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DECLASSIFIED by DNI Ratcliffe on 23 July 2020

FD-340 (Rev. 8-7-97)

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Universal Case File Number _9.....:....,.}_""'-""""U
Field Office Acquiring Evidence -~~~Q
Serial# of Originating Document _ _2.---'-o_ _ _ _ _ __ __ __
Date Received t) 17 f 20l(p
From J<SE .P,6~1'"k4 (Name of Contributor)

(Address of Contributor)

(City and State)

By _ _............
O....... &S'f_V-_...4:....._,.,_,_............__,...,....,---,,-------
(Name of Special Agent)

To Be Returned □ Yes ~ No
Receipt Given D Yes ~ o
Grand Jury Material - Disseminate Only Pursuant to Rule 6 (e)
Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
□ Yes ~No
C ~o~s ,::, ~~ HoJ<~1c+v€:

Reference: - - - - - - - , , - : - - - . . . . . , . - . , . , . - - - - = - - , - - c - - - , - : : - , - - , - , , - - - - - - - -
(Communication Enclosing Material)

Description: "tz9.-.Original notes re Interview of

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2063661-1A SEC 001 SER 1A2--000023

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✓ Purpose - Cl and Security brief give Baseline on FIS t,h.-eeat to US Natio1 ,al

✓ Advise - if not already targeting, due to this briefing and access - you are

✓ FIS collect Political, economic, technological and military intelligence

✓ Basically they want inside information to give their country a competitive

advantage over US.

✓ FIS use Intelligence Officers_as their operatives or collectors in 2 ways

✓ Official Cover by using 10s under diplomatic cover at US based foreign
✓ Non officia l cover (NOCS) - tourists, students, academics, business people

✓ In the US- Russian Fed has -nown or suspected 10s, while China has

✓ Russian threat is more traditional- establishment based 10s, while China

takes an asymmetrical approach using NOCS.

✓ FIS will collect intel in 3 ways - HU MINT, SIGINT or Cyber

✓ HUMINT -10 attempt to recruit a person to provide Intel
o Highly unlikely FIS attempt to recruit you: Staff, Business associates,
domestic help
o However - will come at you to elicit information - diplomats or NOCS
o Classified, Sensitive, Private information
,.,,.~, ,,,., I .,..,....... ✓ SIGINT & CYBER - FIS rely on our dependency to communicate
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electronically & look to exploit.

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• Mindful landline, cell calls, email, computer networks
ft,to6- • Mindful not only how you communicate but where
• Insider Threat- enable FIS technical penetrations

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2063661-1A SEC 001 SER 1A2-·000025

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