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The Black Parade; the

carnival of staggering
Say it once, say it twice!
Take a chance and roll the dice.
Yes, our master’s not so nice!
All our job is full of lies )

(START) *laugh* Conductor: Shhh!!! *silence* Person: Hurry! Hurry! The show is about to

Woosh! A splash of fire color red and white

No burns, no wound, all came from our breathe
Do your best while you balance in that beam
SMILE! ( *clap2x sound effect*)

Atlas! The show’s over, the curtain’s now close

Master2x ! We did great
Can we have the penny for the day?
What?! No?! WHY?!!
( *whip sound*) AHH! STOP! Our smile faded, the pain from the black whip remains.

*panic* Conductor: Shhh!!! Awwww... Imbeciles! You unworthy rodents! *silence with

We once lived in the slums- we starve, we suffer, we beg for things- FOR MONEY THAT ALL OF
YOU WASTE. Our ignorance and lack of education made the society entitle us “primitive.”
Poverty took away all our opportunities- ALL CAUSED BY LACK OF MONEY. We were nothing...
we feel hopeless... Until a woman, who promised us LIGHT AND HOPE banished our fears
away... Its easy! We perform, we jump , we make the people amaze with our show. We’ll just
make you happy and our family will be happier! “ISN’T IT AMAZING?!! ISN’T IT FANTASTIC!!
INS’T IT” NO!! Our master hired us to perform in front of the sea of audiences. But the truth:
we’re just the slaves of it. Whipping, slapping and abusing us. We’re here to perform not for
you but for the salary. Not for happiness but to our life and to our family. Slaves! Slaves! We are
the master’s slaves!


WHO ARE WE? WHAT ARE WE?! WHO WERE WE YESTERDAY?! We could have been someone
who would matter! Someone important! But YOU! YOU didn’t care! *down* All we’ve asked
for was just a quarter, or maybe a piece of bread. BUT NO! You let our hopes perish with you
pathetic ignorance!

(Group 1)
We could’ve been doctors!
(Group 2)
We could’ve been engineers!
(Group 3)
We could’ve been teachers!!
(Person, Hazel recommended)

But... poverty....poverty snatched away those opportunities! Well, I guess it’s our fault... We
expect that you filthy swines would at least aid us.... Aid us with an inch of your wealth . An
“inch” of your wealth wouldn’t hurt right? But nothing...

“Hey, son! We have dinner tonight!”


.....Sometimes we are forced to fight hunger... And endure a day without eating at all!
We’re worthless imbeciles just like she stated. We are irrelevant heirlooms of her misery
Because of poverty.
Because of her.

*Bow (conductor)* IT’S ALL BECAUSE OF HER! *point at the conductor* *The conductor covers
her ears, and scolds us*
Conductor: SSSHHHH!!!! *Scream, frustrated*
Its been a month now! Where is our salary?! The fruit of our hardwork!
*Labay ug kwarta gikan sa yiahang kalo, sa stage.”
She promised us... They promised us.... YOU PROMISED US! You promised us endless fortune!
You said fame will always come after our names. You stated that WE would be significant to
We’ve expected too much... We thought you we’re the person who could free us from this
dreadful situation. BUT NO! YOU’RE JUST LIKE SOCIETY! Offering those false promises! WHAT IS
THIS?! WHAT IS THIS?! You, humans, listen to our story and hear the howls of fear, and despair!

~We were once little so much to know,

not knowing why and what to do.
Now we have grown up
risking our lives, walking on ropes, to earn a lot. We have before us our chances to live, but
because of her, we are suffering~..

Now do you understand?! Understand why we seek vengeance?! As long as you are breathing,
you are qualified. My colleagues warned us. They told us that her offer sounds “unwillingly
suspicious”. BUT WHO CARES! As long as we get paid, it is more than enough! But everything...
Everything changed when I woke up... (Sound effect: Tilaok) I was horrified. I saw agony, fear
and despair on the eyes of the other recruits! As “she” entered the room. (Sound effect: Door
creaks) We were astonished, the way she treats everyone was different. It had a different
approach compared to the day on how she recruited us. We’ve noticed that everything,
EVERYTHING was a LIE! We regret it! We regret the day we’ve felt her horrific approach, we
regret the day that we believe that she can free us! She’s no different ! She’s no different from
the government that abused us from the slums! How pathetic we are to think that we could
eat 3 times a day ifwe join her death-like circus!

Chant: Refer above

Is this the purpose of our existence? Do we die pretending? Pretending to be happy in front of
our audience?! You think we’re happy?! This is not what she promised us!! This is madness!
This is inhumane! Is this our destiny?... Is this our punishment?! How do we escape this
quagmire? She imprisoned us, she thwarted our dreams and hopes. We yearn for something
better, something better
than these rags that serves as our “clothes”? Something better than those cells. (*pointCage*)
that serves as our home, our room. Should we even consider the fact that the “home” we speak
of is similar to a pig pen. Is this what the government call justice?! While those rich, uncultured
swines aimlessly dispose of their possessions that they consider as “useless” and “irrelevant”.
While for us, it’s already considered as valuable enough to free us from this dreadful quagmire.
But they continue their ignorance. Ha! Pathetic. We may be poor, but we are as wise as an
educated person. Still, they think we are as filthy as a rat. As blind as a bat. Why do they
underestimate us?! THIS IS MADNESS!!

Chant: refer above

They hired us to make everyone happy. We perform; we jump and avoid things that doesn’t
please you .
In a circus, the audience we’re enthralled with our show. Not knowing that there were
prejudices waiting down below. Then comes the applause of the audiences. (Sound effects:
Clap! Clap! Clap!) What you probably think is that our face is full of happiness. Is that what you
think about us? No! You are wrong! Our master hired us to perform in front of a swarm of
audiences. Whipping, slapping and abusing us. We’re not here to perform for you, but for
salary. Not for the happiness we desire, but for our life and to our family. Slaves! Slaves! Slaves!
Slaves of money! Realization strikes! There’s more to life than riding those bikes. We’ve had
enough! We decided to leave but we can’t! We tried to escape the lashes harsh reality. But to
NO avail. BECAUSE OF POVERTY! Poverty serves as a chain that strangles us. A chain that
restricts us from living profoundly,
living the life that we hoped for.

As we draw the knife, ready to take our life. While we're watching our best friends die, we're
screaming out our mournful cry. Everything happens for a significant reason.... But the show
must go on. No room for complaining. No chance at all! What did we do to make God punish us
like this?! Why are we suffering?! WHY GOD?! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?! WHY?!

chant: (not final)

Group 1: You’re a monster! You’re a liar!

We’re in a great disaster!
Group 2: Nonsense! Work harder, move faster!
Group 1: We’ve had enough our master!

You’ve deceived us! We’re STUPID! We didn’t listened! We’re FOOLS! Foolishness and
ignorance brought us to this situation. To this catastrophe! We should’ve listened... the
moment we signed her contract.... Everything... shattered! If only we could bring back time, we
could’ve lived a casual life. This is our destiny! We we’re too inexperienced... This is our fault!
We are to be blamed! We... WE’RE FOOLS! IT’S TOO LATE! IT’S TOO LATE!

chant (Refer above)

May wealth abound us forever. May peace abound us forever. May complete freedom, abound
forever. May truthfulness abound forever. DO ALL OF YOU REALLY THINK THAT SHE’D *point at
cond.* LET US?! Fools! Peace is not what we seek. Justice! VENGANCE!! She must... NO! SHE
oppressed relentlessly. We let fear control us! that we’ve learned our lesson.... WE
ANY LONGER. The time has come for us. The long wait is over... We shall break the chains of her

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