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МартинюкА. П.
Набокова /. Ю.
Свердлова I. О.
Юрченко А. А

Посібник з підготовки до зовнішнього

незалежного оцінювання (ЗНО) ОіггїегпаІ-Воок
Британські книги
з англійської мови
Exam Trainer

Частина "Читання"

Multiple Matching (General)

(Завдання на загальне розуміння прочитаного)

Щ exa m fo cu s

Для виконання завдання на загальне розуміння прочитаного (добір

заголовку або співвіднесення запитання з текстом, у якому міститься
відповідь на нього) треба зрозуміти основну ідею кожного з 5 запропо­
нованих текстів.

Щоб якнайкраще впоратися з завданням, дотримуйтеся таких

1. Ознайомтеся з загальним заголовком, якщо він є.
2. Прогляньте тексти, визначте їх тематику.
3. Ознайомтеся з пропонованими заголовками (запитаннями).
4. Поверніться до текстів, уважно прочитайте кожен; намагайтеся
знайти ключовий мовний вираз (слово, групу слів), який
розкриває основну ідею тексту. Наприклад, головна ідея рекламного
оголошення 1 полягає в тому, щоб розповісти про ігрові центри, які
надають малюкам можливість ознайомитися з навколишнім світом.
Тож ключовим мовним виразом тут є to explore the world. У варіантах
відповідей цей вид занять для дітей позначено як Investigating the
5. Співвіднесіть кожен заголовок (запитання) з відповідним текстом.
6. Відкиньте три зайвих заголовки (запитання).

Подивіться уважно, чи є в тексті слова, що належать до однієї тематичної
групи - вони зазвичай відсилають до основної ідеї тексту. Наприклад,
слова stargazers, sky, télescopes, SkyAssociation, вжиті в рекламному
оголошенні 3, позначають поняття, що узагальнюються словом
astronomy у варіанті відповіді С.

Зверніть увагу на виділені курсивом слова в інших рекламних

оголошеннях і визначте, із якими загальними поняттями, поданими
у варіантах відповідей, вони асоціюються.

Exam Trainer

^r"K Read the texts below. Match choices (A-H) to (1 -5). There are three choices
p i| you do not need to use.

Activities for Kids

Kids put critical thinking skills to

® the test while working with
interactive stations designed to
One of the greatest drum ense­
mbles in the world will amaze San
Antonio audiences with their musical
encourage them to explore the abilities. Their music is thought by some
world around them. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to be sacred and is linked to generation
Fridays - Saturdays; and noon to and fertility. 8 p.m. Jo LongTheatre of the
5 p.m. Sundays. Children under 2 Carver Community Cultural Centre, 226
are admitted for free. San Antonio E. HackberrySt. 210-453-6870.
Children's Centre, 305 E. Houston
Centre staff lead
kids in activities that
/C ^ Jo in stargazers as you observe the sky through help build their fine
large telescopes in an informational program and gross motor skills.
with the San Antonio Sky Association. Sundown to Weekly activities may
10 p.m. every Wednesday. Free. Lower Bee Tree include music and
soccer field parking lot. McAllister Park, 13102 exploration of hands-
Jones Maltsberger Road. 210-710-2456. on materials. Class is
geared for ages 0-3
years. 2 p.m. Tuesdays

7 ~ \T h is four-week programme for ages
and Thursdays. San
5+ includes stories, songs and animal
close-ups. This week's class is Animal Park. Antonio Childrens'
Centre, 309 B. Houston
Reservations required, and may be made
St. 210-134-5647.
by calling 210-347-8937. Phil Hardberger
Park, 12303 Bianco Road.

A Visiting a safari park E Listening to live rhythms

B Investigating the environment F Developing movement ability
C Learning astronomy G Discovering wild life
D Looking at museum exhibits H Playing the drums

Exam Trainer

Частина "Використання мови"

Gap Fill (Vocabulary)

(Завдання на заповнення пропусків лексичними одиницями)

Щ ex a m f o c u s

Завдання на заповнення пропусків перевіряє навички застосування

лексичних одиниць відповідно до контексту. Варіанти відповідей
містять лексичні одиниці, що належать до однієї частини мови та мають
однакову граматичну форму, але відрізняться зазначенням.

Щоб якнайкраще впоратися з завданням, дотримуйтеся таких

1. Прогляньте увесь текст.
2. Прогляньте всі варіанти відповідей.
3. Поверніться до тексту й визначте, які з варіантів відповідей
відповідають змісту й структурі речення. Зверніть увагу на лексико-
граматичну сполучуваність та відтінки значень цих слів.

П р и клад

У другому реченні тексту 21st Century Learning йдеться про те, що завдяки
комп'ютерному оснащенню робота учнів і вчителів Melbourne primary school
оцінюється в реальному часі (тобто - тут і зараз). Усі запропоновані варіанти
заповнення пропуску 2 граматично відповідають структурі речення - усі вони
прикметники, що означують іменник time.

Прикметники absolute і original можуть утворювати сполучення зі словом

time, проте не відповідають контексту семантично (за значенням):

► absolute time - абсолютний час, тобто час, незалежний від часового

► original time - оригінальний/незвичайний час.

Прикметник live, що вживається на позначення прямих теле- або радіотранс­

ляцій, не може утворювати сполучення live time.

Отже, правильною відповіддю є варіант D - real.

Exam Trainer

% k. Read the text below. For questions (1 -10) choose the correct answer (A, B,
p | C o r D).

21st Century Learning

When politicians fail to get their (1)______________ across on TV debates, they face "the
worm". Nowteachers and pupils at a Melbourne primary school are being evaluated
in (2)________ time. Students are testing hand-held gadgets that fire feedback to their
teacher. The electronic programme is (3)___________ the 'Student Response System'.

"The kids (4)______________ their understanding, or misunderstanding, immediately,"

the school's curriculum and innovations coordinator said. Teachers can then
address any issues at the (5)_____________ of need, rather than taking home 30 pieces
of paper to mark. They can (6)___________ assess students' responses, or they can
be displayed on one of the school's 35 interactive boards, and discussed by the
(7) ____________ class.

"The hi-tech focus is about helping kids learn in the 21 st century," the coordinator
says, "It's very engaging for the students and we've really seen a big change in the
(8) ____________ teachers are teaching."

The school, one of the smartest in the state, also allows students to (9)___________
several live broadcasts a week on their own radio frequency. They use "green screen"
technology (10)____________ their video and multimedia skills.

1 Ä message B news C notice D facts

2 A absolute B live c original D real
3 A stated B called c declared D announced
are are are
4 A are opening B establishing c demonstrating
D determining

5 A spot B point c place D mark

6 A lonely B quietly c privately D secretly
7 A full B complete c total D entire
8 A form B way c process D means
9 A watch B carry c take D make
10 A to revise B to exceed c to enlarge D to improve

Exam Trainer

Gap Fill (Grammar)

(Завдання на заповнення пропусків граматичними структурами)

Read the texts below. For questions (1 -10) choose the correct answer (A, B,
C o r D).

Brain Teaser
Laughter is one of the least (1)_________ aspects of human behaviour. Scientists have
found that during a good laugh, three parts of the brain (2)_________ up: a thinking
part that helps you get the joke, a movement area that tells your muscles to move,
and an emotional region that elicits the «giddy» feeling. However, it remains unknown
( 3 ) _________ one person laughs at your brother's foolish jokes while (4)___________
chuckles while watching a horror movie. Anyway, one thing is clear: laughter makes
us (5 )_________ better.

1 A understand В understood C understanding D to

2 A light В lights C is lighting 0 has lighted
3 A how В what c why D that
4 A other в the other another D others
S A feel в feeling c feels D to feel

Who Invented the Sandwich?

Food historians generally attribute the creation of the sandwich to John Montague,
4th Earl of Sandwich. This Englishman (6)_________ to have been fond of gambling. As
the story goes, in 1762, during a (7)_________ gambling streak he instructed a cook to
prepare his food in such a way that it (8)_________ with his game. The cook presented
him with (9)_________ meat between two pieces of toast. Perfect! This meal required
no utensils and could be eaten with one hand, leaving (10)_________ free to continue
the game.

6 A says B said C was said D was saying
7 A 24 hour В 24 hours C 24 hour's D 24 hours'
doesn't won't wouldn't hadn't
8 A В c
D interfered
interfere interfere .............................
9 A slice В slices c slicing D sliced
A other в another c the other D the others

Exam Trainer

Частина "'Письмо"

(Завдання з розгорнутою відповіддю)

Inform al Letter / Особистий л и с т


Виконуючи це завдання, слід звернути увагу на:

1. Змістове наповнення.
2. Логічний зв'язок між частинами.
3. Лексичну наповнюваність.
4. Граматичну правильність висловлення.

Особистий лист має розпочинатися зі звернення: Dear у поєднанні з

іменем адресата - Dear Ann.

У першому абзаці використовуються такі вступні розмовні формули: How

are you? I'm fine. Thanks for your letter. It was nice to hear from you. I'm sorry I
haven't written fo r such a long time b u t... Hi! How's everything (going)? I hope you
are well. Sorry I haven't written sooner, but... тощо.

Далі слід вказати, з якою метою ви пишете лист: I'm writing to tell you... You
asked me to recommend some (places to stay in my country)... I've managed to
find out some information about (language schools) fo r you.

Ретельно опрацюйте всі три пункти комунікативного завдання, за

кожним пунктом ви маєте написати окремий абзац.
Для належного зв'язку між абзацами доцільно вживати з'єднувальні
► коли перелічуєте факти та послідовно вводите ідеї, використовуйте
такі з'єднувальні елементи: firstly, secondly, to begin with, in addition,
lastly, besides;
[> на позначення контрасту та протиставлення застосовуйте: on the
one hand...on the other hand, however, still, in spite of/despite, тощо;
► для підбиття підсумків вживайте вирази: all in all, to sum up, in
conclusion тощо.

He забудьте завершити листа словами Love/Yours/Best wishes та підписати

вигаданим ім'ям.


Запам'ятайте, що в підписі до листа обов'язково слід вжити вигадане

ім'я, наприклад, Best wishes, Margaret/Yours, Victor. He використовуйте
своє справжнє ім'я та прізвище.

Exam Trainer

Приклад написання листа до друга

You have got a letter from your friend who has recently celebrated his/her
birthday. He/she writes that he/she is very disappointed with his/her parents
because they gave him/her a new mobile phone instead of an iPod as a
birthday present. Write a letter to your friend in which you
► give your opinion about a perfect birthday present
► describe the best present you have ever been given
► tell him/her how you usually choose presents for family and friends.
Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write your own name, any dates,
addresses or other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate

Dear Brittany,

I'm very glad that I received your letter and I'm so happy that you shared with me
with your emotions after your birtday.
I think that a mobile phone is a great present, so don't be upset, because
you're lucky. I hope your new phone has a lot of different functions and we can
communicate by via the Internet. You know, I think that it doesn't matter what
present you receive, how much it costs, because for me it is important when this
present is honest and is given with love. So, for me every present is perfect.
I received a lot of different presents in my life and each of them is very important
for me. But the best present I've ever been given is a camera.

Usually, when I choose a present for a person, I pay attention yf_ this persons
tastes, hobbies and interests. It helps me to choose a present, which this person
will like.
Next time you should tell your parents what you want for gf_ birthday. It'll be easier
for them and you will definitely be happy.
I'm waiting for your answer.
Best wishes,

Приклад оцінювання письмової роботи відповідно до Критеріїв

оцінювання тестового завдання з розгорнутою відповіддю
(власного висловлення) з англійської мови

За критерієм а1 роботу оцінено 2 балами, тому що умову цілком опрацьовано,

надано обґрунтування власної думки про те, яким має бути найкращий
подарунок: You know, I think that it doesn't matter what present you receive, how much
it costs, because fo r me it is important when this present is honest and is given with love.
So, fo r me every present is perfect.

Exam Trainer

За критерієм a2 роботу оцінено 1 балом, оскільки умову лише згадано,

найкращий у житті подарунок - фотоапарат - не описано: But the best present I've
ever been given is a camera.

За критерієм аЗ роботу оцінено 2 балам и, тому що умову цілком опрацьовано

- описано, у який спосіб обирається подарунок: Usually, when I choose a present
fo r a person, I pay attention this persons tastes, hobbies and interests. It helps me to
choose a present, which this person will like.

За критерієм в1 роботу оцінено 2 балам и, оскільки власне висловлення

побудовано логічно. З'єднувальні елементи забезпечують зв'язок між частинами
тексту на рівні змістових абзаців, а також окремих речень у абзацах (I'm so happy
that; I think;you know). У тексті наявні сполучники сурядності, підрядності, слова-
зв'язки, вставні слова тощо (that, so, because, and, which, but).

За критерієм в 2 роботуоцінено2§злами на підставі того, що стиль висловлення,

ознаки відповідно до формату тексту цілком відповідають меті написання.
У листі вжито лексичні (Dear Brittany; I'm waiting fo r your answer; Best wishes, Maria)
та граматичні структури (you're lucky; it'll be easier fo r them, etc.), притаманні
приватному листуванню.

За критерієм с роботу оцінено 2 балам и, оскільки автор продемонстрував

достатній словниковий запас за темами "Сім'я. Родинні стосунки", "Стосунки з
однолітками, в колективі" та "Особистісні пріоритети". У роботі є одна лексична
помилка [this present is honest), яка не впливає на розуміння написаного.

За критерієм d роботу оцінено 2 балам и, тому що в роботі є 1 орфографічна

[birthday) і 7 граматичних помилок, серед яких немає грубих помилок, за
визначенням критеріїв оцінювання відкритого завдання.

Тож загальна кількість балів, отриманих за твір, - 13.


You have got a letter from your pen friend in which he/she writes that he/she
wants to find some work after school while his/her parents insist on his/her
going to university. Write an answer to him/her in which you

► say what you think about his/her decision and explain why
► give your friend some advice on how to behave in this situation
► tell him/her what you are going to do after school

Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write your own name, any dates,
addresses or other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate

Exam Trainer

Частина "Читання"

Multiple Matching (Specific)

(Завдання на пошук спеціальної інформації в тексті)

Щ exa m fo cu s

Завдання на пошук спеціальної інформації прочитаного містить шість

коротких текстів і вісім питань, які передбачають знаходження у текстах
вибіркової інформації. Два питання є зайвими.

Щоб якнайкраще впоратися з завданням, дотримуйтесь таких рекомен­

1. Прогляньте тексти, визначте їх тематику.
2. Ознайомтеся з питаннями до текстів.
3. Поверніться до текстів, ще раз прогляньте їх і знайдіть інформацію,
про яку запитано; намагайтеся визначити ключовий мовний вираз
(слово, групу слів або речення), яке містить потрібну інформацію.
4. Співвіднесіть кожне питання з текстом, що містить відповідь на
5. Відкиньте два зайвих питання.

Пам'ятайте, що навіть одного слова може бути достатньо, щоб дати
правильну відповідь. Наприклад, у тексті 5 виділено слово butterfly. A y
варіанті відповіді F йдеться про летючих комах (flyinginsects).

Read the texts below. Match choices (A-H) to (1-6). There are two choices
you do not need to use.

