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Introduction and Game Elements


game, with an original game play based on Action Counters, where characters actions are
planned. The gameplay system is designed for both novice and veteran players. It has a
strategic and dynamic orientation that avoids complex mechanisms and makes it suitable for all
kind of players. This game is focused on DC Comics World, primarily in the Batman universe
and the villains associated with him.
Batman Miniature Game requires a few elements: a play area, six-sided dice, Counters , a tape
measure (that uses Centimeters or CM) and Knight Models Miniatures, and their associated
Character Cards. Knight Models Miniatures accurately represent each game Character.
We must prepare any table or board with a minimum area of 90cmx90cm and place the terrain
elements (houses, trees, cars, etc.) over it, simulating the streets, gardens, parks & harbors
from Arkham or Gotham City. These terrain elements can be easily purchased or even made by
the players with their own creativity and imagination. The more terrain you have more
entertaining the game can be.
You’ll need many six-sided dice to play the Batman Miniature Game. At least one of them
should come in a different color.
The Counters can be represented by gems, chips, tokens or even the dice. Please make sure
that the Counter you choose fits on the space specially designed for them on the Character
Card. You will need from 4 to 8 Counters per character. Counters can be easily purchased in
most stores. Also, you will need a small nonatransparent bag or container to keep the Counters.
This will be used to determine who will be the first player. The Counter duties will be explained
While you play the game there are many situations or states of the characters to remember
(Damage,Poison, Knock Down (K.O), etc.) Knight Models has designed special Markers, which
you can find at the end of the rulebook. The markers should be placed next to the miniature in
order to keep track of the Damage or Special Effects during the game. Also, there are special
Markers that designate scenario Objectives.

To play Batman Miniatures Game you will need a tape measure (in centimeters, cm) to check
the distance between miniatures and the length of their movements. The distance between
miniatures, or between miniatures and Obstacles, should be measured from their closest
volume point. The distance traveled by a miniature through the ground/land starts from its own
base edge to its new position, without exceeding the allowed distance with any part of its base
edge. Any time during the game any distance can be measured.
Many situations of the game will ask you to divide a numeric value. If there is a remainder, the
number should be rounded down. For example; 5 needs to be divided in two, the result is 2.5,
so you will need to round down to 2.
The most important pieces in the game are the miniatures or ‘characters’ as we will also refer to
them within this rulebook. Knight Models offers a faithful representation of the characters from
Batman´s world. All the miniatures include a base and the corresponding Character Card, which
includes all the information required to play the game.
Almost all Batman Miniatures characters are humans with a similar height (30 to 40mm approx.).
The size difference between them is insignificant over the game scale, which is why we
consider all of them in a standard size unless it specifically describes on a Character Card that
this is not the case. The miniature size and volume is determined by the base the miniature is
set on. Knight Models will provide all miniatures a corresponding base to stand on.
The miniatures occupy a cylindrical space: diameter base x height, not including equipment
elements and limbs that exceed this cylinder. Note: The volume is a part of the miniature. If the
character is on its knees or over a decorative element, take the volume as when the character is
upright over its own base.
Character Card
All characters have their own Character Card. This card will not only describe all the character
information that you need to play, but it will also work as a special tool during the game. Knight
Models will give each miniature a Character Card describing the following features:

Contents [hide]
 1 The Character Card
o 1.1 1 Character name and identification
o 1.2 2 Alias
o 1.3 3 Rank
o 1.4 4 Affiliate
o 1.5 5 Reputation
o 1.6 6 Funding
o 1.7 7 Special Traits
 2 Principal Characteristics
o 2.1 8 Willpower
o 2.2 9 Strength
o 2.3 10 Movement
o 2.4 11 Attack
o 2.5 12 Defence
o 2.6 13 Endurance
o 2.7 14 Special
 3 Skill Roll
o 3.1 Agility Roll
o 3.2 Endurance Roll
o 3.3 Willpower Roll
The Character Card

1 Character name and identification

This is what makes a character unique, because you can’t line up more than one of the same
character in a Band. Basically, how could we have two Bruce Waynes in the same Crew?
2 Alias
The Alter Ego’s name of the character. This is the name most commonly used for characters.
3 Rank
Different ranks can be: Leader, Sidekick, Free Agent, or Henchman. These distinctions are
important in arranging a Band, as there are a few requirements and a limit on how many
characters can join, and it will depend on the Character Rank.
4 Affiliate
In this section more than one Crew name icon may appear. This icon shows the Crew or Crews
that the Character can join. The icon of your Leader will determine which Characters can join
the Crew and all Characters in the Crew will have the same icon as the Leader.
5 Reputation
The Reputation of a Character determines its potency. For every game, set a Reputation limit
and ensure that the total Reputation of all Characters does not exceed the Crew limit.

6 Funding
Many Weapons and Characters come with a “Funding” value in Dollars ($). The Funding limit is
established by the size of the Crew’s Reputation.
7 Special Traits
Special Traits are what make Characters unique. They represent a Character’s training,
additional skills, equipment and personality.
Principal Characteristics
All Batman Miniatures Game Characters have their own particular Principal Characteristics, with
their own abilities and skills. Every characteristic has a numeric value, which will be the key to
success during the game. There are seven Principal Characteristics:

8 Willpower
Willpower is one of the most important characteristics. It represents the character’s capacity to
“act” during his turn. The more Willpower a character has, the more he will be able to do when
he is active. It may mean that he can run more, attack more times, defend himself, do special
actions, etc… This value is the number of Action Counters the character has to share out, on
each turn, between his basic skills (move, attack, defend, special).

9 Strength
This value represents the force your Character can exert. The lower the number, the stronger
the Character. To deal Damage from an Attack, the Damage Roll must be equal to or higher
than Strength.
10 Movement
Basically all characters “walk” the same speed, but they may not “run” with the same velocity.
This value represents the Character’s capability of mobility (Run, Climb, Dodge, etc.). Special
mobility options would be listed in Special Traits.
11 Attack
This value represents the Character’s offensive capabilities. The higher the Character’s Attack,
the more times they can Strike. Action Counters are placed on Attack to show the amount of
Strikes available this Turn, up to their Attack value. Attack is also the number your Opponent
must roll to Block.
12 Defence
This value represents the Character’s defensive capabilities. The higher the
Character’s Defence, the more times they can Block. Action Counters are placed on Defence to
show the amount of Blocks available this Turn, up to their Defence value. Defence is also the
number your Opponent must roll to Hit.
13 Endurance
This value represents how tough or resistant your Character is to injuries. The higher the
number, the tougher the Character. A Character can become K.O. or Casualty if their
Endurance is filled withDamage. Place Damage Counters on the Card to keep track of the
14 Special
This value represents a Character’s energy reserves. Many Special Traits require Special to be
Skill Roll
To successfully execute some actions you must pass a roll. Compare the roll against the value
of thePrincipal Characteristics of the Character:
Agility Roll
To succeed you must roll one die which must be equal to or less than the character’s Movement

Endurance Roll
To succeed you must roll two dice and the sum of both should be equal to or less than the
character’s Endurance value.

Willpower Roll
To succeed you must roll two dice and the sum of both should be equal or less than the
character’s Willpower value.
Line of Sight
The Batman Miniature Game takes place in Gotham where it is always night time so visibility is

Line of Sight is draw an unobstructed line between a quarter of a Volume to another quarter of a
Volume. Miniatures can draw Line of Sight in any direction from their Volume.

Models can only See up to 30cm from their Volume and in Line of Sight. This can be modified
by Skills, Equipment and/or Lights.

In the game there will be streetlights, lanterns and spotlights which illuminates the street over
the playing ground. In each case, we will specify the area each object illuminates. In all cases, if
a target is under the effect of any Lights, it can be Seen by other Characters which can draw a
direct Line of Sight to the Character, regardless at what distance they are.

Crew Configuration
This is a checklist of how to configure your crew for a typical game.

Contents [hide]
 1 Establish Reputation
 2 Boss
 3 Rank
 4 Rank Traits
 5 Funding
 6 Equipment
o 6.1 Batman
o 6.2 Joker
o 6.3 Penguin
o 6.4 Bane
o 6.5 Poison Ivy
o 6.6 Black Mask
o 6.7 Two-Face Crew
o 6.8 League of Shadows
o 6.9 Law Forces
o 6.10 The Riddler
o 6.11 Scarecrow
o 6.12 Mr. Freeze
o 6.13 Court of Owls
o 6.14 Wonderland Gang
o 6.15 Green Arrow
o 6.16 Organized Crime
 7 Strategies
o 7.1 Anytime Strategy
 7.1.1 • 2/? Snitch
o 7.2 Phase A Strategies
 7.2.1 • 3/A Global Plan
o 7.3 Phase B Strategies
 7.3.1 • 1/B Maps
o 7.4 Phase C Strategies
 7.4.1 • 1/C Patrol
 7.4.2 •1/C Reinforcements
 7.4.3 • 2/C Ambush
 7.4.4 • 2/C Fast Advance
 7.4.5 • 3/C Perfect Plan
o 7.5 Phase D Strategies
 7.5.1 • 1/ D Change of plans
 7.5.2 • 2/ D Secret Objective
o 7.6 Phase E Strategies
 7.6.1 • 2/E Battle Cry
 7.6.2 • 2/E Early Bird
Establish Reputation
First you must set a limit of how much Reputation each player can spend to configure his Crew .
Usually both players have the same Reputation. We recommend a maximum of 150 points for
short games and 450pts for longer 2 hour games, with 300pts being the recommended
Reputation for the Scenarios presented in this rules. This is the size of your Crew, for
determining available Free Agents and Funding.
Now you can start Recruiting Characters, remember that the sum of the Reputation of all
Characters in a Crew can never exceed the maximum Reputation established.

Each Player must choose a “Boss” for their Crew between characters ranked as “Leader” or
“Sidekick“. All other characters in a Crew must have the same affiliation as the Boss. If a
character has an “Unknown” Affiliation they may be selected by any Crew.
All characters have any of the following ranks: Leader, Sidekick, Henchman or Free Agent.
This rank determines who can join your band:
• You can only include 1 Leader. This must be the “Boss” if it is included in your Crew.
• You can only include 1 Sidekick, unless you choose a Sidekick as “Boss“, in which case you
can include one additional Sidekick.
• You can only include 1 Free Agent every complete 150 reputation points of the Crew total.
• You can include any number of Henchmen.
• You cannot include two of the same character, unless they are a “Henchman*”, known as
a Minion
Rank Traits
Most Ranks come with Special Traits.

 Leaders are able to re-roll failed Willpower Roll, gain the Inspire Trait and allow Henchmen
within 10cm to attempt “Let’s Go!” without spending 1 SC.
 Sidekicks allow Henchmen within 20cm to re-roll failed “Let’s Go!” Rolls.
 Henchmen have the “Let’s Go!” Trait.
The Rank Traits are tied to the Character’s Rank, not whether they are a Boss or not.

Many Characters have a Dollar ($) cost indicated on their Character Card. The Funding Value
represents the extra cost of Recruiting the Character.

A Crew has $500 Funding for every 150 points of Reputation. If the Crew has more Reputation
than each 150 point limit, increase the Funding allowance to the next 150 limit.
A Crew‘s Funding cannot exceed this limit.
Each Crew has their own list of Equipment which they may purchase for their Henchmen to use.
Equipment is purchased with Funding. The number next to an item indicates the total amount of
times the Equipment can be chosen. A Henchman cannot have more than one of the same
Equipment; however, a Henchman can have many different types of Equipment.

The Watchmen Crew does not use Equipment.

 0-2 Magazine ($200): +1 to Ammunition of a Henchman’s Ranged Weapon.
 0-2 Flashlight ($100): Henchman gains Lantern Trait.
 0-2 Handcuffs ($200): Henchman gains Arrest Trait.
 0-2 Whistle ($200): Henchman gains Stop!/Halt! Trait.
 0-1 Med-pack ($300): Once per game, the Henchman may remove 2 Damage from a
Character in Contact.
 0-2 Magazine ($200): +1 to Ammunition of a Henchman’s Ranged Weapon.
 0-2 Grapple Gun ($300): Henchman gains Batclaw Trait.
 0-2 Clown Paint ($150): Henchman gains Distract Trait.
 0-2 Flare ($300) Henchman gains Flare Trait.
 0-1 Neurotoxic Drugs ($250): Henchman gains Fast and Dodge Traits.
 0-2 Magazine ($200): +1 to Ammunition of a Henchman’s Ranged Weapon.
 0-2 Grapple Gun ($300): Henchman gains Batclaw Trait.
 0-2 Laser Sight ($$150): Henchman gains Laser Sight Trait.
 0-2 Camo Vest ($300): Henchman gains Stealth Trait.
 0-2 Radio ($100): Henchman may re-roll failed “Let’s Go!”.
 0-2 Magazine ($200): +1 to Ammunition of a Henchman’s Ranged Weapon.
 0-2 Grapple Gun ($300): Henchman gains Batclaw Trait.
 0-1 Titan Dose ($100): Henchman gains Titan Dose Trait.
 0-2 Night Vision Goggles ($200): Henchman gains Night Vision Trait.
 0-1 Antidote ($200): Henchman is immune to Poison Effects.
Poison Ivy
 0-2 Titan Mutation ($150): Plant gains Titan Dose Trait.
 0-1 Sense Mutation ($100): Plant gains Night Vision Trait.
 0-2 Extra Spores ($200): +1 to Ammunition of a Plant‘s Ranged Weapon.
 0-2 Spikes Mutation ($200): Plant gains Claws Trait.
 0-1 Luminiscent Mutation ($100): Plant gains Lantern Trait.
NOTE: Poison Ivy’s Equipment may only be used on Plants.

Black Mask
 0-2 Magazine ($200): +1 to Ammunition of a Henchman’s Ranged Weapon.
 0-2 Brass Knuckles ($200): Henchman gains Reinforced Gloves Trait.
 0-2 Grapple Gun ($300): Henchman gains Batclaw Trait.
 0-1 Bribe ($100): Henchman gains Informer Trait.
 0-1 Lockpicks ($100): Henchman gains Runaway Trait.
Two-Face Crew
 0-2 Magazine ($200): +1 to Ammunition of a Henchman’s Ranged Weapon.
 0-1 Bribe ($100): Henchman gains Informer Trait.
 0-2 Bulletproof Vest ($100): Henchman gains Bulletproof Vest Trait.
 0-2 Handcuffs ($200): Henchman gains Arrest Trait.
 0-2 C-4 ($300): Henchman gains Explosive Gel Trait.
League of Shadows
 0-2 Magazine ($200): +1 to Ammunition of a Henchman’s Ranged Weapon.
 0-1 Loyalty Tattoo ($200): Henchman gains Bodyguard Trait.
 0-1 Night Vision Goggles ($200): Henchman gains Night Vision Trait.
 0-1 Climbing Claws ($100): Henchman gains Climbing Claws Trait.
 0-1 Trained in Shadows ($300): Henchman gains Hidden Trait.
Law Forces
 0-2 Magazine ($200): +1 to Ammunition of a Henchman’s Ranged Weapon.
 0-1 Patrol Training ($150): Henchman gains Undercover Trait.
 0-1 Handcuffs ($200): Henchman gains Arrest Trait.
 0-2 Radio ($100): Henchman may re-roll failed “Let’s Go!”.
 0-1 Police Badge ($200): Henchman gains Veteran Trait.
The Riddler
 0-2 Magazine ($200): +1 to Ammunition of a Henchman’s Ranged Weapon.
 0-2 Grapple Gun ($300): Henchman gains Batclaw Trait.
 0-2 Flare ($300): Henchman gains Flare Trait.
 0-2 Enigma Data-Pack ($150): Henchman gains Distract Trait.
 0-1 Broken Equipment ($250): Choose one Equipment purchased by an opponent, that
Equipment is discarded.
 0-2 Magazine ($200): +1 to Ammunition of a Henchman’s Ranged Weapon.
 0-2 Antidote ($150): Henchman is immune to Poison Effects.
 0-1 Titan Dose ($100): Henchman gains Titan Dose Trait.
 0-1 Neurotoxic Drugs ($250): Henchman gains Fast and Dodge Traits.
 0-2 Camo Vest ($300): Henchman gains Stealth Trait.
Mr. Freeze
 0-2 Magazine ($200): +1 to Ammunition of a Henchman’s Ranged Weapon.
 0-1 Grapple Gun ($150): Henchman gains Batclaw Trait.
 0-2 Bulletproof Vest ($100): Henchman gains Bulletproof Vest Trait.
 0-1 Med-pack ($300): Once per game, the Henchman may remove 2 Damage from a
Character in Contact.
 0-1 Scope ($300): Henchman’s Ranged Weapon gains Scope Weapon Trait.
Court of Owls
 0-2 Magazine ($200): +1 to Ammunition of a Henchman’s Ranged Weapon.
 0-1 Climbing Claws ($200): Henchman gains Climbing Claws Trait.
 0-1 Antidote ($200): Henchman is immune to Poison Effects.
 0-2 Camo Vest ($100): Henchman gains Stealth Trait.
 0-1 C-4 ($300): Henchman gains Explosive Gel Trait.
Wonderland Gang
 0-2 Magazine ($200): +1 to Ammunition of a Henchman’s Ranged Weapon.
 0-2 Grapple Gun ($300): Henchman gains Batclaw Trait.
 0-2 Bulletproof Vest ($100): Henchman gains Bulletproof Vest Trait.
 0-1 Neurotoxic Drugs ($250): Henchman gains Fast and Dodge Traits.
 0-1 C-4 ($250): Henchman gains Explosive Gel Trait.
Green Arrow
 0-2 Magazine ($200): +1 to Ammunition of a Henchman’s Ranged Weapon.
 0-2 Flashlight ($100): Henchman gains Lantern Trait.
 0-2 Radio ($100): Henchman may re-roll failed “Let’s Go!”.
 0-2 Whistle ($200): Henchman gains Stop!/Halt! Trait.
 0-1 Antidote ($200): Henchman is immune to Poison Effects.
Organized Crime
 0-3 Magazine ($150): +1 to Ammunition of a Henchman’s Ranged Weapon.
 0-1 Bribe ($100): Henchman gains Informer Trait.
 0-2 Kevlar Vest ($300): Henchman gains Kevlar Vest Trait.
 0-2 Grapple Gun ($250): Henchman gains Batclaw Trait.
 0-1 C-4 ($250): Henchman gains Explosive Gel Trait.

