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Who’s who in GWRRA

GWRRA President,
Directors of GWRRA
Anita Alkire
800-843-9460 Goodman
and Sherry
Director of GWRRA,
Jere&Sherry Goodman
Director's Assistant
Renee Wasluck
David & Bonnie Bolster
NH Asst.District
David & Bonnie
Ron & Susie Bolster
603-562-7288(Ron) 562-4813(Susie)
Assistant District Director’s
NH Asst. and
George District Director,
Pat Parizo
District Educator,
Ron & Susie Black
Dick 562-4813(Susie)
DIRECTOR’S NOTES; VT978-496-4363
Assistant District Director’s
George and
Assistant Pat Parizo
District Educator,
Bruce Luhrs
Q2 2020 District Newsletter Bruce University
District Coordinator,
It is a bit sad to think that next week we would have all District University Coordinator,
Doug Melanson
been getting together in Rutland for the 2020 New England Doug Melanson
District Treasurer,
Districts Rally. Regrettably, as you know, we were forced to District Treasurer,
Julie Bernier
Julie Bernier
District Membership Enhancement Coordinator,
cancel the rally due to Covid-19. District Membership Enhancement Coordinator,
Since then, WINGDING and most recently AMERICADE Don Clarke​
Don Clarke​
District MFA (Medic First Aid)
were also cancelled. District MFA (Medic First Aid)
Meri Hirtle
Back in March, we were all hoping that the virus would Meri Hirtle
District Webmaster, Newsletter Editor,
be under control by the summer, however many states are seeing District Webmaster,
Bill Bascom Newsletter Editor,
Bill Bascom
spikes in the number of Covid-19 cases.
Here in the NH-VT District, some of us are still working from home or are furloughed from work.
Many chapters cannot hold their get-togethers at their regular sites due to location closures or social
gathering restrictions. SO…we’ve had to make a “few” adjustments. Some chapters are using ZOOM
to hold virtual meetings. Some are meeting at dine-outs and some are holding their gatherings before
they go out for a ride.
The GOOD NEWS is that it is easy to social distance on a Goldwing…or ANY
MOTORCYCLE! And there are plenty of rides on the NH-VT Chapter Ride Calendar. Just check out
the District TEAMUP calendar!
If you don’t have the TEAMUP app downloaded on your cell phone, you can find the calendar
on the District website,

On April 25th, the NH/VT District held a fun evening of ZOOM Virtual “WINGO”. Good
turnout...We had a total of 31 folks on the call.  Not too bad for our first District try at ZOOM. Laurie
Barnett of VT-K called the first WINGO of the night and won a $10.00 gas card. There were two
winners for the second game, Bill Bascom of NH-E and Deb Smith of NH-A. A $25.00 gas card was
given to each of them. Carole Sheehan, Chapter Director of NH-G won the cover-all game and was
presented with a $50.00 gas card. After the cover-all was “officially” won, we pulled additional
numbers and presented three additional $10.00 gas cards to Deb Melanson, Liz Paszko, and John
Paszko, all of NH-A.

May 16th, NH-G had a ZOOM gathering followed by a fun time playing WINGO. There was a
GREAT turnout from NH and VT chapters and our friends from National, Tom and Renee Wasluck and
Dan and Mary Costello. The Bolster’s luck WAS NOT in the cards but we had a great time playing and
it was wonderful seeing so many GWRRA friends.
We joined NH-E for their gathering at High Tide in Hillsborough, NH on May 31st. After a great lunch,
we set off on a ride on backroads and stopped for ice cream at Charley’s. No better way to end a ride
than with ice cream!!!

