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It is a movie of romantic drama, write based on the book me before you written by jojo moyes;

This was directed by the filmmaker Thea Sharrock in 2016.

the main characters are louisa played by clarke, which is a girl with a cheerful personality,
enthusiastic, loving. She worked at the beginning of a pastry shop to help her family financially.
When she was fired, she found a job as nanny of will interpreted by Claflin, who was a
successful and brilliant man until he suffered a traffic accident where he remained tetraplegic;
from this moment he does not find meaning in life, becoming an hateful and bitter person;Based
on that terrible accident his girlfriend left him and married his best friend, which hurt him more.
At the beginning her relationship with the nanny was bad, however she tried to make him happy,
she finds out that the decision that Will would take with her life and because of this she decides
to help him and thus make him change his mind, she searched the internet, visited several web
pages, read books about activities and therapies for people with similar difficulties
during the next days they had several dates and at the wedding of his ex-girlfriend the patient,
having a relapse. She takes him to a last trip, thinking that with this he would change his mind,
they go to a 5 star hotel, very expensive, with all the services; In this place they fall in love, but
he would not change his mind and asked him if he loved him to accompany him at that moment.
Louisa was in a moral dilemma because she would be defending a suicide, but her love was
greater and fulfilled the will of her beloved. In the end she goes to the place that Will loved
(France) where he read a letter that he wrote before his death, inheriting a sum of money to
make him happy and free

los personajes principales son louisa interpretada por clarke, la cual es una chica con una
personalidad alegre, entusiasta, amorosa. Ella trabajaba al inicio en una pasteleria para ayudar
economicamente a su familia. Al ser despedida ella encuentra un trabajo como niñera de will
interpretado por claflin, el cual era un hombre exitoso y brillante hasta que sufrio un accidente
de transito donde quedo tetraplejico; desde este momento el no le encuentra sentido a la vida,
volviendose persona odiosa. A base de ese terrible accidente su novia lo abandono y se caso
con su mejor amigo, lo cual lo lastimo mas. Al inicio su relacion con la niñera fue mala, sin
embargo ella intentaba que el fuera feliz, ella se entera que la decicion que Will tomaria con su
vida y por esto ella decide ayudarlo y asi hacerlo cambiar de opinion, ella buscaba por internet,
en libros actividades y terapias para personas con dificultades semejantes.

Durante los próximos días tuvieron varias citas y en la boda de su ex novia la paciente, tuvo
una recaída.
Ella lo lleva a un último viaje, pensando que con esto cambiaría de opinión, irían a un hotel de 5
estrellas, muy caro, con todos los servicios; En este lugar se enamoran, pero él no cambiaría
de opinión y le preguntó si lo amaba para que lo acompañara en ese momento.
Louisa estaba en un dilema moral porque estaría defendiendo un suicidio, pero su amor fue
mayor y cumplió la voluntad de su amada.
Al final, ella va al lugar que Will amaba (Francia) donde leyó una carta que escribió antes de su
muerte, heredando una suma de dinero para hacerlo feliz y libre.

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