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Organizational Safety and Health


Sr. Trainer
Safety Issues
Disaster: a sudden accident or a natural catastrophe that causes great
damage or loss of life.
• “A disaster is a sudden, calamitous event that seriously disrupts the
functioning of a community or society and causes human, material,
and economic or environmental losses that exceed the community’s
or society’s ability to cope using its own resources.”(IFRC)
Safety Issues
• Risk: risk is expressed as – probability of an accident to occur × Impact
of the accident.

• Hazard: a potential source of danger.

Safety Issues
• Fire safety
• Electric safety
• Chemical management
• Waste management
• Ergonomics
• Disaster management
• Work place safety
Safety Issues
• Risk management:
Develop Risk
Hazard Risk
Identification Assessment
Action Plan

Modify Risk
Implement the Evaluate the
Plan Action’s Result

Apply the Plan

Safety Issues
• Risk Assessment

Intensity Possibility 1 2 3 4 5
Rare Unlikely Possible Likely
1 Negligible 1 2 3 4 5
2 Low 2 4 6 8 10
3 Medium 3 6 9 12 15
4 High 4 8 12 16 20
5 Catastrophic 5 10 15 20 25
Safety Issues
• Risk Assessment

Degree of Risk

1-3 4-6 7-12 13-16 17-25

Insignificant Acceptable Unacceptable Critical Fatal

Action needed No action needed Observe Take Action Emergency Isolate

Fire Safety
• Fire is the rapid oxidation of a
material in the exothermic
chemical process of combustion,
releasing heat, light, and various
reaction products.
Fire Safety
• Elements of fire -
i. Heat
ii. Fuel
iii. Oxygen

