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Howlong have you

worked in banking?
Twenty years. Five
at Bank Boston, five
at JP Morgan, and
ten at Citi.
What positions have
you held at Citi?
Istarted as a Relationship
Manager, then became a
Team Leader. Afterwards, I
became a Senior Credit
Officer and now have been
a Division Director for the
past 2 years.
Describe your current
 I’mresponsible for the
segment that provides
loans to mid and large cap
companies in the Sao Paulo
region. Our share of wallet
is_____, our revenues
Whatis your chief
strength and chief
I have the ability to connect
different people in various related
segments to better perform as an
integrated and efficient team.

 I’vealways been very results

driven and in the past, I used to
take on too many tasks. However,
I've been learning to delegate
more and focus on my core
Give an example of
when you dealt with
a crisis situation?
 During the economic crisis we
were losing a lot of revenue. So
we focused on our top 20% of
clients in revenues and through
cross-selling, managed to break
even. Eventually, we even
increased revenues despite the
uncertain economy.
Why are you interested
in this position?
 Thisposition is the next logical
step in my career path. My past
experience in_____and skills
in_____ make me a good match
for this position.

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