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AutoCAD 2016

(Important Hand Notes to pass the exams)

Mamun Hossen| Trainee ID: 1260146 | Round- 45 | IDB-BISEW

Note: Each and every piece of information you read here is taken from “Mastering
AutoCAD 2016” and some are written using my working experience on the Auto CAD 2016
and the rest are collected.

1. How to launch AutoCAD 2016 on your Desktop?

Ans: Choose Start> All Programs> Autodesk> AutoCAD 2016>
AutoCAD 2016.
I can also duble-click the AutoCAD 2016 icon on my desktop to open it.

2. What does the AutoCAD start tab appear after launching the
Ans: The AutoCAD Start tab appears, offering options to open existing
drawings or to create a new
drawing. You may also see the Design Feed panel, which allows you to
use a cloud-based
collaboration feature. Click the Start Drawing thumbnail in the left side
of the view under “Get

3. How many ways The AutoCAD Window is divided?

The AutoCAD program window is divided into several parts:
1) Application menu
2) Quick Access toolbar
3) InfoCenter
4) Ribbon
5) Drawing tabs
6) Drawing area
7) UCS icon (User Coordinate System icon)
8) Viewport Controls
9) ViewCube®
10) Navigation bar
11) Command window
12) Status bar

4. What does the Application menu offer?

Answer: The Application menu offers tools to help you manage your
AutoCAD files. The Application menu also gives you a convenient way
to find recently used files or to get to a file you already have open. If you
move your cursor away from the list of options to the left in the
Application menu, you’ll see Recent Documents in the upper-left
portion of the menu. You’ll also see two icon tools, named Open
Documents and Recent Documents.

5. Where the Application menu icon is located?

Ans: The Application menu icon is located in the upper-left corner of the
AutoCAD window.

6. How do you export a file in the AutoCAD 2016?

Ans: Simply by following the steps:
1. Click the Application menu icon in the upper-left corner of the
AutoCAD window. A list of options appears.
2. Move the cursor slowly down the list of options in the left column. As
you highlight the options, additional options appear in a column to the
3. Highlight the Export option to see the various formats available for
That’s it.

7. Where does AutoCAD put the Automatic Save files?

Ans: By default, in Windows 7 and Windows 8, the Automatic Save file
is stored in C:\Users\User Name\appdata\local\temp\.
You can find the exact location for your system by typing
Savefilepath↵ at the Command prompt.
This file location is often set as a hidden folder, so you may need to set
up File Explorer to display hidden folders before you can get to the
Automatic Save file. You can also specify a different location for the
Automatic Save files.

8. How long does AutoCAD take to save your file automatically by

Answer: By default, AutoCAD automatically saves a work at 10 minute
intervals under a name that is a combination of the current filename plus
a number and that ends with the .sv$ filename extension.
9. The AutoCAD Window



Introduction to the tools and commands of the AutoCAD 2016

Ribon Tabs: Home, Insert, Annotate, Parametric, View, Manage,

Output, Add-ins, A360, Express Tools etc.

Ribon Panel Title names:

Under Home tab: Draw, Modify, Annotation, Layers, Block,
Properties, Groups, Utilities, Clipboard, View
Tools in Draw panel:
1. Line 2. Polyline
Command: L ↵ Command: PL ↵
3. Circle 4. Arc
Command: C ↵ Command: A ↵
5. Rectangle, Polygon 6. (Center, Exis/End, Elliptical)
Command: REC ↵ , POL Arc Command: EL ↵

7. Hatch, Gradient, Boundary 8. SPLINE
Command: H ↵ , GD ↵ , Command:
BO ↵ SPL ↵
9. XLINE 10. RAY
Command: XL ↵ Command: RAY

Command: PO ↵ Command:
Command: MEASURE ↵ Command: REG

15. WIPEOUT 16. 3D Polyline
Command: WIP ↵ Command: 3P ↵
Command: HELIX ↵ Command: DO ↵
Command: REVCLOUD ↵
Tools in Modify panel:
1.  Offset (o) 2. Trim (tr)

Create a duplicate object With the trim option objects

parallel with the original can be shortened or lengthened
object. If this object is a with the edges of other objects.
Polyline or a Circle, the Objects can exactly be fitted
duplicate shape will be between these objects.
transformed inwards or
outwards. This option can “To trim an object: Type tr
be useful to make closed in the command
steel profiles. line; optionally select the
line(s) you want to
To offset, First select the offset trim (otherwise all objects
distance; [enter]; select the are used, which is fine in
original object; specify on most cases); [enter]; select
which side you want to offset. the objects to trim.”