Dont Miss Animal Adventures

Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda BreedIng,China

What's black and white and quite possibly the cuddliest thing you've ever seen?
That's right. Pandas. At this breeding facility and conservation centre in Chengdu,
Sichuan, visitors can watch the roly-poly bears in up close action. Need something
more convincing? Come and watch!

Cheetah Outreach Centre, South Africa

The cheetah has its own claim to fame: this spotted cat is known for being
the fastest land mammal, clocking speeds of up to 70 miles per hour. At the Cheetah
Outreach Centre, outside Cape Town in Somerset West, you can spend time in a pen
petting adult cats and baby cubs. But it gets better: the sanctuary also offers visitors
a chance to take grown cheetahs for a "walk" along a nearby beach - and experience
handler-led cub strolls on the centre's grassy grounds.

Exam Trainer

Toftugci Lodge & Gardens, Costa Rica

You'll need to take a boat ora small plane to get to this naturalist-guide-staffed
property located along a riverbank in Costa Rica's over-51,000- acre Tortuguero
National Park, but it's worth the extra travel effort. Between late June and
September, you can spot Atlantic green turtles laying their eggs along the beach
- and witness the hatchlings crack out of their shells starting in late August.

Jerez de ia Prontera, Spain

Rafalca, the 22nd famous dressage horse, may have mad horse skills, but there's
an entire region in the Andalusia area of southwestern Spain dedicated to the art
of equestrian dance that combines classical dressage, flamenco - and riders
dressed in eighteenth-century garb. At the Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian
Art, you can catch a show featuring six to eight different forms of choreography,
such as Doma Vaquera, the "cowboy" form of dressage used to herd cattle in the

g- \ Monarch B u tte rfly Biosphere Reserve,M exico

If you're willing to wait until autumn to head south of the border, you'll
witness one of nature's greatest migrations. Each year, between October and
March, millions of monarchs make their way en masse from eastern Canada to
the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve, a natural protected area that spans
200 square miles in western central Mexico. Once they land, the butterflies
cloak the forest's tree trunks and branches, producing a gorgeous orange-
and-black panorama.

/■ \ Ancient Horses Roam W ilderness, Spain

Z y In an oak wood spanning the border of Spain and Portugal, an ancient sight
unfolds: wild horses not saddled or shoed, but roaming free as they did centuries
ago. Overall in existence there are only about 150 Retuertas, an ancient breed of
horse, in Europe that are being recovered to try to help manage an ecosystem
which has been abandoned due to the migration of humans from this part of the

Voliere do you g© if you w ant

A to enrol in a show with old traditional costumes

B to take part in a live local event
c to try yourself as a tamer
D to enjoy watching cute animals
E to fly high over the mountains
F to observe colourful flying insects
0 to watch the birth of sea reptiles
H to see rare animals in their natural state

Exam Trainer

Частина "Використання мови"

Gap Fill (Grammar)
(Завдання на заповнення пропусків граматичними структурами)


Пам'ятайте: щоб правильно дібрати форму дієслова, ви маєте насамперед
встановити підмет та присудоку реченні. Тільки після цього ви зможете з
певністю визначити, чи аналізоване дієслово має бути вжито в особовій
чи безособовій формі (питання 5). Наприклад, останнє речення тексту
LA Bans Plastic Bags є складнопідрядним. Підметом підрядного речення
є іменник bags, складним іменним присудком - were a major blight, отже,
дієслово to use може бути вжито лише в безособовій формі, у цьому
випадку - у формі дієприкметника минулого часу used.

Read the texts below. For questions (1 -10) choose the correct answer (A, B,
C or D).
LA Bans Plastic Bags
Los Angeles has become (1)_________ city in the US to ban plastic bags, after the
city council voted (2)_________ them from supermarkets and thousands of smaller
shops. San Francisco was the first US city to ban plastic bags in 2007.
The phase-out will begin following completion of a (3)_________ environmental review.
Larger stores will then have six months to get rid of the plastic bags, (4 )_________
smaller stores will be allowed 12 months to phase them out. Shops will be able to
offer customers paper bags for 10c each.
Environmental activists had argued that the millions of plastic bags (5)_________ in
the city were a major blight in landfills, waterways and the ocean.

1 A largest В large C the largest D a larger

2 A banish В to banish C banished D to be banished
3 A four month's В four months C four months' 0 four month
4 A while в unless C until D since
5 A using в used C be used D were used

What is Ecotourism?
There are lots of names for these new forms of tourism: responsible, alternative,
sustainable, educational and (6)_________ . In a true ecotourism project, a nature
reserve allows a small number of tourists to visit its rare animals and uses the money
that (7)_________ to continue with important conservation work.
The local people have jobs in the nature reserve (8)_________ guides and wardens, but
also have a voice in how the project develops. Tourists stay in local houses with local
people, not in (9)_________ built hotels, so they experience the local culture and do not
take precious energy and water away from the local population. What is more, they
have a special experience that they (10)_________ for the rest of their lives.

Exam Trainer

6 A more В many C much D most

7 A generating В are generated C generate D is generated
§ A as if в as C like D so as
9 A specialist в special C specially D specialty
« will be в remembering
10 remembered C remembered D will remember

Gap Fill (Vocabulary)

(Завдання на заповнення пропусків лексичними одиницями)
Read the text beiow. For questions (1 -10) choose the correct answer (A, B,
C or D).
The Story Behind Washington's Iconic Cherry Blossom Trees
Washington's cherry blossoms have become an iconic (1)__________of springtime in
the nation's capital. And while the trees can be appreciated only for the ethereal
beauty they cast on the shores of the Potomac River, the historical (2)__________of
the trees are more complicated.
Ann McClellan, a recognized expert on the trees who has written two books on
Washington's annual festival celebrating the blossoms, told "Power Players" that the
first trees (3)__________Washington from Japan in 1910 were a symbol of international
The trees were given in (4)__________of then-first lady Helen Taft, wife of the 27th
president William Taft, who had (5)__________an interest in the blossoming trees
from her travels to Japan and was working to beautify the park area today's tidal
basin reservoir, which was a swampland at the time.
"Mrs. Taft had not seen the trees in bloom, but saw how they were planted and
thought Washington, which was just under (6)__________at that time, would be a
great place for them, and she was right," McClellan said.
japan sent thousands of full-grown trees to Washington to beautify the park, but
those trees would never be planted on the shores of the River Potomac. After the
Department of Agriculture (7)__________ the trees, it was determined that they had
to be destroyed.
The final decision to burn japan's gift was made by President Taft himself. But
(8) __________ causing a diplomatic crisis, Japan sent 3,000 more trees in 1912 that
(9 ) __________ the Department of Agriculture's standards and were the start of the
trees that still line the tidal basin today.
Since Mrs. Taft, first ladies have continued (10)__________an instrumental role in
maintaining the cherry blossoms.
1 Ä portrait В copy C image D model
2 A roots В basics C homes D sources
3 A allowed in В taken in c handed over D given to
4 A pride в honour c regard D status
5 A told в made c demonstrated D shown
6 A construction в creation c composition O production
7 A reviewed в checked c inspected O assessed
8 A in addition to в except for c instead of D by means of
9 A met в fitted c matched D fulfilled
10 A to realise В to play c to make D to take

Exam Trainer

Частина "Письмо"
(Завдання з розгорнутою відповіддю)

Formal Letter / О ф іційний л и ст

До офіційних листів належать ділові листи, рекомендації, запити, скарги,
офіційні та рекламні листівки тощо.
Офіційний лист має розпочинатися зі слів Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms та
прізвища людини, до якої ви звертаєтеся. Якщо ви пишете невідомому
адресатові, лист має розпочинатися зі слів Dear Sir/Madam.
У першому абзаці слід чітко вказати, чому ви пишете листа, які питання
хочете з'ясувати: / am writing to complain about / enquire about / tell you
about / suggest...; I would like to request further information about.. . ; / would
be most grateful if you could send me details o f...; In response to your letter of 26
February, I am writing to ...
Ретельно опрацюйте всі три пункти комунікативного завдання, приділіть
кожному пункту окремий абзац.
Офіційні листи мають бути стислими, не містити зайвої інформації.
Будьте обачні: не вживайте розмовні формули (I gonna, you see, etc.),
скорочення (isn't, 'cause, etc.), жаргонізми тощо.
Для організації зв'язку між абзацами доцільно вживати з'єднувальні
► для переліку фактів та послідовного введення ідей використовуйте
такі з'єднувальні елементи: firstly, secondly, to begin with, in addition,
furthermore, lastly, moreover, besides;
► на позначення контрасту та протиставлення застосовуйте: on the
one hand...on the other hand, however, still, in spite of/despite, nevertheless
► для підбиття підсумків вживайте: all in all, to sum up, in conclusion,
Насамкінець, не забудьте підписати листа: Yours faithfully (якщо ви не
знаєте імені людини, до котрої написали листа); Yours sincerely (якщо
знаєте ім'я адресата), потім підпис та вигадане ім'я.
You have seen an advertisement in a local magazine. Barton Nature Reserve is
looking for volunteers to work in the park during the summer months. Write
a letter of application in which you
► explain why you are interested in this position
► describe your qualifications and experience
► give reasons why you are a suitable candidate
Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write your own name, any dates,
addresses or other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate way.

Exam Trainer


Multiple Choice
(Завдання на повне та детальне розуміння прочитаного)


Завдання перевіряє повне розуміння змісту автентичного тексту зі
встановленням значення незнайомих слів на основі лінгвістичної та
контекстуальної здогадки. Запитання (твердження) до тексту можуть
бути спрямовані на:
► виявлення конкретної інформації, що базується на фактах,
викладених у тексті;
► з'ясування фактів, що суперечать інформації, поданій у тексті
(див. EXAM TIP);
► формування висновків на основі інформації з тексту;
► уточнення значення лексичної одиниці на основі контексту.

Щоб якнайкраще впоратися з завданням, дотримуйтеся таких

1. Прогляньте текст.
2. Перегляньте питання / твердження до нього.
3. Поверніться до тексту; прочитайте текст уважно, намагаючись
визначити, в якій частині тексту міститься інформація, що стосується
кожного запитання /твердження.
4. Визначте, який варіант відповіді здається найбільш вірогідним.
Як обрати правильний варіант.
У завданні 1 запитується, що автор повідомляє про дітей, які йдуть до
Варіант відповіді А неправильний, оскільки в тексті не сказано, що діти
йдуть до дитсадка саме в дворічному віці. У тексті є згадка про два роки,
але в зовсім іншому контексті: дітей починають навчати з двох років.
Варіант В також не відповідає тексту. Можливо, діти справді розвивають
свої творчі здібності за допомогою технічних пристроїв, але в тексті про
це не йдетья. Натомість, автор стверджує, що через технічні пристрої діти
позбавлені творчих ігор (creative play).
У тексті сказано, що дітей змушують запам'ятовувати різні форми та
кольори, аби продемонструвати їхні ранні успіхи в навчанні, але не
зазначено, що діти мають проблеми з таким запам'ятовуванням. Отже,
варіант D також є хибним.
Правильною відповіддю є варіант С. Автор зазначає, що на момент, коли
діти йдуть до дитсадка, вони мають 5000 годин досвіду телепереглядів
та спілкування з ай-фонами та ай-педами, і це відволікає їх від ігор на
свіжому повітрі.

Exam Trainer

Read the text below. For questions (1 - 5) choose the correct answer (A, B, C
or D).

The Benefits of Digging in the Dirt

Nature schools are helping make outdoor play a priority for a generation of kids
suffering from nature-deficit disorder. Nowadays, children enter kindergarten
having watched, on average, 5,000 hours of television. iPads, iPhones, and the
push to show early academic achievement by memorising shapes and colours
from the age of two, has pulled them away from creative play and the open air.

In his 2005 book Last Child in the Woods, journalist Richard Louvre argued that
children need to unplug themselves from their computers and smart phones
and reconnect with the original way of learning about the world: by wandering
around outside. The book, naturally, was a big hit with environmentalists.

So, last summer I enrolled my year-and-a-half-old daughter in a parent-child

class at the Brooklyn Forest School in Prospect Park. We walked to the park once a
week and met up with other families to pour some water on dirt to make mud,
poke a stick in the water, and sing songs. The forest school is not a new concept,
and programmes like this one are becoming increasingly popular.

Studies show that in schools with an environmental education component,

students score higher on tests in maths, reading, writing, and listening than
their non-nature-exposed mates. Other positive effects include improved critical
thinking, problem solving, and cooperation. And there are health benefits, too:
kids who play outside more often are less likely to develop illnesses.

On some days last summer, when it was extremely hot I told myself we could just
do this on our own without paying for it. After all, many of our activities mirrored
those of my own childhood.

As we walked through the park, I accidentally spilled some water and I thought
to employ a lesson from forest school: make mud. We took turns squishing the
mud, spreading it on the bark of a nearby tree, and picking out leaves to stick to
our "sculpture." Since then, my daughter increasingly stops while we are walking
the dog in the park and sits down to get dirty in leaf piles. There is a lot of pasting
clumps of dirt onto exposed tree roots, and a lot of curious glances from passers-
by. It is often hard to get her to leave her mud creations behind, and we are both
happier for it.

Exam Trainer

1. What does the author say about kids entering kindergartens?

A They go to nature schools at the age of two.

B They develop creative skills through technology.
C They use gadgets instead of playing outside.
D They have problems with remembering things .

2. What is stated in the text about Richard Louvre's book?

A It compares computers and smart phones.

B It describes methods of teaching science.
C It raises problems of forest protection.
D It enjoys great popularity with ecologists.

3. Which of the following is TRUE about the Brooklyn Forest School?

A It is an innovation in the field of education.

B It teaches its students how to plant trees.
C It offers a course lasting a year and a half.
D It involves parents in the process of learning.

4. Which benefit of schools with an environmental education component is WOT

mentioned in the text?

A increased study motivation.

B higher academic performance.
C improved interactional skills.
D better physical condition.

5. How does the author spend time with her daughter?

A They take care of homeless dogs.

B They gather beautiful leaves in parks.
C They take lessons of mud sculpture.
D They enjoy themselves playing with mud.
Exam Trainer

Частина "Використання мови"

Gap Fill (Vocabulary)

(Завдання на заповнення пропусків лексичними одиницями)

Read the text below. For questions (1-10) choose the correct answer (A, B,
C or D).

Talkative Ads

Personalised ads and other rewards are the latest chapter in a new campaign for
Tim Tams, where the marketing effort is (1)_________ getting people to talk among
themselves about the brand.

Backed by the idea of social creativity, the "Truly, Madly Tim Tam" campaign uses
a (2)_________ of social networking sites, online video, live marketing events, TV and
print ads.

The first TV ad in the campaign went to (3)_________ this week, with a video of the
recent Tim Tam orchard in Sydney, where more than 100,000 Tim Tam biscuits were
(4)_________ from trees, ready to be (5)__________ .

The idea for the orchard came from Tim Tam's Facebook page, where one fan had
posted a wish that Tim Tams grew on trees. As well as the TV ad, this stage of the
campaign (6)_________ rewarding people who were quick to like the orchard event
online. In most cases a(n) (7)_________ of the ad with people's names in it will be
posted on their Facebook page. "Word of (8)_________ is the best medium of all and
social creativity takes that to a new (9)_________ ," Mr. Brown, the managing director
of the company said.

