Executive Order 01 The SLU Supreme Student Council Seal PDF

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Student Center-07A, Andres Bonifacio St., Baguio City


(SLU Supreme Student Council 2016-2017)
by: SSC President Jeremy E. Rimando


WHEREAS, the SLU Supreme Student Council Constitution and By-Laws has always served as the
framework of rules that govern the system of the student government of Saint Louis University;

WHEREAS, the SLU Supreme Student Council Constitution and By-Laws formed the basis of present and
future Executive Orders enacted by former SLU Student Council Presidents and Louisian Acts
produced by the SLU Congress of Louisians;

WHEREAS, the SSC President has the authority to make Executive Orders to manage operations in the
SLU Supreme Student Council;

WHEREAS, the Executive Orders drafted by the President is subject to the notice of the SSC Advisers
and endorsement of the SSC Moderator;

WHEREAS, the SLU Supreme Student Council Constitution and By-Laws of 2000 doesn’t dictate a
distinctive seal for representation of the SLU Supreme Student Council;

WHEREAS, the SLU Supreme Student Council makes use of a logo depending on what has been
established in the past or what the currently elected SSC President may want to use;

WHEREAS, the seal duly selected by the SSC President shall represent the SLU Supreme Student Council,
including its Central Offices and School Assemblies, until changed by future SSC Presidents;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JEREMY E. RIMANDO, SLU Supreme Student Council President, by virtue of
the authority vested in me by the studentry of Saint Louis University, do hereby order:

Establishment of SLU Supreme Student Council Seal

Section 1: Approval of the President. The SSC President shall have the ultimate power to approve or
decline any proposed designs for the official seal of the SLU Supreme Student Council.

Section 2: Proclamation of New SSC Seal. If a new seal shall be adopted by the SLU Supreme Student
Council, a proclamation should be made declaring such use of the logo to the entire studentry
and the different offices of the University with notice coming from the SSC Advisers and
endorsement by the SSC Moderator.

Section 3: Adopting SSC Logo of Preceding SSC Administration. The current SSC President may opt to
adopt the preceding SSC President’s seal of government. The SSC President need not anymore
to make a Proclamation for such.

Section 4: Rules on Use of Retroactive Logos. The current SSC President may not, however, use the old
seals used by past SSC Presidents that is not preceding the current SSC President’s term. The
current SSC President may, however, modify an old seal for use in the current term.

Section 5: Use of the SSC Seal in Official Documents. The seal which shall be adopted by the SSC
President should be used accordingly on all documents of the SLU Supreme Student Council,
a. Executive Orders of the SSC President
b. Memorandum / Memorandum Circulars
c. Financial Resolutions of the Executive Committee
d. Position Papers of the Executive Committee
e. Letters and Resolutions of the School Assemblies
f. Documents of the Different SSC Central Offices
g. Any other documents which are being made and implemented by the Executive branch

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Section 6: Effectivity of SSC Seal. The effectivity of the SLU Supreme Student Council seal shall start from
the proclamation of a current SSC President’s intent to use such seal until a newly elected SSC
President decides to change the seal.

Archiving and Use of Past and Future SLU Supreme Student Council Seals

Section 1: Archiving of Seals. The current SSC President should take care of safeguarding the seals of
past SSC Presidents through paper documentation, archiving and electronic keeping.

Section 2: Request of SSC Seal Use. Any student may request for a digital or printed copy of the official
seals used by the SLU Supreme Student Council but is subject to its proper and courteous
usage. A request should be submitted to the current SSC President with the requestor’s

Section 3: Symbolism. The SSC Presidents’ seals should be documented as symbolism of their
administration during the time they were the representative of the student body of SLU.

Section 4: Documentation of SSC Seals. At the end of the term of each SSC President, the SSC
President shall print the seal used during the duration of the term with the SSC President’s
signature included.

Use of the SLU Supreme Student Council Seal

Section 1: The SSC Seal. The SLU Supreme Student Council Seal shall represent the entire student
council of Saint Louis University.

