Compressed Air Leak Detection PM

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Abbott – Global Engineering Services

Document ID: MA002.001.0115 Effective Date: 28-Sep-2012

Document Type: Standard Operating Procedure Approved Date: 29-Aug-2012
Title: Compressed Air Leak Detection PM

Introduction This instruction is to ensure that the compressed air systems are operating efficiently with a
minimum pressure drop that will occur when leaks are present. This will result in energy
cost savings after leak repairs are completed. The compressed air systems can be divided
into four basic areas. They are:
 Air supply system
 Piping or distribution system
 Air line conditioning system
 Air control and actuation system

This PM instruction is a general instruction covering the basic method of detecting air leaks
with an Airborne Ultrasound Tester.

Responsibility GES, LC Maintenance personnel are responsible for the completion of this procedure.

Requirements Airborne Ultrasound Tester UE2000, UE9000, UE10000, UE15000 or equivalent

Inspection Instrument settings are as follows:

Procedure  Use fixed Band or tune frequency to 40 kHz. (Over 95% of all leaks can be found using
the fixed band).
 Listen to sound quality and watch instrument meter.

When entering a room or area with or without a known air leak, it is hard to determine where
to start. In order to locate a leak in a potentially noisy environment, the inspector must
perform a Gross Fine scanning method. Remember to scan around fittings. It is possible to
pinpoint exactly where the leak is coming from if you scan completely around area of
Step Action
1 Set the sensitivity dial on maximum.
2 Reduce sensitivity and move closer to leak.
3 Attach rubber focus probe (if necessary).
4 Continue to move closer to loudest sound source and scan while reducing
5 Isolate the sound by moving up close and scan in all directions to pinpoint the
loudest signal.

Version 4, Effective
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This information is confidential to Abbott. The user is responsible for using the appropriate version of this document.
Abbott – Global Engineering Services

Document ID: MA002.001.0115 Effective Date: 28-Sep-2012

Document Type: Standard Operating Procedure Approved Date: 29-Aug-2012
Title: Compressed Air Leak Detection PM

Confirming a The following steps should be followed to confirm a leak.


Step Action
1 When confirming the leak, use the rubber focusing probe. Move the ultrasonic
detector back and forth in all directions, and use any of the shielding methods
such as rag, hand, clipboard and body to block out competing ultrasounds.
Pinpoint the leak. A good rule of thumb would be to slowly scan 360 degrees
around area where the leak is originally detected. If another source of
ultrasound is detected, this may be the actual leak.
2 If possible, all leaks should be quantified to determine the amount of air loss.
By using the sensitivity dial and the attached chart or a cfm flowmeter, the
approximate loss of air in cfm can be measured. Only turbulent flows such as
fitting leaks and cracks in hoses or tubing can be measured. If the air leak is
from an orifice, pipe, tubing and valve port opening, you will need to measure
the diameter and note the pressure.
3 Use the scanning module to conduct the broad scanning to pinpoint the air
leaks with the rubber focusing probe connected. The inspector should stand 6”
to 20” from the point of leakage. The sensitivity dial is used to increase or
decrease sensitivity until meter is at 50% scale. Check your values against the
attached chart.

Definitions Term Definition

CFM Cubic Feet per Minute

PM Completion Follow MA002.001.0002 for PMWO completion.

Version 4, Effective
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This information is confidential to Abbott. The user is responsible for using the appropriate version of this document.
Abbott – Global Engineering Services

Document ID: MA002.001.0115 Effective Date: 28-Sep-2012

Document Type: Standard Operating Procedure Approved Date: 29-Aug-2012
Title: Compressed Air Leak Detection PM

Appendix A

Flow Rate Charge = CFM

Sensitivity Dial 100 psi 75 psi 50 psi 25 psi

9.0 2 .16 .11 .07

8.5 1.4 .85 .68 .41
8.0 209 1.9 .88 .56
7.5 3.5 3.3 2.6 1.89
7.0 4.8 4.01 3.7 2.4
6.5 6.1 5.2 4.3 3.8
6.0 7.1 6.4 5.7 4.9
5.5 10.2 8.6 7.7 5.9
5.0 12.3 10.9 9.2 7.7
4.5 16.6 14.6 12.9 9.8
4.0 19.0 15.3 13.1 10.8
3.5 21.6 18.9 14.4 12.4
3.0 22.8 20.4 16.8 14.0
2.0 25.7 23.6 21.6 18.8
1.5 27.0 24.6 22.2 20.0
1.0 33.9 26.8 23.4 22.4
CFM rate when meter is at 50%

Note: This chart is only an estimate of CFM loss.


