Namaz Jumatul Vidah

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Last Friday of Ramadhan Month

Sayyid Ibn Tawus and Shaykh al-Saduq have both narrated the following on the authority of Jabir ibn
`Abdullah al-Ansariy:
I visited the Messenger of Allah (a.s) on the last Friday of Ramazan. As he saw me, he said, “Jabir:
This is the last Friday of Ramazan. You should thus bid it farewell by saying the following:
O Allah: (please) do not make it the allahumma la taj`alhu akhira ِ ِ ‫آخر الع ْه ِد ِمن‬
last of our fasting in this month; al`ahdi min siyamina iyyahu ُ‫صيَامنَا إِيَّاه‬ ْ َ َ ُ‫الل ُّه ّم ال تَ ْج َعله‬

but if You decide so, then (please) fa-in ja`altahu faj`alny ‫اج َعلْنِي َم ْر ُحوماً َوال تَ ْج َعلْنِي‬
ْ َ‫فَِإ ْن َج َعلْتَهُ ف‬
make me enjoy (Your) mercy and marhuman wa la taj`alny
do not make me deprived (of it). mahruman .ً‫ح ُروما‬
ْ ‫َم‬

Verily, anyone who says this supplication will win one of the two good things; either attaining the next
Ramazan or having the forgiveness and mercy of Almighty Allah.”

Salaat/Namaaz Baraye Kaffaara-e-Namaaz-e-Qazaa: This Namaaz is a Kaffaara (atonement)

for Qazaa Namaaz. (NOT a substitute for Qaza)

This is from the book MANHAJ DA’WAAT in which it is quoted from Imaam Ali (A.S.) whose-so-

ever’s Namaaz has elapsed (qazaa) excessively then he should offer this Namaaz on the last

Friday (Jum’atul Widaa) of Holy Ramadhaan as atonement.

It is of four rak’ats, two rak’at each. In every rak’at after Al-Hamd recite 25 times Surah- AL-

Ikhlaas, once Aayatul Kursee and 15 times Surah – Al-Kawsar and after Namaaz recite the

following Duaa:

“Allaahumma Yaa Saabiqal Fawti Yaa Saami’as-Sawti Yaa Muhyi-al Idhwaami Ba’adal

Mawti Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin. Waj’allee Farajan Wa Makhrajan

Mimmaa Anaa Feehi Innaka Ta’alamu Walaa A’alamu Wa Naqdiru Walaa Aqdiru Wa Anta

Allaamal Ghuyoobi Yaa Waahibal Atwaaya Wa Yaa Ghaafirall Khatwaaya Yaa Saatiral

Uyoobi - Subboohun Quddoosun Rabbul Malaaikati War-Roohu Waghfirlee Warham Yaa


Last night of Ramadhan duas click here

The last Friday of Ramadan  is marked around the world as

Yaum al Quds.
International Day of Al-Quds (Rooz-e jahaany-e Qods in Persian: ‫)روز جهانی قدس‬, is an annual
event opposing Israel's control of Jerusalem, (Al-Quds in Arabic: ‫)القـُ ْدس‬. Anti-Zionist demonstrations
are held on this day in some Muslim and Arab countries and by Muslim and Arab communities around
the world, but especially in Iran where the occasion was first suggested. It is held each year on the last
Friday of Ramadan. Jerusalem Day is not an Islamic religious holiday but a political event open to both
Muslims and non-Muslims alike, and thus observance is not obligatory in Islam.
The parade originated in Iran after the 1979 Islamic Revolution. The observance was suggested by
Ayatollah Khomeini, then Supreme Leader of Iran, in August of that year, saying
“ I invite Muslims all over the globe to consecrate the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan
as Jerusalem Day and to proclaim the international solidarity of Muslims in support of the
legitimate rights of the Muslim people of Palestine. ”

“ For many years, I have been notifying the Muslims of the danger posed by the usurper Israel
which today has intensified its savage attacks against the Palestinian brothers and sisters, and
which, in the south of Lebanon in particular, is continually bombing Palestinian homes in the
hope of crushing the Palestinian struggle. I ask all the Muslims of the world and the Muslim
governments to join together to sever the hand of this usurper and its supporters. I call on all the
Muslims of the world to select as Jerusalem Day the last Friday in the holy month of Ramadan -
which is itself a determining period and can also be the determiner of the Palestinian people’s fate
- and through a ceremony demonstrating the solidarity of Muslims world-wide, announce their
support for the legitimate rights of the Muslim people. I ask God Almighty for the victory of the
Muslims over the infidels."[1] ”
During recent years it has spread among Muslim and non-Muslim countries[2][3][4] [5] even the U.S.
[6] Nowadays participation is not limited to Arabs or Muslims but some non-Muslims also participate
in it including Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews.[7]

Remembering Al-Quds


Written by Islamic Insights   

Wednesday, 24 September 2008
I invite Muslims all over the globe to consecrate the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan as
'Al-Quds Day' and to proclaim the international solidarity of Muslims in support of the legitimate
rights of the Muslim people of Palestine.

