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Aquino vs.

Enrile Ruling: He should be granted bail and provisional release for humanitarian
reason (old age and weak physical condition), and that he was not a flight
Facts: Aquino and others were detained using the authority of PP1081, risk due to his social and political standing, as well as immediate surrender.
implemented by GO2, declaring Martial Law and detaining persons for Bail allowed to ensure appearance in trial, given that he will be able to
Insurrection and Rebellion, unless otherwise released by Marcos. The properly attend to his medical condition, allowing him to prepare for trial.
petitioners were detained indefinitely without charges being filed. Diokno
and several others were eventually released, but Aquino was charged with Brocka vs. Enrile
subversion, murder, and illegal possession of firearms by the Military
Facts: Lino Brocka and others were detained after a violent dispersal of their
Commission under PP1081. He challenged the jurisdiction of the
commission, and also filed a WHC. Jeepney strike. They were charged with illegal assembly. They filed for
provisional release, but were still detained. The information was changed
Ruling: PP1081 valid. Factual basis of rebellious attacks PQ. Judicial review inciting to sedition, after which Marcos himself provisionally released
limited in whether President acted arbitrarily. WHC impliedly suspended Brocka and others.
with declaration of ML.
Ruling: The criminal proceedings for Inciting to Sedition may be enjoined
Fernando Munoz-Palma Dissent: Justiciable because involves vested right of given the manifest bad faith in the arbitrary initial charge, where no
WHC. Also, ML does not carry with it suspension of WHC. preliminary investigation was conducted until the hasty sham which led to
the second charge. Only then were their provisional release was
Enrile vs. Salazar entertained. Also, second charge illegal for being premised on the same act
Facts: Enrile and others were detained and charged with murder and premised on the same facts as the initial charge.
multiple frustrated murder due to a failed coup in 1990, later changed to The Ilagan Case
simple rebellion. Enrile filed a petition for the writ of habeas corpus,
contending that his due process was violated due to the absence of a Atty. Ilagan was arrested by the military on the basis of a mission order
allegedly issued by the Ministry of National Defense. Atty. Arellana was also
complaint and preliminary investigation, and he was arrested via an invalid
arrested while visiting his colleague. Atty. Risonar was also arrested after
warrant where the judge did not personally determine probable cause. being called into the military camp because of the mission order signed by a
general. A pet for habeas corpus was assigned. SC ruled that it was moot
Ruling: HC denied. There was a complaint and preliminary investigation, and
and academic because there was already a judicial order in relation to
the change of the charges is okay given the new facts uncovered during criminal cases subsequently filed against them before the RTC. The remedy
preliminary investigation. Also, not necessary that probable cause must be of HC no monger lies.
determine by the judge in person. Sufficient that he evaluates the report of
the fiscal personally in determining probable cause. In Justice Teenhankee's dissent: Trial court did not have the jurisdiction to
issue the warrants of arrest. Petitioners must be granted the constitutional
Enrile vs. Sandiganbayan right to due process.

Facts: Enrile and others were charged with Plunder in connection to PDAF. Distinguish and Connect Essential Rights (rights that we need) vs. Custodial
He filed for bail, but was premature for not having been arrested yet. After Rights vs. Great Freedoms (make us happy individuals) vs Absolute
being arrested by the SB, he filed for bail and provisional release, Freedom
contending that his penalty was merely RT, not RP as contemplated by the
plunder law given mitigating circumstance (Voluntary Surrender and old Essential Rights – Rights that we need to survive, and is inherent for us to
age), that he was not a flight risk, and that his physical condition should be function.
Great Freedoms – Rights that allow us to enjoy our other rights, and our c. Presumptions – valid as long as
existence in general. Not needed to survive, but enhances us. presumed fact is directly related to
a fact sought to be proved.
Custodial Rights – Exclusive rights to promote Criminal Due Process. iv. Lawful judgement – judgment based on law.
Basic Doctrines of Due Process b. Administrative Due Process – notice and hearing not
indispensable as long as defendant is given an opportunity
Due Process – guarantee against arbitrariness of the government, to be heard, i.e. written arguments, pleadings, memoranda,
committed by acts of any branch. Any act that militates against social justice etc.
norms violate due process. i. Right to a hearing – presentation of one’s case and
Due Process protects both natural (life, liberty, and property) and artificial evidence.
persons (mainly property, while liberty and life is subject to legislative ii. The court or tribunal must consider the evidence
control). presented.
iii. The decision must be able to support itself.
