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Isokinetics and Exercise Science 15 (2007) 77–81 77

IOS Press

Five-repetition sit-to-stand test performance

by community-dwelling adults: A
preliminary investigation of times,
determinants, and relationship with
self-reported physical performance
Richard W. Bohannon a,∗, Megan E. Shove a, Susan R. Barreca b,d , Lisa M. Mastersd and
Christopher S. Sigouinc
Department of Physical Therapy, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA
School of Rehabilitation Science, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Department of Health Policy, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Services, Hamilton Health Sciences, Ontario, Canada

Abstract. The 5-repetition sit-to-stand (STS) test is a widely used, but insufficiently evaluated, test for lower limb strength. We
therefore described STS test times for a sample of community-dwelling adults, examined the association of age, gender, height,
weight, and body mass index (BMI) with STS time, and determined the relationship of STS time with self-reported physical
functioning. Ninety-four community dwelling adults participated. Repeated measures of STS time were reliable (intraclass
correlation coefficient = 0.957). The mean STS time for all 94 subjects was 7.6 seconds. Age, weight, and BMI were (r =
0.281–0.528), but gender and height were not (r = −0.074 – 0.007), correlated significantly with STS time. Regression analysis
showed that age and BMI explained 43.7 percent of the variance in STS time. The correlation between STS time and physical
functioning (r = −0.474) was significant (p < 0.001). Regression analysis showed that age and BMI added slightly to the
explanation of variance in physical functioning provided by STS time.
In conclusion, this study provides STS times that might be useful for interpreting performance of adults screened with the test.
Such performance should be considered in light of age and BMI. The relationship of STS time with physical functioning provides
evidence of the validity of the measure.

Keywords: Muscle, strength, screening test, reliability, validity

1. Introduction diversity of medical conditions. Functional strength

tests, that is those that use body weight for resistance
Tests of muscle performance are a standard com- during functional activities, are among the options for
ponent of the physical examination of patients with a
measuring muscle performance [8]. Timed sit-to-stand
(STS) tests are probably the most often used functional
∗ Address for correspondence: Dr Richard W. Bohannon, Depart- strength tests. There are several variations on the STS
ment of Physical Therapy, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT test. Csuka and McCarty first recommended document-
06269-2101, USA. Tel.: +1 860 233 1033 (home phone), +1 860 486
0048 (office phone); Fax: +1 860 233 0609 (home fax), +1 860 486 ing the time required to perform 10 STSs [7]. Since
1588 (office fax); E-mail: that time, others have timed the duration of 1, 3, and

ISSN 0959-3020/07/$17.00  2007 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
78 R.W. Bohannon et al. / Sit-to-stand test performance