"For many years, I have been notifying the Muslims of the danger posed by the usurper Israel, which
today has intensified its savage attacks against the Palestinian brothers and sisters, and which, in the
south of Lebanon in particular, is continually bombing Palestinian homes in the hope of crushing the
Palestinian struggle. I ask all the Muslims of the world and the Muslim governments to join together
to sever the hand of this usurper and its supporters. I call on all the Muslims of the world to select, as
Al-Quds Day, the last Friday in the holy month of Ramadan – which is itself a determining period and
can also be the determiner of the Palestinian people's fate – and through a ceremony demonstrating
the solidarity of Muslims world-wide, announce their support for the legitimate rights of the Muslim
people. I ask God Almighty for the victory of the Muslims over the infidels." (Imam Khomeini's
message announcing Al-Quds Day on August 7, 1979)

The Context
After the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Imam Khomeini looked toward the Muslim
community at large, encompassing every Muslim across the globe in his calls for a Muslim awakening.
The focal point through which he called for Muslim Unity was by rallying Muslims of all schools
around the fate of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) – the first of the two Qiblas (direction of prayer) and the third-
most sacred sanctuary of the Muslims.

While Arab nationalists had fought Israel under the banner of pan-Arabism in the years preceding the
victory of the Islamic Revolution, one defeat after another had brought the Arab and general Muslim
morale to an all-time low. Neither was Palestine liberated, nor were the Arab countries safe from future
aggression. With the Islamic Revolution in Iran came a sense of hope for the revival of something
better, something that would transcend the bounds of nationality and ethnicity – this something was the
familiar-by-name, forgotten-in-essence religion of Islam.

It was no longer an Arab-Israeli conflict alone. It was no longer a fight solely to liberate the Arab land
of Palestine. With the calls for Al-Quds Day, the conflict was confirmed to be a Muslim-Israeli conflict
on one level, but was also branded as an Oppressed vs. Oppressor struggle on a universal level.

"Al-Quds Day is an international day and not a day that is only related to Al-Quds (Jerusalem) – rather,
it is a day in which the oppressed confront the arrogant oppressors. It is the day in which (the
Muslims) must rise up to save Al-Quds and save our Lebanese brothers from this oppression. It is the
day in which we must free all the oppressed ones from the shackles of the arrogant oppressors." (Imam
Khomeini on August 16, 1979)

The Application
While some Muslims around the world hold processions to demonstrate solidarity with the oppressed
on Al-Quds Day, there are still many – specifically in Muslim countries – who let Al-Quds Day pass
by as if it were any other day. In Imam Khomeini's vision, "those who do not participate are the ones
who oppose Islam and are in agreement with Israel."

Practically, this makes sense as implied by the narration from the Holy Messenger Muhammad (peace
be upon him and his progeny): "If one amongst you sees an evil (committed), then (s)he should change
it with his/her hand; if (s)he cannot, then with his/her tongue; if (s)he cannot, then with his/her heart –
and that is the weakest of faith."

If an opportunity to denounce evil comes up and a person does not attempt to participate in denouncing
it in any way, shape or form, then it seems clear that such a person is in opposition to Islam.

Participating in Al-Quds Day may mean different things for different people, depending on their
circumstances. For example, a person who is being bombarded by oppressors day-in and day-out may
have the duty to take up arms and resist the aggressor. At the opposite end of the spectrum, one who is
incapable of doing anything tangible to confront oppression should at least condemn the acts of
injustice in his/her heart.

Each person, in his/her position in life, should uphold the principles represented by Al-Quds Day.
Proponents of justice spanning the ages have underlined the need to challenge the oppressor – though
this challenge may take different forms and manifest on various levels.

Allah the Wise has made it known to us clearly in the Holy Quran that we are the "best of peoples", in
that we enjoin the good, forbid the evil, and believe in Him. Once we deviate from these virtues,
however, we are no longer the "best of peoples" being referred to in the verse: "Ye are the best of
peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in
Allah. If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have
faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors." (3:110)

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