Right to Preliminary investigation in criminal cases is indispensable for Due iv. The evidence must be substantial.
Process, but can be waived. v. The decision must be rendered on evidence
presented in hearing or record disclosed to the
Substantive Due Process vs. Procedural Due Process.
1. Substantive Due Process – Validity of Laws and Laws as proper vi. The judges must act and decide independently, not
exercise of Legislative Power. Requires that a law promulgated must just based on the opinion of a colleague.
be for a valid governmental interest that benefits the public, and vii. The tribunal should render its decision so that all
that the law must be pursued in a lawful manner. Also includes the parties know the issues and reason for the decision.
publication requirement to enforce the presumption that the public
Equal Protection Clause
knows the law.
2. Procedural Due Process – Refers to the system of proceedings which EPC – guarantee on no unwarranted impartiality or prejudice.
uses the standard of Justice laid out in the Constitution.
a. Judicial Due Process – Notice and Hearing Indispensable. General Rule – Laws and Government acts apply to all.
i. Impartial and Competent Court with lawful Exception: Valid Classification.
ii. Jurisdiction of the court over the person of the 1. Substantial Distinction.
defendant and the property which is subject of the 2. Germane to the purpose of law.
proceeding. 3. Apply not only on existing conditions – should apply until
iii. The defendant is given the opportunity to be heard. government purpose is fulfilled.
1. Appeal not essential. May be invoked if law 4. Applicable to all members of the class.
allows it. Garcia vs Drilon
2. Exceptions:
a. Nuisance Per Se – acts that may Facts: Rosalie Garcia filed a petition for the issuance of a Temporary Protection
immediately be abated. Order (TPO) against her husband Jesus Garcia. She claimed to be a victim of
b. Nuisance Per Accidens – requires physical abuse, emotional, psychological, and economic violence as a result of
marital infidelity on the part of Jesus, with threats of deprivation of custody of her
Judicial authority. children and of financial support. She invoked the VAWC law.
 They have 3 children (2 sons, 1 daughter) o Right to marry is connected with rights protecting children,
 Forbid her from praying and seeing her friends. like childrearing, and support, which may still be validly
 Jesus always ridiculed her ambition to be a lawyer (already in law school
exercised by same sex couples (given adoption, etc.)
and working part-time in a law school).
 Had an affair with the Ninang of one of their children. o Marriage is a keystone of the Nation’s social order. There is
 They had frequent fights due to the affair, causing physical and no difference between same- and opposite-sex couples with
emotional wounds on Rosalie, including physical harassment on their respect to this principle. Same sex union promotes social
daughter. order similar to opposite sex couples.
 Attempted suicide via wrist cutting, survived, and is now undergoing
 The limitation of marriage to opposite-sex couples may long have
 Wants to separate, but afraid of the threats of deprivation of custody of seemed natural and just, but its inconsistency with the central meaning
her children and of financial support. of the fundamental right to marry is now manifest.
 RTC judge Drilon – issued TPO  The right to marry is a fundamental right inherent in the liberty of the
 CA – Jesus challenged Constitutionality of VAWC. Dismissed for failure person, and under the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the
to raise at RTC. Hence Petition.
Fourteenth Amendment couples of the same-sex may not be deprived
Ruling: RA9262 constitutional. of that right and that liberty. Same-sex couples may exercise the
fundamental right to marry.
 Does not violate EPC - Application of law to protect only women and
children, and punishing of fathers and husbands, is a substantial  While the Constitution contemplates that democracy is the appropriate
distinction based on the findings of fact by the Congress (Patriarchal process for change, individuals who are harmed need not await
Society which promotes gender-based violence, Patria Potestas, 90% of legislative action before asserting a fundamental right.
female violence committed by partners, Private Crime nature of
Domestic Disputes discourages filing of complaint for fear of dismissal Dissents:
and reprisal by husband.