To trim multiple objects at

once you can drag a selection

3. Extend (ex) 4. Move (m)

With the extend option you can Moves one or more objects:
shorten or lengthen objects to Select the objects and specify
meet the edges of other objects. the base point.
For example a line can be exactly The base point is essentially
fitted between objects. Extending the point where you 'grab' the
objects. So if you input
a object works in the same way as
coordinates, the base point is
the point where the
To extend: Click the Extend
coordinates relate to.
command; optionally select the
object you want to extend to; Moving an object can either be
select the line(s) you want to done with the aid of object snap,
extend. or by using relative coordinates.

5. Rotate (ro) 6. Copy (co)

Copy's one or more objects.

You can rotate objects with an
absolute or relative angle. When Method:
using an absolute angle: Specify Select objects, press copy and
the base point and then specify specify a base point (in a
the rotation angle. similar fasion as with the
move tool)
Now you can position the
object in the same way as you
would with a starting point of
a line.

7. Array (ar) 8. Mirror (mi)

Create copies of objects in a

Create a mirror image of a
rectangular or polar pattern. This
object. It is useful for creating
is especially useful when you
symmetrical objects because
need to duplicate several objects
you can quickly draw half the
object and then mirror it
at the same distance from each
instead of drawing the entire
other (columns in a parking
garage for instance).
You flip the object about an
axis called a mirror line to
create a mirror image. First
select the object. To specify
the temporary mirror line, you
enter two points. You can
choose whether to delete [y] or
retain the original [n] object.

After clicking on the array button

the following screen will appear:

In this screen we need to input the

number of Rows (horizontal
direction) and Columns (vertical
direction) and their respective

For example:
We're going to create a grid of I-
beams, lets first input the number
of rows and columns (in this case
3 and 4). Now input the row and  
column offset: 30 units to the
right and 20 units upward.
AutoCAD automatically shows a
preview of the array operation in
the white square, try
experimenting with different
values (for instance a negative
value instead of a positive one) to
see what happens.
When you're satisfied with the
settings, select the object to use in
the row operation, by first
clicking on the 'Select Objects'
button and then on the objects
Finish the selection by pressing
[space] or [enter]
When the array window
reappears, select either Preview or
OK to execute the array

In the same manner it's possible to

create a polar array:
The polar array rotates around the
center point which you can select
by clicking on the center point
button in the array window.

9. Scale (sc) 10. Fillet (f)

To scale an object you can specify You can use the fillet tool to
a base point and a length, which connect two objects with an
will give a scale factor. A scale arc with a specified radius.
factor greater than 1 enlarges the The inside corner is called a
object. It is also possible to scale fillet and an outside corner is
an object using a reference object. called a round.
To fillet: type f in the
This method scales the object
command line; type R for the
equally in all directions.
radius (optional); specify the
Scaling using a scale factor:
radius; [enter]; select the first
Select the object; type sc in the
line; select the second line.
command line; scale factor;
Scaling using a reference: Select
the object; type sc in the
command line; specify base point;
choose r to use reference; specify
the reference length of the
original object; specify the new
length of the original object.



Chamfer is almost identical,
but it will make a straight line
instead of an arc.

11. Join (j) 12. Explode (ex)

You can use the join option to Polylines, hatches or blockes

combine similar objects into one can be converted into
single object. It is also possible to individual elements with the
create complete circles from arcs. explode option.
The object you want to join is If you explode a polyline
called the source object. And the every segment will become a
objects you want to join have to separate line.
be located in the same plane. To Explode a block: First
To join: Type j in the command select the block; type ex;
line; select the source object; [enter].
select the lines to join to the
source object.