You can choose from a number of Strategies to achieve your plans of victory. Players begin
with 3 Strategy Points. Each Strategy has a value ranging from 1 to 3. Select your Strategies
and then play them in the indicated Phase of Game Set Up.
Anytime Strategy
• 2/? Snitch
Discard an Enemy Strategy. A Snitch can Discard another Snitch.

Phase A Strategies
• 3/A Global Plan
Instead of rolling a die for Scenario, select the Scenario. If both Players choose this Strategy
both are Discarded.
Phase B Strategies
• 1/B Maps
Play after rolling for Urban Furniture. You may place either 2 extra Lamp Posts or 1 Sewer.
These may not be placed in the opponent’s deployment zone
Phase C Strategies
• 1/C Patrol
Play during your Deployment. You can place a Character 10cm outside your Deployment Zone.
If there is no Deployment Zone, you gain +1 to the entry roll in the game zone.

•1/C Reinforcements
Select a Character and roll a die. On a 4+, that Character can be Deployed on the second
Round during the Raise the Plan Stage. You can Deploy the Character at any edge of the Play
Area which is not an Enemy Deployment Zone.
• 2/C Ambush
Play before Deployment. Deploy your entire Crew after the other player. If both Players choose
this Strategy both are Discarded.
• 2/C Fast Advance
Play before Deployment. This increases your Deployment Area by 10cm. If you have two Zones,
increase each 5cm. If both Players choose this Strategy both are Discarded.

• 3/C Perfect Plan

Add an extra Counter to the Take the Lead container.
Phase D Strategies
• 1/ D Change of plans
Play after all Objective Markers are placed. Roll two dice, move an objective as many cm as the
sum of the roll in the direction of your choice, one use only. If both Players have this Strategy,
the Attacker moves their Objective first.
• 2/ D Secret Objective
Play when selecting Objectives. Obtain 1 additional Objective of your choice. This may only be
played once per Player.
Phase E Strategies
• 2/E Battle Cry
Your Crew requires 80% Casualty or K.O. to Run Away.
• 2/E Early Bird
On the first Round, select which Player will Take the Lead. Do not draw a Counter. If both
Players choose this Strategy both are Discarded.

Game Set Up
Once Crews are configured and terrain is placed, begin Set Up with Stage A. Game setup
occurs in a series of Phases (A to E)

Place the Terrain Elements

By mutual agreement, the Players must place all the terrain elements at their disposal and also
must establish: which elements are Objects or Difficult Terrain, which are Small or Vertical
Obstacles, etc. They must also establish the objects that can be Manipulated and what is the
result if this is not covered by Scenario Rules.
Discuss with your opponent the “Ping” values of the various terrain elements and which areas
are “Difficult Terrain”.
Limit of the Play Area
Characters may not leave the Play Area, as there is a infinitely high wall surrounding the Play
Area. If a Character is Pushed into the Play Area wall, they stop as per the Displaced Effect.
Contents [hide]
 1 Phase A – Determine Scenario
 2 Phase B – Urban Furniture
o 2.1 Sewers
 2.1.1 Entering and exiting the Sewer
o 2.2 Lamp Posts Markers
 3 Phase C – Crew Deployment
 4 Phase D – Objectives
o 4.1 Controlling Objectives
o 4.2 Loot – 1 VP to Controlling Player
o 4.3 Riddles – Variable VP to Scoring Player, Cannot be Controlled
o 4.4 Ammo Crate – 3 VP to Controlling Player
o 4.5 Titan Container – 2 VP to the Controlling Player
o 4.6 Safe Boxes – 1 VP to the Controlling Player
o 4.7 Joker Gas Canister – 1 VP to the Controlling Player
o 4.8 Batsignal – Variable VP
 5 Phase E – Play
o 5.1 Scoring Victory Points
o 5.2 End Game
o 5.3 Run Away
o 5.4 Winning the Game
Phase A – Determine Scenario
Roll a d6 to randomly determine the Scenario to be played.

After Phase A – Determine Scenario, place as many counters as the number of rounds the
Scenario has in a opaque container. Every player should place the same amount of counters in
an opaque container to represent their Crew. The counters should be of similar shape and

Determine the Attacker by drawing a counter and then returning the counter to the container.

If the Scenario does not have a specific Round Limit, both players must agree on the number of
Rounds and number of Tokens.
Phase B – Urban Furniture
At the beginning of the game, and before any miniature s are deployed, each player deploys d3
Sewers and Lamps. Sewers and lamp Posts should be represented on 30mm bases. Lamps
are 10cm high.
Starting with the player with more Sewer Markers, players alternate deploying Sewer Markers. If
there is a draw, the players with more miniatures starts. If there is a draw, the Attacker deploys

Sewers can be placed anywhere in the playing area, 20cm or more from any other Sewer and
more than 5cm from the gaming area edges.

Entering and exiting the Sewer

A Character can enter a Sewer any time during their Turn if they are in Contact with a Sewer
Marker. To enter or exit a sewer a Character must spend 1 SC and 1 MC.

Remove the Character from the play area and leave him visible to the side as a reminder that
they are still inside the Sewer. Only one Character per Crew can be in inside the Sewers at a
time. After entering the Sewers, the Character must spend the next entire Round in the Sewers
before they can exit. When a Character exits a Sewer, its loses its BMD (Basic Movement
Distance); Characters that wish to Move or Attack may still spend Action Counters.

If a player has 1 or more Characters in base contact with a Sewer Markers, the opposing player
cannot use it to exit or enter the Sewer. A Big Character must have at least 2 Characters in
Contact with the Sewer Markers.

Note: A K.O. Character doesn’t block a Sewer.

Lamp Posts Markers
Lamp Post Markers illuminate all Objects and Characters within 10cm of their Volume.

Players should consider that illumination does not pass through solid Obstacles and players
should decide the area illuminated by each Lamp Post Marker.

Lamppost Markers can be the target of Attacks; they have a Defence Skill of 2. If Lamp Post
Markers receive any Damage, Remove them from the Play Area. Remember they can be
damaged by Crossfire andScratch.
Phase C – Crew Deployment
Both players must divide their Crew into into two groups of equal number of miniatures starting
with the Attacker. The Attacker deploys first, choosing their Deployment Zone and Deploying all
of the Characters in one of their groups. The other player chooses one of their groups and
Deploys all of the Characters in that Group in their Deployment Area. The Attacker Deploys all
the Characters in their remaining group and then the other player does the same.

Some scenarios may vary this order or have several areas of deployment; these rules are
indicated in each scenario. Characters should be placed entirely within the corresponding area,
but may be “Crouched“.
Models with the “Hidden” or “Undercover” Traits do not Deploy in Groups, they Deploy after
Stage D (Objectives).
Phase D – Objectives
There are seven types of Objectives, each represented by Markers. Each player must choose 3
different types of Objectives to deploy. Objectives a Player Deploys are considered Friendly.
The Attacker places one Objective type first then players alternate choosing and deploying
Objective types until all Objectives are placed.

Friendly Objective markers are normally placed in the Enemy Deployment Zone, unless the
objective or scenario state otherwise. Objective Markers may not be deployed within 5cm of the
board edge, a piece of Scenery, or another Marker. Friendly Objectives may never be deployed
within 10 CM of a Friendly Deployment Zone.
Objective Markers cannot be destroyed or carried into Sewers.

Controlling Objectives

Characters Control Friendly Objectives in Contact. Characters can Contest Characters or

Objectives in Contact. Contested Objectives and Characters cannot Score Objectives. K.O.
Characters cannot Control or Contest.

Loot – 1 VP to Controlling Player

Loot Markers can be deployed up to 20cm from the Enemy Deployment Zone.

Characters can Control Friendly and Enemy Loot Markers. Characters Controlling a Loot Marker
Score 1 VP at the start of the Victory and Recovery Phase.
Characters can carry Loot Markers. To pickup a Loot Marker, a Character must Manipulate the
Objective by spending 1 MC. By Manipulating the Loot Marker a Character is considered
carrying the Loot and in Contact with it, place the Loot Marker on the Character’s Card to
represent this. If a Character Moves while Carrying Loot, they must spend 1 MC before Moving.
A Character can drop Loot in Contact at anytime. Loot can beStolen like a Weapon. If a
Character carrying a Loot Marker becomes K.O. or a Casualty, or enters the Sewers, the Player
removes the Loot Marker from the Character Card and places it in Contact where the Character
Riddles – Variable VP to Scoring Player, Cannot be Controlled
Riddles come in a pair of Makers that are deployed at the same time. Riddle Makers can be
deployed up to 20cm from the Enemy Deployment Zone. To Score a Riddle Marker a Character
must Manipulate the Objective by spending 1 MC and roll a d6 to determine the result. Once
Manipulated, regardless of the results, remove the Riddle Marker from the game.

 0-1 – -1 VP to the Scoring Player. This can lower a Player’s VP below 0 VP.
 2-3 – 0 VP to the Scoring Player.
 4-5 – +1 VP to the Scoring Player.
 6 – +3 VP to the Scoring Player.
Characters can Score Enemy Riddle Markers with a -1 to the result of the d6 roll.

There are some Special Traits that interact with Riddles:

 Detective – You may reroll your attempt to solve the Riddle but must keep the second result.
 Mastermind – You roll 2d6 and pick one.
 Psychologists – Automatically solves the Riddle and scores 1 VP, they may not attempt the
 Puzzle Master – Automatically solves the Riddle and scores 3 VP. They do not allow
Detectives to re-roll.
Ammo Crate – 3 VP to Controlling Player
Ammo Crate Markers are Deployed in the Enemy Deployment Zone. Ammo Crate Markers are
considered Small Obstacles and Objectives.

Characters Controlling a Friendly Ammo Crate Marker Score 3 VP VP at the start of the Victory
and Recovery Phase.
Characters may Manipulate Ammo Crate Markers for 1 MC to reload an Ammo that was
previously used in the game.
Titan Container – 2 VP to the Controlling Player
Titan Container Markers are Deployed in the Enemy Deployment Zone. Titan Container Markers
are considered Small Obstacles and Objectives.

Characters Controlling a Friendly Titan Container Marker Score 2 VP VP at the start of

the Victory and Recovery Phase.
Characters may Manipulate Titan Container Markers for 1 MC to acquire Titan Dose.
Safe Boxes – 1 VP to the Controlling Player
Safe Boxes come in a pair of Safe Box Markers that are Deployed at the same time. Safe
Box Markers can be Deployed up to 20cm from the Enemy Deployment Zone. Safe Boxes are
considered Small Obstacles and Objectives.

Characters can Control Enemy Safe Box Markers. Characters Controlling a Safe Box Marker
Score 1 VP at the start of the Victory and Recovery Phase.
Joker Gas Canister – 1 VP to the Controlling Player
Joker Gas Canisters come in a pair of Joker Gas Canister Markers that are Deployed in the
Enemy Deployment Zone at the same time. Joker Gas Canisters are considered Small
Obstacles and Objectives that only Crews with a Joker Affiliated Boss may Deploy.
Characters Controlling a Friendly Joker Gas Canister Marker Score 1 VP at the start of
the Victory and Recovery Phase.
Characters starting their Activation within 5cm of a Joker Gas Canister Marker must make a
Willpower roll. If the Character fails, they suffer 1 Blood Damage. If a Character is within 5cm of
multiple Joker Gas Canister Markers they must make separate Willpower rolls for each.
Batsignal – Variable VP
Batsignal Marker is Deployed in the Enemy Deployment Zone unless there are no Deployment
Zones in this Scenario. If there are no Deployment Zones, the Opponent may place the
Batsignal anywhere in the Play Area. Batsignal Marker is a Difficult Obstacle and Objective that
only Crews with a Batman or Law Forces Affiliated Boss may Deploy.
The Batsignal starts in the “Off” state. A Character can Manipulate a Batsignal to change the
switch On/Off. At the start of the Victory and Recovery Phase.; if the Batsignal is On, the owner
Scores 4VP, if the Batsignal is Off each Opponent Scores 1VP.
Phase E – Play
After all Set Up is completed, the first round begins. The Attacker draws the first token for Raise
the Plan.
Scoring Victory Points
At the beginning of the Victory and Recovery Stage, players score VP obtained by Controlled
As soon as a Character is first K.O. or Casualty, the Enemy Player scores VP. Casualties
become K.O. before they become Casualty. If a Character is K.O. a second or further time in a
game, no extra VP can be Scored.
Casualties and First K.O. VPs

Rank Casualty K.O.

Leader or boss 2 4

Sidekick 2 2

Free Agent 1 3

Henchman 1 1

End Game
The game ends at the end of the Round indicated by the Scenario Rules, when a Player is
unable to draw a Counter from the Raise the Plan container because it is empty, or when a
Band Runs Away.
Run Away
At the end of a Round, after Victory and Recovery Phase, if 70% or more of a Crew by
Reputation isCasualty or K.O., a Crew might Run Away. Select a a Friendly Character that is
neither K.O. or Casualty and make a Willpower Roll. If the Character passes, the game
continues. If the Character fails, the Crew flees and the game ends. When a Crew Runs Away,
the Enemy Player scores 1 VP per Counter in the Raise the Plan container, unless every Crew
Runs Away in the same Round.
Winning the Game
The winner is the player with most VP at the end of the game.
Sequence of Play
The playing sequence is structured by Rounds. The players should execute the
following Stagesconsecutively in the following order, as shown below. Once these stages are
done, a new Round will start, and so on until the game ends.
Contents [hide]
 1 Take the Lead
 2 Raise the Plan
 2.0.1 Allocating Action Counters
 2.0.2 Movement Skill
 2.0.3 Attack Skill
 2.0.4 Defence Skill
 2.0.5 Special Skill
 2.0.6 Using Your Counters
 3 Execute the Plan
 3.0.1 Determining Passes
 3.0.2 Passive Skills
 4 Victory Points and Recovery
 5 End of the Game
Take the Lead
At the beginning of each Round one Player will extract a Counter from the container and
Discard the Counter after showing their Opponent. The owner of the extracted Counter will
determine who will Take the Lead for the round. Players must extract a Counter each Round
until there are no more Counters left or the agreed upon Rounds have elasped.
Raise the Plan
It is time to decide what your Characters will do during your turn. The lead Player will choose
the Player who starts to Raising a Plan. The chosen player must give out Actions Counters
equal to each Character’s Willpower, between the basic skills shown on the Character Card.
Once the first player has planned what his characters will do, the opponent must do the same
with his characters. When both players are ready, and distributed all their Action Counters
correctly, they can start the next phase Execute the Plan.