Section 2: Modification of the Official SSC Seal for Use of School Assemblies. The SLU Supreme Student
Council Seal may be modified to represent the different departments or offices under the SLU
Supreme Student Council that are under the supervision of the SSC President (i.e. School
Assemblies, SSC Central Offices and SSC Committees).

Section 3: Offices Which Are Not Required to Use the Official SSC Seal. Such departments or offices
with liberty to adopt a different seal from the implemented seal by the SSC President for their
use are the following:
a. SLU Congress of Louisians
b. SLU Student Court
c. SLU Commission on Audit
d. SLU Commission on Elections
e. The Louisian Gazette

Section 4: Proper Use of the SSC Seal. The SLU Supreme Student Council seal may only be used for/by
any of the following:
a. Official Documents of the SLU Supreme Student Council
b. Activities or Projects Sponsored by the SLU Supreme Student Council
(duly approved and endorsed by the Student Affairs’ Office and SLU Finance Office)
c. Publications that are duly recognized by the Student Affairs’ Office
d. Documents Referencing the SLU Supreme Student Council (with notice of SSC President)
e. Social Media Pages (recognized by the SLU Supreme Student Council)

Section 5: Other Use of SSC Seal Not Mentioned under Article III, Section 4. A requestor, for any reasons
which may not be mentioned in Section 4, may ask for the permission of the SSC President for
use of the SLU Supreme Student Council seal.

Misrepresentation of the SLU Supreme Student Council Seal

Section 1: Misrepresentation of the SSC Seal. To maintain the integrity promoted by the SLU Supreme
Student Council, the seal should not be used for misrepresentation or any other reason not
promoted by the SLU Supreme Student Council.

Section 2: Disqualification from SSC Offices. Any student found to use the SLU Supreme Student Council
seal for misrepresentation or any other reason not promoted by the SLU Supreme Student
Council may be subject for disqualification of inclusion or election in any branches of the SLU

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Supreme Student Council as “unauthorized representative or misrepresentation resulting to the
damage or prejudice of the KASAMA/SSC” is a qualification for impeachment of an officer.

Section 3: Disciplinary Action. Use of the SLU Supreme Student Council seal without permission of the
SLU Supreme Student Council is also subject to discliplinary action as stipulated in the SLU
Student Handbook under the Code of Discipline.

“Posting, distributing or disseminating notices, posters, leaflets, broadsheets, opinionaires,

questionnaires, streamers, popsheets, surveys or similar materials without the prior endorsement
of the KASAMA/SSC and approval of the Student Affairs Office.
1st violation – Warning / Censure;
2nd violation – Suspension”

“Forging, altering, tampering, falsifying and/or misusing university documents, records,

credentials, receipts, slips, markings, forms or certifications; copying, reproducing or procuring
any unauthorized, fake or tampered university document, record, credential, receipt, slip,
marking, form, certification, identification card, and the like, or fabricating fake or spurious
copy or semblance of the same AND using same for any school-related purpose or for any
other purpose that puts the good name of the university in bad light; knowingly furnishing or
using false or forged information in connection with official university transactions, proceedings,
investigations – with fake or spurious documents, excuse letters, certifications, credentials,
markings, or identification cards or similar supporting materials; publishing false information
about the university, its officials, faculty members, personnel and students.
1st violation – Reprimand to Expulsion
2nd violation – Suspension to Expulsion
3rd violation – Dismissal / Non-readmission to Expulsion”


Section 1: Repealing Clause. All other orders, issuances, proclamations, rules, regulations, or parts
thereof, which are inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Executive Order are hereby
repealed or modified accordingly.

Section 2: Separability Clause. If any of the provisions of this Executive Order is declared invalid or
unconstitutional, the remainder or any provision not affected thereby shall remain valid and

Section 3: Effectivity. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.

DONE this 08th day of August 2017 at the Office of the Executive Committee, Saint Louis University,
Baguio City, Philippines.

SSC President

By the President:

Executive Secretary

Noted by:


Adviser, SLU Supreme Student Council Adviser, SLU Supreme Student Council


Moderator, SLU Supreme Student Council

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