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INTRODUCTION to track resources and facilitate the flow due by farmers before going to the
This briefing paper on ICT applications of information. Increasingly, they are field to collect cotton from farmers,
that support distribution and supply using mobile phone based systems for allowing it to quickly calculate what
chain management is one of a series of the “channel” to reach the suppliers or is due to farmers and pay the cor-
papers to help USAID missions and im- their own field agents. rect amount on the spot, hence re-
plementing partners in sub-Saharan Afri- ducing “side selling” by farmers
ca use ICT more successfully to improve Examples of supply chain management needing cash fast. PROFIT, a USA-
the impact of agriculture-related devel- ICT enabled applications include: ID-funded project, facilitated engag-
opment projects, including Feed the Fu- ing MTZL to develop and implement
ture (FTF) projects. 1 • Suguna Poultry, India’s pioneer in these systems.
integrated poultry contract farming,
• EJAB Bangladesh, a potato produc-
Using ICT to manage distribution and uses Oracle’s Enterprise Resource
tion and processing company in Ban-
supply chains can increase efficiency and Planning (ERP) software database
gladesh, developed an MIS for its po-
predictability and reduce waste in value system so its field agents can input
tato outgrowing operations using a
chains and have positive impacts on all data via Web sites on its contract
combination of Excel worksheets
market actors. ICT applications pre- growers’ operations. Information
and printed forms. Katalyst, a mar-
sented in this paper are divided into the tracked and consolidated includes
ket development project funded by
following categories: 1) applications that number of chickens delivered, feed
multiple donors, provided support. 6
assist in the management of supplier delivered, mortality rates, and prices
networks, 2) applications that facilitate paid. 3 Suguna Poultry has imple- • OLAM, a global company that oper-
traceability, and 3) applications that assist mented ERP without donor in- ates an integrated supply chain for
input supply companies to manage their volvement. 64 agricultural products in 20 coun-
distribution networks. tries, has sophisticated databases of
• Dunavant Zambia uses a supply
their main suppliers of agricultural
chain management and electronic
TYPES OF ICT APPLICA- payment system that it developed
commodities with information on
TIONS production levels, product quality,
jointly with IT company Mobile
1. Management of Supplier Net- and input supply needs.
Transactions Zambia Limited
works. Large buyers often use ICT ap- (MTZL) to reduce transaction costs • Homegrown, a Kenyan agribusiness
plications to manage their producer and improve information flows company with a network of more
supply networks. Applications address throughout its cotton supply chain, than 1,000 outgrowers, uses Quick-
record keeping, monitoring field agent from input distribution to cotton gin fire,, an audit management software
activities, procurement operations, cre- inventory control. 4 The system al- created by ICT company Muddy
dit and payment tasks, input distribution, lows Dunavant to track output, Boots, to help its outgrowers meet
measuring productivity, and forecasting. 2 timeliness and quality by individual export market standards by ensuring
Buyers use a range of management in- smallholder farmers, allowing it to farms supplying the produce are all
formation systems (MIS), from basic reward its best suppliers. The elec- audited and certified.
spreadsheets to complex software used tronic payment system allows Duna-
vant to make payments to more Two additional examples of ICT applica-
than 70,000 cotton outgrowers. 5 tions to manage supplier networks are
1 ICT means information and communications
Dunavant’s buying agents can down- worth mentioning, though they are still
technologies including cell phone and Internet
services, radio, and a wide range of digital load information on loan amounts in the development or early rollout
devices and related tools including cameras, phase.
GIS, and a wide range of hand-held compu- 3 Study conducted by Action for Enterprise in
ting devices. support of program design in India.
2 Action for Enterprise, “Facilitating the De- 4 PROFIT Annual Report, FY2008

