NMR Weting

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Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 52 (2006) 172 – 186


Pore-scale modelling of NMR relaxation for the

characterization of wettability
S.H. Al-Mahrooqi a , C.A. Grattoni b,⁎, A.H. Muggeridge b ,
R.W. Zimmerman b , X.D. Jing b,1
Petroleum Development Oman (PDO), P.O. Box 81, PC.113, Muscat, Oman
Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2AZ, UK
Received 19 June 2004; accepted 7 March 2006


Several research groups are currently investigating the determination of wettability using NMR relaxation times. Although
correlations with traditional wettability indices have been presented with some success, further effort is needed to relate the
wettability at pore-scale to a core-scale measurement of NMR response. For example, a qualitative method using the arithmetic
mean of relaxation times at various saturations has been presented [Guan, H., Brougham, D., Sorbie, K.S., Packer, K.J., 2002.
Wettability effects in a sandstone reservoir and outcrop cores from NMR relaxation time distributions. J. Petroleum Sci. and Eng.
34, 35–54] and a wettability index that quantifies the amount of surface area that is wetted either by oil or by water, by using the T2
peak at four different saturations has been proposed [Fleury, M., Deflandre, F., 2003. Quantitative evaluation of porous media
wettability using NMR relaxometry. Mag. Reson. Imaging 21, 385–387]. Our group at the Imperial College have previously shown
experimentally that the T2 distribution provides valuable information about wettability and overall fluid distribution within the
pore-space, which is lost if only a single value from the T2 distribution is considered [Al-Mahrooqi, S.H., Grattoni, C.A., Moss, A.
K., Jing, X.D., 2003. An investigation of the effect of wettability on NMR characteristics of sandstone rock and fluid systems. J.
Petroleum Sci. and Eng. 39, 389–398].
In this paper we use a simple pore-scale model to understand the effect of wetting and its relationship with NMR relaxation
times. The model uses triangular capillary pores with a given pore size distribution. The oil/water distribution within the pores is
obtained as a function of capillary pressure and wettability. At a given capillary pressure, the volumes and surface areas of water
and oil are calculated for each individual pore. This allows us to calculate the theoretical T2 distribution for that pore size
distribution as a function of wettability and saturation.
We have used the model to study the T2 distribution for a range of wettabilities and saturations. Results from the model
confirmed previous observations from experiments regarding the effect of wettability on NMR T2 distributions. Based on these
qualitative results, an improved index for characterising wettability from the T2 distribution has been proposed. We tested the
proposed index using NMR T2 data from synthetic and real sandstone core plugs with different wettabilities, ranging from strongly

⁎ Corresponding author. Present address: Rock Deformation Research Limited (RDR), Earth Sciences, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK.
Tel.: +44 20 7594 7371; fax: +44 20 7594 7444.
E-mail addresses: sultan.mahruqy@pdo.co.om (S.H. Al-Mahrooqi), c.grattoni@imperial.ac.uk (C.A. Grattoni), a.muggeridge@imperial.ac.uk
(A.H. Muggeridge), r.w.zimmerman@imperial.ac.uk (R.W. Zimmerman), x.d.jing@imperial.ac.uk (X.D. Jing).
Currently with Shell International Exploration and Production B.V., Rijswijk, The Netherlands.

0920-4105/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S.H. Al-Mahrooqi et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 52 (2006) 172–186 173

water-wet to strongly oil-wet. Comparison between the proposed index and wettability for the synthetic samples and Amott–
Harvey index for core plugs show good correlation.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Wettability; NMR; T2 relaxation; Pore-scale modelling; Wettability index

1. Introduction particularly appealing, as existing methods of measuring

wettability such as the Amott (Amott, 1959) and USMB
There is a great deal of interest within the oil (Donaldson et al., 1969) tests are time-consuming and
industry in applying NMR measurements to improve confined to the laboratory.
reservoir characterisation, thereby helping to reduce Different approaches and attempts have been
uncertainty in the prediction of oil recovery. Both the described in the literature to measure wettability
spin lattice (T1 ) and spin–spin (T 2) relaxation quantitatively using NMR relaxation time. For exam-
distributions are sensitive to the fluid properties and ple, Howard (1998) chose chalk samples for his
the fluid interaction with the pore structure of the wettability study. First, he used the Amott index to
surrounding rock. For example, the NMR signal due characterise the wettability of the chalk samples, and
to the spin–spin relaxation of fluid contained in a pore then he attempted to correlate the relative shifts of
consists of three components: (i) the bulk or free water relaxation component as function of water
relaxation of the fluid in the interior of the pore, (ii) a saturation and wettability. His NMR based wettability
surface relaxation due to the fluid interacting with the index is defined as
surface of the pore, and (iii) relaxation as a result of
molecular diffusion. Thus, the overall spin–spin Tn ¼ CSwb ; ð3Þ
relaxation time is given by
where Tn is the normalized relaxation time of the water-
1 1 1 1 filled component compared to a fully saturated state
¼ þ þ ; ð1Þ (i.e, Tn = T2,Sw/T2,Sw=1 where T2,Sw and T2,Sw=1 are the
T2 T2S T2B T2D
T2 of the water peak at partially and fully saturated
where 1/T2S is the surface relaxation time, 1/T2B is the states, respectively), C is an empirical constant, and the
bulk relaxation time, and 1/T2D is the relaxation due to exponent b is correlated with wettability. However, his
molecular diffusion. In the fast diffusion limit, the technique relied upon a separation between the oil and
relaxation rate of a fluid is directly proportional to the water signals, due to his choice of light oil and chalk
surface (S) to volume (V) ratio of the pore (Brownstein samples with a narrow pore-size distribution. Guan et
and Tarr, 1979). In this case the surface relaxation time al. (2002) presented two empirical methods using the
can be expressed as: arithmetic mean of relaxation times at various satura-
tions to obtain information on the wettability state of
1 S sandstone rock. These are based on the difference and
¼q ; ð2Þ ratio of the mean relaxation time at connate water and
residual oil saturation.
where ρ is the surface relaxivity of the pore walls
[LT− 1]. The T2 response of a fluid filled porous Method 1: DT2 ¼ ðT2;Swi −T2;Sor Þ ð4aÞ
medium is directly sensitive to the nature of the fluid
(oil, gas or water), their properties (viscosity), the pore Method 2: T2 ¼ ðT2;Swi =T2;Sor Þ ð4bÞ
size distribution and the interaction of the fluid with
the rock surface. Both methods show a relatively good correlation
The sensitivity of the T2 signal (or T1) to the fluid- with the Amott–Harvey index for sandstones, but have
rock surface interaction indicates that should be possible a different range of values and cannot be directly
to use the NMR response to measure wettability. compared with the traditional wettability indices. More
Eventually it may even be possible to use it to measure recently, Fleury and Deflandre (2003) proposed a more
wettability directly down-hole, as it is already used to physically based NMR, wettability index. They
measure other reservoir properties, such as permeability defined a wettability index based on the amount of
(Kenyon et al., 1988; Coates et al., 1998). This is surface area that is wetted either by oil or by water,
174 S.H. Al-Mahrooqi et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 52 (2006) 172–186