Mr. Brown said Tim Tams were ideally (10)_________ this philosophy of advertising
because they were so well loved by consumers with most people feeling some
ownership over the brand.

1 A tried for В led to c aimed at D designed for
2 A combination В variation c collection D association
3 A air В space c sky D atmosphere
4 A put в hung c fixed D tied
5 A accepted в picked c received D dropped
6 A invites в admits c involves D employs
7 A scheme в model c instance D version
8 A mouth в tongue c voice D lips
9 A range в degree c level D grade
10 A suited to в related to c provided for D qualified for

Exam Trainer

Read the texts below. For questions (1 -10) choose the correct answer (A, B,
C or D).
Cows and Emotions
Cows seem like calm animals, merely (1)________ with eating grass. As it turns out,
they possess a rich and complex emotional life. The Times (2)_________ that scientists
have found that cows have friends and enemies. (3 )_________ , Cows are also capable
(4 )________ feeling strong emotions (5 )__________ pain, fear and even anxiety — they
worry about the future.
1 A concern В concerns C concerning D concerned
2 A report В reports C had reported D was reporting
3 A Farther В Further c Farthest D Furthest
4 A of в in c for D at
S A so as в as c such as D as if

Freedom-Loving Elephants
It looked like a scene from Madagascar: a herd of wild elephants unlatching a gate
(6)_______ captive antelopes free! ThulaThula Wildlife Reserve rangers, who (7)________
the six antelopes, observed the elephants (8)_______ around. Before they knew it,
though, one elephant unfastened the gate's latches with her trunk and opened the
gate! The ( 9 ) _________ rangers watched the antelopes (1 0 )_______ into the bush,
followed by the elephants. Why did the elephants do this? No one knows for sure.
They may have just been having fun!

6 A to set В set C was setting D had set

7 A is studying В was studying C have been studying D were studying
8 A hanging В to be hanging C be hanging D to hang
9 A amaze в amazed c amazing D amazement
10 A to run в ran c run D were running

Ч а с т и н а '" П и с ь м о "

(Завдання з розгорнутою відповіддю)

Informai Letter / Особистий лист

You've got a letter from your English pen-friend in which he/she describes
his/her impressions of visiting a music festival. Write a letter to your pen-
friend in which you
►say what kind of music you like best
►describe a musical event you attended recently
►tell him/her what your parents think about your musical preferences
Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write your own name, any dates,
addresses or other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate

Exam Trainer

Частина "Читання"
Gapped Text
(Завдання на розуміння змісту та структури тексту)

Щ ex a m f o c u s

Завдання перевіряє розуміння структури тексту та зв'язків між

його частинами. У тексті пропущено шість фрагментів речень, але
запропоновано вісім варіантів відповідей. Два варіанти відповідей є

Щоб якнайкраще впоратися з завданням, дотримуйтеся таких

1. Прогляньте весь текст.
2. Прогляньте всі відповіді.
3. Поверніться до тексту й визначте, які з варіантів відповідей є його
Зверніть увагу на те, чи вписуються ці відповіді за змістом та за
граматичною формою в структуру незакінчених речень тексту.


Прогляньте текст, зверніть увагу на імена, власні назви, дати, що
можуть допомогти визначити правильну відповідь (див. виділені дати
в тексті).

Read the text below. Choose from (A - H) the one which best fits each of
(1 -6). There are two choices you do not need to use.

The Coca-Cola Sprite Boy

In the early 1940s, an elf-like cartoon figure - a sprite - made his appearance in
magazines advertising Coca-Cola. Sprite Boy, who was the first face used to brand
Coca-Cola, came about because of (1 )__________ .Although the brand's name was
"Coca-Cola," many people had given it the nickname "Coke" instead. At the time, the
company discouraged the use of "Coke," but people continued to use the name. The
company finally accepted it and in June 1941, the abbreviation "Coke" was used for
the first time in magazine ads. The campaign began (2)_________ .
The elfin character Sprite Boy appeared in ads with a mischievous smile, often with
stars around him (3)__________ . Only the head and hands of Sprite Boy were shown -
never a body. Sprite Boy was often used in advertising wearing two hats - a bottle
cap and a soda jerk's hat - (4 )__________ .

Exam Trainer

items featuring Sprite Boy have always been popular with those (5)__________ . Sprite
Boy was featured on advertising and promotional materials, appearing on signs,
cartons, posters, docks, toys, and games until 1953. The character also helped
support the introduction of king-sized packaging (6 )__________ .

A to represent both sides of the Coca-Cola business

В who appeared in magazine ads
C what the company perceived as a problem in the marketplace
D representing his sparkling personality and the bubbles in Coke
E who collect Coca-Cola memorabilia
F what the advertising image of Sprite Boy symbolized
G to connect the names "Coke" and "Coca-Cola" with Sprite Boy
H until he was phased out of advertising by 1957-58

Частина *8Викориетан™ мови"

Gap F ill (Grammar)

(Завдання на заповнення пропусків граматичними структурами)
@ т ЁХАМТ1Р..............
Запам'ятайте, що вживання неозначеного артикля а зазвичай
передбачає наявність іменника в однині, якому й передує цей
артикль. У питанні 2 з 4 пропонованих варіантів є два іменника, їх
легко визначити за суфіксами -tion та -er: interpretation та interpreter.
За змістом речення правильною відповіддю є варіант A interpretation.

Read the texts below. For questions (1 -10) choose the correct answer (A, B,
C or D).
The Remarkable Gadget
Developed in Sweden, the device can (1)__________ signalsfrom a dog's brain by placing
it on the animal's head. Special software then analyses the signals and translates
them into an English language version.
The device is not able to provide a comprehensive (2 )__________ of a dog's thoughts
but instead (3)__________ to pick up what the dog (4)___________ about in more generic,
simple terms (5)__________ "I am tired" or "I am hungry."

1 A pick up В to pick up C picking up 0 to be picking up

2 A interp retation В in terp ret C in terp reter D interpretive

3 A aim В aims c aiming D aimed

4 A think в is thought c have thought D is thinking
5 A as if в as well as c such as D so as

Exam Trainer

The Progress of Computing Technology

Having developed everything from scanners to text-to-speech synthesizers, one

artificial intelligence expert predicted that a computer (6)__________ the world
chess champion, a feat that was achieved in 1997 (7)__________ Deep Blue defeated
Garry Kasparov.
Now Kurzweil has claimed that (8)__________ 2029, computers will be able to interact
with us on a far more (9)__________ -like level. Sophisticated voice recognition, speech
synthesis and natural language processing (10)__________ to a whole new generation
of machines capable of cracking jokes, learning from their experiences and engaging
in everyday conversation like a real person.

6 A beats В beat C will beat D would beat

7 A when В unless c till D while
8 A by В at c on D for
9 A humanist в human c humanly D humanistic
10 A gives rise в has given rise c is giving rise D will give rise

Gap Fill (Vocabulary)

(Завдання на заповнення пропусків лексичними одиницями)

Read the text below. For questions (1-10) choose the correct answer (A, B,
C or D).
From Quills to Ballpoint Pens
Before the twentieth century, people (1)________ quills and fountain pens to write
their thoughts. Quills were first made of feathers because the ink could (2)________ in
the hollow center. They were popularised in the eighth century.

After quills came fountain pens, which were shaped like quills but were made of metal
and came with their (3)________ reservoir of ink. (4)_________ dipping the sharpened
end of a feather into a pot of ink, people could hold the pen in their hand - making
the device much more portable.

However, fountain pens (5)___________ had problems. They were prone to leaks,
spots, and smudging. The methods of refilling the reservoir were often hard to use
and messy. The world (6)_______ a new type of writing instrument. In 1938, Laszlo
Biro, a Hungarian newspaper editor, filed a patent for a new kind of pen. This one
had a reservoir like the fountain pen, but a suspended rolling ball at the end of the
pen (7)__________ the ink flowing at a steady (8)___________ .

This ballpoint pen exploded in popularity. It was (9)________ to use and cheap to
produce. In many areas of the world, ballpoints are (10)__________ after their creator
- Biros.

Exam Trainer

1 A complained about В objected to C relied on D worried about

2 A gather і pick C combine D join
3 A personal В individual c own D private
4 A Because of 8 Instead of c Except for D Apart from
5 A just 8 yet c still D only
6 A asked В looked c liked D needed
7 A led В did c made 0 kept
8 A way В movement c rate D period
9 A light В typical c easy 0 usual
10 A told В called c said D talked

Ч асти м "Письмо"

(Завдання з розгорнутою відповіддю)
Formal Letter of Complaint / Офіційний лист-скарга


Зверніть увагу, що це офіційний лист, тож уникайте скорочених форм
дієслів (don't, isn't, let's) та лексичних одиниць на кшталт gonna, wanna,
адже вони притаманні розмовному стилю. Використовуйте відповідну
форму звернення - Dear Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms та прізвище людини, до якої
ви звертаєтеся.
Якщо ви пишете невідомому адресатові, лист має розпочинатися
словами Dear Sir / Madam.
Лист треба завершити підписом; перед іменем використайте зворот
Yours faithfully, якщо ви не знаєте імені адресата листа, або Yours
sincerely, якщо ім'я адресата вам відоме.

You have recently bought new headphones for your MP3 player. Unfortunately
they turned out to be faulty and got broken in two days. Write a letter of
complaint to the shop manager in which you

► state the reason for writing the letter

► describe the problem with your headphones
► say what compensation you would like to have

Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not use any personal information (e.g.,
names, dates, addresses, etc.). Start your letter in an appropriate way.

Exam Trainer


Multiple Matching (General)

(Завдання на загальне розуміння прочитаного)


Запам'ятайте, що правильну відповідь зазвичай сформульовано
не словами з тексту, а їх синонімами або перифразами. Наприклад,
словосполучення schedule time to eat у варіанті відповіді В є перифразом
словосполучення get into a routine with your meals у тексті 1. Окрім того,
дієслово schedule є синонімом дієслова plan, вжитого в другому реченні
у тексті 1.

Read the texts below. Match choices (A - H) to (1 - 5). There are three choices
you do not need to use.

Tips for Healthy Eating

You need to get into a routine with your meals. Plan for them and don't skip any
of the three meals you need. You may also want to include a snack or two in your
daily eating routine. You really do need to learn how to eat "responsibly." Make
this a priority and it'll become automatic, just like taking a shower, going to work,
or brushing your teeth.

Instead of deep frying, try grilling, stir frying, microwaving, baking, and even boiling.
You should also try fresh or even dried herbs and spices to add flavor to your food.
Before you eat any type of meat, be sure to trim the fat and skin off of it.

I 3 I
Drinks that contain sugar are a major source of empty energy. What this means,
is that the drink contains a lot of energy that your body may not need, and it
doesn't contain any vitamins or minerals, if you plan to drink sugary drinks, don't
go overboard - limit yourself to one a day.

Exam Trainer

i 4
Always go with fresh foods as much as possible. They are loaded much more with
the stuff that keeps you healthy. "Foods" found in bags, boxes or cans have been
altered and highly processed, making them empty of the essential nutrients you

5 " " I!
Instead of reaching for a cookie or candy bar, ask yourself what's eating you. Are
you feeling stressed, pressured, hurt, depressed, anxious, or bored? Try not to
stuff down your feelings. Only use food for what it's meant to be used for - fuel for
your body and mind and that's it.

Stop thinking about diets

В Schedule time to eat
C Avoid excess sweet beverages
D Stop your emotional eating
E Avoid prepackaged foods
Take snack food with you
G Learn your healthy cooking
H Drink plenty of water

Частина "Використання мови"

Gap Fill (Grammar)

(Завдання на заповнення пропусків граматичними структурами)

Read the texts below. For questions (1-10) choose the correct answer (A, B,
C o r D).

Benefits of Walking Backwards

Two University of Oregon professors, Barry Bates and Janet Dufek, (1)___________
the benefits of backward walking and running on people since (2)___________. They
found that backward walking creates reduced force on the knees, and may be
( 3 ) ___________for anyone experiencing pain going up and down stairs. Walking
backwards (4 )___________ more energy in a shorter period of time. It is good for
(5 )___________ recovering from illness because of reduced hip range of motion.

Exam Trainer

has been have been

1 A has studied В C studied D have studied
2 A the 1980th В the 1980s c 1980s D 1980th
3 A user в use c using D useful
have are
4 A consumed
в consuming c consumes D consume

5 A who в those c whom D that

Запам'ятайте, що на позначення дня / дати використовується прий­
менник on (on 23 August, 1961), на позначення місяця / року приймен­
ник in (in summer, in 2003).

The New Anaesthetic

Sirjam es Young Simpson and his colleagues experimented with different substances
that can (6)____________ as anaesthetics in order to ease labour pains. (7)_____________
4November,1847theydecided totrychloroformandtheyinhaled it. After discovering
that a general mood of cheer and humour (8)____________ , they suddenly collapsed
(9)____________ only the next morning. It was then that Simpson knew that he had
found an anaesthetic. His first patient on (10)__________ he used chloroform was the
wife of a doctor who was so thrilled about its effects that she baptized her daughter

6 A be used B use C to use D to be used

7 A In B On C At D Since
8 A is set in В has set in c were set in D had set in
9 A woke up в to wake up c to have woken up D wake up
10 A whose в whom c which D who

Gap Fill (Vocabulary}

(Завдання на заповнення пропусків лексичними одиницями)

Read the text below. For questions (1 -10) choose the correct answer (A, B, C
or D).
Invention of Zero

For thousands of years, zero didn't (1 )___________. People didn't see the (2)
of inventing a number that represented nothing.

Zero first appeared in the second century BC in Babylon but wasn't (3 )___________a
number yet. It only helped to designate the absence of a unit in a given rank: In 101,
the zero represented the absence of a unit often.

Exam Trainer

Three minus three (4 )___________zero. Seems obvious, right? Yet it was by doing
this problem that Brahmagupta, an Indian mathematician in the sixth century AD
(5 )____________ zero into a fully-fledged number. The number zero appeared in the
Arab world in the eighth century, after being introduced to the court of Caliph Al-
Mansur of Baghdad by an Indian astronomer. It only began (6 )___________through
Europe in the twelfth century, and even then people were reluctant to use the
number because they saw it as a symbol of nothing.
Yet zero was far (7 )___________nonexistent or harmful. Its introduction in calculations
(8)____________ to tremendous progress in algebra, which was in (9)____________the basis
for fundamental advances in the fields of science, astrology, architecture, economics
and mechanics, right down to computers, which run on a binary language, a coded
(10)____________ of ones and zeros.

1 A happen В exist C occur D become

2 A use В reason c idea D interest
3 A admitted В decided c considered D adopted
4 A matches в equals c means D gets
5 A performed в shaped c turned D counted
6 A spreading Е going c growing D widening
7 A behind В from c above D around
8 A led В took c carried D moved

9 A end в turn c line D way
10 A sequence в organisation c connection D group
Частина "Письмо"
(Завдання з розгорнутою відповіддю)

Inform al Letter / Особистий л и с т

Запам'ятайте, що весь лист має вміститися на відведеному в аркуші
відповіді (Бланк Б) місці. Те, що опиняється за межами відведеного
місця, не перевіряється й не зараховується.

