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Group 11

Deepak Chourasia
Jaya Tripathi
Komal Kumari
Piyush Wadel
Ritika G Ramani
Our government told us that the economic slowdown in India was due to the economic slowdown world
wide .But the IMF International Monetary Fund has said that 80% of the reason for world economic
slowdown is the economic slowdown happening in India. So , this proves that the pathetic condition of the
economy and unemployment in our country today is due to the internal reasons of our country. It is due to
the mistake of our government.

1. Infrastructure
Increased investment in physical capital, such as factories, machinery, and roads, will lower the cost of
economic activity. Better factories and machinery are more productive than physical labor. This higher
productivity can increase output. For example, having a robust highway system can reduce inefficiencies in
moving raw materials or goods across the country, which can increase its GDP.

2. Population
A growing population means there is an increase in the availability of workers or employees, which means a
higher workforce. One downside of having a large population is that it could lead to high unemployment.

3. Biggest priority of the government should be focus on human development that is spending more in the
field of education and health care in order to achieve and develop labour cost.

4. India has seen growth rate to a six year low of rate of 4.5% in the september quaterer of 2019-2020
japan germany and infia will battel of third position in the world economy over the next 15 year
India lies in the cultural region of the Indian Ocean - a zone with unprecedented potential for growth in the
scale of transoceanic commerce, with many Eurasian and increasingly Afro-Asian sea-trade routes passing
through or close to Indian territorial waters. The subcontinent's land and water resources, though strained,
are still sustaining its massive population.
"when greying population will be seen inhibiting economic growth of major countries, India will be brimming
with youthful energy"

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