Auto cad 2D Objective type Questions and Answers
1. When drawing in 2D, what axis do you NOT work with?
A. X
B. Y
C. Z
Ans: C

2. The primary difference between the Model tab and the Layout
tab(s) is ____.
A. the Model tab is used for drawing in 3D and a Layout is used for
drawing in 2D
B. the Model tab is where you create the drawing and a Layout tab
represents the sheet that you will plot or print on
C. the color of the background
D. the Model tab displays the drawing you are copying from and the
Layout tab is where you lay out the new drawing
Ans: B

3. Which of the following is NOT a property of an object

A. Line weight
B. Measure
C. Hyperlink
D. Elevation
Ans:  B

3. Which command convert discrete objects in polyline

A. Union
B. Subtract
C. Join
D. Polyline
Ans: C
4. To print the entire project, you will choose to regulate what to
A. Display
B. Extends
C. Limits
D. Window
Ans: C
5. What is the usefulness of viewports
A. Allows us to see the screen or on paper different views of the same
B. Give us the ability to see projects have become a newer version of
AutoCAD from our
C. We can make a change in one part of the plan, without affecting
the rest
D. None of the above
Ans: A
6. What is the difference between the Scale command from the
command Zoom
A. Scale for single object, while the Zoom whole plan
B. No difference
C. H Scale can grow / shrink a shape up 10 times, while the Zoom has
no limits
D. H Scale changes the size of objects, while the Zoom changes the
visibility of the project
Ans: D
7. When to fix a block attribute
A. Before you fix the block
B. When I make the block
C. After fix the block
D. No matter the number
Ans: A
8. What you cannot create from the command Offset
A. Vertical straight
B. Concentric circles
C. Three parallel lines
D. Parallel arcs
Ans: A
9. By what symbol shows the snap point to the closest point
A. with circles and dots in the center
B. With two triangle
C. With three orthogonal
D. With Diamond
Ans: C
10. Which state grid is use to design perspective
A. Parametric
B. Isometric
C. Pro-optic
D. Rectangular
Ans: B
11. If I want to draw a line in the direction 07:30 (local time) will
give an angle
A. -135 degrees
B. 270 degrees
C. -225 degrees
D. None of the above
Ans: A
12. When in absolute Cartesian coordinates have points A (10.8) and
B (6.5), then to make a line from A -> B with relative polar
coordinates will write
A. @ -5 <36.88
B. @ 4 <30
C. @ 5 <216,88
D. @ 3 <60
Ans: C
13. What is the minimum allowable number of layers in a drawing
A. 0
B. 5
C. 1
D. 2
Ans: C
14. Which of the following is not a keyboard shortcut of AutoCAD?
A. Ctrl + P
B. Alt + F4
C. Ctrl + F4
D. Alt + B
Ans: D
15. Why do we have 16,7 M colors in RGB
A. Because so one can distinguish man
B. since this is the limit of graphics cards
C. For each color we have 256 shades and colors combination third
D. Because we want compatibility between PC and Macintosh
Ans: C
16. What setting gradient allows us to fill an open area?
A. Gap
B. Tolerance
C. Transparency
D. Open
Ans: B
17. What are the various options from left to right and the opposite
A. Choose a different category of objects
B. select objects according to their color
C. Select objects according to their position
D. No difference
Ans: C
18. What time (according to the clock) are 270 degrees according to
the conventional time?
A. 12  exactly
B. 6 exactly
C. 9 exactly
Ans: B
19. Which is corresponded to zoom mouse wheel?
A. Zoom in / zoom out
B. pan & scan
C. extents / all
D. scale
Ans:  A
20. What command allows us to select objects based on some status?
A. Properties
B. Qselect
C. Pselect
D. Attributes
Ans: B
21. How to make a random line with an angle of 40 degrees to the x
A. will write 0 <40
B. will write 2 <40
C. will write 3<40
D. will write 4 <40
Ans: C
22. Which of the following file extensions cannot open the AutoCAD
A. dwg
B. dxf
C. dot
D. dws
Ans: C
23. A surveyor with a headband to measure the dimensions of a site,
he make measurements by
A. No one method
B. Related Cartesian coordinates
C. Absolute polar coordinates
D. None of the above
Ans: A
24. What is the command used for Plagiostomi angle?
A. Chamfer
B. Fillet
C. Offset
D. Mirror
Ans: A
25. When should I use the Block Editor
A. To write text block
B. To fix outer block
C. To fix dynamic block
D. To store it in another version of AutoCAD
Ans: C
26. If the scheme that stores will be opened in AutoCAD 2006 then
you must save it in
A. AutoCAD 2004 dwg
B. AutoCAD 2006 dwg
C. AutoCAD 2007 dwg
D. None of the above
Ans: A
27. Print scale 1:50 means that
A. The draft is 50 times less expensive than the original
B. A 3 cm corresponds to half a meter
C. A measure corresponds to 50 cm
D. None of the above
Ans: B
28. What do the letters UCS
A. Uniform Calculator System
B. United CAD System
C. Universal CAD Settings
D. Universal Coordinate System
Ans: D
29. What is the difference of two regular 8-gonon, which is one
inscribed and another  circumscribed circle 
A. No difference
B. different opening angles
C. different side length
D. different crowd sides
Ans: C
30. If during the CCW measurement result gives an angle 135
degrees, the same CW angle measured is
A. 225 degrees
B. -135 degrees
C. -225 degrees
D. 135 degrees
Ans: D
31. What does associative hatch
A. Monitors the changes in shape that fills
B. Relates to the other hatch plan
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above
Ans: A
32. What is the difference between command Plot and Print
A. plot command prints only big plans
B. The plot command for CNC (CAM)
C. No difference
D. print command can print up to A3 size paper
Ans: C
33. If you  change the scale list a project that I have started from
1:50 1:10 then
A. You will have to start over
B. You should not raise the objects already exist (scale) by 5
C. You will not need to change anything in hitherto methodology
D. should be converted into new items that will add based on the new
Ans: D
34. Which of the following is NOT a unit of length measurement?
A. Yards
B. Parsecs
C. Microns
D. Grads
Ans: D
35. What does the command Wblock
A. Warp-speed block
B. Write block
C. Window block
D. Wide-area block
Ans: B
36. Is 330 degrees same as -30 degrees in a drawing?
A. True 
B. False
Ans: A
37. Where should you pay attention when you are working with
autocad commands?
A. Drawing area 
B. Status bar
C. Tool bars
D. Command window
Ans: D
38. Polar coordinates are used mostly for drawing_____
A. Arc
B. Ellipse
C. Angular lines
D. None of the above
Ans: C
39. How many SNAP points does an object have?
A. 1
B. 4
C. 5
D. Depend on object
Ans: D

