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08-19-2006, 11:39 AM
moderators, do u think we cud have a thread where we cud discuss all hot current issues, economic
n biz-topics..say the emergence of SEZs and their impact on the economy..n all related queries..? or
do u think it wud be off track for this forum? well,i personally think it wud be a good wud
keep us well informed n i think dats a prerequisite for any CAT aspirant..of course, no irrelevant
issues wud be entertained...:)

For about this one? this question has had me zapped for quite a while now.. " What's
the justification of setting up SEZs in inland places like haryana which have no proximity to ports?
of course, cargo airports are an option but i dont think they serve the purpose fully coz shipping is
the best option anyway..." any answers?

we must not forget that CAT is not all about Quant and RC..;)

c ya...Wavey
08-19-2006, 11:56 AM
Hi Arpita

Good suggestion. However I think we can move this discussion to Exam resource area and can have
a thread on Current Topics only where every week one can pick up a synopsis and debate. and if
this activity picks up we can have a sub forum on Exam resources thread.
08-19-2006, 01:50 PM
Hi Arpita

You raised quite an interesting topic. I think this whole SEZ exercise is quite a futile effort and just a
gimmick of rich to get land at cheaper rates and avoid taxes. Due to this SEZ policy everybody is
shifting his business to SEZ so in real term no new business is happening only business are getting
shifted to particular locations which will only shift employment but not create employment. Further
the flawed govt policies result in an environment where development happens in areas in a flawed
manner.and you rightly pointed out that in a place like Haryana which has quite agriculture land will
convert good land in industrial land rather than using infertile land.
08-21-2006, 03:10 PM
Well said Swati..i agree to wat u say..wats more, wid all those hefty bucks to the order of crores
being invested in these SEZs, i m doubtful as to the returns specially when the planning is so
faulty..i really dont foresee many exporters rushing to SEZs tucked away in those inland locations..
this is either some planned strategy of the govt. to rake in those moolahs or plain lack of
foresight !! but one cant take the fact of all those bucks being blindly invested with a pinch of salt !!

c ya..Wavey
08-21-2006, 03:55 PM
Hi Swati & Arpita

Though what you guys have said looks right but I dont agree with the idea as logically you might
seems to be correct but in practical sense reality is not this.

This SEZs will help in building specialised pools of excellence in particular area as it will encourage
entreprenuers to access those pools the way it has happened in Detroit, Hongkong or if see in India,
look at pharma companies in Ahmedabad or Textile companies in coimbatoore. These area could
have excelled more if some focussed support would have come, and now with SEZs this will come
and help creating employment and will boost indian economy.
09-07-2006, 03:36 PM
well dear friends ,actually setting up sez in remote locations is nothing but a political motivated
strategy involving our own beloved politicians and the industrial giants.well actually our politicians
are playing double game .sez in remote places would increase thier vote banks . this will put extra
burden on the state the same time our corporate world will enjoy tax free zones.all big
industrialists are putting forward this kinda proposal so that they have to pay minimum taxes .
11-25-2006, 05:46 PM
moderators, do u think we cud have a thread where we cud discuss all hot current issues, economic
n biz-topics..say the emergence of SEZs and their impact on the economy..n all related queries..? or
do u think it wud be off track for this forum? well,i personally think it wud be a good wud
keep us well informed n i think dats a prerequisite for any CAT aspirant..of course, no irrelevant
issues wud be entertained...:)

For about this one? this question has had me zapped for quite a while now.. " What's
the justification of setting up SEZs in inland places like haryana which have no proximity to ports?
of course, cargo airports are an option but i dont think they serve the purpose fully coz shipping is
the best option anyway..." any answers?

we must not forget that CAT is not all about Quant and RC..;)