You have received a letter from your pen friend in which he/she complains of
a bad cold he/she can't get rid of. Write a letter in which you
► give him/her advice on how to recover quickly
► tell him/her about your last visit to a doctor
► say what you do to avoid falling ill
Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not use any personal information (e.g.,
names, dates, addresses, etc.). Start your letter in an appropriate way.

Exam Trainer


Multiple Matching (Specific)

(Завдання на пошук спеціальної інформації в тексті)

Read the texts below. Match choices (A - H) to (1 - 6). There are two choices
you do not need to use.

World Famous Landscape Architects

M artha Schw artz

Martha is one of the icons of 20th
century landscape architecture. Her Antoni Gaudf
This Catalan architect, born
impressive and controversial gardens
in Reus in 1852, can be only called
are very different from what we are
by one name: a visionary. His style
used to - sometimes they even contain was absolutely unique. It included
neither plants nor water! Schwartz's neo-Gothic elements together with
favourite materials are plastic and Asian Oriental influences. Apart
stone. The characteristic features of her from architectural work, he was
designs are bright colours, sharp lines the designer of an incredible park
and artificial structures. Her background in Barcelona - Park Güell. The Park
is both in the fine arts and in landscape is a masterpiece of design, full
architecture, and her projects range of colourful objects such as the sea
from private to urban scale. serpent-shaped bench or the famous
salamander. It is one of the most
original landscapes ever created,
inspiring visitors and expressing the
personality of its designer.

Thom as Dolliver Church

@ Born in 1902 in Boston, Church was one of the most important landscape
architects of the 20th century. He is known for respecting the surrounding
landscape, the local conditions, traditions and plants, as well as the client's
wishes. His modern, simple, functional but elegant gardens complemented the
house and were inspired by contemporary art. He also wrote a book carrying
a very important message for modern landscape architects - "Gardens are for

Exam Trainer

/ T \ Gertrude JekylS
(!) Gertrude Jekyll is an inspiration to female landscape architects. With her eye
for colour and sensitivity to form, she created some of the most beautiful gardens
in the UK, Europe and the US. Born in London on November 29th 1843, she became
interested in plants and gardens as a child. She treated the garden as a canvas,
painting it with plants of different colours and textures. Yet, she never failed to
choose the right plants for the conditions as her knowledge of botany was also

Peter Josef Lenne

Born in 1789, this Prussian landscape
architect is famous for his landscape Frederick Law Olmsted
parks. He planned and established This American landscape designer,
over 250 parks, mostly palace and castle
! popularly considered to be the father of
gardens. He designed many parks in
; American landscape architecture, was
Potsdam, most notably park Sanssouci,
park Babelsberg, the Tiergarten in : born in Hartford, Connecticut on April
Berlin and many others. His plans : 26,1822. Together with his senior partner,
are characterised by spacious lawns, i Calvert Vaux, he designed many of the
attractive views of the surrounding i famous urban parks in America, most
landscape and picturesque groups of : notably Central Park and Prospect Park in
trees and shrubs. Many sites of Lenne's i New York. He believed that urban green
work are now World Heritage Sites. i spaces should be available equally to all
; citizens from every social class, which
i gave the foundation to the modern idea
i of a "public park".

Whose parks

A ......
I........ surrounded residences of noblemen 1
B were often designed as terraced gardens
I c resembled a piece of a vivid painting
D were open both for the rich and the poor
E were private under the developer's plan
F were often constructed without herbs and aqua
G included bright snake-like pieces
H supplemented residential design

Exam Trainer

Частина “Використання мови"

Gap Fill (Vocabulary)

(Завдання на заповнення пропусків лексичними одиницями)

Read the text below. For questions (1 - 10) choose the correct answer (A, B,
C or D).

The Structure of a Benzene Molecule

One of the most famous aromatic (1)___________in organic chemistry is benzene,

whose molecules each (2)___________ six carbon atoms and six hydrogen atoms: but
what is benzene's molecular structure? Today, the answer to this question is well
known, but during much of the nineteenth century it was a profound (3)___________.

One night, after yet another fruitless (4)__________ to discover the structure, German
chemist Friedrich August Kekulc fell asleep and dreamed a bizarre dream in which the
various atoms of benzene were jumping all around him, combiningand recombining
in a dizzy phantasmagoria of shapes. (5)__________ , right before his amazed eyes,
they (6)__________ to form an ourobouros - a snake-like dragon that (7 )__________ its
own tail in its mouth, forming a ring. Instantly, Kekule awoke and knew that (8)_______
he had found the answer: the six carbon atoms of benzene were (9)__________ to one
another not in a line, or in a series of branched connections, but in a closed ring! And
he was (10)__________ .

1 A unions В compounds C connections D combinations

2 A counts on В belongs to c consists of D deals with
3 A secret В wonder c mystery D magic
4 A goal в wish c contest D attempt
5 A Suddenly в Hurriedly c Impulsively D Quickly
6 A met в agreed c cooperated D united
7 A clasps в embraces c handles D hugs
8 A after a while в at last c at length D in conclusion
9 A linked в contacted c associated D tied
10 A honest в fair c right D true

Exam Trainer

Gap Fill (Grammar)

(Завдання на заповнення пропусків граматичними структурами)

Read the texts below. For questions (1 -10) choose the correct answer (A, B,
C o r D).
Robo Bear

It (1 )_______ to be April 1 for this bear to fool someone! Invented by the Florida Fish
and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Robo Bear looks and acts like a (2)________
bear, twitching its tail and moving its head. But law enforcement officers are hiding in
the bushes, (3 )_______ the bear by remote control. "Robo Bear looks so real that one
guy even took pictures of it," said wildlife officer Donald Jenkins. Police (4 )________
the look-alike will fool hunters, too. Killing a bear is a crime in Florida, so shooting
Robo Bear could (5 )________ poachers a hefty fine or jail time.

1 A hasn't В haven't C don't have D doesn't have

2 A 300-pound В 300-pound's C 300-pounds' D 300-pounds
3 A operate в operating c are operated D operating

4 A hopes в hope c hoped D is hoping

5 A have cost в to cost c cost D be costing

A Clever Sea Lion

Several years ago, Rio the sea lion (6)__________ to look at three pictures, then
match the two that were alike. The amazing part was that she (7)________ match the
same pictures after not matching them for years! Then she matched new pictures,
(8)__________ that she wasn't just repeating a learned behaviour. Before Rio, many
scientists thought a species needed a spoken language (9)_________ such memory and
logic. Of course, Rio can't talk, but she does communicate her frustration when she
matches (10)__________ . "She shakes her head, barks, and storms around the pool,"
says lead scientist Colleen Kastak.

6 A taught в was taught C was teaching D has been taught

7 A can В could c is able D was able
8 A proved В had proved c was proving D proving
9 A to have В having c had D have
10 A correcting В incorrect c incorrectly 0 correctness

Exam Trainer

Частина "Письмо"

(Завдання з розгорнутою відповіддю)

Informal Letter / Особистий лист

Запам'ятайте, що ви маєте дати конкретну відповідь на поставлене
питання. Інформація, навіть цікава, що не стосується теми листа, не
Наприклад, виконуючи завдання до першого пункту - who your best
friend is - напишіть ім'я вашого друга, як довго ви знайомі, чому
вважаєте його / її найкращим другом, наведіть приклад ситуації, коли
він / вона виявив / виявила свої найкращі риси в спілкуванні з вами.

Інформацію про батьків друга, місце його / її мешкання, улюблені

страви, інші деталі, які не стосуються прямо теми листа, не буде
враховано в оцінюванні твору.
Не забувайте використовувати з'єднувальні елементи:
► у переліку фактів та для послідовного введення ідей
використовуйте такі з'єднувальні елементи: firstly, secondly, to
begin with, in addition, lastly, besides;
► на позначення контрасту та протиставлення застосовуйте
звороти: on the one hand...on the other hand, however, still, in spite
of / despite, тощо;
► підбиваючи підсумки, вживайте такі вирази: all in all, to sum up,
in conclusion тощо.

You have received a letter from your pen-friend in which he/she tells you
about his/her relationship with his/her elder brother whom he/she considers
to be his/her best friend.
Write a letter to your pen-friend in which you say
► who your best friend is
► what he/she looks like
► what you like and dislike about his/her character

Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write your own name, any dates,
addresses or other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate

Exam Trainer

Multiple Choice
(Завдання на повне та детальне розуміння прочитаного)


Запам'ятайте, що якщо в питанні вжито дієслова state, mention,
say тощо, ви маєте знайти відповідну інформацію в тексті, а не робити
висновки чи припущення щодо можливого тлумачення фактів.

Read the text below. For questions (1 - 5) choose the correct answer (A, B, C
or D).

A Social Experiment

Picture the scene: a Washington DC Metro Station one cold January morning a
short while ago. A man is busking - playing his violin; he plays for about 45 minutes
and completes six pieces by Bach. Now, does anyone take any notice? During that
time approximately 2,000 people pass through the station, most of them on their
way to work.
After 3 minutes a middle aged man notices there is a musician playing. He slows
his pace and stops for a few seconds and then hurries to meet his schedule.
4 minutes later: The violinist receives his first dollar. A woman throws the money
in the hat placed in front of the musician and, without stopping, continues to walk.
6 minutes after that: A young man leans against the wall to listen to him, then
looks at his watch and starts to walk again.
10 minutes later: A 3 year old boy stops but his mother tugs him along hurriedly.
Finally the mother pushes hard and the child continues to walk, turning his head
all the time. This action is repeated by several other children. Every parent, without
exception, forces them to move on.
45 minutes later: The musician plays on. Only 6 people have stopped and stayed
for a while. About 20 have given him money but continued to walk at their normal
pace. He collected $32.
1 hour later: He finishes playing and silence takes over. No one notices. No one
applauds, nor is there any recognition.
Now - who was the violinist? No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell,
one of the best musicians in the world. He played one of the most intricate pieces
ever written, with a Stradivarius violin worth $3.5 million dollars. Two days before,
Joshua Bell had sold out a theatre in Boston where the seats averaged $100.

Exam Trainer

This is a real story. Joshua Bell playing incognito in the metro station was organized
by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste and
people's priorities. The questions raised: in a common place environment at an
inappropriate hour, do we perceive beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we
recognise talent in an unexpected context?

One possible conclusion reached from this experiment could be: If we do not have
a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing
some of the most beautiful music ever written, with one of the most beautiful
instruments, how many other things are we missing?

1. Which of the following is TRUE about most of the people passing by the violinist
in the Washington DC Metro Station?

A They threw money into the hat in front of him,

B They were surprised to see him in the metro.
C They encouraged their children to listen to him.
D They were too busy to pay attention to him.

2. Joshua Bell played in the metro station for

A charity.
B fun.
C research.
D money.

3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about Joshua Bell?

A He performs sophisticated music.

B He uses a very expensive instrument.
C He gathers full houses in the US.
D He enjoys playing incognito.
4. The Washington Post experiment was organized to investigate people's ability

A to distinguish and value beauty.

B to alter their working schedules.
C to note and praise famous people.
D to adapt to unexpected contexts.
5. The results of the experiment prove that people

A know little about classical music.

B fail to see many fine things.
C get lost in a new environment.
D appreciate talented performance.

Exam Trainer

Частина "Використання мови"

Gap Fill (Grammar)

(Завдання на заповнення пропусків граматичними структурами)

Read the texts below. For questions (1 - 5) choose the correct answer (A, B, C
or D).

Hide ASI Brooms!

Going to Norway for Christmas? Then don't (1)__________ ifyou don't find a broom
around the house. A Norwegian legend says that on Christmas Eve, witches and
evil spirits come out looking for brooms to ride on. Therefore, Norwegians are (2)
__________ cautious people, especially when it comes to all those things that might
harm them. This is why, in Norway, on Christmas Eve, (3)__________ hides all the
brooms in the house (4)__________ the bad witches and evil spirits cannot steal them
and use them (5)__________ "means of transport". Really ingenious and practical!

1 A surprise В be surprising C be surprised D surprising

2 A extreme В extremity c extremeness D extremely
3 A anybody в each c .. everyone D all s
4 A so that в because c unless D as if
5 A by в as c like D how


Запам'ятайте, що після модальних дієслів can, may, must, should
вживається інфінітив без частки to (див. завдання).

Cheese-Rolling Festival

Cheese-Rolling on Cooper's Hill in Gloucestershire may not (6)__________ dangerous

but this annual event is no walk in the park. Once a year, as they have done for
(7) __________ of years, young men and women hurl themselves down a hill
(8) ________ steep that it is impossible to remain standing, in pursuit of a
seven-(9)__________ wheel of locally made cheese. There is simply no way participants
(10)__________ come down Cooper's Hill on their feet. And the prize? The wheel of
cheese, of course.

6 A to sound В sound C sounding D sounds_______________

7 A hundred В a hundred C the hundredth D hundreds
8 A so в such c as D too !
9 A pounds І в pound c pound's D pounds'
10 A must в can c need D should

Exam Trainer

Gap Fill (Vocabulary)

(Завдання на заповнення пропусків лексичними одиницями)

Read the text below. For questions (1-10) choose the correct answer (A, B,
C or D).
Koala "Arrested" in Campbelltown

This koala was let off with a strict warning after being arrested and taken into
police (1)__________ in the early hours of Sunday morning. The animal (2)___________
police the run around yesterday after it was spotted dodging and weaving traffic in
Campbelltown at about 2 am.

Senior Constable Barry from the New South Wales Dog Unit was first on the
(3)__________ and a detailed account of the incident has been (4)___________ on the Dog
Unit's Facebook page. "Senior Constable Barry stopped and spoke to the koala about
the dangers of running (5)____________ the lanes of traffic," the post says.
"After the koala's failing to comply and "move along", numerous warnings were
issued. "The koala was (6)__________ arrested and placed for safety in a police vehicle."

Police then consulted with the specialists who advised them that the koala should be
released in a suitable location, away from the Campbelltown traffic.

Campbelltown police Inspector Greg Inger (7)_________ arresting a koala was quite an
unusual case for police. "We handle whatever comes our (8)__________ and sometimes
we are asked to (9)__________ wildlife," Inger said. Despite the humour, the incident
highlights a serious issue in the Campbelltown region, where koalas are frequently
being found deep in suburban areas because of (10)__________ loss.

1 A protection В cover C defence D security
2 A did В gave c made D brought

3 A scene В stage c place D site

4 A published в broadcasted c announced D posted
5 A across в past c along D over
6 A unusually в incorrectly c eventually D accidentally
7 A talked в said c told D spoke
8 A path в track c way D road
9 A prevent from в deal with c object to D count on
10 A habitat в residence c location D neighbourhood

Exam Trainer

Частина "Письмо"

(Завдання з розгорнутою відповіддю)

Informal Letter / Особистий лист

§®“ ТГ
І Пам'ятайте, що текст листа має структуруватися за абзацами, яких
має бути 5: привітання та вступ, по одному абзацу для кожної з 3 умов
комунікативного завдання і завершальна частина / прощання.

