Review Notes On Law Enforcement Administration Sjit Criminology Cl-Mabikas 2014

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Indeed, patrol is the main strength of the police organization which is responsible
in the attainment of the declared policy of the state with regards to the police as embodied
in RA 6975 as amended by RA 8551 which states that;

"(is the policy of the state to establish a competent police force, which is National in
scope and civilian in character. As such the PNP shall be a community and service
oriented agency responsible for the maintenance of peace, and order and public safety,
(Sec.2 ibid)

Other units within the PNP organization are considered an aid to the patrol unit. It
is the patrol unit, which initiates the first contact to the community. Patrol unit serves as
the show window of the PNP organization, whatever its action; it gives a direct impact
into the capability of the whole organization.

Patrol therefore is an indispensable unit of the PNP, which requires great attention
on their welfare, innovations for their professional growth, support and motivations for
them to gain respect and recognition from the public, which in turn will redound to the
image of the whole organization.

Professional development therefore among the police force is a must as deck red
under the provision of attrition (RA 8551 Sec 24) Sec. 24 - Attrition system.... There shall
be established a system of attrition within the uniform members of the PNP within one
year from the effectivity of this act to be submitted by the PNP to the commission for
approval. Such attrition system shall include but not limited to the provision of the
following sections;

Sec. 29- Para.d- Failure to pass the required examination twice and or finish the
required career course except for justifiable reasons. It is further supplanted by the same
act which specifies that; sec. 14- says, that for a person to be qualified as officer or
member of the PNP.....Para. D-must posses a formal baccalaureate degree front a
recognized institution of learning.

As such, an officer of the law is presumed capable and knowledgeable to serve

and enforce the law.


Police patrol as a unit, is created for the objective of attempting to eliminate the
desire and opportunity to commit misconduct on the part of the individual. It is derived
from the maxim that if the police, is absent, the criminals will prey. In order to attain the
above objective, patrol is then an idea of mobilizing police personnel; placing them and
arranging them in a systematic manner,
a) Defining their roles and specific objectives,
b) Providing their needs and delegating individual responsibilities in order to come up
with the most efficient and effective performance.

Deployment of personnel will commence after a due consideration by the

administration on the needs of the community, with regards to crime prevention, traffic
supervision, crime prevention and public safety.

Delegation of specific responsibility is again the job of the administrator by

determining among his men who is the most capable to serve a certain objective. Who

among his men is most qualified to perform a certain task and who can deliver effectively
for an expected result?

Evolution of the Police in the Philippine Setting

Policing comes into existence from the nature and idea of protecting lives and
properties. In the Philippines, the practice of policing evolves from the culture and
traditions of tribal Filipinos in protecting their interest as ethnic group. Several Filipino
tribes hold on to the orders given by their tribal leaders who make decisions for the good
and benefits of the whole tribal community. Date back to the early 15th century; tribal
Filipino rulers were called Datu, Pangat, and Sultan, Raja or Hare, Gat and others. They
have their distinct way of protecting their interest and welfare. They were not united,
although their system of policing is of various forms, yet their objective is one.

Development and modernization of the Philippine Police System come into being
from the introduction of several colonization, which took place as follows;

1. The Spanish introduce police system in the form of Guardrilleros,

Carabineros, Seguridad Publics, Guardia Civil composed of mostly
Filipino Indios as its members and officered by the Spaniards. These
serves as the peacekeeping force of the community
2. The Americans introduced their own version of policing system in the
creation of the first police department headed by col. Mathew Harmon
in January 9, 1901, which takes control of the internal peace and order.
The Philippine constabulary (insular police) was introduced by virtue of
act. No. 175 of October 1901 which tasked to serve as territorial force.
3. The Japanese also during their invasion on December 8, 1941, introduced
their police system called "KEMPETAI" until the American
overthrows them on February 7, 1945 in the battle of Manila bay. That
was then the beginning of the reconstruction of the police department headed by
Col. Marcus Ellis Jones.
During the Philippine Independence, Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo becomes the first
president of the Philippine Republic.

Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo - He upholds the Philippine Constabulary as the leading

agency of peacekeeping machinery of the government.

Col. Lamberto Javalera - The first chief of police (PC).

March 20, 1917 - Approved of Sec. 2275, Book III, Title IX of the Revised
Administrative Code of the Philippine

- Introduced the creation of policemen in any city or Municipality through the

approval of the governor for the following grounds;
1. If the town is infested with outlaws, lawbreakers and suspicious looking personalities.
2. The nature of service is voluntary.
3. There is no proper compensation being awarded.

For that nature, the Philippine Congress passed RA 541.

RA 541 – Seeks to improve the police service and administration.

– The law was called the police Pension law.

RA 541 was later round to be defective, which then persuade the congress to push
on a more comprehensive law with an end in view of professionalizing the police service.

RA 4864 – Known as the police act of 1966

– Passed and approved by Congress on September 8, 1966.
– This law gives birth to NAPOLCQM.
– RA 4864 took a hiatus, when on September 21, 1972. Proclamation number
1081 was declared which places the whole country under military rule.
Military officers from the Philippine Constabulary were designated as
officer in charge of their respective police department. They took control of
the supervision, administration and operation thereof.

From there on several presidential decrees were issued with the purpose of
regulating the police service, to cite some of the pertinent decrees as follows:

1. PD 421 – modifies and repeals some pertinent provisions and introducing the
provision of the-city chapter of Manila, Quezon City, Caloocan and Pasay as well
as all existing laws, rules and regulations governing the police force in the
2. PD 482 – was also promulgated purposely to bolster the entire police agency in
the country. It specifically gives the Philippine Constabulary the power to have
direct control, direction and supervision over the provincial integrated police
3. PD 765 – was issued on August 08, 1975 otherwise known as PC/INP Law
establishing and constituting the Integrated National Police (INP) specifically
section 1, it provides that; Constitution of the Integrated National Police, there is
hereby established and constituted the Integrated National Police which shall
composed of the Philippine Constabulary as the nucleus and the Integrated
National police forces (municipal police) established under the department of
National defense.
4. PD 1184 – otherwise known as police Professionalization Law of 1977, this gives
birth of the PNPA.
5. EO 1040 – transferred the administrative control and supervision of INP from

Recognizing the Constitutional provision that "Civilian authority is at all times

supreme over the Military" was already besmirch, by proclamation 1081, the Congress
pushed for a historic step by introducing and approving RA 6975.

RA 6975 – signed into law by the president on December 13, 1990.

–The law was known as an act establishing the Philippine National Police under
a reorganized department of Interior and Local Government and for other
– This law dissolves the PC/INP and allows its officers and rank and file
employees to transfer or join either the PNP or AFP.

Later, RA 8551 entitled "The PNP reform and reorganization Act of 1998"
was enacted to amend certain provisions of R A 6975. Under this act, it provides that the
PNP shall be strengthen and shall evolve into a highly efficient and competent police
force that is community and service oriented and fully accountable of its functions.

Police General Functions and Obligations

Basically, the role of the police in the society is crime prevention. As the most
visible component of the government authority, the presence of a uniformed patrolman
gives a feeling of security to law abiding citizens but a feeling of fear to the would be
violator Hence, peacekeeping is the ultimate goal of law enforcement.

The policemen in the performance of their multifarious task are responsible in

bringing all law violators to court, but while doing so, he is compelled to observe their
constitutional rights.

Thus it can be observed that the police are the prime mover of the criminal justice
system that without the police the system will be nothing.

In the performance of their duties, the police work under prescribed ordinances,
laws, and statutes. Operating in an urban community like Metro Manila, which is
composed of four cities and thirteen municipalities with different life styles and needs,
where the police is compelled to enforce popular laws as well as unpopular ordinances.

The police are subject to pressures by two factors:

a. The legal Political structure

b. The vocal and angry group of society

Hence, the policeman lives and works in an environment, which is fast changing
in values, more confusing in concepts, turbulent and occasionally dangerous.

The police are primarily responsible in accomplishing the following functions:

1. Enforcement of laws, decrees and ordinances

2. Prevention of crime
3. Protection of life and property from criminal attack
4. Preservation of peace and order
5. Safeguarding the life of the citizens.

