Proton Exchange Fuel: Cells

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Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells


By T. R. Ralph
Johnson Matthey Technology Centre

Proton exchange membrane f u e l cells operating o n hydrogenlair are being

considered as high efficiency, low pollution power generators for stationary and
transportation applications. There have been m a n y successful demonstrations
of this technology in recent years. However, to penetrate these markets the cost
of the fuel cell stack must be reduced. T h i s report details the progress made on
reductions in the stack cost by lowered platinum catalyst loadings in the latest
stack designs, the development of lower cost membrane electrolytes, the design
of alternative bipolarflow field plates, and the introduction of mass produc-
tion technolou. Despite such advances, there i s still a need for further reduc-
tions in the stack cost, through improvements in the performance of the mem-
brane electrode assembly. However, improved stack performance must be
demonstrated not only with pure hydrogen fuel but also, moreparticularly, with
reformate fuel, where tolerance to poisoning by carbon monoxide and carbon
dioxide needs to be improved. Advances that are required in the ancillary
sub-systems are also briefly considered here.

As with all fuel cells, the operating principles hot pressing at a temperature above the glass
of the proton exchange membrane fuel cell transition temperature of the membrane.
(PEMFC) are straightforward. The chemical Membranes currently employed are based on
energy present in a fuel, usually hydrogen, and perfluorinated sulfonic acid (for example the
an oxidant, oxygen, is cleanly, quietly and effi- Nafione range of materials produced by Du
ciently converted directly into electrical energy. Pont) which must be kept in a fully hydrated
The hydrogen is oxidised at the anode and the state during fuel cell operation in order to realise
oxygen reduced at the cathode of a single cell. the maximum proton conductivity. This require-
The power requirement in fuel cell technology ment currently limits the temperature of oper-
is achieved by combining a number of single ation of the PEMFC to below 1OO'C, at mod-
cells in series to produce a fuel cell stack, and erate pressures.
a number of stack modules are then combined Hydrogen fuel, supplied either in a pure form
in series to produce the power plant. fiom high pressure vessels or metal-hydride stor-
The membrane electrode assembly (MEA) age materials, or diluted with carbon dioxide
is at the heart of the single cell. It is the critical and other components from a fuel reformer,
component of the PEMFC, since it is the site and the oxidant, usually air, are supplied to the
of the fuel cell reactions. The MEA, see Figure MEA from the flow field plates, see Figure 1.
1, is less than a millimetre thick and consists To-date most precommercial stacks have used
of a solid polymer, proton conducting mem- pure graphite flow field plates with channels
brane electrolyte, with a layer of platinum-based machined into their surfaces. The raised land-
catalyst and a gas-porous electrode support ing areas make electrical connection with the
material on both sides of it, forming the anode electrode support and the channels provide gas
and cathode of the cell. The membrane elec- access to, and water removal from, the MEA.
trolyte is typically bonded to the electrodes by In most cases the flow field plates are designed

Platinum Metals Rev., 1997,41, (3), 102-1 13 102

Fig. 1 The fuel cell stack,
showing the structure of a
typical single eeU. The MEAs are
located between earbon flow field
platea which feed humidi6ed fuel
(Hz or reformate) and air to the
MEA. The reactants permeate
through the carbon based
electrode support structures into Motor
the platinum catalyst layers
where they react to generate air(H20)g
electricity, heat and pure water.
Bipolar flow
The heat is removed via eooling field plate 3mm Cathode catalyst

plates, although since the layer 25pm
current stacks operate at 80 to
90"C, it cannot be usefully
employed. Sufficient MEAs are Heat
combined in series to produce
stacks which deliver 1 to 25 kW. Anode catalyst
The stacks are then combined in Electrode suppwt
series to give enough power to 250p
drive a ear (50 kW), a bus (200 Membrane electrolyte
kW) or to provide stationary
power (< 1 M W )

