International Human Resourse Management: Assignment 1

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Submitted by:
PGDM No. 17012

Submitted to:
SDMIMD, Mysuru

Submitted on: 30th April 2019

SDM Institute for Management Development

Mysuru, Karnataka, India
Staffing and Training Practices of MNC
The current day concept of international staffing has taken a leap since the onset of
globalisation and opening of economy. And they propose 3 reasons for international staffing

 It could be to use them as position fillers when no suitable and qualified Host Country
nationals are available.
 It’s for going international staffing can be as a means of management development,
particularly to develop the competency of the individual staff.
 It’s for going international staffing is to develop and create knowledge base for the

Staffing Attitudes of Internationalizing Firms

 Ethnocentric
 Polycentric
 Geocentric
 Regio centric

Ethnocentric Approach
 Strategic decisions are made at headquarters only not other than others
 Lack of qualified HCNs particularly for senior management
 Key positions in domestic and foreign operations are held by headquarters’ personnel
PCNs manage subsidiaries.
 Organization control and coordination is maintained and facilitated.

Polycentric Approach
 Eliminates language barriers
 It gives continuity to the management of foreign subsidiaries so it can reduces
 Each subsidiary is a distinct national entity with some decision-making autonomy
 HCNs manage subsidiaries who are seldom promoted to HQ positions
 PCNs rarely transferred to subsidiary positions.

Geocentric Approach
 A global approach worldwide integration
 View that each part of the organization makes a unique contribution
 Nationality ignored in favor of ability for the Best person for the job Color of passport
does not matter when it comes to rewards, promotion and development.
 Managers are always ready for transfers for this type of job.
Regio centric Approach
 It Reflects a regional strategy and structure.
 Regional autonomy in decision making.
 Staff move within the designated region, rather than globally
 Staff transfers between regions are rare.

Definition of Training
Training may be defined as a “Planned program designed to improve performance and bring
about measurable changes in knowledge, skills and attitudes and social behaviour of
employee.” It is as act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a
particular job.

Features of Training
 Unable the employees to deal with the changing jobs and roles.
 Develop knowledge, skill and attitude for handling jobs most efficiently.
 Bridges the gap between the current level of employee KSA and the required level of
KSA to handle job efficiently.
 Training is basically job-related and need-based.
 Short-term activity designed essentially for operatives.

Training Practices of Nestle

Communication Skill

This training mainly emphasizes on the corporate communication. In different situations of

different positions employees need to communicate in different layers of the organization. In
this training trainers are mainly the senior employees in the managerial position. Most
interesting aspect of this training is that, after the training session the trainers and trainees
arrange a role-playing session to practice the skill in real life model.

Presentation Skill

Here employees are trained about the presentation skills which are very necessary in day to
day life. The trainers of this session are also the senior employees in the management level or
sometimes the training team brings experts for it. Especially for the employees of the
Nutrition function doctors are bought up by the training team. It is mostly class room based

Training on Nutrition Awareness

Nestle itself is very well-known for its nutrition related products as a result the company also
arranges awareness session to aware the employees about the nutrition in our day to day life.
Mainly the nutrition specialists are welcome to conduct the session. Along with that the
company also arrange nutrition awareness program in the different schools in the rural arrears
of the country.

Everyday Coaching Awareness Session

This type of session is very important, and they also conduct safety training every day for
10minutes This training program is mainly to get familiar with the rules and regulation to
conduct business in the food industry. As a wellbeing company Nestle is bound to maintain
the compliance issues as a result, this training session mainly focus on the existing and new
rules imposed by the Government.

Product Knowledge

Particularly this training is organized for the new joiners of the company in compare to world
market the product line is not so extended in Indian market. However, day by day new
products are being introduced in this region. As a result, this training is arranged with the
help of marketing team by the HR training team for the new joiners. So all employees should
be known of all the products to the employee.

Leadership through 360 Degree Workshop

This program is forting all the employees of Nestle the company nurture the talent from the
very beginning of an employee to become a leader and as well as a good successor.
Moreover, in this training it is also emphasized that how to work in a team and follow
leadership senior employees and as well as the renowned trainers for leadership training is
bought here. It’s basically class room based training.

International Assignments of Training Practice

 Expatriates are Trainers
Its is a part of knowledge and competence transfer and it is also expected to help train
and develop Host Country Nationals.
 Expatriates ensure adoption
It can be showed how the system work and how it process the work and also the it can
be monitor Host Country Nationals Performance.
 Expatriates are management under development
This can become global operators and it can be doing job rotation

Essential Components of Pre-Departure Training

 Cultural awareness training
 Preliminary visits
 Language instruction
 Assistance with practical day-to-day matters
 Security briefings

3 Keys of Cross-Cultural Training Issues

 Information Giving Approach
This is first week of training, but it will be low interaction and similar cultures and it
emphasize on area of cultural briefing, lectures, movies, books, and survival level of
language training.
 Affective Approach
This is 1 to 4 weeks long training were it emphasize on Role playing, Case studies,
Stress reduction training, Moderate language training, and Critical incidents.
 Immersion Approach
This type of approach Id high interaction novel culture and this training can be for 2
months long were it emphasize on Assessment center, Field experiences, Simulations,
Sensitivity training, Intercultural web-based workshop, Extensive language training

Role of organization in training and development

An organization has a very close relationship with the trainee and the trainer because it is the
first contact for both. The demand for the training in the organization increases when the
organization wants are :-

 To hire new people – training as a means of training new recruits.

 To Expand When the company wants to increase its headcount.
 To increase certain number of staff (in position) by a certain date.
 To enhance the performance of employees.
 Organization’s name to be a part of training unit.

Traditional and modern approach of training and development

Traditional approach- Most of the organizations before never used to believe in training.
They were holding the traditional view that manager’s arc born and not made. There were
also some views that training is a very costly affair and not worth. Organizations used to
believe more in executive pinching. But now the scenario seems to be changing.

Training In an organizational setting

 Newly recruited employees require to undergoing structured training inputs to learn

and perform their tasks effectively. The nature of training they receive determines
their competencies in handling the job assigned to them.
 Imparting need-based training to existing employees for grooming them to handle
their current jobs better and to prepare them to handle higher level jobs.
 Existing employees require refresher training to keep them abreast of the latest
developments in the concerned job-related operations. In the face of rapid
technological changes, this is an absolute necessity.
 Training is also necessary when a person gets transferred from one job to another or
when there is enhancement in this job domain,
 Training makes employees mobile and versatile. They can be placed on various jobs
depending on organizational needs.
 Training improves overall job productivity employee productivity.
 Training, when proactively and selectively imparted to employees to prepare them to
shoulder higher level jobs, is known as succession planning.

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