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Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking




Sl Chapter Name Page No.

1. Introduction 01-07
Need for the Study
Objectives of the Study
Scope of the Study
Research Methodology
Limitation of the study
2. Industry Profile 08-18
History of Banking
Definition and Features of Banking
Nature of the Industry
Functions of banks

3. Company and Product Profile 19-31

History of the company
Other present information about company
Facilities provided by bank to customer

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Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

4. Survey Analysis and Interpretation 32-45

5. Major Findings, Suggestion, Conclusion 46-49
Annexure 50-55

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Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking


Fig Title Page No.

1 Graph showing the Respondents gender 32
2 Graph showing the occupation of respondents 33
3 Graph showing the age of respondents 34
4 Graph showing of marital status of respondents 35
5 Graph showing respondents monthly income 36
6 Graph showing use of e banking by respondents 37
7 Graph showing respondents satisfaction of e baking services 38
8 Graph Showing Frequency of transaction in e banking by respondents 39
9 Graph showing Service charges for e banking is fair 40
10 Graph showing respondents know about e banking in the way of 41
11 Graph showing E banking replace traditional banking method 42
12 Graph showing Main reason to use e banking 43
13 Graph showing Customer using the services 44
14 Graph showing Facing a problem in e banking 45

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Tabl Title Page No.

e No.
1 Table showing the Respondents gender 32
2 Table showing the occupation of respondents 33
3 Table showing the age of respondents 34
4 Table showing of marital status of respondents 35
5 Table showing respondents monthly income 36
6 Table showing use of e banking by respondents 37
7 Table showing respondents satisfaction of e baking services 38
8 Table Showing Frequency of transaction in e banking by respondents 39
9 Table showing Service charges for e banking is fair 40
10 Table showing respondents know about e banking in the way of 41
11 Table showing E banking replace traditional banking method 42
12 Table showing Main reason to use e banking 43
13 Table showing Customer using the services 44
14 Table showing Facing a problem in e banking 45

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Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking


 Introduction
 Need for the study
 Objectives of the study
 Scope of the study
 Research methodology
 Limitation of the study

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Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

The study on consumer satisfaction towards e-banking with special reference of
Syndicate Bank, Vidyanagara, Shivamogga, has been brought out to know the reprocess
implication analysis and consumer opinion about e banking.

The banking industry has been rapidly developing the use of e banking as on efficient and
viable tool to create customer value.

The way of banking used to be done has changed it the past couple of years. And these
years have witness to the computerization of bank.

E banking is one of the popular service offered by the traditional banks to provide
speeder and reliable services to online users. With the rapid development of computer
technology as a commercial tool.

This project is an earnest effort to put the reactivates which have converted the old
branch banking toe airs to banking with the help of technology this is also an effort to make the
banking a subject which consists of not only the online banking but on subject of much wider
scope consisting of all the technological initiative that go into making a bank e bank.

Need for the study

The needs of the current study is to examine the consumer satisfaction towards e banking.
the present study also help in examining the e banking statement to know and understanding
the consumer position and performance of e banking. The current study helps to understand the
various system on practiced by the e banking to manage its day to day affairs.

Objectives of the study

 To make detailed study of e banking.
 To study the technological changes in banking.
 Also study the changes in banking.
 To know the actual process of the banking in e banking.

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Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

 To establishment growth and progress of customers service provided by e banking.

 To study the problems relating to e banking.
 To know the performance of the e banking.

Scope of the study

The study of consumer satisfaction towards e banking with special reference of syndicate
bank, Vidya nagara ,Shivamogga.

This project report help to know the awareness level of customers regarding the e
banking service. Along with the satisfaction level of the customers in the e banking and the
customer perception regarding the e banking service.

Research methodology
For the purpose of study of this project, for this both primary and secondary data has
been collected from the manger of the branch personally to elicit information about the banking
system on sample basis was conducted ascertain the information about banking system. For this
purpose 50 customers were selected as sample and they we interviewed with the help of
questionnaires and personal interviews to elicit the valuable information from them.

Secondary data collected from various published sources like books, google etc….,,

Limitation of the study

 the syndicate bank Vidya Nagara branch Shivamogga is having number of customers. All
the customers of The e banking are not contracted for purpose of this project.
 The accuracy of this project depends on the information supplied by the customers.
 Time constraint is important factor influencing the project report accuracy of this project
report may very due to constraint.
 Technology is changing in a matter of time, there may be new technological initiative
soon, this information is fresh when the project to print.
 The scope of this study limited to Shivamogga city only.

