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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin
Character: Jeon Jungkook, Park Jimin (BTS), Kim Taehyung | V, Kim Namjoon |
RM, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Min Yoongi | Suga
Additional Tags: mafia, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Jeon Jungkook, Omega
Park Jimin (BTS), Sugar Daddy, Sugar Baby, Crime, Violence, Angst,
Explicit Sexual Content, Sexual Tension, Pining, Drugs, Angst with a
Happy Ending
Stats: Published: 2019-01-13 Updated: 2019-02-01 Chapters: 2/? Words:

Koi No Yokan
by eumorious


Jeongguk finds the omega at his hotel one evening and there's an instant attraction,
keeping him coming back for more from Jimin. As he prescribes Jimin as his sugar baby in
his dangerous world as a mafia leader, he realises he can't keep Jimin safe for much longer
as his universes collide.

Emerged in a life full of crime, violence and illegal activity - Jeongguk is desperate to keep
his relationship with Jimin as pure as it feels. No matter what sacrifices it'll take.


Trigger warnings: Violence, blood, shootings and stabbings, alcohol and drug usage,
mention of past physical/sexual abuse.

This is a self indulgent fic that I have been wanting to write for a long time and keep
putting it off but no more. It will be intense. It will be angsty. It will have a happy ending,

Playlist / Padlet for visuals

A special thank you to my friends who have helped me plot out this monster Nel and
Cami. And thank you to Jen who has consistently been listening to me for over a year and
has been patient with me, reading over my work, helping me establish the ABO dynamics.
My twitter / Curiouscat - come yell at me, please.
Chapter 1

Koi no Yokan: The ‘untranslatable’ Japanese phrase is the premonition of love. The feeling upon
meeting someone that you will inevitably fall in love with them.

(Mood: Chase Atlantic - Numb To The Feeling)

Jeongguk glimpses around the five-star, opulent hotel. The building is built on his plot of land, in
the district of the city that is under the mafia’s territory . The hotel has been built to precision and
excellence: state-of-the-art equipment, designer brand furniture. Only the rich of Seoul can afford
a night here and Jeongguk oversees all the people, the employees and the business conducted.

The workers that bustle around the evening crowd, dressed in their pristine uniform, with utmost
customer service that only the best can experience. None of the workers here are aware of the
heights of the mafia, the fact that the mafia’s associates built this hotel. They’re unaware to the
dirty, illegal tactics being performed right under their nose and remain oblivious to the severity of
the problem.

Jeongguk had agreed to meet one of the members of the family. The pressing issue of the mole
within the mafia is starting to bother them now with drug shipments going missing. With their
money being looted. The problem had started a year ago but now, it’s become more apparent with
his bedridden father lecturing him.

The man he’s meeting is one of his father’s former right-hand man. When Jeongguk had taken
over, he had recruited his own men — much to everyone’s displeasure — and he is aware of the
thriving tensions still existing between the family. Jeongguk had wanted to keep his pack, the
people that he runs the streets with and relies upon the most and would’ve never settled if he
didn’t have his hyungs with him.

If Jeongguk doesn’t display respect in the finest forms to the man, they’ll be hell to pay from his
father. He can’t stand the sadistic, twisted bastard but he’ll have to swallow back his distaste for
one meeting.

Jeongguk fixes the necktie, loosening it around his neck. He’s restless. His finger twitches over
the empty glass of whiskey, nervously waiting for news from Hoseok who has been present at the
nightclub all night but hasn’t updated Jeongguk for hours about the new drug shipment. Opium
this time so it is important.

A worker approaches him, timidly speaking to him. He’s a beta. He bows. “Sir, may I refill your
drink?” He asks, gesturing to the glass with both hands.

Jeongguk considers this. He doesn’t want to reek of alcohol in front of the man — who is late to
the meeting, unsurprisingly — but he needs to take the edge off.

Jeongguk has a lot to prove as a young 21 year old in charge of a mafia family. They
underestimate Jeongguk’s ability and power. He was so young, only 19, when he was put in
charge. His father had fallen sick and had to retire from his position, handing the responsibility to
“Yes, please.”

The boy’s skittish behaviour worries him. Nobody is aware of Jeongguk’s position unless they’re
directly involved in the criminal underground world. His crimes — along with everyone in the
mafia — has been wiped clean, sins removed and extracted from their record, from the careful
links they’ve maintained with the authorities throughout the decades. Money goes a long way.

Jeongguk glances up to the bar where the worker has rushed off to make a drink, wanting to keep
an eye on him, only for his gaze to fall upon somebody else.

There’s an unknown man sitting at the bar. Jeongguk has never seen him before which is rare
considering he partly owns this hotel and he’s often here. Jeongguk owns the last five floors all to
himself, his private suite and luxurious meeting rooms located upstairs.

The man is a newcomer.

Upon closer inspection, Jeongguk realises how startling beautiful the man really is and how he
captures the attention of people around him. Naturally.

The man has a lascivious figure, defined in his tight clothes, with his tiny waist and his ass filling
out in his jeans. He has bleached blonde hair, messily styled, with makeup adorning his face. He
has dark pink painted lips with matching glitter eyeshadow, glistening underneath the dull lighting.

When the man looks over his shoulder, Jeongguk catches his eyes. Wide brown eyes, Bambi-like,
something inexplicably innocent about them.

Jeongguk’s stomach tightens with wanton lust, trickling into his gut, and slowly consuming him.
He hardly feels instant attraction to people considering he fucks around with omegas and has
never gotten attached. But this man has the effect on him that makes him restless to talk to him.

Lost in his distraction, Jeongguk doesn’t notice the worker has returned with the whiskey. “Sir,
here you go.”

He jolts out of his trance, accepting the glass. “Thank you.” He swirls the alcohol around in the
glass, listening to the ice cubes tinkling together. He nods in the direction of the unknown man.
“The blonde boy. Do you know who he is?”

The worker follows his eyeline. “No, I don’t. This is my first time seeing him.”

“Did he explain why he’s here?”

“He did not check into a room so I presume, business affairs.”

Jeongguk pursues his lips. Business affair, that he is unaware about, underneath his roof?

“Okay. You may go.”

The worker is intimidated by Jeongguk’s presence before he looks relieved to walk off, tending
behind the bar once again.

Jeongguk attempts to quench his curiosity and hold it at bay. He may own the hotel but it doesn’t
give him the right to pry into the civilian’s business, they have the authority to walk in and out as
they wish. It doesn’t prevent the way his veins is thrumming with ignition, biting down the
temptation to approach the blonde man.

Jeongguk’s phone buzzes.

Jeon Jeongguk. Something came up so I can’t make it today. We’ll rain check.

“Dumb man,” Jeongguk murmurs distastefully, pushing his phone into his pocket. With no
meeting looming over his head, he focuses his attention on the blonde man sitting before him.

When another ten minutes pass and the blonde man doesn’t move from his seat, only ordering
another cocktail, Jeongguk finally decides to make a move. He stands up, running a hand down
his blazer to smooth out the creases on the royal red velvet suit, before walking over to him.

Jeongguk creeps up behind the blonde man, standing behind him, his breath hot against his neck.

The blonde, unsuspecting, jumps before bringing up a hand in defence. He’s ready to attack
before his eyes widen upon seeing Jeongguk.

“Oh.” He pauses. “Hi?”

Jeongguk knows nothing about the man except that he’s an omega, if the waft of apple and
cinnamon surrounding him, is any indicator. The scent is delicious and Jeongguk hums in

He licks his lips, stepping back to allow some space between them. “I’m Jeon Jeongguk, one of
the partners of this hotel,” he introduces himself. “And who may you be?”

“You’re one of the owners…?”

“Part ownership, yes.”

Up close, the man is even more beautiful. His features have been carved into perfection, lips
plump and button nose resting symmetrically on his face. He’s the type to be photographed and
plastered across the walls.

“Oh.” His lips are parted in surprise. “I’m… I’m a nobody compared to that, I’m Minnie.”

“Minnie.” The name rolls off his tongue, testing how it sounds. It can’t be a real name but
Jeongguk won’t prod on a stranger. “It’s nice to meet you. I saw you sitting here alone for the past
thirty minutes and I was wondering what you’re doing all alone.”

Jeongguk’s intention isn’t to flirt or hit on him. He’s merely enquiring, wanting to gather
information. Minie, however, raises a brow cutely.

“Oh?” His scent grows stronger — just the slightest bit, the smell of baked apple goods inviting
Jeongguk in. “How long have you been watching me?”

“Just long enough to wonder who’d leave you here alone.”

“Well.” Minnie settles back on his chair, sucking on the straw of his cocktail. The act is intentful
with the way his lips wrap around the straw, looking to Jeongguk through his lashes. “I’m waiting
for my client.”

Client. Jeongguk is even more puzzled.

He’s shameless enough to cut the distance between them, their bodies touching. “And what
business are you conducting in my hotel?”

“Is it any of your business?” Minnie counters, though his voice wavers at the authoritarian tone
from the younger man. He looks uncertain now, tethering between the fine line of cockiness and

“I’m curious.”

Minnie puts the glass back on the table. “I’m an escort. It isn’t illegal, before you ask. It’s my job.
I arrive at the hotels where I am requested to give them the fuck of their life — or what they want
— before leaving.”

Escort. It isn’t what Jeongguk was expecting.

He reels backwards, his eyes drilling into Minnie as he processes the information. He thinks it
makes sense. For someone as alluring as Minnie, with a scent as enticing as his, he thinks it’s
understandable that people would want to pay for his time of the day. Jeongguk has barely talked
to him but he’s already wanting, the sensation causing a knot in his throat that he can’t swallow
down until he fulfils the thirst.

Jeongguk’s gut twists. “How much is it for an hour of your time?”

“Are you sure you can afford it?” He teases back. Minnie is definitely aroused now, his scent
suffocating Jeongguk.

“This isn’t the only building I partly own.” I own this motherfucking city, baby, he thinks.

Minnie blinks in awe. “My client will be here soon,” he says dismissively, though his body can’t
physically turn away, inclined to stay rooted where Jeongguk’s attention pours into him.

“I don’t think he’s arriving, doll. You’ve been waiting for a while.”

The boy hums. “Maybe. It wasn’t a prepaid session so they normally do bail out.”

“Who is the client?”

He rolls his eyes, sipping at his vodka infused cocktail. “That’s confidential information. I’m not
an ordinary escort. I only work for the richest in the city.”

“Do you always fuck businessmen?” The question is not for his own personal information gain
but rather, if the person is associated with the hotel, it may be someone Jeongguk’s acquainted and
runs the city with. It may even be someone within the mafia family.

Minnie shrugs. “I’m expensive and they can afford me.”

“A good business, huh?”

His eyes sparkle like stars. “It pays well. I’m well protected with my contracts and the rules I have.
I’m happy. I can’t really complain.”

“A self-made man. I can appreciate that.”

For some reason, it only causes more arousal to ping through him. Jeongguk feels paralysed with
how much he wants Minnie. The scent has spread between them heavily and Jeongguk wants
more. He isn’t thinking when he nuzzles his nose into Minnie’s nose, bravely rubbing against his
scent glands. Jeongguk doesn’t want to cross a boundary but the way Minnie reeks apple and
cinnamon, it’s an indicator that he’s sensing the atmosphere between them.

