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Asotgnment ~4. Coume Code’ NEN 461 gubmitted By © Name’ Raamul Haque Roll Noi 201722043 Level: 04 Team 1 Counset AEe-oF Date of Sub+ 44-07-20 QD) With neat Skeeter’ descizsbe the dHenant | types. of responses obtained trem’ a: Second © | Oredere Mess-spring o¥stem asvd- Junction (Ot damping ratio. | Beswen | Pamping rato 14 the ‘ratio of exponential | decay Inequeney tend nactorcel Frequeney, On simply ci dimens}ohleas’ meagine deséribing how osdliations m a system deuiy, efter a | distnbunee., denoted by ~G (zeta) To diseves @bout second orden emass-spring i ystems Nesponse in tenms of dumping ratio, etye consider q Simple Second Onden in TAsS-Epning system 1S f> Now ‘ets assume tnansfer tonetion of ‘tas! meas- spring dampen System is b 6 = ee &) sastb For ‘punely Imaginany pole =o, it the 9 atonal jnequeny, hence poles on te TY — ari ch. tae fo. hene “Wy= Vb aid Y= Sa Peponential decay tnequeny _ el “Wath jrogunty = Ve Wr Gz 25 On | fo oun generat second ~order Inanster tunetion Findlly looks lke v 6 (a= Bn. > oe ZEWnSt On — From | detinitton of dumping ratio. when | %=o system \4 undampa, BL Underdomp, | a2 Crit Cably amped and @>L ovendamp Soving ton the poles of the -ransden Funct: S12= — Sant Qn VE So here vaninvs exegee of Seon — orden | Teeponce ane a function of dumping Radio ; They ane. summanred 5 ‘Below |< Poles Step Response | s-plae’ 5D | a Jun & | “Jon Bn dasnped $-Pplave c&) | | OL eer A | y | - Top fi-ev Unsendampef % Poles Step Response Ja 4) I Crufically deurmpo @. - % Q- Wy f $52 = oven damped Figone! Dittenent type of Response ot & second onder mass- Sprund systirn as a fundion of tamping rotio | 0:4) When oc LT syolem willbe stalelé, Unciuble and Manginally Sfoble2 Decunive in nef. | Answer: Sbbtity ts the Inpst important eystem Specfi- | Cation. Betong going to definition fon stability i le } | i We veg the. Concepts of total system nas porse 5 dhe sum of the foncad and ae responses: +thed-ig ce(j=ac saad Cabo at? I Fon! Unear , time- lovaniank $(LTL) systems Ysing . natura nesponse*: 2 0 A ‘eystem 1s, stable ifthe natunak respons approaches zero as time approuchos | infintty @ A system ts unstable 1 tre nedorcd. sponse appreuches ingf)ntty as itime: “PPROaches Inffnity “ @) A system is marginally stuble if the \ : IS Natonal response neithen detays nom grow but remains constant or ascfllates, Ths the detinition of stability implies that only the fonced Response remains asthe neatonat Res Ponse. apPnoaches zenn. . 0 of the natured mesponse.. when on is Looking attne totul response, it may be diftielt fo sepanake the natonal nespance sagen Ane forced rod ponse. Howeven. if dhe input 15 sbhovnded and the total MSPENSe 1g. Noe appreaching intiniky as time apPpnoa- ~ hes tntinety then the natural response’ is Sbviausly not approaching infinity, 44 the | These definitions nely on 5 deseriptio input is onbounded , we Seen enbounded Fatal Response , and we cannot annive at any; Con elo- sion about “Stability of the system 5 We Cant fell whether the fobat response, '¢ unboended because. the +torced mesponse % vnboonded on becwse the nedural reeponse is unbounded So on based of total response, 1f the ‘puts boonded but fre tortl wesponse, 15 onboonded ithe System is unstable. and a eystem 1 Stable if eveny bounded input ylelds a boonded output The 15 the - sttement of the bounded- input, bounded—output (GLBO) . 4f the ‘input is unbovnded We will $22 an ugbounled totyl rasponse. and we cannetdnaw any conclusion about the stabilcty of the system. L — SS he alternate. definition ‘of Inetabilly, on rogers || the totuh, respons, 15 |! A System is unstable If any. bounded inp yield | 40 unbounded output. $0’ using the ‘etal 25 P9 | (BIB0): | ® D system isstoble \f every bounded, inpub | Yields a bounded output © A System v6 unstable if any tooonded input yells | unbounded output. 3) what ane the Functions digital, computer | can penloany when used ee) feedoack corsno| | system 2 . | ees | A digital compuken Senves as G “compenser on controller ina Jeedbade control system, | The digital computer can fentoam two -tunctions | © Supenvisony— extensa t0 the feed buck loop © Control - {internal +o the feedbatk loop i | Fample of supervisony functions consist of | Scheduling tasks, Monitoring parameters and ivariables ton cut-of-nange valves on initiating _sotety shutdown. | contnol Functions ane of primany intenest fo os since a computer that pertonms within tne Feedback loop replocs. | the methods of compénscction nenctofore | discussed, Examples of control functions | are eed and lag compensation. | A typical ‘Digital Feed back contol Systery { is Jiven below gesined value. ood 1 Peedbacl. Fig? Digi tal control system with feed beck 9:4) With appropracte diagram descrtive tie digital engine contnal System t A digited engine control system is & system Consisting of a digited computer, called an Eleck- -fnonte engine Controller on engine control oni iS related accessonies hat control all aspects of aincraft engine penformance. The basic engine Control eystem's concept dregnam given belaw Pehl coger Mow Jram, Accessories he tank | : Throttle. Sentral = T | sensor i =| — f | Fors 1 [compuse] ' Metered ‘ingect “Mensur | Power = desired - 3 compat s et ive +) produal oto t | request \ “les Stow \t [feel Hla ort t | | vatve Feet naale “ l “Determve | ' openatins, _ No hor He, ; ‘condition, \ v ie im contre! Logic Fig: Digit contre! system When pilot send request to central compuden ds Contre| Panel compute decid ‘vel tow dependin. bn the request in coninal engine system. Then tye uel commol valve gets oe and fuel Come tnom tye fuel tan. Aftercs being maserted 1 G@mbus Hon Chamber, pro duced oe 3 meas the sengon 44 the Powen ior botHdent to the desing powen then a fead bacle y¢ sent to the. control panel and Cnirol compuber @mpute the ernon . Atter connecting the error signel 1% nosend ny Produce enovgl desired power Now if we see conaent engine contre system then we atill see dew modittactron Figure: Connent Digttal Engine contro) System. In this Coninol system pilot allows to have. full Throttle movement trrevzhouk the Jlrght eve- -lope Thene, GaAe many contnalled vantable, ee Sigone we wn see, Engine contno| logics éeveloped ving Sa) engine Medel to provide guorcattedd percton —Mence Throughout dhe tie of ne engine 5 G5) For the tollowing electrical network ting ‘lhe general for of the capacitor vol age , R= lok Answer. Hene given R= (oe 2 » Roz lok-2 .L= 200H C= lOMF Now writing the node equation at the capacitor, Vi Ve (s) (Rate . G)+ —* Ys =o 1 Hence Ve) Vis) S*t 205 + 500 lo The step response ts (2 ——— : $+ 20s + 500 The poles ane at —-lotjzo Thenesore ve(= Ae ec (aoteg) The genenal tonm of tne cupucttore valinge 1S vee Ae?! cos (20t+ 2)

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