Took a ride to VT-A’s gathering on June 6th. Mike Vaillancourt from NH-G joined us on the
ride. The gathering was held at the home of VT-A Chapter Directors, Chris and Carolle Fish. When
we got to the gathering, Carole Sheehan, NH-G Chapter Director, was also there. She joined us for the
ride home. Recently heard the news that Chris and Carolle Fish have become the proud owners of
Win’s Trikes. The shop has moved to their house located at 101 Duke Lane, Pittsford, VT 05763.
Hours are Monday through Friday 9am to 3pm appointment is highly recommended. Their focus is on
(Mototrike installs) and some service work. Email:
Website: Congrats to Chris and Carolle on this exciting new adventure.
We got a late start on June 7th but caught up with NH-G at Kimball’s in Jaffrey NH for lunch on
their ride to Cathedral in the Pines. While we missed the visit to the Cathedral, we enjoyed a ride lead
by Gary and Sandy Williams from Kimball’s in Jaffrey to High Tide in Hillsborough. (YES…you
guessed it, ICE CREAM stop at the High Tide!
I am sure you are sensing a “theme” here.)

On June 26th, Bonnie planned a ride to Randolph, NH to visit the memorial for the Fallen 7 of
the Jarheads Motorcycle Club. NH-A members Chris Christensen, Scott Smith, Finn and Gitte Nielsen,
and Jon Bolster joined us for the ride. The memorial sculpture depicts the five bikes of the Fallen 7.
The motorcycles are “without” riders, the riders and passengers have been replaced with a single or
double pair of wings. The memorial is a moving tribute to the seven motorcyclist that lost their lives a
year ago. While beautiful to see, the sculpture certainly stirs your emotions while remembering those
who were lost.

NH-A held their annual BUG RUN on June 26th. Harry and Cheryl Krehbiel hosted the event at
their home. In a Bug Run, you ride a pre-determined course. A target is placed somewhere on your
motorcycle and the object is to have as many bugs hit the target as possible during the ride. The winner
of the NH-A Bug Run gets the BEAUTIFUL Bug Run trophy to display in their home for the year! As
the winner of the Bug Run last year, sadly, I had to relinquish the trophy to the 2020 Bug Run
champion, Kelly Smith. Congrats to Kelly! (Bonnie did not seem as sad to see the trophy go as I was!)
A special thanks to Harry for planning a great ride for the run!

So while some things are a bit different than previous summers, the thing that has NOT changed
is WE LOVE TO RIDE! But remember to be smart, social distance, and use a mask when necessary.
SUMMER IS FLYING BY…don’t leave your motorcycle parked in the garage! Get out and ride!

Warm Wing Wishes,

David & Bonnie Bolster
GWRRA NH/VT District Directors
Check out this video link, MY MOM’S MOTORCYCLE, how a young man’s passion becomes
his mother’s! 
We are saddened to announce the recent loss of two of our GWRRA family.
On Friday, July 3rd, Dick Dragon suffered a stroke and was hospitalized. Sadly, he passed away on
Sunday morning July 5th. Dick was a resident of Canterbury, NH and was a former member of NH-A.
Dick was also a member of the Knights of Columbus, and the Horace Chase Masonic Lodge in
Linda Allard, a longtime member of NH-G, passed away peacefully at Concord Hospital on July 7th.
Linda had a wonderful smile. She enjoyed being the co-rider with her husband, Phil and riding their
Goldwing trike that they recently got. Linda loved to talk about her grandchildren and great grandson.
We remember how excited Linda would get at the auctions at the NH-G Christmas party,
ESPECIALLY when she won!
Dick and Linda, both of you will truly be missed. Thank you for sharing such wonderful memories
with us. ♥

Goodbyes are not forever.

Goodbyes are not the end.
They simply mean we’ll miss you;
Until we meet again.