and evaluated this index by using the T2 values at four distribution for the given pore size distribution,
different saturations: wettability state and saturation. The model is based on
    the following assumptions:
Sw T1w − T1bw −Cq So T1o − T1bo
IF&D ¼    ; ð5Þ 1. The NMR relaxation is dominated by surface
Sw T1w − T1bw þ Cq So T1o − T1bo relaxation when a pore is fully saturated with water.
2. Internal field gradients are negligible.
where Tw and To are the relaxation times of the peaks 3. For partially saturated pores, the wetting phase
in the T2 distribution for water and oil saturated rock, relaxation rate is dominated by surface relaxation,
respectively, Tbw and Tbo are the bulk relaxation times whereas for the non-wetting phase it is dominated by
of water and oil, respectively, So and Sw are the oil and bulk relaxation.
water saturation, and Cρ is the water–oil surface 4. The magnetisation within individual pore decays
relaxivity ratio (i.e, Cρ = ρw/ρo). Their results for the independently of the magnetisation of the other
wettability index agreed with the standard USBM test pores; diffusion effects are neglected.
in the range − 0.3 to 1.0. 5. The pores are initially water-wet, although wettabil-
Although empirical correlations with the traditional ity alteration may occur at the end of primary
wettability indices have been used with some success, it drainage.
is still not possible to make quantitative predictions of
wettability from a single NMR measurement, as the link 2.1. Modelling process
between pore scale physics and core-scale properties is
not fully understood. The difficulty of achieving this The model simulates first primary drainage and then
relationship is due to the fact that the NMR signal is imbibition. The calculation is based on the following
influenced by many factors, such as pore size distribu- steps:
tion, fluid viscosity, surface relaxivity, saturation,
wettability, etc. 1. Assign a number of pores (capillary tubes) and their
In this paper, a pore-scale model is used to improve sizes based on a user-specified pore size distribution.
our understanding of the relationship between surface 2. At each capillary pressure during drainage and
wetting and T2 relaxation, e.g., how the fluid/solid imbibition obtain the volume of each phase, its
interactions alter the NMR response. The model is used distribution within each pore, surface in contact with
to investigate how pore scale pore size distribution, fluid water and oil, and the fluid saturations.
saturation, and surface relaxivities interact with surface 3. Calculate the surface to volume ratio for each fluid in
wetting effects in controlling the overall T2 response contact with the pore wall within each pore.
from a given sample. The predicted NMR response is 4. Generate the theoretical T2 distribution for this
then used to interpret the observed changes in the capillary pressure.
experimental data with wettability and saturation. The 5. Increase the capillary pressure and return to step 2.
different NMR-based wettability indices described in
the literature are compared using the model. Finally, The 2.2. Water-wet system
Amott index for sandstone samples and the improved
NMR-based wettability index show a good agreement. 2.2.1. Drainage
All the pores (capillary tubes) are initially fully
saturated with water, and strongly water-wet (Fig. 1A).
2. The model Oil will invade a given pore once the threshold pressure
for that pore is exceeded. At this point the oil will
The model is based on idealising the pore space as a immediately fill the centre of the pore in the form of a
bundle of capillary tubes. Each tube has a cross-section cylinder with radius Rt (Fig. 1B). The threshold
described by an equilateral triangle whose size can be capillary pressure for a pore whose cross-section is
drawn from a given pore-size distribution. The oil/water described by an equilateral triangle of side a is given
distribution within each tube can then be obtained from by
the capillary pressure and the saturation history. At a
" rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi#
given capillary pressure, the volumes and surface areas row ptan30-
of water and oil are calculated for each individual pore. Pc ¼ 1þ coshr ; ð6Þ
Rt 3
This allows the calculation of the theoretical T2
S.H. Al-Mahrooqi et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 52 (2006) 172–186 175

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the triangular pore model. A—Fully water-saturated pore; B—pore at the threshold capillary pressure; C—pore at
high capillary pressure.

