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Unit 7


TIU : Peserta didik mampu berkomunikasi dengan pasien.

Peserta didik mampu berkomunikasi dalam hal makan dan minum.
Peserta didik mampu menguasai kosa kata menu dan alat masak
Peserta didik mampu menggunakan prorioun yang benar dalam percakapan

In hospital every patient needs a different and various meals. it depends on his/her
disease. Hospital patients are served breakfast (buffet), a morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack,
and dinner. Breakfast is served between 7 and 8 AM. The morning snack is served at 9 AM or
harder out together with breakfast.
Lunch is usually served for starters and gruel type soup contains flour is usually served to
patient on diet.
Dinner consists of meat with garnishing and salad or sweet dish with stewed fruit.
Dinner is usually served at 5 until 6 PM.
There are some useful expressions can be used at her/his work.
A. Useful Expressions
 What would you like to eat…Mr. John?
Anda ingin makan apa…Tn. John?
 What would you like to drink?
Anda ingin minum apa?
 I have coffee, tea and milk.
Saya punya kopi, teh dan susu.
 I’d like to have plain rice.
Saya ingin nasi putih.
 Please do not drink, eat or smoke after midnight.
Mohon jangan minum, makan atau merokok setelah malam.
 You must have an empty stomach tomorrow morning.
Anda harus mengosongkan perut besok pagi.
 Can I help you?
Dapatkah saya membantu Anda?
 Let me shave your moustache.
Biar saya cukur kumis Anda.
 Let me cut your nails.
Biar saya potong kuku Anda.
 Do you want meto comb your hair?
Apakah anda ingin saya menyisir rambut anda?

Patient Expressions
 Nurse, I am not comfortable
Suster, saya meras tidak nyaman
 This position is not comfort for me
Posisinya tidak enak untuk saya
 Nurse, I can not move my legs
Suster, saya tidak dapat menggerakkan kaki saya
 Please, clean my dental plate
Mohon bersihkan plat gigi saya
 Can you do it by yourself?
Dapatkah anda melakukannya sendiri?
 Do you like it ….Mr. Arif?
Apakah anda menyukainya…. Mr. Arif
 Do you want anything else?
Apakah anda ingin yang lain?
 Why don’t you eat Madame?
Mengapa anda tidak makan?
 Be careful, the soup is hot
Hati-hati, sopnya masih panas
 Please chew it well
Kunyahlah dengan baik
 I have no appetite today, nurse
Saya tidak nafsu makan hari ini, suster
 I don’t eat pork
Saya tidak makan daging babi
 I am a vegetarian, please don’t give me meat
Saya seorang vegetarian, mohon jangan beri saya daging

B. Dialogue
Nurse : Did you sleep well last night?
Apakah anda tidur nyenyak semalam?
Patient : Yes I did, but now I’m very hungry, nurse.
Ya, tapi sekarang saya sangat lapar, suster.
Nurse : What would you like to eat Madame?
Apa yang ingin anda makan Nyonya?
Patient : I’d like to have a hot soup with meat in it
Saya ingin sop panas dengan daging di dalamnya.
Nurse : Oh, I am sorry you are not allowed to consume meat
Oh maaf, anda tidak diijinkan mengkonsumsi daging
Patient : Oh that’s ok, just soup with carrot and potatos. I hope it would be nice
Oh tidak apa-apa, soup dengan wortel dan kentang saja. Saya harap ini juga enak
Nurse : And what will you like to drink?
: Dan apa yang ingin anda minum?
Patient : I think it would be nice to drink a glass of avocado juice.
Saya pikir akan enak jika minum segelas jus alpukat.
Nurse : Ok! Please wait a minute I’ll take it
Baiklah, mohon tunggu saya akan ambilkan
Patient : You are very kind, nurse.
Anda sangat baik, suster.
Nurse : Thank you
Terima kasih

C. Vocabulary
The set of cutlery and tableware
Soup spoon : Sendok sop
Fork : Garpu
Coffee spoon : Sendok kopi
Napkin : Sapu tangan, serbet
Soup plate : Piring sup
Big Plate : Piringmakan
Glass : Gelas

Useful Words

Desserts : Hidangan penutup

Enjoyed : Menikmati
Fish soup : Sup ikan
Fried prawn : Udang goreng
Ice tea : Es teh
Keep : Menyimpan
Meal : Makanan
Order : Pesanan
Plain rice : Nasi putih
Spend : Menghabiskan

Food and Drink in Hospital

Makanan dan Minuman di Rumah Sakit

Coffee. Cocoa and milk : Kopi, coklat dan susu
White bread : Roti tawar putih
Porridge : Bubur
Butter : Mentega
Jam : Selai
Cheese : Keju
Honey :Madu
Fried rice :Nasi goring
Morning Snack
Coffee or milk : Kopi dan susu
Sour milk and yoghurt : Susu masam dan yogurt
Sweet white bread : Roti manis
Croissant : Roti kroisan
Fruit : Buah

Makan Siang
Soup : Sup
Meat dish and rice : Hidangan daging dan nasi
Vegetables : Sayuran
Potatoes : Kentang
Fish : Ikan
Chicken : Ayam
Grammar Focus

Personal Relative Indefinite

S O PA PP RX Who + -/?