to be bipolar, where one side of the plate is the where fuel is continuously oxidised by air to
anode of one cell, and the other side is the cath- produce power, rather than as a form of
ode of the adjacent single cell. The cells are con- battery, in which energy is stored.
nected in series via the plates. The gases pass
from the bipolar flow field plate through the Cost, Performance and Operating
electrode support material to the catalyst layer Lifetime Requirements
where they react. Hydrogen is consumed at the In addition to space, military and low power
anode, yielding electrons to the anode and (< 1 kW) applications (l), the PEMFC is being
producing hydrogen ions: considered for two major markets. One essen-
tial feature of the PEMFC - its ability to gen-
Hz= 2H' + 2e- E"= 0.OOOV (i)
erate much higher power densities at lower tem-
The hydrogen ions are conducted through the peratures than other fuel cell types -has opened
proton conducting membrane electrolyte, and up the potential of fuel cell technology to pro-
are combined at the cathode with electrons and vide reliable, low cost power for a new genera-
the oxygen &om the air supply to generate water: tion of non-polluting automotive engines. It is
also being considered for more traditional sta-
+ 2H'
%02 + 2e-= HzO E" = 1.234V (ii)
tionary power generation, for distribution or on-
Thus, the PEMFC combines hydrogen and site requirements, such as for hotels, hospitals
oxygen to generate electrical power. Pure water and the home. The drive to reduce pollution
and heat are the only by-products: levels and to increase the fuel efficiency of the
internal combustion engine and of conventional
Hz + %Oz = Hz0 Eoccll= 1.234V (iii)
power stations is aiding the adoption of low or
As long as the single cell is supplied with fuel zero emission fuel cell technology, and indeed
and oxidant it will generate electrical energy there have now been a significant number of
in the form of a direct current. Thus, a fuel cell successful demonstration programmes world-
is better regarded as an electrochemicalengine, wide. But, for this technology to become widely

Platinum Metals Rev., 1997,41,(3) 103

commercialised cost and, to a lesser extent, stration programmes. Most of these stacks have
performance need to be improved. been rated at a maximum power output of 5 kW
In this regard the automotive application is (the Mark V type). The loading of platinum
more demanding. The size, weight and cost of black catalyst on the electrodes has typically
the stack are all key issues. Stack power density been 4.0 mg cm-’ (4). At operating cell poten-
and energy density targets of 1.O kW 1 - l and 1.0 tials of 0.75 to 0.65 V, the platinum black load-
kW kg-’, respectively, a t a cost of less than ing corresponds to 26.7 down to 16.0 g Pt k W ‘
U.S.$50 kW’ have been quoted for passenger of power output. A comparison with the tar-
cars (2,3). To meet this cost target requires both geted stack costs shows quite clearly that these
a reduction in material costs and the develop- platinum loadings have to be reduced if the
ment of high volume, low cost manufacturing PEMFC is to be developed as a commercially
processes for the stack components. Increased viable product.
power density, achieved by operating at higher When pure hydrogen is used as the fuel almost
current densities while maintaining cell poten- all of the performance losses occur at the cath-
tials at reasonable levels, will, besides reduc- ode. This is because of the slower kinetics of
ing the size and weight of the stack, also have oxygen reduction, Equation (ii). Despite many
the effect of lowering the stack material costs. studies of this reaction in the PEh4FC and other
For stationary power applications the size and types of fuel cell, platinum-based electrocata-
weight of the stack are generally less of a con- lysts remain the only practical catalyst mater-
cern and the cost target is also less demanding ial, since they combine both activity and sta-
at around U.S.$500kW’ (3). Improved energy bility in the fuel cell environment. At the anode,
efficiencies, that is higher cell potentials, are losses in cell potential are usually small (less
more important in this application. than 50 mV at 2.0 A cm-2)due to the extremely
While cost reductions and performance facile nature of the hydrogen oxidation reaction,
improvements in the PEMFC stack are impor- Equation (i), on platinum-based catalysts.
tant, they must be maintained over the operat- Many groups have recently demonstrated very
ing lifetimes. In this respect, the transportation high cell performances from PEMFCs operat-
market is less exacting, with operating lifetimes ing on hydrogedair at substantially lower plat-
of some 5000 hours being adequate for a inum cathode loadings than the 4 mg cm-’ typ-
passenger car, compared with operating life- ical of the early prototype stacks. This has been
times of at least 40,000 hours demanded by achieved by the successful exploitation of higher
stationary power plants. surface area carbon supported catalysts, such
as 20 weight per cent platinum supported on
Progress in Reducing Stack Costs Cabot Vulcan XC72R carbon black. Central to
Over the past five years considerable progress the development of these electrodes has been
has been made in lowering the cost of PEMFC the need to impregnate the active catalyst layer
stacks. This has been achieved largely by reduc- with a soluble form of the polymer electrolyte.
ing the costs of the three critical cell compo- This significantly increases the protonic contact
nents: the electrodes, the membrane electrolyte between the electrolyte and the surface of the
and the flow field plate. Some groups are also platinum catalyst within the porous carbon struc-
addressing the cost reductions available from ture, thus permitting lower platinum loadings
volume manufacture of the stack components. on the electrodes to be utilised more effectively.
Leading investigators have been the groups at
Lower Platinum Loadings on Electrodes Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL) (5,
The leading developer of the PEMFC is the 6) and Texas A&M University (TAMU) (7),
Canadian company Ballard Power Systems. although similar approaches to electrode design
Since the early 1990s several hundred stacks have subsequently been reported by other
have been produced for a wide range of demon- academic groups around the world (8-10).