As he rubs his nose against Minnie, his lips ghosting over his skin, he waits.
“What’re you doing?” Minnie asks, his body shuddering.

“I’ll pay you thrice what the man agreed with you today. Come up with me.”

Minnie almost immediately gives in before he’s composing himself. “I’m not a hooker. I’m an
escort. I don’t accept offers on the spot. I’m sure you can find someone else, though—”

“Fuck that.” Jeongguk’s teeth digs into Minnie’s jawline, enough to have him keening, but not
enough to leave a mark. “What’s your procedure? We’ll follow it. Just come up with me.”

As much as Minnie wants to dismiss the offer, his body is responsive and leaning into Jeongguk.
He waits for a second, glancing around the hotel that’s dwindling down as evening closes, before
he nods.


Thrill sparks inside of him, satisfied as he stands up. He shoots Hoseok one last text that he’ll be
busy so only to contact him when there’s an emergency otherwise to handle the drug shipment in
the correct manner. The lobby is discrete as Jeongguk takes Minnie’s hand and leads him away.

They’re silent as they go up the elevator. Minnie is inspecting the surroundings, eyes wide as he
follows Jeongguk to the suite.

(Mood: The Weeknd - Drunk In Love)

Minnie’s speechless as they enter the lavish hotel room. It is the most luxury building in the city,
known for its romantic theme and the spectacular view of Seoul. His suite has been newly
renovated with fancy furniture that no other hotel room in the building has been equipped with

“Oh wow.”

Jeongguk smirks, pleased with the reaction. “You haven’t been up here before, have you?”

“No. This was the first time I was invited here.”

Definitely somebody associated to Jeongguk. Nobody else would invite Minnie here and
simultaneously, leave him here too.

Jeongguk locks the door behind him, shrugging the blazer off, and untying the necktie. Minnie’s
eyes are trained on him, watching him casually undress, with his irises turning dark.

“Who was your client today?” He asks again, taking a chance.

Minnie shakes his head. “Confidential,” he repeats his answer from before. He strides over, his
finger working over the buttons of Jeongguk’s shirt to help him take it off. “This hour is going to
cost you two grands. You may as well make the most of it.”

“That’s fine. I can afford it.”

“I don’t doubt it.”

Jeongguk wraps an arm around Minnie, pressing their bodies flush together, and trapping the
omega in his hold. He’s intoxicated already and he hasn’t even touched Minnie properly, still
processing that he has the privilege to do so for the hour. Minnie smells sweet, the potent scent
enveloping them in a trance.
Jeongguk buries his head in Minnie’s neck again, pressing open mouthed kisses. He grazes over
Minnie’s scent gland but doesn’t linger long enough, travelling over his skin. “You smell so

“You like it?”

“I do.” He hasn’t felt this intense pull towards someone in a really long time and he’s not sure how
to keep himself in control, to not get ahead of himself and take without asking. “What do you
want, Minnie? What’s your limits?”

Minnie’s hand reaches out to palm at Jeongguk’s cock through his slacks. The touch isn’t enough,
too much material, and Jeongguk bites back a grunt of frustration threatening to escape him.

“I don’t have many limits. Just no marks. No knotting me. I can handle a lot so do as you want
and if it’s too much, I’ll safe word out.”

It shouldn’t turn him more on. “What’s your safe word?”

“Cherry,” Minnie responds immediately.

Jeongguk smiles fondly. “Okay.”

Minnie rubs his hand down harder over the slack, staring up to Jeongguk. “I’ll be good for you.
I’ll do what you want. I want your cock.”

As tempting as it is to drag the moment out, Jeongguk is reminded that he only has an hour and he
doesn’t want to waste any time with unnecessary foreplay. They’re both turned on. They’re both
desperate and he’s going to treat Minnie like he deserves to be, wants to fuck him until the omega
is screaming his name and submitting to the alpha.

“Get on the bed. On your stomach.”

Minnie obeys. He withdraws his hand and walks over, undressing his clothes slowly, teasingly —
only to reveal lingerie.

Jeongguk pauses in complete shock, not having expected the little present. His jaw slackens as he
walks toward Minnie, observing the lingerie he’s wearing.

Minnie’s on the bed, on his stomach with his perky ass displaying the black lingerie. It’s lacey
with a little bow on top, complete with suspenders and a garter belt holding them in place. The
lingerie is obviously from an expensive brand, something that Minnie has invested into, and the
material settles on his body like he belongs to be garnished in.

Jeongguk’s chest rebervates with a low growl, making Minnie whimper, as he subconsciously
raises his ass further in the air. His alpha wants to take and imprint his mark on Minnie.

“You like it?” Minnie asks.

The boy is glorious and beautiful and Jeongguk isn’t thinking as he raises his hand and spanks his
ass harshly. He watches how Minnie’s ass jiggles underneath the palm of his hand and it’s
addictive, the sound of his hand against his skin, as he spanks him again. It leaves a faint red
handmark and Jeongguk cements it further by a third spank.

Minnie gasps, writhing on the sheet. “Jeongguk,” he breathes out.

“It’s Sir to you,” he says, his tone feigning boredom.

Minnie whimpers. “Sir,” he corrects, shaking his ass. “Please.”

“Please, what?” He climbs onto the bed, pulling his slacks off so he’s clad in his boxers. Minnie’s
naked body is inviting him in and he spreads the man’s legs apart, settling between them.
“Begging already and for what?”

Jeongguk pulls the panties down just enough to reveal his hole. Minnie is leaking, slick tainted to
his upper thighs, as he whimpers loudly. Jeongguk’s finger runs down his ass, collecting the slick
between his fingers.

“You have no idea how sexy you are.”

Jeongguk leans forward, fisting Minnie’s hair and pulling his head up. He pushes two of the
fingers dripping with slick into his mouth, watching how the boy eagerly takes them down his
throat and licks them clean. He inhales deeply, shallowly thrusting the finger in and out of
Minnie’s mouth.

“Is this okay so far, doll?” Jeongguk asks, wanting to check in as he pulls his fingers out.

Minnie groans. “Yeah. Just… just take what you want.”

At that, Minnie starts to idly rub his ass against Jeongguk’s crotch. Impatience is leaking through
his tone, his bottom lip jutting out in a pout as Jeongguk keeps him waiting.

“Shit. Okay.” Jeongguk takes his boxers off, taking his fully hard cock into his hand. He strokes
himself a few times, pushing the panties to one side instead of taking them off. He preps Minnie
first, opening him up with his fingers as Minnie stretches out. He becomes more desperate as the
minutes pass, whining for more when the fingers are no longer gratifying. Jeongguk finally takes
his cock and pushes into Minnie’s heat without much warning, too worked up to slow down.

The slick makes the glide easy, Minnie’s hole swallowing him up. He’s so wet, it makes
Jeongguk’s head spin.

“Shit. Fuck,” he curses under his breath, squeezing his eyes close as he throws his head back.
Jeongguk grips Minnie’s ass, spreading his cheeks apart to watch his cock disappearing inside

“Please, sir. Please. Fuck me,” Minnie begs underneath him.

Well, Jeongguk can’t hold back when Minnie asks. He loses himself in the frenzy of moment,
pleasure washing over him like a wave, starting to thoroughly fuck him. Minnie’s walls clench
around him, a sensation that could make a man fall to his knees. Could make a man seriously

Jeongguk groans, spanking Minnie’s ass as he moves inside him. Minnie reaches behind him to
touch but Jeongguk only grabs the hand, pinning it down on his back, and starts to pound into

Minnie is useless as his body takes each thrust, unable to move from the tight hold disabling him.
The only words coming out of him are pleads for more and harder. He adjusts his angle, knows
he’s hitting Minnie’s prostate when the boy’s sounds get louder and he repeatedly moans Sir. That
could make Jeongguk come on spot.

The bedframe shakes, clanging against the wall, as Jeongguk fucks him like he’s never going to
get the chance again which may be a cruel reality.
“Sir…” Minnie tries again, weakly rolling his hips back to fuck himself down on the thick cock.
“Alpha,” he purrs, falling into submission.

Jeongguk swears he loses it there and then. He flips Minnie over so they’re facing each other,
folding Minnie into half with his legs bent and on his chest as he pushes into his wet hole again.

“Come for me, doll,” Jeongguk slurs. This position makes each drag of his cock delicious, deep
and up against his bundles of nerves. “Show your Alpha how good you are for me, go on.”

The words are enough for Minnie as he cries out loud, coming all over his chest untouched. He
sobs out with overstimulation as Jeongguk only increases the rough pace, not once slowing down,
as he chases his own orgasm. It’s fast approaching, the base of his cock swelling up.

“Don’t,” Minnie cries out in warning, clutching his forearm. “Don’t knot me.”

The panic in Minnie’s voice brings him back down, grounding him, as he pulls out in time. He
grasps his cock and in a fervor, he jerks off and comes all over Minnie’s chest, adding his mess
along with Minnie’s.

Jeongguk’s breathing harshly as he comes down from his high, his head spinning from what has
just happened. He fucks around a lot, granted, and he’s been with many omegas but it has never
felt like how Minnie was.

He looks down to find Minnie’s eyes still closed, recovering from his climax that has taken over
him. His lingerie has been wrecked, the material strained from how Jeongguk has pulled at it and
stained with come. He’s a vision like this: disheveled blonde hair, lips bitten raw, in his black lace

“You okay?” He asks softly when Minnie’s eyes reopen, tenderly caressing Minnie’s stomach
with his thumb. Minnie’s skin is soft under his touch as Minnie purrs at the affection, preening.

Minnie exhales. “Yeah.” His voice sounds wrecked, sounding parched. Jeongguk reaches for the
water bottle resting on the side table, handing it over to him.. “That was so good, shit.”

“Yeah?” He’s satisfied with himself. “I wanna see you again.”

The omega freezes at those words. His body grows rigid in the sheets before rolling over and
away from Jeongguk, wincing at the soreness still pinging through his body after the rough
session. He takes his panties off, discarding of the sullied material, and pulls his jeans back on.

“I don’t know about that,” Minnie finally says.

“That was good. It felt good, you know it.”

“It did,” Minnie doesn’t deny. He comes to a stop before Jeongguk and the hesitation is now
visible, even when there’s a frown deeply settled on his face. “But I don’t know who you are
besides your name.”

“We can learn.”

“I’m an escort, Jeongguk.”

His gut twists in unreasonable jealousy. “Fuck escorting. I can be your sugar daddy, I’ll pay you
more than what your clients can offer.”

That doesn’t sit right with Minnie, raising a brow. “I took a lot of time, and suffered a lot, to make
a name in this business and you want me to quit for you?”

Jeongguk walks over to the safe located in the wardrobe. He pulls out the three grand he’s stored
away, more than what they had promised for this hour, and hands it over to Minnie. He’s not
trying to be condensing, he’s just eager to see Minnie again if he’s granted the opportunity.

Minnie’s eyes widen. “Jeongguk… You’re asking for something impossible here.”