During the Raise the Plan phase each character gains a number of counters equal to
their Willpowercharacteristic, and their controlling player must distribute these Counters. The
Character Card has four spaces for each of the character abilities that Action Counters may be
distributed to: Movement, Attack, Defence & Special (Endurance may not be assigned counters).
Place the Counters on their empty space on the Character Card. This will help us to carry out
the basic abilities and use the special rules during the different game stages.

Remember: For every 2 Damage Markers a character has accumulated, at the beginning of the
Raise the Plan stage, the character will lose 1 Action Counter!

Allocating Action Counters

Please follow the conditions described before awarding the Action Counters to your characters.
You can have empty spaces if you prefer.

Movement Skill
The player can place as many Action Counters up to his Movement value. These Counters will
improve the character’s movement capacity. We will call them from now on Movement Counters
or MC.
Attack Skill
The player can place as many Action Counters up to his character’s Attack value. These
Counters allow the character to make Ranged and Melee Attacks. We call these Counters
Attack Counters or AC.
Defence Skill
Place as many Action Counters up to the character’s Defence value. This is a “Passive” skill
and can be used when the character is “not active”. Each of the Counters can be used
to Block a Melee Attack. We will call these Counters Defence Counters or DC.
Special Skill
Players can use up to three Counters for this attribute. Each of these Counters is for the
character’s special ability or to Recover Damage at the end of the Victory Points and Recovery
Stage. These Counters will be called Special Counters or SC.
Using Your Counters
During the game, you will need to use your basic skills Action Counters. Discard the Counter
from the Character Card when it is used. If an action requires you to use or Discard more than
one Action Counter and you do not possess enough Action Counters, you cannot carry out that
action or rule.
Execute the Plan
As soon as both players have planned all their Characters’ actions, it is time to Activate them
and start to attack and/or move. Starting with the player who first Raised the Plan, Players will
alternate Character Activations. Each Character can only have one Turn per Round. Once all
Characters have had a Turn, move to Victory Points and Recovery Stage.
As soon as a Character is Active, it can perform a number of skills during its activation. This
includes Move, Attack, Action and Special Skills. Players should declare, at the beginning of a
Character’s Turn, their actions and the order they will execute them. A Character
can Move then Attack; Attack then Move; just Attack; or, just Move. A character may not
execute the same skill at different times during a turn, so they may not Move, Attack, and then
Move again; or Attack, Move then Attack again.
Once the Character has used his basic abilities and spent the required Counters, the Turn will
be finished and the next Player will Activate.

Note: Players are not required to use all of a character’s Counters.

Determining Passes
At the beginning of Execute the Plan, players must decide how many pass chances the player
with fewer characters has. The pass chance is equal to the difference between how many
characters on the play area the player has than their opponent (K.O. characters do not count for
this.) This way, the player with fewer characters can Pass (chose not to activate a character)
and give the chance of activation to the other player. This may mean a player can activate two
characters consecutively. A player cannot pass more than twice consecutively.

Passive Skills
Some abilities are passive, such as Dodge or Block. These can be used, during another
Character’s Turn, as a response to Attacks or to execute special rules. The instructions and
cost in Action Counters will be shown on each passive skill.
Victory Points and Recovery
At the end of the Round, any K.O. or Stun Damaged Characters have a chance to recover
damage or wake from K.O.. To shrug off the damage, make a Recovery Roll.
Once the Recover Rolls are finished the players must carry on with all the rules that must be
executed at “The end of the round”. After this, remove all unused Action Counters from
the Character Cards and check the Victory Conditions from the Scenario.
After this stage, all remaining Action Counters are discarded from all Character Cards.
End of the Game
If, for any reason, there are no more dice/counters to extract, the game will be finished at the
end of that Round. A game won’t have more Rounds than initially decided or specified in the
Scenario even if there are dice/counters left to extract.

During a Character’s Activation they may perform Movement Actions, other Actions before or
after all their Movement Actions. A Character may not interrupt Movement with another Action.
Contents [hide]
 1 Basic Movement Distance (BMD)
 2 Move Capacity
 3 Run
 4 Stand
 5 Impaired Movement
 6 Moving Around the City
 6.0.1 Small Obstacles
 6.0.2 Difficult Obstalces
 6.0.3 Difficult Ground
 6.0.4 Vertical Obstacle/Climbing
 7 Jumping
 7.0.1 Leap Down
 7.0.2 Spring into the Air
 8 Falling
 9 Crouch
 10 Manipulate
Basic Movement Distance (BMD)
All Batman Miniatures Game characters have Basic Movement Distance (BMD) of 10cm. This
may be modified by Special Rules.

Move Capacity
During a character’s Activation, when it decides to Move, it may spend its BMD and/or MC to
determine its Move Capacity. Roll all MC for their Movement. Move Capacity determines how
many cm a character may Move during its Activation.. The entire Move Capacity must be used
at the same time, it cannot be interrupted by other actions, attacks or abilities.

Characters cannot go through any space or volume already occupied by other characters.

Unspent MC may be used to pay other costs.

Characters can Run during their Activation by spending their BMD, 1 MC and 1 SC. Running
allows a model to Move double their BMD in a straight line uninterrupted by Difficult Ground,
Obstacles or Models.

A character may use their Move Capacity before or after a Run.

When a character is Knocked Down, it may Stand during its Activation using 1 Action
Counter. Once the character is Standing it can Move or Act as normal.
Impaired Movement
During the game there will be occasions where a character’s Movement may be affected by
Difficult Ground or a special rule that impairs it. During Impaired Movement, a Character must
spend twice the Movement Capacity for the distance they Move.

Moving Around the City

The terrain elements on the gaming area are fundamental for the characters’ movement and
sight. The Batman Miniatures Game combat will take place in the city, so the movement rules
are designed for this environment. All terrain elements are considered obstacles, which will be
divided into different categories: Small Obstacles, Difficult Obstacles, and Vertical Obstacles.

Small Obstacles
Small Obstacles that don´t exceed half of the miniatures height (around 2cm for a regular or
human character). Small Obstacles can be garden hedges, boxes, buckets, chairs or any
domestic furniture in general. Passing them is free as they don´t exceed half of the miniature’s
size. If it is higher, it is considered a Difficult Obstacle.

Difficult Obstalces

Difficult Obstacles are those higher than half of the miniature size but not taller than the
miniature itself (around 2 to 4 or 5cm for a “human” character). These obstacles can be high
garden hedges, fences, cars, containers, big trash bins and the urban furniture in general. A
character must spend 1MC to cross a Difficult Obstacle or they cannot cross it.

Difficult Ground
Areas of difficult ground are areas such as piled debris, smashed zones, tree areas, waterways
or harbor water. Before the mission starts the players must set which terrain elements are
considered difficult grounds. If a character needs to cross this difficult ground they will need to
spend 1 MC to proceed.

Vertical Obstacle/Climbing
A Vertical Obstacle is much taller than the miniature, such as a wall or any other element which
can be climbed. To Climb a Character must spend 1 MC before Climbing. While the character
moves vertically it is Impaired Movement.

If a character tries to Climb, they must finish their Move in an area where the Miniature can be
placed, such as a roof or the top of a wall. Otherwise the Character must Spring into the Air or

Characters can Jump over Obstacles and Gaps. They must spend 1 MC to initiate a Jump.
While Jumping, Characters may move freely across open spaces or objects. All Movement
while Jumping is considered Impaired Movement.

Leap Down
If a Character Jumps straight down their Movement is not Impaired.
Spring into the Air
Characters may Spring into the Air when they move off of a ledge or other high piece of terrain.
Spring into the Air costs 1 MC or the character will Fall. This is a Passive Action.

It will cost 1 MC or it will count as a fall. If the jump height is less than the JC, the jump will
succeed automatically, and you may place the character standing at the end of the gap and
keep moving if there is BMC left.
If the jump is higher than the JUMP CAPACITY spent then the character will suffer Damage.

Damage depends on the difference between the height and the JC.

If a Character is unable to complete a Jump, Climb, cannot be placed, or is pushed off of an
elevation; the Character Falls.

A Falling character will suffer damage based on the distance they would Fall until they are
placed on the ground. Additionally, unless Character has a successfully passed an Agility Skill
Roll, the character will be Knocked Down.
 up to 5cm, the character gets 1 Stun Damage
 6 to 10cm, the character gets 1 Blood Damage
 11 to 15cm, the character gets half of his Endurance in Blood Damage
 more than 15cm, they become a Casualty, removing the miniature from the game
If the Character survives the Fall and is not Knocked Down, they may continue moving.

When an Activate Character ends its Move Action in Base Contact with terrain, he can Crouch
next to it by spending 1 SC. The Character remains Crouched until they Move away. The
Crouching Character gives +1 to the Ping! roll of the Object they are Crouching beside.

Many terrain elements rules require the characters to Manipulate objects.

This can also be established by the players; such as, opening a door, picking up an Object, etc.
A character must be in Contact, or Carrying, something to Manipulate it.

A character spends 1 MC to Manipulate an Object and immediately gains the effect given by the

A character may only Manipulate an Object once per Round.

During a Character’s Turn, a Character may attack other Characters, Scenography or other
valid targets. A Character may only make one Attack per turn. During an Attack a Character
must use a Melee Weapon, a Ranged Weapon or an Unarmed Attack. If a Character carries
more than one Weapon, clarify which weapon would be used for the Attack and the Character
must use the same Weapon during that Turn.

The attack can be done before or after the movement (as the player stated during the Execute
the Plan stage) once all the requirements and Counter costs are paid. Melee Attacks can be
done with any number of AC a character has, two AC must be spent to make an Attack with a
Ranged Weapon (never more or less).

Contents [hide]
 1 Strikes
 2 To Hit Roll
 3 Damage
o 3.1 Damage Roll
o 3.2 Collateral Die
o 3.3 Critical Damage
o 3.4 Special Critical (CRT)
 4 Close Combat
o 4.1 Melee Weapons
o 4.2 Unarmed Damage
o 4.3 Close Combat Modifiers
 4.3.1 Outnumbered
 4.3.2 Defensive Positions
o 4.4 Defence
o 4.5 Blocking
 5 Ranged Attacks
o 5.1 Ranged Weapons
o 5.2 Rate of Fire (ROF):
o 5.3 Ammunition
o 5.4 Damage
o 5.5 Scratch
o 5.6 Range
o 5.7 Ping!
 5.7.1 Ping! Difficulty
o 5.8 Crossfire
 6 Damage
o 6.1 Damage Effects
o 6.2 K.O. (Knocked Out)
o 6.3 Coup de Grace
o 6.4 Causalty
 7 Recovery
o 7.1 Recover Stun
o 7.2 Recovery from K.O.
In Melee, each AC spent gives one Strike die. When Attacking a Character in Melee, they gain
a number of Strikes to distribute between valid targets. With a Ranged Weapon, the Rate of Fire
of the Ranged Weapon determines the number of Strikes that may be distributed between valid

To Hit Roll
As soon as all Strike dice are assigned to valid targets, you must make a To Hit Roll to each
valid target. Roll all the dice assigned to each target at once. Each result that is equal or higher
to the target’s Defence value is a Hit. A result lower than the target’s Defence value is a Miss.
To Hit rolls of 1 without modification always Miss and any results of 6 without modification are a

All Misses are Discarded.

All remaining To Hit dice may be used for Damage Rolls.

Whenever a Character successfully hits an Enemy Character, the Attacking Player must roll a
die for each successful hit to see if Damage is inflicted. This is called a Damage Roll. In addition,
when making a Damage Roll, one extra die (preferably of a different colour and size) should be
rolled as well, this is a Collateral Die.

Damage Roll
For each successful Hit an Attacker gains a Damage Die. Roll all Damage Dice, plus a
Collateral Die, to determine if each Damage Die successful. Each result that is equal or higher
than the Attacker’s Strength Value is a successful. Each successful Damage Die deals the
Damage of the Weapon. If at least one Damage Die is successful, the Attack is considered a
success against that target.

Weapons may modify or replace the result of a Damage Die to be successful.

Damage rolls of 1 without modification are discarded and any results of 6 without modification

Collateral Die
Add a single Collateral Die of a different appearance to any Damage Roll regardless of the
number of damage dice rolled.

If the result of the Collateral Die matches the final result of any non-discarded Damage Rolls,
the target is Knocked Down.

If the result of the Collateral Die on a Successful Attack 6, it is considered a Critical Damage.

Note: If a Damage Die result is a 6 on a Critical Damage, the Target is Knocked Down and
Critical Damage is still applied.

Critical Damage
Any successful Damage Roll where the Collateral Damage Die result is 6, is considered a
“Critical”. The target will receive an extra Stun Damage to the total inflicted.

Special Critical (CRT)

Many weapons and attacks can produce a different effect, having a Special Critical as a result,
indicated as CRT at the weapon or rule description. You may choose to use Critical Damage or
the Special Critical.
Close Combat
Melee Weapons
A Character with a Weapon may choose to Attack with a Weapon they are armed with or
Unarmed. Each Weapon has specific Damage and Traits that effect its use in Melee. These
modify or replace To Hit or Damage rolls. Each Successful Damage applies the Weapon’s
Damage to the target.

Unarmed Damage
If a character has no weapons he can punch, kick, bite, etc. Damage caused by this kind of
Attack is 1 Stun Damage.

Close Combat Modifiers

When Attacking an Enemy Character in Melee, if another Friendly Character is in Contact with
the target, and no other enemy Characters, the target’s Defence is reduced by 1 for the duration
of the Attack.

Defensive Positions
During Melee, if a target Character is in the following situations, their Defence value is
considered 1 higher for To Hit Rolls:

 The Character’s Base is 1cm higher than his Attacker but they are still in Contact.
 The two Characters are separated by an Object no thicker than 2cm and it is not taller than
the two Characters.
 The Character is between two Objects equal or taller than itself. The space the Character is
in cannot be more than 2cm larger than their base; such as, a door, a corridor or an alley.
When a Character is Attacked in Melee, after To Hit Rolls are made, a Character may defend
themselves using DC.

Each DC spent allows one Defence Die to be rolled, roll all Defence Dice at once. Each result
equal or higher to the Attacker’s Attack Value Blocks one Hit. Blocked Hits are discarded.
Ranged Attacks
If a Character carries a Ranged Weapon (any weapon with a RoF is a Ranged Weapon), he
can make a Ranged Attack with the Ranged Weapon if there are no Non-KO Enemy Characters
within 5cm.

2 AC must be spent to Attack with a Ranged Weapon. Ranged Attacks may not be Blocked.

The Rate of Fire of the Ranged Weapon determines the number of Strikes for the Attack.
Strikes may only be assigned to targets the Attacker can see and are within the Range of the
Ranged Weapon.

Ranged Weapons
These weapons can only be used for a “Ranged Attack”. They have special characteristics that
define their usage and capabilities.
Rate of Fire (ROF):
This is the number of the To Hit Dice each time this weapon is used. These To Hit Dice may be
distributed between several targets so long as they are valid. If a Character moved during its
Turn before Attacking, the Rate of Fire is reduced to 1 no matter the original Rate of Fire.

The ammunition is how many times you can attack with this weapon during the game, and it is
represented by ammunition magazines.

When a Character uses a Ranged Weapon, indicate one magazine from that weapon as used,
regardless of the RoF of the weapon. If all ammunition magazines are exhausted, he cannot
use that weapon any more. There many situations during a game where characters may be
able to gain additional ammunition magazines. A character can’t ever have more Ammunition
than his starting total ( including the Magazine bought at the equipment list).
Each Successful Damage applies the Weapon’s Damage to the target.

If a Ranged Hit fails to Damage, the Target Hit takes 1 Stun Damage.

