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eGOV Converter for PAGIBIG Quick Guide

eGOV Converter – Is an application that generates files compatible with Bancet’s eGOV and DBP’s payroll system.


1. Copy the file egov Pag Ibig to the root directory of any drive Ex: c:\
2. Right click the file egov Pag Ibig then at the popup menu click extract here.
3. It will extract the files in the root directory and create an egovfcnv folder.
4. Open the egov Pag Ibig folder then double click the file egovfcnv.exe to run the program.

Note: Compatible with any Windows Operating OS with 32bit system specification.
Winrar or Winzip is required to unzip the file.
Do not rename the folder “egovfcnv”.
How to use:
1) Encode all the necessary information in the Employer’s Information.

2) Input necessary Employee Information. Use the provided Egov Excel Template and import in Transaction>
Import Excel

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3) Choose Transaction then Pag Ibig Transaction.

Note: Only the employees with complete required information or contribution for the applicable agency will be
included in the file.

Employees with no contributions or separated status will not be included in the generated report for the applicable
agency and should be reported to the concerned agency directly and separately.

4) Input required information and Payment Type namely MC – Members Contribution, ST – Short Term Loan, CL –
Calamity Loan, M2 – MP2 Contributions.
Note: HL or Housing Loan is not yet available for eGov.

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5) Review the records by clicking the “Report”. Once done, click download.

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6) Save the file generated from the converter.

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7) Login in eGOV as maker. Upload the file generated.

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