These are constitutional mandates that the police have to perform in the heights of
criticism and dissatisfaction among community members.

The Police Peace Keeping Roles

Not in all situations the police act only for crime related incidents. In some crisis
situations, the police act not as a law enforcer but as a servant of the community in
restoring order without resorting to law enforcement actions. This is due to the public
impression that the police is also a social servant, as mediator to domestic problems.
Hence, the public calls the police for their social services roles, because the police are:

1. Constantly available when needed

2. Dependable when called upon
3. Capable to provide advice and decision-making involving interpersonal

Nevertheless, domestic conflicts also requires law enforcement, applications

which subsequently requires police actions, when;

a. a family squabble involves a felony

b. if misdemeanor is committed in the officers presence, or a self defense by the

Due to the diverse activities performed by the police, especially on patrol duty
and with constant contact with the community, their responsibility is categorized into

a. Law enforcement – this embraces crime prevention and crime control roles
including the customary police functions
b. Order maintenance – peacekeeping and community service role or social

It is difficult for a patrol officer to receive recommendable rating for good

community relation's work because departmental records reflect only crime control
statistics-crime solved and crime arrest.
Finally, the police role reflects the distinction between the role in law
enforcement and the role in order maintenance or peacekeeping community services, the
police role in law enforcement dominates the spectrum of our criminal justice system.
Until such time when these two factors change the importance of law enforcement role of
police cannot be overshadowed.


The police render four major functions in its law enforcement and peace control

1. Crime prevention
2. Crime investigation
3. Traffic supervision
4. Promote public safety

Among these functions, the police services which involves greater application of
discretion is crime prevention, the second, crime investigations precedes when a crime
has been committed. And traffic supervision visualizes the administration of a smooth
and free of accident flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. As such, the promotion of
public safety, within the community.

Police Exercise of Discretion

Discretion – It is defined as the wise use of one's judgment, wherein personal experience
and common sense is the factor to decide in a particular situation.

Police use of discretion – Police are said to be decision makers especially when
confronted by a situation of between life and death.

The act of police discretion – “dammed if they shoot, dead if they don't”, this is the one
of the most serious situation encountered by the police in their daily enforcement roles. If
they shoot, they are condemned by the public for police brutality but if they hesitate, in a
single second they are dead. Thus, how a policeman works in an atmosphere of the split
second decision-making; that to decide must not only be timely but at its best.

As chief Justice Warren E. Burger of the U.S Supreme court stated; "The policeman on
the beat or in the patrol car makes more decisions and exercises broader discretion
affecting daily life of the people, and to a greater extent, in many respect than a judge
who will ordinarily exercise in a week. No law, no book, no lawyer, no judge can readily
tell a policeman on the beat how to exercise his discretion perfectly in every one of that
thousands of hour-to-hour work of a policeman.”

The police are trained to be self-reliant and make decisions. Most of the decisions
they makes involved discretion whenever they use their own judgment and personal
experience in deciding when to act and how to act when confronted with specific

Control of Discretion

Chief justice Warren Burger has this advice to say; "Indeed, no law book, no
lawyer, no judge can easily tell the policeman on the beat how to exercise his discretion
perfectly in every one of the thousands of different situations that can arise in an hour to
hour work of a policeman." Yet we must recognize that we need to choose between no
guidance at all and perfect guidelines. There must be some basic guidelines by way of
basic concept that will assist the officer in these circumstances.

"Basically as I suggest, it is a matter of common sense and sound judgment, and

yet we know that one mans common sense may another mans mistake. Hence, this needs
for carefully devised standards to guide the exercise of this discretion and second, care
and comprehensive training of officers before they are thrust into situations that would
often baffle the wisest judge."

Conclusively, the patrol officer, due to the nature of police task he has to render
daily in our fast changing society is the most involved law enforcement officer exercising
discretion. In instances where a legal basis is unclear, police discretion should rely on
good judgment, prudence and common sense.


Patrol organization – It consists of arranging personnel and functions in a

systematic manner designed to accommodate stated goals and objectives in the most
efficient manner possible.

A poorly organized police department cannot function effectively even with the
best management. Similarly, a well-organized police department will not operate with
maximum efficiency if it is not well manage.

The act of organizing is indispensable to management, and without some form of

organizational structure, most police operations cannot be carried out effectively. If
organizational concept is poorly understood or applied, the efficiency of the department
is severely -affected.

Concept of Patrol

Patrol is the only form of police service that directly attempts to eliminate the
desire and opportunity to commit misconduct on the part of an individual.

Since the patrol force is the only unit in the police organization which directly and
constantly in contact with the public, hence, they are the officers who understand the
behavior of the community.

Overview of Patrol Works

1. Police patrol whether on foot or in an automobile, or in whatever manner it is

performed, is the basic law enforcement method.
2. While it is not as spectacular and glamorous, as other many interesting police
work of crime prevention, patrol works is also enjoyable if one will make use of
his initiative towards his performance of his duties.
3. Careful patrol by an intelligent officer is the first line of defense against crime.
4. The man on the beat, the day-by-day work that makes or breaks a law
enforcement agency that controls the majority of criminals and is the major basis
of a police function, protection of life and property and service to the public.

5. Many officers find patrol duty monotonous. This is the fault of the officer rather
than fault of duty.
6. Patrol is monotonous if the officer is only trying to put eight hours on duty while
walking or driving around his area of responsibility.
7. On the other hand, patrol can be extremely interesting if the officer tries to do a
good job.
8. The study of individual behavior is one of the most interesting subjects in social
9. If the patrol officer on duty attempts to analyze his area, the people in the area,
their problems, he will find that time goes faster, and he is doing a better job. No
matter how dead a beat may seem. There is a greater deal to be observed if the
officer is genuinely interested for it.
10. Each area has its own distinct characteristics, and its own police problems.
11. Police ingenuity and dedication to patrol works will definitely dissolves


The nature of patrol works adheres very closely to rigid chain of command,
specific assignments, duties and responsibilities. Its functional job description is specific
that distinguishes between line and staff authority.

The objective of patrol force is likely similar with that of a police organization.
The uniformed police patrol officer represents all the powers and responsibilities of the
police. In very real sense, the uniform patrol force is the police, while the specialized
function represents depth application of responsibilities and techniques, which the patrol
officer initiates.

Patrol force – The central operation of the police organization is the, to which other
bureaus, divisions, units, sections related to participate in a support capacity.

The percentage distribution of most police personnel in a police department,

police stations is shown in a simple table below:

ACTIVITY Percentage
Administrative functions 6
Patrol 58
Criminal Investigation 13
Traffic Management 10
Juvenile Service 3
Auxiliary functions 8
Other functions 2
Total 100%

This distribution should be understood as only an example, various police

departments vary in their distribution depending on the need requirement.

The absence of specialized units such as SWAT, medical team, etc. in the above table is
noticeable. Its operation is discouraged for the following reasons.

a. It absorbs most of the personnel for crime prevention works.

b. They are considered as glamorous units compared to the ordinary uniformed
contingent. Hence, patrol officer tends to shy away from crime
prevention assignments.

Since the problem of crime is the concern of the government and prevention of
which is the basic responsibility of the police, enforcement of laws through patrol work is
its motivating ingredients to achieve peace and order.

The preventive role of individual patrolman in his beat is a basic element of

modern police service. The mere presence of operating patrol force is considered as the
greatest crime deterrence, thus far created by organized society.

Patrol force – Is considered the core of the police department in any community. Its
existence lessens the necessity for organizing specialized operating units.

In the sense that these patrol force is directly dealing with the society. Police
executives and local officials are cognizant to the fact that patrol force is the most
important element of the police department.

Primary Importance of Patrol

The law enforcement agencies are growing and evolving at a rapid pace, patrol,
remains, however, the most needed activity of the police, because;

a. Patrol is the essence of police functions.

b. The actions taken by the police officers have a direct impact on citizen's
satisfaction, and on the accomplishment of police goals and objectives.
c. It is also the most visible form of police activity, furthering the community's
perception towards the local government services.
d. The action of the patrol officer has far reaching consequences for the police
agency, for the citizenry, and for the quality of justice in the society.
e. Police administrators must then be very supportive of the patrol mission.

