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The Newsletter of the www.TrulyRichClub.

com • Issue Number 51 • January 2012

How to Earn an Online

Information Business
I run several businesses.
But my biggest business is my online information business.
That means my product is information. And I use the Internet as my way of marketing and distributing my
Do you want to build an online information business too?
Here are the five steps you need to know:

Step 1: Identify the Problem You Want to Solve

Six years ago, I built

My goal was to solve the spiritual hunger of people
scattered all over the world. These people needed daily spiritual
food. So I solved that problem by sending Bible reflections every
day to KerygmaFamily members.
Today, that virtual community has more than 46,000
members. And although membership to KergymaFamily is for
free, around 20 percent donate to our ministries. And we’re able
raise P2.7 million each month to support all the ministries we do—our three orphanages, street kids ministry,
pregnant women in crisis, home for the aged, scholarships for poor kids, media ministry, and many, many more…
Note, isn’t a business but a ministry. But I used the exact same principles of an
online information business to build it.
An online information business is based on two principles...
First: You’re already an expert in something.
Second: And people need experts to help them solve their problems.
That’s it. Combine those two and you’ve got the ingredients of an online information business.
In building, I was already an “expert” in publishing spiritual material that will inspire
So ask yourself now: What is your expertise?
Perhaps you’re an expert in accounting, or parenting, or cross stitching, or cars, or make-up, or fitness, or
music, or events planning, or relationships, or health, or jewelry, or presenting, or singing, or mountaineering…
Don’t tell me you don’t have a “potential” expertise. I believe everyone has one. It’s something you’re
passionate about. It’s something that you love to learn more about even if you don’t get paid.
Listen. There are people out there in the world right now who are desperately looking for your expertise.
They need your expertise so much, they’re willing to pay money for carefully packaged information.

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Face it. All the information in the world is out there for free. But the information isn’t packaged well. It’s
all disorganized. You need to package it. And people will pay for the ease and simplicity of getting this packaged
information from you.
So here’s the first step: Look for your niche. Locate your hungry market. Describe this customer. Who
is she? What fear and pain will your product address? What disappointments and frustrations will your product
dispel? What hopes and aspirations will your product provide?
Write all these down now.

Step 2: Create Your Product

You can choose to share your expertise in two ways: You can write
it down or you can speak through a video.
Last month, I showed a finished manuscript of my latest book to a
friend. She asked me, “Bo, how long did it take to write this book?” I told
her, “Five days.”
She was shocked. She said, “What? Five days? My gosh. I’ve been
trying to write my book for six months now—and it still has a long way to
Ah, yes. I know this too well. Been there, done that.
Friend, this is easily solved by having a deadline.
Here’s my suggestion: Go to a hotel. A retreat house. A convent.
Lock yourself there for one or two weeks (File for a vacation leave!) And
don’t do anything else but write, write, and write some more. Write from
6am to 10pm. Pause only for mealtime and exercise.
Don’t go home until you’ve got the finished product: an ebook, an ecourse, a seminar, a script for a video
Note: It doesn’t have to be perfect. Send it over to an editor and let her make all the corrections.
Email your product to a few friends and ask them to review your material, make some suggestions, and
give some testimonials.

Don’t Worry About the Technical Stuff

By the way, about the technical stuff: Don’t

worry. You don’t have to do any of that. You can hire
people to do that for a song.
Listen: I don’t know how to make a website. I
don’t know how to upload stuff. I don’t know how to
edit video. I let other experts do that for me.
For example, if your product is going to be an
ebook, you need to make it into a PDF file. Someone
can do that for you. If your product is going to be a video
course, you need someone to capture you on camera,
someone to edit the video, and someone to upload it into
your website. Again, other people can do all that for you.
For the technical stuff, I can direct you to the right people. You can go to Jomar Hilario who can help you
with all the techie stuff.
Your job is to provide the content.

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Choose What Product You’ll Make

You can make a one-sale product.

Or you can make a continuity product.
A one-sale product could be an ebook or a seminar. After they buy this product from you, that’s it. Sale is
On the other hand, a continuity product is a monthly newsletter, or a membership club, or a coaching
program. Customers are happy to pay each month for your invaluable service.
Ultimately, I encourage you to create a continuity product—because you can serve people long-term. For
example, the TrulyRichClub is a continuity product. I’m able to help people through many years, guiding them
until they achieve their financial dreams. I love it because it’s more effective.

Step 3: Create Your Sales Page

The first step: Get a model sales page.

Search the Internet. There are powerful sales
pages all over the Internet, selling all sorts of products.
Just look at a sales page that resonates with you—and
model your sales page after that.
Study especially the headline structure. Headlines
are very important, because that’s what the reader sees
Copy also the structure of the sales letter itself.
Usually, effective sales letters follow this general
approach: (1) Describe the problem that you want to
solve; (2) And then describe the possibility that can
happen; (3) List the benefits of the product; (4) Share
testimonials of people who were helped by the product;
(5) Tell them the price; (6) Give them a guarantee; (7) Ask for the action you want them to take, whether that’s
to click a button or call or email…
Many sales pages are now using video, and in today’s world, you should use one too. But before you speak
in front of a camera, the script has to first be written. So the same sales letter has to be written down.
Again, set aside time to write this sales letter. If you need to go away for two days to write this down, do

Step 4: Build Your List

To build your list of potential customers, you need

to create a website that gives away something for free—in
exchange for their name and email address. Give away a
30-page ebook or a 12-page ereport. Something of great
value to them. Something that will help them in their
problems. Something that will meet their needs.
If it’s any good, people will tell their friends about
it, and your list will grow.
And once you have that list, keep emailing them
with terrific material—through a free newsletter or blog.
Again, it could either be in written form or in video form.
Just bless people. Just serve them.

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In other words, love them. Build a relationship.
At the right time, when you’ve established a relationship with your list, you can sell them your product
that will bless them even more. By that time, people trust you and know that you’re not just after their money.
You really want to serve them.

Step 5: Wow Your Customers

When people buy from you, make them happy.

Over-deliver. Wow them. Give them 10 times what they
paid for. This is important.
Finally, offer them other products that will help them
Perhaps you can offer a coaching program.
If you find a way to help your customers more, they’ll
love you and be willing to pay for that added value.

That’s my little summary of how to build an online

information business. (If you want more guidance, email Jomar
Hilario, my Internet marketing guru. He can coach you to start an online information business. For more details,
email Jomar at and tell him that you’re a TrulyRichClub member.)
Serve others with your expertise!

May your dreams come true,

Bo Sanchez

P.S. In the next issue, I’ll share about one of the most important skills that you need to develop if you want to
become wealthy.

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