You have received a letter from your pen-friend in which he/she tells you how
he/she is preparing for the celebration of Mother's Day. Write a letter to your
pen-friend in which you say

► whether you know anything about this holiday

► what holidays are widely celebrated in Ukraine
► which holiday you like the most and why

Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write your own name, any dates,
addresses or other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate


Exam Trainer

Частина "Читання"
Gapped Text
(Завдання на розуміння змісту та структури тексту)


Уважно прочитайте речення, що передують та йдуть після вилученого
фрагменту. Зазвичай вони містять слова / вирази, що допомагають
заповнити пропуски (див. виділені слова).
Наприклад, щоб заповнити пропуск 5, досить уважно прочитати
попереднє речення, в якому сказано про винахід радіо {That is, until
radio was invented, and proved to be the tower's salvation.). За логікою, для
заповнення пропуску 5 підходить варіант G - that could receive messages
from fa r away, у якому сказано, що радіовежа могла отримувати
повідомлення здалеку.

Read the text below. Choose from (A - H) the one which best fits each of
(1 - 6). There are two choices you do not need to use.

The Eiffel Tower

It is hard to imagine Paris without its most famous landmark, the Eiffel Tower. But
when it was going up, there were many who thought (1)__________ . The famous
tower was built for the Paris Centennial Exhibition in 1889. It was scheduled to stand
for only twenty years - but (2)__________ . Construction was barely under way when a
committee of fifty writers and artists launched a public campaign against(3)_________ .
Although the tower proved wildly popular among visitors, its opponents kept up a
drumbeat of criticism, and the government was determined that (4)__________ the
tower was coming down. Nothing, it seemed, could save it.

That is, until radio was invented, and proved to be the tower's salvation. The
thousand-foot structure turned out to be an excellent radio tower (5)__________ .In
1907 the French government decided the tower could not come down - (6)_________ .
Function followed form this time around, and saved the Paris monument from
certain destruction.

Exam Trainer

A when the twenty years were up

В what took more than two years to complete
c it was too valuable as an antenna
D that was completed at the end of the nineteenth century
E what they called "the useless and monstrous Eiffel Tower"
F for critics, that was twenty years too long
G that could receive messages from far away
H it would be the ruin of the great city

Частина "Використання мови"

Gap Fill (Vocabulary)

(Завдання на заповнення пропусків лексичними одиницями)

Read the text below. For questions (1 - 10) choose the correct answer (A, B, C
or D).

Why Do the Dutch Wear Wooden Shoes?

The Netherlands is one of the Low Countries, so called because much of its land
is below sea level or is (1)___________wetlands. They say the Netherlands is so
(2)_________ , that if you stand on a chair, you can see clear (3 )____________the
whole country!

The Netherlanders have reclaimed much land from the sea through the (4)___________
of dikes and windmills. Their famous windmills have been used since the early
sixteenth century to pump water out of the wet (5) into canals and
create more land for agriculture. Dikes were built to (6)___________the sea at bay
and prevent flooding.

Since much of the Netherlands' coastal land was muddy, special shoes were
(7)___________to work the fields. Rubber boots weren't (8)____________, so the Dutch
took to wearing "sabots" or wooden shoes. Such shoes, (9)___________from beech or
chestnut wood, are water resistant and perfect for walking in the wetlands.

While wooden shoes and windmills are not used much anymore, they will always
be a symbol of the Netherlands' battle with the sea and are great tourist (10)_______ .

Exam Trainer

гу A involved in B made of C comprised of D built from

2 A horizontal B straight C flat D even
3 A across B through C around D about
4 A construction B preparation C production D organisation

5 A scenes B distances C sides D areas

6 A manage B keep C place D reserve
7 A needed B asked C demanded D wished
8 A available B vacant C free D ready
9 A got B made C taken D done
•.... ..........
10 A excitements B attractions C sympathies . — .......... .....
0 appeals

Gap Fill (Grammar)

(Завдання на заповнення пропусків граматичними структурами)

Read the texts below. For questions (1 -10) choose the correct answer (A, B,
C or D).
Wandering Dog
About a dozen years ago, a man pulled into the driveway of (1 )___________home in
Longville, Minnesota, holding a squirming little puppy. He told them he (2)___________
their lost dog. The pup wasn't (3 )___________, but they couldn't resist the stray, who
they believed (4 )___________. They took in the dog and named him Bruno.
But Bruno had (5 )___________ideas. He didn't want to be tied down and soon started
wandering. Nearly every day, the dog makes the four-mile trek into town. He stops
at the city hall and the library, and of course the grocery store where his pals meet
him with meat scraps.

Debbie and Debbie and Debbie's and Debbie's and

1 Ä Larry LaVallee's
В Larry LaVallee
C Larry's LaVallee's D Larry's LaVallee
2 A found В has found C had found D had been found
3 A them В their c themselves D theirs
has had been
4 A abandoning в abandoned c was abandoning D abandoned
5 A others в other c another D the others

How Many Friends Can You Handle?

Robin Dunbar, an evolutionary psychologist, (6 )_________ people can only deal with
a maximum of 150 friends. More than that number and our brains can't handle it.
This translates to behaviour where we will not draw close relationships or remember
enough details about a person to keep a friendship going.

Exam Trainer

If we (7 )________ it under 150 friendships, we can have a variety of relationships

with people, feel (8 )________ , schedule time together, and do it (9 )________ without
being overwhelmed. Our circle of actual friends (1 0 )_________ small, limited not by
technology but by human nature.

6 A say В saying C says D have said

7 A keep В will keep C have kept D kept
8 A connect в connected c connecting D be connected
9 A anything в everything c each D all
are .
10 A remaining
в remain c remains D have remained
............... _

Частина "Письмо"

(Завдання з розгорнутою відповіддю)

Informal Letter / Особистий лист


Пам'ятайте, щоу вашому власному висловленні неможна переписувати
фрази з умов письмового завдання, адже це не буде зараховано як
відповідь. Якщо ви хочете використати подану в умовах інформацію,
ви маєте її перефразувати.

Наприклад, замість фрази In your letter you complain that you rent a tiny
apartment which you share with two fellow-students можна використати It's
a pity that you have to live with other mates in quite a small room.

You have received a letter from your pen-friend in which he/she complains
that he/she rents a tiny apartment which he/she shares with two fellow-
students. They have only one desk and have to do their homework in turns.
Write a letter to your pen-friend in which you say

► whether your room is spacious enough for you

► what makes your room comfortable/uncomfortable
► what you would like to change in it and why

Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write your own name, any dates,
addresses or other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate

Exam Trainer

Semi-Formal Letter / Напівофіційний лист


Запам'ятайте, що стиль висловлення має відповідати вимогам
написання напівофіційного листа до редактора шкільної газети,
журналу або радіо передачі. В роботі вам необхідно висловити своє
особисте ставлення до теми.
При написанні напівофіційного листа використовуйте нейтральні,
літературні, формальні слова та вирази; можливе використання
запитальних та спонукальних речень, розмовних загальновживаних
фраз і виразів. Допускаються граматичні скорочення типу It's; can't
тощо. На кожному з етапів написання листа, використовуйте фрази
такого типу:
► привітання — То the Editor / Dear Sir or Madam;
► вступ — / am writing with regard to your recent announcement of the...,
I feel I have to express my view...;
► основна частина — / totally agree..., It worries me that..., I still believe
► кін цівка — / would be grateful if you could..., Thank you in anticipation
fo r..., I would appreciate if you ...тощо;
t> прощання — Yours faithfully, Yours truly, Truly yours, Best regards.
He забудьте підписати лист вигаданим ім'ям і прізвищем.

There is a literary contest in your school "A hobby that has changed my life".
Write a letter to the editor of a school newspaper in which you
► say what you like doing in your free time
► explain why it is important for you
► suggest some activities to other teenagers
Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write your own name, any dates,
addresses or other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate
Exam Trainer

Частина ''Читання"
Multiple Matching (Specific)
(Завдання на пошук спеціальної інформації в тексті)

Read the texts below. Match choices (A - H) to (1 - 6). There are two choices
you do not need to use.

Job Ads for Salesmen

An Exterior Home Improvement

® Company is looking to hire
a salesman.
residential roofing,
We specialise
siding and

windows. How this works: We are

very open and we WILL go with what
suits our employee's strengths. Ideally Thelen Auto Group is seeking a
we need a person that can sit down sales assistant for our rapidly
with homeowners and present their growing internet department.
home improvement proposal. We The candidate must be computer
definitely hire on personality more savvy, possess professional writing
than skill. We are a fast growing 15 skills, and at least 1 year of sales
year old company with an excellent or custom er service experience.
reputation. Typical duties include: responding to
email enquiries in a timely manner,
HT Hackney, the nation's leading scheduling sales appointments, and
wholesale distribution company assisting customers via online chat.
for convenience items, is hiring in Position is full-time with an excellent
Northern Michigan. This position benefits package, including medical
would involve calling on established and life insurance, paid vacation
customers intheabsenceofthe regular and holidays. Applicants must be
Sales Representative, conducting available for rotating Saturday hours.
sales presentations and developing
new business. Strong communication
and organizational skills are necessary
along with a strong commitment to
customer service. Must be willing
to travel within Michigan and Ohio
with overnight stays as necessary.

.People who truly believe that our residents come first, thrive at Holland
Home. We are seeking a Sales Representative primarily for our Breton Woods
campus who possesses the enthusiasm and passion for our mission. The Sales
Representative will be involved in building strong relationships with prospective
residents and their families, and will be responsible for sales of homes. If you
are interested in making a positive difference in the lives of those who live here,
please respond in confidence to: Fax: 616 235 86972

Exam Trainer

Thrivent Financial seeks a

Regional Financial Sales Leader in
the Grand Rapids, Michigan area, to
develop and guide a team of advisors
to help members be wise with
money, live generously and ensure
their financial strategies are solid
and on track. Named the nation's Come grow with us as a Territory
No. 1 city in which to raise a family Service Representative and play
by Forbes magazine, Grand Rapids a key role in delivering superior
boasts a low cost of living, flourishing in-store customer service. You will
industrial base and quality schools. excite and engage our consumers
By joining Thrivent, you'll represent a by merchandising store shelves and
financially strong, stable and ethical displays with our famous, globally
organization. loved snack products. Working as
part of a dedicated team, you'll be
accountable for ensuring Kellogg's
snack products are presented in the
best possible displays to satisfy our
customers' needs, attract consumers
and drive sales.

Which of the salesmen should

A advise clients on investing capital

E assist clients in buying future homes
C instruct customers on website development
D substitute regular salesmen of household items
E deliver refreshments to customers' homes ...................
F help car buyers through the internet
G increase sales through proper presentation of foodstuffs
H advise customers on the renovation of their homes

Exam Trainer

Частина "Використання мови"

Gap Fill (Grammar)

(Завдання на заповнення пропусків граматичними структурами)

Read the texts below. For questions (1 -10) choose the correct answer (A, B,
C or D).

World's Largest Ice-Cream Cake

Canadian company Dairy Queen (1)___________a world record by making the world's
largest ice-cream cake. Dozens of chefs worked around the clock (2 )___________over
9,000 kgs of ice-cream, 91 kgs of sponge cake, around 136 kgs of icing and Oreo
crumbles, to beat the former world record, a (3)___________ 8,000-kg ice-cream cake
(4 )___________ by China, in 2006. After the cake was acknowledged by the Guinness
Book of Records, pieces of it (5)___________to the crowd.

1 A has set В had set C was set D is set

2 A using В used c to be using D to use
3 A near в nearest c nearly D nearer
4 A making в made c was made D has made
have been
5 A were
served в have served c had served D served

Clever Business at Young Age

A policeman had a perfect hiding place (6)___________speeding drivers. But one day,
when everyone was under the speed limit, the officer discovered: a 9 (7)___________
old boy standing on the side of the road with a huge hand-(8)___________sign which
said "SPEED CAMERA AHEAD." A (9)___________investigative work led the officer to
the (1 0 )___________ partner in crime, another boy about 200 meters beyond the
speed camera with a sign reading "TIPS" and a bucket at his feet full of coins.

6 A screened В to screen C was screening D to have screened

7 A years' B year c year's _L__D .
8 A paint в paints C painted D painting
9 A little more в few more c much more D far more
10 A boys в boy's c boys' D boy

Exam Trainer

Gap Fill (Vocabulary)

(Завдання на заповнення пропусків лексичними одиницями)

Read the text below. For questions (1 10) choose the correct answer (A, B,
C or D).

Eat to Live, and Not Live to Eat

An argument, a rainy Sunday afternoon that stretches on and on . . . It doesn't

(1)_________ much to get depressed. And when you do not (2)__________ a hundred
percent, you often cheer yourself up with a few salty or sweet delights.

The familiar taste of your favorite candy, a handful of chips, a chocolate bar, or a
(3)_________ of coke are the simple pleasures you can (4)__________ yourself by opening
the treasure chest of the pantry or the fridge.

By (5)_________ your stomach, you momentarily chase away the feeling of emptiness
and sadness that's come (6)________ you. And by consuming sugar - the slow sugar
in starches or the (7)_________ sugar in candy - you give your brain the pick-me-up it
craves when you're a little tired.

But beware! As Benjamin Franklin wrote in Poor Richard's Almanack, "Eat to live,
and not live to eat!" If you snack too much, your brain can no longer (8)_________ the
difference between a genuine need to eat to "(9)_________ your batteries" and when
you're being plain greedy. You end up having the feeling that you're always a little
hungry and (10)_________ the ability to regulate your appetite. It's best beware of the
extra calories.

1 Ätake в cost C mean D have

2 A do В make c sense D feel
3 A jar в pan c can ! D .! bowl
4 A offer
suggest c treat D afford
5 A supplying 1 В packing c filling D feeding
6 A over В above c onto D around
7 A fast в rapid c quick D swift
§ A say в tell c show D point
9 A stuff в switch c turn D charge
110 A lose в forget c fail D drop

Exam Trainer

Частина "Письмо"
(Завдання з розгорнутою відповіддю)

Formal Letter / Офіційний лист

Лист-резюме зазвичай має п'ять абзаців, що включають таку

1- привітання і вступ
2- вік, освіта й кваліфікація
3- досвід роботи й особистісні риси
4- контактна інформація та бажаний час співбесіди
5- прощання й підпис

Приклад завдання на написания листа-резюме

для участ! в конкурс! на посаду

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing with regard to your advertisement in The Liverpool Post dated 13th
March. I am very interested in getting the position of office manager.

I have left school this year and am currently taking an evening course in office
management. Besides, I have already completed a computer course and have been
attending German and Spanish courses fo r a year.

I do not have any previous practical experience of office management, but I am

a good student, a very punctual and industrious person. I am sure I shall cope
with the job. As fo r my personal qualities, I am considerate, open and easygoing. I
consider myself to be perfectly fit fo r the position of office manager.

I would be grateful if you would consider my application. I am available fo r interview

any day till four p.m. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,
Marion Lewis

Exam Trainer

You area student lookingfora part-time job. Today you have read a newspaper
advertisement for a job that seems to suit you.