Distinction of Crime Prevention and Crime control

CRIME PREVENTION – Is the reduction or the elimination of the desire and/or

opportunity to commit a felony.

CRIME CONTROL – Is the primary concern of the police, as the saying goes, "control
before the act escalates into a serious proportion". The fine line is;

a. Basically, first to prevent

b. Ultimately to control

Role of Patrol

Role – means a specific type of behavior that is to be expected from an individual who
occupies a particular position with attendant responsibility and authority.

As applied in police patrol, it is the result of police actions towards his

responsibilities and obligations as a law enforcer as expected by the community.

Division of Patrol Goals

1. Deterrence and Prevention – It involves activities, which are intended to

influence the perceptions of potential criminals as to the likelihood of
2. Apprehension – when deterrence fails to prevent crime, patrol is responsible
for apprehending the offender, quick and efficient performance of the
task is generally assumed to contribute to improve levels of deterrence.

3. Non-criminal related services – performance of these types of services is

another patrol functions. The police when unable to think of where else
to turn and the facts that the police are often the only available source of help
is the primary reason that these types of services are provided by police
4. Sense of community security and satisfaction – It is normally acknowledge
that effective attainment of deterrence, apprehension and non-related
activity should result in high levels of perceived community security
and satisfaction with police activities.
5. Recovery of stolen Property – The recovery of stolen property, much of
these are significant unless the item can be returned promptly to the
owner. Citizens need to use crime prevention services to learn how to
maintain their property easier in the event that it is stolen.

Patrol Functions and Activities

It is no secret that criminals often plan their illegal ventures in areas where police
are known to be lax, arid, inefficient, and they purposely avoid communities in which the
police have established a reputation of being extremely vigilant and aggressive in
determining crime.

Moreover, a high level of police visibility enhances citizens feeling of safety and
security. Hence, police are expected to perform extra duties such as;

a. Request to intervene in situations between husband and wife.

b. Between landlord and tenants
c. Between businessmen and customers
d. Conflicts among neighbors
e. Quieting of laud disco parties
f. Dispersion of unlawful assemblies
g. Report to corresponding agencies underground water pipe leaks, open
manholes, clogged drainage, uncollected garbage etc.

Since enforcement priority is the essence of crime prevention, it becomes

imperative to classify patrol functions under the following headings:

a. Prevention of crime
b. Suppression of criminal activity
c. Apprehension of criminals
d. Protection of life and property from criminal attack
e. Regulation of non-criminal conduct
f. Preservation of peace and order

Patrol officers must not overlook the fact that they are solely responsible for
seeing and correcting conditions to prevent opportunity of crime. The following
additional tasks are the patrol force responsibility to undertake:

a. Patrol and observation

b. Called for service
c. Inspectional service
d. Control for public gatherings
e. Responding to emergencies
f. Attending to complaints
g. Conducting initial investigations
h. Preservation of crime scene
i. Criminal apprehension
j. Writing reports

Types of Patrol

There are many types of patrol, in this topic, the advantages and disadvantages of
each type and various techniques that may be utilized will be discussed. Most patrols are
assigned to a particular area referred to us the beat. The size of the beat is determined by:

1. The type of the area to be patrolled

2. The type of criminal activity that occurs in the area
3. The frequency of crime in the area.

To properly cover the beat, patrols are assigned in shift, and are determined by the
number of personnel available and the frequency of calls for police service. In larger
communities special shift are assigned to help during peak hours. This shift should be
constantly re-evaluated according to need. In many communities, the crime peak is
between 7PM to 3 AM; so special shift is assigned during such time. Traffic problems in
early morning and late afternoon may sometimes necessitate a split shift, but these
usually result in moral problems because officers hate split shift.

1. FOOT PATROL - it is the vintage type of patrol and still plays an important role in
the development of officers today. The popularity of vehicle patrols grew during the early
parts of the 20th century, the frequency of deploying officers on foot decreased. With
increased population density in many urban areas approaching gridlock.

However, foot patrol is re-emerging as workable method of patrol areas not suited
for vehicles:

1. Mobility is identified as a major advantage of vehicle patrol and also a

disadvantage to foot patrol. Although the size of an area patrolled on foot is much
smaller than in the automobile, the fact is that many areas do not lend themselves
to vehicular movements.
2. Observation greatly increased while on foot walking a beat. An officer should
occasionally take time to simply stand and listen. It could result in hearing faint
sounds that could not be picked in car or even while walking.
3. The ability to observe closely is also enhanced by the officers incase of any
incidents not readily observable, (stealth)
4. Officers should not conduct foot patrol without partner.
5. One bonus that may result from assignment to foot patrol is fitness.

Foot patrol presents several obvious drawbacks in addition to the limited size of a
beat. The officer is not able to transport a prisoner or carry much support equipment. Far
and almost, the most significant disadvantage of foot patrol is expense. The number of
officers needed to patrol an area is far greater when they are deployed on foot.

2. AUTOMOBILE PATROL - On the other hand, it is likely that the radio-equipped

automobile will continue to be the dominant form of transportation for the patrol officer
in the foreseeable future because of the following advantages:

1. Covers a wider area

2. Provides faster response to public calls
3. Provides constant availability to public
4. Provides an element of surprise specially when crime is in progress

5. Less tiresome than foot patrolling and therefore the patrol officer is in a better
mental and physical condition to deal with an emergency.
6. Provides the officer with a needed protection during inclement weather and
enables the officer to carry other equipment.

May 17, 1954 – The first automobile patrol was introduced by the Manila Police

3. MOTORCYCLE PATROL – The use of a two-wheeled two-stroke motorcycle is far

reaching in its ability to enter small alleys, compared to automobiles. Its mobility and
stealth when approaching a crime scene, the motorcycle patrol provides other important
services such as:

a. Enhancement of traffic enforcement

b. Easier mobility deployments
c. Increased vision for officers and greater public contact.

Motorcycle patrol officers are often deployed to enhance routine patrol activity
and assist for calls for service. Their primary responsibility lies in the enhancement of
traffic laws.

Deployment of motorcycle patrol officers depends on staffing and weather

condition, the motorcycle maybe used anytime of the year. Not only that they are
effective in the enforcement of traffic laws, they can also be deployed to assist in
responding for calls for service.

4. BICYCLE PATROL – The purpose of patrol is to maximize police visibility within

a given area. The utilization of bike by the police officers increased visibility in assigned
areas to provide high level of officer's community contact, which may result in increased
citizen's security satisfaction. Bike maximizes the area that can be covered effectively.

Bike provides another means of comprehensive and effective area coverage. Its
advantages are:

1. It can cover the area that are not accessible by patrol cars and are too wide to
cover on foot.
2. It is effectively used also by plainclothes patrol officers for surveillance in high
crime area wherein the officers wear nondescript cloth to blend with apparel
commonly worn by criminals and hoodlums

5. MARINE OR WATER CRAFT PATROL - The PNP Maritime groups also provide
enforcement service for one of the countries territorial waters and waterways. They are
tasked to provide protection to our waters from poachers and smuggling, illegal fishing
and all other illegal activities, which directly affect the water resources of the country.

6. HORSE PATROL OR MOUNTED PATROL - The focus of horse patrol is on

community policing. Horse used as a tool, which enables officers to build rapport with
public while on patrol, capability in areas of, otherwise limited patrol mobility.

The horse patrol is especially effective during special events as means of crowed
control. Both officer and horse must complete a 40 hours training and certification course
before becoming a member of the horse patrol unit. Refresher training is completed in a
yearly basis, as is weekly training to ensure officers and horse preparedness.


are fully equipped to perform day and night law enforcement operations, and are flown

by a permanently assigned crew including a lieutenant (inspector), pilot and trooper


Helicopter equipments include:

1. A 30,000,000-candle power "night sun" spotlight;

2. Public address system,
3. lo-jack stolen vehicle recovery system,
4. UHF and 800MHZ radio.

Patrol helicopters provide additional capabilities, and the ability to land to almost
everywhere, the helicopter significantly increases operational capability of law
enforcement. The helicopters already provided unprecedented assistance of highway
patrol and the citizen by providing support in our narcotic efforts, calamities, transport of
victims; e.g. the Pinatubo eruption to name some.

