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Submitted by:
PGDM No. 17012

Submitted to:

Dr.H. Gayathri
SDMIMD, Mysuru

Submitted on: -15th April 2019

SDM Institute for Management Development

Mysuru, Karnataka, India
What Is Creativity?
It is the job of the advertiser to give information regarding product features and benefits,
marketing plans, consumer research, and communication objectives into a creative concept
that will bring the advertising message to life.

Different Perspectives on Advertising Creativity

An advertising message’s or campaign’s impact on sales counts more than whether it is
innovative or wins awards. At the other end of the continuum are those who judge the
creativity of an ad in terms of its artistic or aesthetic value and originality.

Advertising creativity
It is a fresh, unique, and appropriate ideas that can be used as solutions to communications
problems. To be appropriate and effective, a creative idea must be relevant to the target

The Creative Challenge

The job of the creative team is challenging because every marketing situation is different, and
each campaign or advertisement may require a different creative approach. Rather than
simply stating the features or benefits of a product or service, they must put the advertising
message into a form that will engage the audience’s interest and make the ads memorable.

Creative Personnel
The educational background of creative personnel is often in non-business areas such as art,
literature, music, humanities, or journalism, so their interests and perspectives tend to differ
from those of managers with a business education or background. Creative people tend to be
more abstract and less structured, organized, or conventional in their approach to a problem.

The Creative Process

 Immersion: -
Gathering raw material and information through background research and immersing
yourself in the problem.
 Digestion: -
Taking the information, working it over, and wrestling with it in the mind.
 Incubation: -
Putting the problems out of your conscious mind and turning the information over to
the subconscious to do the work.
 Illumination: -
The birth of an idea from the mind.
 Reality or verification: -
Studying the idea to see if it still looks good or solves the problem; then shaping the
idea to practical usefulness.
Account Planning
It is a process that involves conducting research and gathering all relevant information about
a client’s product or service, brand, and consumers in the target audience. Here we can do
primary research or secondary research.

General Preplanning Input

It can include books, periodicals, trade publications, scholarly journals, pictures, and clipping
services, which gather and organize magazine and newspaper articles on the product, the
market, and the competition, including the latter’s ads. This input can also come from
research studies conducted by the client, the agency, the media, or other sources.

Qualitative Research Input

Some of the larger ones with strong research departments, have their own research programs
and specific techniques they use to assist in the development of creative strategy and provide
input to the creative process.

Ethnographic Research
It involves observing consumers in their natural environment. Some agencies send
anthropologists or trained researchers into the field to study and observe consumers in their
homes, at work, or at play.

Focus Groups
Focus groups give insight as to why and how consumers use a product or service, what is
important to them in choosing a brand, what they like and don’t like about various products
or services, and any special needs they might have that aren’t being satisfied.

Advertising Campaigns
It helps involves to a set of interrelated and coordinated marketing communication activities
that centre on a single theme or idea that appears in different media across a specified time
period. A campaign theme should be a strong idea, as it is the central message that will be
communicated in all the advertising and other promotional activities.

Copy Platform
Copy platform specifies the basic elements of the creative strategy. Different agencies may
call this document a creative platform or work plan, creative brief, creative blueprint, or
creative contract. The account representative or manager assigned to the account usually
prepares the copy platform.
Creating a Brand Image
In many product and service categories, competing brands are so similar that it is very
difficult to find or create a unique attribute or benefit to use as the major selling idea.

The basic idea is that advertising is used to establish or “position” The Product or service in a
place in the consumer’s mind. Positioning is done for companies as well as for brands. The
concept of positioning as a basis for advertising strategy was introduced by Jack Trout and Al
Ries in the early 1970s and has become a popular basis of creative development

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