NH Assistant District Director's Notes;

Hello GWRRA Members,

I hope everyone is well and have a chance to ride.
On May31st NH-E had our Get Together at High Tide Takeout. We had a great turn out
with 26 people. We rode some nice back roads to get to Charlies Olde Tyme Creamery for Ice Cream.
Thank You to all the support from the GWRRA Family.
With the Covid-19 Please use caution take care of yourselves and Family.
It was great to see Bob & Hazel Young after a long winter and Quarenteen. Bob and Hazel
gave us photo albums from the past years with NH-E. These are available if you would like to see
them. Thank You Bob and Hazel.
Bill Bascom will lead a ride from High Tide TakeOut on Saturday July 25,2020. We will get ice
11:00 am at High Tide in Hillsboro,NH.
Please stay safe out there and ride safe.
Ron & Susie Black
NH-E Chapter Directors
NH Assistant District Directors
(603)562-7288 Ron
(603)562-4813 Susie
From VT-A;
VT A July and August gathering are combined and will be on July 25 at 1 pm at Ron and Patty
Clark's. If raining it will be at Carolle and Chris's place.

Carolle and Chris have taken over Wins Trikes and Bike's. It will be under (Wins Trikes) at
101 Duke Lane, Pittsford, VT 05763. 207-745-6835. Email:
Thank you ride far and be safe.
Training Update from the District University Coordinator

Doug Melanson
Phone: 603-560-4738

Restrictions due to the COVID-19 health crisis continue to hamper our ability to provide
instructor-led, in-person training. Starting in mid-March, all scheduled training activities hosted by our
NH-VT District had to be cancelled and we are unable to schedule any in-person classes until further
notice from the GWRRA Home Office. This includes Rider Ed classes and Medic First Aid classes in
addition to GWRRA University classes.
As a reminder, however, GWRRA University continues to offer classes by video conferencing
(ZOOM), and the offerings scheduled for July have been posted to the GWRRA University website.
These classes delivered through ZOOM calls have been very successful and well attended. This is a
great way to continue learning while we are still restricted from delivering in-person classes. To see the
list of classes offered and the schedule, check the Online Class Calendar on the GWRRA University
website found at To take an online class, remember to
preregister on-line on the University website:
Regarding the Medic First Aid program, all of GWRRA stopped presenting Medic First Aid
classes in March of this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. At that time only one MFA class had
been presented in the NH-VT district in 2020. Now that many states are starting to “open up” again,
Medic First Aid recently released “New In-Person training guidelines” which are meant to deal with
training during the crisis, however, after review of the new guidelines by the Area MFA Coordinators
and MFA Instructor-Trainers, it was decided by our National Director, Laurel Kuehl, to continue the
suspension of classes in GWRRA until further notice. This is largely due to the onerous restrictions
we’d be required to comply with and the associated high costs we’d incur to deliver the training under
these new guidelines. GWRRA has assured all members that nobody’s status in the Levels Program
will be affected by the suspension of classes due to the pandemic. As previously reported, any current
Member participating in the GWRRA Rider Education Levels Program with a MEDIC FIRST AID®
(MFA) or alternative FA/CPR with an expiration on or after January 1st, 2020 is being granted a grace
period until further notice. You will be considered “current” in your level even if your CPR/First
Aid course expired during this crisis.
Ride safe and stay healthy!
NH-VT District
Rider Education
Q2 Quarterly Update
July 5, 2020

A summary of our District’s Rider Education Levels

Program happenings and status. Safety & Knowledge
 Safe Riding
Between April 1st and June 30th, the following members “leveled up”:
 Co-Rider Seminar attendees: 7
o Bill Bascom, David & Bonnie Bolster, Lynne Christensen,
o Martin & Tara Koechel, Bruce Luhrs
 New Level I Riders/Co-Riders: 2
o Martin & Tara Koechel, NH-A
 New Level IV Master Tour Riders/Co-Riders: 3
o John & Carole Sheehan, NH-G; Doug Melanson, NH-A

The following District Educator articles were submitted to the NH-VT Chapters’ newsletters:
 April: When certificates expire, ATGATT, Shiny-Side-Up exercise #7: Straight Slow Speed Riding
 May: Safe riding reading list, Shiny-Side-Up exercise #13: Turn-out, Pull-Away
 June: Rider Education achievements, Shiny-Side-Up exercise #11: Stopping Quickly