 Does not violate DPC – TPO issuance allowed even before notice and Roberts, C.J. – The constitution does not address same-sex marriage; hence
hearing to protect life, liberty, or property of possible victim. Victim still the court cannot create a policy where issuance of marriage licenses to
required to verify accusation, and defendant still allowed to file
opposition. So given opportunity to be heard.
same sex couples should be required. Also, the main opinion disregarded
the standard and traditional tests for EPC and DPC claims, interpreting them
Obergefell vs. Hudges + Dissents very liberally and broadly, to the detriment of a democratic court system.
14 same sex couples filed a certiorari on their state cases, where their states Scalia, J. – Judicial Policy-making. Regulations on marriage is a matter which
refused to issue them marriage licenses. The US Supreme Court held that is within the power exclusive to the states. Change should be through
the Fourteenth Amendment requires a State to license a marriage between legislation. Remedy for bad performance is election process.
two people of the same sex based on the following principles and premises:
Thomas, J. – stretched the interpretation of substantive due process too far,
 The DPC in the 14th amendment extends to certain personal choices giving legislative power to the judiciary in arriving at the decision, a stray
central to individual dignity and autonomy, including intimate from the democratic process.
choices defining personal identity and beliefs.
 Four principles and traditions that tell us marriage should also apply Alito, Jr. J. – same-sex marriage not in the constitution, so definition is
to same-sex couples: exclusively a state matter.
o Right of personal choice is inherent in the DPC, and applies
to marriage (who to marry, etc.)
o Marriage is a very intimate two-person relationship (again,
two who may be the same sex)
Eminent Domain Public Use:
Eminent Domain – Forcibly acquire Private Property for Public Use Upon  Any use where public has direct access, use, and has a right to
payment of Just Compensation. Offer to buy first, then expropriation upon demand use. May be free or with a fee.
disagreement.  May not be directly for public use, but the purpose returns to public
benefit. (CARP)
Who may Exercise:
Just Compensation:
1. Congress
2. President  Full and fair equivalent of the property taken.
3. Local Legislative Bodies (via ordinance after refusal of owner of a  Owner’s loss, not taker’s gain. (owner includes anyone with lawful
valid offer) interest in the property)
4. Certain Public Corporations (NHA, Water Districts)  Determination of Just Compensation is Judicial Function.
5. Quasi-Public Corporations. o If not determined by the courts, may still be valid as long as
determination is considered preliminary, and the owner can
Destruction from Necessity may be exercised by private individuals for self-
still resort appeal with the courts.
preservation, not needing public use purpose and just compensation, unlike
Eminent Domain.  Made in Money.
o Exception: CARP – revolutionary. Impractical if only money.
General Rule: Eminent Domain is interpreted liberally in favor of the owner.
Police Power
Stages of Expropriation:
Police Power – Inherent power of the state to restrain and regulate Liberty
1. Determination of Validity – Court may inquire correct exercise of and Property. Lodged Primariliy with Congress but is also exercised by the
expropriation authority conferred to bodies. This involves President, administrative bodies, and local legislative bodies.
determination of factual basis for expropriation exercised by those
conferred with this authority. Courts cannot compel the exercise of Police Power by Congress. PQ.
2. Determination of Just Compensation. Indispensable requisites for valid exercise of Police Power:
Subject of Expropriation: 1. Lawful Subject – Interest of General Welfare, distinct from the
 Private Property interests of a particular class.
2. Lawful Means – Reasonably necessary and not unduly oppressive of
 Property already devoted to Public Use – done by Congress or
delegate with specific grant of authority for this.
 Exceptions: Money and Choses in Action (right to sue). Tests of Constitutionality:
Taking: 1. Strict Scrutiny – For Laws dealing with the mind, and Political
Legislation. (Compelling State Interest + Least Intrusive Means)
1. Expropriator has entered the private Property
2. Rational-Basis Test – For Economic Legislation (Substantial State
2. Not merely momentary.
3. Entry is with warrant or color of authority.
3. Intermediate Scrutiny – For evaluating classifications based on
4. Property has been devoted to public use.
gender and legitimacy (Substantial State Interest + Least Intrusive
5. The owner is ousted or deprived of enjoyment of the private
4. Facial Challenge – Test invalidity of a law as a whole. Speedy Trial/Disposition of cases
a. Overbreadth Doctrine – when a statute needlessly restrains
even constitutionally guaranteed rights. Used to avoid Criminal vs. any case
Chilling Effect. Violation of the speedy disposition right would lead to dismissal of the case.
