Forum Discussion-Situation Based Question On Attitude & Values

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Forum Discussion-Situation Based Question on Attitude

& Values
 You found out that one employee from your company has started writing
on face book about the company. Other current and ex-employees are also
posting on his Facebook page, and the picture they are painting is less than
flattering. They are talking about their gripes, such as long work hours and
below-market pay, and how the company’s products are not great
compared to those of competitors. Worse, they are talking about the people
in the company by name. There are a couple of postings mentioning you by
name and calling you unfair and unreasonable.

1. What action would you take when you learn the presence of this
situation? Would you take action to stop all of these posting? How?
2. What would you change within the company to deal with this

Ans: -

As per the Case Study given to us if such type of issues takes place in an
organization then:

I will conduct a meeting with the higher authorities and the senior members of
the company. Then I would be organizing a meeting with the employees of the
company and inform them that few current employees and few ex-employees
has made a page in Facebook and posted unnecessary videos and pictures in that
page. I would inform them that this can lead to leaking of confidential
information about the company and also the reputation of the company can go
down. If any one of the employees found doing so, then He/she will be fired
from the company or strict action can be taken against them.

No, I would not leak or take actions like creating any page or anything because
it may lead to bring down the company’s reputation and can be a part of
discussion. I would make a strict policy and will convey that thing to all the
employees the meeting. And it would be mandatory for each and every
employee to follow the rules and regulation to avoid any strict actions.

I would conduct a personal meeting randomly so that by talking to them I can

strain the information from them and can get an idea that who would have made
that page in Facebook and had try to create a blunder on company. Hence this
would be my first move. And my second move would be identified or finding
that person and take the required action on them. Thirdly, I would also create an
ethical value refer to the right things that should be done while doing the work.

Every organization should follow ethical values as they spread a positive

message about the organization. And, obviously, not following the ethics will
reflect a bad image of the company.

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