Biological Activity During Composting of Sewage Sludge at Low Temperatures

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International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 57 (2006) 88–92

Biological activity during composting of sewage

sludge at low temperatures
Rosa Margesin, Jan Cimadom, Franz Schinner
Institute of Microbiology, Leopold Franzens University, Technikerstrasse 25, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Received 30 October 2005; accepted 1 December 2005
Available online 19 January 2006


The feasibility of aerobic composting of sewage sludge under cold climate conditions in the European Alpine winter season was studied
using a 40:60 (v/v) mixture of sewage sludge from a municipal wastewater treatment plant and shrub clippings. Despite ambient air
temperatures that ranged from a maximum of 10.1 to 0.2 1C to a minimum of 2.2 to 3.6 1C, the temperature increased to 66 1C in the
core of the pile. One compost pile was turned at a higher frequency (twice a week) than a second pile. This resulted not only in a loss of
heat, but also in statistically significant greater desiccation (po0.001) of the composting material than in the second pile. This in turn had
a significantly negative impact on microbial processes, as shown by poor decrease in the C/N ratio, reduced enzyme activities, respiration
and biomass, and a high level of stress response (qCO2) and toxicity (inhibition of fresh mass production of Lepidium sativum). The
significant negative correlation between the dry mass content of the compost material and several biological parameters demonstrated
the sensitivity of microbial activity towards desiccation. The study indicates that low moisture content is a more limiting factor for
composting than low temperature.
r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Sewage sludge; Composting; Moisture; Enzymes; Respiration; Cold climate

1. Introduction To date, most of the research on composting has focused

on changes in physico-chemical parameters, primarily in an
Sewage sludge, a product of waste water treatment, is effort to find a reliable indicator of compost maturity
rich in nutrients and trace elements and could be re-used in (Mathur et al., 1993; Amir et al., 2005b). Comparatively
agriculture as fertilizer and soil conditioner. High odour little information is available on biological and biochemical
emission, high levels of heavy metals and toxic organic parameters as an indicator for process rate evaluation,
compounds, and the presence of potentially pathogenic although the usefulness of biological parameters as
microorganisms, demand pretreatment of sewage sludge indicators of microbial activity and dynamics during
before application in agriculture (Veeken and Hamelers, composting has been demonstrated (Lei and Vander-
1999; Tiquia et al., 2002a). Composting is a successful Gheynst, 2000; Vuorinen, 2000; Tiquia et al. 2002a,b;
strategy for the sustainable recycling of organic wastes Mondini et al., 2004). There is, however, very limited
(Fermor, 1993; Tuomela et al., 2000). Surprisingly, there is knowledge about the role of enzymes and other biological
little information on aerobic composting of sewage sludge, parameters during the composting of sewage sludge.
and the available information is mainly dedicated to the Composting has been shown to be feasible under
characterization of humic and fulvic acids resulting from temperate climate conditions, at ambient air temperatures
organic matter transformation (Amir et al., 2005a,b,c; around 20–30 1C (Tiquia et al., 2002a,b). Considerably
Jouraiphy et al., 2005). lower temperatures prevail in winter in temperate climates
or throughout the year in cold climates. Composting
under low temperature conditions is thought not to be
Corresponding author. Tel.: +43 512 5076021; fax: +43 512 5072929. practicable because of low microbial degradation activities.
E-mail address: (R. Margesin). McCartney and Eftoda (2005) observed the impact of

0964-8305/$ - see front matter r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Margesin et al. / International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 57 (2006) 88–92 89

snowfall on oxygen supply and pile moisture content, and 2.4. Statistical data treatment
the impact of large frozen zones on pathogen inactivation
efficiency. Others reported successful composting of muni- All analyses were carried with two to three replicates per sample, and
the mean results per sample used for statistical data treatment. Statistical
cipal sludge (Smith, 1984) or animal manure (Lynch and calculations were carried out using the software Statistica 6.1. Normal
Cherry, 1996) at ambient temperatures of 15 to 28 1C. distribution of the data was tested by the Shapiro–Wilks’ W test.
The objective of this study was to investigate the Significant differences between the two treatments were analyzed by the t-
feasibility of aerobic sewage-sludge composting in an test for independent groups (data with normal distribution) or by the
Alpine region in winter at mean monthly air temperatures Mann–Whitney U-test (non-parametric data). Treatments were considered
significant when po0.05. Correlations between the measured parameters
around 0 1C, using piles that were subjected to different
were analyzed by Spearman rank order correlation (non-parametric data)
turning frequencies. Biological activities as well as the most or Pearson product-moment correlation (normal distribution).
important physico-chemical parameters were monitored.