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 Introduction
 History of Banking
 Definition and Features of Banking
 Nature of the Industry
A .Service
b. B2B & B2C
c. Nature of the Competition
d. Contribution to GDP
 Functions of banks
 Conclusion

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Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

A bank is a financial institution that accepts deposits from their customers and creates

The banking system in India is significantly different from that of others Asian nations
because of the country’s unique geographic ,social, and economic characteristics. India has a
large population and land size, a diverse culture, and extreme disparities in income ,which are
marked among its regions. There are high levels of illiteracy among a large percentage of its
population but, at the same time, the country has a large reservoir of managerial and
technologically advance talents.

The Indian banking industry has its foundations in the 18 th century, and has had a bumpy
revolutionary growth path since then. The industry in recent times has recognised the importance
of private and foreign players in a competitive scenario and has moved towards greater
liberalisation. Indian banks have mobilised around 80% of funding from deposits. Thus their
ability to win market share profitability is key to stock return.

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Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

History of Banking
The history of banking began with the first prototype banks which were the merchants of
the world, who made grain loans to farmers and traders who carried goods between cities. This
was around 2000 BC in Assyria, India and Sumeria. Later, in ancient Greece and during the
Roman Empire, lenders based in temples made loans, while accepting deposits and performing
the change of money. Archaeology from this period in ancient China and India also shows
evidence of money lending.

Many histories position the crucial historical development of a banking system to

medieval and Renaissance Italy and particularly the affluent cities of Florence, Venice and
Genoa. The Bardi and Peruzzi Families dominated banking in 14th century Florence,
establishing branches in many other parts of Europe.[1] The most famous Italian bank was the
Medici bank, established by Giovanni Medici in 1397.[2] The oldest bank still in existence is
Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, headquartered in Siena, Italy, which has been operating
continuously since 1472.

The development of banking spread from northern Italy throughout the Holy Roman
Empire, and in the 15th and 16th century to northern Europe. This was followed by a number of
important innovations that took place in Amsterdam during the Dutch Republic in the 17th
century, and in London since the 18th century. During the 20th century, developments in
telecommunications and computing caused major changes to banks' operations and let banks
dramatically increase in size and geographic spread. The financial crisis of 2007–2008 caused
many bank failures, including some of the world's largest banks, and provoked much debate
about bank regulation.

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Definition of a Bank
Oxford Dictionary defines a bank as "an establishment for custody of money, which it
pays out on customer's order."

Characteristics / Features of a Bank

1. Dealing in Money
Bank is a financial institution which deals with other people's money i.e. money given by

2. Individual / Firm / Company

A bank may be a person, firm or a company. A banking company means a company
which is in the business of banking.

3. Acceptance of Deposit
A bank accepts money from the people in the form of deposits which are usually
repayable on demand or after the expiry of a fixed period. It gives safety to the deposits of its
customers. It also acts as a custodian of funds of its customers.

4. Giving Advances
A bank lends out money in the form of loans to those who require it for different

5. Payment and Withdrawal

A bank provides easy payment and withdrawal facility to its customers in the form of
cheques and drafts, It also brings bank money in circulation. This money is the form of cheques,
drafts etc.,

6. Agency and Utility Services

A bank provides various banking facilities to its customers. They include general utility
services and agency services.

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Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

7. Profit and Service Orientation

A bank is a profit seeking institution having service oriented approach.

8. Ever increasing Functions

Banking is an evolutionary concept. There is continuous expansion and diversification as
regards the functions, services and activities of a bank.

9. Connecting Link
A bank acts as a connecting link between borrowers and lenders of money. Banks collect
money from those who have surplus money and give the same to those who are in need of

10. Banking Business

A bank's main activity should be to do business of banking which should not be
subsidiary to any other business.

11. Name Identity

A bank should always add the word "bank" to its name to enable people to know that it is
a bank and that it is dealing in money.

Nature of the industry

a bank is a financial institution that provides banking and other financial service to their
customers. A bank is generally understood as an institution which provides fundamental banking
service such as accepting deposits and providing loans.

 A bank is a service industry

It is a financial institution that provides banking and other financial service to their
customers. A bank is generally understood as an institution which provides fundamental banking
service such as accepting deposits and providing loans. banks are subset of the financial service
industry. Almost in any country. banks represent main pillar of financial stability. Bank also
provide the information to customer this is also a service.

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Banking system is B2B and B2C two side working business to business and business to
customers. banking product and service as deposits, remittance, credit cards provide the
service direct to customer in the way of collect the deposits and providing loan to customers.

 B2B & B2C

Bank also working business to business this form of electronic banking is for transacting
inter bank transactions such as money at call. also bank contract with other business also it
provides service to business.
A banking industry is also a business. in every business had a competition .competitive
nature of a bank is based on size of bank ,capital, size of deposits, mobilised by banks, trust on
ability of banks to fulfil the deposits obligations . service offered by a bank in competition.
 Contribution to GDP
The Indian banking industry is currently worth Rs 81 trillion roughly. the contribution of
the banking sector to GDP is about 7.7% of GDP. Banking sector has generated employment in
the economy for about 1.5 million people.