The only disadvantage of the aircraft is that, the maintenance of a permanent

crew. Because expertise in its operation cannot simply be mastered overnight.

Helicopters operate as an aid, and only do so when its service is being called

8. K9-CANINE PATROL – The responsibility of K9 unit is to conduct foot patrol in

areas of high crime, respond to unsecured buildings to conduct searches, and assist fellow
officers in tracking down wanted criminals. The canine units over the years have been
credited for providing a valuable service to the police department and serving the
community through public safety awareness.

The K9 unit has different kinds of dogs to perform task required of them. These
dogs are used to conduct building searches, where upon the criminal has broken into
someone's business or residence to steal anything of value. The K9 patrol or sometimes
referred to us utility dogs also conduct area searches, where a criminal will attempt to
elude the police.

Drug smugglers have been caught when the narcotic detector K9 puts its nose and
found illegal drugs hidden in cars, luggage and hidden compartments placed in any kind
of place imaginable. Positive alert dogs and passive alert dogs, performs sniffing illegal
drugs. Passive dogs sits, and positive alert dogs scratches when exposed to fumes/odor of
illegal drugs.

Terrorism found its way into our society, through the use of explosive weapons.
The criminal has taken another approach in intimidating citizens. The explosive detector
K9 has been trained to sniff out several types of explosives materials and also to locate
weapons that have been discarded after the use to a crime. The explosives weapons
canine, searching buildings for criminals who have sneaked into them for the need to
steal something of value.

9. CYBER PATROL – this is a dreamed future function of police which every country
should look into so as to cope with the investigation of cyber crimes.

Patrol Trends

The Walking Beat – The traditional trend, in spite of a variety of other useful patrol
methods introduced by progressive police departments abroad, some of which are
applicable to local conditions, the traditional walking beat method is being pursued in the
Philippine policing because of;

a. Financial constrains to other expensive types of patrol

b. Lack of interest on the part of police executives, administrators, commanders
to initiate programs to improve crime prevention techniques.
c. The thinking of contemporary police officials who are more concern of
glamorous crime fighting rather than crime prevention.

Before and after World War II, the walking beat or foot patrol was the only type
of patrol used by our local police forces for crime prevention activities. It was very
successful method because of strict supervision employed:

a. Close personal supervision

b. Supervision by instrumentation, which resulted in a high satisfactory and
viable police presence, the police omnipresence in the community.
c. Instrumentation- the use of modern communications and detection
equipments, which causes patrol officers to quickly, notify and
respond to any crime/incident.

Other traditional Police Strategies

a. The clockwise patrol pattern

b. The counter clockwise pattern
c. Zigzag or free wheeling pattern
d. The straightway and criss-cross pattern

The Psychology of Omnipresence – Patrol Strategy in Crime Prevention

Police Omnipresence – It is the community's perception that the police is always present
anytime, anywhere, who are always ready to assist the public of any untoward
eventuality. This, for a matter, will consciously promote a sense of security to the

Where, the desire to commit a crime exists only in the mind of an individual, and
the police have no power to determine the thinking and desire of a criminal. But in some
cases, the actions and body movements of a would be criminal will be a preclude to his
future intention, which may be deterred when police are present in the area intended for
the activity.

Strategic objective of Police Omnipresence

1. The patrol officer to be seen alertly and constantly patrolling so as to establish a

highly visible police presence; thereby imposing;
2. A feeling of security on the part of the law abiding citizen
3. A feeling of fear on the part of the would be criminals
4. A feeling of confidence that the police are constantly available to respond to any


It cannot be denied that for the progress of a certain task and fulfillment of an
objective, planning is very important. Thus in patrol, before embarking into operation,
prior plans should have been in place. In case of emergency, what are possible alternative
available for the patrol officer to do. In crises for example; floods, famine and others
contingencies should be all in place for the patrol officers to turn into.

Planning – It is the process of deciding in advance what to do, how to do it, and who is
to do it.

Planning bridge gap from where we are to where we want to go. It makes it
possible for things to occur which would not otherwise happen. Although the exact future
can seldom be predicted and factors beyond control may interfere with the best laid plans.

Without planning, events are left to chances. Planning is an intellectual process,

the conscious determination of courses of action, and the basis of decision, on purpose,
facts and considered estimates.

Planning – Is a tool to enhance effectiveness; it deals with the problem tomorrow,

planning maybe in the form of formal or structural plans or maybe simply a heuristic

Elements of Planning

1. A goal – What do you want to attain?

2. Course of action – How would you reach your goal?
3. Implementing group – Who is tasked to do the action?
4. Resources needed – What is needed to accomplish this task?
5. Time/duration – When is to be done?
6. Place or environment – Where it is to be done?

Goal – a general statement of intention and typically with a time horizon of a year or
Objective – a specific commitment to achieve a measurable result within a specific
period of time, usually a year or less.

Role of Research in Planning- determining and distinguishing matters to be considered

in planning;

1. Planning requires prediction to be made about the future and these predictions are
likely to be less than accurate.
2. Planning is based on perceptions about current conditions and these maybe on
inaccurate or incomplete information.
3. Based on current objectives, or notions of what is desirable, and these can change
overtime so that before a plan is fully accomplished its objective may have been
4. The actions chosen to carry out a plan may have results different from those that
were perceived.

Research – It is the systematic gathering of knowledge. In dice, it is the comparison of

past and present events, trends and behavior observed from day to day police activities,
and this includes;

1. Observation - of events, people or natural phenomena that can be observed and

counted, and the result of observation can be compared (e.g. crime rate).
2. Experimentation - process, techniques or actions that can be carried out under
controlled conditions and the results can be observed to determine whether the
researcher's idea about what will happen is correct (e.g. observations of. detained
3. Review of previous research - previous researcher's observations, the result of
past experiments, and other researcher's theories or generalization can be studied

and compared to determine what is already known about a problem or subject

(e.g. comparison of crime statistics).
4. Forecasting - predictions can be made about future conditions and apparent
trends or patterns of changes.

A forecast is a statement of expectations for the future based historical


Importance of Planning

1. We must pro-act, not just react – It is best to solve a problem before it happens.
A plan, which is put in place, rehearsed and evaluated, would make
implementation easier.
2. Doing more with less – resources are always not enough. Hence, they must be
used to the fullest and with maximum impact. In these case "one plus one should
be equal to three or more or the sum of the parts should be greater than the whole.
3. Foundation of your work - a plan establishes the basis for what you are doing.
You will have a guide or a road map to help you do the right thing.
4. Help make your people more productive - when people know what they want
to do, how you want it done and what is expected if they adapt their roles and
understand their value and contribution in the over-all operations, they are able to
improve themselves and become more useful.
5. Reflects your competence - your experience in training will reflect on the plan
you make. It will establish what you have "your act together". It will also compel
you to "sharpen your saw" or to read more about delivering quality police service.
A good plan is a good image builder.

Skills needed for Planning

1. Good analytical mind - Learn to analyze what is happening and how it affects
you and your unit.
2. Forecasting - seeing ahead and making sound assumptions. Begin with end in
3. Prioritizing - put first thing first.
4. Sound objective setting - Know where you are going and how to get there. Be
5. Monitoring - Try to see progress of your plan.
6. Documenting - Report the progress of your plan.
7. Flexibility - Be flexible to the point of being able to modify certain parts of the
plan, which do not work.
8. Inter-operability / coordination – capability of the commander to work with
synergy with the different government and private sectors of the community.