Platinum Metals Rev., 1997,41, ( 3 ) 104

Two basic approaches to electrodes have been electrolyte by chemical reduction of platinum
developed by these groups. salt solutions, see for instance (12). Loadings
At LANL thin film catalyst layers compris- deposited in this way tend to be higher than with
ing the carbon supported catalyst mixed with other methods (> 1 mg Pt cm-'). It appears that
the soluble form of the electrolyte (5 weight per platinum can be isolated within the membrane
cent Nafion" EW1100 in propan-2-01 and water) in regions where it cannot be contacted elec-
are deposited onto the membrane electrolyte. tronically. This, coupled with the much lower
A microporous gas diffusion backing layer, platinum dispersionsachieved on the membrane,
employing a carbon cloth based electrode sub- has meant that the effective catalyst surface areas
strate, is compressed against the catalyst layer are inferior to those in electrodes employing
in the single cell to provide efficient removal carbon supported platinum catalysts.
of the product water from the cathode.
At TAMU the catalyst layer is first deposited Electrodes Manufactured in Volume
onto the electrode support s t c u m e &om a mix- for Advanced Stack Designs
ture of carbon supported catalyst and polyte- The above studies have largely been at the lab-
trafluoroethylene (PTFE), which binds the layer oratory scale. Electrodes have been fabricated
together. Subsequently, the catalyst layer sur- using manual techniques which do not neces-
face is impregnated with the membrane elec- sarily lend themselves to scale-up to high vol-
trolyte solution. ume production and MEAs have been evalu-
Using these approaches LANL and TAMU ated in small (< 50 cm2active area) single cells.
have reported performances comparable to plat- Cell performances have often been measured in
inum black based cathodes, but with cathode cells functioning at high gas stoichiometries.
catalyst loadings as low as 0.12 mg Pt cm-' and This cannot be justified economically and per-
0.05 mg Pt cm-2,respectively. Assuming a neg- formances can be raised on air operation, par-
ligible anode loading (reasonable for pure hydro- ticularly at higher current densities (13). In addi-
gen operation) the noble metal usage is reduced, tion, there have been few evaluations of operating
from 13.4 down to 8.0 g Pt kW' for platinum lifetime data. Both LANL and TAMU are now,
black cathodes to less than 0.4 g Pt kW-' of however, beginning to address these factors.
power output at operating cell potentials of 0.75 LANL are examining the principle of ink jet
to 0.65 V. Based on a platinum price of about printing the electrodes by modifying a chart
U.S.312 g-', this represents a cost of less than recorder (14) and TAMU have investigated
U.S.35 k W ' for the noble metal, which is com- spraying and rolling the catalyst layers (1 5).
patible with all PEMFC applications. Performances are being evaluated in larger sin-
Other methods of achievinghigh performance gle cells (50 to 100 cmz active area). The suc-
cathodes with low platinum loadings have been cess in reducing the platinum loadings has led
demonstrated. Notable is work by PSI Technol- other academic and industrial groups to focus
ogy using cathodes formed from uncatalysed on mass production techniques suitable for elec-
carbon black impregnated with a soluble form trodes and MEAs. However, testing has mostly
of the membrane electrolyte and then electro- been restricted to single cells, often with only
deposited with platinum at loadings as low as 5 cm2active area, see for example (16).
0.05 mg cm-2(1 1). The aim of this approach One major target of a joint programme between
was to deposit platinum only in regions of the Ballard Power Systems and Johnson Matthey
electrode which were both in electronic contact has been the development, for full size PEMFC
with the carbon support and protonic contact stack hardware, of low platinum loading elec-
with the membrane electrolyte, again ensuring trodes prepared in high volume. An electrode
efficient use of very low platinum loadings. manufacturing process based on screen print-
Other groups have deposited the platinum cat- ing has been developed (17) and a small pilot
alyst directly into the polymer membrane plant facility has been established at Johnson

Platinum Metals Rev., 1997, 41, (3) 105

Fig. 2 Cell potentiallcurrent
Pt black MEA, e omg Ptcm-’
catalyst loading MEA. 062mg Ptcri’
density plots for high loading
unsupported platinum black and
low platinum loading carbon
supported catalyst based MEAs.
z The membrane electrolyte was
the experimental Dow XUS-
P 13204.10 material