2. Materials and methods 3. Results and discussion

2.1. Composting 3.1. Chemical and physical parameters

Two piles were built in a hangar in winter time (January). The piles had At the start of the composting process the mean
a trapezoid shape, 40 m in length, 4 m in width at the base and 2 m in temperature in the core of the two piles was 1473 1C.
height, and had a volume of approx. 200 m3. The starting material was the Maximum and minimum ambient air temperatures during
same in both piles and consisted of 40% (v/v) sewage-sludge from a
municipal wastewater treatment plant and 60% (v/v) shrub clippings in
the running of the piles ranged from 10.1 to 0.2 1C and
order to add a carbon source and to favour aerobic microbial 2.2 to 3.6 1C, respectively (Fig. 1). Temperature increased
transformation. Aeration was ensured by forced ventilation during the in both piles with time and was significantly higher
first 3 weeks of composting, and by an extraction fan during the residual ðpo0:001Þ in pile A than in pile B over the whole
incubation time. incubation period (Table 1). Clearly, the high turning
One pile (A) was covered with a 5-cm layer of mature compost to
insulate it and minimize water loss. The cover also acted as a biofilter to
frequency resulted in a loss of heat. Maximum temperature
minimize odour emission. This pile was first turned 3 weeks after set-up values were measured after 34 days, and were 6674 1C in
(whereby the layer was mixed into the composting material), and A and 4875 1C in B, indicating the development of
afterwards once each week using a compost turner. The second pile (B) thermophilic microbial communities. After 48 days, the
was turned twice each week from the beginning, and therefore could not temperature had decreased to 5674 1C in A and 4471 1C
be covered with mature compost.
Five 2-kg samples (sub-samples were mixed homogeneously to give
in B. The incubation period was too short to attain a
composite samples) were collected from the core of each pile at day 1 and mesophilic temperature level. Unfortunately, it was not
then weekly (on days 6, 14, 20, 28, 34, and 48). The five sampling positions possible to run the piles for longer. For economic reasons
were located 80 cm from the base of the piles and at a distance of 12, 16, set by our industrial partner, the composting time generally
20, 24 and 28 m from one end. Immediately after collection, samples were takes 7 weeks, after this period the composting material is
transported in cool boxes to the laboratory, stored at 4 1C, and analyzed
within 4 days. The temperature in the core of the piles was recorded by
sieved and subjected to post-maturation outdoors.
temperature sensors inserted at the sampling positions. A temperature of 55–60 1C is required for pathogen
reduction, but this criterion was met in pile A. Other
2.2. Chemical and physical analyses studies on low-temperature composting have reported pile
temperatures of 55 1C after 15–20 days (Smith, 1984), 50 1C
Field-moist samples, sieved to o10 mm, were used to determine dry
mass (105 1C, 24 h) and pH. The pH was determined with a glass electrode 70
in a mixture of 10 g composting material and 50 ml distilled water. The
C/N ratio was calculated from contents of total organic carbon (TOC) and 60
total nitrogen (Kjeldahl) in air-dried samples (20 1C, 2 days) ground to
o1 mm. The methods were as described by Schinner et al. (1996) and 50
Temperature (°C)

prescribed in Austria (BGBl II, 2001).

Pile A
2.3. Biological analyses 30
Pile B

Biological analyses were carried out on field-moist samples, and results 20 Air (max.)
expressed on a dry mass basis. Enzyme activities, viz. xylanase, protease, Air (min.)
urease and fluorescein diacetete (FDA) hydrolytic activity, basal respira-
tion (CO2-evolution), substrate-induced respiration (as an indirect
measure of microbial biomass), and the metabolic quotient qCO2 (the
ratio CO2:C produced by basal respiration/biomass C, were determined as -10
described by Schinner et al. (1996) and Margesin (2005) using optimized 0 10 20 30 40 50
masses of compost material. Toxicity was evaluated by determining the Days
above-ground fresh mass of Lepidium sativum (cress) using 15% of
composting material in the test assay (Österreichisches Normungsinstitut, Fig. 1. Changes in ambient air temperatures and pile (core) temperatures
1993). during composting.
90 R. Margesin et al. / International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 57 (2006) 88–92

Table 1
Effect of frequent turning on physical, chemical and biological parameters during composting of sewage sludge in piles A (turned at a low frequency) and
B (frequently turned) over an incubation period of 48 days and at the end of the treatment

Parameter All sampling periods ðn ¼ 30Þ After 48 days of treatment ðn ¼ 5Þ

Mean or median value (%) Significantly different? Mean or median value (%) Significantly different?