“Just consider it. No more old, wrinkled businessmen. Just me.”

“For a stranger, you want me to quit everything?”

“We can meet, negotiate properly,” Jeongguk says. “Draw up a contract.”

Minnie is skeptical, scoffing. “What’s with this urgency?”

“Is it so bad that I wanna keep seeing you?”

Minnie considers this before his dainty hand reaches out for the money, accepting the wad of
notes. He lifts it to his nose, sniffing the money, before raising a brow at Jeongguk. If there’s one
thing that’s abundantly clear about him: he’s not a soft omega, he’s not a doormat and he won’t
allow any alpha walk over him. He is a self made man, has grown from a business he’s created
himself and he knows how to protect himself. Minnie can sense the business aspect behind
keeping his ties with Jeongguk and continuing to meet him.

“I can’t promise you anything,” Minnie finally says, folding the money into his pocket. He walks
closer to Jeongguk, pressing his nose into Jeongguk’s neck and placing a fleeting kiss.

Minnie hesitates before his nose rubs over Jeongguk’s scent glands. At first, it’s an innocent touch.
Doesn’t mean anything but with no resistance from Jeongguk, Minnie starts to mark his territory.
Jeongguk can’t find it within him to stop, allowing Minnie to scent him and he’s certain he’ll reek
of the omega for the next few days. He can’t even complain.

“Think about it. Let’s meet again, civilised, and talk about it,” Jeongguk murmurs when Minnie
pulls away.

There’s an appeased grin on his face. Minnie collects the rest of his belongings, and just before
he’s about to leave, he slips his business card into Jeongguk’s hand.

“Thank you. For the fuck and the money.” He visibly halts before he shrugs, leaning up to press
their lips together.

It’s the first kiss of the night but it’s sweet, unlike the urgency from the fuck, and Jeongguk melts
into the affection. A hand snakes around Minnie’s waist and he holds him close, leisurely licking
into Minnie’s mouth as they kiss like they have all the time in the world.

“It’s fine.”

Minnie kisses him again before pulling back. “Call me.”

Jeongguk had ordered Jimin an Uber home, dropping him right outside his apartment block.

Jimin thanks the driver before he leaves the car, his legs wobbly and unstable after the nights
rough fuck. He manages to maintain his composure to walk to the door, unlocking and entering.
Taehyung is still awake — as he usually is when Jimin’s out working — on the couch, legs
crossed underneath with a bowl of ramen that he slurps up. He’s watching a movie animatedly,
engrossed, but upon realising Jimin’s home, he pauses the TV.

“You’re home!” He cheers, patting the space next to him. “C’mere.”

As exhilarating as Jimin’s job can be, and the money he manages to make, nothing compares to
coming home to his best friend. Ever since they had decided to live together, there was never a
dull day in his life, each day spent with Taehyung. After a long night with clients, Taehyung’s
face is the only one he wants to see.

He smiles as he joins his friend on the couch, seeking out Taehyung’s warmth. Jimin works with
alpha’s all day so his best friend being an omega is the perfect puzzle piece in his complex life. It’s
the right comfort he needs after a long day of deepthroating old businessmen wrinkly dicks.

“How was your night?” Taehyung asks. He puts the ramen bowl down, turning all his attention to
Jimin. He pulls the man into his arms, rubbing his back gently. “How was the rich man’s dick?”

Jimin giggles. He buries into Taehyung’s chest, yawning. “I can’t tell you what I did today
otherwise you’ll be mad at me.”

To win some sympathy points, Jimin looks up to Taehyung pitifully with a pout on his lip. He’s
irresistible when he does it with his puppy eyes. Taehyung, however, doesn’t even blink.

“What did you do?”

“I… I didn’t meet my client today. He bailed.”

“Oh. That’s pathetic.”

“I slept with someone else.”

Taehyung’s eye widens, partly between shock and disappointment. “You what? With who?”

Ever since Jimin had announced his job to Taehyung when they first met, meekly informing that
he was a prostitute before he had ever become an escort, Taehyung had taken it upon himself to
protect Jimin. It wasn’t necessary but he ensured that Jimin was working with the right people.
After what had happened when Jimin first arrived to Seoul and fell under the trap of the wrong
person, Taehyung felt indebted to take care of him.

Together, Taehyung helped him climb the ladder to become a high class escort. Only reserved for
the finest, the richest. Jimin was protected by the contracts he and Taehyung created, demanding
each client for a background check.

Taehyung is almost like a manager, overlooking Jimin’s job to assure his safety comes first.

Sleeping with someone random, that’s not on their client list and confirmed to be a safe person, is
out of bounds and it’s guaranteed to make Taehyung really mad who works relentlessly hard for

“Someone at the hotel,” Jimin murmurs quietly. He feels shame burning his cheeks now. “He was
the part owner. An Alpha. He looked really good. Smelt even better.”

“Jimin!” He doesn’t raise his voice — he never would to Jimin — but the scold in his tone is
apparent, disapproval lacing through. “You know that’s not safe. Especially after what has already
happened in the past.”
The mention of the past makes Jimin sting with unwanted memories, repressed deep enough that
he doesn’t delve unless he’s reminded. He makes a soft noise of sadness that Taehyung
recognises, whispering an apology immediately.

“I just worry,” Taehyung concludes, not wanting to badger.

“I know. I was just dumb and a little tipsy but he was a good fuck. He seemed safe and he really
did own the hotel.”

Taehyung relents. He realises he’s being too strict and eventually drops the subject, picking his
ramen back up and feeding Jimin a bite with the chopsticks. “Was he any good?”

Jimin grins. “Big dick. So, so good. I ended up scenting him which… I wasn’t expecting.”

“Well, that’s good.”

He hesitates. “He wants to see me again.”

Taehyung pauses only to swallow his bite of food. “Well, he can go through the background
check like any other client and then, he can do as he pleases. I don’t trust any alpha. Especially not
those who own expensive shit, pretentious hotels.”

“Man hater.”

“Alpha hater,” Taehyung corrects with a smile, nibbling at his food.

Jimin’s chest swells with gratitude of having such a good friend, has never found a faithful friend
like Taehyung before. He reaches up to kiss his cheeks and continue stealing his food to which
Taehyung feeds him without a complaint.

“He’s privileged. Rich. I don’t think he has anything to hide,” Jimin murmurs.

“What’s his name?”

“Jeon Jeongguk.”

“Interesting.” He’s deep in thought for a minute. “I’m just worried… after what happened. I’m
scared you’ll get hurt again and I can’t help you. I just.” He presses his lips together, unimpressed
at his senseless rambling with a sigh.

“I’ve learnt my lesson. I won’t let it happen again.”

“Yeah…” Taehyung finishes up his ramen. “So tell me about your new alpha, then.”

“Not my alpha,” Jimin corrects before giggling, sitting across the couch with his legs in
Taehyung’s lap before he launches into a full explanation of the beauty that is Jeon Jeongguk.

Jeongguk (06:03pm): Hi, Minnie. It’s Jeongguk.

I was wondering if you’d be willing to meet me again and when you’d be free so I can book

He sits in the staff room of the nightclub, legs stretched out over the desk as he leans back on the
chair. In front of Jeongguk there is a little bag of cocaine that Hoseok had passed to him earlier as
well as his cigarettes. Jeongguk reaches for one, lighting it up and taking a long drag.
In front of him sits Namjoon. The man has his glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, flicking
through his iPad as he contacts his associates. They have a shipment of weapons coming in this
month, a hefty one, worth a couple hundred thousands that will be distributed by the runners
within the mafia. The runners have the dirtiest, least pleasant job — they literally run the streets,
selling the illegal goods — and bring back the profit, only receiving a small cut.

“Has Sooyoung paid her weekly cut?” Jeongguk asks, glancing up from his phone.

Namjoon hums. “Yeah. Poor girl is more frightened than ever.”

“Father is being stupid. We should cut the money we take,” he says slowly. He knows it’s a long
term deal his father has with Sooyoung’s family, offering protection in exchange for money, but
honestly Sooyoung is struggling as it is and it doesn’t feel right anymore.

That’s the difference between him and his father. Jeongguk is too soft, not cut out for the brutal,
ruthless life that the mafia insists for.

Minnie (06:05pm): One day and you’re already missing me?

I’m free tomorrow night, is that okay?

Jeongguk (06:06pm): Miss your ass already.

Perfect. I’ll send you details of the restaurant.

Minnie (06:06pm): I’d say nothing too fancy as it’s just a meeting but I guess you’re going to do
as you want.

Jeongguk (06:07pm): You thought right.

See you tomorrow.

“Yeah but your father may kill you.”

“He’s not the leader anymore. I am,” he reminds Namjoon with a grin.

Namjoon rolls his eyes. He walks over to the desk where Jeongguk sits, stealing the cigarette out
of his hand as he takes a drag for himself.

Lately, Namjoon has been stressed. With the reminder of a mole within their family, somebody
who is a snake and has been stealing from right under their nose, they have been working
relentlessly hard to figure out who it is. It’s unlikely to be a police member when they’ve
maintained an understanding with the authorities through the price of bribery. It’s somebody they
trust, that they eat with and sleep with and the mere thought is enough to churn Jeongguk’s

Namjoon has been running the streets himself, checking up on every person they’ve hired and has
been coming up clear of any results.

“If there’s something wrong with this weaponry shipment, then we need to make a statement. That
we won’t be messed with,” Namjoon says sternly, eyes hardening at the mention of the snake.

“We don’t even know who it is.”

“It’s the other gang, Gguk. Don’t be naive.”

His body grows rigid at the mention. They have had bad blood since the other gang, Yakuza,
since they attacked Jeongguk’s father and spurred on his bad health. They had left him practically
paralysed and coming after a leader of the most powerful mafia in the country was a bold move.
Yakuza want to gain more power, more status. They want to bring the mafia down.

But Jeongguk owns Seoul. He owns the buildings, the infrastructures of the city. He owns the
casinos and the clubs. His members run prostitution rings, they import the drugs, the weaponry.
They have people under their wings that they take care of.

Jeongguk doesn’t agree with all the activities that the mafia conducts, often doesn’t even partake
in most of them, and he has never personally killed a man. His body count is a grand total of 0 and
he’s proud of the fact. But he’s been given this leadership role by his father and he’ll honour it for
as long as he has to.

“We’ve already killed the man that hurt father,” Jeongguk says. “They’d be stupid to start again.”

“They clearly haven’t achieved their goal yet. They’ll keep coming until they get what they want.”

They want the city. They want the money, they want the drugs and they want the status.

Jeongguk scoffs. The Jeon family has ruled for as long as the history stretches for decades. When
he was younger, his father would sit him down and tell him the importance of the Jeon family. It’d
be educational lessons where his father would use illustrations to demonstrate how they rose to
power and how to preserve their name with honour and with loyalty.

To hell with the mafia but Jeongguk respects his father too much to walk away from the criminal
underground he’s inherited.

“Joon hyung,” he whines. “That stresses me out too much.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll handle it.”

He sighs heavily, taking the cigarette back from Namjoon. “Where’s Seokjin hyung?”