where σow is the oil/water interfacial tension (N/m), and water coating the surface of the sides of the pores, which
θr is the receding contact angle (θr = 0, as our system in keeps them water-wet. The volume of this water-film is
this study is initially strongly water-wet) and Rt (m) is assumed to be negligible. Thus, the volume of water is
the inscribed radius given by mainly contained in the corners of the triangle, Vw_corner,
a that can be calculated as the total volume of the pore, V▵
Rt ¼ pffiffiffi ; ð7Þ minus the oil volume, Vo = πRt2l:
2 3
Eq. (6) is derived from the relationship given by Oren a2 lsin60-
Vwcorner ¼ VD −Vo ¼ −kR2t l: ð12aÞ
et al. (1998) for threshold capillary pressure in a pore 2
with an arbitrary cross-sectional shape. As the capillary
Substituting a from Eq. (7) then yields
pressure is increased further, the oil will displace more
and more of the water, leaving water in the corners of pffiffiffi
Vwcorner ¼ R2t lð3 3−kÞ: ð12bÞ
the pore and coating the pore walls in a thin film (as
the pores are water-wet). This is illustrated in Fig. 1C.
For pores whose threshold capillary pressure is less
At any given capillary pressure, pores with an
than the current capillary pressure, the volume of water
inscribed radius greater than Rt will have been invaded
pinned in the corners is the same as that in pores whose
by oil, whereas pores smaller than Rt will be filled with
threshold pressure is equal to the current capillary
pressure. The volume of oil in these pores can thus be
For pores fully saturated with the wetting phase
calculated from
(water), the surface to volume ratio is defined as
  a2 lsin60-
SD 6 Vo ¼ −Vwcorner : ð13Þ
¼ ; ð8Þ 2
VD w asin60-
where S▵ is the surface area of an equilateral triangular It can be seen that for a given capillary pressure, the
prism length l, given by system comprises two groups of pores, invaded and
un-invaded. The un-invaded group is formed of small
SD ¼ 3al; ð9Þ pores whose threshold capillary pressure has not yet
been reached, and so remain filled with water. The
and V▵ is the volume of the prism, given by invaded group contains oil in the centre and water in
the corners, as described above. Thus, the T2 signal due
a2 lsin60-
VD ¼ : ð10Þ to the water is controlled purely by surface relaxation
2 while that due to the oil is controlled by bulk relaxation
By substituting Eq. (8) into Eq. (2), the relaxation (as oil is never in contact with the pore walls). As a
rate of a water saturated pore can be expressed as result there are three components to the synthetic T2
1 SD 6qw
¼ qw ¼ : ð11Þ
T2Sw VD w asin60- 1. The signal from the small water filled pores:

However, if a pore has just been invaded by the non-  

1 SD
wetting fluid (oil), then the invaded pore contains oil in ¼ qw : ð14Þ
the centre, water in the corners and a very thin film of T2Sw VD w
176 S.H. Al-Mahrooqi et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 52 (2006) 172–186

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the triangular pore. A—after wettability alteration; B—after spontaneous imbibition; C—after forced

2. The signal from the water contained in the corners of surfaces become oil-wet (Fig. 2A). Water remains in the
the larger pores and the surface of the pore walls: corners which stay water-wet, as do all the un-invaded
  pores that are still full of water. Using the notation of
1 SD Fig. 2A, the surface to volume ratio for both water and
¼ qw ; ð15Þ
T2wcorner Vwcorner oil in a pore of size a (Fig. 2A) is now calculated as
3. The signal from the oil contained in the centre of the S 6x
¼ ; ð18Þ
larger pores: V wcorner Vwcorner

1 1
¼ : ð16Þ  aged
T2o T2Bo S 3ða−2xÞ
¼ ; ð19Þ
V o Vo

2.2.2. Imbibition where Vw_corner and Vo are given by Eqs. (12a), (12b),
At the end of primary drainage process, water- (13), and x is the length that remains water-wet.
flooding (imbibition) is modelled by increasing the Obviously in this case the synthetic T2 response of
wetting phase pressure and keeping the pressure of the the system has 2 components which is controlled by
non-wetting phase fixed. During this process the water surface relaxation for both oil and water:
spontaneously fills the invaded pores. For an equilateral  aged
triangular pore invaded with oil, with an inscribed radius 1 S
¼ qw ; ð20Þ
Rt and advancing a contact angle θa, the capillary T2Sw V wcorner
pressure at which spontaneous imbibition occurs is
given by (Hui and Blunt, 2000)
1 S
row ½cosha −sinha tan30- ¼ qo : ð21Þ
Pc ¼ : ð17Þ T2So V o
If the system is completely water-wet (θa = 0), then at
2.3.2. Imbibition
the end of spontaneous imbibition all the pores will once
After wettability has been changed, waterflooding is
again be fully water saturated. It should be noted that the
performed (imbibition). First, spontaneous imbibition is
model can take contact angle hysteresis into account, so
modelled by decreasing the oil/water capillary pressure.
there is a difference between drainage and imbibition
The oil/water/solid contact line is pinned and cannot
capillary pressure (Ma et al., 1996).
move, so water bulges from the corner towards the
centre of the pore (spontaneous imbibition). At this
2.3. Mixed-wet system stage (Fig. 2B), the oil/solid and water/solid contact
surface area remains unchanged, whereas both the oil
2.3.1. Wettability alteration and water volume change. The surface to volume ratio
Wettability alteration only takes place in oil-invaded for both water and oil at this stage are given by
pores. This effect is modelled by assuming that the thin  si
S 6x
water films separating the oil from the pore-surface ¼ ; ð22Þ
collapse at the end of primary drainage, and these V wcorner Vwsicorner
S.H. Al-Mahrooqi et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 52 (2006) 172–186 177