Responsibilities in Planning

1. Broad external Policy Planning – The main concern of the police in this broad
external policy planning is assisting the legislature in the determination of police
guidelines through the passage of appropriate laws or ordinances for the police to-

2. Internal Policy Planning- The chief PNP and other chiefs of different units or
headquarters within their area of jurisdiction to achieve the objectives or mission
of the police organization are responsible for planning, organizing, staffing,
directing, coordinating, controlling, reporting and budgeting for the police
organization within existing policies and available resources.

Planning approaches

There are basically five major approaches to planning; Synoptic, Incremental,

Transitive, Advocacy, and Radical.

SYNOPTICPLANNING – This model is especially appropriate for police agencies as it

is based on a 'problem-oriented approach to planning.

Steps in synoptic planning

1. Prepare for Planning – the task for planning should be detailed, a work chart
that specifies:

a. what events and actions are necessary,

b. when they must take place
c. who is to be involved in each action and for how long,
d. how the various actions will interlock with one another.

2. Describes Present Situation – Planning must have a mean for evaluation, and
without an accurate beginning database there is no reference point on which to
formulate success or failure.

3. Develop Projections and consider Alternative Future States – It is important

for the police executive to project the current situations into the future to
determine possible, probable and desirable future state while considering the
social, legislative and political trends existing in the community.

4. Identify and Analyze Problems- Discovery of the problems assumes that a

system to monitor and evaluate the current arena is already on place. A complete
understanding of the problem leads to the development of the means to deal with
the issues.

5. Set Goals – making choices about goals is one of the most important aspects of
planning. It makes no sense to establish a goal that does not address a specific

6. Identify Alternative Course of Action – Alternatives do not have to be

substitutes for one another or perform the same function.

7. Select Preferred Alternatives – there are three basic ways of selecting


8. Plan and Carryout Implementation –It maybe more important to know how an
alternative is introduced to a police department than what actually is.

9. Monitor and Evaluate Progress – Feedback must be obtained concerning the

results of the planning cycle, the efficiency of the implementation process, and the
effectiveness of new procedures, projects or programs.

INCREMENTAL PLANNING – It concludes that long range and comprehensive

planning are not only too difficult, but inherently bad.

TRANSACTIVE PLANNING – Techniques include field surveys and interpersonal

dialogue marked by a process of mutual learning.

ADVOCACY PLANNING – Beneficial aspect of this approach include a greater

sensitivity to the unintended and negative side effects of the plan.

RADICAL PLANNING – the first mainstream involves collective actions to achieve

concrete results in the immediate future. The second mainstream is critical of large-scale
process and how to permeate the character of social and economic life of all levels, which
in turn, determine the structure and evolution of social problems.

Objectives of Police Planning

1. To increase the chances of success by focusing on results and not so much on the
2. To force analytical thinking and evaluation of alternatives for better decisions
3. To establish frameworks for decision making consistent with the goal of the
4. To orient people to action instead of reaction
5. To modify the day to day style of operation to future management
6. To provide decision making with flexibility
7. To provide basis for measuring original accomplishment or individual
8. To increase employee and personnel involvement and to improve communication

Characteristics of a Good Police Plan

1. It should bear a clearly defined objectives or goals

2. It should be simple, direct and clear
3. Should be attainable
4. Must provide standards of operations
5. Economical in terms of resources needed for implementation

Characteristics of a Good Police Operational Plan

1. It reflects the experiences of the line officers

2. It incorporates the finding of the police statistician
3. It contains the conclusion of the crime analyst
4. It incorporates the counsel of the staff officers
5. It includes the advise of every organic personnel and unit involved in planning

Phases of Planning

1. Goal Determination – the selection of objectives, which construe with the

agencies mission.
2. Strategy Formulation (alternative)- literally it is the action plan. It shows the
agency where is and where it is attempting to go. It determines the strength and
limitations so as to provide for alternatives.

Types of Plans

A plan can be anything that represents a conscious decision to influence some

future actions or conditions, “such as setting an alarm clock”. More formal kinds of
plans, such as those we consider in this study, vary according to the following:

1. Scope and nature of the action that is to be taken according to the plan
2. Period encompassed in the plan
3. Number of times the plan, or minor variations of it, will be repeated
4. Definition of the plan

Some management theories consider some policies, SOP's, rules and regulations
to be a "standing plan". In the sense that they represents a conscious decisions that are
intended to influence future acts.

The kind of plan that will concern us are designed not just to standardized
employees work performance, but to deal with unusual future events or to bring about
desirable changes in an agency.

Four types of Synoptic Plan

1. Operational plan
2. Contingency plan
3. Programmatic plan
4. Strategic plan

Operational Plan – One of the concerns of a limited scope of action encompasses a

relatively short period and maybe repeated with some variations. Its purpose is to provide
for the consideration/coordination of several persons, 'activities or process to achieve a
particular desired outcome.

The most common operational plans are schedules of people, things and
processes. This includes the plans for the operations of special divisions like traffic,
patrol, fire and juvenile control divisions. Operational plans shall be prepared to
accomplish each of the primary police tasks. Plans for operations for special divisions
consist of two types, namely;

1. Those designed to meet everyday, year round needs which are the regular
operating program of the divisions; and

2. Those designed to meet unusual needs, the results of immediate and usually
unexpected variations in activities that demand their attention.

Types of Operational Plans

1. Regular Operating Programs – the operating divisions/ units shall have specific
plans to meet current needs. Plans shall also assure suitable supervision, which
becomes difficult when the regular assignment is interrupted to deal with this
short time periodic needs.
2. Meeting Unusual Needs – the unusual need may arise in any field of police
activity and is nearly always met in the detective, vice, and juvenile divisions by
temporary adjustment of regular assignments.

Parts of a Police Operational Plan

1. Security classification
2. Number of copies and pages
3. Name of headquarters
4. Plan 'title or name
5. Reference - the source of authority in formulating a plan based on;

a. organizational policy or guidelines

b. Orders of superior officers or authority
c. Documents, maps, books etc.
6. Situation - general situation and specific situation
7. Mission

8. Task allocation
9. Coordinating instructions - refers to the manner of giving alarm or signal when
encountering such problems which needs immediate action.
10. Command - refers to the relationship between operating personnel or units with
that of the police headquarters whom to summon for assistance.
11. Signal - defines communication networks, which is to be used during a particular
operation like using passwords.
12. Signature
13. Distribution - refers to what unit will be given copies for the plan.

a. all units
b. selected units
c. very selected units only

Contingency Plan – To some degrees, the police must be prepared for almost everything
that might happen to endanger the lives of citizens and properties. Most police agencies
are expected to assume responsibility for both security and rescue operations in all sort of
emergencies, from violent weather, riots, to plane crash.

Such events are so infrequent that it is impractical to establish standardized

policies and operational plans, to deal with them. Thus, plans must be made well in
advance and keep ready in case they are needed. These will go into effect only if certain
events occur, that is, the plan is contingent on the event or condition, thus, is known as
contingency plan.

It is impossible to give detailed recommendations as to the number and variety of

contingency plans a department should maintain. But at the very least, even a small
police department should maintain a contingency, to deal with the following kinds of

a. Natural Disaster
1. Storm (hurricane, flood, tornado, typhoons, earthquakes, etc.) that
causes wide spread property damage, personal injuries, and disruptions
of communications.
2. Major fires and explosions in a commercial district
3. Major fire or explosion in residential district

b. Transportation Disasters
1. Commercial aircraft crash
2. Multi-vehicle collision in a major highway or arterial streets
3. Railroad derailment or accident
4. Pipe lined or storage tank explosion or major leakage

c. Public Events and Civil Disorder

1. Protest and demonstrations

2. Riotous attack
3. An actual or threatened bombing of a public building
4. Potential riotous disturbance at a public event
5. Parade or other public appearances of a celebrity or a controversial
person requiring special security.

d. Miscellaneous events
1. Aircraft high jacking
2. Kidnapping or hostage taking
3. Barricade sniper

Each contingency plan should specify, describe as much as possible the kind of
event it is intended to cover and all circumstances that can be anticipated, like;

– Who will decide that the plan will be implemented

– Who will be in charge of carrying out the plan
– What department unit or personnel will be assigned to the operation
– Where personnel are to be assembled for instruction, distribution of special
equipment and deployment.
– What action may be taken at the discretion of the individual personnel and
what actions are to be taken only on the instruction of the commanding
– Who will serve as sub commander or intermediate officer?
– When and by whom the operation will be terminated, and how personnel will
be informed.