Pile A Pile B Pile A Pile B

Temperature 393 287 Yes 408 321 Yes

Dry mass 81 127 Yes 81 132 Yes
pH 101 98 No 94 91 Yes
C/N 82 124 Yes 83 103 Yes
Respiration 63 33 Yes 49 14 Yes
Biomass 46 14 Yes 37 7 Yes
FDA hydrolytic activity 106 80 Yes 109 78 Yes
qCO2 119 196 Yes 125 262 Yes
Xylanase 103 85 Yes 147 90 Yes
Protease 474 219 Yes 203 111 Yes
Urease 100 96 No 23 39 No

Mean or median values (depending on the presence or absence of normal distribution of the data) are relative percentage values (t0 ¼ 100%).

after 12–26 days (Lynch and Cherry, 1996) or above 65 1C and mineralization. Frequent turning of the composting
at ambient temperatures below 20 1C (McCartney and material (pile B) resulted in significantly reduced degrada-
Eftoda, 2005). In comparison, a maximum temperature of tion due to low microbial activity (see 3.2), as shown by the
72 1C was obtained after 4 days during composting of almost unchanged C/N ratio over time. The difference
sewage sludge and straw (Amir et al., 2005a) and green between the two treatments was statistically significantly
waste (Jouraiphy et al., 2005) in a warm climate different (Table 1). The C/N ratio decreased in pile A from
(Morocco). The maximum temperature during sludge an initial 25.8 to 21.7 in 48 days. At that time, the
composting under warm ambient conditions was then only composting process, however, was not completed. Prolon-
higher by 6 1C than the maximum in the present study gation of the experiment would have led to a significantly
under cold conditions, but the lag time was significantly lower C/N ratio. Other authors reported a C/N decrease
higher under cold conditions. from about 30 to 12.2 after 135 days (Amir et al., 2002a), to
Moisture content is an important parameter influencing 16.4 after 180 days (Amir et al., 2002c), and to 12 after 135
biological activity and biochemical rates. The starting days (Jouraiphy et al., 2005) during composting of sewage
material had a dry mass content of 4073%. Over the sludge with straw or fresh green plant waste. The small
whole incubation period, the material of pile A was decrease in the C/N ratio in our study may also be
characterized by a statistically significantly lower moisture attributed to sewage sludge components, such as low
level (po0.001) than pile B, which was turned more molecular fatty acids resulting form anaerobic sludge
frequently (Table 1). After 48 days, the dry mass content treatment, which inhibited microbial metabolism.
had decreased to 3270.4% in pile A, but had increased to A significant negative correlation between temperature
5375% in pile B. Clearly, the high turning frequency (pile and C/N values was noted during composting of the
B) resulted in a higher desiccation of the compost material. sewage sludge (Table 2). This indicates that a large
This, however, had a significantly negative impact on temperature increase is of crucial importance for efficient
microbial activity (for details, see 3.2). mineralization, which in turn results in reduced C/N
The pH value also affects the composting process. The values.
starting material had a pH of 7.170.3. This remained
almost constant over most of the incubation period in both 3.2. Biological activity
piles owing to the high buffer capacity of the sewage sludge
components, but decreased slightly to pH 6.7 and 6.5 in In general, biological parameters tested in this study
piles A and B, respectively, after 48 days. These values were indicated unfavourable conditions in pile B. Consequences
within the optimum pH range for bacteria and fungi. In of the high frequency of turning, i.e. heat loss and
comparison, Amir et al. (2005a) measured a pH of 6.2 in desiccation, had a negative impact on microbial activity.
final compost of activated sludge. All forms of microbial activity tested, except urease, were
During efficient composting, the C/N ratio is expected to significantly higher (po0.01–0.001) in the composting
decrease as a consequence of degradation of organic matter material of pile A than in that of pile B (Table 1).
R. Margesin et al. / International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 57 (2006) 88–92 91