Functions of banks
A. Primary functions of banks
The primary functions of a bank are also known as banking functions. they are the main
functions of bank. These primary functions of banks are explained below.

1. Accepting deposits
The banks collects deposits from the public. These deposits can be of different types,
such as:
a. Saving deposits
b. Fixes deposits
c. Current deposits
d. Recurring deposits

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Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

a. Saving Deposits:
This type of deposits encourages saving habit of among the public. The rate of interest is
low. Withdrawals of deposits are allowed subject to certain restrictions. This account is suitable
to salary and wages earners. This account can be opened in single name or in joint names.

b. Fixed Deposits:
Lump sum amount is deposited at one for a specific period. Higher rate of interest is paid,
which varies with the period of deposit. Withdrawals are not allowed before the expiry of the
period. Those who have surplus funds go for fixed deposit.

c. Current Deposits:
This type of accounts is operated by businessmen. Withdrawals are freely allowed. no
interest paid. In fact, there are service charges. The account holders can get the benefit of
overdraft facility.

d. Recurring Deposits:
This type of accounts is operated by salaried persons and petty traders. A certain sum of
money is periodically deposited into the bank. Withdrawals are permitted only after the expiry of
certain period. A higher rate of interest is paid.

2. Granting of Loans and Advances

The bank advances loans to the business community and other members of the public.
The rate charged is higher than what it pays on deposits. The different in the interest rates
(lending rate and the deposit rate) is its profit.

The types of bank loans and advances are :

a. Overdraft
b. Cash credits
c. Loans
d. Discounting of bill of exchange

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Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

a. Overdraft
This type of advances are given to current account holders. No separate amount is
maintained. All entries are made in current account. A certain amount is sanctioned as overdraft
which can be withdrawn within a certain period of time say three months or so. Interest is
charged on actual amount withdrawn. An overdraft facility is granted against a collateral
security. It is sanctioned to businessman and firms.

b. Cash Credits
The client allowed cash credit up to a specific limit fixed in advance. It can be given to
current account holders as well as to others who do not have an account with bank. Separate ach
credit account is maintained. Interest is charged on the amount withdrawn in excess of limit. The
cash credit is given against the security of tangible asset and / or sanctioned than overdraft.

c. Loans
It is normally for short term say period of one year or medium term say a period of five
years. Now-a-days, banks do lend money for long term. Repayment of money can be in the form
of instalments spread over a period of time or in a lump sum amount. Interest is charged on the
actual amount sanctioned, whether withdrawn or not. The rate of interest may be slightly lower
than what is charged on overdraft and cash credits. Loans are normally secured against tangible
assets of the company.

B. Secondary functions of banks

The bank performs a number secondary functions, also called as non-banking functions.
These important secondary functions of banks are explained below.

1. Agency functions
The bank acts as an agent of its customer. The bank performs a number of agency
functions which includes:
a. Transfer of funds
b. Collection of cheques
c. Periodic payments

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d. Portfolio management
e. Periodic collection
f. Other agency function

a. Transfer of funds
The bank transfer funds from the one branch to another or one place to another.

b. Collection of cheques
The bank collects the money of the cheque through clearing section of its customers. The
bank also collects money of the bills of the bill of exchange.

c. Periodic payments
On standing instructions of the client, the bank makes periodic payments in respect of
electricity bills, rent, etc.

d. Portfolio management
The banks also undertakes to purchase and sell the shares and debentures on behalf of the
clients and accordingly debits or credits the account. This facility called portfolio management.

e. Periodic collection
The bank collects salary, pension, dividend and such other periodic collections on behalf
of the client.

f. Other agency function

They act as trustee, executors, advisers and administrators on behalf its clients. They act
as representatives of clients to deal with other banks and institutions.

2. General utility functions

The bank also performs general utility functions, such as :
a. Issue of drafts, letter of credits, etc.
b. Locker facility

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c. Underwriting of shares
d. Dealing in foreign exchange
e. Projects reports
f. Social welfare programmes
g. Other utility functions

a. Issue of drafts and letter of credits

Banks issue drafts for transferring money from the one place to another. It also issues
letter of credits, especially in case of import trade. It also issues travellers cheques.

b. Locker facility
The bank provides a locker facility for the safe custody of valuable documents, gold
ornaments and other valuables.

c. Underwriting of shares
The bank underwrites shares and debentures through its merchant banking division.

d. Dealing in foreign exchange

The commercial banks are allowed by RBI to deal in foreign exchange.

e. Projects reports
The bank may also undertake to prepare project reports on behalf of its clients.

f. Social welfare programmes

It undertakes social welfare programmes, such as adult literacy programmes, public
welfare campaigns, etc.

g. Other utility functions

It acts as a reference to financial standing of customers. It collects creditworthiness
information about clients of its customers. It provides market information to its customers, etc. It
provides traveller cheque facility.

