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Chemistry and Qualities

of Edible Oils
Texturizing Department

Nur Huda Arif Indiarto

PT Multimas Nabati Asahan – Kuala Tanjung
Wilmar International Limited

Oil Chemistry

Fatty Acids
Fatty acid is a carboxylic acid with a long aliphatic chain (constituent of
oil/fat compounds), which is either saturated or unsaturated (mono or
poly). The fatty acid characteristic depends on chain length and C-bound.

Fatty Acids

Oil – Fat (Triglycerides)

Triglycerides are glycerides compound with
3 fatty acids. The compounded fatty acids
give characteristic of every triglycerides.

Oil Quailities

Chemical Quality Physical Quality
❑Free fatty acid (FFA) ❑Melting point (MP)
❑Peroxide value (PV) ❑Slip melting point (SMP)
❑Anisidine value (AnV) ❑Cloud point (CP)
❑Iodine value (IV) ❑Solid fat content (SFC)
❑Fatty acid composition (FAC) ❑Moisture and impurities (MI)
❑Triacylglyceride (TAG) ❑Color (LC)

Free Fatty Acid (FFA)

Free fatty acid is fatty acid content in
oil as result from hydrolysis of
glycerides (side product: diglycerides,
monoglycerides, and glycerol).

FFA is measured as %-weight or mg-

KOH/gram-oil (especially for acid

High FFA: Increasing FFA:

❑Sour taste in oil ❑Moisture content
❑Easy to oxidize ❑Temperature
❑High hydrolysis ❑Acid condition
❑High DG & MG

Peroxide Value (PV) and Anisidine Value (AnV)

Peroxide value measures the lipid peroxides Anisidine value is the number of secondary products of lipid
and hydroperoxides formed during the initial compounds oxidation (aldehydes, ketones, alcohols and
primary stages of oxidation. hydrocarbons) which are formed due to breakdown of peroxides
PV is the most widely used indicator of fat and hydroperxides.
oxidation. PV is measured as meq.O2/kg-oil.
This reaction scheme is capable of generating aldehydes,
ketones, alcohols and hydrocarbons. Many of the volatile
compounds formed during lipid oxidation originate through
similar dismutations.

High PV: Increasing PV:

❑ Odor in oil ❑ Oxygen (air)
❑ Darker color ❑ Temperature
❑ Bad taste ❑ Metal content

Iodine Value (IV)

Iodine value is measure of the degree
of unsaturation of an oil/fat by the
amount of iodine (I2 grams, that is taken
up by 100 grams of the oil/fat or %-I2).

High IV:
❑ Low MP (more liquid)
❑ Easier for oxidation
Oleic – 1 times rate
Linoleic – 10 times
Linolenic – 100 times

TAG Analysis
TAG analysis have purpose to
identify and quantify the amount
of triacylglycerol types (TAG). TAG
give physical characteristic of oil,
like: MP, SFC, etc.

FAC Analysis
FAC (Fatty Acid Composition)
analysis have purpose to identify
and quantify fatty acid
composition in oil/fat.


Melting point is the
temperature at which oil/fat
changes state from solid to
liquid atmospheric pressure.

Slip melting point is the

temperature at which oil/fat
softens or becomes sufficiently
fluid to slip or run.

Could point is the temperature at

which appear cloudy in oil/fat.

Solid Fat Content (SFC)

SFC is important characteristic to know ❑ The green curve is the melting profile of a very hard
profile hardness and melting of oil/fat. fat that will slowly melt away and will still leave a
large amount of solid fat at body temperature.
When this fat would be used as such in a food product,
it would give a very bad melting sensation and leave
a waxy fat film in the mouth.
❑ The blue curve is a typical curve of cocoa butter.
Chocolate is hard at room temperature. Once in your
mouth the chocolate will quickly melt, giving an
intense flavor release. At body temperature
chocolate will be completely melted away.
❑ The red curve is the melting curve of a fat that is soft
at room temperature. It will slowly melt away leaving
practically no solid fat at body temperature. This is a
typical fat that can be used in soft chocolate fillings
with a smooth, creamy melting texture sensation.

Moisture and Impurities (MI)

Moisture and impurities have
purposes to measure water and
impurities content in oil/fat.

High moisture:
❑High FFA (reactants for hydrolysis)
❑Absorb polar substances (particles and
❑Disturb crystallization

Color (LC)
Lovibond color have purposes LC can identify the quality of oil/fat or
to measure color in oil/fat with damage of oil. Increasing color in oil/fat
red, yellow, and blue scale can be caused by temperature.

Xie Xie

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