The Good Hound

Part-tim e Dog W alking Position Available!
I Job Type: Part time
Pay Rate: $ 1 2 - 1 4/hour
1 We are looking for someone who:
° loves dogs but also understands them
1 • enjoys working outdoors (in all weather conditions - I
I sun/rain/ snow) I
• and loves to exercise (ideally someone that is athletic)
.1 possesses a great deal of patience and is adaptable to l
1 I
• is outgoing, friendly and a great TEAM player
I 8 is responsible, honest and reliable l
8 is open to learning how to train dogs.
1 I
1 For part-time employees, your hours are flexible I
and could be from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. or 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
1 f
To find out more, please visit our website: I

Write a letter of application in which you

► state the reason for your writing the letter
► say whether you have any previous dog walking experience
► prove that you can qualify for this job

Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write your own name, any dates,
addresses or other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate way.

Exam Trainer

Частина "Читання"

Multiple Choice
(Завдання на повне та детальне розуміння прочитаного)

Read the text below. For questions (1 - 5) choose the correct answer (A, B. C
or D).

14-year-old Becomes Fashion Week's Youngest Ever Mode!

Most teenagers her age are preoccupied with the latest pop stars or movie
heartthrobs, but schoolgirl Aleksandra Vasic has her sights on a bigger goal. Despite
her tender 14 years, she has become the youngest model ever to appear in London
Fashion Week. A 65-year-old eccentric designer added Aleksandra to her books just
weeks before launching her first British show in more than 20 years. Aleksandra is
taking to the catwalk on Wednesday in a range of adult clothes fashioned by Miss
Rhodes, who described her as "the face of the future".

Her booking comes as the modelling world faces increasing controversy over the
vulnerability of young girls recruited into an industry where they are encouraged to
stay thin. Earlier this month organisers of an annual Madrid style event announced
there was a need to "set a responsible example" to the thousands of visitors who
flock to watch their shows - any models with a body mass index less than 18 would
be banned. London Fashion Week has so far failed to follow in their footsteps.

The teenager, who cites her hobbies as playing volleyball and basketball and
listening to rock music, said: "I enjoy my food and had a slice of cake to prove it
when I turned 14 this week. This is a dream come true for me. I'm really excited to
be taking part in a show by such a great designer. I started modelling and catwalk
training at the age of 10 and always knew I wanted to be a model. It has taken a
lot of practice to get to this stage but I am not nervous. I know a lot of models are
older than me but I am capable of handling the pressure."

Aleksandra's ambitious mother, who runs a hotel business, hired a catwalk coach to
train her daughter when she was only ten and accompanies her to all her bookings
and photo shoots. She says, "I am not worried about her as she is very grounded.
My daughter is normal and healthy. She doesn't worry about her weight and knows
to stay away from drugs. I have always taught her to have strong principles and
morals and I know she can handle being in the limelight."

Aleksandra was first put in touch with Miss Rhodes when an organiser of a modelling
competition in her home town put her name forward. Miss Rhodes said, "She came
to see me with her mother and I thought she looked fabulous. She is very unspoilt
and has a purity about her that is fantastic. She was 13 at the time but I don't think
her age is a drawback. In this industry it can be an asset."

Exam Trainer

1. Which of the following is TRUE about London Fashion Week?

A It has been attracting teenage models for more than twenty years.
B It has gained the reputation of the best annual British fashion show.
C It has been featuring eccentric futuristic clothes for grown-ups.
D It has failed to join the campaign against underweight models.

2. What does Aleksandra say about herself?

A She takes pleasure in tasty dishes.

B She likes sports and dancing.
C She is uneasy about the show.
D She learns a lot from older models.

3. What is said in the text about Aleksandra's mother?

A She sent Aleksandra's photos to Miss Rhodes.

B She escorts Aleksandra to modelling sessions.
C She taught Aleksandra to walk like a model.
D She takes care of Aleksandra's healthy diet.

4. How did Aleksandra become the youngest model to appear in London Fashion

A She won a prestigious modelling competition.

B She was booked by her home town designer.
C She was promoted by her catwalk coach.
D She impressed Miss Rhodes with her innocence.

5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text about the modelling
A Designers book models before fashion shows.
B Models fight stress to take part in fashion events.
C Designers prefer teenage models to grown-up ones.
D Models learn a special walk to display clothes.

Exam Trainer

Частина "Використання мови"

Gap Fill (Vocabulary)

(Завдання на заповнення пропусків лексичними одиницями)

Якщо ви не можете визначити правильну відповідь, спробуйте
здогадатися - можливо, вам пощастить. Не залишайте питання без

Read the text below. For questions (1 10) choose the correct answer (А, В, C
or D).

The History of Haute Couture

Have you ever (1)________ about fashion history? Prior to 1850, 70% percent of all
clothes were hand stitched by the people who wore them. Clothes were a commodity
item, and their excellence (2)________ the skill of the person who made them.

Because trade routes between cities usually consisted of bad roads lined with
thieves, people used what materials were available to them locally. Since everyone
had (3)________ to the same goods, wealth was usually (4)_________ by jewellery. When
kings and nobles became stronger and better able to protect their domains, trade
routes began to emerge and new and finer materials became available to those who
could (5)________ them.

The 30% of clothes that weren't made at home were stitched by designers, usually
for wealthy patrons. By the 1500s, the busiest dressmakers had struck upon an
effective, economic way of showing their wares: they would make up miniature
(6)________ of their work and put them on dolls. One half to one third the size of
humans, these dolls showed every minute detail. Clients could look through the dolls
and (7)________ the styles they wanted. The clothes were then custom-made to the
client's exact (8)________ .

The dress dolls soon found their way into other countries and became one of the
most popular ways of (9)________ fashion. Monarchs and courtiers in particular liked
receiving them as gifts, and kept their dressmakers busy (10)________ the latest styles
from abroad.

Louis XIV of France, "the sun king", began to draw attention to France and established
Paris as the epicentre of fashion in the late 17th century.

Exam Trainer

1 A known В supposed C wondered D understood

2 A agreed with В adjusted to C depended on D dealt with
3 A access в approach c connection D contact
4 A seen в chosen c appreciated D distinguished
5 A admit в manage c afford D let
6 A illustrations в images c types D samples
7 A decide в pick c elect D prefer
S A extents в dimensions c proportions D measurements
9 A stretching в enlarging c spreading D extending
10 A producing в copying c inventing D making

Gap Fili (Grammar)

(Завдання на заповнення пропусків граматичними структурами)

Read the texts below. For questions (1 -10) choose the correct answer (A, B,
C or D).

Well Foundation
In 1998, (1 )________ Ryan Hreljac was shocked to learn that children in Africa had to
walk many kilometers every day just to fetch water. Ryan decided he (2)_______ to
build a well for a village in Africa. By doing household chores and public speaking on
clean water issues, Ryan's first well (3 )_______ in 1999 at the Angolo Primary School
in a northern Ugandan village. Ryan's determination led to Ryan's Well Foundation,
which by now (4 )________ 667 projects in 16 countries, bringing access to clean water
and sanitation to (5 )________ people.

1 A 6-year-old В 6-years-old C 6-year's-old D 6-years'-old

2 A need В needs C needed D will need
had been
3 A was built в was building c has been built D
... . building
had has
4 A completes в
c completed D
5 A thousand of в thousands c thousands of D thousandth

Exam Trainer

Ski-Beach Day
For one day in February, Pomona College students head to Mountain High resort
to take on the slopes. Then they board the bus and head to Newport Beach to
finish the day with a cookout. (6)________ students aren't quite sure just how Ski-
Beach Day got (7)_______ , they do know bits and pieces of its origins. Early in
the school's history, classes (8)_______ one day a year for an all-day outing. By
(9)________ , they had Snow Day in the nearby mountains. In 1940, a lack of snow
forced the students (10)_______ to Laguna Beach instead for a Beach Day. Later
on, the two events were brought together to create today's Ski-Beach Day.

6 A Besides В Furthermore
JÇL. However D Although
7 A start В started c starting D to start
were have have been
8 A В dismissed c dismissed D dismissed
9 A 1920s в the 1920th c the 1920s D 1920th
10 A head в
heading c to head D headed

Частина "Письмо"
(Завдання з розгорнутою відповіддю)

Formal Letter / Офіційний лист

Запам'ятайте, що в офіційному листуванні слід віддавати перевагу
непрямим питанням (Замість прямого питання What is the price of
the course? в офіційному листі краще сформулювати речення таким
чином: / would be grateful if you could tell me what the price of the course is.

You have always wanted to be a model and today your dream may come
true - you have read an advertisement of a modelling school inviting young
people to enrol in their training course. Write a letter to the school manager
in which you
► state the reason for your writing the letter
► ask about the duration and the price of the course
► request a brochure with detailed information
Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write your own name, any dates,
addresses or other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate

Exam Trainer

Task 1

Read the texts below. Match choices (A - H) to (1 - 5). There are three choices you
do not need to use._____________________________________________________

People's Occupations and the Skills They Require

j 1
They are rescuers extensively trained in p roviding emergency services in hazardous
situations that threaten property and civilian or natural populations, like collapsed
or burning buildings. In some places, the^/'are also taught first aid and given medical
training so they can help people in othe r ways.

Traditionally, they are associated with collections of books, but their role is
continually evolving to meet social and technological needs. Today they may deal
with the provision and maintenance of information in many formats, including
physical books, electronic resources, magazines, newspapers, audio and video
recordings, photographs, and web-based and digital resources.

! 3
They are professional practitioners, concerned with applying scientific knowledge,
mathematics, and inventiveness to develop solutions for technical, societal
and commercial problems. They design materials, structures, and systems while
considering the limitations imposed by practicality, regulation, safety, and cost.
Their work forms the link between scientific discoveries and their applications to
human needs and quality of life.

They must have creative skills and be interested in the environment, because they
build and maintain gardens, parks and other outdoor areas. In this job they need
to be able to understand design drawings and have a good knowledge of plants.
They also need organizational skills to make sure projects get completed on time.

They plan, organise and take part in leisure activities for 4 to 16 year olds, so they
need patience and tolerance, as well as a responsible and caring attitude. They
work at places like breakfast or afterschool clubs and holiday schemes. They can
be involved inactivities ranging from art, crafts, cooking and drama to outdoor
games and taking children on outings. Sometimes these are all on the same day.
They don't need to have qualifications to start this job, but some paid or voluntary
experience will be useful.

Exam Trainer

A Landscapers
B Playworkers
C Engineers
D Archivists
E Flousekeepers
F Teachers
G Firefighters
H Librarians

Task 2

Read the text below. For questions (6-10) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

The Robertson Family Survival Story

In 1970, retired merchant navy officer Dougal Robertson was running a dairy farm
at Meerbrook, with his wife Lyn, 18-year-old son Douglas, daughter Anne, 17, and
twin sons Neil and Sandy, both aged nine. "We lived in a very isolated situation,"
said Douglas, who is now 58 and living in London. "My father thought in order to
compensate for that he would take us around the world in a boat to educate his
children in the 'university of life'."
On 27 January 1971, the family departed from Falmouth in Cornwall on board a
13 meters wooden schooner called Lucette, which they had bought with their life
savings after selling the farm. "Father's planning for this journey was zero; we didn't
even have a practice sail around the bay before setting off around the world," said
Douglas. "When a wave broke across the schooner and the cold wet spray lashed our
faces, I suddenly got a feeling this wasn't going to be easy".
Over the next year-and-a-half, the family sailed across the Atlantic, until one day the
boat was struck by killer whales near the Galapagos Islands. "The whole boat shook
and something in it must have cracked. I heard this splashing noise behind me and
there were three killer whales following the boat." Although wild killer whales are not
considered a threat to humans, Douglas, then just a teenager, thought he was going
to be "eaten alive".
The family members scrambled on board an inflatable life raft and dinghy. Dougal
Robertson had the idea to sail the raft to the centre of the Pacific and catch the
current back to America. The group had several cans of water and some rations on
board, including dried bread, biscuits, onions and fruit, on which they managed to
survive for six days. After that they caught rainwater in containers and caught fish
to eat. The inflatable raft became unusable after 16 days, so the family crowded into
the 3 meters long dinghy, taking turns to sit in the dry part of the boat. On 23 July
1972, 38 days into their trip in the dinghy, they were finally rescued by a Japanese
fishing boat. Their story made global headlines.

Exam Trainer

In 1992, Dougal Robertson wrote a book about the family's adventure called Survive
the Savage Sea, which was turned into a film. He used the profits of the book to buy
another boat and went to live in the Mediterranean. In 2008, Douglas wrote his own
book called The Last Voyage of the Lucette because he felt his father's account did
not give other family members enough credit. "I never regretted the trip even in the
darkest hours," said Douglas.

6. Why did Dougas Robertson decide to make a round-the-world voyage with all his

A He had got bored with running an isolated dairy farm.

B He had dreamt about the voyage since his service in the navy.
C He intended to prepare his children for a naval university.
D He wanted his children to get real-world experience.

7. What did Douglas think about at the beginning of the voyage?

A The wooden schooner wasn't reliable for such a voyage.

B They had done enough training before the voyage.
C The father hadn't thought over the details of the voyage.
D They were going to have an enjoyable voyage.

8. What happened to the Robertsons after they were attacked by killer whales?

A They got their schooner badly damaged.

B They had to drink sea water and eat raw fish.
C They lost their life raft with the schooner.
D They had to spend 16 days in the dinghy.
9. As soon as the Robertsons were rescued they were

A interviewed byjapanese reporters.

B written about in the mass media.
C shown in a documentary movie.
D featured in an adventure story.

10. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the grown-up Douglas?

A He has written a book about their family's voyage.

B He finds their voyage a very useful life experience.
C He has come into money and moved to the Mediterranean.
D He doubts the objectivity of his father's version of the voyage.

Exam Trainer

Task 3
Read the texts below. Match choices (A - H) to (11 -16). There are two choices you do
not need to use.

11 Charing Cross Hospital

Charing Cross is a general acute hospital that provides a full range of adult clinical
specialties. It houses the Serious Injuries Centre for West London, a result of Imperial
College Healthcare NHS Trust's expertise in critical medical care. The hospital
includes a new day-surgery unit called the Riverside Wing, the world-renowned
Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology and the West London Neuroscience Centre.

12 The London Independent Hospital

The London Independent Hospital is part of BMI Healthcare, Britain's leading
provider of independent healthcare, with nearly fifty hospitals nationwide
performing more complex surgery than any other private healthcare provider
in the country. The London Independent Hospital has 76 beds with all rooms
offering the privacy and comfort of en-suite facilities, satellite TV and telephone.
The hospital has four operating theatres and an intensive care unit.

13 The Royal National Ear, Nose & Throat Hospital

The Royal National Ear, Nose & Throat Hospital is actually a training school for post
graduate medicine students. It is equipped with three main theatres and boasts
the largest ear, nose and throat department in the United Kingdom. It became
the first hospital in the NHS to receive The Queens award for Technology for Drug
Development, and continues today to investigate the complexities in the field.

