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Universal Worklist

Universal Worklist (UWL) is an application in the UT Administrative Portal

(UTAP) that merges work items and other forms of information from various
administrative applications.

Work items are tasks that you need to execute to perform functions such as
approving an Employee Pay Change E-form, approving an E-Recruiting
Candidate to be Hired or resubmitting a rejected IRIS transaction.

Work item selected Work Item

for execution Status

Task preview

Refreshing the Universal Worklist

• The list of work items is automatically refreshed approximately every sixty
• If it has been a while since the list was refreshed, you may see a message
like the one circled in red above that states, “The list of items shown here
could be outdated. Waiting for update”.
• To refresh the worklist, click on the icon (shown boxed in red above)
immediately to the right of the Show Filters and Hide Preview links. Then
select Refresh from the popup window that appears as shown below.

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Universal Worklist

Sorting Items in the Universal Worklist

• Work items within your UWL inbox are by default sorted by creation date
with the most recent items at the top.
• To sort the list by the values in any column, click on the name of the
column that you wish to sort by.
• Click on the little triangles to the right of the column name to change
from ascending to descending sort sequence.

Navigating the Universal Worklist

If you have more work items than will fit on one page, you can page forward and
backward through the list using the toolbar beneath the worklist, shown below.

- return to the top of the list

- page backward
- go up one line
- go down one line
- page forward
- go to the bottom of the list

You can also go directly to a particular row number by typing the number in the
Row field (e.g., 11 shown above).

Acting on Items in the Universal Worklist

• Click on the selection box to the left of a work item line to select that
work item. The selected work item is then highlighted and information
about it is displayed in the preview area of the Universal Worklist near the
bottom of the screen. For example, the top work item shown below has
been selected.

• When a work item is selected, it becomes the object on which subsequent

buttons, like those shown below, operate.

• You can execute a work item in either of two ways:

o Click on its underlined Subject link (e.g., Contract 8000000091 for
$30,000.00 in the example above).
o Click on the selection box beside the work item to select it, and
then click on the Open Task button found at the bottom of the task
preview area (circled in red above).

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Universal Worklist

• You can forward a work item to another user in one of two ways:
o Click on the icon immediately following the underlined task
subject and select Forward within the small window that appears.
o Click on the selection box to the left of the work item line to select it,
and then click on the Forward button found at the bottom of the task
preview area (circled in red below).

• If you reserve a work item, no other approvers with whom you may share
approval responsibility can see that work item. Work items in this situation
have a status of In Progress. Two actions will reserve a work item:
o Execute the work item.
o Click on the Assign to Me button found at the bottom of the task
preview area (circled in red below).

• You must replace a work item that has been reserved before other
approvers can see it again. After it has been replaced, the status of the
work item will return to New. To replace a work item, click on the Cancel
Assignment button found at the bottom of the task preview area (circled in
red below).

• The Resubmit button removes the work item from your UWL Inbox for one
week before returning it. It is recommended that you avoid using this

Preview Area of the Universal Worklist

The preview area of the Universal Worklist is located near the bottom of the
screen and contains specific information about the selected work item. It may
contain an attachment link that refers to the subject of the work item (e.g.,
Employee 10301865 circled in red below). Click on this link to see more
information about the Employee, Requisition, etc.

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Universal Worklist

Substitute Approvers and the Universal Worklist

If you are a substitute for another approver and want to work with substitutions,
click on the icon (shown boxed in red below) immediately to the right of the
Show Filters and Hide Preview links. Then select Manage Substitution Rules
from the popup window that appears as shown below.

The Manage Substitution Rules popup window will appear as shown below. Use
this window to:
• View and manage your task substitution rules.
• Make an assignee receive your tasks.
• Set an assignee to fill in for you (e.g., if you are unexpectedly absent).
• Create several substitution rules to cover all cases.
• See other users’ substitution rules involving you.
• Take over another user’s tasks (if the user has allowed you to “fill in”).

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