B.Inggris Kelas 10-Dikonversi

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Soal Essay

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1. was(1)–lived(2)–Aesop(3)–hundreds(4)–ago(5)–teller(6)–story(7)–who(8)–Greece(9)–of years(10)–a
famous(11)–in(12) ururtaan yang benaar adalah…

Text percakapan untuk menjawaab soal no 2-5

George : You look a bit worried Clara. What’s the matter?

Clara : I can’t wake up early in the mornings.

George : Oh dear! That is a problem. But don’t you have an alarm clock?

Clara : Yes, of course. But I never seem to hear that.

George : Well, why don’t you buy an electric one? They will go on ringing until you switch them off.

Clara : Mmm, I doubt if that would do any good. I’d just switch it off and go back to sleep.

George : Well, perhaps you could ask the telephone operator to give you an early morn¬ing call,
it’s not that expensive.

Clara : Yes, that sounds a good idea. Thanks a lot.

George : Not at all. I hope it works.

2. Who are in the dialogue above?

3. What are they talking about?

4. What problem does Clara have?

5. What is George’s suggestion giving to Clara?

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