Programmatic Plan - The most important plan for any organization, including police
agency, are those that specify a course of action. These plans represent the agencies
program, for fulfilling its functions; they are crucial to the success of the organization.

Programmatic plan can be designed to do nothing more than to maintain the

status quo, the current level of accomplishment in fulfilling the agency's basic functions.

Two forms of Programmatic Plan

Project – a project involves the introduction of a single, specific change in an

organization over a limited period.

Program – also a type of programmatic plan that is designed to meet a specific need,
through a specific course of action with the desired results, and a program should be
designed for a specific period.

The difference between a project and a program is that the latter is intended from
the beginning to be permanent part of the organization. Change may be introduced from
time to time, but ordinarily, a program continuous from year to year until the need for it
no longer exists.

Strategic Plan

Strategic plans – It covers such a long period, is most vulnerable to unpredictable future
changes. It is most dependent on accurate knowledge of current conditions and accurate
forecast on future conditions.

Strategy - a planned and orderly approach and a plan of action formulated and executed
to achieve a certain goal or mission of an organization.

Reasons for strategic planning

There are six key reasons for strategic planning as follows;

1. Vision – a vision of what a police department should be

2. Long-Range Thinking – keeping in mind that strategy is deciding where we
want to be.
3. Strategic Focus – the concentration is not varied but single.
4. Congruence – the interceding factors should always be in congruence with that of
the planned system

5. A Strategic Response to Change – this is sometimes called contingency, that

incase of changes or deviations to a planned activity, there should be an
6. A Strategic Framework – sometimes it is called the flow chart or structural flow
of the activity. This is purposely to maintain proper coordination among
implementing or working units which are in turn referred as doctrines.

Categories of Police Doctrines that affects Planning

Primary Doctrine

1. Fundamental Doctrine – Is the basic principle in planning, organization and

management of the PNP in support of the overall pursuit of the PNP Vision,
Mission and strategic action plan for the attainment of the National objectives.
2. Operational Doctrine – Is the principles and rules governing the planning,
organization and direction and employment of the PNP forces in the
accomplishment of basic security and public safety operations.
3. Functional Doctrine – this provides guidance for specialized activities of the
PNP in the broad field of interest such as personnel, intelligence operations,
logistics, planning etc.

Secondary Doctrines

1. Complementary Doctrine - doctrines formulated jointly by two or more bureaus

in order to effect a certain operation with regard to public safety and peace and
2. Ethical Doctrine – that define the fundamental principles governing the rules of
conduct, attitude, behavior and ethical norm of the PNP.

Principles of the PNP Organizational Plan

1. Principle of Unity of Objective – An organization is more effective if it enables

the individual to contribute to the organizations objectives.
2. Principle of Organizational Efficiency – organization structure is effective if it
is structured to aid the accomplishment of the organizations objectives with the
minimum cost.
3. The Scalar Principle – the vertical hierarchy of the organization defines an
unbroken chain of scale of units from top to bottom describing explicitly the flow
of the authority.

– Unity of Command - subordinate should be under the control of only one

– Span of Control - control of superior should not be more than what he
can effectively direct.
– Delegation of Authority - supervisors may delegate authority to their
immediate officers, for more mobility.
– Chain of Command - this suggest the protocol to be strictly observed.

4. Functional Principle – this implies a system of varied functions arranged into a

workable pattern.
5. Principle of Balance – the application of principles must be balance to ensure the
effectiveness of the structure in meeting organizations objectives.
6. Principle of Delegation by Result Expected – authority delegated is adequate to
ensure the ability to accomplish results expected.
7. Principle of Absoluteness of Responsibility – the responsibility of the
subordinates to their superior for their performance is absolute and superior

cannot escape responsibility for the organization on activities performed by their

8. Principle of Parity and Responsibility - the responsibility for actions cannot be
greater than that implied by the authority delegated nor should it be less.
9. Authority Level Principle - maintenance of intended delegation requires the
decision within the authority of individual commander.
10. Principle of Flexibility – the more provision made for building, the more the
organization can fulfill its purpose.

Common Factors Affecting Planning

1. Condition – a consideration in the area where the plan will be implemented

2. Time – considering the time of execution/ implementation, the time interval and
time allowed for the revisions and modifications of plan.
3. Resources Available – allocation of manpower, money and materials
4. Skills and Attitudes of Management - The level of experience of the personnel
who are involved in the preparation of the plan and those who will execute the
5. Social and Political Environment – refers to social and political practices, which
will be affected by the plan.
6. Physical Facilities - refer to machinery, instrument or tools in the attainment of
the goals of the plan.
7. Collection and Analysis of Data – ready sources and basis of good decision
making by the makers of the plan may be properly obtained through research and
other means of information gathering techniques.

ACRONYMS: Guide for Planning


• G-raft free organization

• L-eadership by example
• O-ne stops shop mechanism for a faster police response to complaints and reports
• R-esult oriented- culture in the anti-criminality effort
• I-nvestment climate, which is business friendly as a result of peace and order
• A-ccountability and ownership of peace and order campaign


• S-imple
• M-easurable
• A-ttainable
• R-ealistic
• T-ime bound


1. Needs assessment
2. Goal and objective setting
3. Definition of alternative methods
4. Cost benefit assessment
5. Selection of methodology
6. Definition of evaluation methods

Needs Assessment - The process of diagnosing what is already has and don't have,
applying the following ways:

1. Compare existing conditions with some basic values, such as the statement of the
organization purpose.
2. Compare existing conditions with that of other similar organizations.
3. Compare existing conditions with long-term goals.

Goal and Objective Setting - The specific statement of agencies basic values or
purposes, towards which the agency is working. It is sometimes called operational
definition of agency's values. It defines the value in measurable terms.

Definition of Alternative Methods

Study the sources of alternative methods

1. What worked in the past

2. What other organization have done
3. What the planner can imagine

The more alternatives one can develop, the greater the likelihood, that the most
effective, successful method will be chosen to meet the plans objective.

Cost Benefit Assessment

Budgeting – the major planning tool of law enforcement agencies is the budget. It is an
indispensable portion of the process of planning. It determines the feasibility of the-plan,
while the plan determines what should be requested in the budget.

Types of Budget

Line item budget - It is in the form of a shopping list wherein every perceived
expenditure is listed with its probable cost. It is divided into four categories:

1. Personnel
2. Equipment
3. Supplies
4. Contractual items

Performance budget – Derived from cost accounting and scientific management ethos.
It is designed to guide administrator's asses the work efficiency of operating units

1. Costing budget categories in functional terms

2. Providing work cost measurement to facilitate the effective performance of
prescribed activities.

Planning-Programming Budget (PPB) - In PPB, there are three important

developments, which influenced evaluation from management orientation to planning

1. The economic analysis - macro and micro - had an increasing part in the shaping
of fiscal and budgetary policies.
2. The development of new information and decisional techniques has enlarged the
applicability of objectives analysis to policy making.
3. There has been a gradual convergence of planning and budgeting process.

PPB – was designed to use the budget process as a tool for planning. It is constructed by
dividing the organizations into programs.

The strength of PPB is the focus of planning. Since in its programs, the needs are
specified and readily identifiable.

The negative aspect also of PPB is the heavy planning orientation, since it will
show the administrators lack of knowledge of the agencies mission and goals, also it
determines if the administrator is unqualified for not comprehending the ethos of

Zero Based Budget (ZBB) - Means the agency start from zero, in terms of budget and
program is sacrosanct; all must be justified to receive continuous funding.