40. How many points do you need to define for the rectangle
A. One 
B. Two
C. Three 
D. Four
Ans: B
41. How many AutoCAD objects are in a rectangle?
A. One 
B. Two 
C. Three 
D. Four
Ans: A
42. How will you deselect an object while you are selecting set of
A. Ctrl+ click on the object to be removed
B. Shift + Click on the object to be removed
C. Alt + Click on the object to be removed
D. None of the above
Ans: B
43.How long will a line from 0,5 to 5,5 be ________
A. 10 units
B. 5 units
C. 15 units 
D. None of the above
Ans: B
44. Objects are rotated around the 
A. Bottom of the object
B. Base point 
C. Center of the object
D. Origin
Ans: B
45. The origin of a drawing is at
A. 0,0
B. 1,0
C. 0,1
D. 1,1
Ans: A
46. How would you select set of objects in a drawing?
A. By a crossing window drawn from right to left
B. By a crossing window drawn left to right
C. Shift+ clicking on the objects
D. None of the above
Ans: A
47. Fillet command can be used to obtain_________
A. Sharp corners
B. Round corners
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above
Ans: C
48. A polar array creates new objects____
A. In a grid pattern
B. In a circular pattern
C. In a straight line
D. All of the above
Ans: B
49. How many layers a drawing should have?
A. 1
B. 2
C. As many as depending on the complexity
D. None of the above
Ans: C
50. Scaling objects make them______
A. Smaller
B. Bigger
C. Either smaller or bigger
D. None of the above
Ans: C
This set of Basic Civil Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses
on “AutoCAD”.

1. Which is the latest version of AutoCAD software?

a) 2018
b) 2019
c) 2020
d) 2021

Answer: D
Explanation: AutoCAD 2021 is the latest version. It has improved save performance,
improved 2D Graphics, 3D navigation performance, AutoCAD mobile app and updated
DWG file format.
2. Which key is used to obtain properties palette in AutoCAD?
a) Control+1
b) Control+2
c) Control+3
d) Control+4

Answer: a
Explanation: Control+2 gives design centre palette, control+3 gives tools palette. Control+4
is not an option.
3. AutoCAD was first released in the year:
a) 1858
b) 1966
c) 1898
d) 1982