Ranged Weapons have unlimited Range unless noted on the Ranged Weapon.
If a target is hit by a Ranged Weapon but is partially Obscured, they may make a Ping! Roll for
each Hit for each Object from the Attacker to the target. If the result is equal to or higher of the
Ping! difficulty, it willCrossfire into the Object and the Hit is discarded.
Ping! Difficulty
Not all the obstacles have the same ability to stop a Ranged Hit. The Ping! Difficulty level is set
by the kind of Obstacle:

4+: walls or objects considered “solid” or very resistant, another miniature.

5+: Elevation, wood fences, trees, cars, streetlights or any urban furniture.
6: hedges, wire fences, boxes, tables or any domestic furniture.

If a Character or Damagable Object has been Hit due to the result of a Ping! roll, they will suffer
Crossfire. The Shooting player must Damage Roll against this target, the Damage of this Effect
is 1 Blood instead of the normal Ranged Weapon’s Damage.

Each time a Character is successfully Damaged, placed Damage Counters on the Character
Card. There are two types of Damage that may be dealt: Stun and Blood. Depending on the
Character and/or the Weapons they use, different Damage may be caused. Stun can
be Recovered, Blood cannot normally be Recovered.
A Character cannot have more Damage than their Endurance. If a Character has Damage
equal to their Endurance, they are K.O.. If a Character has Blood Damage equal to their
Endurance, they are Removed as a Casualty. If a K.O. Character receives Blood Damage, it
replaces Stun Damage on that Character.
If a K.O. Character receives Stun Damage it is Discarded. Excess Blood Damage is Discarded.
Damage Effects
As Characters take Damage, their ability to act is reduced. Every Round, starting with the Raise
the Plan Stage, for every two Damage on a Character they must immediately Discard an Action
Counter from their Card.
Characters can attempt to Recover Stun Damage at the end of the Victory Points and Recovery
K.O. (Knocked Out)
If a Character has Damage equal to their Endurance, they are K.O.. A K.O. Character
immediately loses all of their Action Counters and is Knocked Down. If a Character Discards
any Damage, they are no longer K.O..
K.O. Characters are not Enemy Characters to anyone. K.O. Characters cannot Allocate or
Assign Action Counters or be Activated. KO Characters cannot Control or Contest Objectives.

K.O. Characters are ignored for Ping! Rolls.

Coup de Grace
Each successful Damage against a K.O. Character can replace one Stun Damage with one
Blood Damage.

If a Character has Blood Damage equal to their Endurance, they are a Casualty. Remove the
Character from the Play Area and your opponent Scores the appropriate VP.
Recover Stun
During the Victory Points and Recovery Stage, non-K.O. Characters can Recover Stun Damage.
Roll one die for each Character. A die result of 4+ Discards one Stun Damage from that
If the Character has SC remaining, they may roll them in addition to the one die. Each result of
4+ Discards one Stun Damage.

Recovery from K.O.

At the end of the Victory Points and Recovery Stage, K.O. Characters can attempt to remove
the K.O. Effect. Make an Endurance Roll for each K.O. Character. If the K.O. Character passes,
Discard one Stun Damage from the Character and remove the K.O. Effect.
Contents [hide]
 1 Blind
 2 Cooled
 3 Displaced/Push
 4 Enervating “X”
 5 Fire
 6 Flash
 7 Freeze
 8 Hypnotize
 9 Immobilized/Pinned Down
 10 Knock Down
 11 Paralyze
 12 Poison
 13 Scared
 14 Stun
 15 Smoke
 16 Steal
 17 Terror (X)
 18 Toxic (X)
Place a Blind Counter next to the Character. A Blind Character cannot See; cannot use MC; all
their Movement is Impaired; cannot make Ranged Attacks; and To Hit and Block Rolls only
succeed on a 6.
Place a Cooled Counter next to the Character. The Character gains the Paralyze Effect until the
end of the round.
The Target is pushed a number of centimetres equal to the result of the Collateral Die directly
away from the attacker. If the target can’t be Displaced the distance because of a terrain
element, he receives a 4+Damage Roll for 1 Stun. If the Target is Displaced off of a roof or into
a hole, apply Spring Into the Air.
Enervating “X”
The Character Immediately loses “X” Action Counters.

If a Character is affected by Fire, place a Fire counter on the Card. At the Start of the Victory
Points and Recovery Stage, Characters with at least one Fire counter receive 1 Blood for each
Fire counter they have and add 1 more Fire counter.
A Character may spend one Action Counter at any time to remove one Fire counter.

The Character gains the Blind Effect until the end of the Round.
The Character gains the Paralyze Effect until an Endurance Roll is passed at the beginning of
their next Turn.
The affected character must pass a Willpower Roll. If he fails he will become completely
controlled by the player who is controlling the Attacking Character until the end of his next Turn.
Immobilized/Pinned Down
Place an Immobilized Counter next to the character. The Character cannot Move, use MC, and
the hisAttack Skill is reduced by 1 until the Effect is Discarded.
Knock Down
A Knocked Down Character cannot spend any Action Counters except to Stand
Up. Movement while Knocked Down is Impaired. Melee Hits succeed on a 2+. A Knocked Down
Character doesn’t grant Pings!.
Stand up (1 Action Counter of any kind); Remove the Knocked Down Effect.
Place a Paralyze Counter next to the Character. A Paralyzed Character reduces his Defence
Skill by 2; cannot Move, Attack, Defend, use Traits or Action Counters until the Effect is
Poisons produced different effects, as shown next to the Poison characteristics. If a character
has several Poison effects, he must choose one before doing a Poison attack. If a character
gets affected by Poison, place a Poison Counter next to the Character and resolve the Poison’s
Effect immediately. At the beginning of his next Turn, the Character must make an Endurance
Roll. If the roll is passed, the Poison effect is removed. If the roll is not passed, the Poison effect
will occur again and continue to be active until he passes the the Endurance Roll for that poison
made at the beginning of an activation. The same Poison effects are not cumulative.
When a Character fails a Willpower Roll, they become Scared until the end of the Round.
Scared Characters cannot Dodge, Crouch and have -1 to Attack and Block rolls. If a Character
fails the Willpower Roll by more than two, apply the Terror Effect as well.
A Stunned character cannot use any Action Counters until the end of the Round.

Place a Smoke Template centred on the area affected by Smoke. Characters cannot See into,
out of, or through an area affected by Smoke. Characters even partially inside smoke are Blind.
Discard the Smoke Template at the end of the Round.
If a character steals from an enemy, he can choose which of the enemy weapons will be stolen
and they can use it afterwards. The stolen weapon cannot be used by the previous owner
unless he gets it back. A character can only have one stolen weapon. If he steals more than
one, he needs to choose which of them he would like to keep and throw the rest away (will be
removed from game).
Terror (X)
If a Character fails a Willpower Roll against the Scared Effect by more than two compared on
the chart the Effects:

Toxic (X)
Instantly receives X Blood Damage.
Special Attacks
Contents [hide]
 1 Special Attacks
o 1.1 Close Combat Push
o 1.2 Close Combat Grab
 2 Special Attacks Traits
o 2.1 360º Attack With: (1 SC +1 AC)
o 2.2 Charge (1 MC + 1 SC)
o 2.3 Deadly Strike With: (1 SC)
o 2.4 Devastating Blow (1 SC )
o 2.5 Electric Attack (3 SC+1 AC)
o 2.6 Lethal Blow (1 SC)
o 2.7 Power Strike with: (1 SC)
o 2.8 Precise Blow (1 SC)
o 2.9 Sneak Attack (1 SC)
o 2.10 Technique (1 SC)
o 2.11 Thief With: (1 SC)
Special Attacks
Some characters have Special attacks made available to them with special traits or equipment,
but all Characters have two special melee attacks available to them; Push and Grab. To initiate
most Special Attacks, the Attacker must pick a single Target, nominate which Special Attack
and spend the appropriate costs.

That entire Attack is considered a Special Attack. The Special Attack occurs if the Attack is

A Character may not use more than one Special Attack per Turn.

Some Special Attacks allow you to make normal Attacks before or after the Special Attack.

Some Special Attacks require the Character to use a specific Weapon or Unarmed.

Close Combat Push

While Attacking a Character in Melee, a Character can attempt to push them. Spend
1 additional SC when attacking to make the attack against a single target a Push. If the Attack is
successful, the Displaced Effect will be added.
Close Combat Grab
While Attacking a Character can attempt to Grab them. A character may not use any weapons
when attempting a grab (they are treated as unarmed). Spend 1 additional SC when attacking
to make the attack against a single target a Grab. If the Attack is successful,
the Immobilized Effect will be added.
If a character gets Immobilized/Grabbed by several enemies they will lose 1 to Defence for each
additional enemy after the first that is grabbing them.

To release and remove the Effect, the Grabbed character must spend at least 1 AC during their
Activation and roll a die for each AC spent, succeeding by roll over his own Strength. If he
succeeds it will release the character from the grab of one enemy and let him activate normally.
The character can be released as well if his captor moves away or attack another character.

If the character is grabbed by several enemy characters he may spend at least 1 AC for each
enemy and become released from one enemy for each success. In a multiple grab, the player
controlling the character escaping chooses which enemy characters they escaped from.
Special Attacks Traits
Special Attacks are considered Traits under all circumstances.

During their turn, characters may use their signature Special Attack against one enemy (but still
limited to one Special Attack if they would have more than one as an option). This attack must
be declared before rolling any dice, but can be done before or after other normal attacks.
Special Attacks usually modify the effects of the normal attacks, so if you perform a Special
Attack against a character, you may not Strike him again, unless otherwise specified.

To perform these attacks you must meet all the requirements and Action Counter costs. Many of
them must be made Unarmed or with a particular weapon, if nothing is indicated you can
choose do it with any weapon or Unarmed.

360º Attack With: (1 SC +1 AC)

This Special Attack allows the character to attack, for free, all characters in melee with this
character. You can only do it once per turn, but before or after this Special Attack you can
attack normally.

Charge (1 MC + 1 SC)
When using this Special Attack; The character must move in a straight line, while performing
this move they can Strike (or Push without spending SC) any characters in their path, displacing
them just enough to pass. At the end of the movement he can attack normally.

Deadly Strike With: (1 SC)

When hitting an enemy character and using this Special Attack this character receives CRT:

Devastating Blow (1 SC )
When attacking an enemy character they gain+1 to Damage rolls, and CRT: Blood.

Electric Attack (3 SC+1 AC)

When using this Special Attack; Centre the explosion template on this character, all characters
partially or totally under the template (except the attacking character) receive one Impact at
Strength +4 and 2 Stun damage. You can only use Electric Storm one time per activation, but
you can attack normally before and/or after this Special Attack.

Lethal Blow (1 SC)

If you damage an enemy character, that character also suffers the Stunned Effect (A
Stunned character may not spend ACTION COUNTERS until the end of the round).
Power Strike with: (1 SC)
If this character achieves a successful hit, the target is Knocked Down automatically.
Precise Blow (1 SC)
When attacking an enemy character using this Special Attack, this character gets a +1 on the
To Hit Roll and can reroll the Collateral Damage die. You must accept the second result.

Sneak Attack (1 SC)

This attack can only be performed if, at the beginning of the character’s activation, the target
cannot See the attacker. Target character cannot Block attacks.
Technique (1 SC)
If you damage an enemy character while using this Special Attack, the targeted character
receives theKnock Down Effect. If he is also Knocked Down by the Collateral Damage die, then
the target character suffers an automatic Hit at Strength +4 and 1 Stun damage.
Thief With: (1 SC)
When hitting an enemy character while using this Special Attack, this character
receives CRT: Steal.

Item Traits
Contents [hide]
 1 Weapon Traits
o 1.1 Acid
o 1.2 Aim
o 1.3 Anti-Tank
o 1.4 Assault / X
o 1.5 Beam
o 1.6 Defensive
o 1.7 Devastating
o 1.8 Expansive
o 1.9 Explosive
o 1.10 Firearm
o 1.11 Gas
o 1.12 Handy
o 1.13 Imprecise
o 1.14 Light
o 1.15 Magic
o 1.16 Mechanic/ Mechanical
o 1.17 Medium Range
o 1.18 Protective
o 1.19 Reach
o 1.20 Reload
o 1.21 Remote Controlled
o 1.22 Scope
o 1.23 Sharp
o 1.24 Short Range
o 1.25 Sonic
o 1.26 Throwing
o 1.27 Tough/Heavy
 2 Templates
o 2.1 Explosion Template
o 2.2 Grenades
o 2.3 Spray Template
Weapon Traits
Attack and Defence are lowered by 1 if Wounded by Acid. Ignores Light Armour.

A Weapon with this trait may not be used if this character has moved this round. If a Character
uses this weapon, they may not move this turn.

Ignore Light Armour, Medium Armour, and Heavy Armour Traits with the ability to repeat those
Ignore Hardened, Kevlar Vest and Bulletproof Vest Traits.
Assault / X
When a Character Moves before a Ranged Attack, the Rate of Fire of the Ranged
Weapon becomes X.
All Attacks with this Weapon Damage on a 2+. Ranged Attacks with Beam Weapons
reduce Pings by -2.Ammo Crate Objective Markers do not provide Ammunition for Beam
When Blocking, the Character reroll any number of Block Dice.
Roll an additional Collateral Die.
Instead of the regular weapon Rate of Fire, this weapon uses the Spray Template.
When a Weapon with this Trait Hits (either the Target or a Ping!), centre an Explosive
Template on the point, all Targets even partially within the Template and in Line of Sight of the
centre of the template, are Hit by the Attack.
All Attacks with this Weapon Damage on a 2+.
Ranged Attacks may be used within 5cm without the Light Trait. Gas Attacks ignore Pings!
When this Weapon is used, the Character reroll any number of Hit dice.

-1 To Hit Rolls.
When this Weapon is used, the Character can use Ranged Attacks even if an Enemy is within
5cm. TheRate of Fire of the attack is reduced to 1.
This weapon ignores Invulnerable, Incorporeal and Tough Skin traits.

Mechanic/ Mechanical
All Attacks with this Weapon Damage on a 3+.
Medium Range
The Maximum Range for this Ranged Weapons is 40cm.
While a character has a Protective weapon, they gain +1 to the result of Block Rolls.
Furthermore, receive an extra Ping! after normal Ping! rolls have been taken into consideration.
This last Ping! roll occurs on a 4+ against the Enemy’s Ranged Attacks.
These weapons do not require Contact with Targets, up to 3cm.

This weapon cannot be used in 2 consecutive Rounds. To Reload the weapon it may not be
used for at least 1 Round.
Remote Controlled
The Character does not need to draw a straight uninterrupted line to Target but just See the
Target. All Ping! Rolls will be ignored for the Attack.
When using this weapon, it provides Night Vision and ignores Ping! Rolls.
You can reroll the Damage Rolls with this weapon.
Short Range
The maximum Range for Ranged Weapon is 20cm.
When this weapon inflicts damage, the target model loses 1SC.

This weapon does not lose any Rate of Fire while moving.
When you use these weapons you get +1 to a damage roll. This means if a character’s
Strength is 5+ they would wound with this weapon on a 4+.

Template weapons are Ranged Weapons and should be treated as such for the exception of
the rules indicated here.
Templates are considered to be three dimensional.
Explosion Template

When an attack or weapon uses an Explosive Template and Hits the target, place the Template
centered on the target of the Attack. All Characters and objects touched by the Template are
considered Hit by the Attack. Roll separately against each Target for Damage.

Explosive Templates are still placed by the Crossfire rule. Place the Template centered on the
Object that caused the Ping! and resolve the Effects, remembering to replace the Damage with
one Blood, as per Crossfire.

Explosion Templates are a sphere that is centered under the centre of the Base of the Target.
Explosion templates are 5cm radius.
Weapons with “Grenade” in their name (i.e. Freeze Grenades) are used just like other Ranged
Weapons; however, when a Character throws a Grenade they may target any point on the table
in Range they can See, not just a model. Roll to Hit as normal, on a score of 3+ centre the
Explosion Template on the target point and treat all Characters touched by the Template as if
they’ve been Hit by the Weapon. If the roll to Hit is a 1 or 2, the Grenade was a dud or rolled
away harmlessly.

Special Rules to avoid Ranged Attacks (such as Dodge or Bat Armor) may be used to avoid
Damage as normal.
Spray Template

When a weapon allows a Spray Template to be used, the player must place the narrow end of
the template in full contact with the base of the figure which is using the Spray, and direct the
other end in any direction the attacker wants. Each Target is Hit by the Weapon and the Attack
is considered Successful. If the Weapon can cause Damage, roll for Damage.

