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How to Avoid Being Perceived as Lower Class when Doing Business in America

G. Smith, March, 2017

Being perceived as polite is necessary for you to be liked and respected in Business. Here are some tips to be
perceived as cultured while doing business in the US.

1. Public Health Etiquette: Higher class Americans value health safety. It's
important to cover your mouth when you cough, sneeze, or yawn. Not doing so will
make you look uneducated and look like a public health danger.

2. Elevator Etiquette: Higher class Americans value space and order.

Allow people to exit the elevator (metro train or any exit) before you enter.
Move to the back of the elevator and stand as far from people as possible.
Face the front door of the elevator and don't stare at people.
Don't hold the elevator door open unless the elevator is relatively empty.
Don't block people from exiting the elevator.

3. Business Email Etiquette: Higher class Americans value time. Respond to emails
that are important on the same day. Americans often prefer email to phone calls or in
person meetings because it saves time. They usually expect a response on same day.

4. Meeting Etiquette: Higher class Americans value their time. Be on time to meetings
whether your are a service provider or a client and end the meetings on time.
Also, interrupting meetings with cell phone usage or noises shows disrespect. Finally, it
is perceived as low class to cancel a meeting without at least a day's notice.

5. Restaurant Etiquette: Most higher class Americans value space and silence.
When a restaurant is relatively empty, choose to sit further away from the people
already at the restaurant; don't sit at the table next to them. Also, don't have loud
conversations on cell phones. Turn off cell phone sounds in any public meeting
place, and don't put cell phones on the meal table.

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