c ya...Wavey

hi h r u buddy. i read ur post regardin SEZ. i think u r much aware of this topic. till now our
government has given clearance to more than 160 sez's & many more in pipeline. farmers are
opposing it coz as per sez policy a land can acquire by firms which are interested in buying only if
that land is not muli-crop land. second thing firms from different area like IT,BPO & even
manufacturing r rushing to book their stalls under sez coz they will get huge tax relaxation under
sez scheme. but manufacturing industry already get tax relaxation at normal level BUT they too r
rushin to grab more benefits which is not goood. gist is there r too many loopholes in the
policy.which our government have to update.
vineet bhalla
01-16-2007, 01:54 PM
Well, the reasons why SEZs are in remote places far away from ports are multiple
1) SEZs arent exclusively a cluster of manufacturing units that need ports for overseas exports --
they can house a design centre or a company, research unit, telecom competency centre,
automotive ancilliary units, agri research units etc. etc. -- THEY DONT NECESSARILY NEED PORTS
2) SEZs are located in remote reasons for the following logic: If the fruits of liberalization need to be
spread wide, then industry and enterprise need to reach out
Its not necessary that the SEZs provide DIRECT employment to the locals. In an economy there are
enough and ample opportunities for society to grow along if there is a growth impetus - who'll
provide land for housing, other services, shops, services etc. - the local economy grows
3) It is located in far off places for precisely the above reason. Plus mostly arid land or those in the
suburban towns (in case of large cities) are selected to spread the reach of the city. There are
unscruplous characters of course ... but letz leave them to the TV channels
4) Of course people are rushing to SEZs -- huge corporations @ that. Please refer to appropriate
data before making blanket assumptions like - 'dont foresee any exporters'. Of course they do so for
tax benefits but then they indulge in innovation and R&D as well thus becoming globally competitive
-- thatz how mahindras buy a tractor firm in the US or Tata Steel buys Corus and NatSteel among
5) Itz NOT ONLY exporters who throng to an SEZ - An SEZ mostly (though not always) is
conceptualized around an intended area of competence, a marketable service, product or skill etc.

Hope this helps. I didnt get into other factors coz then this post would've become huge !!! :-)
01-23-2007, 06:34 PM
well said dude,i think along with direct employment benefits what is more striking is the allied
benefits that a company brings to the people of the region.
1) it tries to out source all the low end jobs thus creating avenues of employment to even not-so-
technically-sound bracket of people.
2)opening of industry infuses cosmopolitanism in the otherwise culturally homogeneous regionand
thus truly become a representative of democratic fabric of the country.
3)It creates newer commercial avenues.take the case of spurt in housing complexes and rent
complexes in jamshedpur.People now a days build homes and give it on rent basis to tenannts,thus
an alternative source of employment.
I have seen the benefits and i am highly optimistic about "SEZ INVOLVEMENT IN FUELLING THE
ECONOMIC GROWTH OF BACKWARD AREAS"Well, the reasons why SEZs are in remote places far
away from ports are multiple
1) SEZs arent exclusively a cluster of manufacturing units that need ports for overseas exports --
they can house a design centre or a company, research unit, telecom competency centre,
automotive ancilliary units, agri research units etc. etc. -- THEY DONT NECESSARILY NEED PORTS
2) SEZs are located in remote reasons for the following logic: If the fruits of liberalization need to be
spread wide, then industry and enterprise need to reach out
Its not necessary that the SEZs provide DIRECT employment to the locals. In an economy there are
enough and ample opportunities for society to grow along if there is a growth impetus - who'll
provide land for housing, other services, shops, services etc. - the local economy grows
3) It is located in far off places for precisely the above reason. Plus mostly arid land or those in the
suburban towns (in case of large cities) are selected to spread the reach of the city. There are
unscruplous characters of course ... but letz leave them to the TV channels
4) Of course people are rushing to SEZs -- huge corporations @ that. Please refer to appropriate
data before making blanket assumptions like - 'dont foresee any exporters'. Of course they do so for
tax benefits but then they indulge in innovation and R&D as well thus becoming globally competitive
-- thatz how mahindras buy a tractor firm in the US or Tata Steel buys Corus and NatSteel among
5) Itz NOT ONLY exporters who throng to an SEZ - An SEZ mostly (though not always) is
conceptualized around an intended area of competence, a marketable service, product or skill etc.

Hope this helps. I didnt get into other factors coz then this post would've become huge !!! :-)
01-23-2007, 06:39 PM
I invite your ideas in this topic of great importance.PLZ REPLY......moderators, do u think we cud
have a thread where we cud discuss all hot current issues, economic n biz-topics..say the
emergence of SEZs and their impact on the economy..n all related queries..? or do u think it wud be
off track for this forum? well,i personally think it wud be a good wud keep us well informed
n i think dats a prerequisite for any CAT aspirant..of course, no irrelevant issues wud be

For about this one? this question has had me zapped for quite a while now.. " What's
the justification of setting up SEZs in inland places like haryana which have no proximity to ports?
of course, cargo airports are an option but i dont think they serve the purpose fully coz shipping is
the best option anyway..." any answers?