Weapons that use Spray Templates use four bands marked on the Template, the closest one
within 5cm is blank and has no effect; the next three are Lethal, Seriously and Mild. Weapons
list the Damage dealt to Target by each band in order. A Character between two bands is
treated as staying in the narrowed area.

Some Traits use a Spray Template. When using these, just place the Template, all Targets
touched by the Template are considered Effected.

Spray Templates extend 20cm from the Character. Each band is 5cm. A Spray Template is no
wider than 10cm at the apex.
Special Traits
Special rules (TRAITS) are exceptions to the basic rules and always override these. To execute
one of the special rules the character must have it (see Character Card) and fulfil all the
requirements and Action Counters costs.

Action Counter costs usually are indicated in parentheses next to the name of the rule
description. If a Trait has a cost, it must be paid before the ability can be used. If a Trait has no
cost, it is always in effect.

If a rule does not specify when it can be used, it is always in the character’s turn, unless is a
passive rule, which can be be played during the opponents turn.

Contents [hide]
 1 Acrobat
 2 Adaptable
 3 Affinity to: (character)
 4 Agile
 5 Air Support (3 SC)
 6 Amphibious
 7 Archie
 8 Arkham Aslyum Dr. (1 SC)
 9 Arrest (1 MC + 1 SC)
 10 Arrogant
 11 Attorney’s Allegation (2 SC)
 12 Assassin /x
 13 Aversion to: (character)
 14 Bat Armor Mk1
 15 Bat Armor Mk2
 16 Bat Armor Mk3
 17 Bat Cape (1 SC Passive)
 18 Batclaw (1 SC + 1 MC)
 19 Batpod
 20 Bot
 21 Bot Mechanic (1 SC)
 22 Bluff (1 SC)
o 22.1 Play nice!
 23 Bodyguard (1 SC Passive)
 24 Bonebreaker (1 SC)
 25 Boss’s Orders (2 SC)
 26 Brutal
 27 Bulletproof Vest
 28 Business Agent
 29 Can you Solve this? / X+ (1 SC)
 30 Canary Cry (2 SC)
 31 Cannibal
o 31.1 Devour (2 Action Counter Passive)
 32 Catcher Gear
 33 Charistmatic
 34 Charm
 35 Chill Touch
 36 Chlorokinesis (1 SC)
 37 Claybody
 38 Claws
 39 Climbing Claws (1 SC)
 40 Close Combat Master
 41 Combo With: Weapon/Unarmed
 42 Commissioner (1 MC)
 43 Confusion (2 SC)
 44 Control Pheromones (3 SC)
 45 Corrupt
 46 Counter Attack (1 SC Passive)
 47 Court of Owls Crew
 48 Coward’s Reward (1SC)
 49 Criminal
 50 Criminology
 51 Cruel (2 SC)
 52 Cybernetic
 53 Daddy’s Grrrrl
 54 Death or Exile! (2 SC)
 55 Deathmarks
 56 Detective
 57 Demoralize (2SC)
 58 Demotivate (2SC)
 59 Dirty Fighter
 60 Disruptor (2 SC)
 61 Dissarray (1 SC)
 62 Discourage (2 SC)
 63 Distract (1 SC)
 64 Dodge (1 MC Passive)
 65 ECM
 66 Elite: Type
 67 Elite Boss: Type
 68 Elusive (1 MC Passive)
 69 Escape Artist
 70 Experimental Ammo
 71 Expert Marksman (1 SC)
 72 Exhaustive planner
 73 Explosive Gel
 74 Fast
 75 Fear Master (1 SC)
 76 Ferocious
 77 Feint (1SC)
 78 Flak Armor
 79 Flare (1 MC, One Use Only)
 80 Fly (1 SC + 1 MC)
 81 Flying High (1MC+3SC)
 82 “Follow Me!” (1 SC)
 83 Football Gear
 84 Gas Mask
 85 Get ‘Em! (1 SC)
 86 Goad (1 SC)
 87 Good Aim (1 SC)
 88 Green Travel (2 SC + 2 MC)
 89 Gunman (1 SC)
 90 Hacking (1SC)
 91 Handyman
 92 Hardened
 93 Hates: Affiliation
 94 Heavy Armour
 95 Henchman (Rank)
 96 Henchman Bomb (2 SC)
 97 Hidden
 98 Hidden Boss
 99 Hockey Gear
 100 Hover (1 MC)
 101 Immortal
 102 Informer
 103 Insensitive/Desensitized
 104 Inspire (1 SC)
 105 Inspire Fear (2 SC)
 106 Instinctive Shooting (1 SC)
 107 Intimidate
 108 Invaluable
 109 Joy for the Victory
 110 Judgement
 111 Jump-up (1MC Passive)
 112 Kaos Agent
 113 “KaPow!”
 114 Kevlar Vest
 115 “Kill Them!” (1 SC)
 116 Lantern (1 SC)
 117 Large/Big
 118 Laser Sight (1 MC Manipulate)
 119 Lazy Cousin
 120 Leader (Rank)
 121 “Let’s Go!” (1 SC Passive)
 122 Light Armor
 123 Lord of Business
 124 Lord of the Sewers
 125 Luck (1 SC)
 126 The Main Man
 127 Martial Artist
 128 Master Fighter
 129 Master Marksman
 130 Mastermind
 131 Medic (2 SC)
 132 Medium Armour
 133 Mental Disorder
o 133.1 Aggressive Schizophrenia (Mental Disorder)
o 133.2 Bipolar (Mental Disorder)
o 133.3 Bloodthirsty (Mental Disorder)
o 133.4 Obsessive (Mental Disorder)
o 133.5 Paranoid (Mental Disorder)
o 133.6 Pyromania (Mental Disorder)
 134 Millionaire
 135 Mind Control Device (3 SC)
 136 Mob
 137 Mobster
 138 Mortal Kiss (2 SC)
 139 Multifire (2SC)
 140 Natural Immunities
 141 Night Vision
 142 No Mercy!!! (1 SC)
 143 Objectives? puzzles Everywhere!
 144 One-Armed
 145 One Shot Gun (2 AC + 2 SC)
 146 Order (1 SC)
 147 Persuasive (1 SC + 1 AC)
 148 Pickpocket (1 MC Manipulate)
 149 Plant
 150 Poison Immunity
 151 Poison Master
 152 Pollution Hate
 153 Power Armour
 154 Primary Target: Type
 155 Psychiatrist (1 SC)
 156 Psycho
 157 Psychologist
o 157.1 Psychoanalysis (1 SC)
 158 Public Resources
 159 Puzzle Master
 160 Rapid Fire (1 SC)
 161 Reanimated Owl
 162 Reflexes
 163 Regeneration (1SC)
 164 Reinforced Gloves
 165 Resilient
 166 Retractable Claws
 167 Roots (2 SC)
 168 Runaway
 169 Safe Hands
 170 Scheming (”X”)
 171 Scientific
 172 Searcher
 173 Shooter
 174 Sidekick (Rank)
 175 Small
 176 Soul Armour (3 SC)
 177 Stealth
 178 Stop! /Halt! (1 SC Passive)
 179 Strategist / Grand Strategist
 180 Street Guy
 181 Stupid
 182 Sturdy
 183 Subliminal Suggestion (1 SC)
 184 Superior Smell (1 SC)
 185 Survivor
 186 Sustained Defense
 187 “Take Cover!” (1 SC)
 188 Take Down (1 SC Passive)
 189 Teamwork/X
 190 Tension
 191 Tireless
 192 Titan Addict
 193 Titan Dose (One Use Only)
 194 Total Vision
 195 Tough Skin
 196 Tracking (2 SC)
 197 Trickster
 198 True Love: (Character)
 199 Undead
 200 Undercover
 201 Unpredictable
 202 Veteran
 203 Vulnerability to: Fire
 204 Watchmen
 205 Weak
 206 Weakness to Cold
 207 Weapon Master

The BMD of this Character is 12cm.
The Character does not need to spend any extra MC to Move through a Difficult
Obstacle, Difficult Ground,Jump or Stand Up.
The Character may Move through Small Obstacles if it has enough Movement to be placed on
the sider.

The Character may Move through other Characters if it has enough Movement to be placed on
the side.

The Character has Dodge.

At the beginning of your Raise the Plan Phase, you must declare Move, Attack or Defence for
this Character. Until the end of the Round, the Character receives +1 to the chosen Skill.
Affinity to: (character)
If (character) is included in this Crew this Character may be included regardless of Affiliation.
The Rank of the Character becomes Free Agent.
When this character Falls, they may make an Agility Roll, If they Succeed, they take no damage,
and are not Knocked Down.
Air Support (3 SC)
Place a 10cm Explosion Template in the Play Area. Until the end of the Round, Targets within
the Template are Illuminated.
This Character does not spend MC to Move through Difficult Ground: Water.
Do not Deploy Nite Owl during Crew Deployment of Game Setup. Instead, once per game
during Raise the Plan, Place Nite Owl anywhere on the Play Area not within a building.
Arkham Aslyum Dr. (1 SC)
Once per Round, All Friendly Characters with Mental Disorders within 10cm Assign an Action
Counter toMovement, Attack or Defence.
Arrest (1 MC + 1 SC)
Remove a K.O. Character as a Casualty in Contact by spending 1 MC and 1 SC.
This Character must be have the highest Reputation in the Crew.
Attorney’s Allegation (2 SC)
Once per game, every Two Face Affiliated Henchman located within 30cm Assigns two Action

Assassin /x
If this character kills an enemy Boss, his side immediately gains an extra X Victory points.

Aversion to: (character)

This Character cannot be in the same Crew as (character).
Bat Armor Mk1
Each time this Characters receives a Hit, after Blocks, Pings and Dodges; roll a die. On a result
of 5+, discard the Hit.
Bat Armor Mk2
Each time this Characters receives a Hit, after Blocks, Pings and Dodges; roll a die. On a result
of 6+, discard the Hit.
Bat Armor Mk3
Each time this Characters receives a Hit, after Blocks, Pings and Dodges; roll a die. On a result
of 5+, discard the Hit.
If this Character makes a Special Attack: Sneak Attack, they may assign Melee Hits to targets
up to 3cm away. All of these Hits are considered Sneak Attacks.
Bat Cape (1 SC Passive)
When this Character Falls, they may spend 1 SC to avoid being Knocked Down and
taking Falling Damage.
Batclaw (1 SC + 1 MC)
Instead of using their BMD, a Character may spend 1 MC and 1 SC to use a Batclaw. A Batclaw
must be used to travel to or from an Object that is at least 10cm high and Place the Character.
A Character cannot use a Batclaw to Move further than 30cm. Draw a straight line, that would fit
the volume of the Character, between the Character’s starting position and finishing position.
This line must be free of Obstacles, Characters and solid Terrain Elements.
As a reminder, Batclaw uses all of a Character’s BMD; however, the Character may use MC to
Move before or after this Movement.
This Character has a BMD of 30cm and a base “size” of 60mm. This character cannot run, jump,
climb, cross difficult obstacles or enter the sewers. During the raise the Plan phase, this model
may be replaced with a DKR Batman (anywhere in the old model’s footprint), transferring all
damage and effects to the new model.

This Character does not Recover Stun Damage or from K.O. during the Victory and Recovery
Firearm, Mechanic and Beam Weapons Damage this Character on a 4+.
This Character cannot use any Doses.
This Character is Immune to Enervating, Hypnotize, Poison and Scared Effects.
Bot Mechanic (1 SC)
Once per Round, Target Seen Character within 10cm with the Bot Trait has 3 Damage

Bluff (1 SC)
Once per round, Target a Seen Character within 10cm. The Character’s Attack Skill is reduced
by 1 to a minimum of 1. Bluff is not cumulative.
Play nice!
All Affiliated Henchmen in this Character’s Crew gain the Bluff Trait.
Bodyguard (1 SC Passive)
If a Leader or Sidekick receives any number of Hits, while within 5cm of this Character, the
Bodyguard may receive the Hit instead by spending 1 SC.
Bonebreaker (1 SC)
Until the end of the Turn, Unarmed Attacks have CRT: 2 Blood Damage.
Boss’s Orders (2 SC)
Once per round, while within 20cm of this Character all Friendly Affiliated Henchmen in this
character’s Crewgain +1 to Hit Rolls in Melee.
This Character may reroll the Collateral Die.
Bulletproof Vest
Weapons with the Firearm Trait 4+ to successfully Damage this Character.
Business Agent
Add $300 to the Crew‘s Funding.
Can you Solve this? / X+ (1 SC)
Once per Round, this Character may Place a Friendly Clue Marker in Contact if they spend 1
SC and roll a X+.

A Clue Marker must be placed outside of either Player’s Deployment Zones and more than
10cm from any other Clue Markers. No more than 5 Friendly Clue Markers may be Placed.
A Character in Contact with a Clue Marker may Remove the Clue Marker from the Play Area
At the start of the Victory Points and Recovery Stage, Score 1 VP for each Friendly Clue Marker
in the Playing Area.
Canary Cry (2 SC)
Place the Spray Template in Contact, as if using an Expansive Weapon. All Characters affected
by the Canary Cry must pass a Willpower Roll or receive the Stun Effect and 1 Blood Damage.
If this Character is ever in Contact with a K.O. Character, Cannibals must make a Willpower
Roll. If they fail, so long as they’re in Contact with a KO Character, the Cannibal gains the
Devour Trait, can do nothing else until they Devour the K.O. Character. Once the Cannibal is no
longer in Contact with a K.O. Character, they may act normally.
Devour (2 Action Counter Passive)
Target K.O. Character in Contact is Removed as a Casualty.
Catcher Gear
Ignore the Weapon Trait Heavy/Tough.
1 Free Agent for every 100 reputation points may join the Character’s Crew, instead of 150.
Melee Attacks fail To Hit this Character unless the Attacker passes a Willpower Roll.
Chill Touch
Unarmed Attacks of this Character deal 1 Blood and have CRT: Cooled.
Chlorokinesis (1 SC)
Once per Round, Target a Character with the Plant Trait within 10cm of Ivy. Place Ivy within
10cm of the Target Plant.
Special Attack Charge costs 1 SC.
Clayface is Immune to the Steal Effect.
The Character’s Unarmed Attacks produce Blood+Stun Damage.
Climbing Claws (1 SC)
This character does not need to spend MC to Climb and Climbing Movement is not Impaired. If
a Character with Climbing Claws spends 1 SC they can finish their Movement while Climbing.
Clearly indicate the height of the Character.
Close Combat Master
When fighting Unarmed, the Character reroll any number of To Hit dice.
Combo With: Weapon/Unarmed
For every 2AC spent using the Combo: Weapon/Unarmed, this character gets 3 Strike Dice that
may be distributed on different targets as per normal.

Commissioner (1 MC)
Arrest by spending only 1 MC.
Confusion (2 SC)
Once per Turn, Target a Seen Enemy Character within 20cm. Reduce the
Character’s Attack and Defenceby 1 and they cannot use SC. These effects last until the end of
the Round.
Control Pheromones (3 SC)
Target a Seen Enemy Character within 10cm, the Target suffers the Effect Hypnotized.
You may Recruit up to 3 Law Force Affiliated Henchmen.
Counter Attack (1 SC Passive)
For the rest of the Turn, for each Hit this Character successfully Blocks, this Character may
immediately make one Strike against the Attacker. All Strikes generated this way must use the
same Weapon. Resolve Counter-Attack strikes before the original Attack (if the Attacker is KO
or Casualty, the rest of the Attack is ignored).

Court of Owls Crew

This Crew can only hire Characters with Court of Owls Affiliation.
Coward’s Reward (1SC)
Until the end of the round, when an enemy model in base-to-base contact with this character
wishes to move away, it must first pass an Agility roll or suffer (S) damage.

Once per Game, the Character gains +1 Willpower if they K.O. or Casualty an Enemy Character.
All Enemies within 30cm of this character lose the Runaway Trait.
Cruel (2 SC)
Remove a K.O. Character as a Casualty in Contact by spending 2 SC.
+1 to Block and Recovery Rolls.
Daddy’s Grrrrl
If this Character Activates within 10cm of a Friendly Joker Leader, Assign one AC.