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Banking system have been with us for us long as people have been using money. Banks
and other financial institutions provide security for individual, business and government alike.

In general what banks do is pretty easy to figure out. For the average person banks accept
deposits, make loans, provide a safe place for money and valuables and act as payment agents
between merchants and banks.

Banks are quite important to the economy and are involved in such economic activities as
issuing money, setting payment, credit intermediation, maturity transformation and money
creation in the form of fractional reserve banking.

To make money, banks use deposits and whole sale deposits, share equity and fees and
interest from debt, loan and consumer lending, such as credit card and, bank fees.

In addition to fees and loans, banks are also involved in various other type of lending and
operation including buy/hold securities ,non interest income, insurance and leasing and
payment treasury services.

History has proven banks to be vulnerable to many risks. however, including credit,
liquidity , market operating, interesting rate and legal risks, many global crises have the result of
such vulnerabilities and this has led to the strict regulation of state and national banks.

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 History of the company

 Other present information about company
 Facilities provided by bank to customer
 Savings account
 Current account
 Fixed deposit
 Advances / loans
 NRI banking
 E banking facility
 Conclusion

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Syndicate bank was established in 1925 in Udupi in coastal Karnataka, as Canara
industrial and banking syndicate limited. With a capital of Rs.8000 by three visionaries – Sri
Upendra ananth Pai, a business man, Sri Vaman srinivas Kudva, an engineer and Dr. TMA Pai,
a Physician – who shared a strong commitment to social welfare.

Dr. TMA Pai

Upendra Ananth Pai

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Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

Vaman Srinivas Kudva

The objective was primarily to extend financial assistance to the local weavers who were
crippled by a crisis in the handloom industry through mobilising small savings from the
communities. The bank collected as low 2 annas daily at the door steps of the depositors through
its agents under its pigmy deposit scheme started 1928. Thanks to this syndicate bank was known
as “small man’s big bank”.

The bank renamed as the syndicate bank limited in 1954; also, the head office moved to
Manipal. In 19 July 1969, the bank was nationalised along with 13 other bank

The logo has changed through the years, the dog in the logo become more prominent,
and the colour palette changed to orange.

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Syndicate Bank Old Logo

Syndicate Bank New Logo

The dog in the logo is in sync with syndicate banks motto-‘faithful and friendly’, the
orange colour indicates the banks vibrancy. competency and confidence to the next horizon of
business; yellow indicates innovation, banking the vibrancy and quick decisions through
collective work and thinking.

Other present information about company

The bank is well equipped to meet the challenges of the 21 st century in the areas of
information technology, knowledge and competition. IT skills and knowledge of the banks
personnel are being upgraded through a variety of programmes to promote customer delight in
every sphere of this activity the bank is pioneer among public sector banks on launching
centralised banking solution (CBS) and the bank is 100% CBS enabled.

Present the bank as 4103 branches spreads across India and 88 out of these 4103 branches
were opened recently. Syndicate bank has one branch in London, United Kingdom. The bank
sponsored many rural banks and has thus contributed to the development of india at the grass
root level.

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The CEO of the syndicate bank Mrutynjay Mahapatra.

Present revenue of the bank as per the financial year 2017-18 ` 6,913.09 crore
Operating income as per financial year 2017-18 ` 1,514 crore
Net income as per the financial year 2017-18 ` 359 crore
Total asset of the bank ` 299,073.34 crore
Capital ratio (2017) 12.03%

Facilities provided by bank to customers

Syndicate bank provide many facilities to customers. The following facilities provide to

 Deposits
Deposits is a saving account, current account or any other type of bank account that
allows many to deposited and withdrawn by the account holder. These transactions are record on
the bank books, and the resulting balance is recorded as a liability for the bank and represents
the amount owed by the bank to the customer. Banks may charge a fee for the service, while
other pay the customer interest on the funds deposited.

 Savings bank account

These account are designed to help the individuals(personal customers ) to inculcate
habit of saving money and to meet their requirement of money. Amounts can be
deposited/withdrawn from these accounts by way of cheques/withdrawal slips. It helps to the
customers to keep minimum cash at home besides earning interest. The account holder is
require to maintain certain monthly average balance in the account. Bank they give 3.5%
interest to saving bank account holder.
 Current account
Current account can be opened by individual partnership forms private and public
limited company, HUF/specified associated societies, trusts etc. The minimum balance
maintain in the account also the person requires to be introduced by somebody no
interest is paid on the credit balance of the current account.

