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Review the Steps of a Successful Paraphrase

PARAPHRASE: Restate exactly what the quote/evidence means in your own words in a way
that is simpler or easier to understand than the original quote. Make sure to capture ALL
points made in the quote.
 Step one: Find the quote’s subject. What is the quote a message about? 
 Step two: How many ideas are in the quote?
 Step three: Ask yourself – what argument is the writer making about that subject?
 Step four: Put that argument into your own words!


“Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today” James Dean


Set high goals for yourself and make every single moment count in order to reach those


“We only become what we are by the radical and deep-seated refusal of that which others
have made of us.” Jean-Paul Sartre

You can be who you are by ignoring others’ opinions of who you are.-


“The power of imagination makes us infinite.” John Muir


-By imagination can we become powerful.


“You cannot dream yourself into a character: you must hammer and forge yourself into
one.” Henry D. Thoreau

-You must make yourself to be who you are instead of dreaming to be someone else.
Paraphrase vs. Opinion
PARAPHRASE: Restate exactly what the quote/evidence means in your own words in a way
that is simpler or easier to understand than the original quote. Make sure to capture ALL
points made in the quote.
OPINION: Agree or disagree with the ALL ideas in the quote.
PROVE: Provide evidence that directly and clearly supports your opinion of the quote.

Quote: “A failure is a man who has blundered, but is not able to cash in on the experience”
Elbert Hubbard
Paraphrase Quote

When you make a mistake, it is only a failure if you do not learn from the experience.


I agree that mistakes are only failures if one does not learn from them.


The protagonists in the Adventures of Robin Hood and the speaker in Maya Angelou’s, “Still
I Rise” offer good examples of  people who made mistakes and learned from them, which
led them to success instead of failure.

Quote: “Endeavor to be what you desire to appear.”  Socrates

Paraphrase Quote
-Work as hard as you can to be what you want to be.

- I agree that a person should strive for what he wants to be

-Bilbo, a hobbit in the Hobbit, offers an good example of a character who on his adventure
exert all his energy and intelligence to finally become a person he desires in heart.

Quote: “There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge.” Napolean Hill
Paraphrase Quote
-Limitations won’t exist in our mind unless we admit them.

-From my perspective, it is agreeable that our minds have infinite possibilities.

-As mentioned in the movie Dr. Strange, “everything is possible in your mind.” This then
proves there are countless possibilities as long as we don’t set limitations for ourselves.
Quote: “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in
trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable
man.” George Bernard Shaw
Paraphrase Quote
-A rational man makes changes in order to survive in this world, but the irrational man tries
to change to world to fit himself. So, it is the irrational man who makes contributions to the

-I strongly disagree with this statement that it’s the rational men being the leaders and
maintaining the the order of the world, and they make more contributions to the society
they live in.
-The wizard in the Hobbit, Gandalf, saves his crew out of danger many times because of his
unchangeable ration.

Quote: “Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them
come true.” Leon J. Suenes
Paraphrase Quote
-Happiness is for those who are prepared to pay for the cost of their dreams.

-This statement has all my support because only when dreams come true will the people
who make them be happy.

-can’t think of one

Quote: “We are still masters of our fate. We are still captains of our souls.”
Winston Churchill
Paraphrase Quote
-We are able to be who we want to be.

-In my opinions, this is absolutely true. Fate is managed in our own hands and we can control
it at any time.

-Montag in the Fahrenheit 451 finally becomes someone he would not regret to be.

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