“Sleeping,” he snorts. “He’ll drop by the club later with Hoseok.”

Jeongguk nods. “Tomorrow I’ll be busy with business and I don’t want to be disturbed.”

“Oh?” Namjoon raises a brow, poking his cheeks with a smirk. “What business? What omega boy
you fucking now?”

“Why do you assume I’m fucking around?”

“What else business could you possibly be doing?”

Jeongguk huffs, not liking the assumption but despising that it’s not too far from the truth. He
takes a drag of the cigarette before crushing the stick, standing up. The dull thud of the loud music
in the club gets louder, thumping through the walls of the office.

“Don’t stress about the rat, okay?” Namjoon assures him, squeezing Jeongguk’s shoulder. He
knows, deep down, he can trust his hyung to take care of the matter before it becomes pressing
and they have to inform father.

Jeongguk really resents telling his father when he’s failed.

He nods. “Yeah. Okay. See you later, hyung.”

(Mood: PARTYNEXTDOOR - Rendezvous)

Jimin is astonished when the Uber driver drops him off to the ritzy restaurant, located on the top
floor of a thirty storey building, in Gangnam.

He feels a little undressed now. He knows that Jeongguk would opt for something impressive, just
to shock Jimin, but he had never imagined it’d be this fancy for a first meeting and negotiating the
terms of their unconventional relationship.

Jimin looks over his attire. A black sheer button down, his nipples showing through the material
and anybody observes closer, his tattoo ‘NEVERMIND’ across his ribs. It’s paired with distressed
jeans and dress shoes but as he wanders into the building, he wonders if he should’ve pulled out
his suit and came prepared.

A worker escorts him up to the top floor, guiding him to the table reserved in the far discrete
corner. It allows the utmost privacy. Jeongguk is sitting there, dressed in the finest of materials.
The breath is almost punched out of his gut as he comes to the stop in front of the alpha.

Jeongguk is wearing a black suit this time. A slim necktie, tight slacks that define his thick thighs
impeccably. His hair is pushed back, exposing his forehead and he glances up to Jimin with a

“Hello, Minnie. Glad you could make it.”

Right. Jeongguk is still unaware of his real name and Jimin feels awkward, having to lie about his
identity but he has to protect himself by giving an alias. Not every client can be trusted.

Jimin takes a seat, shyly smile. Since working as an escort, Jimin has become used to wealth. He
may not be rich himself but he has slept in the most opulent hotels, the most expensive restaurants.
He owns designer brands that some of his clients gift with him despite his strict rules about
presents unless he specifies.

Jimin is still a struggling college student, his income earned by escorting funding his studies and
his parents back at home in Busan. But he’s living a life most people couldn’t even dream of,
surprised that such lengths of wealth even exist within society.

“I wouldn’t miss it,” Jimin says honestly as he thanks the worker, finally making eye contact with

“Do you like the place?”

Jimin inspects the restaurant carefully now that he has the opportunity. The ambiance is calm, a
low chatter from the customers scattered around the floor. The lights are dimmed, creating an
intimate environment, with marble top tables and velvet covered chairs following a white and
black theme.

“I do,” Jimin confesses. “Seems like your style.”

Jeongguk pours the omega a glass of red wine he had ordered, handing it over. “Well, I’m friendly
with the owners so I dine here for free,” he explains.

Jimin accepts the alcohol. He takes a sip of the dry liquid, eyes widening. He wonders what
exactly Jeongguk does that allows him to have this prestige and privilege. He doesn’t want to pry,
even when curiosity pokes at him. It’s not his space to ask personal questions about Jeongguk.
“That’s… fascinating.”

“So, Minnie—”

“Well.” Jimin clears his throat, unable to continue with his alias still used. “Can I be honest with

Jeongguk tilts his head, nodding. “Of course.”

“My name is not Minnie.” He has never corrected his real name to a client before and somehow,
he feels comfortable enough to do so with Jeongguk. If they’re going to be working closely, he
wants to be honest. “

Jeongguk doesn’t blink. His expression doesn’t shift. He’s expecting it, obviously as he nods. “I

“My name is Park Jimin. You can call me Jimin or Minnie. I don’t really care.”

“Park Jimin. Nice. Where are you from originally?”

“I was born and raised in Busan,” he explains. “I came to Seoul for university and I’m still a

Jeongguk’s eyes glisten, soaking in every piece of information he gets. He’s genuinely interested
in Jimin and it shows, his attention undivided and focused on Jimin as he drinks from his wine
glass. Underneath the table, Jimin’s foot rubs against Jeongguk’s shin playfully.

“What’re you studying?”

“Economics and business,” he says. “Boring.”

Jeongguk scoffs. “That sounds nice, though. When do you graduate?”

“This year, hopefully. I don’t have much left long now.” Jimin pauses, closing the menu once he’s
decided what he wants to order. “How about you? What do you do for a living that allows you
to…” He gestures to the restaurant around him. “Have all of this.”

“Ah.” Jeongguk’s eyes narrow, the sparkle behind them dull for a minute as he speaks. There’s no
emotion attached this time. “Business, nothing special. I own a nightclub and stuff. Real estate.
Father’s heritage.”

There’s more to the story. Jeongguk’s a millionaire, no doubt, and as much as Jimin wants to
unveil the truth — he doesn’t push the subject. He can sense Jeongguk’s discomfort and he
doesn’t want to step out of line.

“That must be cool.”

“It’s okay. Pays well.”

“I can see.” Jimin giggles, pushing his hair out of his hair as he looks at the alpha. “Pays well
enough to handle a sugar baby, hm?”

They’re getting to the root of the meeting, the reason they had decided to see each other again.
Jimin has been pondering about Jeongguk’s order for the past day, haunting him during the night
and keeping him up.

If he accepts Jeongguk’s offer as an exclusive sugar baby, and nobody else, he burns down the
If he accepts Jeongguk’s offer as an exclusive sugar baby, and nobody else, he burns down the
effort he has culminated towards building a client list. Ever since he switched to escorting, Jimin
has been content with his job and the money he has been earning. If anything, he’s been happy.
Not all his clients want sex. Some just want company, some just like to tie Jimin up with their
impressive shibari skills and watch him struggle for an hour. Some just want to take Jimin on
business trips, flying him out to Bahamas for the weekend.

He’s not sure if he’s willing to give that all up just for the one man sitting before him.

Jeongguk shrugs. “You know I can,” he says simply, the cockiness oozing from his voice. “I earn
a lot and I have money to spare, to spoil. I want you to be my sugar baby.”

“And what does that entail?”

“It depends on you, really. It doesn’t even have to be sex. It can be pictures, time we spend
together — either way, you’ll get paid.” Jeongguk flags the waitress down, placing their food
order in and another glass of wine for both of them. “But I really hope you’d want to keep the sex

Jimin bites his lip at the mention of the sex. Jeongguk was good and honestly, he drove Jimin
crazy. He knew how to fuck. He knew how to break Jimin apart, to make him cry and beg. If they
expand upon the sex dynamics, Jimin’s sure they’d be able to reach a satisfying, contentful sexual

“I… I would like to keep the sex element.”

Jeongguk brightens. “We can meet twice, or more, a week. I’ll pay you per hour and I promise,
you will not struggle anymore.”

Jimin hums at the compromise. In all honesty, it sounds like a good offer but Jimin is still skeptical
and he can’t figure out why another man would be so eager to be with him just for sex purposes.

“And why can’t I see other people, my clients?” Jimin questions.

“If you really must, you can,” Jeongguk negotiates. “I’m just possessive. You’ll be my omega,
mine to fuck during the time I’m your sugar daddy. I like that. But it’s really up to you, I can’t
physically stop you from doing as you want and it is your hard worked client list. It’s just… the
money will be good enough not to see anyone else, you’ll be comfortable. Give you more time to
focus on your studies, I guess, and free up your schedule.”

Jimin’s quiet as he processes the offer. He doesn’t want to put all his eggs in one basket, give
Jeongguk the satisfaction that he’s the one and only alpha touching him. So, he doesn’t comment.

“To work with me, you have to follow a procedure,” Jimin says.

“I remember. What is the procedure?”

“A background check and two references, either from your business partners or an academic.
You’ll also have to get tested and I will, too, so we have updated results.”

“Done and done,” Jeongguk says simply.

His compliance makes Jimin feel that this is a good idea, that he doesn’t have to fear the stranger.
Jeongguk is an open book regarding the sugar daddy and baby relationship, not shying away or
leaving anything to Jimin’s imagination. He sighs and then lifts his wine glass to take another sip,
allowing the alcohol to trickle into his system.
“No knotting,” Jimin continues. It’s a strict rule of his, only wanting the intimate act to be with
someone that he trusts and wants to mate with. He will not allow any alpha to just take from him
without permission.

Jeongguk almost pouts at this before nodding. “Fine. I’ll get my lawyer to write us a contract so
everything is in writing.”

It’s a terrifying feat, to give into Jeongguk, but Jimin’s already anticipating their next meeting.
He’s already craving Jeongguk’s cock back inside him. He wants the alpha to give him attention,
instinctively wanting the man’s hand on his body.

They spend the rest of the evening eating dinner together with Jimin continuing to tease him, his
foot lifting up closer to Jeongguk’s thigh. He can sense the alpha giving him a strange look,
bewildered to Jimin’s intentions, but it only spurs him on. He forces Jeongguk’s legs to spread
under the table, rubbing his shoe against Jeongguk’s crotch.

“You’re asking for trouble, aren’t you?” Jeongguk murmurs quietly, looking down at his steak.

“Keep you riled up for when we next meet, sir,” Jimin says simply.

The idea of their next meeting already has elation buzzing through him. He wonders what they’ll
do, how they’ll develop upon the sex. He wonders if he can ask Jeongguk idly for money, besides
from just sex. Jimin has never had an exclusive sugar daddy, all attention from one alpha only
diverted on him. He could go haywire from the power.

Jeongguk smirks. “You have no idea what’s coming, doll,” he teases right back but there’s a
warning in his tone, enough for Jimin to feed on until they reunite again.

When they finish their dinner and Jeongguk greets the workers farewell, he guides Jimin back
down to floor level with a hand around his waist. The touch is warm around his body, prying
away anybody’s curious gazes.

When they depart, Jeongguk kisses his cheeks chastely and tells Jimin to text when he’s home
safe. He calls an Uber for Jimin and waits for his car to drive away before he makes his own way

Jimin sits in the seat, his heart glowing inside of his chest as he awaits their next meeting with
Chapter Two
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Jimin puckers his lips as he precisely applies the dark pink lipstick. The shade is darker than he
usually opts for but it compliments his sun kissed skin, smiling at his own reflection as he pats
powder under his eyes before closing his dressing table drawer.

He’s meeting Jeongguk in an hour. There’s a scheduled Uber on its way to pick him up, escorting
him to the five-star opulent hotel. This time, it’s another branch a little outside of the city to grant
them the privacy. He hasn’t seen Jeongguk since their dinner discussions at the restaurant two
weeks ago and their communication through text messages is limited. Jimin understands that
Jeongguk must be busy with his business affairs.