Internal humidification

0.24 I
0 203 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400


Matthey. The plant currently produces around Vulcan XC72R at a loading of 0.37 mg Pt cm-’
50,000 electrodesper annum, but has the poten- and the anode 20 weight per cent platinum-10
tial for scaling-up as demand rises. Electrodes weight per cent ruthenium (Pt/Ru) on Vulcan
have been produced from inks comprising car- XC72R at a loading of 0.25 mg Pt cm-’. At a
bon supported platinum catalysts and solutions cell potential of 0.75 to 0.65 V the MEA gen-
of the polymer electrolyte. For high volume pro- erates 0.4 to 0.8 A ern-', equivalent to 0.3 to 0.5
duction it was deemed unsuitable to use the W cm-’. This translates to a much reduced cat-
organic solutions of Nafion“employed by LANL, alyst requirement of 2.0 down to 1.2 g Pt kW’
TAMU and others to impregnate the catalyst compared to 26.7 to 16.0 g Pt k W 1for the plat-
(5-1 1). Besides not wanting to handle large vol- inum black MEA. This reduced loading shows
umes of organic solvents in a production envi- considerable progress towards a platinum cat-
ronment, there is a possibility of interaction alyst cost compatible with the stack cost targets
between the solvents and the high surface area for stationary and vehicle applications.
platinum catalysts, which could result in the pro- The “beginning of life” performances of the
duction of organic by-products in the inks and, low platinum loading MEAs have been retained
with high solvent concentrations, possibly com- in the advanced Ballard stack technology being
bustion. Thus, a method was developed to developed for submarine, bus, automotive and
remove the alcohols from 5 weight per cent utility applications. With pure hydrogen fuel
Nafion’ solution to give an essentially ‘aqueous’ and air as oxidant, stable long term performance
Nafion” polymer solution (18),which has been has been demonstrated in 4 and 8 cell sub-stacks
used for routine manufacture of electrodes with and in full stacks. Figure 3 shows the perfor-
catalyst loadings of 0.1 to 1.O mg Pt cm-’. mance of Dow membrane MEAs with anode
and cathode catalyst loadings of 0.25 mg Pt cm-’
Comparison of Electrodes and 0.50 mg Pt cm-’, respectively, in an 8 cell
Figure 2 shows the “beginning of life” cell stack representative of the Phase 2 bus stack
potential versus current density plot of a low hardware. This hardware is being developed for
catalyst loading MEA (0.62 mg Pt cm-’), com- the forthcoming precommercial transit bus fleet
pared with the higher loading unsupported plat- trials in Chicago and Vancouver. Transit buses
inum black MEA (8.0 mg Pt ern-') in a Ballard offer an early market opportunity for fuel cell
Mark V single cell of 240.2 cmzactive area. The power plants as cost targets are less demanding
performances are comparable. The cathode than for small vehicles and there is space to store
comprises 40 weight per cent platinum on sufEcient hydrogen fuel on-board to give a range

Platinum Metals Rev., 1997, 41, ( 3 ) 106

Fig. 3 Durability of low
platinum loading MEAs in a n
8 cell Ballard stack, wing Dow
XUS-13204.10 membrane >
electrolyte. The stack J.,
construction is typical of the f
hardware employed in the f)
precommercial transit buses
being supplied to Chicago and
z Stack potential a t 0.646 A c m 2
t Stack potential at 1.076 A cm-*

3 I
200 400 600 BOO 1000 1200
TIME, hours

comparable to current diesel-fuelled engines. cell potentials produced by the individual cells
After 1000 hours at 0.646 A ern-', with 5-hour in an 80 cell stack built for an air-independent
excursions to 1.076A mi*,the degradation rate submarine propulsion application are shown.
of below 4 pV h-' was well within target levels. The MEAs comprise cathodes with 0.6 mg Pt
ern-', anodes with 0.25 mg Pt cm-' and Nafion"
Reproducible Cell Performance 1 17 membrane. The minimal variation in cell
Particularly important in volume manufacture performance achieved over a range of current
is reproducible performance. The low catalyst densities represents the highest level of cell to
loading MEAS exhibit excellent cell to cell repro- cell consistency that has recently been reported
ducibility in full stacks. In Figure 4 consistent in the literature for PEMFC stacks, see for




0.2 40 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Fig. 4 Individual cell potentials in a full 80 cell stack for submarine propulsion. The low platinum
loading MEAS contain Nafion" 117membrane electrolyte. The high consistencyof the cell potentials
is a reflection of the control of operating conditions through the stack and the ability of the pilot
plant at Johnson Matthey to manufacture reproducible electrodes. Uniformity in cell performance
is of prime importance in the development of PEMFC technology