NH-VT District - Q2 Levels Summary* These numbers are based on the Levels
Information Reports from the GWRRA
Levels Summary       Rider Education Levels Database.
Level: Current Expired Total
31 -
* Any omissions or calculation errors are
Level I - 31
mine. There’s also a lot of variability and
Level II 0 0 8 8
some inconsistencies in the sources
Level III 6 0 11 17
used for this data.
Level IV (M,SM,GM,LGM) 7 1 19 27
Totals: 44 1 38 83
First-Aid/CPR 39 0 39 78

See Notes 3 & 4 below regarding grace period extensions for those expired or expiring Levels or First-Aid/CPR
The following table can be used to look at the District’s Level’s Participation & Training Needs:

  Members     ARC/ERC     TRC    

District #-ARL #-RiderDB #-Levels Current Expired Total Current Expired Total
NH-VT 285 115 83 29 20 58 10 11 21

Looking at these numbers:

1. Members who are listed in the Rider Education database but aren’t participating in the Levels program
should be encouraged to sign up

2. The current status of those already participating in the Levels Program should be reviewed. Additional
training or recording their current Safe Miles could qualify them to advance to a higher level

3. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic restrictions, ARC, TRC, CRS and Level certificates that have expired,
or will expire on or after January 1st, 2020, are granted a grace period that has been extended until
December 31st, 2020.

4. MFA First Aid/CPR certifications that expire after January 1st, 2020 are being granted a grace period until
further notice (except for Rider Course Instructors)

5. The GWRRA University has been offering the 101-02 Co-Rider Seminar on-line
6. The Co-Rider Seminar, is necessary for Co-Riders to advance to Level II and beyond. The Medic
FA/CPR courses are required for Riders and Co-Riders to advance to Level III and IV. Both are
frequently offered by the District’s instructors. There are currently 4 MFA and 5 active University
Instructors in the NH-VT District.

7. ARC & TRC Rider Courses are required for Riders to advance to Level II and beyond. Rider Courses
are offered locally by GWRRA Instructors, once a year at Wing Ding and at other District Rallies. (Due to
the COVID-19 Pandemic restrictions, the offering of Rider Courses is uncertain for 2020).

Heat exhaustion is a heat-related illness that can occur after you’ve been exposed to high
temperatures, and it often is accompanied by dehydration. There are two types of heat exhaustion:

 Water depletion. Signs include excessive thirst, weakness, headache, and loss of consciousness.
 Salt depletion. Signs include nausea and vomiting, muscle cramps, and dizziness.

Although heat exhaustion isn’t as serious as heat stroke, it isn’t something to be taken lightly. Without
proper intervention, heat exhaustion can progress to heat stroke, which can damage the brain and other
vital organs, and even cause death. The most common signs and symptoms of include:

 Confusion
 Dark-colored urine (a sign of dehydration)
 Dizziness
 Fainting
 Fatigue
 Headache
 Muscle or abdominal cramps
 Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
 Pale skin
 Profuse sweating
 Rapid heartbeat
Treatment for Heat Exhaustion
If you, or anyone else, has symptoms of heat exhaustion, it’s essential to immediately get out of the
heat and rest, preferably in an air-conditioned room. If you can’t get inside, try to find the nearest cool
and shady place. Other recommended strategies include:

 Drink plenty of fluids, especially sports drinks to replace lost salt (avoid caffeine and alcohol).
 Remove any tight or unnecessary clothing.
 Take a cool shower, bath, or sponge bath.
 Apply other cooling measures such as fans or ice towels.

If such measures fail to provide relief within 15 minutes, seek emergency medical help, because
untreated heat exhaustion can progress to heat stroke.

After you’ve recovered from heat exhaustion, you’ll probably be more sensitive to high temperatures
during the following week. It’s best to avoid hot weather and heavy exercise until your doctor tells you
that it’s safe to resume your normal activities.

Risk Factors for Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion is strongly related to the heat index, which is a measurement of how hot you feel when
the effects of relative humidity and air temperature are combined. A relative humidity of 60% or more
hampers sweat evaporation, which hinders your body’s ability to cool itself.