Answer: d
Explanation: It was released in December 1982. It was a desktop app running on micro-
computer with internal graphics controllers.
4. How many units are available in AutoCAD?
a) 4
b) 5
c) 7
d) 6
Answer: b
Explanation: The units are architectural (feet & inches), decimals, engineering (inches),
Fractional and scientific (10e form).
5. Which mode allows the user to draw 90o straight lines :
a) Osnap
b) Ortho
c) Linear
d) Polar tracking

Answer: b
Explanation: Ortho mode can be activated using F8 Key. It enables user to draw straight
lines (90o) by restricting the cursor to 90o only.
6. To obtain parallel lines, concentric circles and parallel curves; _________ is used.
a) Array
b) Fillet
c) Copy
d) Offset

Answer: d
Explanation: It can be activated by typing letter O. The offset distance and side is to be
specified by the user.
7. The default grid spacing in both X and Y directions is:
a) 10
b) 20
c) 5
d) 15

Answer: a
Explanation: The spacing in each grid is 10 in both direction. It can be altered by right
clicking on the grid button at the bottom of the screen. A grid settings dialogue box will
appear and changes can be made.
8. How many workspaces are available in AutoCAD?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 3
d) 5

Answer: c
Explanation: There are three workspaces available to switch between in AutoCAD. These are
drafting and annotation, 3D basics and 3D modelling.
9. Scale command can be accessed easily by typing:
a) SL
b) S
c) SC
d) C

Answer: c
Explanation: Scale command is used to increase/decrease the size of an object. It can be
accessed by typing SC. To increase scale, value greater than 1 is given. Values between 0
and 1 can be used to decrease scale.
10. Which command is used to divide the object into segments having predefined length?
a) Divide
b) Chamfer
c) Trim
d) Measure

Answer: d
Explanation: Measure command divides the object into segments of predefined length.
Divide option divides object into n number of equal segments.
11. How many grip points does a circle have?
a) 5
b) 4
c) 3
d) 2

Answer: a
Explanation: A grip point appears as blue colour when an object is selected. Using these, an
object can be modified. A circle has 5 trip points. One in centre, 4 at each quadrant.
MCQ (Class 1- 27)

1. Which is not under Annotation Panel in AutoCAD 2010?

a. Text
b. Table
c. Layer
d. Dimention
2. Which is not correct option for Block?
a. Edit to block
b. Convert to block
c. Delete
d. Retain
3. While you need to set new origin of a Hatch; which is correct option?
a. Use current origin
b. Store as default origin
c. Default to boundary extents
d. Specified origin
4. How you will control the gap of a boundary to create Hatch?
a. Gap
b. Fill
c. Tolerance
d. Close
5. Which is comprise a leader and a note in AutoCAD 2010?
a. Leader
b. Dimension
c. Text
d. Multileader
6. To create a new layer which default layer display as name?
a. Layer0
b. Layer1
c. Layer
d. Layer01
7. Which objects are polylines that consist of sequential arcs?
a. Point clouds
b. clouds
c. Revision
d. Revision clouds
8. Distance, Radius, Angle commands are in which panel in AutoCAD 2010?
a. Utilities
b. Measure
c. Properties
d. Annotation
9. What is the shortcut key of Quick Properties?
a. Alt+Shift+P
b. Ctrl+Alt+P
c. Ctrl+Shift+P
d. Shift+P
10.Where the properties of a object shows by using LIST command?
a. AutoCAD Window
b. AutoCAD dialog box
c. AutoCAD Text Window
d. Command Bar
11.In general, how many ways you can get LINE command in AutoCAD 2010?
a. 3
b. 5
c. 4
d. 6
12.Which is the default or primary process to draw a CIRCLE?
a. Center Diameter
b. Center Tangent
c. 3P
d. Center Radius
13.It is possible to show Menu Bar in 2D Drafting & Annotation workspace.
a. True
b. False
14.Where you will set you Crosshair size in AutoCAD 2010?
a. Option → File tab
b. Option → Selection tab
c. Option → Display tab
d. Option → Drafting tab
15.What is the right command of Construction Line?
a. cline
b. xcline
c. xcl
d. xline
16.Which command extend in only one direction that starts at a point and
extends to infinity?
a. Ray
b. Pline
c. Line
d. Construction Line
17.What is the correct command of a Single Viewport for Layout?
a. vp
b. mv
c. mvp
d. mp
18.A Circle can be converted in a Viewport.
a. True
b. False
19.By default how AutoCAD calculate all the angles in positive value?
a. Counter Clockwise
b. Clockwise
c. Depends
d. Both a and b
20.How many options display during LENGTHEN Command?
a. 3
b. 5
c. 4
d. 2
1.Identify tool
a) Move Faces
b) Extrude Faces
c) Rotate Faces
d) Extrude