Death or Exile! (2 SC)

Target Seen K.O. Character within 20cm is Removed as a Casualty.
Once per Game, gain 1 VP if Casualty an Enemy Character.

Target Seen Character within 20cm removes two Action Counters unless they pass a Willpower
For each Detective character you have in your Crew, you can cancel an opponent’s Pass at the
beginning of each Round.
Detectives may reroll Riddle Objectives.
Demoralize (2SC)
All enemy henchmen that can see this character lose 1 Action counter of their owning player’s

Demotivate (2SC)
You can remove any 2 Action Counters from a target within 20cm and Line of sight unless the
target passes a Willpower roll.

Dirty Fighter
This Character’s Ranged Weapons have the Weapon Trait Light.
Disruptor (2 SC)
Target 1 Enemy Character within 40cm and in Sight. Roll a die, if the result if more than the
target Defence, the target cannot use Ranged Weapons with Firearm or Beam Weapon
Trait until the end of the Round.
Dissarray (1 SC)
Once per Turn, reallocate Two Action Counters of a Seen Enemy Character.
Discourage (2 SC)
Once per Turn, reduce the Willpower of a Seen Enemy Character by 2. This effect last until the
end of theRaise the Plan Phase of the next Round.
Distract (1 SC)
Once per Round, reduce the Defence of Target Seen Character within 10cm by 1, to a minimum
of 1 until the end of the Round. This effect doesn’t stack.
Dodge (1 MC Passive)
When this Character is Hit by a Ranged Attack, they may spend 1 MC to attempt to discard Hits.
Each MC spent allows an Agility Roll, each success discards a Hit.
All sources of Illumination within 10cm of this character are cancelled.
Elite: Type
Your Crew can only include 1 Elite character of each Type.
Elite Boss: Type
Your Crew can align any number of Elite characters of the type indicated.
Elusive (1 MC Passive)
Spend 1 MC to get +1 to Defence against Ranged Attacks until the end of the Round. This
effect doesn’t stack.
Escape Artist
This Character ignores Special Attack: Grab.
Experimental Ammo
This Character’s weapons cannot be reloaded with AMMO Crate objectives

Expert Marksman (1 SC)

Targets of this Character’s Ranged Attacks have a -1 Penalty to Ping! Rolls. This effect doesn’t
Exhaustive planner
During the Game Set up– You may cancel one opponent’s Strategy as it is played (like the
Snitch Strategy)
Explosive Gel
If a character with Explosive Gel Manipulates a lamppost, Sewer Marker or urban furniture place
on it a Gel Marker. During any subsequent round this character can destroy the selected item
and remove it from the game spending 1SC.
Can reroll MC used to move.

Fear Master (1 SC)

When using Inspire Fear, all Character Targets within 10cm are affected as a Gas Attack.
May Close Combat Push without spending SC.
Feint (1SC)
Target a single enemy model in base-to-base contact and make an Agility roll . If it is successful,
the target loses 1DC.
Flak Armor
This character is immune to Damage caused by weapons
with Explosive and Expansive Weapon Traits.
Flare (1 MC, One Use Only)
Discard the Flare to Illuminate the entire Play Area until end of the Round.
Fly (1 SC + 1 MC)
The basic movement distance of this Character becomes 30cm until the end of the turn. This
character can move in any direction, including elevation changes, but the model’s base must be
able to sit flat at the end of the move. He can move across other character models and difficulty
ground without extra cost or penalty. He may not perform any other special movements during
the same round as Fly.

Flying High (1MC+3SC)

When this ability is activated, remove this character from the board and set it to one side. In the
next Raise the Plan phase, place this character anywhere on the table, as long as the model’s
base physically fits in the new position. This ability may be used only once per game.

“Follow Me!” (1 SC)

Once per Turn, Assign 1 MC to Friendly Henchmen within 10cm.

Football Gear
Ignore the Weapon Trait Heavy/Tough and Sharp.
Gas Mask
Gas Damage and Traits are ignored.
Get ‘Em! (1 SC)
Target Friendly Henchmen within 20cm and Line of Sight may immediately spend 1 AC.
Goad (1 SC)
Target 1 Seen Enemy Character within 20cm, they must make a Willpower Roll. If the target
fails, move the Character 5cm , during this Movement you can’t force the target to Fall or spend
any Action Counters.
Good Aim (1 SC)
This Character ignores the Aim Weapon Trait of Ranged Weapons.
Green Travel (2 SC + 2 MC)
Once per game, Place this Character up to 40cm away.

Gunman (1 SC)
This Character can spend 4AC to attack with 2 Ranged Weapons at once. Each Attack
consumes an ammunition magazine from the weapon.
Hacking (1SC)
Once per turn this character may Change the position of 2 Action Counters on an enemy
model’s character card who has the Bot, Robot or Cybernetic Trait.

This Character does not have to spend MC to Manipulate.

The first Blood Damage Marker this character receives each Round becomes a Stun Damage
Marker instead.

Hates: Affiliation
This character may not join Crews of the specified Affiliation.
Heavy Armour
Henchman (Rank)
You can include any number of Henchmen in your Crew. All Henchmen have the “Let’s
Go!” Trait. Some Henchmen can be aligned more than once in the same Crew, this will be
indicated with a “*” next to Henchman rank.
Henchman Bomb (2 SC)
Once per Game the Joker can choose one of his Henchmen. Place
an Explosion Template centred on the Henchman. Roll Damage for each Character touched by
the Template. On a 2+ the Character receives three Blood Damage. Then remove the
Henchman as a Casualty.
After Objectives have been placed, at the end of pre-game Phase D, this Character may be
Deployed anywhere on the Play Area. This Character must be out of Sight of Enemy Models
and further than 10cm from any Objective. If this is not possible, the Hidden Character will be
Deployed in a Friendly Deployment Zone.
If your Opponent has a Character with Total Vision, place the Hidden Character in a Friendly
Deployment Zone.
Hidden Boss
When this crew’s Leader (not Boss) is removed as a casualty, this character gains the LEADER
rank, and +1 Willpower until the end of the game.

Hockey Gear
Ignore the Weapon Trait Sharp.
Hover (1 MC)
This character is considered Hovering until end of the round. Denote this with a Hover marker.
A character in Hover can only be hit in Melee on a result of 6+. If a Character with a
Hover Maker becomes K.O., Knocked Down, Paralyzed, Pinned Down or Stunned; then they
take 2 Blood Damage in addition to the Effect and lose the Hover Marker. The Character with a
Hover Marker does not benefit from Ping!.
Removing this Character as Casualty grants no additional VP.
As long as this Character is in Play and not K.O., you can gain one additional Pass each Round.
This Character does not lose Action Counters from Damage.
Inspire (1 SC)
Once per Turn, Henchmen within 10cm Assign 1 Action Counter.

Inspire Fear (2 SC)

Target Enemy Character within 10cm and Line of Sight, must pass a Willpower Roll or apply
the ScaredEffect.
Instinctive Shooting (1 SC)
Until the end of the turn, this Character can use Ranged Weapons at full Rate of Fire provided
an Enemy Character is within 5cm.
Target Seen Enemy Character within 20cm cannot make Close Combat Attacks unless they
pass aWillpower Roll.
Worth 1 extra VP if Casualty.
Joy for the Victory
While this character is in play his Crew can’t be affected by the Run Away rule (they can’t flee).
Also Friendly Characters within 20cm have -1 to their Willpower Rolls.
When he KOs an enemy character, flip a coin or roll a die: if the result is heads/even remove
the KO Character as a Casualty.
Jump-up (1MC Passive)
If this model is knocked down, it may immediately stand up.

Kaos Agent
At the beginning of the Game, remove 1 Opponent’s die or Counter from the bag or container
you use toTake the Lead. It is now possible that the Game will end before the Scenario’s Time
All the Henchmen receive the Trickster Trait.
This character’s unarmed attacks gain CRT: 3 Stun

Kevlar Vest
Reduces the Damage Markers whenever you receive damage by 1, to a minimum of 1.

“Kill Them!” (1 SC)

Once per Turn, Henchmen within 10cm this Character Assign 1 AC.
Lantern (1 SC)
If not in Contact with an Enemy Character, everything within 5cm of this Character is Illuminated.
These characters are usually twice the size of a standard human, so they are mounted on a
bigger than normal base and have the following Traits.

Large Characters BMD is 12cm.

Large Characters Falling and Spring into the Air, receive Damage for every 10cm difference
with Jump Capacity instead of 5cm.
Large Characters are Immune to Special Attack: Push or Grab and cannot be Knocked Down,
unless the Attack has Large Trait.
Large Characters suffer a -1 on all Ping! Rolls. Large Characters also have the Resilient Trait
and ChargeSpecial Attack Trait.
Laser Sight (1 MC Manipulate)
Target one Character this Character can See, so long as a straight line can be draw between
the two Characters, the target Character is considered Illuminated until the end of the round.
When this straight line becomes interrupted the Target won’t be Illuminated.

Lazy Cousin
The Willpower of the Character is reduced by 1 there isn’t another Lazy Cousin.
Leader (Rank)
You can only include 1 Leader in a Crew and the Character must always be the Crew’s Boss. A
Leader’s Henchmen within 10cm can use the “Let’s Go!” Trait without spending SC. Leaders
gain the Inspire Trait and may reroll Willpower Rolls.
“Let’s Go!” (1 SC Passive)
At the end of a Friendly Henchman’s Turn, a Henchman that has not yet had a Turn this round
may spend 1SC to attempt to “Let’s Go!”.

Roll a Die. On a 4+, the Henchman that spend the SC may immediately take their turn, without
giving the opponent an opportunity to Activate a Character. If the roll is failed, no other
Henchman may attempt to “Let’s Go”.

After this Henchman’s Turn, another friendly Henchman may attempt “Let’s Go”, but the
difficulty is increased by one, to 5+. For each Subsequent attempt, the difficulty is increased by
1, to a maximum of 6+.
Light Armor
Damage rolls against this Model suffer a -1 penalty.

Lord of Business
If this Character is the Boss of the Crew, the Crew has $500 more Funding to spend
when Configuring the Crew. The Crew may take Objective: Loot an additional time instead of
another Objective.
Lord of the Sewers
Killer Croc does not count toward the limit of characters that can be in the Sewer. Killer Croc
can start the game inside the Sewer but he must remain in the Sewer for at least one turn. His
Crew generates 1 extra Sewer Marker.

Luck (1 SC)
This Character can spend 1 SC to reroll any die rolled for any reason. He may also cause an
opponent to reroll successful Hits against them at the cost of 1 SC per Hit.

The Main Man

Lobo can’t be hired to gangs which include a female Character.

Martial Artist
This Character ignores Outnumbered.
Master Fighter
This Character receives a +1 on Hit rolls when Unarmed.
Master Marksman
Can reroll Hit Rolls on Ranged Attacks.
At the beginning of the game, in Phase E, add 1 die or counter of your Crew to the bag or
container you use to Take the Lead.
This Character can roll two dice when solving a Riddle Objective and select one.
Medic (2 SC)
Remove one Blood Damage or two Stun Damage from a Character in Contact. Unable to Medic
if an Enemy Character is in Contact.

Medium Armour

Mental Disorder
The Character suffers from a psychological issue that provides them with in-game abilities.

The Trait Psychoanalyze from Psychologist have been known to be able to suppress these
Aggressive Schizophrenia (Mental Disorder)

If a Character begins its Turn in Contact, they Assign one Action Counter and Attack a
Character in Contact or take 1 Blood Damage at the end of the Turn.

Bipolar (Mental Disorder)

During Raise the Plan Phase, roll a die or flip a coin. If the result is Even/Heads, this Character
Allocates one additional Action Counter. If the result is Odd/Tails, the Character loses one
Bloodthirsty (Mental Disorder)
At Raise the Plan Phase if this character has at least one Damage of any kind, they Allocate
one additional AC.
Obsessive (Mental Disorder)
After this Character Attacks an Enemy Character, they are unable to Attack any other Targets
until that Enemy is K.O..

This Character also gets +1 to Strength against that Enemy Character.

Paranoid (Mental Disorder)

At Raise the Plan Phase if this character has at least one Damage of any kind, they Allocate
one additional AC.
Pyromania (Mental Disorder)
If, at the beginning of his turn this character can see a character with a Fire Marker, he must
move his full available movement straight towards the marker, unless he first spends 1 Action
Counter of the player’s choice to resist the urge.

Your band gains an additional 300$ worth of Funding to spend on Equipment

Mind Control Device (3 SC)

Once per Turn, Target Enemy Character within 20cm and Line of Sight must pass a Willpower
Roll or beHypnotized. If the Target becomes Hypnotized, gain 1 VP.
All Henchmen of the Crew of this Character get a +1 to the roll of the rule “Let’s Go!” Trait.
When Attacking a Character who is Outnumbered, this Character gets an extra Strike against
the Outnumbered Character. This Attack does not require any AC to Activate.
Mortal Kiss (2 SC)
If Ivy succeeds a Special Attack: Grab against a Character, remove the Target Character as
a Casualty.
Multifire (2SC)
If this character does not move at all this turn (before or after attacking)- He gains +2 to the
Rate of Fire on his weapons.

Natural Immunities
This character is immune to Blind, Poison and Steal Effects.
Night Vision
This character can See any distance.
No Mercy!!! (1 SC)
Until the end of the Round, Black Mask and all his Henchmen have CRT: Blood Damage.
Objectives? puzzles Everywhere!
This character’s crew cannot deploy any objectives during Game Set up. This character’s crew
earns VP with clue markers.
This character has a -1 penalty to Defence Rolls.
One Shot Gun (2 AC + 2 SC)
Once per Game, instead of Attacking, Target a Seen Enemy Character within 20cm. The
Targeted Character is automatically Hit with a Strength 2+, damage 3 Blood Damage
and CRT: Casualty Ranged Weapon.
Order (1 SC)
Once per Turn, Target Seen Friendly Character reallocates 2 Action Counters.
Persuasive (1 SC + 1 AC)
Target an Enemy Character that has yet to have Turn this Round and this Character can See.
Spend 1 SC, 1 AC and end this Character’s Turn, the targeted Character must immediately take
their Turn.
Pickpocket (1 MC Manipulate)
If this Character uses Manipulate while in Contact with a KO Character, they Steal.
Up to 3 Plants may be Recruited per every 200 Reputation of your Crew.
Place two Seed Counters in the Play Area for each Plant Character that your Crew Recruited
after Phase D Objectives. At the beginning of any Raise the Plan Stage, a Player may replace a
Friendly Seed Counter with a Plant Character that has not already been deployed.
Plants may use Melee Attacks on Targets up to 10cm away. Plants Contest Objectives up to
10cm away.
Plants cannot Control Objectives, solve Riddles or Manipulate. Plants cannot Move.
Plants are Immune to Poison, Blindness and Displace unless they are Displaced by
a Large Character. Displaced Plants are Removed as a Casualty.
Remove Plants as a Casualty if they become K.O.. Plants are worth 1 VP if Removed as a
Poison Immunity
This character ignores the Poison Effect.
Poison Master
To remove Poison Effect by this Character, you must roll 3 dice instead of 2 and Discarding the
lowest die.
Pollution Hate
This Character Cannot enter the Sewers

Power Armour
Ignore the first 3 Damage received after which it cannot be used again until repaired. During
the Victory Point and Recovery Stage, instead of making a Recovery Roll you can use 2SC to
repair the armor, making it operational again.
This armour is vulnerable to Fire Effect, so each Fire Marker received causes 2 Blood Damage.
Primary Target: Type
Before starting the game, in Phase E, select 1 Objective of the indicated Type. When this
Character Controls the selected Objective, they Score 1 additional VP at the start of the Victory
and Recovery Stage.
Psychiatrist (1 SC)
Once per Round, all Henchmen with Mental Disorder Trait within 20cm, gain
+1 Attack and Defence Skills until the end of the next Raise the Plan Stage.
This character’s Willpower is never reduced under any circumstances. This does not affect
Action Counters lost from Damage.

This Character is unable to roll to solve Riddle Objectives, instead they automatically Score the
Riddle for 1 VP, removing the Riddle from the Game.
This Character also gains the Psychoanalysis Trait.