Platinum Metals Rev., 1997,41, (3) 107

example the 50 cells in (19). This highlights the duty vehicle applications, the anode fuel will
excellent degree of consistency achieved in MFL4 almost certainly be impure hydrogen (refor-
production and the efficient control of operat- mate) produced via reforming carbon-contain-
ing conditions throughout the stack. ing fuels, such as natural gas, methanol, petrol
Based on the large volume of data now avail- or diesel. Achieving satisfactory performance
able, it is clear that achieving economical plat- and durability with these fuels is much more
inum loadings on electrodes is no longer a bar- difficult, because the anode is poisoned by trace
rier to the commercialisationof PEMFCs. The levels of carbon monoxide present in the refor-
reduced metal loadings are clearly compatible mate. Carbon dioxide poisoning and dilution
with the cost targets for stationary power gen- effects also reduce performance. But, even using
eration and are close to the levels required for impure hydrogen and with lowered anode plat-
passenger cars. Indeed, rather than pursuing inum loadings the tolerance to poisoning has
further cost reductions by lowering the elec- been increased. Unsupported platinum black
trode platinum loadings in stacks to the lowest catalyst has been replaced by higher surface area
levels studied in small cells (0.05 mg Pt cm-2), and more poison tolerant PtJRu catalyst sup-
greater attention should be paid to improving ported on Vulcan XC72R, and the catalyst has
cell performance at slightly higher, total MEA been impregnated with the soluble form of the
loadings (about 0.2 to 0.35 mg Pt cm-’ for auto- polymer electrolyte to increase the number of
motive applications, and 0.5 to 1.0 mg Pt cm-* active catalyst sites in the anode.
for stationarypower plants). This would reduce The favoured catalyst for tolerance to both
the cost of all other stack materials and improve carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide is PtJRu
stack efficiencies. at 50:50 atomic per cent (23-25). Wilkinson
Improved cell performance may be achieved and colleagues have confirmed that with PtJRu
by developing electrode structures in which the catalysts a higher catalyst dispersion and an
platinum catalyst is still more efficiently utilised. increased protonic contact between the plat-
Even with the high performances discussed here, inum and the membrane electrolyte improves
there are still performance losses due to oxygen the poison tolerance by increasing the number
and proton diffusion limitations in the electrode of non-poisoned catalyst sites within the anode
structures. Modelling and practical studies have (23). The best results have come from Iwase
indicated that even in the low platinum loading and Kawatsu, who showed that with Pt/Ru
electrodes, only a limited thickness of the cat- anodes containing 0.4 mg Pt cm-’ there is com-
alyst layer is being utilised. LANL have esti- plete tolerance to 100 ppm carbon monoxide
mated this to be as little as 5 pin their struc- in hydrogen, at 80°C and 7 psig (24).
tures (20) and TAMU estimate a 10 pm thick The long term performance of a 4 cell Ballard
active layer for their electrodes (2 1). While this sub-stack, with Johnson MattheyBallard Power
suggests there is scope for maintaining perfor- Systems low platinum loading MEAs is shown
mances as catalyst loadings are reduced - to the in Figure 5 . The MEAs contain PtJRu at 0.25
order of 0.1 mg Pt cm-’ and below - it also mg Pt cm-’ in the anode, Pt at 0.55 mg cm ’
indicates enhanced performance is attainable. on the cathode and Nafion” 117 membrane elec-
trolyte. The stack is operating at a constant cur-
Low Platinum Loading Anodes rent density of 0.4 A cm-’ under typical sta-
for Reformate Operation tionary power plant testing conditions. The
There is no great technical challenge in low- oxidant is air and the reformate fuel contains
ering platinum loadings on anodes operating 70 per cent hydrogen, 25 per cent carbon diox-
with pure hydrogen fuel; anode catalyst load- ide and smaller quantities of other contami-
ings as low as 0.025 mg Pt cm-’ are sufficient nants, including 10 ppm carbon monoxide.
for high current density operation (22). A 2 per cent air bleed was also directly passed
However, for stationary power plant and light into the anode chamber to promote gas-phase