14 Princess Grace Hospital

The Princess Grace Hospital is one of the best-known private hospitals in the
UK. With 110 beds, intensive care and high dependency facilities, the hospital is
known for its cutting edge medicine in a wide number of areas. It is recognised
for excellence in spinal medicine, gastroenterology, orthopaedics and muscular-
skeletal medicine. A range of specialist clinical centres are supported by the most
modern diagnostic and imaging technology available.________________________________

15 St. Bartholomew's Hospital

Established more than nine centuries ago and pioneering in the field of medicine,
St. Bartholomew's Hospital caters for the needs of those in need of treatment.
There is also a small museum at the hospital that chronicles aspects of medical
history right up to their current day. The Barts Archives & Museum is located in the
North Wing. Admission is free.__________________________________________________________

16 Gordon Hospital
Gordon Hospital provides care and treatment for psychological, emotional and
addiction problems both privately and on the NHS. We are totally committed
to providing the best medical and scientific services currently available within
this field. We do so in an environment of genuine care, warmth and support for
patients attending the clinic.____________________________________________________________

Exam Trainer

Which of the hospitals.

A treats people suffering from backaches

В provides practice for young doctors

c caters for the needs of grown-up patients

0 keeps a record of the development of medicine

E has its branches all over the country

F is funded through people's donations

є is headed by a world-famous surgeon

H treats patients with nervous breakdowns

Task 4

Read the text below. Choose from (A - H) the one which best fits each of (17 - 22).
There are two choices you do not need to use.

A Solution to the African Healthcare Crisis

With only two doctors per 1,000 people and more than 20 million people living
with HIV, Africa is desperate for better access to healthcare, but (17)________ .A
typical three-story hospital that would be considered rather small by American
standards costs $17 million to build. Add medical supplies and staffing to the total
and (18)________ .

To solve this crisis, the Chinese government offers an amusing plan. China's Ministry
of Science and Technology has developed a system of large containers (19)________
to form a fully functional hospital. Each container serves different functions found
in a standard hospital, such as clinics and waiting areas for patients. The containers
are portable and can easily be brought to the areas (20)________ .

This ingenious idea is not without its challenges, such as the constant stream of
electricity and water supply required to power the container hospitals, something
(21)________ . However, it is the first step to improving the quality of healthcare in
Africa. The first container hospitals will be deployed to Cameroon and Namibia and
the Chinese government hopes (22)________ .

Exam Trainer

A to give more to other African countries in the near future

B doctors don't have to think of the water supply
C that many African countries also lack
D that can be slotted together like toy blocks
E that are short of medical facilities
F hospitals don't just sprout from the ground
G you need to arrange the container blocks in a special way
H you have a serious problem for these impoverished regions

Use of English
Task 5
Read the text below. For questions (23 - 32) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Dog Wigs As a Family Business

Here's the latest canine fashion (23)________ - dress your pampered dogs in colorful
wigs that will bring the best out of them - at least that's what their owners and the
maker of these wigs seem to think!
(24) ______ Ruth Regine, a veteran US wig maker, these hair pieces can be
(25) ______ with great ease and comfort by the dogs and cost up to only £35. With
these wigs and other hair accessories, the dogs do indeed (26)________ happy,
perhaps because they did not have a glimpse at themselves in the mirror.
Ruth, who (27)________ from a family making wigs for eight generations explains
that there was nothing else she wanted to do, having always seen her family in the
wig business. Ruth (28)________ that she made her first dog wig for her niece and
then started making wigs for her friends and family members at no (29)________ at
all until she finally decided to make it a business in its own right. Now Ruth offers her
clients all sorts of wigs tailor made to the customer's (30)_________ and has a well
established business even if she has only started out recently. She gets (31)________
from all over the world and offers a great (32)___________ of wigs to her clients. For
instance, clients can have their dogs dressed like Madonna, Elvis or Sarah Palin.

23 A flow B
model C trend D manner
In agreement
24 A According to B In relation to c with D On behalf of
. i
25 A put B worn c carried D dressed
26 A look B view c gaze D watch
27 A goes B appears c comes D occurs
28 A speaks B explains c talks D considers
29 A pay B worth c value D cost
30 A beliefs B demands c regulations D intentions
31 A orders B wishes c tasks D missions
32 A combination B difference c mixture D variety

Exam Trainer

Task 6
Read the texts below. For each of the empty spaces (33-42) choose the correct
answer (A, B, C or D).________________________________ ______________________________

Shooting Rainbows
Rainbows are beautiful and that's it. Children enjoy (33)__________ these creations of
nature, but one man thought that it (34)__________ better if people could see rainbows
more often. This is why he has come up with a machine that creates rainbows. Artist
Michael McKean (35)__________ his device in parks where he shot small rainbows
across the sky. Now he is looking forward to developing a machine that will generate
(35)__________ larger rainbows with the help of rainwater and sunlight. His studio
(37)__________ at the Bernis Center for Contemporary Arts in Omaha, Nebraska.

33 to watch
A B watch C watching D to be watching
34 A is B will be C would be D was
have has been
35 A tested e testing c was tested D were testing
36 A much B more c most D the most
37 A located B has located c is located D locates

The Emergency Call from a Pet

When dispatchers in Nebraska's Sarpy County (38)__________ a recent call, all they
heard were the sounds of breathing and scratching. Dispatchers were worried —
(39)__________ they learned the noises were coming from a dog who dialed 911. The
dog's owner, Melissa Acosta, says she thought her 2-pound Japanese Chin, Sophie,
was trying (40)__________ next to her on the couch, when she realised Sophie was
scratching at Acosta's smartphone with her paw. Then Acosta heard a voice from the
phone (41)__________ for an "address of the emergency." Acosta says the whole thing
is "(42)__________ embarrassing." Sophie, of course, had no comment.

38 A receive a have received C were received D received

39 A if B unless C while 0 until
40 A to curl up B curl up c curling up D to be curled up
41 A has asked B to ask c asks D asking
42 A little B least c a little D the least

Exam Trainer


43. You have received a letter from your pen friend in which he/she describes
his/her new bicycle he/she bought online. Write a letter in which you

► say whether your family has much experience of online shopping

► tell him/her about your latest purchase
► express your attitude to commercial advertising

Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not use any personal information (e.g.,
names, dates, addresses, etc.). Start your letter in an appropriate way.

Exam Trainer


Task 1

Read the texts below. Match choices (A - H) to (1 - 5). There are three choices you do
not need to use. _________

Unique New Year Traditions

1 Ecuador has a unique custom of making scarecrows and burning them at
midnight. They dress up and fill the scarecrows with newspapers and pieces
of wood. As midnight approaches, everyone gathers outside their home and
each family burns their scarecrow. The tradition says that this destroys all
the bad things that took place in the past 12 months. The scarecrow also
scares bad luck. This fills their New Year with luck and happiness.

2 A strange and weird Danish New Year tradition is throwing breakable

crockery at your neighbour's door. Strangely this makes them happy instead
ofannoying them. The family with the biggesttower of broken plates, glasses,
and cups is considered to be the luckiest one because it means that they have
lots of loyal friends.

3 Talking to spirits is a part of Mexican belief. Mexicans strongly believe that

they can communicate with the souls of their dead loved ones. New Year's
Eve is considered the best time to communicate with the dead spirits
to convey a message or ask for guidance. This is not done at home on an
individual basis but is practiced legally. Taos Inn, in New Mexico, offers 15
minute sessions of spiritualism and meditation for $15.

4 A dangerous Scottish festival around the New Year is the festival of Hogmanay.
The Hogmanay Festival is a New Year celebration with a touch of Scottish scent.
This festival takes place on 31st December every year. Men parade through
the streets holding blazing balls of fire. They continuously swing these balls
over their heads. According to the locals, the balls of fire bring purification and
sunshine. This celebration dates back as far as the Vikings._____________________

5 In Mexico, as well as in Spain and some other Spanish-speaking countries, it is

common to eat twelve grapes as the clock strikes midnight, making sure to
eat each grape as a wish is made for the New Year. A similar interpretation
says that eating the 12 grapes at midnight helps bring good luck for each of
the upcoming 12 months._________________________________________________________

Exam Trainer

 Appealing to ancestors for a piece of advice

B Consuming a delicious juicy fruit
c Turning about burning round objects
D Watching the same show every year

Breaking old furniture at the neighbours' gateway
F Flaming the objects that frighten birds away
G Parading the streets with burning candles
H Cracking dishes at the entrance to people's homes

Task 2
Read the text below. For questions (6-10) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Smoky, the World War SI Yorkie War Hero

When people think of rescue and therapy dogs, they usually picture large breeds.
However, canine heroes come in all sizes. The first war therapy dog ever recorded
was a Yorkshire Terrier named Smoky. She was spotted, covered in mud and starving,
in an empty foxhole in the New Guinea jungle in 1944. Weighing only 4 pounds and
standing just 7 inches tall she was a petite canine. She was first thought to be a
Japanese war dog, but she knew no commands injapanese or in English. Shortly after
being found, she was sold to Corporal William A. Wynne for two Australian pounds.

For the next several years she hitched a ride through the jungle in the backpack
of Corporal Wynne, sharing his rations and sleeping in his tent. Unlike the "official"
war dogs of World War II, Smoky had neither medical care nor a balanced diet
formulated especially for dogs. In spite of this, Smoky was never ill. She helped lift
spirits wherever they went. Smoky was credited with saving the lives of Wynne and
other soldiers. With her acute hearing and instincts she was able to sense danger,
warning the soldiers of incoming fire.

One feat caused Smoky to make national headlines in January 1945 when she helped
engineers build an airbase at Lingayen Gulf. Atelegraph wire needed to be run across
an airplane strip through a 70-foot pipe that was only eight inches in diameter.
Construction work would take the strip out of action and expose American planes to
Japanese bombs. Instead, Smoky pulled the cable through the pipe, turning a three-
day dangerous project into an exercise of a few minutes.

Once the war was over, Corporal Wynne had to smuggle Smoky back to the United
States in a modified oxygen mask carrying case. Once home she became a celebrity,
performing for and charming the crowds. Wynne and Smoky were featured on the
front cover story with photographs in the Cleveland Press on December 7, 1945.

Exam Trainer

Smoky soon became a national sensation. Over the next 10 years Smoky and
Wynne travelled to Hollywood and all over the world to perform demonstrations of
her remarkable skills, which included spelling her own name from letters cut from
cardboard boxes and walking a tightrope while blindfolded. Smoky appeared with
Wynne on TV including their own show called Castles in the Air featuring some of
Smoky's unbelievable tricks. Amazingly, Smoky performed in 42 live television shows
without ever repeating a trick. Smoky and Wynne were also very popular entertainers
at the veteran's hospitals.
A special monument honouring Smoky, "World War ll's littlest soldier and most
famous war dog" stands at the Eastlake Doggie Park, in the eastern suburbs of
Cleveland, Ohio.

6. Which of the following is TRUE about the first war therapy dog Smoky?

A She ran out of the New Guinea jungle.

B She was noticed by Corporal Wynne.
C She was hungry and dirty when found.
D She used to be a Japanese therapy dog.

7. What does the author state about Smoky's army service?

A Smoky kept well due to her balanced ration.

B Smoky's appearance made people feel better.
C Smoky hid in Wynne's tent during shell fire.
D Smoky's sense of smell helped to save soldiers' lives.
8. Describing the incident at the airbase, the author mentions that...

A the US mass media widely covered Smoky's deed.

B the engineers worked on the project for three days.
C the telegraph wire was badly damaged by bombing.
D the construction of the air strip was interrupted.
9. What is said about Smoky's life after the war?

A Smoky appeared in a Hollywood film.

B Smoky stayed in hospital with Wynne.
C Smoky learnt more than forty tricks.
D Smoky was given a high TV award.

10. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text?

A The US took good care of their war dogs.

B The corporal purchased the terrier cheaply.
C Wynne secretly took Smoky to the USA.
D Smoky got a monument as a great actor.

Exam Trainer

Task 3

Read the texts below. Match choices (A - H) to (11 -16). There are two choices you do
not need to use.

11 Bryce Canyon is one of Utah's amazing natural features.

The Canyon extends down 2000 feet in elevation, and has unique rock
formations called "hoodoos" which are spires formed by the frost. Visitors to
Bryce Canyon National Park can go to scenic viewpoints to see the amazing
spires. In addition, Bryce Canyon is an amazing destination for stargazing,
which can be enjoyed at the Night Sky Program.________________________________

12 Located in southeastern New Mexico, this park is one of many amazing

locations in New Mexico. Throughout the summer visitors can enjoy the night
sky events hosted at the park. Carlsbad Caverns are a great place to explore
an amazing cave. The Caverns have guided tours as well as areas open for self-
guided tours. Carlsbad Caverns also have Ranger led programs emphasising
astronomy and nocturnal creatures.

13 This national park is a beautiful destination within Ohio. Visitors can enjoy
the beautiful Cuyahoga River, as well as the many different natural habitats in
the area. The Towpath Trail follows the route of the Ohio & Erie Canal. Guests
can also visit the Brandywine Falls. Another fantastic activity within this
park is the train rides on the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad, which gives
visitors a look into the history of the Cuyahoga Valley.

14 This national park provides visitors with a look back in time to the Battle of
Gettysburg and the Civil War. The Gettysburg National Military Park Museum
and Visitor Center is a good starting point for visiting the park. The museum
has an impressive collection of exhibits about Gettysburg during the Civil
War. After learning about this spot's significance, visitors can take a tour of
the battlefield, including self-guided auto tours.__________________________________

15 Colorado's Rocky Mountain National Park is a stunning introduction to the

beautiful Rocky Mountains. During the summer months, when the weather
is at its best, the Rocky Mountain National Park really allows visitors to
Colorado to experience all of the nature and wildlife of the Rocky Mountains.
Children will love the Ranger- led programs, including guided horseback
tours, and the After Dark program. Campers should be sure to look out for
elk, bighorn sheep and many other species of wildlife.__________________________

16 Shenandoah National Park is 105 miles long. Shenandoah's visitor centers have
plenty of fascinating exhibits, and the park has plenty of hiking opportunities.
There are over 500 miles of trails, and much of the parks 196,000 acres are
open to backcountry camping, nature viewing and more. Old Rag Mountain
is also in Shenandoah National park, which happens to be a very popular,
challenging and dangerous hike, great for the more adventurous hikers.

Exam Trainer

Which of these parks offers an opportunity to

...... ............... . .... 1 1 1
A examine the territory driving a car on your own
B enjoy fishing, canoeing and kayaking
C have a good time taking long risky walks
D see one of the world's tallest waterfalls 1
E have a terrific excursion sitting on an animal
F observe icy peaks in the mountains
G investigate a natural hole in land formation
H take pleasure from the tour by a moving vehicle

Task 4

Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (17-22).
There are two choices you do not need to use.

The Letter That Changed History

Have you ever written a letter and wished (17)________ ? Albert Einstein wrote a
letter like that in 1939. Concerned by reports (18)________ , Einstein wrote to the
United States President Franklin Roosevelt, suggesting that recent nuclear research
might make it possible "to build extremely powerful bombs of a new type". Einstein
advised speeding up research (19)________ . He also recommended that the United
States take action to secure an adequate supply of uranium.
This letter set off a chain reaction of its own, eventually resulting in the Manhattan
Project - the enormous effort to create the first atomic bomb.
By 1945, many scientists were alarmed by the power of this newweapon - especially
(20)________ that Germany wasn't building one of its own. Einstein wrote Roosevelt
another letter, asking him to meet with scientists (21)________ . But the president
died (22)________ .
Einstein later said the first letter was "the single greatest mistake of my entire life".

