Chalean Extreme - Testimonial Questionnaire

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ChaLEAN Extreme – Testimonial Questionnaire

Name: Lauren Zuba

Address: 764 County Rd, Acton ME 04001
Telephone: (H) (C) 602-525-2415 (W)
Email: Primary Secondary:

Age: 25 Height: 5'3

Beginning weight: 160 Current weight: 130 Total weight loss:

Beginning size: 12 Current size: 4 Total
sizes lost: 4

Inches lost:
Waist_2______ Hips:__4______ Chest/Bust:____4_____

15.What motivated you to lose weight/begin an exercise program?

I came home from my extership to being the largest I had ever been, I
looked at my clothes and was disgusted in what i had become.
Nothing fit anymore and whatever did was not attractive or applealing.

16.Did you have any health problems or physical constraints because of

your weight? Yes What were they? I had knee surgery back
when I was 16 and when I weighed less it didn't hurt at all, but once I
gained all the weight it throbbed on a daily basis making it hard to
walk and work, I also had asthma since I was a kid, and it got
progressively worse as I got progressively bitter

17.What activities, if any, did your weight prevent you from doing?
I never felt as if I could enjoy any water sports, and growing up in
Arizona, water sports are a huge part of the summer, I also couldn't
play any sports cause I would just get too tired a few mins in.

18.What activities can you do now that you were able to pick back up or
even begin anew?
I can run, I always hated running because my asthma would kick in, my
joints would get sore, and I would get extremely discouraged. I also
hike on a regular basis now not to mention I can now join in on sports
with friends.

19.Was ChaLEAN Extreme the primary program you used for your
transformation? Yes If no, what other programs did you use? But
I also used other programs, the majority of my weight loss was during
chalean. I also used slim in 6 for a few weeks, as well as a few of the
p90x and power 90 dvds for some variety as well.

20.How did you hear about ChaLEAN Extreme? I was looking online
reviews of p90x and there was a comparison between it and chalean

21.Why did you think that ChaLEAN Extreme was the program that would
work for you?
It worked for a few reasons, 1- the length, it was only a 30-50 minute
program daily, which fit perfectly into my schedule, 2- it came with the
motivational cd, which I listened to once a week every week, and I was
surprised as to how much of a difference that made, and 3- Chalenes
energy was amazing, she really does help to motivate you when you
feel like you don't have ANY energy or any desire to work out.

22.Which ChaLEAN Extreme workout is your favorite? Burn Intervals

Why? I love interval training, its incredibly difficult, the first time I did
this workout I could only make it about half way before I thought i was
going to die, but each workout I tried to push myself just a little bit
further every time, and it was such a sense of accomplishment when i
was able to complete the entire workout.

23.What do you like most about ChaLEAN Extreme?

EVERYTHING! Seriously, there isn't one thing I dislike about it. I loved

24.Have you reached your weight loss/fitness goal? Yes and no

If yes, did you do anything to celebrate that goal?
I am passed my original goal of 135lbs, but I would still like to lose a
little more, just to prove to myself that I can, however I think this might
be a weight that I could continue at for the rest of my life. I'm not in a
hurry for the last 5 lbs, if they come off fine, if not thats fine too. My
celebration was some new clothing, after all everything I had was WAY
too big.

25. How did you feel about yourself when you were overweight/out of
I was miserable, I hated it, I was happy on the outside, but depressed
on the inside. I couldn't do the things I wanted, I couldn't wear the
things I wanted, it was awful.

26. How do you feel about yourself now?

I am so proud of myself and my accomplishment. I feel amazing,
knowing that I can run, jump, play, I'm never afraid of not being able to
do something just because I'm overweight.

27.Did friends or family comment on your weight loss? What has their
reaction been?
They have all been super supportive of my goals. Helping me when I
come visit to not stock foods that would not help my goal.

28.Please use as much space below to tell us your story. Feel free to cut
and paste from any other documentation you may have already sent to

I have been over weight since I was young, and tried just about EVERY
diet on the face of the planet. After going to culinary school things just
got worse. I learned to cook all these amazingly fattening dishes and
didn't know how to control my portions. And finally hit my breaking
point after my externship in school where I hit my highest at 160 lbs.
When I got home I looked at pictures and was disgusted. I started
working out and eating healthy and thanks to Chalean extreme along
with diet and additional exercise lost 30 lbs!

I loved chalean, it was by far my favorite workout dvd system I've

found, I can't wait to start it again just for fun. It is a constant struggle
at work in the kitchen being surrounded by amazing food but knowing
what I learned in chaleans motivational cd I am able to stick to my
guns and maintain where I'm at. I listen to it once a week and make
notes for myself and write down goals for myself, sometimes I reach
them, but when I don't I'm not discouraged like I would have been in
the past, instead I've motivated to make the change for the next week.

People thought I was crazy for being determined like I was, but I'd
never seen myself in a size 4 pants, and I wanted to desperately. I
learned a whole lot about how my body works thanks to Chalean
Extreme. Without it I truly don't know where I would be right now. I
found a passion for working out in Chalean. Since losing the weight I
have been able to start running on a regular basis and I'm currently
training for a half marathon. I never would have thought I would be
able to run a half marathon, EVER, but here I am, signed up for it.
Chalean extreme has opened so many doors and possibilities for me.

That is my story, I am so grateful to Chalene I can't even begin to

describe or thank her.

29.Do you have a home video camera? Would you be willing to shoot
some home footage of you working out to ChaLEAN Extreme for us as
well as doing a home interview on camera?

The only home video camera I have is one on a digital point and shoot
camera. If that is ok then I wouldlove to shoot some footage

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