Platinum Metals Rev., 1997, 41, (3) 108





P -
Cell 1

Cell 2

Cell 3 Hydrogen
- - Q - - - Cell

- - O - - - Cell 2
1 Reformate

--A- Cell 3 Reformate

- - - 0 -Cell

4 Reformate
--t Cell 4 Hydrogen

0.4 4 I
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Fig. 5 Durability of low platinum loading MEAs in a 4 cell stack employing Nafione 117 membrane
electrolyte. The stack is operating at 0.4 A cm" under stationary power plant conditionswith air
as oxidant and reformate fuel with a 2 per cent air bleed

oxidation of carbon monoxide to carbon reaction and selective oxidation, a more poison
dioxide (26). Compared with pure hydrogen tolerant anode catalyst may be required for auto-
operation, the loss in performance at a current motive use to achieve high power densities at
density of 0.4 A cm-' is less than 30 mV. This the required platinum loadings.
loss is due principally to the effect of diluting In both applications, an anode catalyst that is
the fuel to 70 per cent. By thus combining the much superior to Pt/Ru would allow lower anode
effects of the intrinsically more poison resistant platinum loadings and put less demand on the
Pt/Ru anode electrocatalyst and a low level air fuel processing system. Ideally, removing or sim-
bleed, tolerance to carbon monoxide and car- plifying the selective oxidation reactor would
bon dioxide poisoning has been achieved. benefit the overall system design, but anode tol-
Significantly, after 3000 hours of continuous erance would need to be increased to a level close
operation an acceptable decay rate of only 4 pV to 1000s of ppm of carbon monoxide. Such
h-' was measured at this current density, see improved anode catalyst tolerance could also be
Figure 5. This durabilityhas now been extended used to eliminate the need for the air bleed, which
to over 5000 hours of reformate operation, the complexity of the system and raises
demonstrating that stable performance can be concerns over safety, heat management and
achieved with reformate fuel using a WRu cat- losses in efficiency because of the possibility of
alyst, even in the presence of an air bleed. hydrogen and oxygen recombining.
At current densities much higher than 0.4 A
cm-' there are performance losses due to the Proton Exchange Membrane
effects of carbon dioxide, which are not over- Electrolytes
come, principally because the poisoning does The most widely used membrane electrolytes
not respond to the air bleed technique. A typ- are based on Nafion@type since these are known
ical loss is 50 mV at 1 A cm-'. This suggests that to offer a long lifetime in aggressive environ-
while these Pt/Ru anode loadings may be accept- ments (50,000 hours). Nafion' is a perfluori-
able for stationary applications where the refor- nated sulfonic acid polymer consisting of a flu-
mate fuel is cleaned by the water-gas shift oropolymer backbone, similar to Teflon, to

Plazinurn Metals Rew., 1997,41, (3) 109

which sulfonic acid groups are chemically compatible with the cost target for this use,
bonded (27). The sulfonic acid groups are fixed particularlywith improved performance. In con-
in position, but the associated protons are free trast, a thinner higher power density membrane,
to provide conduction. These membranes are which may be less durable than the perfluori-
commercially available for around U.S.$ 700 nated sulfonic acid membranes but have an oper-
m-’. Figure 6 shows the performances of a range ating lifetime of 5,000 hours, will probably be
of Nafion‘ membranes and of the experimen- used in passenger cars. Steck has reviewed stud-
tal Dow XUS-13204.10 membrane in a Ballard ies on preparing intrinsically lower cost mem-
Mark V single cell. The electrodes, from Johnson branes, many of which are hydrocarbon based
Mattheymallard Power Systems, have low plat- or partially fluorinated (27). Most do not have
inum loadings. The membrane resistance con- the necessary stability or the low specific resis-
trols the single cell performance in the pseudo- tance shown by NafionRmembranes.
linear region of the plot. The thinner Nafion’
membranes give enhanced performance par- New Ballard and Other Membranes
ticularly at higher current densities (Nafion” Recently Ballard Advanced Materials have
112 > Nafion’ 1 15 > Nafion’ 1 1 7) although the developed a membrane material that is not fully
thinner membranes are less durable and more fluorinated and which may be suitable for auto-
diacult to handle in mass production. The Dow motive applications (3, 27). The membrane
membrane is close to the thickness of Nafion* shows at least equivalent “beginning of life” per-
115, but gives superior performance due to a formance to the Dow XUS-13204.10 and
lower equivalent weight (defined as: gram of Nafion’ 112 membranes in a Ballard Mark V
polymer/mole of sulfonic acid group). single cell, Figure 6, (27). The Ballard mem-
Based on the superior performances of the brane has demonstrated this performance for
Na60nY112 and Dow membranes the electrolyte over 4500 hours - almost suficient for an auto-
costs translate to about U.S.$ 135 k W ‘ at 0.65 motive application (3). Since the preparation of
V and U.S.$230 kW’ at 0.75 V, which is closer this membrane is cheaper and since it produces
to the operating potential of a stationary power more quantitative yields of partially fluorinated
plant. This is perceived to be too costly, par- polymer, it is anticipated that with volume
ticularly for widespread application of PEMFCs demand the membrane costs will be reduced to
in passenger cars. as little as U.S.$50 m-’. This translates to U.S.$
It has been quoted, however, that with an 10 kW-’ at 0.65 V and U.S.$ 17 k W ’ at 0.75
increase in demand of two orders of magnitude V with current performance levels, based on the
- a market of 1 million cars per year - mem- low projected costs with volume demand.
brane costs could be reduced by an order of In an alternative approach to preparing elec-
magnitude (2). But, from a commercial view- trolytes for a wide range of applications, W. L.
point, it is likely that a range of products and Gore & Associates have produced low platinum
suppliers will be necessary to drive the costs loading electrodes and MEAs based on very thin
down, particularly to the levels required for auto- (5 to 40 pm) composite membranes, by impreg-
motive applications. nating a PTFE support with perfluorinated sul-
It is also likely that different membrane elec- fonic acid membrane electrolyte solution. The
trolytes will be employed in automotive and sta- PTFE support is claimed to provide mechani-
tionary power plants. For stationary applica- cal strength and dimensional stability in the thin
tion, where 40,000 hours of operating lifetime membranes (28). Studies at LANL have shown
is required but high power densities are less that these Gore-SelectTM membranes give high
important, a thicker more durable membrane performance both with LANL “thin film” elec-
may be used, for instance a Nafion’ type mem- trodes and Gore’s own cathode, in small (5 cmz
brane which, with cost reductions from volume active area) single cells operating on hydrogen
demand and increased competition, could be and air (28). The performance is not, however,

