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Name : Dhea Agustin

Class : 2 NB

The Tourist Destinations in Kediri That Must be Visited

East Java Province has many cities with attractive tourism potential. One of them is
Kediri City. The regency, which is located 130 km southwest of Surabaya, has a long history,
just call the story of Ken Arok and Ken Dedes who also came from here. Yep, the third
largest city in East Java is known as the center of the sugar and cigarette industry. Even so,
Kediri also stores many cool tourist attractions that you must visit. What are the tourist
attractions in Kediri? Come on, just consider the following review.
Enjoy the Panorama of Kediri City from the Above Mount Kelud Mount Kelud is the
most active volcano in Indonesia besides Mount Merapi in Yogyakarta. The last time, this
mountain erupted in 2014 ago. Until now, many tourists have seen this mountain because the
scenery is beautiful and beautiful. The tourists who come to this mountain are not only
climbers, but also ordinary tourists. You can reach the height of this mountain by using a
vehicle, because the road is paved and good enough to pass. Well, for those of you who want
to move this area, you don't need to spend too much. Because you only need to pay a ticket of
IDR 5,000 / visitor. Specifically, children are free of charge, only for adults. This payment is
made at the Gunung Kelud compilation entrance portal and you must pay your vehicle fee of
Rp. 2,000.00 (motorbike) and Rp. 10,000.00 (car).
It doesn't feel complete if you haven't thrown yourself in Kediri Waterpark Yes, who
would have thought, it turns out that Kediri has the longest water park with a sliding board in
Indonesia. Kediri Waterpark is located 15 km from downtown Kediri. This tourist spot is
perfect for a family vacation, especially with a group of relatives, or with the doi who is
always loyal to accompany you. There are lots of playgrounds that you can enjoy here.
Ranging from swimming pools to exciting playgrounds. To get into one of the most popular
tourist attractions in Kediri, you have to pay Rp. 50,000.00 for Monday to Friday, and Rp.
70,000.00 for Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays. And, for children under 120 cm tall
there is a special price, which is only Rp. 15,000.00 only. Eiitts, but you don't claim to be a
child, okay?
Complete your tour in Selomagleng Cave If you want to visit this cave, it is located
about 7 km from the center of Kediri City, or rather in Waung Village, Mojoroto District,
Kediri Regency. In ancient times, this cave was a place used by Dewi Kilisuci, daughter of
King Erlangga to isolate herself and also to meditate. According to the story, Dewi Kilisuci
once refused the royal throne given to her, so that later the goddess tried to isolate herself.
Evidence of its existence can also be seen from the relief found inside or outside the walls of
the cave. So do not be surprised if this cave has its own historical value. Well, the entry fee is
relatively cheap. You only pay Rp. 8,000.00 / person, and is included with the cost of parking
for 2-wheeled vehicles. If you bring a car, you will be charged an additional parking fee of
Rp. 3000.00. How, want to isolate yourself here?
Goa Surowono You Also Need to Try, Friend.Surowono Cave is located in Canggu
Village, Pare District, Kediri Regency. Yes, there is something different from the cave that is
more suitable to be called a narrow passage with a construction width of ± 80 cm and a length
of ± 100 meters. Unlike most caves, Goa Surowono only has a narrow passageway that can
only be entered by one person. Well, if you want to enter this location, of course you must be
willing to take turns. The price of this cave entrance ticket is Rp. 5,000.00. And you are also
encouraged to pay a guide service for IDR 5,000.00. Because he said, if you do not use the
services of a guide, then you can stray here. Because indeed, this cave has many branches. In
addition, this cave is also flowed with clear water, so you can get wet in this place.

Less satisfied? Here There Still Irenggolo Waterfall.This waterfall is located in

Besuki Hamlet, Jugo Village, Mojo District, Kediri Regency. Or if only 28 km to the
southwest of the City of Kediri. Yep, the estimated time you will take is around 30 minutes.
Access to this waterfall is relatively easy with smooth road conditions and can be reached by
all kinds of vehicles up to the waterfall tourist area.

The journey to this waterfall can be started from the city of Kediri where it first
crosses into the western part of the Brantas river which divides the city of Kediri, then glides
into the Poh Sarang area, the Semen District to Besuki. Next through the Selopanggung
Village (where the national figure Tan Malaka was buried), and finally arrived at the gate of
the Besuki Tourism Area.

Irenggolo Waterfall is in the Besuki Tourism Area which is located at an altitude of

1200 meters above sea level. The water spill is about 80 meters in the form of mini-traps and
beautiful natural scenery with temperatures around 18 o Celsius. Okay, for the entry ticket, it
costs Rp. 5000.00 / person. While the parking fee is Rp. 2000.00 / two-wheeled vehicles.

To end your walks, you must stop at the Simpang Lima Monument, Kediri. If in
Paris there is Arc de Triomphe, then in Kediri there is also the Simpang Lima Gumul
Monument, or often abbreviated as MSLG. This building was built in 2003 and was
inaugurated in 2008. It is still fairly new, though. But his fame is well known throughout
Indonesia. Especially for those of you who like photo hunting, this location is perfect for you
to satisfy your photography hobby. In addition, this MSLG has also become a hangout place
that hits recently. The name of the intersection is because the building is located at the
intersection of 5 roads, namely Gampengrejo, Pare, Pagu, Pesantren and Plosoklaten. Ready
to hunt for photos, Guys?

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