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The customer has to give a written declaration that he is not enjoying and credit
facility from other bank and if he does he has to furnish the details for the some.

 Fixed deposit
A fixed deposit is a financial instrument provided by banks or NBFCS which
provides investor a higher rate of interest than a regular saving account until the given
maturity date. It may as may not require the certain of separate account.
Syndicate bank fixed scheme offers investors to deposit an amount for a fixed
period of time and interest on the amount. This the safest form of investment that earns
the investors a source of income
The syndicate bank fixed deposit rate are quite sought after because of the
profitable returns the account holder can apply for loan at syndicate bank against fixed
deposit up to 95%. Fixed deposit interest rate fixed on the basis of maturity period.

 Advances/loans
The syndicate bank provides variety of loans to different customer according to their
needs and requirements. The following is the list of loans provided by the bank:
 Synd saral- it is a personal loan provide to salaried and non salaried persons.
 Synd connect- it is also personal loan, provide to salaried persons.
 Synd senior- it is a personal loan, provide to pensioners.
 Synd vahan- it is vehicle loan, provide to two wheeler and four wheeler vehicles.
 Synd loan- it is housing loan, under this two scheme
-synd nivas+
-synd delight
 Synd vidya- it is a education loan, under this
-synd abroad
-synd super vidya
 Synd rent
 Synd mortage
 Synd swarna- it is a gold loan

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Agriculture advances
 SKCC- syndicate kisan credit card, it gives up to 300000, only 4%
 Syndicate kisan swarna
 Synd green house
 Synd kisan tajkal
 Synd form house
 Short term agriculture loan

MSME- micro small medium enterprise (business loan)

 Synd udyog
 Synd vyapar
 Synd doctor
 Synd professional
 Mudra loan-up to 100000
 Stand up india (ST/SE for women)

 NRI banking
The syndicate bank offers three types of investment plans for NRI customers
 Non resident (external)
Rupee account (NRE)
 Non resident ordinary
Rupee account (NRO)
 Resident foreign currency account
(RFC account)

 Fast Tag facility

Fast tag device there employs radio frequency identification (RFIDP) technology
for making tool payment directly from the prepaid or saving account linked to it. It is of
fixed on the windscreen of vehicle and enable to drive through toll plazas without
stopping for cash transactions.

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Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

 Para Banking Product

 Life insurance
 General insurance
 Mutual fund
 Capital market/share market & etc..,

 E banking
E banking facility introduce under the programme digital banking(Go digital).
Syndicate bank has specially carved out digital banking service to suit customer needs.
Bank ensures that have access to customer bank any time, anywhere-whether at have or
office or on the move. Use digital initiatives and transact easily via online, mobile and e
commerce service through internet banking. Mobile banking and debit card or credit card.
The following electronic banking facility provide by bank:
 Debit card – syndicate bank offers syndicate bank global debit card cum ATM
card which holds all the features or a modern debit card. Customers can access
their account from anywhere and ant time and can transact in any currency but the
payment should always be Indian currency. It can be termed as a convenient e-
wallet. Minimum values of transaction should be ₹ 100 and maximum can be ₹
20000 ,at its own ATM maximum value of a transaction at outside india
₹10000,maximum value for student and minor is ₹ 5000.
 Credit card – syndicate bank credit card are of great use and convenience to
customers. There cards given free for life i.e. no charges are taken in form of
finance charge annual fees or renewed fees.
Cash withdrawal can be done at all the syndicate bank ATM and others having the
VISA logo across the globe with cash limit up to 30000.
Purchase can be made at all the merchant establishments having VISA logo with
limit up to card period ranges from 20-50 days.
 Synd e-passbook -it is a mobile application where customers can view the
electronic version of pass book for CASA accounts, online or offline in your
smart phone.

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The features of synd e-passbook are as follows:

- account details
- passbook
- Account statement
- Account setting
- change MPIN
Customer can download the app from google play store and any
registration can made.
 Synd UPI – it is a mobile application, that lets customers to make simple and
quick payment transactions using unified payments interface (UPI). Customer
can easily make direct bank to bank payments instantly and collect money
using just mobile number or payment address or account number and IFSC
code. service are as follows:
- send money
- collect money
- scan and pay
- transaction details
- beneficiary management
- virtual address and account management etc…,
 Mobile banking – syndicate bank mobile banking application provides simpler and
convenient way to handle syndicate bank accounts. An mobile handset With synd mobile
applications you can safe and secure banking with the following services:
- Fund transfer using IMPS
- Fund transfer within syndicate bank account
- Debit card management
- Values added service and bill payment
- Balance enquiry and mini statement
- SMS and Email statement registration
- Adhaar seeding
- Request for cheque book
- View issued cheque starts and stop cheque payment etc

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Per day up to ₹50000 can use in this facility

 Internet banking – using internet banking services, customer can do normal banking
transactions online fund transfer between own accounts, third party transfers to accounts
maintained at any branch of the bank, interbank transfers to accounts with other bank,
online ticket booking for travel by road, rail and air, etc..,
It is a safe and secure banking. Internet banking helps to manage the bills online
payment, transfer money easily and get alerts if account balance is low.
If customer starting internet banking service need to account in the branch, also
need register for the internet banking service with the branch.
Internet banking need account number and IFSC code. Up to 400000 can use in
this facility.