Version 4, Effective
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This information is confidential to Abbott. The user is responsible for using the appropriate version of this document.
Abbott - Global Engineering Services
Document Properties

Document ID: MA002.001.0115

Control Site: GES - Lake County IL

Document ID: MA002.001.0115
Controlled Document Title: MA002.001.0115
Title: Compressed Air Leak Detection PM
Document Category: Quality Systems Documents
Document Type: Standard Operating Procedure
Document Type Details:
Major Version: 4
State: Effective
Status Date: 11-Feb-2019
Affecting Change Element: New Version
Approved Date: 29-Aug-2012
Effective Date: 28-Sep-2012
Effective Date Type: Effective Date
Division: Global Engineering Services
Control Site: GES - Lake County IL
Use Overlay: General - Effective Date
Translation Source:
Language: English(en)
Authors: Paschke, Robert
Owner Functional Area:
Departments/Areas Affected:
Security: No / Public
Record Series Code:
Retention Start Date:
Retention End Date:
No Purge: No
Legacy Object ID: 0900ab6a8014e8ca_CD
Periodic Review
Disable Periodic Review: No
Last Review Date: 22-Jan-2018
Review Interval: 36
Next Review Date: 22-Jan-2021
Subject Matter Expert: Paschke, Robert J
Post Approval
Business Type: Maintenance
Governing Document:
Reference Document:
Source Document:
Supplier Applicable


Created:11-Feb-2019 20:34:11 UTC Document Properties Page 1 of 1

Abbott - Global Engineering Services
Change Request Properties

CR Number: CR-GESQA-12-00000276
Control Site: GES - Lake County IL

CR Initiator:
Initiator Phone Number:
Initiator Location:
Initiator Division:

CR Info
CR Number: CR-GESQA-12-00000276
CR Submitted Date: 22-Aug-2012
CR Control Site: GES - Lake County IL
CR Division: Global Engineering Services
CR Status: Closed
CR Status Date: 29-Aug-2012
CR Approved Date: 29-Aug-2012

Change Info
Security: No / Public
Document ID / Title: MA002.001.0104====L.P. Fork Trucks PM|MA002.001.0115====Compressed
Air Leak Detection PM
Description of Change: MA002.001.0104 - Added Responsbility and Requirements sections and
adjusted Introduction section accordingly. Adjusted Procedure Step 20, bullet 4
to check fork thickness at radius of the bend area. Added bullet 5 regarding
adjusting forks. Added "as needed" to Step 22 and Step 29, bullet 1.
MA002.001.0115 - Added Responsibility section and added "UE15000" to
Requirements section.
Reason / Justification for MA002.001.0104 - Added Responsibility and Requirements sections to comply
Change: with current formatting practices. Procedure steps adjusted to provide clear and
accurate steps to follow when performing a PM on L.P. Fork Trucks.
MA002.001.0115 - Added Responsibility section to comply with current
formatting practices. A new model of ultrasound was added as an option of
equipment to use when performing the Compressed Air Leak Detection PM.
====MA002.001.0104 - Aligned document to current business practices.
MA002.001.0115 - Aligned document to current business practices.
Was Impact Assessment
Training Requirements: Content Change

Effective Date Type: Effective Date
Implementation Type: Default Implementation Period
Implementation Period:
Implementation Date:
Implementation Justification:

Change Documents
Document ID Title Document Type
MA002.001.0104 OBSOLETE - L.P. Fork Trucks PM Standard Operating Procedure

Created:11-Feb-2019 20:34:15 UTC Change Request Properties Page 1 of 2

Abbott - Global Engineering Services
Change Request Properties

CR Number: CR-GESQA-12-00000276
Control Site: GES - Lake County IL

MA002.001.0115 Compressed Air Leak Detection PM Standard Operating Procedure

Supporting Documents
< No Supporting Documents to Display >
< No Approval Data to Display >
External Approvals
< No External Approval Data to Display >
Linked CRs
< No Linked CR Data to Display >


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