Definition of Evaluation Method – Evaluation provides for the systematic assessment

of an activity or group of related activities. It comes in different forms and guises, such
1. Process - focused on how evaluation is done, the steps and procedures involved in
designing and conducting an evaluation.
2. Product - the findings or judgments that are made as a result of doing an
3. Purpose - the end use of evaluation, such as planning, policy making, and decision

Special Procedures in Police Planning

The following provides an orderly means for the development of plans;

1. Frame of Reference – this shall be based on a careful view of the matters relating to
the situation for which plans are being developed.
2. Clarifying Problems – A situation must exist for which something must and can be
3. Collecting all Pertinent Facts – no attempt shall be made to develop a plan until all
facts relating to it have been gathered.
4. Analyzing the Facts – This provides the basis from which a plan or plans are
evolved. Only such facts as may have relevance shall be considered.
5. Developing Alternative Plans – In the initial phases of plan development, several
alternative measures shall appear to be logically comparable to the needs of a
6. Selecting the Most Appropriate Alternative - a careful consideration of all facts
usually leads to the selection of a best of alternative proposals.
7. Selling the Plan - a plan, to be effectively carried out, must be accepted by persons
concerned at the appropriate level of the plans development.
8. Arranging for Execution of the Plan - the execution of a plan requires the issuance
of orders and directives to units and personnel concerned the establishment of the
schedule, and the provision of manpower and equipment for carrying out the plan.
9. Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Plan - This is necessary in order to know
whether a correct alternative was chosen, whether or not the plan was correct, which
phase was poorly-implemented, and whether additional planning may be necessary.

Virtually, every problem in law enforcement and public safety leads to a thorough
and systematic analysis- the process o planning. This approach involves:

1. the discovery or identification of the problems

2. the frame of reference
3. the isolation and classification of the problem

4. The collection and analysis of pertinent facts, data and opinions.

5. developing alternative plans through identification am evaluation
6. the selection of the most appropriate alternatives; and subsequently
7. selling the plan to persons concerned for the arrangement of its execution and
evaluation of its effectiveness


Determination of Patrol force Requirement

Patrol Force size – In small agencies, it is not uncommon for 80 to 90 percent of the
force is devoted to patrol. Large agencies, the proportion might be 50 percent or less.

Factors, which Influence the need for, Patrol Officers

1. Geographical status and population

2. Administrative and operational procedure
3. Training/competence and motivation of patrol officer
4. Political situation of the locality
5. Size of the agency budget

Patrol Deployment Shift and Beats – First, the administrator will determine the base
number of patrol officers and decide how they are to be deployed, what geographical area
and period each officer will conduct patrol.

Procedures of Patrol Deployment Shift and Beat

1. Take the number of officers available

2. Divide into four groups
3. The three groups will be assigned to each three daily shift
4. Fourth group will serve as relief shift which fills in for the other three shifts
during their day off,
5. Each shift is of eight hours long

Factors which Influence Patrol Adjustments

1. Behavior patterns of one community to the other

2. Changes in weather condition
3. Population density
4. Socio-economic status
5. Different ethnic groups comes into contact
6. Young people have limited opportunities for productive recreation and productive
7. Regular days weekends- and holidays.

These factors determine the difference of patrol police workloads. These

variations must be considered for efficient deployment of patrol force.

Methods of Determining the Workload Pattern for Patrol Force

1. Examined the historical record of police activity in the community

2. Never attempt to recreate workload patterns from haphazard record
3. Determine the crime incident that have occurred by location
4. Determine the number of officers and length of time each officer was involved.

Status Analysis of the Area


1. Geographical Distribution Analysis – can be presented in the form of a map of

the agencies jurisdiction with pins or shadings to show the number of recorded
incidents in each area.
2. Categories of Incidents/Crimes – may also be indicated by using color codes or
similar devices, which may be further subdivided into felonies, misdemeanors or
some other categories.
3. Non-Productive Task – shall be eliminated in the graphical distribution.
4. Incident-Distribution – may also be presented on the form of graphs.

Patrol Response Priorities

1. First Priority Incidents, those;

a. Crimes in progress
b. Traffic accidents with serious injuries
c. Civil disturbances
d. Others which are alarming and scandalous

2. Second Priority Incidents

a. Felony complaints
b. Crime is no longer in progress
c. Traffic accidents that do not involve injuries
d. Assistance to another emergency service
e. Misdemeanors or public disturbance

3. Third Priority Incidents

a. Misdemeanor complaints
b. Minor traffic accidents and other incidents that disrupts traffic
c. Other calls for service that are indirectly related to law enforcement

4. Fourth Priority Incidents – any other kinds of incidents or call for service would be
treated as fourth priority.

These systems are always adopted in large police agencies, which cover a highly
urbanized state/community where the crime rate is very high. It may also be applied to
medium and small police units wherein their community coverage is a crime-situated

While there are no universal standards of acceptable response time, but are left to
the prerogative of the police administrators and radio dispatchers and their supervisors.
But it has been generally agreed that;

1. First priority response time is preferably not more than five minutes
2. Second priority incidents should be handled within 10 to 15 minutes
3. Third priority events should be handled not more than 20 to 30 minutes
4. Longer response time will be disastrous to the police administrator and the

Types of Patrol Shift

a. Staggered shift system

1. night shift 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM

2. Evening shift 10:00 PM to 2:00 AM 3 . 4:00 PM to 12:00 midnight

4. Day shift l0:00 AM to 6:00 PM

b. Peak period shift - typical workload period

1. 4:00 PM - 10:00 PM week days

2. 5:00 PM - 11:00 PM Fridays and Saturdays
3. 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM Sundays

c. Relief Shift (three shift)

12:00AM-8:00 AM
4:OOPM - 12:OOAM

Days of a week

Sundays – Relief First shift Second shift

Mondays – Relief First shift Second shift
Tuesdays – 3rd shift Relief 2nd shift
Wednesdays - 3rd shift Relief 2nd shift
Thursday - 3rd shift 1st shift Relief
Fridays - 3rd shift 1st shift Relief
Saturdays- 3rd shift 1st shift 2nd shift

Observe that the shift system looks like a precise schedule of patrol duties. But at
any case, these regular shifting system may be modified or adjusted on case to case basis,
wherein there are factors which directly affects the entire department, example, when;
1. There is a direct order from the higher command
2. Police officers are utilized in special occasions where there is a large magnitude of
crowed to be controlled
3. In case of calamities and other relative events.

Systems of Patrol

1. The Traditional Patrol Pattern - this system of patrol has been so effective
during the early years wherein dedication to duty of the officers is gained through
their abeyance to the authority.

The common patrol strategies being applied by the traditional patrol

officers are;

a. Saturation drive system, which are executed in the following

1. The clockwise pattern

2. The counter clockwise pattern
3. The zigzag or free wheeling pattern
4. The straightway and crises cross pattern

Modern System Patrol – Development of new system of policing has shifted

from traditional to scientific. In which crime fighting becomes an alternative when crime
prevention and control failed.

Mobile Patrolling: Concept of Operation


The operation of mobile patrol shall be under a centralized command, irrespective

of size of the department and the area of coverage, whereby, the assignment of the patrol
cars and its crew components shall be the sole responsibility of its commander.

The radio cars shall be used exclusively for patrol functions. Flexibility in their
deployment shall be the primary consideration. Normally, radio cars shall be allocated to
areas in accordance with;

a. Volume of crime incidence

b. Need for police service
c. Prevalence of hazards

Its crew components shall be organized into three-shift assignment of eight hours
to each tour of duty, as follows;

a. Morning shift - 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM

b. Afternoon shift- 3:00 PM-11:00 PM
c. Night shift -11:00 PM - 7:00 AM

Complaints or calls for service received by the police station is requiring

immediate police action shall be relayed to the radio cars by the dispatcher at the radio
control room of -the mobile Patrol unit.

Similarly, spot cases encountered by the mobile crew in the course of their patrol
will involve the placing of suspect under arrest. It shall then be turned over to the
corresponding support units for booking and confinement. The support units shall prepare
necessary investigation, booking and preparation of complaint for filling. The crew of the
radio car who initiated the arrest will serve as witness.