5 repetitions of the maneuver or indicated the number score – lowest possible raw score)/possible score range)
of repetitions that could be completed in 10 or 30 sec- * 100.
onds [3]. The time required for 5 repetitions, however, Subjects’ STS performance was measured using the
has probably realized the broadest application [2]. reliable 5-repetition STS test [11]. Specifically, they
In spite of its wide use in screening, performance stood up and sat down 5 times from a standard height
on the 5-repetition STS test has not been reported for chair (40–45 cm) as fast as possible. Their arms were
adults of a wide age range. If performance on the test is folded across their chests. Timing with a digital stop-
to be interpreted meaningfully, the association of age, watch began with the command “go” and ceased when
gender and anthropometric measures with performance subjects achieved their final stand-up. Two trials were
needs to be determined. If the STS test is to be useful, allowed, with subjects provided sufficient time between
performance on it should correlate with other impor- trials to feel fully recovered.
tant variables such as physical functioning [9]. The
purposes of this study, therefore were three: 1) summa- 2.3. Data analysis
rize 5-repetition STS times for a sample of community-
dwelling adults, 2) examine the association of their age, All analysis was conducted using the Statistical pack-
gender, height, weight, and body mass index (BMI) age for Social Sciences (SPSS, version 11.0) and Systat
with STS times, and 3) determine the relationship of (version 10.0). The significance level was set at p <
STS times with self-reported physical functioning. 0.05 for all inferential statistical procedures. Conven-
tional descriptive statistics were employed to describe
study variables. Times for the 2 STS trials were com-
2. Methods pared using a paired t-test and the intraclass correlation
coefficient (equation 3,1). Analysis of variance was
This study, part of a larger investigation of STS per- used to determine whether significant differences ex-
formance by adults, was approved by the institutional isted between different age groups’ STS performance.
review boards of University of Connecticut and Hamil- The relationships of potential determinants (age, gen-
ton Health Sciences. der, weight, height, and BMI) with STS performance
were determined using Pearson correlations (r) and for-
2.1. Participants ward multiple regression analysis. The relationships
of STS performance, age, gender, and BMI with phys-
A convenience sample of 94 adults, considered non- ical functioning were also determined using Pearson
disabled on the basis of their ability to ambulate with- correlations and forward multiple regression analysis.
out a device or assistance, provided informed consent Only the independent variables that correlated signif-
and contributed data. Forty-five were residents of the icantly with dependent variables were included in the
United States and 49 were residents of Canada. More regression analysis.
than half of the participants (57.4%) were women. All
but 4 were non-Hispanic white. They ranged in age
from 19 to 84 years. Forty-five (47.9%) worked full- 3. Results
time, part-time, or as a homemaker, 18 (19.1%) classi-
fied themselves as students. Eighty-five (90.4%) rated Table 1 summarizes STS data. The time for 5 STSs
their health as good or excellent. was significantly less (t = 2.879, p = 0.005) for trial 2
than for trial 1; however, the times had a high intraclass
2.2. Instrumentation and procedures correlation coefficient (0.957). Therefore, the mean
time for the 2 trials was used in all subsequent analy-
Information about each person’s ethnicity, age, em- sis. Figure 1 shows the distribution of the mean times.
ployment, health, height, and weight was provided by The STS data were stratified by age groups based: 1)
subjects completing a survey. Body mass index (BMI) on a review of a scatter-plot (Fig. 2) that showed a
was calculated from height and weight data. Subjects curvilinear relationship with an apparent elbow in the
also completed the Physical Functioning Subscale of trend of STS times at about 50 years of age and 2)
the Short Form (SF)-36 [12]. Their raw scores were on the precedent for presenting data by decades. The
transformed to scale scores as follows: ((actual raw analysis of variance supported the age categorization
R.W. Bohannon et al. / Sit-to-stand test performance 79

Table 1
Descriptive statistics for time (sec) for 5 sit-to-stand repetitions
Measurement (n) Mean ± SD Minimum-Maximum
Trial 1: all ages (94) 7.8 ± 2.8 4.0–16.3
Trial 2: all ages (94) 7.5 ± 2.8 4.0–17.0
Mean: all ages (94) 7.6 ± 2.7 4.0–16.0
Mean: 19–49 years (39) 6.2 ± 1.3 4.1–11.5
Mean: 50–59 years (15) 7.1 ± 1.5 4.4–9.1
Mean: 60–69 years (18) 8.1 ± 3.1 4.0–15.1
Mean: 70–79 years (16) 10.0 ± 3.1 4.5–15.5
Mean: 80–89 years (6) 10.6 ± 3.4 7.8–16.0

40 20

Mean Sit-to-Stand Time (s)

30 15
Number of Subjects

Proportion per Bar


20 10

10 0.1 5

0 0.0 0
0 5 10 15 20 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Mean Sit-to-Stand Time (s) Age (yr)

Fig. 1. Histogram showing distribution of mean sit-to-stand times Fig. 2. Scatter-plot showing the relationship between mean
for 94 community-dwelling participants. sit-to-stand times and age for 94 community-dwelling participants.

by its demonstration of a significant difference in times STS time. Together the variables explained 26.6% of
between age groups (F = 10.8, p < 0.001). the variance in physical performance.
Descriptive statistics for continuous data are present-
ed in Table 2. Age, weight, and BMI were signifi-
cantly correlated with STS time (Table 3), with STS 4. Discussion
time higher in participants with greater age, weight and
BMI. Age had the highest zero-order correlation with In spite of the widespread use of the 5 repetition
STS time (r = 0.528). As the relationship between STS test, sufficient information has not been available
age and STS time was already shown to be curvilin- heretofore to aid in interpreting performance on the test.
ear (Fig. 2), age-squared was added to the independent We therefore summarized participant performance on
variables included in the regression analysis. As BMI the test, described the association of potential determi-
had a higher zero order correlation with STS time than nants with that performance, and explored the relation-
weight and as BMI is computed using weight, weight ship of STS performance with self-reported function-
was excluded from the regression analysis. The re- ing.
gression analysis demonstrated that age, age-squared, Performance on the 5 repetition STS test was de-
and BMI contributed independently to the explanation scribed for individuals from 19 to 84. Many of the par-
of STS time. Together they explained 43.7% of the ticipants, therefore, were younger than those described
variance in STS time. in most of the extant research [2]. For participants with-
The STS time had a significant and fair correlation in age groups previously described (e.g., 60–69, 70–
with physical functioning (r = −0.474); as did (to a 79, 80–89) [2], STS times were shorter in the present
lesser degree) age and BMI (Table 3). Physical func- study. The reasons can only be posited, but may relate
tioning was more limited in subjects with longer STS to our sample or to the testing procedures. Our sam-
times, greater age, and higher BMI. Multiple regression ple may have performed better because it was healthi-
(Table 4) showed that age and BMI added slightly to er. More than 90 percent rated their health as good or
the explanation of physical performance provided by excellent and all were independently ambulatory with-
80 R.W. Bohannon et al. / Sit-to-stand test performance