Psychoanalysis (1 SC)
Cancels all the special rules called Mental Disorder of any Character he can See within 20cm.
Public Resources
This Character adds 1 Lamp Post and 1 Sewer to the Urban Furniture Rolls.
Puzzle Master
The Riddler always Scores 3 VP when trying to solve an Riddle Objective Marker.
Enemy Characters cannot reroll Riddles.
Rapid Fire (1 SC)
When using a Ranged Weapon this character gets +1 Rate of Fire, once per Round and even if
they Move.
Reanimated Owl
This character can reroll the roll to recover from K.O. When this Character becomes a Casualty
it gives an additional VP to the opponent.

This Character can reroll Agility Rolls.
Regeneration (1SC)
Once per round, during this character’s activation, they may remove one damage marker
from their own card.

Reinforced Gloves
This Character’s Unarmed Attacks produce 2 Stun Damage.
This Character can reroll Endurance Rolls.
Retractable Claws
This Character’s Unarmed Attacks produce Blood + Stun Damage and have the Weapon
Trait Sharp.
Roots (2 SC)
Target a model within Line of Sight and within 20cm of this Character, the Target must pass
an Agility Roll or becomes Pinned Down until the end of the Round.
This Character is Immune to the Arrest Trait.
Safe Hands
This Character is Immune to the Steal Effect.
Scheming (”X”)
If both Players have Scheming Characters reduce the amount of Characters nominated by X.
This character is in the Band that Raises the Plan first, you can always make X number of
characters Raise their Plan after the enemy.

This character’s Special Characteristic is 4 instead of 3. If this character is removed as
a Casualty, he is worth one additional VP.

Remove 1 Strategy Point from an Opponent.
This character ignores the first Obstacle for Ping! Rolls.
Sidekick (Rank)
You can only include 1 Sidekick, unless you choose a Sidekick as Crew Leader. In this case
you may include a second Sidekick. Henchmen within 20cm of a Friendly Sidekick may reroll
the “Let’s Go!” Trait.
This character’s BMD is 8cm and receives +1 on Ping! Rolls.
Soul Armour (3 SC)
Once per game, remove 2 Damage from this Character
Enemies can only See this character if he is within 20cm. He can still be Seen by other rules
like: Illumination, Total Vision or Superior Smell.
Stop! /Halt! (1 SC Passive)
Once per Round, a Character with this Trait may Activate it at any time interrupting the
Activation of an Enemy Character it can see. As long as the two Characters can see each other,
the Enemy Character cannot spend MC for any reason, for the remainder of the Round.

Strategist / Grand Strategist

Gets 1/2 additional Strategy Points during Game Set Up.
Street Guy
This character can use Crouch without spending SC.
This Character cannot Manipulate.
This character loses 1 Action Counter for every 3 Damage received instead of 2.

Subliminal Suggestion (1 SC)

Target a Character with a Mental Disorder within 10cm, Move the Character up to 10cm. During
this Move, you cannot force the Character to Fall or spend Action Counters.
Superior Smell (1 SC)
This character doesn’t need an uninterrupted straight line to See his target. Anything within
40cm can be Seen even if the target is not under the effect of Light. He is also immune to the
Blind effect.

When you would Remove this Character as a Casualty, roll a die. On a 5+ the Character
Discards 1 Damage, remains in the Playing Area Knocked Down.
Sustained Defense
This character receives 3 Defence Dice for every 2 DC spent against an Attack.
“Take Cover!” (1 SC)
Once per Turn, Henchmen within 10cm this Character Assign 1 DC.

Take Down (1 SC Passive)

When this Character causes a K.O. with an Attack, you may spend 1 SC to Remove the K.O.
Character as a Casualty.
During this Character’s Turn, this Character may use X Action Counters of the Friendly
Character with the Teamwork Trait within 10cm, as if it was their own.

This character receives +1 to his Attack and Defence values when he has at least 1 Damage

Run by spending only 1 SC.
Titan Addict
You can use a Titan Dose more than once per Game, but no more than once per Round. If, at
the beginning of your turn, this character can See a Titan Container Objective Marker, he must
move all the character’s available movement in a straight line to the Titan Container Objective
Marker. You can resist this by spending 1 Action Counter of your choice.
Titan Dose (One Use Only)
If a character has a Titan Dose he may use it, in the Raise the Plan Phase, if Titan Dose is used,
the character obtains +1 to all values Principal Characteristics during this Round. A Character
can only use one Dose during the game, a second Dose is lethal.
Total Vision
This character benefits from the Night Vision Trait. In addition, his Line of Sight can cross any
Obstacles or terrain element, although you cannot shoot through these elements, unless the
weapon has Remote Control.
Total Vision forces Hidden Characters to Deploy within their Deployment Area.
Tough Skin
In Damage rolls against this Character, always subtract -1 from the result.

Tracking (2 SC)
At the end of the Victory Points and Casualty recount phase, this Character can move up to
At the beginning a Character’s Turn, they may reallocate all of their Action Counters.

True Love: (Character)

If the True Love: character and this character are in the same Crew and the True Love:
Character is removed as a Casualty, then this character gains +1 Willpower and +1 Attack until
the end of the game.
This Character is Immune to Effects except Knock Down and Smoke.
This character can deploy up to 20cm outside the Deployment Area after Phase D Objectives.
His SC can be used for any trait, Skill or Special Rule, as a wildcard. These Counters do not
count the maximum allowed for the characteristic used.
At the start of a Character’s Turn, they may Reallocate two Action Counters.

Vulnerability to: Fire

Each Fire Marker received causes 2 Blood Damage to this character.
Rank is Free Agent and Crew can only consist of models with Watchmen Trait. Ignore Run
Away. Ignore Leader requirement.
This character loses 1 Action Counter for each Damage Marker accumulated rather than every
2 Damage Markers.

Weakness to Cold
If this character receives the Cooled or Freeze Effect they also receives a Blood Damage as
Weapon Master
This character receives +1 on melee To Hit Rolls when they are not Unarmed.
Define yo words

Contents [hide]
 1 Activate
 2 Allocation
 3 Ally
 4 Assign
 5 Attacker
 6 Base
 7 Card
 8 Character
 9 cm
 10 Contact
 11 Contest
 12 Control
 13 Counter
 14 Discard
 15 Elevation
 16 Enemy
 17 Friendly
 18 Gain
 19 Ignore
 20 Illuminated
 21 Illumination
 22 Immune
 23 Marker
 24 Objective
 25 Object
 26 Obstacle
 27 Opponent
 28 Pass
 29 Passive
 30 Phase
 31 Place
 32 Play Area
 33 Player
 34 Recruit
 35 Remove
 36 Reroll
 37 Round
 38 Scenario
 39 Scenery
 40 Score
 41 Sight
 42 Stage
 43 Target
 44 Team
 45 Terrain
 46 Traits
 47 Turn
 48 Victory Points
Activate is nominating a Character to take their Turn. This includes Activation, Activates and
Placing Action Counters on Skills without exceeding the Skill. This includes Allocate, re-Allocate,
re-Allocating and Allocation.

Any Player on your Team.
Placing Action Counters on Skills. This may exceed the maximum imposed by the Skill.

Player who wins Ties during Game Set Up.
The bottom of a miniature whose volume entirely represents the Character during the game.
A Card that lists all of a Character‘s Traits, Principal Characteristics and other information.
Cards also store Damage, Effects, Counters and Objectives. This includes Character Card.
Character refers to the miniature or figure within the Play Area.
Shorthand for centimetre, the unit of measurement used in the game.

When two Characters are next to each other, usually known as “Base Contact” or “Base-to-
Base Contact” in other miniature games. Characters are not in Contact with themselves.
A Character is in Contact with an Objective, denying Enemy Characters from Scoring.
A Character is in Contact with an Objective that will Score.
A reminder for the Players of an Effect, unspent Action Counters on a Card or tokens within
the Take the Lead Container. Counters are not Markers.
Remove from the Game with no further effect. This includes Discarded.

Scenery that is higher than the base of the Play Area.
Targets not on your Team.
Targets on your Team.
A Character or Weapon has an additional Trait. This includes gains.
See Immune.
Targets are Seen if Line of Sight is met, no matter the distance.
Causes Targets to become Illuminated.
Targets Discard anything associated with their immunity.
An Object within the Play Area. Markers are not Counters. Characters may move through
Markers, But they not finish their movement overlapping any part of a Marker. If a Character
would end up overlapping a Marker (by involuntary means) the controller moves them by the
least amount to a point they may be placed.
Targets that are sometimes Obstacles; Markers; are Friendly or Enemy; provide in-game
benefits; and allowPlayers to Score.
Anything on the play area, being used in the game that Characters, that is not a Character. This
includes Scenery, Objectives, Obstacles, and other Terrain. Determine all Objects on a table
before the game begins (before phase A). Objects cannot normally be moved or removed
during the game, unless a rule specifically excepts this.

An Object in the Play Area that a Character may not pass through.
Any Player not on your Team.
A Turn where no Character acts.
A rule that allows Characters to act outside of their Turn.
Phases are used during Game Set Up to Determine Scenario, Generate Urban Furniture, Crew
Deployment,Objective Deployment and Begin Play.
Character or Marker is moved onto the Play Area, can stand unsupported and its Base does not
overlap with other Bases or Markers. This is also Placed or Placing.
Play Area
Where the Game takes place; where Scenery, Objectives, Markers and Characters are placed.
A friend that you’re playing Batman with!

Characters that will be used in your Crew for a Game. This includes Recruited.
Take the Target off of the Play Area. This includes Removed.
You may pick up any dice and roll them again. All Rerolls must be performed at the same time.
If a Reroll is used, the new result is the final.

Rounds are the amount of time the Players will have to play, determined by Scenario and kept
track with theRaise the Plan Stage.
On of the six pre-made Scenarios or a custom all Players have agreed to.
Objects that are not Targets that may be Obstacles and may cause Elevation. This also
includes Terrain.
Gain Victory Points. This includes Scores and Scoring.
Determines what a Character can Target. This includes See or Seen.
Stages occur within a Round. The four different Stages: Take the Lead, Raise the Plan, Execute
the Planand Victory Points and Recovery.
Targets are either Characters or Obstacles.
If a Game has more than two Players, they may decide to make an alliance where
some Players become Allies. Allies win or lose a Game together.
See Scenery.
Traits refer to either a Character’s Traits, a Weapon’s Traits or an Item’s Traits.
Characters take their Turn during Execute the Plan Stage.
Victory Points
Method of determining of who won a Game. The Player with the most Victory Points is the
winner. This includes VP or VPs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Batman Miniature Game FAQ
Version 6 (FEB 2016)
PDF version-
The FAQ is broken up into a few major areas- Rulebook additions (which are new, introduced
rules that are not included in the rulebook) ERRATA/ Changes (to the basic rules of the game),
FAQ, and changes to old cards. Most recent changes or additions are listed in RED. -see end of
document for changes to old cards

Contents [hide]
 3 Flare p59: This ability may only be used once per game
 4 Securing the area p88- One objective must be placed in EACH enemy deployment zones, and
one in the centre zone.
 5 FAQ/ Clarifications
 6 VP FOR KO/Casualty
 7 –Gordon: Gain Affiliate to Law Forces (Leader). He still be Batman Sidekick.
 8 –Mottom (2 Face Henchman with an Axe). Axe rules are Handy & Tough.
 9 –Sickle: His Reputation cost is 67.
 10 –Night Owl.His Strength is 4+.
 11 –Blackgate Generic Henchman with Tube: His Defense is 2.
 12 –Poison Ivy Blister. Her Reputatin is 97. Her weapon Sprinkling Spores Special Tratis
becomes ”Poison (Toxic 1Blood) Expansive”
 13 Mistranslations/ definitions;

Gas- These weapons ignore any PING rolls, and may be used even while enemy models are
within 5cm. Enemy models within 5cm of a model using an expansive gas weapon are
considered in the “lethal” area of the template.

Anti-Tank: These weapons ignore the penalty to damage rolls of Light, Medium and Heavy
Armoured traits; can repeat the damage roll versus models with those traits too. This weapon
also ignores the Bulletproof Vest, Hardened and Kevlar Rules.

The Quick Reference Guide at the end of the rulebook contains errors
Aggressive Schizophrenia: p55 This model must attack any character in contact if it can and
gains an additional strike versus each target in close combat without spending any additional

Hypnotize p79: Models that are Hypnotized cannot be moved so they would to fall or enter
One Shot Gun p62– This ability is considered the use of a ranged weapon with the firearm rule,
so all rules, traits and abilities that relate to it are in effect- including minimum range, requiring a
straight line to shoot, can be dodged, PINGs, and abilities that affect Firearms (like bulletproof
vests, and Disruptors)
Flare p59: This ability may only be used once per game
Securing the area p88- One objective must be placed in
EACH enemy deployment zones, and one in the centre
Fire- P78- Fire-If a Character is affected by Fire, place a Fire counter on their Card. At the Start
of the Victory Points and Recovery Stage, Characters with at least one Fire counter receive
1 Blood for each Fire counter they have and add 1 more Fire counter. A Character may spend
one Action Counter at any time to remove one Fire counter.
p78- Blind models cannot RUN instead of Move.
p62- Lets go should be clarified that it is the Henchman that you want to act with who must
spend the 1sc, and if the roll is failed, another lets go may not be attempted.
P63- Puzzle master– Should say “this character gains the full 3VP when he ATTEMPTS to
solve a riddle (he doesn’t even need to roll)”
Poison Ivy Blister. Her weapon Sprinkling Spores gains the Gas rule.
Scarecrow (Arkham City) and Scarecrow (Dark Knight Returns) their Drug Spray weapons
gain the Gas rule.
Mr. Freeze his weapons gain the Cold rule.
Solomon Grundy and The Swamp Thing gain Supernatural trait.
Deathstroke (Arkham Origins), gains in his Rank “Sidekick: Scarecrow”.

Joker Gas Cannister will be considered to have the Gas rule.

P90- The strategy “secret objective” is 2 strategy points, instead of 1.
The effect is resolved in Phase D- during the Objective Phase (as opposed to A, as written in
the rulebook)

FAQ/ Clarifications

Q: Alleyways? how big are they?
A: 2 cm bigger than the Base.

Q: How wide is “very wide” for difficult obstacles?

A: 3cm because the model can stand up on it. 5cm for large characters

Q: Falling. Where does the model go, if it cant be placed (like right on top of another model)
A: The model’s owner decides where but it always must be to the nearest point the model will fit.
A model being “fallen on” takes no damage or penalties.

Q: Can you “crouch” behind another model? friend or foe?

Q: Moving and Falling: If you move 5 CM and spring off a building and land ( not dead) do you
get the rest of your base move and any additional movement you rolled?
A: If you have movement left when you spring into the air it can be counted as a jump by
spending 1MC. If you do not spend the MC you take the full damage then you need to make an
agility roll or be knocked down. If you survive the fall and are not knocked down you can
continue your move. If you are knocked down you can continue your movement but at half
speed because of your now disabled movement.

Q: Can I move through or place myself where a KO model is?

A: No you can only place a miniature where the Base could be placed

You can pass across a KO character but can not finish your movement on it

Q: Poison Ivy have the rule Chlorokinesis does that count as a movement? Because as I know
a character can only move once in a turn. Can she move to a target using BMC to perform a
close combat, and then use Chlorokinesis to get to other point in the plant action zone?
A: Yup, this special ”jump” doesn’t count as a Move because it is not a “movement” 

Q: If you were Knocked down in difficult terrain you can move like disabled movement and
need to spend 1 MC to move cause of the difficult terrain rule.
A: Never can reduce BMD to 1/4, maximum Halved plus 1 MC to starting to move if difficult

Q: Let’s say i have a BMD of 10, 2MC and I have to move through difficult terrain. I spend the
first MC to be able to move through difficult terrain (BMD/2) and then the second one to move
further and i roll a 4. How far can I move? Is it :
– 10/2 + 4 = 9cm ?
– or (10+4)/2 = 7cm ?
A: The second one (bolded) is correct 

How do I resolve multiple abilities that could stop a shot (pings, batarmour, etc)

Decide LUCK
Reroll all dice with HANDY (or other rerolls)
PING (from the shooter to the target)
DODGE (impossible if bodyguard is used)
Q:If I am touching a large piece of scenery, do I Ignore all the PINGs that the scenery could
A: No, You can only ignore the PINGS within 3cm of scenery you are touching. This means that
a large piece of scenery can still provide a ping to a target even though you are touching it.
Q: Does the scratch rule mean that 1Stun is the minimum for the full attack with a distance
weapon- or is it minimum 1 Stun per successful impact?
A: 1 stun per hit (or impact) that becomes a non successful wound roll

Q: Is there a Max ammo clips? or can you keep spending move dice to keep gaining clips from
an ammo dump?
A: You can only hold the amount listed on your card.(Unless +1 Ammo equipment is taken) Plus,
you can only manipulate an object once per turn

Q: Batman has Total vision and his Batarangs are remote controlled. How does this work?
A: He can always see all models, so he can target foes out of line of sight; even through terrain,
but to shoot he has to measure from his base, around the terrain.