S 3ða−2xÞ 2.4. T2 distribution
¼ ; ð23Þ
V o Vosi
The signal amplitude as a function of T2 is calculated,
where si
Vw_corner is the volume of water after spontaneous for any saturation state, by adding the contributions from
imbibition (Pc = 0) and is given by all the pores with the same T2 value. For fully water-
pffiffiffi saturated pores, T2 is given by Eq. (11), and the signal
Vwsicorner ¼ R2t l3 3; ð24Þ amplitude associated with that T2 is the volume of the
pore divided by the total pore volume of the system. For
and Vosi is the oil volume and is equal to the total pore partially saturated pores, each pore will contain varying
volume minus the water volume, Vosi = V▵ − Vw_corner
. As amounts of water and oil, each with its own surface to
a result, the relaxation rate of both water and oil will volume ratio and hence a distinct value of T2. The
change during this process. amplitude associated with each value of T2 is the volume
After spontaneous imbibition, the water is forcibly fraction of water or oil relaxing at that value of T2. The
injected into the centre of the pore. The capillary sum of amplitude at each T2, S(T2), is calculated as
pressure for this displacement is negative, and the radius
of curvature of the water in the centre of the pore is SðT2 Þ ¼ fw ðT2 Þ þ fo ðT2 Þ; ð29Þ
given by Eq. (6). After forced imbibition, there is water
where fw and fo are the volume fraction of water and oil,
in the centre of the pore and water in the corners. A layer
respectively, at each value of T2.
of oil is sandwiched between them, as shown in Fig. 2C.
The water in the corners will then have a surface to
volume ratio given by Eq. (22). However, the water in 3. Experimental details
the centre is surrounded by oil, so we assume that its
relaxation rate is dominated by bulk relaxation. The The experimental work was carried out on three
volume of this water, Vw_center is calculated similarly to different sets of samples: synthetic, outcrop and
that of oil during drainage, Vw_center = πRt2l and the oil reservoir. The synthetic samples were used because
volume, Vofi is given by they have very similar porosity, permeability, pore size
distribution, etc., and because it is possible to control
Vofi ¼ VD −Vtw ; ð25Þ
their wettability. These two factors made it easier to
where Vtw is the total water volume, given by Vtw = isolate the T2 signal due to wettability changes from the
si influence of other sample properties. The outcrop and
Vw_center + Vw_corner . Thus, the three components of the
oil and water relaxation are described by: the reservoir samples were chosen because they were
typical sandstone rocks, allowing us to compare the
1. The signal from the water in the corner of the pores: relative influences of saturation, permeability, complex
 si mineralogy and wettability of real rock on the T2 signal.
1 S Both the dry helium porosity, ϕ, and Klinkenberg
¼ qw ; ð26Þ
T2Sw V wcorner permeability, k, of the all samples were determined prior
to the start of the experiments. The samples were then
2. The signal from the oil layer: fully saturated with brine. For reservoir samples, this
 fi was simulated formation brine, degassed and filtered to
1 S 0.45 μm, introduced under vacuum. For the outcrop and
¼ qw ; ð27Þ
T2So V o the synthetic samples simple brine (5% NaCl and 1%
KCl), degassed and filtered to 0.45 μm, was used. The
3. The signal from the water contained in the centre of complete saturation of the samples was verified using
the forcibly imbibed pores: the dry weight, the saturated weight, helium grain
volume and brine density. All samples attained complete
1 1
¼ : ð28Þ brine saturation. Table 1 gives the properties of the
T2B T2Bw fluids used in this study.

It should be noted that there is no diffusion terms, as 3.1. Preparation of synthetic samples
the model assumes no communication between the
water in the corner and in the pore body; ie., the oil layer Five synthetic samples were made from quartz sand
is assumed to be stable at the end of forced imbibition. with a density of 2.64 g/cc, and grain sizes ranging form
178 S.H. Al-Mahrooqi et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 52 (2006) 172–186

Table 1 then applied. Multipar H oil was injected into the sample
Properties of the fluids used by using a slow rate piston pump. The flow rates used
Fluids Density@ Viscosity@ T2B were 0.1 cm3/min for 3 h, 0.5 cm3/min for 1 h and
20 °C (gm/cm3) 20 °C (mPa s) (ms) 1.0 cm3/min for 0.5 h until the initial irreducible water
5% NaCl + 1% KCl 1.03 1.08 2210 saturation Swi was reached. Similar procedure was used
Formation brine 1.23 1.98 1570 to drive the samples to residual oil saturation, Sor.
Multipar H 0.76 1.13 980
Crude oil 0.83 4.22 1380
3.2. Preparation of outcrop and reservoir core plugs