Platinum Metals Rm., 1997,41, (3) 110

I t Nafion 117 178pm nominally
-s- Nation 115,127 pm nominally
1 0
+ Nation 112, 51 prn nominally

-e- Dew, 125pm nominally

X EAM3G. taken from (27)
> 0.8
0 06


HI. air, 30 30psig, 15 20stoichiometry

0 4
T C ~ at
I 80-C
Internal humiditiutim

1 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1. 0

Fig. 6 Cell potentidcurrent density plots for a range of membrane electrolytes showing the importance
of the membrane thickness and membrane type on performance

as high as projected for a homogeneous Nafione estimated to account for as much as 60 per cent
membrane of similar thickness, since the spe- of present stack costs (29). As the plates are the
cific resistance of the Gore membranes is higher. heaviest and thickest stack components - and
At 0.75 to 0.65 V, power densities of 0.3 to there are over two plates per MEA when addi-
0.5 W cm-’ are generated, similar to the power tional cooling and humidification plates are con-
density produced by existing precommercial sidered - their replacement offers great poten-
stacks. Potential cost savings are still available tial for reductions in stack size and weight. Two
by using these thinner membrane materials. A main approaches to fabricating flow field plates
material cost reduction to around U.S.$100 m-’ are being examined: thin metal plates and com-
for a 20 pm thick membrane, based on the list posite carbon plates; but there is little infor-
price of the membrane electrolyte solution for mation in the literature as much of the work is
the chloroalkali industry, has been quoted (29). industry led. While both approaches could lead
Recently, the performance of Gore MEAs was to cheaper and lighter plates, there are prob-
examined in a 50 cell stack manufactured by lems with maintaining low specific resistances
Energy Partners ( 19). The lower power density in alternative materials. This will require much
than observed in small single cells (0.24 W cm-’ thinner plates to minimise ohmic potential losses,
at 0.6 V) was limited by a few cells. This was particularly for an automotive application.
attributed to difficulty in controlling the water Stainless steel plates have been examined by
content in the MEAs resulting in flooding and ECN (30) and LANL (14), and LANLhave also
gas diffusion limitations at the cathode. investigated metal meshes; in general, cell poten-
tials were lower due to higher contact resistances
Flow Field Plates probably as a result of surface oxide films. LANL
The bipolar plate is the third high-cost com- also noted that the cost of machining the metal
ponent in the fuel cell stack. The machined plates was prohibitively high (14). Several com-
graphite flow field plates currently used are panies are investigating the use of thin metallic

