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As per Chanakyaneeti it is said that if you want to develop your future, try to learn and understand

from your past. Moreover, the past and the future are actually not so different. Every past event has
a cause or causes that, as we look back at them, typically make sense to us from our vantage point in
the present. The difference, of course, is that we don’t know what will happen in the future. Instead,
we have a wide range of possible futures. But, just as with a singular event in the past, the events
happening today, will shape the ultimate future. These are some of the prominent issues:

Women Empowerment:

There have been drastic changes over the span of Indian history in terms of women’s status across
the spectrum. From being worshipped as goddess to being brutally assaulted by men, Indian women
had come a long way on these difficult paths. Our dream of achieving true women empowerment
can be fulfilled only after understanding the women’s status across the ages and analysing the same.
From being given highest regard in Vedic period, to being suffered from dowry, domestic violence,
social exploitation, discrimination and other evil practices, today women’s status is not an exception.
This calls for a new movement to fight for women’s empowerment as was done in past by Raja Ram
Mohan Roy, IC Vidyasagar, Jyotiba phule, etc, to accord once again an honourable status in the
society to women.

Economic liberalization:

A quarter of a century ago, India adopted economic liberalisation, changing the way business is
done. ‘Licence Raj’ was dismantled and business was allowed to be free. This is the time of hour; we
should again remember that liberalization and encourage ease of doing business as well as foreign
investment in the country. Reviving the private investment and expenditure as was done in 1991, is
the most effective way to bring back the economy on right track in this situation of structural


India has been a destination for low-cost, outsourced software and support services since the late
1980s when the labour arbitrage model became a cost-effective solution for multinational
companies. Historically, this outsourcing has boosted the country's wealth, while also providing
much-treasured employment and fuelling urbanization. This brand image built over the years now
allow the country to shake the stereotype that its workforce is a pool of reactive problem-solvers for
the tech industry and time to rebrand itself as a hub of technology innovation. With the advent of
industrial revolution, the humans and machines become collaborators for each other and now it is
the time to make the collaboration with new age technologies using AI, MLL, etc. to bridge the gap
between humans and robots.


Food habits have played a major role even in the rise and fall of civilizations. Aryans would not have
migrated to India in 1500 BC had their lands in Central Asia not fallen short of pastures for their
cattle. Moreover, your food habits also determine your health conditions. There are certain practices
which were adopted in past and is becoming more relevant for the future to improve the health
conditions of the people like Sitting on the floor while eating, early morning breakfast, not talking
while eating, not stocking up prepared meal for the whole day, Early Dinner, etc.

In ancient times, people use to live a simple, satisfied and a purpose driven life. Selflessness was
given top priority than selfishness. But today, our lives are becoming more complex, everybody is
running in sake of satisfying its greed for money and power. We are losing our IKIGAI ie the reason of
our being on this earth. All this has resulted into much more severe consequences like rural and
urban divides, migration, income inequality, depression, etc. This has made us to rethink on our past
and take the key lessons on how to lead and live a peaceful, healthy, satisfied, happy and a long life.

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