Advantages of E-Banking : –
The main advantages of electronic banking are: –
 The cost of operation per unit of services is lower for banks.
 Offers convenience to customers since they are not required to go to the bank’s facilities.
 There is a very low incidence of errors.
 The customer can obtain funds at any time from ATMs.
 Credit cards and debit cards allow customers to get discounts at points of sale.
 The customer can easily transfer the funds from one place to another place electronically.

Sahyadri Commerce and Management College, Shivamogga Page No.28

Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

Bank do is pretty easy to figure out. for the average person banks accept deposit, make
loans, provide a safe place for money and valuables and act as a payment agent between
merchant and banks.

Banks are quite important to the economy and are involved in such economic activities as
issuing money, setting payments, credit intermediation and money creation in form of fractional
reserve banking.

In make money banks use deposits and whole sale deposits, share equity and fees and
interest from debt, loans and consumer lending such as credit cards and bank fess.

E banking has its own advantages. The main advantages of implementing e banking is an
increase customer satisfaction. This is because customer do jot have to go the branches in order
to access their accounts, make withdrawal and deposits. They can also check it anytime of the
day, a feature that physical branches do not offer thus creating a good relationship with the bank
and the customer. E banking is also advantageous not only for customer but also for the bank
because it reduces costs in setting up a branch and the resources to process transactions. all these
benefits are the reasons why many banks are already investing in e banking.

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Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking


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Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking


Survey means in depth study of any subject and controlling inner expression of
respondent for the purpose of knowing their attitude and satisfaction about which survey is

Customer are faced with problem while dealing with banks. Therefore to study their
problems questionnaire was prepaid and given to selected customers. The area cannot be
classified as most of them are selected on the basis of their experience with bank they were also
selected on random basis and are given format of questionnaire and requested to fill it and return
to us. The survey has been successfully carried out and survey covered over so customer of

Data collected from two sources, they are primary data and secondary data. Primary data
is first hand data it is collected directly from bankers secondary data is the one which is already
collected by somebody, which get in books, websites.

From the survey so conducted it is possible for us to give clear picture of survey finding
customers satisfaction to e banking. In this survey we taken only 50 customers in shivamogga

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Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

Table No. 1
Table showing the Respondents gender

Gender No of respondents Percentage

Male 20 40
Female 30 60
Total 50 100

Graph No. 1
Graph showing the Respondents gender



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Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

Table No. 2
Table showing the occupation of respondents

Occupation No of respondents Percentage

Business 8 16
Profession 12 24
Students 18 36
House wife 7 14
Others 5 10
Total 50 100

Graph No.2
Graph showing the occupation of respondents

No. of Respondents

business profession students house wife others

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Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

Table No. 3
Table showing the age of respondents

Age group No of respondents Percentage

15-30 30 60
30-45 10 20
45-60 6 12
60 and above 4 8
Total 50 100

Graph No. 3
Graph showing the age of respondents

45-60 60 and above

12% 8%

30-45 15-30
20% 60%

Sahyadri Commerce and Management College, Shivamogga Page No.34

Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

Table No.4
Table showing of marital status of respondents

Marital status No of respondents Percentage

Married 13 26
Unmarried 37 74

Total 50 100

Graph No. 4
Graph showing of marital status of respondents



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Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

Table No. 5

Table showing respondents monthly income

Monthly income No of respondents Percentage

Below 5000 27 54
5000-10000 4 8
10000-15000 7 14
15000-20000 8 16
Above 20000 4 8
Total 50 100

Graph No. 5

Graph showing respondents monthly income



No. of Respodents



Below 5000 5000-10000 10000-15000 15000-20000 Above 20000
Monthly Income

Sahyadri Commerce and Management College, Shivamogga Page No.36

Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

Table No. 6
Table showing use of e banking by respondents
No of years No of respondents Percentage

Less than 2 years 15 30

2-5 years 18 36
5-10 years 10 20
More than 10 years 7 14
Total 50 100

Graph No. 6
Graph showing use of e banking by respondents




No.of Respondents



less than 2 years 2-5 years 5-10 years more than 10 years
No.of Years

Most of the customers using e banking in 2-5 years, Some of the customers are using e banking
in less than two years, some of the customers using the e banking service in 5-10 years also less
customers using the e banking service in more than 10 years.