Table 2
Correlation coefficients and significance levels between physical, chemical and biological parameters during composting of sewage sludge in pile A over an
incubation period of 48 days (n ¼ 30)

Dry mass pH C/N Respiration Biomass FDA hydrolytic activity Xylanase Protease Urease

Temperature 0.353 NS 0.117 NS 0.490 0.250 NS 0.306 NS 0.337 NS 0.436 0.372 NS 0.202 NS
Dry mass 0.527 0.758 0.435 0.065 NS 0.395 0.292 0.447 0.474
pH 0.663 0.700 0.371 0.303 NS 0.243 NS 0.382 0.157 NS
C/N 0.490 0.637 0.521 0.551 0.284 NS 0.020 NS
Respiration 0.789 0.181 NS 0.554 0.169 NS 0.111 NS
Biomass 0.037 NS 0.383 0.246 NS 0.175 NS
FDA hydrol. act. 0.229 NS 0.044 NS 0.060 NS
Xylanase 0.054 NS 0.286 NS
Protease 0.110 NS

NS, not significant.


Respiration measured in composting material is a observed with FDA hydrolytic activity, which is a
measure of the total biological activity and results from summation parameter of overall hydrolytic activity. In
the degradation of organic matter; the formation of CO2 is the composting material of pile B, however, no relative
the last step of carbon mineralization. The time course increase of enzyme activities was detected. Urease activity
during composting depends on the starting material also showed a tendency to increased values in pile A
(Mondini et al., 2004). In the present study, both basal- compared with pile B; a significant difference, however,
and substrate-induced respiration (as an indirect parameter was not detected, because of high standard deviations.
of microbial biomass) decreased after 20 days (pile A) or The significant negative correlation between the dry
from the beginning (pile B). In pile A, these two parameters mass content and several biological parameters (Table 2)
were higher by a factor of 2 (basal respiration) and 3 demonstrates the sensitivity of microbial activity, especially
(biomass) than in pile B. Consequently, the metabolic of enzymes, to desiccation, and indicates that low moisture
quotient qCO2 was significantly higher in pile B. The qCO2 content is a factor more limiting for composting than low
is an indication of the efficiency of compost microorgan- temperature. It also demonstrates the importance of
isms and is often seen as a stress response (Sparling, 1997; measuring enzyme activities in moist samples rather than
Margesin et al., 2000). The higher the value, the less in air-dried samples.
efficient are microbial processes (Schinner et al., 1996). After composting for 48 days, the toxicity of the material
The applicability and usefulness of enzyme activity obtained was determined by measuring above-ground fresh
measurements in monitoring and characterizing the com- mass of L. sativum seedlings. An inhibitory effect
posting process has been reported (Tiquia et al., 2002c; (80710%) was detected for material from pile B, whereas
Mondini et al., 2004). Enzyme activities measured in the material from pile A stimulated growth by 2576%. This
present study generally increased with time (as composting demonstrates that growth-inhibiting substances that were
progressed) in pile A, indicating that the indigenous initially present in sewage sludge were eliminated in the
microorganisms were able to synthesize the enzymes course of composting in pile A. Owing to reduced
required for degradation and hydrolysis of various organic microbial activity in pile B, inhibitory compounds could
compounds, including complex substances. The potential not be eliminated efficiently, but accumulated instead.
of litter and wood decomposition is reflected by xylanase Altogether, despite the fact that for logistical reasons, we
activity, since this enzymes is one of the most important in were unable to run the composting process long enough to
primary litter degradation. In this study, xylanase activity achieve a stable compost material, the data show the
had significantly increased only after 34 days, by which feasibility of composting sewage sludge under the cold
time easily available compounds were diminished. There winter conditions prevailing in the European Alpine
was a significant positive correlation between xylanase region. However, running the composting process at low
activity and temperature (Table 2), showing that elevated temperature will need to take into account the moisture
temperatures during the thermophilic phase of composting content, which is a major factor influencing the process.
are essential for rapid degradation of complex organic Since the rise in temperature is slower for composting
compounds, such as wood components (Tuomela et al., processes run under cold conditions, strategies such as pile
2000). Protease activity had a much shorter lag time than coverage or reduction of the frequency of pile turning will
xylanase, owing to the early release of proteins during the need to be considered in choosing the strategies for
degradation of organic matter. A similar time course was optimising the process.
92 R. Margesin et al. / International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 57 (2006) 88–92

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