Q: If you are on a building edge above a model

and they shoot up at you, any kind of PING roll?
A: Yes, target on top of building receives a 5+ Blink Roll, unless a better PING is available from
the ledge of the building.

Q: Can you shoot your own models?

A: Yup, you can attack your own characters.

Q: Expansive weapons- are they “light” somehow?
A: No. They are a ranged weapon (they have ammo and ROF)- so they may not be fired while
an enemy is within 5cm. Note that the Gas Rule overrides this.

Q: Spray Templates and explosions, do they effect all levels. Such as if I spray a guy with
Scarecrow on the ground, and the template goes over someone who is on top of a small house,
does he get hit to?
A: Only if the template touches that models volume. You can angle it up to go through a model
at ground level and catch another model on a higher elevation but the template must touch both
Q: For poison Ivy’s “Sprinkling spores” and Scarecrow’s “drug spray”, do they need to
DAMAGE their target(s) to give them the “poisoned” effect- or does the template just need to
touch them?
A: No, Expansive weapons Automatically Inflict any effects they give just by causing a HIT

Q: If a weapon has no listed damage, can it deal damage from scratch/crossfire, crt, or
A: No. If no Damage is listed on their Damage branch, then no damage for crossfire (or scratch).

Q: Robins Stun Grenades. It is a mechanic blast, do I need to roll to wound everyone separate
or one single roll? Are they auto blinded, or do I need to wound?
A: Roll separate for everyone hit. If damaged, becomes blind till the end of the round.

Q: Aggressive Schizophrenia- can you get multiple AC if the model is in contact with several
A: Yes, but remember they can still only attack once (so they cannot attack, move and attack

Q: How long does the Willpower reduction last from TERROR, and does it Stack?
A: Terror only affects the NEXT round for the character, after that round, their willpower returns
to normal. Terror also does not Stack, if a model is affected by multiple TERROR effects, use
only the higher TERROR value.

Q: When do I declare I am using the Halt/Stop Ability?

A: As soon as a model can see the “active” model, they must declare if they are activating
the HALT ability, if they chose to not use it, they cannot declare it for the rest of the turn.

Q: can Total Vision see through Smoke

A: No, Total vision does not ignore smoke or Blind.

Q- Does a Amphibious model like Killer croc need to spend the 1mc to enter or exit the
A: No, Amphibious or Handyman models only need to spend 1SC to enter or exit the Sewers.

p62- Mobster– if a mobster outnumbers 2 different models, does he get an AC against each of

Q: Bodyguard– when you use this ability- they takes a hit? or takes ALL the hits from the
attack? Can they bodyguard TEMPLATES (and receive 2 hits from the same attack?
A: Yes, 1SC for all the hits of the same attack.
Q: Are Acrobats able to RUN over small obstacles?
A Yes

pg60- so, can a large character push or grab another large character?
A: Yes

Q: pg65- when does SUPERIOR SMELL end? at the end of that characters activation? or at the
end of the round?
A End of round.

Q: If my opponent has a model with TOTAL VISION, can I deploy my HIDDEN models?
A: you can deploy your HIDDEN models in your own deployment zone (during the normal
“hidden” deployment phase)

Q: What does Red hood’s “ instinctive fire “ ability do, exactly?

A: Once activated, SO LONG as there is at least one enemy model within 5cm- Red hood may
ignore the rules preventing Attacks while an enemy is within 5cm (so he can target any
character he can see) AND limiting the RoF of a moving character to 1 (so he may fire both his
weapons at full RoF)

Q:When a leader ability targets this Leader’s henchmen that mean that it targets only
henchmen who share his affiliation ?
A: 2Face’s Attorney’s Allegation can only affect Only 2 Face Henchmen.
Kaos agent-Only Joker Henchmen.
Black Mask (no mercy)-for all friendly Henchmen, not only Affiliated to Black Mask.

Q: Can I Death or exile on Grundy?

It is not an “effect” (listed in the rulebook) or a “crit effect”- it is a special trait.
A: He is immune to CRT: Casualty but you can kill him as usual, use arrest on him too.

Q: when does Harvey Dent’s “bipolar” trait activate?

A: “bipolar” activates at the beginning of the ROUND- during that player’s Raise the Plan Phase
(right before Action counters are assigned)
Q:The Stop/halt! rule, does that completely stop the miniature from doing anything so long as
the cop see them? Or Can the miniature still attack? Can he use his base movement still and no
extra MC? And what happens if the “Stopped” model uses charge? Does it cancel it?
A: Stop! Only prevents you from using MC whilst the model with the rule can see you. If you
spent the MC to move further or activate a charge before the model with “stop” can see you are
not affected. However if you wanted to cross difficult ground or climb you would need to spend
MC this could be prevented if you had them moved into the Cops

Q; Weapon that have Mechanic such as Nightwing’s baton that always wounds on a 3+. What
happens when he tries to wound Killer Croc. He has Tough Skin so to wound him needs 1
higher. What rule takes effect, is it still 3+ to wound or does Croc make it a 4+
A: The Mechanic weapon trait states that you always wound on a 3+ regardless of the users
strength. Tough Skin says you -1 from a dice roll to wound this character. Therefore if you roll a
3 to wound Croc you would -1 from that roll making it a 2. In this case you did not roll a 3 to
wound and thus would cause no damage. Basically you need 4’s.

Q: Is the max a character can have in a trait the value listed or equal to their Willpower?
A: Dice can only be allocated to traits up to the trait max. Such as Batman has a Attack Value of
5, so he can have a max of 5 dice in that pool.

Q:With Sharp can you can be reroll all Damage dices rolled
A You can reroll any of the damage dice you want, but you must accept the second roll.
Collateral Damage dice isn’t rerolled. Handy works similar.

Q: If I give a Loyalty Tattoo to Lotus, may I use his Dodge skill on shots redirected to him by
his Bodyguard skill ?

Q: Gordon has Kevlar Armor. 1 Damage marker is Subtracted from the total, but if he receives
injury and stun markers which marker is deducted?
A: Gordon controller chooses.

Q: If I attack Gordon in melee and do say 3 impacts, and of those 3 impacts I inflict 2 wounds
that do 2 injury each Does Gordon take 3 damage (4-1 for kevlar) or 2 damage ( 2 x (2-1))
A: Gordon takes 3 damage (4-1 for kevlar), this Trait Triggers every time you received Damage,
and Gordon in this case Received Damage 1 time (but from multiple Hits)
Q: If Batman uses his combo trait, how is this used?
A: Batman put 4 tokens in AC. he make 2 combos simultaneously, so 6 hit dice are generated.

Q: Can he divide the dice between separate characters? 2 on a clown and 1 on Harley Quinn,
for example.
A: Yup, you are free to distribute dices, combo only give you more attack dices 

Q: Can you dodge a template ranged weapon?

A: Yes

Q: what is the area of illumination granted by the lantern trait ? P83, it’s written “10cm diameter
(i.e. 5cm in every directions) like a lamppost”. But lampposts have a 10cm radius (i.e. 10cm in
every directions) area of effect. So, is it 10cm diameter or 10cm radius ?
A: 5 cm radius from the edge of their base, and work like Lamppost

Q: If a model with a rank (leader/ Sidekick) joins another gang with Affinity – do they retain their
old rank (and its abilities, and VP values)
A: NO, They become “free agents” for all purposes.

Q: Arkham Knight’s Arrogant– does he need to be the MOST espensive model, or can there be
another model for 95 points in the list (like Croc)

A: No, All other models in the crew must be a lower reputation then Arkham Knight

Q: how far must a character be PUSHED To fall off the edge of an object- can they be pushed
over a low wall?
A: A Character must be pushed completely across an object or ledge to pass it or fall, if it is less
they do not move, meaning a normal character would have to be pushed 3cm off a ledge to fall.
A character can be pushed accross small obstacles.

Q: When performing the “close combat grab” or “push”. When I deal damage to them, they
suffer the immobilize effect or displace effect together with the damage dealt? What about the
collateral- can I knock down or crit still?
A: Yes to Both
Q: When I perform push, can I use the weapon I have for example a Bo instead of unarmed ?
A: Yes, you can use weapons with a push

Q: With the 360 special attack I spend 1AC and 1SC, but how many dice do I get? I guess 1
per opponent. If that’s true can I add more attack dice by spending AC?
A: Pay 1SC+1AC and you obtain 1 attack dice for each enemy in range.

Any left over AC can be used either before or after the special attack (pg.70)

Q: Can you push an opposite character out of the table ?

A: No the edge of the play area works like a wall, roll for a 1stun hit with Str 4+ like the Push
effect describes.

(Charging is not clearly written in the rulebook)

To declare a charge action, first you pay 1MC and 1SC for the Special Attack.

The Character moves in a straight line their BMD as part of this special attack (you may spend
and roll MC to extend this distance as per normal)

You MAY NOT do any special movements during a charge (like Run or Batclaw)

As the charging model moves, they may (for free) make a single attack (or push) on each model
they contact. If they are pushed they are moved aside just far enough to allow the charging
model to pass.

If a charging character fails to push an enemy out of the way, the charging model just passes
through them if they still have enough movement to completely pass the model. If not, they end
the movement and the charge in base contact with the model.
Q: If a model is Multiple Ranks and a Legend, does it count against both limits?
A: Yes, A model that is a Legend always counts against the normal maximum of that rank (like
vehicles, or leaders).

Q: Can I choose no not apply a CRT effect and just use the normal 1 stun (or another CRT
A: Yes, you can always choose which CRT effect to apply.

Q: Which abilities are affected by a Titan dose ? Attack, Defense, Movement, Special ?
Willpower and Endurance too?
A: Yes everything

Q: Does Titan Dose Affect your strength too? (making a 5+ into a 4+)
A: Yes, Titan upgrades your Strength

Q: Can Stupid characters go down sewers?

A: No

Q: How does work Lord of Business ? You have 3 objectives + 1 Loot or you are still with 3
objectives but two of them can be Loot ?
A: 2 of them can be Loot, and one other different one (normally)

Q: Can seeds be places on buildings, cars and other scenery?

A: Yes

Q: If I damage with a 6 with a CRT roll of a 6, is the target knocked down in addition to the
extra 1 Stun damage?
A: YES!!
Q: for the NOISE! Objective, does my strike need to be successful to score the VP, or do I just
need to make an attack.
A: it must be a successful hit, so if it is dodged, or blocked, the points are not scored.

Q: Where do I place the BATSIGNAL in the Plunder Scenario?

A:The Batsignal must be placed in the enemy deployment zone in plunder (as per it’s special

p82- if 2 of my models are touching my objective, and an enemy model is touching ONE of my
models- do I still control the objective?

p90- secret objective- can you take more than 1 of a type of objective?
A: Yes you can repeat 1 time (so you can take 2x AMMO). Note- you CANNOT take a special
Faction objective more than once (Joker Gas, Batsignal, etc)

Q: Can I place an objective within 5cm of scenery (like a building)

A: Yes, you may place objectives near large pieces of scenery, but not within 5CM of any other
markers or objects.

p90- change of plans- can this be used to counteract the regular objective rules to move an
objective to within 5cm of another objective (and therefore score 2 objectives with 1 model)?
A Yes

p82, if a character drops loot, is it always the controlling player that decides where?
A: Yes, but in base contact of the model that was carrying it.

Can you drop loot off the edge of a building?

A: Yes.
Q: What PING roll does AMMO and TITAN containers provide
A: AMMO and TITAN are small obstacles ( 6+ PING, may be moved over, but may not stand on

Q: When you solve a Riddle, or use a Batsignal you are not controlling it, are you ? It doesn’t
count for scenario’s victory conditions like “Hurry up, take it all !” or “The more, the better” ?
A: Correct, only Objectives that are worth VP for being controlled may be “controlled”

Chance Encounter
Q: Are Ivy’s seeds affected by the special deployment rule ?
A: No like Killer Croc Lord of Sewer, they special rules and ignore the scenario deployment

Q- Can lamps, sewers and objectives be placed above ground level- on scenery?
A-Lamps/ Sewers- Yes

Objectives- NO

VP FOR KO/Casualty
Q: When an model is KO or Casualty in a special incidence (Ivy Hypnotize a target that jumps to
their death, Joker Kills a henchman with explode, Board or terrain effects kill a model)- Who
gets the VP?
A: In all cases, when a model is KO or Casualty, the opponent of the OWNER of the model (not
controller) gains the VP (in the example- IVY would gain the VP, and Joker’s opponent would
gain the VP)

Q: Let’s say some clown is beaten down by a GCPD cop. Then, on another turn, the cop then
uses the Arrest special rule on the KOed henchman. How many VP does he get:
– 1VP for a KOed henchman,
– 2VP for the henchman being removed as a casualty
– 3VP for the KO + Casualty ?
A: The second (bold) one is the correct one

Q: In case of VP, do the Watchmen count as Free Agents?

A: Yes
Q: When a sidekick is used as a “boss”, does it exchange the special rule ‘sidekick’ with the
special rule ‘leader’?
A: No he still be a Sideckick who uses a “boss” spot. Note that their VP value DOES change.


BLACKGATE PRISONERS- All henchmen have lost the * – meaning you can no longer take
multiples of them

COPPERHEAD- Add trait “undercover” to copperhead’s cards

MR Freeze- May repair his armor INSTEAD of normal recovery, so he cannot recover stun
normally on a turn he decides to repair his armor.



MCGREGGOR (from Bane starter) has WEAPONMASTER

Clayface HATES Batman/ Law forces/ Green Arrow/ Bane

Zsasz is a Free Agent and must have Willpower 6

–Newer “spore sheath” and “creeper” plant from Ivy’s box replace older “test” profiles.
-Creeper plant’s Weapons are RoF and AMMO “-“ rather than 0.

Every Character with the Trait ”Hates: Batman” add ”Hates: Law Forces” & ”Hates: Green

–BANE DKR, Gain on Affiliate: Bane (Leader). He still be League of Shadows Sidekick

-Robin ”Damian Wayne”: Gain the Trait Small. His Basic Movement is 12cm, Acrobat wins over
Small trait.

–All Mercs from (Origins) Bane’s Starter. Gain on Affiliate: League of Shadows.

–Bane Starter: Bane’s Reputation cost is 93.

–Cops and Swat. Gain on Affiliate : Green Arrow & Law forces.
–Gordon: Gain Affiliate to Law Forces (Leader). He still be
Batman Sidekick.
–Mottom (2 Face Henchman with an Axe). Axe rules are
Handy & Tough.
–Sickle: His Reputation cost is 67.
–Night Owl.His Strength is 4+.
–Blackgate Generic Henchman with Tube: His Defense is 2.
–Poison Ivy Blister. Her Reputatin is 97. Her weapon
Sprinkling Spores Special Tratis becomes ”Poison (Toxic
1Blood) Expansive”
–Ras Al Ghul- His SWORD has the SHARP trait, not PROTECTING.

–Silk Spectre- Her Willpower is 6 (not printed on some cards)

Mistranslations/ definitions;
“tough”= “heavy”
“Mislead” = “distract”
“Bengal” = “flare”
“Street” = “Street Guy”
The “Protective” effect described p74 and the “Protecting” effect granted by shields (see
various character’s cards) are the same
Q: What does Cadence mean?
A: RoF, was a mistake on the old Sheets.

Q: Clayface can use “trample” for 1SC.

A:”CHARGE” mistranslation, you only pay 1SC instead of 1SC+1MC

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