Jimin’s nervous, that much is an understatement. The confidence that he usually exudes, his
alluring charisma that causes alpha’s to fall to their knees, has been tainted. Jimin usually knows
how to work a men, they only need sweet talking and some alcohol to fall pliant and putty for
Jimin. But there’s something about Jeongguk that proves he isn’t easy. He’s intimidating,
attracting power and influence.

Jimin hates to admit he’s been awake most nights thinking about him.

He’s brought out of his thoughts when Taehyung approaches him from behind, wrapping his arms
around Jimin’s waist. He chuckles at his best friend’s touchy affection, leaning back into his chest.

“You look beautiful,” Taehyung compliments. With one playful jab to his stomach, he pulls back.
“Going to make Jeongguk crazy for you, huh?”

“Not sure about that,” Jimin answers. “As long as I get paid, though.”

Jimin twists his torso to observe his outfit in the mirror. He had to dress up for this occasion now
that he has a taste of the world that Jeongguk originates from. Luxury is Jeongguk’s second name
and he has to play the part to fit in. He’s wearing a crop top with fishnets visible, paired with
slacks and blazer. There’s a mix between professionalism and lewd.

“Oh by the way, I did the background check,” Taehyung says as he picks up Jimin’s bag for him.
“He’s clear. There’s a criminal record but it’s a petty crime that happened a long time ago. He’s
harmless. His testing was clear, too, so feel free to go without the condom.”

“Tae!” He laughs.

Even when Jimin conducts a testing on his clients, he has never had unsafe sex. He’s not sure if
he’s willing to reconsider just for Jeongguk.

Taehyung grins back in return, raising his hand up in surrender. “I’m just saying. He’s a solid guy.
Rich and businessman but this time, young. Lucky you.”

The alpha had obliged to all the tests without blinking twice, providing the relevant details to
Taehyung so the process could be smooth. He really is just a businessman who’s minding his own
business, splashing out the millions he’s inherited through his father. He’s so young, no wonder he
is interested in sex and sexual partners.

“That’s good.” Jimin sprays cologne, a sickeningly sweet scent, before standing before Taehyung.
“How do I look?”

Taehyung pulls Jimin into a hug. “You look perfect. Take care. If you need anything, my phone
will be on. Are you staying at Jeongguk’s?”

“Probably not. I’ve never broken the overnight rule and I won’t budge for this alpha, either.”

“Okay. I’ll beat his ass if he hurts you.”

Jimin snickers. “I think he’s harmless. He’s cute, to be honest.” He leans up to kiss Taehyung’s
cheek. “Bye!”

The second hotel that the Uber drops him off is as impressive as the first. It’s the same chain,
located in a quieter part of the city, outskirting Seoul. It towers over thirty floors, overlooking the
city and distantly Namsan Tower. Outside the hotel is a seating area, covered in lavish flowers,
decked out with furniture and string lights.

A worker of the hotel greets him outside, introducing himself as Jinhyun, before guiding Jimin

“Sir Jeongguk has asked if you can be escorted to the top floor to the meeting room.”

Meeting room. Jimin furrows his brow, wondering if Jeongguk even wanted to fuck and is paying
for him just… for nothing? After all, he’s the paying client and the supposed sugar daddy, he can
delegate his paid time as he wishes. Jimin was just hoping he’d go straight into the bedroom.

“Oh,” Jimin says meekly. “Okay.”

The worker drops him off outside the meeting room and Jimin knocks on the door, entering upon
the permission given from the other side.

Jeongguk is sitting behind a desk in the meeting room. The room is clean and minimal, bright
white walls covering the space, a large desk with papers scattered in an orderly manner in
dividers. Behind Jeongguk is a window that takes over the whole wall, displaying a mesmerising
view of Seoul at night.

Jeongguk’s beauty nearly knocks the breath out of Jimin, still not accustomed to how attractive he
is. He’s wearing a black silky shirt, slightly oversized, that falls gracefully over his figure and
fitted black slacks. Jeongguk looks like a dream. He tilts his head back, scanning over Jimin’s

Jimin flushes but he refuses to break the eye contact, smiling back at him.

Jeongguk abandons the desk, walking over to him. He hooks a finger in Jimin’s slack belt hoops,
tugging him forward. “I like this,” he comments, his other hand feeling over the fishnets. It drifts
up, a hand flat on his stomach evident through the crop top.

“Yeah? Good?”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be taking this off you,” Jeongguk assures. “But first, let’s discuss some

The omega laughs in surprise. “Am I running some business chores for you?”
“No, idiot. Come, sit.”

They sit opposite each other across from the desk as Jeongguk opens his briefcase, pulling out a
wad of paper. On top, it says ‘Contract’ and Jimin swallows around the lump in his throat.
Normally, it’s Jimin who writes up an official contract with Taehyung’s knowledge about the law
but Jeongguk had hired a professional lawyer.

There’s two copies and one is extended towards Jimin.

“Our contract,” Jeongguk explains. “It outlines the rules, the amount of hours I can bother you in a
week, the money that is contractually yours and any extra tips you’ll receive. I’ve taken your
wishes into consideration, too.”

Jimin picks up the papers, starting to scan through them slowly. He takes his time to read every
point being mentioned, weighing out whether it works out correctly with his busy schedule as a
college student.

Maximum 10 hours per week, guaranteed $2000 a week, involves: sex, any sexual favours that is
consensually agreed upon, business trips, any time wanting to be spent outside of just sex. Gifts
will be given unless Jimin specifically requests not. No scenting unless requested specifically.
Knotting is out of boundaries completely. No discussing business with outsiders, unless it is
Jimin’s best friend who helps him manage his work. An exclusive contract, Jimin cannot see other
alphas and Jeongguk can’t with omegas.

Jimin allows the information to soak into him, to the pits of his stomach along with the trepidation
of the commitment he’s willingly entering into. He’s about to give up his business list of clients
just for Jeongguk but he’s earning good money here, he’d be a fool to continue searching in other
avenues. He can live comfortably and it only erupts curiosity within him, wondering just how
much wealth Jeongguk has attached to his name and whether he’s venturing into dangerous

“How do you feel about it?” Jeongguk snaps his train of thought.

“I… I feel like it’s a lot,” Jimin admits with a chuckle. It’s a lot of information to retain at once.

“Take your time to read it.”

“I’m horny and want to get it on,” he states plainly. His omega has been craving Jeongguk’s
attention the minute they had parted from the last time.

Jeongguk’s gaze turns dark before he nods. “Well, you better hurry up then.”

“Can I text my friend pictures of the contract? I trust his judgement.”


Jimin snaps the contract, sending it to Taehyung and asking for the opinion. His best friend
responds within five minutes, assuring that it is good so far and Jimin should go for it. He’s
protected from all sides. Eventually, he picks up the pen and signs both of the contracts that binds
them together.

Jeongguk collects the papers once they’ve been signed, leaning back on the leather chair, crossing
his legs. He oozes power and it makes Jimin hungry. Arousal is pinging through his body, making
him feel desperate and needy. Whilst Jeongguk has the ability to be soft, there’s something
undeniably attractive about him.
“Is this how you conduct business with your work clients? In these clothes?” Jimin comments
with a smirk, shamelessly scanning over his attire.

The alpha looks up with a small smile. “Maybe, why?”

“You look hot.” The silk shirt in particular frames Jeongguk’s body so well, it makes Jimin’s
mouth water.

Jeongguk hums. “Your crop top is making it hard to concentrate,” he admits lowly, his voice deep
and husky.

“Do you like it?”

“Your body is heavenly. Of course I do.”

Jimin stands up and in a moment of boldness, he walks over to Jeongguk’s side. He notices how
the man hastily shuts the drawer underneath his desk but Jimin doesn’t pay attention, granting the
alpha the privacy he deserves. He grips the arms of the chair, leaning down so their noses are

Already, Jimin’s turned on. He’s sure his scent is spreading around the room, filling the air with
apples and cinnamon, as he noses along Jeongguk’s neck. The alpha gives him permission
without a single complaint, tilting his head back. He’s aware that in their contract, scenting is off
limits unless it’s requested, so Jimin doesn’t go too far. He just rubs along Jeongguk’s scent
glands, biting further down along his collarbones.

Jeongguk’s hand reaches up to fist in his hair, the grip tight and borderline painful, as he pulls him
back so their eyes can meet.

“What’re you doing, doll?”

Jimin loves being called doll. His stomach flips as he looks at Jeongguk. “You’re so hot, sir.”

“Shit,” he hisses out. “The world calls me sir yet, you calling me sir does things to me.”

Jimin thrives off the knowledge that he’s affecting Jeongguk as much as the alpha does to him.
He’s already growing restless from their constant push and pull, wanting to get his hands on
Jeongguk’s warm skin and wanting to get fucked. He came here with a purpose, even if Jeongguk
has the reigns in this relationship.

Once the hold on his hair is released, Jimin immediately sinks to his knees. He smirks when he
hears Jeongguk letting out a guttural groan, spreading his legs apart instinctively on the chair to
give access to Jimin.

“First,” Jeongguk says. “Take your clothes off. Leave the fishnets on.”

“Yes, sir.”

Jimin anticipates his reaction when he removes his clothing teasingly slow, revealing his fishnets
and nothing underneath them. Jeongguk’s eyes widen and it’s not long before he’s gesturing for
the floor again, wanting Jimin back on his knees.

He follows the orders, shuffling forward so he can lightly touch both of Jeongguk’s thighs. The
alpha unzips his slacks, pulling it down along with his boxers, his cock already half hard.

Jimin licks his lips but he waits for permission, his hand gripping Jeongguk tightly as impatience
brews within him. He watches how the alpha strokes himself first, hardening up just as the sight of
Jimin on his knees in nothing but fishnets, before he’s inviting the omega closer.

Jeongguk smears the pre come over Jimin’s lips, staining the dark lipstick, tapping the cock
harshly on his mouth. “Open up, baby.”

Jimin does as asked, his eyes fluttering shut as Jeongguk sinks his cock into his mouth. There’s no
preamble or build-up. Jeongguk is ravenous for the omega and he doesn’t hide his eagerness,
feeding Jimin each inch of his cock until it hits the back of his throat and he chokes lightly around
the length.

“Look at me,” Jeongguk instructs. “Open your eyes.”

Jimin exhales through his nose with his mouth stuffed, opening his eyes to ensue eye contact with
the alpha.

The sight of Jeongguk makes his cock twitch. He’s already disheveled, the suffocating musk scent
surrounding them in the room, tinged with arousal and neediness. He doesn’t touch himself even
when he aches, balling his fist on the side, wanting to be a good omega for him. Jeongguk mutters
out a curse before he starts to move his hips forward.

He thrusts into Jimin’s mouth, making drool dribble out the side of Jimin’s lips. His eyes tear up
and he struggles to maintain his breathing under control, clutching onto Jeongguk’s thigh.

The alpha pulls out to let him breathe, usually only long enough for a second, before he’s pushing
right back in. The pace is rough from the start and Jimin manages to adjust, wanting more from
Jeongguk. He takes the length well, licking the underside of Jeongguk’s cock and feeling over the
ridges with his tongue. With his idle hand, he reaches down to grope Jeongguk’s balls with his

That seems to push Jeongguk over the edge and he’s hastily pulling out before he can come,
hastily standing up.