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Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

Table No. 7
Table showing respondents satisfaction of e baking services

Yes 45 95%

No 5 5%

Graph No. 7
Graph showing respondents satisfaction of e baking services



in total customers most of the respondents satisfying the e banking service. Some of the
customers are not satisfying the service.

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Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

Table No. 8
Table Showing Frequency of transaction in e banking by respondents

Frequency No of respondents Percentage

2-3 times per week 10 20

Daily 8 16

Once per month 10 20

Once per week 22 44

Total 50 100

Graph No. 8
Graph Showing Frequency of transaction in e banking by respondents


No. of respondents



2-3 times per week daily once per month once per week

Most of customers using the e banking facility weekly one time. Some of the customers are
using the e banking daily and also. Some of the customers are using the e banking once per
month also 2-3 times per week.

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Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

Table No.9
Table showing Service charges for e banking is fair

Yes 10 20%
No 40 80%

Graph No. 9
Graph showing Service charges for e banking is fair

20% of the


customers opinion to e banking charges are not fair. Some of the customers opinion is it is fair.

Sahyadri Commerce and Management College, Shivamogga Page No.40

Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

Table No. 10
Table showing respondents know about e banking in the way of following
Way of know about e No of respondents Percentage
Friends 15 30
Bankers 17 34

Relatives 10 20
Advertisements 2 4
Others 6 12
Total 50 100

Graph No. 10
Graph showing respondents know about e banking in the way of following




No. of Respondents


friends bankers relatives advertisements others
Way of know about e banking

The customers came to know about e banking from friends, relatives and bankers in personal
contact. Very less information through advertisements is available to them.

Sahyadri Commerce and Management College, Shivamogga Page No.41

Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

Table No. 11
Table showing E banking replace traditional banking method
Yes 13 26%
No 37 74%

Graph No. 11
Graph showing E banking replace traditional banking method



Most of the customers opinion to e banking do not replace the traditional banking method. Some
customers opinion is e banking replacing the traditional banking method.

Table No.12

Sahyadri Commerce and Management College, Shivamogga Page No.42

Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

Table showing Main reason to use e banking

Reasons No of respondents Percentage

Better information 6 12

Simplification 9 18

24 hr. Service 10 20

Limited time available 25 50

Total 50 100

Table 12
Graph showing Main reason to use e banking





better information simplification 24 hr. Service limited time availablde

Most of the customers are using the e banking for time saving purpose, some customers
using the e banking for it provide the better information and e banking is a simple process and it
provides 24 hour service.

Table No. 13
Table showing Customer using the services

Sahyadri Commerce and Management College, Shivamogga Page No.43

Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

Services Yes No

Debit card 48 2

Credit card 16 34

Mobile banking 12 38

Internet banking 24 26

E passbook 11 39

Others 20 30

Graph No. 13
Graph showing Customer using the services




30 yes



debit card cret card mobile bankig internet banking e pass book others

Most of the respondents using e banking especially facility of debit card and internet
banking, customers also using the other e banking facility. Some customers also using the credit
card facility and mobile banking facility, very less customers using the e pass book.

Sahyadri Commerce and Management College, Shivamogga Page No.44

Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

Table No. 14
Table showing Facing a problem in e banking

Yes 35 70%

No 15 30%

Graph No. 14
Graph showing Facing a problem in e banking



Most of the customers are facing problem in e banking like server busy. Some time
internet banking is not working, some time debit card not working properly etc.

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Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking


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Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking


Major Findings
In this survey conducted to know the satisfaction customers and opinion of the customers
to e banking. We find the some problems faced by e banking.
Problems that the customers face while transaction in e banking.
 lack of information
 limited cash withdrawal
 less acceptance in merchant establishment
 lack of advertisement
 closer ATM’s regularly
 inadequate knowledge
 inconvenience in operations
 Fear of security to money
 Sometimes server busy in e banking

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Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking


 Proper knowledge should be provided:

There should be some sound steps to improve the knowledge provision to the customers
through some guidelines to helps them deal with the problems they come up with during their
should be easily made understand operation in e banking through some charts on braches the

 Inconvenience in operation:
Many faced inconvenience while doing business/transaction in e banking because of their
ignorance to handle sophisticated equipment in case ATM’s there should be some kind of
directions problem for the customers by the bank of to deal with the operations. There is a lack
of infrastructures like internet in e banking.

 Lack of information should be reduced

The complaint of people about, the lack of information’s about the latest happening in
new technological advancement in its services or the technological initiatives should be taken
care there should be regular journals to inform about, the new developments.

 Extension of cash withdrawal in limit:

There is a moderate demand for extension of cash limit withdrawal on e banking.