Table 2
Descriptive satistics for demographic and physical functioning data
Variable Mean ± SD Minimum-Maximum
Age (years) 51.1 ± 20.8 19–84
Weight (kg) 73.0 ± 16.0 49.1–127.3
Height (m) 1.68 ± 0.09 1.47–1.88
Body mass index (kg/m2 ) 25.6 ± 4.5 18.9–40.8
Physical functioning (%) 87.2 ± 18.6 0–100

Table 3
Pearson correlations of independent variables with sit-to-stand time and
physical functioning
Independent Variables Sit-to-Stand Time Physical Functioning
r (p) r (p)
Sit-to-stand time −0.474 (0.001)
Gender −0.074 (0.481) 0.151 (0.145)
Age 0.528 (0.001) −0.407 (0.001)
Weight 0.281 (0.006) −0.175 (0.092)
Height 0.007 (0.943) 0.149 (0.151)
Body mass index 0.339 (0.001) −0.310 (0.002)

Table 4
Final regression models for explanation of sit-to-stand time and physical
Sit-to-Stand Time
Variable Coefficient Standard t (p)
β Error
Constant 3.307 1.574 2.101 (0.038)
Age squared 0.002 0.001 3.931 (0.001)
Body mass index 0.219 0.049 4.490 (0.001)
Age −0.166 0.060 −2.774 (0.007)
Adjusted R2 = 0.437

Physical Performance
Variable Coefficient Standard t (p)
β Error
Constant 132.646 10.010 13.252 (0.001)
Sit-to-stand time −1.933 0.752 −2.568 (0.012)
Age −0.211 0.094 −2.249 (0.027)
Body mass index −0.778 0.390 −1.994 (0.049)
Adjusted R2 = 0.266

out an assistive device. Their mean scale score on the suggest that judgments about individual performance
Physical Function subscale (87.2) was slightly higher should take these 2 variables into account. A recent
than the norm mean (84.1) for the United States popu- meta-analysis of STS times indicated the importance
lation [12]. Our instructions clearly called for partici- of age, but that analysis was limited to individuals at
pants to perform the test as quickly as possible. Timing least 60 years of age [2]. Csuka and McCarty showed
ceased after the fifth stand. In some studies, investiga- that age should be considered, but their research fo-
tors have had individuals perform repeated STSs at a cused on the 10 repetition STS test [7]. Csuka and
self-selected pace or have ceased timing after the indi- McCarty also found gender to be a factor [7]. In re-
vidual sat following the fifth stand [2]. Either variation gard to that finding, our study differed. Our discovery
might add to the time required to complete the test. that BMI influenced performance at the STS test has
Clearly, standardization is warranted. been demonstrated previously, but only among elderly
Of the possible determinants of STS test perfor- women [5].
mance that we investigated, age and BMI were par- The validity of the 5-repetition STS test has been
ticularly noteworthy. The results of the present study questioned by Netz et al because of the lack of sig-
R.W. Bohannon et al. / Sit-to-stand test performance 81

nificant correlations between STS time and isokinetic Such performance should be considered in concert with
strength measures of isolated lower limb joints [9]. Al- age and BMI. The relationship of STS time with phys-
though other versions of the STS test have been shown ical functioning provides new evidence of the validity
to correlate with isolated and multi-joint measures of of the measure.
limb strength [1,6,10] and with function [5] in patient
samples, validation of the 5-repetition STS test is ap-
parently limited to its correlation with walking perfor- Acknowledgements
mance and self reported function among elderly wom-
en [4,5]. In this study we used self-reported physical Funding was provided by the Ontario Ministry of
function as our standard. The correlation between STS Health and Long Term Care through the Ontario Stroke
time and physical function was significant and greater Strategy.
than the correlation between either age or BMI and
physical function. While these 2 variables added to the
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