“Over the desk.”

The command makes Jimin’s skin erupt in goosebumps, shakily standing up as he regains a
composure after the brutal throat fuck. He’s leaking slick, staining his inner thighs and he
whimpers from the wetness. The fact that they haven’t even made it to the bedroom yet turns him
on even more, slowly bending over the desk.

He feels vulnerable like this, on complete display with his ass in the air. The clients he usually has
are boring and have no element of surprise in their sex. If they’ve been granted a sex session, they
just like missionary and occasionally, Jimin will be on his stomach but regardless, it bored him.
Many just wanted company and somebody to talk to and whilst it paid the bills, it wasn’t thrilling
like this.

With Jeongguk, he’s constantly on the edge but in a good way. He eagerly awaits what the alpha
can bring and he’s been keen since the first time they fucked.

“Do you want a condom?” Jeongguk asks.

Jimin bites his lip and slowly shakes his head. “We’re both clean, so. If we stay exclusive, we can
go raw.”

“Fuck.” The alpha gropes his skin roughly, pulling his ass cheeks apart to observe the fishnets.
Jimin waits for the order to take them off but it never comes, a squeak of surprise falling from his
lips when Jeongguk simply rips the fishnets.

(Mood: PLVTINUM - Champagne & Sunshine)


They were his fishnets.

“Sir,” Jeongguk corrects with a growl, spanking his ass hard.

“Sir,” he cries out but with a snarky undertone in his voice, slightly annoyed at the alpha. “I paid
for them.”

“So, I’ll pay for new ones.”

Jimin is tempted to argue with him but the fishnets are already ripped, his ass now exposed. He
clamps his mouth shut and pushes his hip back out, giving permission for Jeongguk to touch, take
as he pleases. He’s inviting Jeongguk into his trap, enticing him with his apple and cinnamon

Jeongguk is a prey to Jimin’s antics, not once stopping, before his finger is circling around his wet
rim. He hums in pleasure, dipping his finger briefly into the heat, before bringing it up to Jimin to
feed back to him. It’s obcence but Jimin can’t help wrapping his finger around Jeongguk’s digit,
licking it clean.

Jeongguk leisurely opens Jimin with his fingers. He takes his time like there isn’t a limit to the
amount of hours they can spend together, prodding up against his prostate. With his spare hand, he
reaches down to pinch Jimin’s nipple, relishing in the way the omega gasps from sensitivity,
writhing over the desk.

Jimin is reduced to whines, begging for more, and eventually when there’s no resistance,
Jeongguk pushes his cock in.

The stretch is delicious, making Jimin’s head hazy from the sensation. Jeongguk bottoms out
slowly, assuring Jimin is well adjusted, before he starts to fuck him hastily. The pace is merciless
from the start. It’s like Jeongguk is in his rut and he isn’t hesitating to take what he wants.

Jimin’s omega preens under the attention and the harsh but pleasurable treatment, starting to roll
his hips back and take him deeper. Jeongguk’s cock is hitting deeper angles from this position,
rubbing relentlessly against his bundle of nerves, and Jimin feels like he’s underwater from how
delirious he feels. It’s been a while since somebody has worked their way around his body,
knowing the intricate ways of making him feel good.

Jeongguk’s hand grips his hair, tugging him up. “So beautiful.” His other hand travels over
Jimin’s ass, framing around the ripped fishnets. “You have no idea how filthy you look like this.”

The words are hoarse, whispered into his ear over the grunts that Jeongguk releases with each hip
thrust forward. Usually, Jimin has self control and doesn’t unravel but he’s trembling. His cock is
hard and leaking over the desk and it doesn’t take long before he can sense the orgasm fast

“Sir,” Jimin breathes out. He squeezes his eyes shut, trying to reach behind him.

“Jimin.” His voice rings with a touch of seriousness. His thrusts come to a complete stop. “How
do you feel about light bondage?”

In their contract, it was stated that all kink related sex was up to negotiation depending on the day
and the mood. Jimin isn’t against delving into the rougher side of sex, exploring elements that he
usually wouldn’t incorporate into his daily sex life.

“Oh… yes,” Jimin whispers. “I’d like that. Yeah.”

Once he’s gotten Jimin’s explicit consent, Jeongguk uses the belt from his slack that he had taken
off before to hold Jimin’s hand behind his back and tie him up. He loops the belt around his
hands, tightly knotting it through, not enough to bruise but Jimin can’t strain his hands without
feeling the leather biting into his skin.

When Jimin’s helplessly bound at his mercy, bent over the desk, Jeongguk fucks him like he’s in a

Each thrust is purposeful, brushing against his prostate, and relentless. Jimin can barely breathe,
each whimper coming out for sir, sir, sir and it only spurs the alpha on further.

It isn’t long before Jimin’s edging closer to his climax, crying out, “I’m close, sir!”

“Come for me, doll,” Jeongguk instructs. His voice is uneven, harshly breathing out through his
nose as he delivers a hard spank to his ass. He loops his finger through the fishnet, ripping them
apart more. “Come like the slut you are, make the table messy. Go on.”

With the vulgar words, Jimin can’t hold back. He’s coming untouched all over the desk, a loud
moan erupting from him, and at the same time Jeongguk is pulling out of him and coming all over
his ass and staining the fishnets.

Jimin collapses against the desk. He’s still tied up, unable to move his hands. He feels vulnerable
like this and he can vaguely hear Jeongguk moving around the hotel room, returning with a towel.
He gently cleans up the remnants of come, caressing with body with his other hand, before
undoing the belt restraints.

“God,” Jimin whispers out. He stands up slowly, steadied by a hand on his waist by Jeongguk.

Jeongguk looks awfully pleased with himself, an undeniable grin plastered over his face. “You

“I think I’m gonna ache for days.”

“Good. You can think of me, then.”

Jimin rolls his eyes. “Idiot,” he murmurs. Usually after sex, his omega craves attention. He wants
to be held, wants to be showered with affection and it’s a dangerous territory. Some of his
previous clients were happy to oblige but he hasn’t mentioned it to Jeongguk, too ashamed to
admit it.

It must be obvious, though. Jeongguk guides him to the bed, laying him down under the covers.

They don’t cuddle up and whilst it makes Jimin dissatisfied, a part of him shrivel under the lack of
affection, and want to hide — Jeongguk is close enough that their bodies are touching. The
warmth still radiates through him. Jeongguk is still catching his breath, body covered in a light
sheen of sweat.

“Take a minute to calm down,” Jeongguk instructs. He grabs the room service menu, handing it
over. “Then pick anything you want to eat, I’ll order it whilst you go and freshen up. There’s
bathrobe behind the door, grab one.”

“Mmm. Thought you would’ve liked me to stay naked,” he teases back.

“Oh, trust me, I do. But it’s freezing temperatures and I would rather you don’t get sick.”

Jimin’s touched that the alpha has his health in mind. He scans through the menu, eventually
agreeing on the steak with vegetable, before slipping into the shower. He’s still wobbly on his
feet. He’s not sure what he expected. He can’t ask Jeongguk to cross his limit as a sugar daddy
and shower him with attention but this feels desolate, alone under the spray of water.

He’s still wobbly on his feet as he emerges from the shower. He puts the robe on, fixing his hair,
before joining the alpha back in bed.

Jeongguk has gotten comfortable in bed since. He’s wearing his glasses, perched on the bridge of
his nose, looking through emails on his phone. He glances up, smiling at the sight of Jimin.

“Feeling better?”

“Yeah,” he says quietly, crawling back into bed.

The food is delivered by the kitchen staff and since it’s for Jeongguk, they make the presentation
grand and beyond expectations. They scatter the food across the bed, sitting cross-legged with
their knees brushing together, as they eat together.

The scenario is domestic and comfortable and Jimin relaxes. Usually, he is hyper aware of his
surroundings, cautious about how to act and what to say, but with Jeongguk he doesn’t feel

“So tell me about your escorting business,” Jeongguk asks.

“The one you essentially shut down?” Jimin remarks dryly with a tilt of the side of his lip. He isn’t
unnecessarily making a dubious comment, just teasing him.

He doesn’t have the decency to look ashamed, shrugging. “I’m giving you more than they could,

He hums. “Arrogant,” he comments. “Well, I started escorting about a year after I arrived in
Seoul.” The whole story is one that Jimin doesn’t like to crack open and reveal the secrets of,
better remained closed and buried deep in his mind. “I like it. It’s good money and it helps with
my education, so. I can’t complain.”

“It must’ve taken a while to build a client list… especially of reliable men.”

Jimin clenches his jaw at the boorish reminder of men, in general. The mix of dirty men he had to
encounter who tore apart his soul before he ever managed to make a name for himself as an escort.

“Yeah,” he agrees. “Taehyung was a lot of help. He had a few friends in the industry that helped
me out. His procedure has been solid, I haven’t been hurt with any of the men that he’s found.”

Silence ensues in the room after Jimin’s word, the implications behind them heavy. If Jeongguk
suspects anything about the previous men Jimin had been seeing, he doesn’t prod on the situation.
Instead, he nods as he takes another bite of the steak and chews slowly on the tender meat.
“What’s the wildest thing you’ve done, as an escort?” He questions next. The tone of his voice
lilts up, his eyes glistening.

Jimin giggles softly. “Um… I mean, my clients were quite tame,” he confesses. A fuck, sometimes
a dinner was all they wanted. “Once this man wanted me to tie him up and tickle him for an
hour… I made a lot of money that hour. The shit these lonely rich businessmen will do.”

The alpha laughs heartily, raising a brow. “Interesting. Did you like any of them?”

“They’re okay, I guess. They’re just old… and desperate. You waste your whole life away on
business and hit your fifties, realising you’ve got nothing but money and it doesn’t amount to
anything. Worthless and empty.”

Jeongguk contemplates the words for a minute. “Are you hinting I’m going to be a lonely fifty-
year old?”

“Maybe,” Jimin teases back.

He feels snug around the alpha, they have a banterous back-and-forth relationship that allows for
effortless conversation. Jeongguk only imposes control and authority in sex, otherwise, he’s like
any young man. Way too young to be handling an empire completely by himself.

Jeongguk reaches forward to poke Jimin’s ribs, the touch feather light though. “I’ll get married
and have children. Somebody’s got to inherit this money, right?”

“Right,” Jimin drawls. “Should cancel our contract and start looking.”

Jeongguk pokes again. “Brat,” he murmurs. “We’ve just started.”

Before Jimin can rebuttal with a response, Jeongguk’s phone blares loudly, disrupting their peace.
He flashes Jimin an apologetic smile, sliding out of the bed, and going into the bathroom to take
the call. He closes the door behind him. Jimin furrows his brows but suspects the alpha just wants
his privacy with his business affairs, continuing to finish up the three course meal.

He jolts, though, when there’s a shout from Jeongguk. He sounds frustrated and minutes later,
he’s walking out of the bathroom.