b. Void for Vagueness – used for laws encroaching Freedom of
Speech. Prohibiting vague classes of speech is Rules for determining existence of delay:
unconstitutional. 1. Fixed-Time Period Rule – delay if proper resolution is not done
5. As-Applied Challenge – test where petitioner may invoke any within a specified time period
constitutional right being violated on HIS person only. Does not 2. Demand-Waiver Rule – deemed waiver of right if no prior demand
include right of Third Persons. for trial
Ichong vs Hernandez 3. Balancing test – Conduct of both prosecution and defendant are
Facts: RA 1180, An Act Regulating Retail Business, is being challenged for
being unconstitutional. Factors in determining WON defendant has denied his right or not:

 Prohibited non-citizens from engaging directly or indirectly in the 1. Length of delay

retail trade. 2. Reasons for the delay
 Aliens actually engaged in business are allowed to keep their 3. Assertion or failure to assert such right
licenses, unless: 4. Prejudice caused by the delay
o Forfeited according to law, Death, Voluntary retirement, 10 Contracts vs. Privilege
years until approval of the act, Expiration
 Requires strict registration by aliens of their businesses Contracts – lawful agreement on property or property rights, whether real
 If an alien dies, heir may continue business for 6 months for or personal, tangible or intangible.
liquidation purposes.
Not Contracts:
Ruling: Constitutional. Substantial distinction for economic stability of
 Licenses – grant of privilege that may be revoked.
Filipino citizens, and law does not violate substantive due process/ valid
 Marriage Contracts – system of marriage is always subject to
exercise of police power, since reasonable (economic date that aliens hold
legislative prerogative.
majority of the retail industry here in the PH).
 Contracts regarding Public Office – Public office is not a vested
Ang Tibay vs CIR & NLU property right, but a public trust. A privilege that is always subject
to legislative prerogative, including abolishment of office, subject
Facts: Ang Tibay laid off some workers on the basis that there is a shortage only to certain constitutional limitations.
of leather soles. Petition filed questioning factual basis, and NLU won in the o Salary received is considered a vested right.
CIR because Ang Tibay was not able to show proof. Hence Petition.
Impairment – anything that diminishes efficacy of a contract.
Ruling: Case remanded to appreciate petitioners evidence. Laid out primary
rights to be respected to fulfill administrative due process, despite CIR’s Non-impairment clause may still be subject to the inherent powers of the
exemption from the rigidity of normal procedural requirements in judicial state, for public welfare.
A law that grants Tax Exemption for a valuable consideration is subject to
Non-Impairment Clause, hence cannot be repealed.
Freedom of Speech and Expression  Content-based restraint or censorship – restriction is based on
Test of Obscenity:
o This is given strict scrutiny and Clear and Present Danger
1. Whether an average person, applying contemporary community
Rule (determining the presence of a substantial danger that
standards, would find that a work appeals to prurient interests. the government has a right to prevent)
2. Whether the work depicts, in a patently offensive way, sexual Ruling: Acts of Gonzales and NTC are unconstitutional.
conduct specifically defined by applicable law.
3. Whether the work lack serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific  No showing that the feared violation of the anti-wiretapping law
value. clearly endangers the national security of the State.
 Authenticity of the tape is suspect, hence no clear and present
Chavez vs Gonzales danger justifying prior restraint.
Facts: Hello Garci; Gonzales and NTC warning media of violating Anti-  Acts of Gonzales and the NTC constitute prior restraint despite the
Wiretapping Act if they spread contents of tape. absence of a formal order (verbal order sufficient). Their acts caused
a Chilling Effect (discouragement of legitimate exercise of a legal
David vs Arroyo
To test the restraints on this freedom [of the press], certain tests are used:
1. Dangerous Tendency Doctrine - determination of rational connection Fact: PGMA issued Presidential Proclamation (PP) 1017 declaring a state of
between the restricted speech and the danger contemplated national emergency; GO5 implemented PP 1017, calling out the PNP and
AFP to suppress acts of terrorism and lawless violence; before PP1017 was
2. Balancing of Interests Test - balancing the conflicting social values lifted, there were warrantless arrests (David, dispersal of rallies (KMU,
individual interests, and raids/takeover of media (The Daily Tribune,
3. Clear and Present Danger Rule - determining the presence of a Doctrine:
substantial danger that the government has a right to prevent.