Two Phases to consider in Managing Mobile Patrol

1. Administrative Aspect

a. Staff supervisor - an inspector in charge of shift or platoon

b. Disposition officer - supervising deskman
c. Deskman- patrolman assigned to receive phone calls from public and reports
from mobile patrol crews.
d. Dispatcher - patrolman in charge of the radio control room that are
dispatching mobile patrol crew to scene of assignments, transmitting,
and receiving, recording radio message.

2. Operational Aspect

a. Field supervisor - one who supervise mobile crew in the field, for discipline
and performance.
b. Crew - normally two man complement of uniformed patrolman in the radio
car, one acting as the driver and the other as the recorder.

Specific Functions of the Mobile Patrol Components

1. Staff Supervisor (must be an inspector or sergeant) responsibilities:

a. Report for duty half an hour before regular fall-in time

b. Prepare daily assignments of his crew and cars
c. Conduct roll call of his men and brief them of current issues and
d. Maintain close coordination's with field supervisors

e. Accept the technical turnover of tactical organic equipment from outgoing

staff supervisor
f. Conduct periodic inspection of the base station
g. Direct and supervise his deskman
h. Prepare and submit written reports
i. Receive and serve subpoena and summons for service to his men
j. Keep abreast with all incidents/cases occurring during his tour of duty.
k. Alert the commander and the chief of police of any serious incident
l. Leave office only if everything is in place

2. Field Supervisor – duties and responsibilities

a. Shall assist the staff supervisor in the formation and posting of the platoon
b. Shall check the patrol cars used by the crew for any unauthorized object
c. Shall inspect the crew of places of response
d. Shall inspect the crew at their routing report of patrol allocation and/ or
standby points
e. Shall check and verify response of crew with negative results
f. Shall inspect their respective residence, members of his crew who reported
sick or malingering.
g. Shall be responsible for the discipline and performance of his men in the field.
h. Shall gather intelligence Information for collation and dissemination to the
platoon during roll-call training.

3. Mobile Patrol Crew - responsibilities

a. Shall report for duty at the base station at least 30 minutes before roll call
b. Shall attend the roll-call formation and training period, inspection of arm and
equipment, taking notes of latest memoranda, circulars, other newly
enacted laws, ordinances and alarms.
c. Shall proceed directly to their designated relieving points
d. Shall "get himself acquainted" with patrol pattern of the area
e. Shall be observant of persons and things, which may cause and create police
f. Shall "relay preparatory call" to the radio control, about a vehicle in pursuit.
g. Shall update the staff supervisor from time to time
h. Shall constantly maintain a harmonious relationship with the public.

Do's and Don'ts, upon stopping a vehicle and interrogating drivers:

1. During day time the widest portion of the road, where to stop motorist must be
2. The motorist shall be signaled to pull closer to the right side of the road with
patrol car parked behind the vehicle.
3. Observe the flow of traffic coming from behind before opening the door and
delighting from the patrol car.
4. In issuing a citation, the officer must occupy the right side of the vehicle, either
the motorist car or the patrol car, using the hood to accomplish the citation.
5. At nighttime, a well-lighted place should be selected to stop a motorist.
6. In issuing citations, while the recorder is busy filling the ticket, the driver of the
stopped vehicle shall regulate the traffic.
7. A citation must be issued within three minutes,
8. A patrol officer must never stand to do anything in front of a stopped vehicle with
its engine running and the driver still on the wheel.

9. The patrol officer must never stand on the way of the door of the stopped vehicle
especially if he is ordering the suspicious driver to get out from the vehicle.
10. Never allow a person being interrogated to stand at the firearm side
11. Never allow an apprehended suspect to sit inside the patrol car on the firearm

The One Car One Sector Concept

A sector is the area of patrol responsibility covered by a mobile patrol car.

It is composed of several patrol beats.

All factors that influence the organization of beats like topography accessibility,
population density, crime rate, hazards, called for services, etc. are all considered in lying
out of a sector the will be covered by a single patrol car for every eight hour of duty in 24
hours. It is calculated in the operational plan that the operating time interval, i.e. the
interval between the commission of the crime and the arrival of a patrol officer at the
scene shall be reduced.

The commonly accepted time interval of the "critical time" is categorized into
four phases.

a. Time interval between the commission of the crime and the citizen's telephone call to
the police and the mobile patrol headquarters.
b. The time between the lifting of the receiver and the beginning of the actual message,
between the desk officer and the caller.
c. The time between the officer caller conversation and the broadcast of the report by the
radio dispatcher to the specific car assigned at the scene.
d. The running time, response time of the dispatched patrol car from his position where
the assignment was received and its arrival at the scene of the incident.

All the above interval phases are flexible for future operational improvements to
further reduce the response time.

Strategy of High and Low Visibility Patrols

a. High Visibility Patrol - the theory underlying the high visibility patrol is that
increasing "the aura of police omnipresence" in the community can
reduce certain types of crimes.

b. Low Visibility Patrol - a strategy wherein members of the force in plain

cloth, patrol areas on foot or in unmarked vehicles where street crimes
become high-risk crimes. The objectives are;

1. Increased apprehension of criminals engages in selected street crimes.

2. The deterrence of criminal activity as a result of greater probability of

Proactive and Reactive Patrol

a. Proactive Patrol - an effort, which seeks to prevent a crime from occurring.

This involves the use of patrol officers of all crime analysis.

b. Reactive Patrol - an effort to respond to existing situations that confront them

and the type of reaction may determine whether or not a suspect is arrested
and prosecuted, or a problem is solved, or a life is saved.

The Team Leader is Responsible to Facilitate;

a. Democratic participation in policy formulation

b. Decentralized decision making
c. Participatory management of the group's activities.

The team leader assumed the round the clock responsibility of ensuring the
protection of the community, residents and business people, and providing other services
to residents of the neighborhood.-As such, supervision is;

a. Direct
b. Informal
c. Flexible
d. Professional
e. Collegial

Furthermore, the leader act as a resource, guide and monitors the situational
leadership exercised by all team members. Likewise, under the team policing, the patrol
officer performs dual functions as a generalist and specialist.

Personal Involvement and Responsibility

Due to the direct involvement of the patrol team with the community it is found

a. It reduces crime rate and increases crime Clearance

b. Increase community crime control
c. Reduced the public fear of crime
d. Improved police community relation
e. Increased police morale and their line of job satisfaction
f. Facilitate career development

Now it can be said that team policing members performs the full range of police
activities; peace keeping, crime investigation, traffic direction and accident investigation,
juvenile control and other functions.

Team Policing in the Philippine Setting

Due to the effort of the first police administrators in the Philippines (who are
Americans) Introduces their system into the organization, team policing was then adopted
and spearheaded by no legs than the Manila Police which makes them establish the
"PCRO" police community relations office. Its motivation is to enhance a mutual police
to community relationship in the prevention of crime. But the trend did not stretched its
arms to other police departments since, it was discovered that city official used it to their
personal advantage. Hence, team policing in the American society as well as the
Philippines should have bee] effective only if properly manage.

Other Types of Patrol

The Barangay Tanod – In our new setting' the Barangay tanod was introduced into our
system as a supplementary force to the police. It is tasked to:

Maintain peace and order in the Barangay level by;

1. Promoting peace and public safety in their jurisdiction

2. Supplement the existing police force during massive security operation
3. Initiate police action as the need arises.

These tanod bayan is managed under the Barangay community brigade headed by
no less than the Barangay captain. They are being given some quasi-educational police
and safety trainings to acquaint their consciousness with regards to their responsibilities.

Decoy Patrol - The art of employing cover functions with an end in view of
determining a criminal and or fruit of crimes. Decoy employs the art of roping, wherein
the agent/officer seeks to determine the behavior of the suspect.

Two Methods of Roping

1. Deductive – the process of detecting and arriving at a logical conclusion as to the

identity of the suspect through education of all attending circumstances.

2. Inductive – the reverse of the latter, wherein the process of identification of the
suspect starts to the suspect himself. The investigator will identify first the suspect
before sourcing out evidences, which directly incriminate him.

Uses of Decoy Patrol or Cover

1. Law enforcement agencies

2. Military
3. Corporate entities
4. Banking and finance institutions
5. Others


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