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Why I will never again laugh at Jacob Zuma

13 January 2014, 12:09
The following note was written by a friend of mine and I am posting it here as I believe the ideas
have merit and aught to be pondered by the public consciousness.
"Let's ponder for a moment Jacob Zuma our President. A position which places him as the head
of our country and the image portrayed to the world of what South Africa is, has become and has
yet to become. 

Our serving president came to power in a political putsch that ousted Mbeki and dumped us with
him. We all know the cartoons with the showerhead, we laugh at him almost daily (just don't boo)
and he's generally regarded by many middle class intelligent South African's as a complete

Let's take a step back for a moment to an era we'll call PS (pre-shower). 

Jacob Zuma was around 2000 already being implicated for taking back-handers that sold SA into
a US$45 billion arms deal - for equipment that's hardly been used, is now un-affordable to
maintain and really not necessary. Oh and please cast your mind back to what the Rand Dollar
was when SA was plunged into that debt compared to where the Rand Dollar is now. 

Zuma was a key signatory to the deal and prima-facie evidence shows that he swayed it in the
favor of specific companies through his little helper Shabir Sheik and sold the country into
decades of debt for a paltry few million in his back pocket and much larger sums for cigar
munching Sheik.

Famously, Zuma giggled when Sheik declared that he helped his friend Jacob because he
couldn't even balance a cheque book and "his clan had always worn cheap suits" Zuma as much
as agreed with Sheik and was using the "well my financial adviser said it was all good... he he
he" and he smiled and danced. South Africa giggled and pointed fingers "what a clown"

Skip forward to an exceptionally serious charge of Rape. A crime that any reasonable and right
minded person finds vulgar, dehumanising and is only committed by the dregs of humanity driven
by self centered egotistic and wanton desires with no concern for human rights or dignity.The
matter dragged on and on in court and armed with the best legal skills a limitless budget (paid by
the state of course) Jacob Zuma looked more and more tired and weathered as it dragged on
and looked pretty dire for him. 
The public started questioning why state money was being used to fund his excessive [defense]
and why did he need so much security and fanfare every time he appeared?

Enter magicians rule number on. Misdirection. A "sniper" was reported to be after Jacob and his
security wasn't just retained, it was increased. (you'll understand the importance of this later)

Armed by the best legal minds SA has to offer and a limitless budget, his senior counsel allowed
Jacob to take the stand and make statements like "but she wore a short skirt.." and "she wanted
me" and "I gave her taxi fare" and then of course our all time classic "I couldn't get HIV because I
took a shower" The reporters were running for their laptops before the words were out of his
mouth.What a complete IDIOT, clown, fool, what a total laughing stock. The press went wild and
as they regurgitated his comments daily, Jacob sat and smiled.

The seriousness of the charges forgotten. The laughter never really did die down - we still laugh
at it now - but stop, think. The senior most legal minds in SA allowed him to take the stand and
say those things? 

Do you REALLY think he wasn't coached to say exactly that?  That he wasn't prepared with
exactly what to say? Within a few short weeks, the case against him crumbled and was
withdrawn. A complete laughing stock. 

But a woman was still raped- by OUR president. 

Skip forward a little to Jacob taking power. Firstly, Shabir Sheik is suddenly out on a medical
parole as he's at death's door - funny how he's still alive and well years later and not in jail. 

Funny how Shabirs brother Mo continued to feed at the government trough - despite his
implication in the arms deal with Zuma and Shabier.

Today, we deal with Nkandla... Rampant waste of government money on an indulgence for just
one man. Spending of your and my taxes on one mans house that could have housed tens of
thousands in RDP housing. 

The heat is on - who authorised it, why did the state pay? What the heck is going on? Denial
denial and clever word-play - but at the end of the day, the facts are laid bare and we've spent
hundreds of millions on one single mans residence - and it's not even government property, it's
HIS property and we're responsible for it's maintenance as long as he's alive as a former head of

Along with this, we pay for his personal harem and their needs as "first ladies". 
In the midst of this, Zuma gives his nephew Khubulise millions of our Rands to "manage" for his
foundations, his nephew flourishes as a BEE Entrepreneur...under his uncles guidance - the
same uncle who "couldn't balance a cheque book" remember. 

When pushed for explanations about Nkandla, the public prosecutors report is withheld and
suppressed with all manner of irrational argument. Jacobs people explain that the swimming pool
is a "fire pool" and necessary measure.The words are hardly out and journalists while wetting
themselves with laughter are writing it up. 

Last week, the return of magicians trick number 1- misdirection. A small article about a wanted
criminal armed to the teeth and lurking near Nkandla. Luckily he's apprehended by the k9 unit
from Durban (120km away!)who were "in the area" A clear justification of why he needs such
heavy security measures at his personal residence.

While everyone is laughing and shrugging it off as "what a clown" Jacob Zuma and the unseen
cabal behind him are selling South Africa down the slippery economic slopes of poverty. 

Ever wondered why the government is SO determined that e-tolls must work? Go and look at
where the government pension fund is invested. Look at who has benefited as contractors on the
construction of the e-tolling mechanism.

Ever wondered why Zuma isn't in jail? That's because right after taking office, he had the law
redrafted so that a sitting president cannot appear in court. 

Haven't you stopped to ask yourself what happened to the woman he raped? Have you even
wondered how in the name of anything reasonable we have ended up with a president who
raped a woman, committed fraud and more -and is a bigamist?

Is this the example we want for our children and our future? Is this what South Africa has
descended to? 

Look at how the rand has devalued against global currencies in the past 5 years, look at the
uncontrollable rise in the cost of petrol and electricity and basic commodities in South Africa. 

Ask yourself seriously if Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma is still funny. 

Jacob Zuma and the cabal behind him are one of the greatest threats yet to face the future of our
young democracy. If the "front man" for "team Zuma" is a rapist, liar and corrupt bigamist- dear
god shouldn't you be asking and fearing what's hiding away BEHIND him?

Never underestimate the power of 1.The power of one person to make an impact no matter how
small. By standing up and educating yourself about what is happening in our country and looking
beyond what you see in the newspapers you can make a difference. You can make a difference
to South Africas future by opening your eyes and not falling for cheap magic tricks, by asking the
right questions and debating reasonably. You can make a difference by resisting government
attempts to hide corruption and suppressing freedom of the press. You can make your voice
known - any time you CHOOSE to. 

I am South African. I was born under an African sun. 

My sweat has fallen on the soil of this country to build the life I have today. I have given of
myself, my freedom and my abilities to my country, to my fellow man, to my community and to a
sense of belief in a better and safer society. 

I have bled on African soil for my country and served it under the old government and the new.
Irrespective of my skin color - I am an African. 

I will no longer sit by and let people joke about Jacob Zuma and what the current government is
doing to our country and let the magicians "funny man" act disguise what is happening right
before our eyes. 

Maybe I can't change anything - maybe I can open just one persons eyes to see what's
happening around them - if that's the extent of what I can do then that is enough. Because it
could be that one person who's eyes are opened that can make a difference for us all. 

"If we resist - we may lose.If we do not resist - we have already lost" "
Please note that this article is provided without prejudice and all inalienable rights reserved.

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