velopment of Outgrowing Operations: A Ma- 5 Mobile Transactions Blog, “MTZL and

nual,” (August 2009) NEXT year end highlights” (December 2010) 6

ICT Applications for Distribution and Supply Chain Management Last updated December 2010
in sub-Saharan African Agriculture
• freshConnect - software developed ing demand among consumers to know • Saco Systems of South Africa, a
by Indian IT company, Infosys, with where their food comes from. As a re- South African developer of radio
USAID program support, is a suite sult, ICT solutions that allow companies frequency identification (RFID) solu-
of applications for handheld devices to track goods from individual farms to tions for traceability, serves the
that allow supply chain participants retail shelf are increasingly available, us- Klein Karoo Cooperative of South
to monitor and control back-end ing, among other technologies, tracking Africa, which uses RFID technology
and front-end supply chain functions via cell phone systems, and bar codes. to tag its 100,000 ostriches with re-
such as production planning and tra- Examples of companies using or promot- usable RFID chips so that it can ex-
ceability. Several rounds of pilots of ing ICT applications for traceability in- port according to European stan-
the software have taken place using clude: dards. 12
high-end phones, and Infosys is mod-
ifying its original release to become • SourceTrace, an ICT solutions pro- 3. Management of Distribution
available on low-end phones to suit vider for agriculture, financial servic- Networks. Input supply companies
commercial rollouts. 7 es, and health care in developing selling seed, fertilizer, and animal feed
countries produces tracing software frequently use ICT to help manage their
• Esoko (formerly TradeNet) is a for- that works with standard mobile de- inventory and rural distribution net-
profit company that began in 2005 vices to track products, trace pay- works. These applications include sys-
with some funding from USA- ments and automate records for tems that process seed orders and in-
ID/West Africa’s MISTOWA traceability, certification, and agricul- voice products electronically, control
project. In addition to its short tural processing. Clients include inventory and costs, communicate with
message service (SMS) “price alert” ECOM Agri-Industrial Corporation clients, and identify new markets. Appli-
services, Esoko has just announced of Mexico and Costa Rica’s Coope- cations vary and range from simple
the roll out of a new offering called tarrazu (coffee growers). 9 spreadsheets to more sophisticated tai-
“Scout” to help large buyers to help lor-made applications.
them manage their suppliers. 8 • Fruilema, a group of five Malian fruit
and vegetable companies, worked One example of a software company
Meeting certain prerequi- with IT firm MANOBI of Senegal to
sites can help sustain ICT appli- providing ICT applications for input
develop software and personal digi- supply companies is Feed Management
cations for distribution and tal assistant (PDA) technologies for
supply chain management: com- Systems (FMS). FMS provides Microsoft-
mango producers and exporters to based distribution management solutions
panies must have commercial comply with GlobalGap certification.
incentives to use ICT applica- that automate and optimize feed formu-
The International Institute for lation, regulatory compliance, pricing,
tions to manage their supply or Communication and Development
distribution networks, to trace ordering and labeling of feed, inventory
(IICD) supported development of management, and risk management for
products to their origin, and/or the technology for Fruilema. 10
to decrease spoilage. As a re- small, medium, and large-sized feed
sult, companies and the produc- • Ghanaian Pineapple Exporters use supply companies in Asia, Africa, and the
ers with whom they do business bar codes and geographic informa- Middle East. 13
benefit from increased efficien- tion system (GIS) technologies to
cies. track pineapples as they are trans- Though in its infancy, there is currently
ported from farms and collection research being done on using Global Po-
sites to ports to move the pineap- sitioning System (GPS) mapping technol-
2. Traceability. Traceability refers to ogies to help companies manage their
the recording of movements of products ples out of the ports more quickly,
limiting spoilage and ensuring com- distribution networks. The Rockefeller
along the food chain from production to Foundation and Bill and Melinda Gates
consumption (i.e., tracing products back pliance with GlobalGap certifica-
tions. TIPCEE, a USAID-funded Foundation have funded an Agro-Dealer
to their source). For example, “relation- Strengthening Program in East Africa,
ship coffee” links coffee from its origin project, facilitated development in
conjunction with the Ghanaian ex- one component of which is to support
within a specific coffee cooperative and input suppliers to identify underserved
geographic location, increasing its retail port association. 11
markets using GIS and GPS maps. It is
price. unclear at this point, however, how input
suppliers will sustain this technology
Across the globe, export standards are when the program closes (based on in-
becoming more stringent. There is grow- 9 SourceTrace website. terviews with CNFA staff).
7 McCarthy, Steve, et al, “New ICT Solutions 10 “IICD supported programme: Quality &

to Age-Old Problems: Case of the IGP India FRUILEMA – Mali” (June 29, 2010)
Project,” (2009) and Interviews with Krish 11Ducker, Mike and Judy Payne, “Information 12 “RFID technology tracks export birds,” The