0 to 125 μm. Their wettability ranged from strongly The outcrop core plug samples were cleaned using
water-wet (clean sand) to strongly oil-wet (the sand was Soxhlet extraction with methanol, and then dried in a
treated as described below). The samples were approx- vacuum oven and fully saturated with brine. The
imately 3.6 cm in diameter and approximately 5 cm in reservoir samples were cleaned using the method
length. Two samples were built with only one type of described earlier (Al-Mahrooqi et al., 2003). The
sand (cleaned or treated), so one was strongly water-wet samples were selected on the basis of porosity and
and the other was strongly oil-wet. The other samples permeability. Table 3 lists all the outcrop and reservoir
were built using a mixture of water-wet (clean sand) and samples and their petrophysical properties.
oil-wet sand (treated sand) in different proportions. The fully brine saturated outcrop and reservoir
These synthetic samples allowed a systematic investi- samples were loaded into a multi-sample test cell.
gation of the effect of fractional wettability on NMR Confining pressure was then applied in increments from
measurements. The synthetic samples were prepared 0.69 MPa to a maximum of 15.86 MPa. The samples
using the following sequence: were then flooded with Multipar H oil to initial water
saturation, Swi by using dedicated slow rate syringe
1. Some sand was converted to oil-wet by mixing it pumps. The wettability of samples D-4, X-4 and 40 was
with Repelcote and Heptane both from VWR Int. The altered to a mixed-wet state by aging them in crude oil.
treated sand was then dried in an oven at 70 °C for After the lowest brine saturation was attained during
24 h. The wettability of the treated sand was tested by continuous injection, the Multipar test oil was replaced
first placing a drop of water in contact with a small with dead crude oil. The samples were loaded into a
amount of sand, repeating the process with a drop of pressure vessel and a pore pressure of 1.38 MPa applied.
oil and observing which fluid preferentially wetted The samples were aged in an oven at 85 °C for 40 d. At
the sand. This test confirmed that the clean sand was the end of this period the samples were cooled to room
strongly water-wet, while the treated sand had temperature, the pressure reduced to atmospheric and
become strongly oil-wet. the crude oil in the pore space flushed out with the
2. The required quantities of water-wet and oil-wet Multipar test oil.
sand were weighed and poured into a container.
Subsequently the container was placed on a roller to 3.3. Wettability determination
ensure the treated and clean sand were completely
mixed. The Amott method (Amott, 1959) was used to obtain
3. The homogeneous mixture was then poured into a the Amott–Harvey index (AHI). The index is calculated
pre-formed heat-shrink sleeve in which the sample by measuring the volume of water displaced during first
was packed. Sintered glass discs were placed at both spontaneous (Vos) and then forced imbibition, and then
ends of the sample to hold the sand in place. repeating the two cycles with oil instead of water

The sample was then put into an oven at 100 °C for Table 2
2 h. Next, the sample was loaded in a Hassler Cell core Petrophysical properties of the synthetic cores
holder at an effective confining pressure of 2.07 MPa for Sample Water-wet Oil-wet Porosity Klinkenberg
1 h. This ensured a proper grain compaction and hence ID sand (%) sand (%) (%) permeability (mD)
good packing. Table 2 gives a description of the S100 100 0 35.8 442
synthetic samples in terms of water-wet sand concen- S75 75 25 30.9 376
tration and their petrophysical properties. S50 50 50 31.1 342
The fully brine saturated sample was loaded into a S25 25 75 31.9 366
S00 0 100 30.5 366
Hassler cell and a confining pressure of 2.07 MPa was
S.H. Al-Mahrooqi et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 52 (2006) 172–186 179

Table 3
Petrophysical properties and Amott–Harvey Index (AHI) of the outcrop and reservoir samples, δw: water ratio (Eq. (30)), δo: oil ratio (Eq. (31))
Sample ID Core plug state Klinkenberg Helium NMR δw δo AHI = δw − δo
permeability (mD) porosity (%) porosity (%)
X-3† Clean 17 18.1 18.4 0.89 0.00 0.89
X-4† Aged 17 18.3 18.4 0.04 0.23 − 0.19
S-4† Clean 38 17.3 17.7 0.87 0.00 0.87
40‡ Aged 516 23.2 23.2 0.03 1.00 − 0.97
94‡ Clean 564 21.3 21.1 0.54 0.32 0.22
D-4† Aged 2220 21.6 22.5 0.02 0.27 − 0.25

Outcrop sample.

Reservoir sample.

entering the sample. The wettability index to water, δw is was obtained with the DXP program from Resonance
then calculated as Instruments. The NMR T2 was determined at different
saturations for all the samples:
dw ¼ ð30Þ
Vot 1. At 100% brine saturation;
where Vos is volume of oil displaced by spontaneous 2. At initial water saturation, Swi, after the samples were
imbibition of water and Vot is the total displaced oil flooded or desaturated with Multipar oil;
volume. Similarly, the wettability index to oil, δo, is 3. After each Amott test cycle, i.e., after spontaneous
given by and forced drainage/imbibition.

Vws Before performing the T2 measurements, each

do ¼ ; ð31Þ
Vwt sample was first rolled gently across a piece of damp
where Vws is the volume of water displaced by tissue paper to remove the excess fluid on its surface.
spontaneous drainage of oil and Vwt is the total displaced They were then wrapped with cling-film and then Saran
water volume. The Amott–Harvey wettability index is film to prevent further fluid loss by evaporation. Finally
then calculated by combining the two ratios into single they were placed in an oven at 35 °C for approximately
wettability index, AHI = δw − δo. The Amott–Harvey one hour to achieve temperature equilibrium, before
index varies from + 1 for strongly water-wet to − 1 for measuring the T2 relaxation.
strongly oil-wet.
4. Results and discussions