Facial invalidation of laws is generally disfavored. The two doctrines used to
The four aspects of Freedom of the Press: analyze facial challenges to free speech cases are overbreadth and void-for-
 Freedom from Prior Restraint vagueness.
 Freedom from Punishment subsequent to publication General rule: ordinarily, a particular litigant can only claim that a statute is
 Freedom of access to information unconstitutional as applied to him or her; challengers to a law are not
 Freedom of Circulation permitted to raise the rights of third parties and can only assert their own
Two important types of Prior restraints are used to determine the validity:  Exception: In overbreadth analysis, challengers are permitted to
raise the rights of third parties and the court invalidates the entire
 Content-neutral regulation – merely concerned with the incidents of statutes “on its face”, not merely “as applied”.
the speech, or one that merely controls the time, place or manner,  Ratio behind the exception: the possibility of a “chilling effect” à
and under well-defined standards. Only a substantial governmental deterrent effect of the overbroad statute on third parties not
interest is required for its validity. courageous enough to bring the suit. The court assumes that an
overbroad law’s “very existence may cause others not before the
o This type doesn’t require the highest form of scrutiny. court to refrain from constitutionally protected speech or expression”.
 In a facial challenge on the ground of overbreadth doctrine, the Estrada vs. Escritor
challenger must establish that there can be no instance when the
assailed law may be valid. Facts: Soledad Escritor is a court interpreter in the RTC of Las Pinas City.
Alejandro Estrada, the complainant, wrote to Judge Jose F. Caoibes,
On void-for-vagueness:
requesting for an investigation of rumors that Escritor has been living with
 The void-for-vagueness doctrine holds that “a law is facially invalid if Luciano Quilapio Jr., a man not her husband, and had eventually begotten a
men of common intelligence must necessarily guess at its meaning son. Escritor’s husband, who had lived with another woman, died a year
and differ as to its application”. before she entered into the judiciary. On the other hand, Quilapio is still
 A litigant may challenge a statute on its face only if it is vague in all legally married to another woman. According to the complainant,
its possible applications
respondent should not be allowed to remain employed in the judiciary for it
Ruling: A plain reading of PP1017 shows that it is not primarily directed to will appear as if the court allows such act.
speech or speech-related conduct. Rather, it pertains to lawless violence,
insurrection and rebellion, which are considered “harmful” and Doctrine: The state’s interest is the preservation of the integrity of the
“constitutionally unprotected conduct” that is subject to state regulation. The judiciary by maintaining among its ranks a high standard of morality and
overbreadth doctrine is not recognized outside the limited context of freedom decency. “There is nothing in the OCA’s (Office of the Court Administrator)
of speech. PP1017 cannot be invalidated facially for overbreadth and void- memorandum to the Court that demonstrates how this interest is so
for-vagueness. BUT, the warrantless arrests (David, dispersal of rallies
(KMU,, and raids/takeover of media (The Daily Tribune, were compelling that it should override respondent’s plea of religious freedom.
invalid because there was no clear and present danger. Indeed, it is inappropriate for the complainant, a private person, to present
evidence on the compelling interest of the state.
Freedom of Religion
Ruling: Burden of Proof of compelling state interest with SolGen. Should
Test for non-violation of Non-establishment clause (Lemon Test) allow them to present their evidence, so remanded.
1. The statute has a secular legislative objective. Freedom to Travel
2. Its principal effect is one that neither advances or prohibits religion.
3. It does not foster an excessive government entanglement.  Not Absolute. Still subject to constitutional limitations.
 Refers to ability to move from Point A to Point B. Method is still
Free Exercise: subject to lawful restraint
1. Freedom to Believe Search warrants and Warrants of Arrest
2. Freedom to act – subject to public interest and welfare
Requisites of a Valid Warrant
Test Benevolent Neutrality – test to see WON a legislative interest would
prevail over a religious interest. 1. Probable Cause – Such facts and circumstances which would lead a
reasonably discreet and prudent man to believe that an offense has
1. Compelling State Interest been committed and that the objects sought in connection with the
2. Least Intrusive Means offense are in the place sought to be searched.
Religious Tests for Freedom of Religion: 2. Determination of Probable Cause – not examine premises/accused
in person, but personal evaluation of reports by the fiscal required.