Whom Some Any

I Me My Mine Myself
Yourself/ Which Somebody Anybody
You You Your Yours
yourselves Something Anything
We Us Our Ours Ourselves Someone Anyone
They Them Their Theirs Themselves
Where Everybody
He Him His His Himself Everything
She Her Her Hers Herself
it It Its Itself

Catatan :
1. S = Subject
O = Object
PA = Possessive Adjective
PP = Possesive Pronoun
2. Relative pronoun digunakan dalam Adjective Clause
3. Some digunakan dalam kalimat tanya Penawaran
4. Any dalam kalimat positif, makanya sama dengan Every

(Makan Malam)
Meat dish with garnishing : Hidangan daging dan hiasan
Salad : Salad
Sweet dish with stewed dish : Hidangan dan direbus
Slice sausage : Sosis iris
Salad and bread : Salad dan roti
D. Practice
I. Translate into good English
Terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris yang baik
1. Anda ingin kopi susu atau air putih ?
2. Nafsu makan saya hilang, suster ?
3. Jangan lupa, cuci tangan dulu sebelum makan?
4. Anda ingin bubur dengan ayam goreng?
5. Anda harus makan dengan teratur?
II. Build a dialogue between nurse and patient about meals and drinks
III. Complete the following sentences putting the appropriate verb from the list below
into the correct tense :
Lengkapi kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini dengan kata kerja yang sesuai dari daftar
dibawah ini dengan kalimat yang benar:

Pick Up Accept Hang Carry Out Stack Remain Transmit

1. Everyone _______ the fact that nurse should not do Accept Stack Hang Remain Transmit
2. Domestic chores. Domestic work should be ___________ ward maids.
3. We must .make certain that the people do not ____________ diseases from other patients while they
are in the hospital.
4. Pick up that cloak and _________ it in the cloakroom.
5. Nurse might _____________ patients if they did domestic work.
6. Although nurse no longer have, to do domestic work, the patient's environment _______________
their responsibility
7. Take this crockery over there and __________ it in the cupboard.
8. Sister has to __________ the domestic staff as well as the nursing staff.
E. Case Study
1. Arrange the menu for your patient which food axe good for him/her and give your
suggestion or recommendation
Susunlah menu untuk pasien Anda, menu apa yang baik, berikan saran dan rekomendasi

- Porridge - Do not eat hot and spicy

- Mineral
Thypoid - Soup food
- Cereal - Total bed rest

Diabetes Mellitus



How are your eating habits?

Answer the questions below. Give yourself the following points for each answer
A:3 B:2 C:T
Fill the box Score
1. Do you drink coffee?
A. 0 - 1 cup per day
B. 2 - 4 cups per day
C. More than 4 cups per
2. Do you drink mineral
a. 4-6 glasses per day
b. 2-3 glasses per day
c. 1 Glass per day
3. Do you eat food with
much sugar?
a. Almost never
b. Sometimes
c. Often
4. How often do you drink
soft drink in a week?
a. Hardly ever in a week
b. Fewer than 5
c. 5 or more than
5. Do you consume low fat
meat product instead of
other meat products in a
a. Often
b. Sometimes
c. Hardly ever
6. Do you eat fresh fruit in a
week ?
a. Everyday
b. Often
c. Seldom
7. Do you consume low fat
milk product in a week?
a. Often
b. Sometimes
c. Hardly ever
8. Do you eat grilled food or
Or ... fried meat or food?
a. Often
Or ... b. Sometimes
c. Rarely
9. Do you eat on snacks
Or… between meals?
a. Rarely

Or… b. Sometimes
c. Almost always
10. Do you use monosodium
glutamate in cooking your
a. Rarely or never
b. Sometimes
c. Almost always
11. Do you eat vegetables in
your daily food?
a. Everyday
b. Often
c. Seldom
12. Do you eat cereal ?
a. Almost always
b. Sometimes
c. Rarely

Your score:
31-36 Excellent, you have a good eating habits.
24-30 Good! keep your health.
18-23 Be careful! Change your eating habit.
12-17 Oh no! Watch your food menu you are taking risk.

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