3.4. NMR measurements 4.1. Modelling

The NMR relaxation measurements were performed The effects of saturation and wettability on T2
on a Resonance Instruments MARAN2 bench top relaxation time were studied using Case l and Case2.
spectrometer at ambient pressure and 34 °C, operating The input parameters for each model are summarised in
at 2 MHz. The CPMG sequence was used to generate Table 4. The values used for oil and water bulk
the magnetisation decays with an inter-echo time of relaxivity are typical for laboratory fluids, while the
200 μs, 8000 echoes, 100 scans and signal to noise ratio surface relaxivities depend on the presence of paramag-
of around 100. The inter-echo time was selected to netic sites and the amount of adsorbed oil components
minimise diffusion effects due to internal field gradients on the surfaces (Bryar and Knight, 2003). The capillary
(Zhang et al., 2001). The T2 relaxation time distribution pressure curves for the water-wet and mixed-wet for

Table 4
Input parameters used in the pore scale model to study the effect of saturation and wettability
Pore size Pore size Pcmax ρo ρw T2Bw T2Bo θr θa θa
distribution (μm) (psi) (μm/s) (μm/s) (s) (s) Water-wet Mixed-wet
Case-1 Triangular 1–10 25 1 1.5 2 1 0° 20° 180°
Case-2 S-4 PSD 0.001–20 5 20 25 2 1 0° 20° 180°
180 S.H. Al-Mahrooqi et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 52 (2006) 172–186

Case-1 systems are shown in Fig. 3A. The imbibition (Fig. 3B and C), while the signal from the surface
capillary pressure curves were truncated at an oil relaxation of water shifts to lower values of T2 as the
saturation larger than zero, to simulate a residual oil water in the larger pores becomes confined to the
saturation, Sor, as it is not possible to trap oil in a corners and surfaces, increasing its surface area to
capillary tube model. The residual oil saturations are volume ratio. This behaviour has already been observed
0.17 for the water-wet case and 0.10 for the mixed-wet in real cores by Grattoni et al. (2003). At lower water
case, respectively. saturation during the primary drainage (Fig. 3C), almost
all the pores have been invaded and the signal is
4.1.1. Water-wet system dominated by oil bulk relaxation.
The predicted T2 distributions at different saturations Fig. 3D shows the T2 after imbibition (Sor = 0.17). All
during drainage and imbibition are compared with the the largest pores are now filled with water again, so the
signal predicted for 100% water saturation in Fig. 3B, C signal is very similar to that observed initially when the
and D. Both the overall signals as well as the individual system was completely filled with water. There is a
contributions from the oil and water are shown. small increase in the signal amplitude at T2 = 1000 ms
It can be seen that the signal due to the bulk due to the bulk relaxation of the residual oil in the largest
relaxation of oil increases as the oil saturation increases pores and also at T2 = 500 ms due to the surface

Fig. 3. Modelling results for Case-1, effects of saturation and wettability on T2 relaxation time. A) Capillary pressure (Pc) curves for both drainage
and imbibition. T2 distributions for the water-wet system: B) during primary drainage at Sw = 0.20; C) during primary drainage at Sw = 0.10; D) after
imbibition, Sw = 1–Sor = 0.83. Sw1 indicates fully water saturated; T2w is the NMR signal from water and T2o is the NMR signal from oil.
S.H. Al-Mahrooqi et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 52 (2006) 172–186 181

relaxation of the water in the corners of these pores. Table 4 (Case 2). For the water-wet system (Fig. 5A),
The effect of the contact angle hysteresis on the signal there is a small increase in the signal amplitude at
is minimal compared with the initial response when T2 = 1000 ms due to the bulk relaxation of the residual
the pores are completely filled with water. The signals oil as observed in previous example (Case 1). The
due to the oil and water are shown separately to surface relaxation of the water in the corners and coating
highlight their individual contributions to the overall the surfaces of large pores for this model is observed at
signal. shorter T2 values (40 to 50 ms), due to the effect of pore
size distribution and surface relaxivities. For the mixed-
4.1.2. Mixed-wet system wet system (Fig. 5B), the water introduced during
The mixed-wet system was created at the end of forced imbibition again presents a bulk relaxation of
primary drainage by allowing the water films from the 2000 ms. The NMR signals from oil films located
side of the triangle to collapse and the oil to come into between the water in the centre of the pore and the pore
direct the pore walls. These surfaces are then assigned a walls have shorter T2 values similar to those from the
contact angle of 180° (making them oil-wet). The pore- water in the un-invaded pores and the corners of
size distribution used for the mixed-wet system is the imbibed pores (10 to 40 ms). This may be one of the
same as for the water-wet case described above. causes for the oil and water signal overlapping in mixed-
Fig. 4 compares the predicted T2 distribution wet rocks. The results from modelling are consistent
obtained for the mixed-wet case at Swi with that with the behaviour observed experimentally by Freed-
obtained for the water-wet case at the same Swi and at man et al. (2002) and Al-Mahrooqi et al. (2003).
the beginning of primary drainage when Sw = 1.0. In this
case, although the system is mainly filled with oil, the 4.2. Experimental results
signal more closely resembles that of the water-filled
system, the main difference being that the signal peak 4.2.1. Synthetic samples (fractionally wet)
has shifted from around 1000 ms to approximately The T2 distributions for all the samples when fully
800 ms. This is due to the fact that the oil's NMR saturated with brine are depicted in Fig. 6A. It can be
response now decays due to surface relaxation rather seen that as the proportion of oil-wet sand in the sample
than bulk relaxation. There is thus a range of relaxation increases so the peak of the distribution shifts to longer
times due to the pore-size distribution of the sample. The values of T2. There is a large change from the
shift of the peak is due to the difference between oil and completely water-wet sample to the sample with 75%
water relaxivity and the fact that the oil surface area to water-wet sand and a more gradual change thereafter. In
volume ratio of in the pores invaded by oil is less than these cases the changes in the distribution cannot be
when they are completely filled with water. attributed to a change from surface to bulk relaxation as
After spontaneous imbibition, there is a very small the samples do not contain any oil. It is more likely that
change in water volume due to the swelling of the water the changes in the distributions are due to differences in
trapped in the corners of the larger oil-invaded pores. surface relaxivity of the oil-wet and water-wet sand. As
Thus, a very small change is observed in the T2 the sands are uniformly mixed each pore's surface will
distribution. On the other hand, after forced imbibition, have an effective surface relaxivity controlled by the
there is a significant change in the T2 distribution (Fig. ratio between oil-wet and water-wet surface area. The
4B). The wide peak at 800 ms is replaced by a narrow shift to larger values of T2 suggests that in this case the
peak at 2000 ms and another peak appears between 40 water surface relaxivity of the oil-wet sand is smaller
and 200 ms. Examining the individual contributions of than that of the water-wet sand. The T2 distributions are
oil and water, it can be concluded that the maximum at thus wider for the fractional-wet samples than for the
2000 ms is due to bulk water relaxation, filling the centre oil-wet or water-wet samples due to the increased range
of the larger pores, while the broad secondary peak is due of surface relaxivities in the mixed-wet samples.
to the oil films surface relaxation. These films are located The change in the distributions in this case can be
between the water in the centre of the pore and the pore characterised by the logarithmic mean value of the T2
walls. These oil films relax more quickly as they have an distributions,
increased surface to volume ratio, hence the shift in the
distribution to lower values of T2. X
Ai logT2i
Fig. 5 shows another example of the effect of T2m ¼ X ; ð32Þ
saturation and wettability on the T2 distribution. The Ai
input parameters for this example are summarised in i
182 S.H. Al-Mahrooqi et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 52 (2006) 172–186