Fire Safety
Fire Safety
• Classification of fire:
1. Solid fire (A)
2. Liquid fire (B)
3. Gas fire (C)
4. Metal Fire (D)
5. Electrical fire (E)
Fire Safety
• Sources of fire: ✗ Sparks
✗ Oven ✗ Excessive heat
✗ Residue of cigarette ✗ Mosquito coil
✗ Match stick ✗ Electric iron
✗ Lamp ✗ Drying clothes over oven
✗ Loose wire ✗ Fireworks
✗ Electric motor etc.
✗ Electric generator
✗ Chemical store
Fire Safety
• Causes of fire: ✗ Unplanned building
✗ Improper maintenance of ✗ Arson & Sabotage
electrical system etc.
✗ Electric short circuit
✗ Boiler explosion
✗ Chemical reaction
✗ Cigarette fire
✗ Disorderly and untidy go-
down and store
Fire Safety
• In case of fire:
1. Break the circuit
2. Call fire service control room 199 or 02-9555555
3. Since the fire service vehicles arrive fire fighting team will try to
control fire
4. Take the people away from fire
5. Get everyone out in disciplined way
6. If any one is caught by fire, he / she must roll around on the dry
Electric Safety
Causes of electrical accidents:
✗ Incomplete or faulty design
✗ Poor quality work
✗ Loose connections
✗ Deterioration or erosion of
✗ Over or undersized cable
✗ Uneven distribution of load,
✗ Excessive connection in one
Electric Safety
Causes of electrical accidents:
✗ Connection to lower or
higher voltage
✗ Using poor quality electric
✗ Engaging unskilled people
at electrical work
✗ Poor maintenance of
electric system
✗ Improper earthing
Electric Safety
• Electrification
• Electrocution
• Burning
• Explosion
• Fire
• Panic
Electric Safety
Prevention of accidents:
✗ Using load according to design
✗ Ensure quality equipment such as automatic main switch, voltage
stabilizer, automatic circuit breaker etc.
✗ Factories electric system must be installed and checked by an
✗ Ensure proper insulation and check regularly
✗ DB, SDB and switch board must be covered by ebonite sheet
✗ Keep channels dust free
✗ No electric line in Bonded Warehouse
Electric Safety
Prevention of accidents:
✗ No electric line in Bonded Warehouse
✗ No material can be stored within 3 feet of electric installation
✗ Employ a full-time skilled electrician
✗ Regularly check wiring and equipment
Electric Safety
for personal protection:
✗ do not wear any metallic wear/ ornament
✗ Do not use metallic ladder
✗ Do not plug or unplug while body or hand is wet
✗ Do not try to install, mend or repair any electric equipment or
machinery unless skilled and qualified
✗ Do not touch moving parts
✗ Plugs and cords must be kept clean and dry
✗ Wear appropriate PPE
✗ Keep away from children
Electric Safety
Other precautions:
✗ Follow the signs
✗ Cover the moving parts
✗ Use appropriate equipment
✗ Read the operating manual first
✗ Use appropriate fuse and circuit breakers
✗ Do not hang cords
✗ Each time before use check whether the equipment is in good
Electric Safety
In case of electric fire-
• Turn main switch off
• Activate fire alarm
• Do not use water
• Use CO2 or dry powder
• Call the electricity office and fire service (02-9555555)
• If do not know the use of fire extinguisher, evacuate
Electric Safety
In case of someone gets electrified-
• Turn off the source of electricity, if possible. If not, move the source
away from you and the person, using a dry, non-conducting object
made of cardboard, plastic or wood.
• Begin CPR if the person shows no signs of circulation, such as
breathing, coughing or movement.
• Try to prevent the injured person from becoming chilled.
• Apply a bandage. Cover any burned areas with a sterile gauze
bandage, if available, or a clean cloth. Don't use a blanket or towel,
because loose fibers can stick to the burns.
Electric Safety
• Don't touch the injured person if he or she is still in contact with the
electrical current.
• Call your local emergency number if the source of the burn is a high-
voltage wire or lightning. Don't get near high-voltage wires until the
power is turned off. Overhead power lines usually aren't insulated.
Stay at least 20 feet (about 6 meters) away — farther if wires are
jumping and sparking.
• Don't move a person with an electrical injury unless he or she is in
immediate danger.
Disaster Management
An earthquake (also known as a
quake, tremor or temblor) is the
shaking of the surface of the
Earth, resulting from the sudden
release of energy in the Earth's
lithosphere that creates seismic
Disaster Management
Why earthquake is most terrible:
• No information is available in advance
• Refuse can not be taken in any shelter
• Vast area is destructed in short time
• Critical infrastructures are destructed and emergency services are
• Lack of experience of disaster management in case of earthquake
Disaster Management
Why Bangladesh is at greater risk:
• Historical: in an earthquake happened at Chittagong fault where
500 people died and in an earthquake happened at Dauki fault
where 600 – 700 people died.
• Geographical location
• Faults: Dauki, Sylhet, Sitakundo-Teknaf, Rangamati and Madhupur.
• Tectonic plate: Indian plate, Eurasia plate, Burma plate
• Man-created
Disaster Management
Precautions for earthquake:
• Before earthquake
• During the Earthquake
• After earthquake
Disaster Management
Precautions for earthquake:
• Before earthquake:
₪ Detect and manage risky objects
₪ Identify the safe place inside and outside
₪ Everyone should be trained about does and don’ts in time of earthquake
₪ Keep equipment for the time of disaster
• During the Earthquake:
₪ Remain calm
₪ If you are inside a room or building, take shelter to a safe place
₪ Keep away from glass, window, door, hanging object, shelves etc.
Disaster Management
Precautions for earthquake:
• During the Earthquake:
₪ If you are in kitchen, put out your oven, keep away from cupboard or
freezer etc.
₪ Never use elevator / lift
₪ If you are outside, stay there
₪ keep distance with a high building, over bridge, flyover, trees in the time of
an earthquake
₪ Leave the place if you are in a valley
₪ Leave the sea shore and take shelter on a higher ground
₪ Keep away from gridlines
Disaster Management
Precautions for earthquake:
• During the Earthquake:
₪ If you are in a car, stay at your vehicle, park it in a safe place i.e. at a
distance from sign board, over bridge, grid line, large trees etc. and stay at
car until it stops shaking
₪ After the tremble stops drive carefully and try to avoid any bridge
• After earthquake:
₪ Get out from the building in a disciplined way
₪ If you get stuck do not try to move any obstruction, try to call for help from
₪ Keep your face covered with light cloths
Disaster Management
Acts that are forbidden during and after earthquake:
• Do not ignite
• Do not bustle about or rush
• Do not use lift
• During the earthquake do not try to get down by stairs
• Do not jump through window or from roof
• Keep away from electric equipment, generator, boiler, heavy
machineries, fabric roll etc.
• Do not start work prior to checking the safe condition
Thank you

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