 More collaborating with merchant establishment:

Except some restaurants and malls the debit card is not accepted anywhere else in
Shimoga. There should be some approach from bank to get more establishments to accept the
debit card.

 Lack of advertisement:
The people who knew about e banking knew it by way of relatives, friends and by banker
directly than through advertisement. People are of the opinion that there should be some steps
taken in regard to advertisements at local level.

Sahyadri Commerce and Management College, Shivamogga Page No.48

Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

banking business has been an advisable part of economy in general and business in
particular matter of fact, banking has widened its services from tradition area to a number of
sophisticated areas like e banking, computerization, real time gross settlement(RTGS), Tele
banking whatever may by the area, banks flourish only when their activities are customer
oriented in order to achieve 100% customer orientation they should be aware of customer

Like dislike aspiration. Further should know the extent to which there points should have
been achieved. Therefore there continues research programmers. Showing the performance to be
achieved, problems in present strategies in marketing and operations of e banking should be
revised due to consideration from the competition from the private sector foreign banks.

The presence study deals with the activities of e banking, satisfaction towards e banking,
problems of e banking and suggestions in particular the analysis has been made in connection
with the perceptions called e banking and technological changes in banking. Further it portrays
the problems and inconvenience faced by them while availing of services, suggestions have been
given for improving strategy in connection with been give positive consideration to the
suggestions given the report. I am sure it may improve its strategy.

Sahyadri Commerce and Management College, Shivamogga Page No.49

Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

 Questionnaire
 Bibliography

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Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking


Dear Respondent,

I am Athmiya .N. S, student of final year BBA, Sahyadri commerce and management
college, Shivamogga. I have undertaken a project work a study on “consumer satisfaction
towards e banking with special reference of syndicate bank, Vidhya Nagara, Shivamogga”.
Hence, I request you to kindly spare your valuable time to go through and fill in the

Thanking you
Yours sincerely
Athmiya .N.S

1) Name :

2) Gender:
(a) Male ( )
(b) Female ( )

3) Occupation :
(a) Business ( )
(b) House wife ( )
(c) Profession ( )
(d) Student ( )
(e) Others ( )

Sahyadri Commerce and Management College, Shivamogga Page No.51

Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

4) Age:
(a) 15-30 ( )
(b) 30-45 ( )
(c) 45-60 ( )
(d) 60 and above ( )

5) Marital status :
(a) Married ( )
(b) Unmarried ( )
6) What is your monthly income
(a) Below 5000 ( )
(b) 5000-10000 ( )
(c) 10000-15000 ( )
(d) 15000-20000 ( )
(e) Above 20000 ( )
7) Do you have e banking facility for your account?
(a) Yes ( )
(b) No ( )

8) What are main reason that have not availed e banking facility
(a) Not aware ( )
(b) Don’t know operation ( )
(c) Difficulty ( )
(d) Others ( )

9) How did you come to know about e banking

(a) Friends ( )
(b) Bankers ( )
(c) Relatives ( )
(d) Advertisements ( )
(e) Others ( )

Sahyadri Commerce and Management College, Shivamogga Page No.52

Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

10) Which is the main reason for you to use e banking

(a) Better information ( )
(b) Simplification ( )
(c) 24 hr. service ( )
(d) Limited time available ( )

11) What are the e banking facility do you use

(a) Debit card ( )
(b) Credit card ( )
(c) Mobile banking ( )
(d) Internet banking ( )
(e) E-pass book ( )
(f) Others ( )

12) Since , how long do you use the e banking service

(a) Less than 2 years ( )
(b) 2-5 years ( )
(c) 5-10 years ( )
(d) More than 10 years ( )

13) Are you satisfied with e banking service

(a) Yes ( )
(b) No ( )

14) Frequency of transaction in e banking

(a) 2-3 times per week ( )
(b) Daily ( )
(c) Once per month ( )
(d) Once per week ( )

Sahyadri Commerce and Management College, Shivamogga Page No.53

Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking

15) Do you think e banking replace traditional banking method

(a) Yes ( )
(b) No ( )

16) Do you face any problem in e banking

(a) Yes ( )
(b) No ( )
If yes specify __________________________________________

17) Are service charges for e banking fair ?

(a) Yes ( )
(b) No ( )

18) Any suggestions specify

Date :
Place : Signature

Sahyadri Commerce and Management College, Shivamogga Page No.54

Consumer Satisfaction Towards E-Banking


 E-Banking & Financial Inclusion Litty Denis

 Banking Theory, Law and Practice E .Gordon

K. Nagarajan

 Management of Banking Operations Veershetty G. Rathod

Mamatha S. M.
Madhu M. C.
Maruthi S. M.
Manjappa R.


Sahyadri Commerce and Management College, Shivamogga Page No.55

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