Jeongguk’s jaw is clenched, his eyes dark but void of any emotions. He’s unreadable. It almost
scares Jimin, having never seen the man like… this. His body is rigid, harbouring tension within
him, as he crosses over to Jimin.

“I need to go,” Jeongguk says. His voice is even, too cooly maintained, like he’s holding himself
together carefully.

Jimin senses there is something gravely wrong. As tempted as he is to be a mediator and ask
Jeongguk, he knows it’s beyond his limits.

“Okay,” he whispers back.

“You can stay here. The hotel room is yours for the night, if you please.” Jeongguk is already
rummaging through the wardrobe full of suits, picking out a white, pristine button down and
hastily dressing. It’s like his mood has changed in a flash, now set with determination and fury.

Jimin shakes his head. He slowly stands up, wincing at the dull pang of pain from the fuck before.
“It’s okay. Taehyung is waiting for me at home.” He pauses, biting his lip. “Are you okay,
“I…” He purses his lip. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just in a hurry, sorry.”

He nods. “That’s fine… I’ll see you later?”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Jimin internally debates what to do. Whether he should leave without a word or stay, walk
Jeongguk out. He knows that he shouldn’t cross boundaries and with how private Jeongguk keeps
his business, he knows his presence is no longer welcome. Once he’s redressed, he walks over to

“Text me later when you want to meet,” Jimin murmurs, tiptoeing so he can kiss his cheek.

Jeongguk smiles tightly. “Thank you, Jimin. Get home safe.”

Jimin leaves after that. He sits in the Uber, resting his head against the window, and allows
curiosity eat him alive about Jeongguk. He has never met a man as dynamic as him.

Jeongguk is breaking the speed limit as he zooms down to the nightclub located in Itaewon.

They have branches of clubs over the city, scattered across, each for its own purpose but business
is usually conducted there. It hides their dirty secrets, located behind closed doors, run by Hoseok.

When Hoseok had joined the mafia family, he was young and abandoned by his parents, he had
been terrified of hurting people. His hands quivered whenever he held a gun. Hoseok only had the
Jeon family. Jeongguk’s father had no patience for him but Jeongguk assured him that Hoseok
was useful. With his analytical, sharp mind and a talent for spotting lies, he could make a good
manager and coordinate their business and deals.

So whilst Hoseok isn’t a right-hand man, Jeongguk puts the same level of trust into him as he does
with Seokjin and Namjoon. Hoseok has proved himself to be reliable, operating with detachment
to his surroundings, that allows him to excel at the business.

When they’re not working and just hanging out together, Hoseok is the life of the group. With his
sense of humour, his contagious energy, being around him is effortless and easy. He is calm and
easygoing so when Hoseok calls, in the midst of a panic attack about the Itaewon club being
raided, it requires all of Jeongguk’s attention.

Jeongguk parks up outside the car. He rushes into the building, finding the location barren and
desolate. The scene is usually surrounded by drunken bodies, deafening music has been replaced
with nothingness. It makes his stomach churn with discomfort and dread sinking into his veins.

In the staff room, Hoseok is sitting behind his desk. Devastation is obvious in the alpha, his head
in his hand, his shoulders rigid from the tension harboured in his body. Namjoon stands over him,
soothingly rubbing circles into his upper back. Seokjin is on the couch, counting through the
remaining money that hasn’t been stolen.

Yoongi, in charge of the younger generation involved in the mafia and accounting for the
teenagers running the streets selling their drugs, is sitting opposite Seokjin with a dancer from the
club besides him. Jeongguk recognises her as Jakyung.

“What the fuck happened?” Jeongguk bellows, the ferocity of his words making Jakyung jump.

Yoongi’s head snaps up at the abrupt voice. He glares, his hand halting where he’s rubbing down
Yoongi’s head snaps up at the abrupt voice. He glares, his hand halting where he’s rubbing down
Jakyung’s back to help her shaky body. “Jakyung is hurt. Quiet.”

Nobody talks back to Jeongguk except his hyungs, never afraid to step out of line to put the
younger back in his rightful space.

Whoever had broken into the club — albeit, it was indisputable who was the culprit of the crime
— had managed to get pass the security, the CCTV camera. They managed to steal money and
who knows what else, hurting Jakyung in the process of their raid.

Jeongguk’s blood boils, shimmering under the surface, and to resist an outburst he forces himself
to take a seat besides Seokjin.

“What’s the damage?” Jeongguk eventually asks, his voice forcefully steadied despite the inner

Hoseok glances up. He isn’t crying but his eyes are wet and wavering, his resilience shining
through as he refuses to let himself break.

“A quarter of million, or so, gone. I was meant to deposit the money tomorrow. Cocaine and
heroin gone. I can’t determine the value but it was worth a fucking lot. Jakyung was the only
dancer at the club at the time, just finishing her shift, and she had seen them which resulted them
in hurting her.”

This wasn’t meant to happen. Nobody dares to cross into the Jeon’s territory and inflict damage
shamelessly, out in the open. It rubs Jeongguk in the wrong way, making him rise to the unspoken
challenge lingering from the threat that follows with the raid. Jeongguk feels like he’s being tested.

Whoever had chosen to steal knew their way around the place, knew that the nightclub closes
early on a weekday and there would be limited people around the premises. They knew their way
into the staff room, breaking the code and the locks, to burglar the money and the drugs.

“Calm down Gukkie,” Namjoon speaks for the first time. “We’ll figure out what to do.”

“What we’re going to do is kill them,” Jeongguk rants back angrily. “Who the fuck do they think
they are?”

The words fall from his lips with a quiver. He balls his fists, resisting the urge to scream in
frustration. The loss isn’t catastrophic, nothing they can’t make overnight and more to replace the
money. But it gives a fake illusion that the mafia can be played with, that they’re malleable and
weak and Jeongguk won’t allow it.

He inherited the empire from his father and Jeongguk won’t disappoint him, even if this isn’t the
future he wanted for himself.

Jakyung whimpers at the threat of murder. The dancer doesn’t know about the mafia and criminal
activity taking place in the club but she doesn’t seem surprised by the mention of drugs. She must
be aware of the people who visit here, the mafia’s associate, often slipping a pill or two to the

Jakyung looks frail and exhausted, red rimmed eyes from excessive crying. Her usually neat and
straight long brown hair is disheveled, forming curls at the bottom of the strands. Her usually slim
face is swollen, puffy cheeks with tear tracks evident. Jakyung has a deep cut across her
cheekbones that Yoongi gently dabs the blood away with a tissue.

“It’s okay, Jakyung-ah,” Yoongi whispers. He speaks tenderly, almost enough to alleviate the
“Why would they do that to us?” Jakyung questions. Suspicion is etched into her features, her
brows furrowed. “We’re just a club. Why would they rob us?”

Jeongguk pursues his lips. He’s not going to expose the mafia family to her, the generations of
history attached to him. He has always liked Jakyung. She has been a good worker and attracted a
decent amount of business, creating a positive rapport with all of them.

“Because they have nothing better to do,” Jeongguk says. “Are you okay?”

“I am… I’m okay.”

“Do you remember what they look like?”

Her chin trembles when she slowly shakes her head, sniffling. “They were wearing black masks
over their face, I couldn’t tell. I saw them in the staff room and they struck at me before I could

“Go home, Jakyung,” Jeongguk tells her softly. He watches how Yoongi’s fingers work over the
cut, applying a butterfly band aid to keep the split skin together. “Don’t come into work until
you’re feeling better.”


“No buts. I’ll make sure you get your salary in full, okay?” He promises her. He doesn’t want a
traumatised dancer on the floor, not until he’s resolved this issue. No matter how long it takes.
Jeongguk won’t allow another one of his dancers to get hurt. “We’ll talk properly once you’re
ready and you can tell me everything in detail.”

“Okay,” she whispers. “Thank you.”

Yoongi helps her up, keeping her steady by a hand on her waist before leading her out of the staff
room so he can call Jakyung an Uber. As soon as her presence leaves the room, Jeongguk stands

He wants to punch the wall. He wants to scream. Or both.

Instead, Seokjin approaches him with a glass of straight whiskey, handing it over silently. He
accepts the bitter alcohol, washing it down in one long gulp as he winces at the burn down the
back of his throat.

“What about the fucking security guard? Where is he?” He demands to know.

“He didn’t see or hear anything,” Seokjin murmurs.

“Well, what the fuck is his purpose, then? Fire him.” He’s operating off pure rage and he can’t
slow down to think rationally. “What about the security cameras? Did they pick anything up?”

“They were disabled before entry into the club.”

So apparently, the Yakuza are intelligent. They know what they are doing and exactly how to
conduct a successful raid without a trace of evidence. They know how to provoke Jeongguk.
They’re calling for a war even if they know they’ll lose because the mafia can’t be defeated.

Not when the mafia is infiltrated into society, owning parts of the city. Seoul is Jeongguk’s and he
has no intentions of losing it from his grasps.
Jeongguk doesn’t understand where his loyalty derives from. As a young child, he had ambitions
aside from becoming a mafia leader. He had wanted to be a scientist, a photographer, a teacher
and a singer — he was ambitious and his dreams never stopped at one, talented in every area he
breached. He’s always respected his father, though, even when he witnessed his first murder at 13
and became painfully aware of what the older man does for a living.

Living blissfully ignorant was wonderful for a short period of time.

What he does know is the mole in the mafia is leaking information to Yakuza, allowing an easy,
effortless raid.

“First thing, I want the fucking mole found. I want him to be brought to me and I want him
killed,” Jeongguk says cooly. “Second, we’re sending out a message.”

“What message?” Hoseok asks, his voice still croaky.

“Set one of Yakuza’s building on fire. Kill one of their men. I literally don’t care but I want to
destabilise them and I want them to know we’re onto them.”

“How can we be so sure it’s them?”

Jeongguk snorts. “Who else has the guts to cross us? They tried to hurt father first, and
successfully did, and now they want to accomplish what they always set out to do. They want to
lead the city and it won’t fucking happen.”

Namjoon nods slowly. “That means nobody is safe, though. Once we send the message, the war
will start.”

“They’ll be dead before they can try again,” Jeongguk simply replies.

Jeongguk hardly jumps to last resorts. Violence is inevitable in a mafia family and working in a
criminal underworld but he has always attempted to be neutral, to keep the body count low as
possible. He doesn’t like to inflict unnecessary pain and suffering if it can be avoided.

Unless it’s warranted. Jeongguk hadn’t felt a glimmer of regret when Namjoon had shot the rapist
who was lurking in the club. He had barely blinked at the lifeless body that was laid before him on
the ground. The same time when the culprit that had destabilised his father was murdered.

He is committed to prove to his father that it’s possible to run a city without causing relentless
destruction in the process. His father may be disappointed in his choice of dealing with business
but Jeongguk will never stop in his deep rooted morals.

Namjoon walks over to his side, a hand heavy on his shoulder. “Let’s worry about this later,
okay? Let’s just clean up the club for now, make up for the loss we’ve suffered today.”

Jeongguk exhales. The hand steadies him, grounds him after the anger that had been thriving
within him. He glances over to his hyung, nodding.

“Yeah… Yeah.”