1. Clear and Present Danger Test 3. Examination of Complainant and the witnesses, made under oath or
2. Least Restrictive Means affirmation – done personally by judge.
3. Compelling State Interest 4. Particularity of Description
4. Grave and Immediate Danger Test
Valid Search and Seizure despite absence of requisites when: a. Certain and Unequivocal
b. Intelligently, understandingly, and willingly made
 Consented searches, as an incident to a lawful arrest, c. May be waived directly or by failure to invoke right.
 Searches of vessels and aircraft for violation of immigration,
customs and drug laws
 Searches of moving vehicles
 Searches of automobiles at borders or constructive borders, where
the prohibited articles are in “plain view” Requisites of Custodial Investigation
 searches of buildings and premises to enforce fire, sanitary and
building regulations Custodial Investigation – questioning done by a law enforcement officer
 stop and frisk operations or the Terry search, after a person has been taken into custody or otherwise deprived of
 customs searches freedom of action in a significant way. It begins at once when it is no longer
a general inquiry, when the officer starts interrogating or extracting a
 searches conducted under exigent and emergency circumstances.
Any person may, without a warrant, arrest a person:
Admissible Extrajudicial Confession:
1. When such a person has in fact committed, is committing, or is
1. Voluntary
attempting to commit an offense in his presence.
2. With assistance of counsel
2. When an offense has in fact been committed, and he has personal
3. In writing
knowledge that the person to be arrested is the person who
4. Express
committed it.
3. When the person to be arrested is a prisoner who has escaped from Miranda Rights
a penal establishment or place where he is serving final judgment or
temporarily confined while his case is pending, or has escaped  Right to remain silent
during transfer.  Right to have counsel
 Right to indicate that he does not want to be questioned further
Valid in flagrante delicto arresto:
Right to Bail
1. Arrested person did an overt act that he has, is, or has attempted to
commit an offense. Bail – security given in consideration of the provisional release of a prisoner,
2. Overt act was committed in the presence of the arresting officer. conditioned upon his appearance before any court as may be required.

Right against Self-Incrimination Habeas Corpus

1. Scope  Prerogative writ of liberty

a. Testimonial Compulsion only  Employed to test the validity of a person’s detention
 Speedy and effectual remedy to relieve persons from unlawful
b. As long as a question is incriminating, privilege is invocable
restraint and effective defense of personal freedom
2. When Available  Mere delay in the resolution on this issue - constitutes an invalid
a. Ordinary witness – refuse upon question derogation of his right against unlawful restraint
b. Accused – may invoke it altogether to refuse becoming a
witness  Directed to the person detaining another, commanding him to
3. Waiver produce the body of the prisoner at a designated time and place
 NOT ISSUED: When person is in custody because of a judicial
proceeding or a valid judgment Elements of enforced disappearances:
o Not intended to take the place of appeal, certiorari or writ of 1. that there be an arrest, detention, abduction or any form of
error deprivation of liberty
o Cannot be used to investigate and consider questions of 2. that it be carried out by, or with the authorization, support,
error acquiescence of, the State or a political organization
o Shouldn’t be granted in advance of the trial 3. that it be followed by the State or political organization's refusal to
 Inquire into the right of liberty, notwithstanding the act and the acknowledge or give information on the fact or whereabouts of the
immediate purpose to be served is relief from illegal restraint person subject of the amparo petition
 Addressed to the question of whether the proceedings and the 4. that the intention for such refusal is to remove subject person from
assailed order are, for any reason, null and void the protection of the law for a prolonged period of time.
 Summary remedy
Writ of Habeas data was a judicial remedy for enforcing the right to privacy.