we must not forget that CAT is not all about Quant and RC..;)

c ya...Wavey
05-29-2007, 09:54 AM
moderators, do u think we cud have a thread where we cud discuss all hot current issues, economic
n biz-topics..say the emergence of SEZs and their impact on the economy..n all related queries..? or
do u think it wud be off track for this forum? well,i personally think it wud be a good wud
keep us well informed n i think dats a prerequisite for any CAT aspirant..of course, no irrelevant
issues wud be entertained...:)

For about this one? this question has had me zapped for quite a while now.. " What's
the justification of setting up SEZs in inland places like haryana which have no proximity to ports?
of course, cargo airports are an option but i dont think they serve the purpose fully coz shipping is
the best option anyway..." any answers?

we must not forget that CAT is not all about Quant and RC..;)

c ya...Wavey

hello arpita u ask a very genuine question but the problem is not with its implementation in remote
areas but the main problem reside in the way the
govt. forced it on to the inhabients. so in literal vein it is not seems prudent to take over the fertile
land on the account of industeralization
06-01-2007, 11:03 AM
new topic is

""""indias GDP growth and its impact on forex market"""

all the best



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Is coalition politics here to stay?
• Secrets of a Selling CV
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following points could be discussed under this topic: • Ten Tips for Writing CV

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e of coalition politics. Indecisiveness of elections. No particular party
ing the peoples mandate. Advantage of coalition politics in enabling
tion of government. Flipside of coalition politics- a party with a
ul of seats become powerful. Government falls before tenure. Fresh
ons each time. Suggest a way out of this problem, for e.g.: once a party
es support to a coalition, it will not withdraw its support until it has
ed a governments performance for at least three years...etc The future
it only have coalitions ,emerging political trends...etc...

Does India need a dictator?

following points could be discussed under this topic:

urrent political structure. Drawbacks of it. Bureaucracy, layers in

on making, anarchy. Dictatorship would mean centralized power and
decision making. But, country run on whims and fancies of an
dual. Freedom on individuals could be clamped..etc....Present a
ced argument for and against and take up your position on the issue.

Is India moving away from a secularist state?

following points could be discussed under this topic:

e secularism.Constitution calls our country such a state, but how things

changed over the last 50 years.Spread of nationalism. Division into
ity and minority groups-e.g. benefits given to minority groups
ved as a threat by others. Role of non-tolerant neighbors in fuelling
mentalism. It is a passing phenomenon. We have the national character
vercome this....Points along these lines can be discussed.
Education in India-or the lack of it.

following points could be discussed under this topic:

ss current education system. Discuss our sociological structure.Poverty

forces kids to drop out to supplement family income.Vicious circle-
ty due to lack of education and vice versa.Suggest solutions to get out
s-for e.g., governments are doing a commendable job with the midday
schemes but we need more of such efforts. Going down further , why
t it to government alone? why cant private people, NGOs and other
tary bodies come forward to do the same? How about tapping
rate funds for such causes .....etc.....

What ails Indian sports?

following points could be discussed under this topic:

ion of 950 million, we fail to produce great champions barring the

onal Vishwanathan Anand or Geet Sethi. Sports system steeped in
ucracy. Overriding popularity of cricket leading to neglect in other
.Traditionally , sports not accorded much importance by us as a career.
to develop sports from the primary school level-"catch em young".
us incentives to be given to budding sportsmen like academic credits,
in lieu of a few other subjects etc. Development of sports
tructure, making it amenable and affordable...etc.....


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2. Does banning fashion shows and New Year
parties save our culture?
if you mean indian culture, i don't see how it would...unless you also plan to get every western attire,

product,movies, music etc. banned too..

1 week ago - Report Abuse

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by Answerer 1 1 week ago

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Answerer as to my view fashion is just an exposure of your talent and beauty and if we look into the past
2 like Draupadi, Sita, Sanyogita`s beauty is described in most exaggerated way. Coming back to
culture, how many uncensored and censored movies and stories get released or published that

do not affect our culture. The suggestive and compromising posters are if anything to be

condemned as they come onto your eyes when you drive on roads in towns and cities.well it is

a true fact that our beauty queen live up to the expectations of this great country and keep up

the glory of this country.

4 days ago - Report Abuse

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