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What we did:

The assignment that we did was on Jamestown National Historic Site. I called the park to
do an interview with a ranger, request pamphlets and brochures. I was unable to speak with a
ranger because the park was closed due to the Covid-19. Aaron and I exchanged phone numbers,
and this is how we communicated. We collaborated with papers in google docs and we divided
up the work with the papers and the slides in Prezi. We were then able to work on the
assignments in our own time. This assignment was a ton of work, the history of the park has
many important reasons to have a spot in my E-portfolio

Summative Reflection:

I learned that the conditions in Jamestown were awful with the first settlers. The
settlers endured hardships, disease and even starvation. John Smith came into town and told the
colonists that in-order-to eat they must work. They eventually learned that the land could grow
tobacco, and this is what would help them to prosper.

Process Reflection
The first step that we did was to contact the park, we quickly realized that this step could
not be completed. Our second step was to create a list of sources that we would use to gather
material about the park. The third step we talked through the phone and decided that we would
use Prezi to do our assignment in. We used the same account and Aaron gave me his password
so that we both had access to the assignment. This made the process easy for us both to review
the others work and collaborate efficiently.
Reflection on Learning
What I learned from this class was how America was created. I learned the history of
Jamestown and the horrific events that the first settlers endured through their journey to success.
The bubble assignment on the colonies was very educational. That assignment showed me
exactly where the colonies were and what they did in each colony to prosper. I now have a clear
understanding how the events in the past have shaped the future of America. I learned how to
work as a team and finish an informative presentation.

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