2. Identify tool
a) Move Faces
b) Extrude Faces
c) Rotate Faces
d) Extrude

3. Identify tool
a) Exit Edges
b) Taper Faces
c) Taper Edges
d) Ext Copy

4. You use the Separate command to create two or more solid models from a single defined model composed
of two or more disjointed volumes.
a) True
b) False

5. Shell Command Line -

(d) All

6. Identify tool
a) Separate
b) Separate Faces
c) Separate Edges
d) Sepate

7. Which tool use to change the color of faces on a solid model

a) Color edges
b) Color Faces

8. Which tool use to change the color of Edges on a solid model

a) Color Faces
b) Color edges

9. For surface cutting, you can select meshes created with the EDGESURF, REVSURF,
RULESURF, and TABSURF commands.
a) True
b) False

10. You can access consumed solids and their corresponding grips by pressing CTRL and clicking the face
created by the consumed solid model.
a) True
b) False

11. 3D Align Command Line

a) 3DA
b) 3D Align
d) 3DALIGN, 3AL, Align

12.In 3DArray Rows Use to specify the quantity of rows and the distance between rows in the X
direction. Columns Use to specify the quantity of columns and the distance between columns in the Y direction.
Levels Use to specify the quantity of levels and the distance between levels in the Z direction.
a) True
b) False

13. Positive value creates the solid model on the positive side of the surface. A negative value creates it on the
negative side of the surface.
a) True
b) False

14. Identify tool

a) Split Mesh Face
b) Mesh Face
c) none
d) All

15.Add Crease
a) Add Crease
b) Remove

Descriptive Question

1. Describe 3D mesh.
2. Describe Edit faces and edges.
3. Describe Create mesh surfaces.
4. Describe Convert meshes to solids.
5. What Do You Understand 3D surfaces?
6. What is Edit 3D surfaces.
7. What Do You Understand solid modeling.
8. Create complex solids.
9. Name at least four of the tools found on the Solid Editing panel
10. What is the name of the tool in the expanded Section panel that lets you create a
2D drawing of a 3D model?

1. Create two object then Aligning them.
2. Create hatch patterns.
3. Create Own linetype
4. Creating Customizing Work Space Setting .

1. Identify tool .
(a) Customizing User Interface
(b) Interface
(c) Suerfac
(d) Customtool

2. Customizing User Interface Command lime

a) CUI
b) BUI
c) AER
d) CER

3. AutoCAD stores the line type in a file called—

a. Acad.lin
b. Acad.lsp
c. Acad.l
d. Acad.line

4. Identify circle Macro

a) ^C^C_line
b) ^C^C_circle
c) line
d) ^C^C

5. Identify line Macro

a) ^C^C_line
b) ^C^C_circle
c) line
d) ^C^C

6. You can Create Your Own Ribbon Panels and Menus

a) True
b) Flase

7. You can Create Your Own icon

a) True
b) Flase
8. Identify tool
a) Plot
b) Prit
c) Page
d) Book

9. find DIESEL AddfunctionsExample

a) $(+,202,144)
b) $(<,202,144)
c) $(<=,202,144)
d) $(!,202,144)

10. find DIESEL MultiplyfunctionsExample

a) $(*,202,144)
b) $(<,202,144)
c) $(<=,202,144)
d) $(!,202,144)

11. How many options are set in Workspace setting?

a) 3
b) 5
c) 4
d) 2

12. CUI stands for Customize Units Interface.

a) True
b) False

13. What is the extension for saved Customized User Interface file?
a) .cui
b) .cuix
c) .dcui
d) .dcx

14. What is the command for Loading CUI?

a) CL
d) CUL
15. User interface is located on the---
a) Manage Tab > Customization Tool
b) Mange Tab> Customization Panel
c) Manage tab > Application Panel
d) Manage Tab > Configure

Descriptive Question

1. How can you change workspace setting in AutoCAD?

2. Describe about CUI.
3. What is Macro? Give 3 examples of Macro.
4. What is Action Macro?
5. Create linetype
6. What does the ^C do in a macro?
7. What is the name of the feature that lets you record and playback actions?
8. Understand the DIESEL macro language.
9. What does the expression $(getvar, blipmode) do?
10. Create hatch patterns.