The risk of heat-related illness dramatically increases when the heat index climbs to 90 degrees or
more. It’s important -- especially during heat waves -- to pay attention to the reported heat index, and
also to remember that the heat index is even higher when you are standing in full sunshine.

Heat stroke is the most serious form of heat injury and is considered a medical emergency. If you
suspect that someone has heat stroke, also known as sunstroke, call 911 immediately and give first aid
until paramedics arrive. Heat stroke can kill or cause damage to the brain and other internal organs.
Although heat stroke mainly affects people over age 50, it also takes a toll on healthy young athletes.

High-risk groups include people of any age who don’t drink enough water, have chronic diseases, or
who drink excessive amounts of alcohol. Heat stroke often occurs as a progression from milder heat-
related illnesses such as heat cramps, heat syncope (fainting), and heat exhaustion. But it can strike
even if you have no previous signs of heat injury.

Heat stroke is strongly related to the heat index, which is a measurement of how hot you feel when the
effects of relative humidity and air temperature are combined. A relative humidity of 60% or more
hampers sweat evaporation, which hinders your body’s ability to cool itself.
The risk of heat-related illness dramatically increases when the heat index climbs to 90 degrees or
more. So, it’s important, especially during heat waves, to pay attention to the reported heat index, and
also to remember that exposure to full sunshine can increase the reported heat index by 15 degrees.

Heat stroke results from prolonged exposure to high temperature, usually in combination with
dehydration, which leads to failure of the body’s temperature control system. The medical definition of
heat stroke is a core body temperature greater than 104 degrees Fahrenheit, with complications
involving the central nervous system that occur after exposure to high temperatures.

Symptoms of Heat Stroke

 Throbbing headache
 Dizziness and light-headedness
 Lack of sweating despite the heat
 Red, hot, and dry skin
 Muscle weakness or cramps
 Nausea and vomiting
 Rapid heartbeat, which may be either strong or weak
 Rapid, shallow breathing
 Behavioral changes such as confusion, disorientation, or staggering
 Seizures
 Unconsciousness

First Aid for Heat Stroke

While waiting for the paramedics to arrive, initiate first aid. Move the person to an air-conditioned
environment – or at least a cool, shady area and remove any unnecessary clothing. If possible, take the
person’s core body temperature and initiate first aid to cool it to 101 to 102 degrees Fahrenheit. (If no
thermometers are available, don’t hesitate to initiate first aid.)

Cooling strategies:

 Fan air over the patient while wetting his or her skin with water from a sponge or garden hose.
 Apply ice packs to the patient’s armpits, groin, neck, and back. Because these areas are rich with
blood vessels close to the skin, cooling them may reduce body temperature.
 Immerse the patient in a shower or tub of cool water.
 If the person is young and heathy and suffered heat stroke while exercising vigorously, what’s
known as exertional heat stroke, you can use an ice bath to help cool the body. Do not use ice for
older patients, young children, patients with chronic illness, or anyone whose heat stroke occurred
without vigorous exercise. Doing so can be dangerous.
 If emergency response is delayed, call the hospital emergency room for additional instructions.

Preventing Heat Stroke

When the heat index is high, it’s best to stay in an airconditioned environment. If you must go
outdoors, you can prevent heat stroke by taking these steps:

 Wear lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothing, and a wide-brimmed hat.

 Use a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or more.
 Drink extra fluids. To prevent dehydration, it’s generally recommended to drink at least eight
glasses of water, fruit juice, or vegetable juice per day. Because heat related illness also can result
from salt depletion, it may be advisable to substitute an electrolyte-rich sports drink for water
during periods of extreme heat and humidity.
 Take additional precautions when exercising or working outdoors. The general recommendation is
to drink 24 ounces of fluid two hours before exercise, and consider adding another 8 ounces of
water or sports drink right before exercise. During exercise, you should consume another 8 ounces
of water every 20 minutes, even if you don’t feel thirsty.
 Reschedule or cancel outdoor activity. If possible, shift your time outdoors to the coolest times of
the day, either early morning or after sunset.