Kumar, Senior Technical Advisor for ICT Communication Technology as a Catalyst to Journal for Security, Operations & Risk Manage-
with ACDI/VOCA. Enterprise Competitiveness,” (February ment (August 2005).
8 Esoko website: 2010) 13
ICT Applications for Distribution and Supply Chain Management Last updated December 2010
in sub-Saharan African Agriculture
LESSONS LEARNED tions also need to be aware of the tions are not always the most appropri-
• Before promoting an ICT solution, enabling environment for certain ate solutions. ICT can require consider-
companies and development organi- technologies. For example, gov- able investment (in terms of time and
zations must be sure of demand for ernment regulation of RFID tech- cost). Development organizations can
the solution from existing market nology may limit its use. support market actors to think through
actors and engage those market ac- their greatest challenges and what ICT
• Using such systems in developing applications, if any, are truly appropriate
tors in developing the solutions countries may require adaptations
from the start. As noted in the pre- for the specific set of challenges they
due to the cost or lack of availability face.
requisites, companies must also have of telecommunications services. For
commercial incentives to invest in example, pineapple growers in Gha-
the solution. Dunavant, for exam- RESOURCES
na can comply with traceability re-
ple, perceived potential cost-savings quirements by recording pineapples Action for Enterprise, “Facilitating the
and efficiencies from the solutions from origin to pallets in a packing Development of Outgrowing
that MTZL created and even pur- shed in the field and simply trans- Operations: A Manual,” (USAID,
chased an equity stake in the ICT port that information to the port via August 2009)
company once they realized how a ‘data stick’ carried by the truck
valuable the system was to them. driver rather than transmitting it PROFIT Annual Report, FY2008
electronically. At the port, the data
• Companies should conduct an as- Ducker, Mike and Judy Payne, “Infor-
sessment of external forces and can easily be transferred into the in-
mation Communication Technology as
ternational traceability system for
risks that could potentially affect the a Catalyst to Enterprise Competitive-
the pineapples, tracking them on-
viability of the solution. For exam- ness,” (February 2010)
ple, if a company’s uptake of a par- ward from the port to their destina-
tions in Europe.
ticular technology is premised on a
strong market demand for their • This set of applications are often fi-
products, then an assessment of the nanced and operated by large buy- DISCLAIMER
market for those products should ers, processors or exporters given The views expressed in this publi-
take place. how valuable they can be for them. cation do not necessarily reflect
USAID projects need to be especial- the views of the U.S. Agency for
• All users of a given technology International Development or the
ly cautious if heavy subsidies are re-
should be given appropriate training
quested by such large companies—it U.S. Government.
and capacity building to avoid delays
is likely to be a sign that the system
in implementation. When a new da-
has been designed in a way to out-
tabase software system is first intro-
weigh its core value to these large
duced, for example, all users must
be properly trained in how to effec-
tively enter data, track production,
and run reports. LOOKING FORWARD
The use of technologies, such as ERP
• An ICT solution has costs for opera- systems, bar coding, and electronic pay-
tions, maintenance, and occasional ment systems, are on the rise as compa-
upgrades. All costs need to be con- nies seek ways to more efficiently and
sidered up front when gauging how effectively track their supply and distri-
much the system is worth to those bution chains and as consumers become
benefiting—and how much they will more conscious and concerned about
pay for it. All too often such solu- where their food comes from. The so-
tions begin during a donor project phistication and uses of these technolo-
only to end at project close because gies continue to increase; they can be
no one anticipated how these oper- very attractive solutions to address con-
ating expenses would be paid. Com- straints in agricultural value chains. Nev-
panies and development organiza- ertheless the most sophisticated solu-

This series of papers is supported by USAID’s Fostering Agriculture Competitiveness Employing Information Communication
Technologies (FACET) project under the Financial Integration, Economic Leveraging, Broad-Based Dissemination and Support
Leaders with Associates award (FIELD-Support LWA). Action for Enterprise and Judy Payne of USAID contributed to the
writing of this paper. FACET offers on-demand field support to help missions with the challenges of using these ICT interven-
tions in agricultural development. To learn more about field support options, contact Judy Payne, ICT Advisor,
ICT Applications for Distribution and Supply Chain Management Last updated December 2010
in sub-Saharan African Agriculture

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