“Go home, relax. We’ll figure out a way to strike back.”

With Namjoon as a right-hand man, Jeongguk knows that they’re in trusted hands. The alpha is
responsible and headstrong, never afraid to do the impossible if it means protecting Jeongguk and
the members involved in the mafia.
“Thank you,” he whispers. He’s indebted to his hyungs.

Seokjin speaks next, “C’mon. Let’s go home. I’ll drive.”

As they exit the club, Jeongguk notices the shattered window with pieces of glasses on the
ground. He winces as he carefully pushes the glass away from the pathway with his foot to
prevent anybody getting hurt. As they get back into his car, he rolls down the passenger window
and lights up a cigarette.

“I’m scared as to what this means now,” Seokjin admits lowly. Jeongguk admires how the older
doesn’t hesitate to share his inner, deeper thoughts. Whilst the others attempt to repress, Seokjin is
an open book and talks to Jeongguk candidly about what is bothering him.

It’s refreshing to never have to second guess around Seokjin.

Jeongguk purses his lips. “I don’t know what it means either,” he says. “I guess we’ll just have to
show Yakuza we can’t be messed with.”

“They won’t back down, though. Until they get what they want.”

He blows the smoke out of the window, watching it curl away into the freezing night skies of
Seoul. “I know and I won’t give up, either.”

“Who do you think the mole is?”

Jeongguk shrugs. “Somebody working close with us but not on an everyday basis. He will die.”

Nobody betrays Jeongguk, especially after he’s invested time and money into you. He can’t
permit somebody thinking they’re snarky enough to sell information about them out to other
people for material gain. Jeongguk will cut his tongue off, first, for opening his mouth and then
inevitably kill him.

Once they’ve parked up outside Jeongguk’s apartment, Seokjin steals the cigarette off him.

“Go home and rest,” Seokjin orders, cutting the engine off. “For tonight, don’t worry about it.
We’ll come back stronger.”

He so desperately wants to believe Seokjin’s words but the insecure, irrational part of him is
screaming at him that he’ll fall. That he won’t survive this. If they managed to seriously injure his
father, with lifelong medical complications, what’s the promise that Jeongguk won’t become their
helpless prey?

The thought frightens him. Jeongguk won’t let it happen.

“Goodnight, Jin hyung,” Jeongguk says, climbing out of the car. “I’ll see you soon.”

Once the man has driven home, Jeongguk goes up and gets into bed. For the first time, in a long
time, he wishes he was somebody else. He wish he wasn’t a Jeon.

Jimin (7:34pm, sent): When can I see you next?

He’s sitting on the couch, legs crossed, with Taehyung’s head in his lap. Jimin fondly runs his
fingers through the omega’s hair, feeling over the silky and smooth strands as Taehyung
practically purrs.
It has been a week since his last encounter with Jeongguk. He had been paid in full, the $2000
looking splendid in his bank account, but they had only met once which was under the limit
explicitly stated in their contract. Jimin understands that the younger man is an established, busy
businessman but he is missing the way Jeongguk fucks him already.

Sugar daddy (7:45pm, received): Sorry, doll. I’m terribly busy lately. Business.

Jimin (7:50pm, sent): I understand. You’re breaking the contract, though, so I expect
compensation in full

Sugar daddy (7:55pm, received): Demanding, I see.

What compensation?

Jimin (8:00pm, sent): Be creative and think of something.

Sugar daddy (8:04pm, received): Brat.

Jimin giggles before locking his phone, decidedly leaving the alpha on read for a while so he can
anticipate the next reply.

Taehyung rolls his head back, glancing up to him. “It’s going well with the sugar daddy, then?”

He shrugs. “I mean, I haven’t seen him much,” he confesses. “But it’s good whenever we get the
chance. He had to rush off the last time we were together.”

“Hm.” Taehyung is contemplative. “Is it worth it, though? The sex.”

The two times they have fucked has been memorable, without a doubt. Jeongguk has a way with
his words, husky and intentful. He’s talk and action, able to execute exactly what he promises.

He’s a mix of rough but soft. He never pushes too far, knows what Jimin needs and he’s able to
pull back before it becomes borderline too much. They’re sexually compatible and Jimin thrives
off it, elated to know that somebody understands his body and what he needs in such little time.

There’s still a lot of barriers to cross, they need to become accustomed to each other and learn the
ins and outs — but they’re getting there.

Jimin is also making a lot of money. He has no room to complain.

“Yeah,” Jimin murmurs with a glint in his eyes, grinning at the memory. “So good.”

Jimin (8:25pm, went): See me soon?

Sugar daddy (8:30pm, received): Already need more?

Jimin (8:32pm, sent): It’s been too long. Might have to go looking for other Alphas.

Sugar daddy (8:35pm, received): but you won’t.

It won’t feel as good as me, will it?

Jimin bites his lip. Is this escalating to a sexting conversation, slowly? He hasn’t sexted somebody
since high school, has always preferred the real deal in person and liked his masturbation as his
own time. But even this conversation alone was making his stomach curl, his throat tightening in

Jimin (8:36pm, sent): Bold words. What makes you so sure?

Sugar daddy (8:37pm, received): The way you moan for me is enough for me to know so.
Are you alone right now?

His heart jumps in his throat and he glances down to Taehyung who’s snuggling up to his warm
lap, making himself comfortable.

Jimin (8:38pm, sent): No, my roommate is with me.

Sugar daddy (8:40pm, received): I’ll send you money for this.
Go to your room, or something.

Well, Jeongguk is his sugar daddy after all and he has to abide to the rules if he wants the money
at the end of the time. Jimin shifts Taehyung on his lap, indicating him to sit up. He does so,
begrudgingly, groaning.

“What is it?” Taehyung asks, the words slurred and laced with sleepiness.

“I need to go the toilet,” he lies. “Give me ten minutes.”

He doesn’t say anything else, simply rolling away and grabbing the throw-on to cover his body.
With that, Jimin wanders into his bedroom.

Jimin (8:45pm, sent): I’m alone now.

Sugar daddy (8:46pm, received): Good boy.

I’ve been neglecting you, hm? Haven’t made time for you.

Jimin (8:50pm): Yeah, you’re mean. Not doing a good job as a sugar daddy.

Sugar daddy (8:35pm, received): That’s unfortunate.

Show me what you’re wearing, doll?

Jimin shudders at the polite order, not too demanding but not leaving any room for argument
otherwise. He had never imagined he’d be doing this as he undresses his trousers, clad in his
dressing gown. He snaps a picture.

Jimin (8:39pm, sent): picture attached

Sugar daddy (8:41pm, received): Fuck. The things I’d do to you.

Jimin (8:44pm, sent): Why don’t you?

picture attached

Before Jimin can text another response, his phone starts to buzz with a FaceTime call. He jumps in
surprise, eyes widening at the prospect of actually talking to him in real time whilst they do this.
He takes a deep breath before answering the call.

Jeongguk is laying on his bed, legs spread out and his chest bare with his white dressing gown
open. His eyes are dark with lust, swimming through his gaze, drilling into Jimin’s through the
grainy FaceTime video call. His hand is working over his cock, licking his lips.

“On your knees, baby doll.” Jeongguk doesn’t waste any time to order.

“Yes, sir.” He doesn’t hesitate to obey, already slipping into a submissive headspace as he rolls
over. The position is difficult to maintain, his elbow keeping him upright to angle the camera
down towards his hole.
“Do you have lube?”


“Do you own any sex toys?”

Jimin shakes his head. “Too expensive.”

“So you fucked around with these rich businessmen and they never bothered to buy a sex toy?”
Jeongguk sounds disappointed, clicking his tongue. His hand slows down over his length,
thumbing over the slit leaking precome. “What a let down. They didn’t know how to treat you,

“Sir.. can I touch myself?”

“Go on, doll. Get yourself nice and hard and work a finger inside you. I want you to fuck

Jimin shudders as his hand grasps his cock. He’s already half hard and twitching, heavy in his
hand as he strokes himself. He keeps the pace torturously slow to tease himself as the other hand
slicks up his come.

“Jeongguk,” he whines.

He tuts. “What’s my name?”

Lost in his pleasure, Jimin doesn’t even register what is being told to him. “Jeongguk..”

“Jimin,” Jeongguk says. His voice rings with authority. “Who am I?”

Oh. “Sir. Sir, please. I need you here.”

“I wish I was there too. Go on, put your finger in and show me.”

It takes a while to rub the finger into his hole, easing the digit in. He adapts to the stretch, his
finger short and never quite as satisfying. He shows Jeongguk how he’s pulsing the finger in and
out, adding a second when the request comes from the alpha on the other line.

It’s embarrassing how quick Jimin gets aroused, his stomach coiling tight with the orgasm fast

“I’m - I’m gonna come,” Jimin warns.

“Already? How cute,” Jeongguk coos. His own hand is working viciously over his own length,
eyes shut from the sensation. “Beg for it.”

“Sir. Can I come? Can I please come? Please. I’m so desperate.”

“Since you asked so nicely,” he muses. “Go on.”

At the permission, Jimin can’t hold back as he unloads all over his hand. He cries out loudly,
having to muffle himself by biting down on the fabric of the thin dressing gown he’s wearing so
Taehyung isn’t suspicious. He can hear Jeongguk’s grunts as he comes as well, moaning Jimin’s
hand whilst doing so.

Jimin collapses into the mattress, wincing as he pulls his fingers out. “God,” he murmurs. “I’ve
never done that before.”
Jeongguk chuckles. He’s shuffling around on the video call, grabbing a tissue to wipe down his
sticky hands. “How does it feel?”

“Not as good as your cock,” he retorts with a pout, the camera now back on his face.

“That’s too bad. Don’t worry, you won’t have to wait much longer. I’ll be free in two days and
I’ll get a driver to pick you up.”

Usually Jimin wouldn’t disclose his private information, his home address, to any of his clients.
But he trusts Jeongguk enough to know that he wouldn’t purposely do anything to harm him.

Jimin smiles lazily, rolling over in bed so he’s on his front. “Thanks. I’ll like that a lot.”

They talk for a minute or two longer before Jeongguk claims that duty is calling him, having to
hang up with the promise of two days on his tongue. It’s enough to appease Jimin, especially
when his omega has been wanting the presence of Jeongguk around him.

The next morning, there’s a delivery for Jimin at the door.

Taehyung rushes into his bedroom in the morning to drop the box, saying, “It’s been specially
delivered just for you.”

Jimin grumbles as he slowly wakes up, opening the box that’s waiting for him. He doesn’t
remember ordering anything online, likes to shop in person as opposed to getting disappointed by
virtual shopping. He furrows his brows as he rips open the box, his mouth hanging open at the…

Inside, neatly wrapped and packaged, is a 8-inch dildo. It’s pink and wide in girth. There’s an
option for the sex toy to vibrate with various speeds.

With it, there’s a note. I’m not like those other businessmen ;) Enjoy. - Jeongguk.

Jimin swears Jeongguk’s going to get the fuck of his life the next time they meet as a form of

Chapter End Notes

pls leave comments and kudos, its very much appreciated and keeps me going T__T
thank you!!


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