Fig. 4. T2 responses for the mixed-wet Case-1; A) overall distribution for water-wet: water saturated (Sw1) and at irreducible water saturation (Swi), B)
overall signal and individual contributions from water and oil after wettability alteration, C) overall signal and individual contributions from water
and oil after forced imbibition (Sw = 1–Sor = 0.9). T2w is the NMR signal from water and T2o is the NMR signal from oil.

where Ai is the signal amplitude at T2i. Fig. 6B shows alter the wettability. If this is also true in reservoir
the change in T2m as a function of the percentage of samples, then it adds an extra level of complexity, as it
water-wet sand. It should be noted that these results would imply that the change in NMR response with
suggest that surface relaxivity is also a function of aging is a function in the change in surface relaxivity as
wettability. Similar observations were reported by Bryar well as the distribution of fluids in contact with the rock
and Knight (2003) despite using a different method to surface.
S.H. Al-Mahrooqi et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 52 (2006) 172–186 183

saturations, irreducible/residual saturations and after

spontaneous imbibition/drainage during Amott test. The
results in Fig. 7A are for sample S-4, which is a strongly
water-wet plug (AHI = 0.87). At initial water saturation
Swi, the distribution consists of a large peak more or less
coincident with the relaxation time for bulk oil and a
smaller, much wider peak between 1 and 100 ms.
Clearly the large peak can be attributed to the bulk
relaxation of the oil filling the centre of the pores,
whereas the smaller broad peak is due to the surface
relaxation of water coating the surfaces of the larger
pores and filling the smallest pores. After spontaneous
imbibition the primary peak at 1000 ms reduces as the
oil saturation decreases, whilst the smaller broader peak
increases as the volume of water coating the pore
surfaces increases. This trend continues after forced
imbibition. Furthermore there is a shift in the secondary
(water) peak to longer values of T2 (100 to 400 ms) as
the surface to volume ratio of the water increases.

Fig. 5. T2 responses Case-2 after forced imbibition, Sor A) overall

signal from water-wet and mixed-wet system, B) individual contribu-
tions to the water-wet system and C) individual contribution to the
mixed-wet system.

4.2.2. Outcrop and reservoir samples

In this section we illustrated an example of how Fig. 6. A) T2 distributions for fully water saturated synthetic samples,
wettability affected the T2 distribution at various B) T2m of the water saturated samples vs. the water-wetness.
184 S.H. Al-Mahrooqi et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 52 (2006) 172–186

water saturation between spontaneous and forced


4.3. Wettability characterisation from T2 measurements

Both the experimental and modelling results show

that, at Swi after primary drainage, the T2 distribution is a
function of the relative amounts of water trapped in
crevices plus smaller pores (wetting the surfaces) and
the oil in contact with the pore walls plus bulk oil (oil
forced into the system). The T2 distribution at Sor is a
function of the amount of oil and water in contact with
the pore walls (spontaneously imbibed water) compared
with the amount of bulk water (water forced into the
system). Hence, the log mean T2 value (T2m) at
irreducible and residual saturation is sensitive to the
same quantities used for calculating the Amott–Harvey
index. Therefore, an improved wettability index can be
calculated using the relationship between these NMR
T2m −T2mSor
: ð33Þ