A who opposed its use

B you could take it back
c since it was now clear
D before he could read it
E before the Germans got there first
F that the letter was considered too controversial
G you could be impressed with the scientist's abilities
H that German scientists had succeeded in splitting the atom

Exam Trainer

Use of English
Task 5
Read the text below. For questions (23 - 32) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

One of the Great Myths

If you thought Columbus had to convince people the world was round — you've
been misled by a writer named Washington Irving. Irving is well (23)__________ today
for short stories like "Rip Van Winkle" and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." But in 1838
he wrote a best-selling history book about Columbus. One chapter (24)__________
a dramatic confrontation in which Columbus sought to win over a gathering of
(25)__________ Spanish scholars who argued that the world was flat.

Nice story. The (26)__________ is that Aristotle proved the earth was round two
thousand years earlier, pointing out the curved shadow it casts on the moon. By
Columbus's time, virtually all learned people (27)__________ that for granted.

Columbus really did meet with the scholars, but the (28)__________ he had with them
was about something (29)__________ different: the size of the globe. And Columbus
was totally (30)________ : he thought the earth was small enough and it would be a
short sail to India.

But Irving's romantiuised version made Columbus the enlightened hero (31)__________
myth and superstition. That's what people wanted to (32)__________ , and that's what
became history.

23 A known B famous C popular D familiar

24 A describes B indicates C expresses D reports
25 A indecisive B indefinite c disbelieving D hesitating
26 A truth i correctness c proof D rightness
27 A received B admitted c took D accepted
28 A contest B objection c argument D opinion
29 A completely B finally c fully D thoroughly
30 A unfair B wrong c false D unjust
31 A overcoming B outrunning c overtaking D outdoing
32 A believe B regard c understand D expect

Exam Trainer

Task 6

Read the texts below. For each of the empty spaces (33-42) choose the correct
answer (A, B, C or D).

Hie World's Smallest House

This house has been a childhood dream for artist builder Jay Shafer who created it.
The entire house is only 96 square feet, basically (33)________ than most of people's
bathrooms. It (34)________ with a stainless-steel kitchen, storage and has a classy
wood interior. The (35)________ next dream is to create a community of (36)__________
small houses, connected by walking paths, (37)________ the same shrunken size as
the homes.

33 A small B smallest C smaller D the smallest

34 A equips B equipped C is equipped D has equipped
35 A artists e artist's C artist D artists'
36 A like B so C such D as
37 A have i to have C having D are having

Why Are Candies on Sticks Called "Lollipops"?

At the end of the nineteenth century, (3 8 )________ candies were too large and
dangerous for a child's mouth, and because they were sold (39)________ , they
inevitably caused a sticky mess on clothes, faces, and fingers. That was enough
to make many parents (40)________ their children from buying them. In a stroke of
marketing genius, George Smith of Connecticut (41)________ the problem by putting
the candy on a stick. He named his (42)________ after a famous racehorse of the time,
Lolly Pop.

38 A much B most C the most D more

39 A to unwrap B unwrap c unwrapped D unwrapping
40 A keeping B to keep c to be keeping D keep
41 A solving B solved c solve D has solved
42 A invention B invent c inventor D inventive

Exam Trainer


43. Your pen friend has sent you a letter in which he/she complains that his/her
history classes at school are boring, though generally he/she likes history.
Write a letter to your pen friend in which you say

► if it is important to know history well

► whether you find your history classes exciting
► what your favourite school subject is and why

Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write your own name, any dates,
addresses or other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate

Exam Trainer

Task 1

Read the texts below. Match choices (A - H) to (1 - 5). There are three choices you do
not need to use.

.... I

Large grey MK pocketbook. LARGE REWARD for return of bag and contents: persona!
and sentimental items. Please return. It will be a good and rewarding deed. Contact
phone 845 225-1224.

Fulfill your dream of becoming a web designer or graphic designer. For better
experience of our course, attend the web design free demo class in Bangalore &
Coimbatore. To register, visit

Agoura Hills - Apartment in a beautiful, private location! Huge walk-in closet. Garage
parking included. Rent £2,172.00 (prices change daily). Deposit £500. Available Now!

CASH FOR CARS: Any Car/Truck 2000-2015, Running or Not! Top Dollar For Used/
Damaged. Free Nationwide Towing! Call Now: 1-888-420-3808

Performance Improvement Manager. La Palma Intercommunity Hospital (La
Palma, CA) seeks a Performance improvement Manager to manage and integrate
performance improvement program.
Email resumes to:

A Work and Travel

і Employment
C Education
D Residence
і Buy and Sell
F Entertainment
G Wellness
H Lost and Found

Exam Trainer

Task 2

Read the text below. For questions (6-10) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

It was a sizzling June day, and Sammy Armstrong couldn't wait to get in the water.
The ten-year-old was on a camping trip at McKinney Falls State Park with his mom,
Kelley, his dad, Stacey, and his brothers, Ben and Willy.
At around 12 Sammy's mother and little brother Ben dropped the family kayak into
Onion Creek, a small local stream, and paddled off. Sammy and Willy accompanied
their dad to Upper Falls, which marks the point where Onion Creek drops 12 feet
over a rocky ledge. At the top of the waterfall, a pathway crosses the creek bed.
Below is a swimming hole, 20 feet deep in some places.
With his father watching from the rocks above, Sammy jumped in. He was a good
swimmer—-he'd been on the swimming team back in his hometown. Sammy played
in the water, eventually pulling himself out of the swimming hole and onto a warm
boulder, where he watched a group of children walk through the creek bed above.
They were summer campers who were heading back to the visitors' parking lot after
a morning hike. Suddenly a tiny five-year-old girl lost her balance and was swept
over the edge of the falls.
"A girl went over the waterfall!" Stacey shouted. Sammy caught a glimpse of the girl's
dark head as the currents pushed her into the hollow beneath the rocky ledge, hiding
her from the crowd above. His father walked toward the edge of the waterfall to try
to locate the girl, but Sammy was the one within striking distance. "You have to get
her out of there!" Stacey yelled down to him. Sammy was nervous, but "my dad just
looked at me, and I understood what I had to do."
Years in the Boy Scouts had taught Sammy never to enter a dangerous situation
without an exit strategy. The ten-year-old took a few seconds to consider the
situation, then dived in, cutting through the churn of the waterfall. In a few seconds,
he was next to the struggling girl. Panicking, she tried to climb on top of him. "I went
under for a little bit, then came back up," Sammy says. "I stayed calm, but inside, my
heart was beating hard".
Keeping an arm's length away from the girl, he asked her if she could swim. When
she said no, Sammy carefully pulled her onto his back and swam around the edge
of the waterfall toward the shore. Soon, someone threw a swim float from the bank
and pulled both kids from the water. The little girl sprawled on the ground, coughing
and too stunned to cry.
When Kelley returned from her kayaking trip with Ben, she saw the crowd gathered
near the swimming hole, and her heart sank. Then a woman came up and told her
that Sammy had saved a little girl's life. "Sammy says he couldn't do it now," says
Kelley. "But I know he could because of who he is."
Now Sammy admits, "When I got in the water, I didn't really think about the

Exam Trainer

6. Sammy jumped into the swimming hole

A while camping near the waterfall.

B before kayaking with his mother.
C after leaving the parking lot.
D when hiking with his brothers.

7. When the girl fell into the water, people on the bank

A tried to catch her in the water.

B failed to see her in the waterfall.
C started to shout out nervously.
D advised Sammy how to save her.

8. When Sammy's dad told him to save the girl, Sammy

A panicked for a few seconds.

B planned his actions carefully.
C didn't realize the danger.
D didn't feel fit to help.

9. When Sammy approached the girl in the water,

A she nearly got him drowned.

B he pulled her to the shore by the arm.
C he gave her a swim float.
D she was too weak to react.

10. It is NOT mentioned in the text that

A Sammy has been going in for sport.

B Sammy is a youth organization member.
C Sammy's father cannot swim and dive.
D Sammy's mother didn't see the accident.

Exam Trainer

Task 3

Read the texts below. Match choices (A - H) to (11 -16). There are two choices you do
not need to use.

11 3-star Eynsham Hall is a gorgeous manor house in the Oxfordshire countryside,
surrounded by 3,000 acres of parkland. The city of Oxford is a short drive
from Eynsham Hall. Enjoy complimentary use of the gym and pool or get your
exercise by wandering the vast grounds around the hall. Relax and choose from
the wide selection of lunch and dinner options in the Gun Room restaurant.
Elegant rooms are well equipped with TV, heating and hairdryer.

12 Surrounded by 17 acres of picturesque greenery is the 4-star Oxford Belfry

Hotel. The hotel features a smart, modern interior and is home to the Roycote
Restaurant, serving locally sourced produce. There is also a well-equipped
gym. The Isis Bar serves a range of freshly made light meals served throughout
the day including sandwiches, salads and desserts in addition to a selection of
hot and cold drinks. No pets allowed at the hotel.

13 The May Fair is a 5-star hotel in the heart of Mayfair, close to the famous
theatres and attractions of London's West End. The stylish, boutique interior
features free Wi-Fi, a restaurant sourcing the finest ingredients, a bar, fitness
centre, a full-service spa, private theatre, and casino. Each room has a mini­
bar and entertainment system with a choice of music and movies on demand.

14 The 4-star Kensington Close Hotel offers comfortable and stylish

accommodation within easy reach of the centre of London. The smart modern
rooms come equipped with a range of features, including air conditioning, flat
screen TVs and private bathrooms. All rooms at Kensington Close Hotel are
different and it is not guaranteed that you will be given the exact room shown
on the images. The Boulevard Restaurant is available for breakfast, lunch and
dinner. Food is served from 9am to 10pm.

15 Independent, award-winning and one of a kind, The Athenaeum Hotel &

Residences retains its crown as London's foremost family-run five-star hotel.
Following a multi-million-pound refurbishment this hotel has just begun a new
era. We like to do things differently and invite guests to 'stay individual' - from
arranging kite flying in Hyde Park to booking front-row seats for the latest
West End show - we'll make it happen. Our central-Mayfair location makes it
easy to discover London's greatest attractions.

16 Make yourself at home in the 3-star Fountain Court Apartments. Comfortable

apartments are fitted with complimentary Wi-Fi access and a fully equipped
kitchen with a dishwasher. The apartments are next to the Haymarket station
and a short walk from Edinburgh Castle and the Royal Mile, so you'll be well
placed to wander the city's buzzing main streets and visit some of Edinburgh's
famous sites. A valid credit or debit card shall be required at check in for a
security deposit along with corresponding photographic ID.____________________

Exam Trainer

Which of the hotels

A has been converted from a royal manor
B admits no guests with dogs or cats
C provides facilities for swimming
D has no rooms of identical appearance
E boasts a restaurant of oriental cuisine
F offers face and body treatments
G has been given an expensive renovation
H makes it possible to cook your own meals

Task 4

Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (17-22).
There are two choices you do not need to use.

Introduced in the thirteenth century, eyeglasses are now indispensable accessories

to about one out of every two people on the planet. But how did people (17)_________
read before the invention of glasses?

Rich Romans had educated slaves read to them, (18) _____________- enormous
magnifying glasses they moved over the parchment they were reading.

A Franciscan monk named Roger Bacon devised the first eyeglasses, (19)___________
held together by a single nail. These early glasses could only help people who had
difficulty seeing close objects. It wasn't until the sixteenth century (20)__________ .

Since then, optical techniques have improved (21)______________. In fact, the

introduction of contact lenses and, more recently, laser operations to improve
eyesight leads one to wonder (22)_________ . However, we'll always have sunglasses,
the essential accessories of movie stars.

A which consisted of lenses with wood frames

B with the invention of lenses in the twentieth century
c if eyeglasses won't soon be sent to museums
D that opticians won't stop using durable plastic
i who didn't have good eyesight
F with doctors prescribing eye drops to the poor
G that opticians were able to correct shortsightedness
H while medieval monks used "reading stones"

Exam Trainer

Task 5

Read the text below. For questions (23 - 32) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

The North American Bison

The North American bison is (23)___________ the national mammal of the United
States, after President Obama signed the National Bison Legacy Act into law.
The law honours the historical and (24)__________ significance of the majestic animal,
and the President's signature affirms the bison's recognition many groups have
pushed for.

"No other indigenous species (25)__________ America's story better than this noble
creature," William Lacy Clay, one of the bill's co-authors, said in a statement.
The bison will (26)___________ the bald eagle, as America's symbolic animal, in an
effort to prevent it from (27)__________ extinct and to recognise the bison's ecological,
cultural, historical and economic importance to the United States.

The honour represents a startling change in the fortunes of the animal, also
(28)_________ more informally as the buffalo. A conservation effort, (29)__________ by
the newly established Yellowstone national park, protected an initial herd of just two
dozen animals, (30)__________ it to around 5,000 today.

"The buffalo has had a special (31)__________ in the lives of tribal people since time
immemorial and (32)__________ important roles in our culture, religion and lifestyle,"
said Jim Stone, executive director of the InterTribal Buffalo Council.

23 A correctly B properly C officially D faithfully

24 A recent B contemporary C modern D new
25 A tells B talks c speaks D says
26 A link B join c add D connect
27 A turning B becoming c coming D passing
28 A known B considered c seen D thought
29 A formed B made c caused D done
30 A widening B gathering c growing D improving
31 A place B factor c position D aspect
32 A shown B taken c played D acted

Exam Trainer

Task 6
Read the texts below. For each of the empty spaces (33-42) choose the correct
answer (A, B, C or D).________________________________________________________________

How Smart are Animals?

Humans aren't the only intelligent creatures on Earth. As National Geographic points
out, research proves that animals are (33)__________ than people realise. Pigs may be
the smartest domestic animals in the world. The New York Times (34)__________ on
Japanese researchers who (35)__________ that domestic pigs can use mirrors to find
their food, and will try to deceive (3 6 )__________ pigs so they can "hog" more food.
They also learn quickly and can do tricks ranging from jumping through hoops to
(37)__________ video games with joysticks.

much more the most

33 A intelligent B most intelligent C intelligent D intelligent
have been has been
34 A report B reports C reporting D reported
35 A have found B has found c had been found D were found
36 A another B others c the others D other
37 A play B playing c be playing D played

Majestic Oak

More than 100 feet tall, the majestic white oak in the church cemetery in New Jersey
is thought to be more than 600 years old. It is believed to be (38)__________ white
oak in the country, and perhaps the world. The tree (39)__________ war and natural
disasters, including Hurricane Sandy. George Washington is said (40)__________ under
its branches and rested there with his troops on several occasions. Wedding parties
often pose for photos by the tree. Visitors stroll through the cemetery grounds,
(41)__________ by the oak's branches, which (42)__________ more than 150 feet side
to side.

38 A old B older C the eldest O the oldest

. , J

39 A survive B has survived C had survived D survives

' ........... . ______

to be to have
40 A picnicked B picnicking
c picnicked
D was picnicking
41 A shading B shaded c is shaded D has shaded
42 A spread B spreads c is spreading D was spread

Exam Trainer


43. You have got a letter from your pen friend who has recently visited another
country and is really excited about the trip. Write a letter to your friend in
which you

► say what kind of travelling you prefer and why

► describe a place you have been to lately
► share your impressions of the trip

Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write your own name, any dates,
addresses or other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate

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