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Using activities from Encouraging creative

Using activities that Using a blend

the learners’ world. collaboration.
showcase students’ talent. of methods.

2.1. Creative teachers make use

2.7. Creative teachers seek
of an eclectic choice of methods.
creative ways to motivate students
Using blogging Making use of a
as a resource. personal element.

2.6. Creative teachers

make use of technology. CREATIVITY IN LANGUAGE TEACHING 2.2. Creative teachers use activities
which have creative dimensions.
2. How Teachers Apply
Creativity in Their Classroom

Making use Encouraging

of fantasy. original thought.
2.5. Creative teachers
customize their lessons.

2.3. Creative teachers teach in a flexible way and

often adjust and modify their teaching during lesson.
2.4. Creative teachers look for
Adapting the textbook. new ways of doing things.

Encouraging students
to question the textbook.
Making the most of
teachable moments.

Giving learners choices.

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