Table 5 compares the calculated wettability numbers

and indices for the simulation Cases 1 and 2 (water-wet
and mixed-wet scenarios) using the methods of Guan et
al. (2002) (Eqs. (4a) and (4b)), and the NMR wettability
indices, Eqs. (5) and (33).
Fig. 7. T2 distributions at different saturations A) for a strongly water- It can be seen that the modelling results confirm the
wet sandstone plug, sample S-4, and B) for an aged reservoir core plug, experimental observations that T2 distributions are
sample 40. sensitive to sample wettability. The methods of Guan
et al. are not normalised so they have a different range of
Fig. 7B shows the very different T2 response values that are not directly comparable to the AH or
observed in a strongly oil-wet core, sample 40 USBM indices. The Fleury–Deflandre index gives the
(AHI = − 0.97). At Swi, the T2 distribution is similar best evaluation of the model wettability, but is
to S-4 but there is a slight shift in the primary oil peak experimentally very time-consuming, as it requires the
toward lower T2 values. After aging, the oil becomes determination of the relaxation times at four saturation
in contact with rock surface and relaxes faster. After states and also requires that the sample be very carefully
spontaneous imbibition the primary oil peak decreases cleaned and dried more than once. The improved index
slightly as only a small volume of water will imbibe
into this mainly mixed-wet core while the intermediate
peak spreads out and shifts to higher T2 due to the Table 5
increase in volume of the water although the surface Wettability calculated from the pore scale model T2 distributions
area coated by the water remains approximately Guan et al. NMR Indices
constant. The main peak also spreads out as the Eq. (4a) Eq. (4b) Fleury– Proposed
signal from the water moves towards the bulk water, Deflandre INMR
larger T2 values (> 2000 ms). This spreading and INMR
F & D

decrease in the main peak is even more significant Case-1 Water-wet − 37 1.04 1.0 0.04
after forced imbibition. The signal from the oil moves Mixed-wet 185 0.84 −0.36 −0.16
to lower T2 as its surface area to volume ratio Case-2 Water-wet 12.7 1.16 1.0 0.16
Mixed-wet − 7.4 0.92 −0.6 −0.08
increases. This is the result of the larger change in
S.H. Al-Mahrooqi et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 52 (2006) 172–186 185

proposed here is easier and faster to obtain as it only better index could be defined if all the relaxation
requires NMR measurements at two end point satura- components of the T2 distribution could be decomposed
tions and no additional cleaning is required. to provide a fuller picture of the location of each fluid
The proposed index was tested using data from within the rock. This may be possible in the near future.
synthetic samples, as shown in Fig. 8A. Sample S100
(strongly water-wet) has a large positive index, which is 5. Conclusions
consistent with the status of the sample, whereas the
strongly oil-wet sample (S00) has a large negative • A one-dimensional pore scale model composed of a
index. Also, it can be seen that for porous media with bundle of capillary tubes with a triangular cross-
otherwise similar characteristics there is an excellent section was used to study the effects of solid/fluid
correlation between the index and the wettability of the interactions on NMR T2 relaxation time. The simple
samples. The results of the outcrop and reservoir data modelling technique presented allowed us to
were also used to test the index on sandstones (Fig. 8B). ○ Determine the relative contributions of wettabil-
The results show a very good correlation between AH ity, saturation, pore-size distribution and surface
index and the proposed NMR index, especially for those relaxivity on the NMR T2 distribution;
with strong wetting characteristics (strongly water and ○ Distinguish between the individual contributions
oil-wet according to AH index). However, some of of water and oil relaxation to the overall T2
intermediate-wet samples do not correlate very well. distribution as a function of their location within
This may be due to other factors, such as sample the pore space;
mineralogy, pore size distribution, etc. ○ Improve the interpretation of NMR measure-
The index defined by Fleury and Deflandre is based ments in core plugs by unravelling the influence
on surface area and the peaks from the T2 distribution, of different parameters.This approach has en-
thus it seems to provide a better wettability definition. abled us to evaluate and compare different me-
However, the index proposed in this paper uses the thods of wettability characterisation from NMR
mean of the T2 distribution, which includes all the measurements.
relaxation components and the amount of residual oil/ • An improved wettability index is proposed from the
water in the rock. The use of a representative surface T2 relaxation distribution. This index is defined by
area to volume ratio, or T2m, is very important because it the following equation: IIC NMR
= (T2m,Swi − T2m,Sor) /
provides a better measure of how easy it is for oil or T2m,Sor. It has the advantage that it only requires
water to flow. The bulk relaxation of the oil (T2Bo) and NMR measurements at two saturations.
its viscosity will affect the value of the index defined by • The proposed index has been successfully tested for
Eq. (33). Nevertheless this wettability index will be synthetic samples of known wettability, outcrop
valid for any oil with a T2Bo equal or larger than the cores and clean/aged reservoir core plugs. However,
maximum T2 of the fully brine saturated sample. A more modelling and experiments, covering a wider

Fig. 8. Comparison of the improved NMR wettability index, defined in Eq. (33), with A) the percentage of water-wet surface of the synthetic samples
and, B) the Amott–Harvey index of the outcrop and reservoir samples.
186 S.H. Al-Mahrooqi et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 52 (2006) 172–186

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Acknowledgements Wettability, saturation, and viscosity using magnetic resonances
fluid characterisation method and new diffusion-editing pulse
Sultan Al-Mahrooqi would like to thank Petroleum sequences. SPE 77397, SPE Annual Tech Conf. Exhib., San
Antonio, Texas.
Development of Oman (PDO) for the support and
Grattoni, C.A., Al-Mahrooqi, S.H., Moss, A.K., Muggeridge, A.H.,
encouragement during his PhD studies. The authors Jing, J.D., 2003. An improved technique for deriving drainage
would like to acknowledge EPSRC for the financial capillary pressure from NMR T2 distributions. Proc. Int. Symp.
support. The experiments were carried out in the BG Soc. Core Analysts, SCA2003-25.
Petrophysical laboratory at the Imperial College. Guan, H., Brougham, D., Sorbie, K.S., Packer, K.J., 2002. Wettability
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