Other strategies for preventing heat stroke include:

 Monitoring the color of your urine. Darker urine is a sign of dehydration. Be sure to drink enough
fluids to maintain very light-colored urine.
 Measuring your weight before and after physical activity. Monitoring lost water weight can help
you determine how much fluid you need to drink.
 Avoid fluids containing caffeine or alcohol, because both substances can make you lose more
fluids and worsen heat-related illness. Also, do not take salt tablets unless your doctor has told you
to do so. The easiest and safest way to replace salt and other electrolytes during heat waves is to
drink sports beverages or fruit juice.

Check with your doctor before increasing liquid intake if you have epilepsy or heart, kidney, or liver
disease; are on fluid-restricted diets; or have a problem with fluid retention. After you’ve recovered
from heat stroke, you’ll probably be more sensitive to high temperatures during the following week.
It’s best to avoid hot weather and heavy exercise until your doctor tells you that it’s safe to resume your
normal activities.

District Webmaster & Newsletter Editor:

Hope you enjoy the NH-VT District's “NEW” Web site and the Newsletter.
New site can be found at

If you have anything you want added to either, or needs correcting, feel free to email me at

This Newsletter is chuck full of “Link’s:, can you find them?


NH/VT Calendar
NH/VT District Calendar shows events for all 4 NH Chapters & 2 VT
It can be found at
Please sign up for email alerts for new/edited or canceled events!
*NOTE; Monthly Gatherings may change times and places.. so be sure to
check the Calendar!

* You can now set it up to get event “Reminders”.

NH Chapter's
Chapter A-
Chapter NH-A meets monthly, (except December) Wingate Hall, Bethany Chapel
54 Newbury Road , Manchester, NH 03103 at 7:00 PM on the third Friday of the
Chapter E-
MONTHLY GATHERING Last Sunday of the Month @12pm at Emma's 321 Pub &
Kitchen . 377 US Route 202 Rindge,NH 03461

Chapter G-
Monthly Gathering 2nd Sunday of the month, @ Greenside Restaurant (Lochmere
Golf Course) 8AM Breakfast / 9 AM Meeting

Chapter T-
TIME AND LOCATION TO BE ANNOUNCED, Contact David & Bonnie Bolster for more
information @

VT Chapter’s
Chapter A-
VT-A meets on the 1st Saturday of each month
Location & time to be announced..
Check the calendar
Chapter K-
Our monthly meetings are normally held on the first Sunday of the month at 1PM
at Zachary's Pizza in South Burlington, VT.
Summer meetings have been held Saturday mornings at a different location.

To see NH/VT District Classifieds, go to

If you have an item you want posted/edited/removed on the District’s classified page let
me know at
WHEN: August 7th – August 9th, 2020 TO RESERVE:
WHERE: The Lakefront Inn & Motel • Call Direct 802-723-6507
127 Cross Street • Room Block under Carole Sheehan /
Island Pond, VT 05846 Gold Wing Road Riders (GWRRA NH-G)


 Group Ride up Friday, August 7th (or ride on your own)
 Dinner – On your own. There are several restaurants in the area.
 Friday Night Free Music on the Pavilion

 Saturday Group Ride, August 8 th

 Group Dinner – We will make a reservation at a restaurant as a group.
Each party will be responsible for their own check, or do your own
 Games in the Party Suite

 Sunday Group Ride Home, August 9th (or ride on your own)

More details about ride schedules will be published at a later date.

Joint Group

Put together a ride for your group and have it end at

Bill & Dee Bascom
11 Bellic St, Claremont, NH
For a cook-out
Aug 29th@1pm
Food and drinks provided at $10 per person..
*Proceeds to go to area food banks.*
50/25/25..$5 per chance
(50% to winner, 25% to each group)

PLEASE RSVP for cook-out by Aug 22nd
* OPEN to ANY GWRRA or RVRR Member*
and Guest

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