When Available Person's right to control information regarding himself. Mere substantial
 Individual is subjected to physical or moral restraint evidence is required. Produce the necessary information to locate the
 Illegal confinement or detention by which any person is deprived of missing person or such data about him.
his liberty
 Also in cases involving the rightful custody over a minor Lansang vs. Garcia
 Prisoner can secure his release if he was convicted by a court
without jurisdiction or where his sentence has become invalid Facts: Two grenades were thrown during the miting de avance of the Liberal
Party which killed 8 people and injured many. This led Pres. Marcos to
Procedure proclaim the suspension the writ of habeas corpus. Petitioners were
 Application for habeas corpus is filed apprehended by members of the Philippine Constabulary invoking said
 If the court finds the petition in proper form, Court will issue the writ proclamation. The proclamation implies that the authority to decide whether
as a matter of course the exigency has arisen requiring suspension of the writ belongs to the
President and it expressly states that such declaration is deemed “final and
 Ordering the production of the person allegedly detained and
conclusive upon the courts and all other persons”. Lansang, Del Rosario and
requiring respondent to justify the detention
Alcala questioned the validity of the suspension of the writ averring that the
 Suspension of the privilege is the exception and not the rule
suspension does not meet the constitutional requirements.
o In the absence of the exceptional conditions mentioned in
Art III, Sec 15 Doctrine: It is within the constitutional prerogative of the Supreme Court to
inquire into the veracity of the factual bases recited by the Executive in a
The Writs of Amparo and Habeas Data proclamation ordering the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas
corpus, for the purpose of determining whether or not the Executive acted
Right to life, liberty and security is violated or threatened with violation by an arbitrarily in concluding from the evidence before him that there was indeed a
unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee, or of a private rebellion and that public necessity, as contemplated in the Constitution,
individual or entity. Covers extralegal killings and enforced disappearance or required such suspension.
threats thereof. Mere substantial evidence is required.
Ruling: President did not act arbitrarily and order is not unconstitutional.
It is an extraordinary remedy
Death Penalty Cases
A writ of amparo is a special proceeding. It is a remedy by which a party
seeks to establish a status, a right or particular fact. Not civil or criminal so Harden vs. Director of Prisons – “punishments are cruel when they involve
Revised Rule on Summary Procedure would be inapplicable. May be filed by
torture or a lingering death. The death penalty is not cruel, within the
any concerned citizen, organization, association or institution.
meaning of the word as used in the constitution. It implies there something 1. Innocent Act to Punishable Act.
inhuman and barbarous, something more than the extinguishment of life.” 2. Aggravates a crime (greater than when committed)
3. Greater Punishment
People vs. Jose/Gomez - The opposition to the multiple imposition of death 4. Alters rules on evidence to make conviction easier.
penalties suffers from four basic flaws: 5. A law assuming the form of a regulation on civil rights and remedies,
 it fails to consider the legality of imposing multiple capital penalties; actually imposes a penalty or deprives a right for something lawful
 it fails to distinguish between imposition of penalty and service of before.
sentence; 6. Deprives an accused of lawful protection, like a proclamation of
 it ignores the fact that multiple death sentences could be served amnesty.
simultaneously; and Characteristics:
 it overlooks the practical merits of imposing multiple death
penalties. 1. Refers to criminal matters
2. Retroactive
People vs. Echegaray - The constitutional exercise of this limited power to 3. Prejudice to accused.
re-impose the death penalty entails:
Bill of attainder
 That Congress define what is meant by heinous crimes
 That Congress penalize by death, only crimes that qualify as heinous  Inflict punishment without Trial.
 That Congress, in enacting the bill, be singularly motivated by  A Bill of Attainder is an Ex Post Facto Law, not vice versa.
“compelling reasons involving heinous crimes”  Substitution of legislation for a judicial determination of guilt.

People vs. Mercado – Summary of Echegaray rulings:

 Death penalty is not a cruel, unjust, excessive, or unusual
punishment. It is an exercise of state power to secure society.
 The offenses for which RA 7659 provides death penalty satisfy the
elements of heinousness by specifying the circumstances.
 RA 7659 provides both procedural and substantial safeguards for
correct application.
 The Constitution does not require the positive manifestation of a
higher incidence of crime before the death penalty may be
prescribed. Congress is authorized to determine when the elements
of heinousness and compelling reasons are present, and the SC
would exceed its own authority if it questioned the exercise of such
Ex Post Facto Law
One that would make a previous act criminal even though it was not
punishable before.

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