5. Create hatch patterns.

6. Create Own linetype
7. Creating Customizing Work Space Setting .
8. Creating Create Your Own icon in AutoCAD
1. Identify tool

a) A360 Web
b) Open Local Sync Folder
c) AutoCAD 360 Web
d) Share Document

2. Identify tool
a) Open A360 Drive
b) Open Local Sync Folder
c) AutoCAD 360 Web
d) Share Document

3. The A360 Drive Documents page has three main parts.

a) True
b) Flase

4. This icon indicates----

a) Setting
b) Load Application
c) Customization
d) App Manager

5. This icon indicates----

a) Create new file
b) Create new tool
c) Create new command
d) Create new group

6. In which file format non-CAD users can see the file?

a) DWF
b) DWT
c) PC3
d) LSP

7. In AutoCAD ; Ribbon, Panels and Toolbars can be modified.

a. True
b. False

8. The Publish feature can be used to plot multiple drawings in theBackground.

a) True
b) False

9. Design Center has the capacity to scale a block automatically to theCorrect size when moving from
metric to Imperial drawings.

a) True
b) False

10. In AutoCAD which file format used for audit?

a) .BAK
b) .DWS
c) .GIF
d) .DWX

11. Which file is the XML-based file?

a) .CHX
b) .DWF
c) .DWT
d) .DWG

12. Which one is the Alias command of Transmittal?

a) TR
b) TRM
c) TRA
d) TM
13. We can modify AutoCAD drawing online by A360 website.
a) True
b) False

14. Which type of access available in shared drawing in A360?

a) View & download document
b) view, download & update document
c) Full Access
d) All

15. this is the icon of ………..

a) Index
b) Explore
c) Zoom all
d) Zoom out

Descriptive Question

1. Describe Share drawings online.

2. Why is eTransmit important for sending AutoCAD drawings over the Internet?
3. how can yourPublish drawings.
4. Describe A360 Drive®
5. Describe The Tool Palettes.
6. How can you Search your drawing library with Content Explorer.
7. Describe Establish office standards.
8. how can you Merge layer.
9. Name the filename extensions of the types of files that you can use as a templatefor layer name
10. Describe DesignCenter

9. Show The Use of AutoLISP app
10. Show The Use of DesignCenter
11. Show The Use of A360 Drives
12. Show The Use ofThe Tool Palettes
1. How many kinds of lights in AutoCAD 2016?
a) 3 no’s
b) 4 no’s
c) 5no’s
d) 6 no’s

2. Which light distribution conical shapes?

a) Point Light
b) Distant light
c) Spot Light
d) web light

3. Which light distribution cylindrical shapes?

a) Point Light
b) Distant light
c) Spot Light
d) web light

4. What is the alias command for camera?

a) Ca
b) Cam
c) C
d) Cm

5. Camera is located in the ____ Tab.

a) Insert
b) View
c) Manage
d) Visualize

6.The Default size of camera lens in Auto Cad is –

a) 30
b) 40
c) 50
d) 60

7.Identify tool
a) Create Camera
b) Camera Display
c) Flash
d) Camera Diplay

8. Identify tool
e) Material Browser
f) Material
g) Page Browser
h) Ball

9.CAMERACommand Line:
e) Cam
f) Pam
g) Az
h) Ca

10.View Manager Command Line:

e) V
f) A
g) S
h) D
11.The Render Presets Manager is almost identical to the Advanced Render Settings palette.

c) True
d) Flase

12.The Render window is made up of three main areas: the Image pane, the Statistics pane, and the
History pane.
a) True
b) Flase

13.: RENDERCommand Line:

c) RER

14.When preparing for the final render, it is best to use some of the lower quality render presets toquickly make
sure the scene is how you want it to look, rather than waiting for a custom render tocomplete.
a) True
b) Flase

15.The Sky Properties section consists of settings to control the appearance properties of the sky.
a) True
b) Flase

Descriptive Question

1. Describe Shadows
2. Describe Anipath
3. Defined Light
4. Defined Render
5. Defined Render Window
6. Defined Procedure: Creating and Using a Camera
7. Describe Sky Background
8. Describe Materials

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