Platinum Metals Rev., 1997, 41, (3) 111

plates fabricated fkom a low cost base metal with sub-system is a major drain on power. Air com-
a thin protective coating to provide the neces- pressors consume 10 to 15 per cent of the fuel
sary stability to oxidation in the fuel cell envi- cell output (2). Consequently there is a trade-
ronment. With such substrates it may be possi- off between improved stack performance at
ble to press or stamp out the flow fields. higher air pressures and the power required
The second approach is to fabricate moulded for compression. A low cost highly efficient air
carbon black-polymer composite flow field compressor is needed. In fact, many groups are
plates. International Fuel Cells hold a patent on developing electrodes, MEAs and stacks that
this concept (31). Thin, flexible graphite sheets function at ambient pressure (3), generally
with flow fields punched or stencilled in place employing passive water and thermal manage-
have also been patented by Ballard (32, 33). ment. Although small ambient pressure systems
are attractive for low power applications it
Remaining Technical Challenges remains to be seen if compact ambient pressure
and A Look Forward systems can be developed for major multi-kilo-
While there has been considerable progress watt applications.
in recent years in reducing the stack costs, a num- The recent progress in developing lower cost
ber of technical challenges remain. Improvements PEMFC stack components has created confi-
in performance are necessary to increase cell effi- dence that the remaining challenges can be suc-
ciency and power density at total MEA loadings cessfully overcome. This view is supported by
of < 0.35 mg Pt cm-' for passenger cars and the increased attention being paid to fuelling
slightly higher for stationary power plants. At and fuel infrastructure issues for vehicle appli-
the cathode, improved oxygen reduction cata- cations. While in the longer term the produc-
lysts and improved cathode designs to utilise tion of hydrogen fuel for PEMFCs from renew-
the platinum catalyst more fully are desirable. able sources, such as solar energy, allied to the
At the anode, besides greater utilisation of the development of more efficient hydrogen stor-
catalyst in improved electrode designs, greater age materials is clearly desirable, early com-
intrinsic catalyst tolerance to carbon monoxide mercialisation will require hydrogen from fossil
and carbon dioxide is needed. fuel sources. There is a major need to produce
The development of membranes which can high performance, compact, fast start up, respon-
operate above 100°C would be of significant sive, and fuel flexible, reformer systems, and
benefit in reducing carbon monoxide poison- Johnson Matthey, besides working to develop
ing, improving the electroche@cal kinetics and lower cost, higher performance catalysts, elec-
mass transport processes in the MEA, and allow- trodes and MEAs, have produced a compact
ing water removal in the vapour phase. A wider (0.25 1) autothermal reformer (Hotspot'") (34).
selection of membrane electrolytesfrom differ- This converts methanol selectively to hydrogen
ent suppliers is needed to reduce costs, partic- to produce a high output per unit volume -
ularly for automotive use. Membranes with resis- 2.5 kW of fuel cell power per litre of reactor -
tances lower than those of NafionO 112 or Dow by a combination of steam reforming and par-
XUS-13204.10, and with low gas transfer rates tial oxidation. Heat transfer between the two
and durability of at least 5000 hours would reactions occurs over microscopic distances
clearly be beneficial for an automotive stack. within the catalyst, avoiding the need for com-
MEAs will have to be manufactured using high plicated heat-exchange engineering. Scale-up
volume technology, and cheaper bipolar plate is achieved by feeding the appropriate number
materials need to be developed. The resultant of individual reactors from a central manifold.
low cost MEAs and flow field plates then have Thus all aspects of fuel cell development are
to demonstrate the required operating lifetimes under intensive investigation and with the sav-
in the advanced stack hardware. ings achieved in the key components successful
Among the stack ancillaries, the air delivery commercialisation is much more certain.

Platinum Met& Rev., 1997, 41, (3) 112

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Platinum Increases Hydrogen Photoproduction

Platinum group metal complexes find exten- and [Pt(bpy)~] (NO& (bpy = 2,2‘-bipyridyl) as
sive use as sensitisers, photocatalysts and photo- photocatalyst in aqueous NEt3 solution.
electrodesin harvesting sunlight to produce elec- When irradiated with light, the system pro-
tricity or hydrogen by the electrolysis of water duced hydrogen with a turnover number of
(1). Hydrogen is usually photoproduced from &:[Pt(bpy)$’ of 490 and maintained this acuv-
water using semiconductors and catalysts, and ity over several cycles. This is thought to be
polymer semiconductors combined with ruthe- related to the ability of the polymer to trap plat-
nium chloride can produce hydrogen effectively. inum as [Pt(bpy)]’+on its surface.
Now scientists from the Tokyo Institute of Referencea
Technology (2) report a photocatalytic system 1 M. Gratzel, Platinum Metals Rev., 1994, 38, (4),
which produces hydrogen from the electroly- 151; M. LDoyle,PlatinumMetaLF Rev., 1996,40,
sis of water using a semiconducting chelating (413 175
n-conjugated polymer poly(2,2‘-bipyridine-5,5’- 2 T. Maruyama and T. Yamamoto, J. Phys. Chem.
diyl), which has a strong affinity towards metals, B, 1997, 101, (19), 3806

Platinum Metals Rev., 1997,41, (3) 113

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