONE Objectives- NO
of my models- do I still control the objective?
VP FOR KO/Casualty
p90- secret objective- can you take more than 1 Q: When an model is KO or Casualty in a special
of a type of objective? incidence (Ivy Hypnotize a target that jumps to
A: Yes you can repeat 1 time (so you can take their death, Joker Kills a henchman with
2x AMMO). Note- you CANNOT take a special explode, Board or terrain effects kill a model)-
Faction objective more than once (Joker Gas, Who gets the VP?
Batsignal, etc)
A: In all cases, when a model is KO or Casualty, MR Freeze- May repair his armor INSTEAD of
the opponent of the OWNER of the model normal recovery, so he cannot recover stun
(not controller) gains the VP (in the example- normally on a turn he decides to repair his
IVY would gain the VP, and Joker’s opponent armor.
would gain the vp)
Q: Let's say some clown is beaten down by a
GCPD cop. Then, on another turn, the cop then ARROW (Oliver queen) has MASTER
uses the Arrest special rule on the KOed MARKSMAN- NOT WEAPON MASTER
henchman. How many VP does he get:
- 1VP for a KOed henchman, MCGREGGOR (from Bane starter) has
- 2VP for the henchman being removed as a WEAPONMASTER
- 3VP for the KO + Casualty ? Clayface HATES Batman/ Law forces/ Green
A: The second (bold) one is the correct one Arrow/ Bane

Q: In case of VP, do the Watchmen count as Zsasz is a Free Agent and must have
Free Agents? Willpower 6
A: Yes
Q: When a sidekick is used as a “boss”, does it -Newer “spore sheath” and “creeper” plant
exchange the special rule 'sidekick' with the from Ivy’s box replace older “test” profiles.
special rule 'leader'?
A: No he still be a Sideckick who uses a “boss” -Creeper plant’s Weapons are RoF and AMMO
spot. Note that their VP value DOES change. “-“ rather than 0.

Every Character with the Trait ''Hates:
Batman'' add ''Hates: Law Forces'' & ''Hates:
Poison Ivy Blister. Her weapon Sprinkling Spores
gains the Gas rule. Catwoman also “hates” LAW FORCES

-Scarecrow (Arkham City) and Scarecrow (Dark --BANE DKR, Gain on Affiliate: Bane (Leader).
Knight Returns) their Drug Spray weapons gain He still be League of Shadows Sidekick
the Gas rule.
-Robin ''Damian Wayne'': Gain the Trait Small.
-Mr. Freeze his weapons gain the Cold rule. His Basic Movement is 12cm, Acrobat wins
over Small trait.

-Solomon Grundy and The Swamp Thing gain
--All Mercs from (Origins) Bane's Starter.
Supernatural trait.
Gain on Affiliate: League of Shadows.

-Deathstroke (Arkham Origins), gains in his Rank
--Bane Starter: Bane’s Reputation cost is 93.
“Sidekick: Scarecrow”. --Cops and Swat. Gain on Affiliate : Green
Arrow & Law forces.
-Joker Gas Canister will be considered to have
the Gas rule.

BLACKGATE PRISONERS- All henchmen have
lost the * - meaning you can no longer take
multiples of them

COPPERHEAD- Add trait “undercover” to
copperhead’s cards

--Gordon: Gain Affiliate to Law Forces
(Leader). He still be Batman Sidekick.
--Mottom (2 Face Henchman with an Axe).
Axe rules are Handy & Tough.
--Sickle: His Reputation cost is 67.
--Night Owl.His Strength is 4+.
--Blackgate Generic Henchman with Tube: His
Defense is 2.
--Poison Ivy Blister. Her Reputatin is 97. Her
weapon Sprinkling Spores Special Tratis
becomes ''Poison (Toxic 1Blood) Expansive''
--Ras Al Ghul- His SWORD has the SHARP trait,
--Silk Spectre- Her Willpower is 6 (not printed
on some cards)

Mistranslations/ definitions;
“tough”= "heavy"
"Mislead" = "distract"
"Bengal" = "flare"
"Street" = “Street Guy”
The "Protective" effect described p74 and the
"Protecting" effect granted by shields (see
various character's cards) are the same
Q: What does Cadence mean?
A: RoF, was a mistake on the old Sheets.
Q: Clayface can use "trample" for 1SC.
A:''CHARGE'' mistranslation, you only pay 1SC
instead of 1SC+1MC

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