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Subject : Optometric Optics

Diwakar Rao
Objective of today's class
• Definition of prisms
• Angular Deviation
• The Apical Angle
• Units of prism power
• Base Orientation
• Dividing prism power
• Compounding Prism Power
• Resolving Prism Power
Definition PRISM
• Prism is a transparent, solid, triangular
refracting medium with a base and apex.
• Dispersion is usually only seen in a thick
prism, ie. a prism whose apical angle is
greater than 15º to 20º.
Prisms with high
& low
Response of eye to Prism
• The orientation of the prism in front of the
eye will affect the position at which the eye
perceives any object to be when viewed through
the prism.

Response of eye to Prism
• It is, therefore, important to specify
accurately the orientation of the prism so that
its effect on the eyes is known when
incorporated into a refractive correction.
• The orientation of a prism is specified in
terms of the position of the base and axis.
Normal tosecondsurface

i i’


• An incident ray originating from X is

undeviated when it meets the first surface of
the prism perpendicularly (XN).

• The light emergent from the first surface then

meets the second surface at N.
Normal tosecondsurface

i i’


• The angle of incidence at the second surface is

represented by i.
• Angle i is the angle between the incident ray
and the normal to the second surface.
Normal tosecondsurface

i i’


• At this surface, the light is refracted (NZ) by

an angle i’ as determined by Snell’s law.
• The angle of refraction, i’, is the angle
between the refracted ray and the normal to the
second surface.
Normal tosecondsurface

i i’


• The effect of the prism is to deviate the

incident ray (XN) to a new path (NZ).
• No change is made to the vergence of the light.
• This is denoted as the prismatic effect.
Normal to second surface

i i’


• Had the ray been undeviated it would have

continued on a path toward Y.
• The angle of deviation that the prism has
produced (d) is the angle between the ray if it
had been undeviated (NY) and its actual
position (NZ).
Angular Deviation
& The Apical Angle

d = a(n 1 )
This equation gives the relationship between the
angular prismatic deviation and the apical angle.
This relationship is dependent on the refractive
index of the prism.
The apical angle and the refractive index of the
prism determine its deviating power.
Example 1
• A prism with an index of refraction
of 1.70 has an apical angle of 9
degrees. Using the thin prism
approximation, what is the angle of
• d = a(n − 1)
• d = 9 (1.7-1)
• d = 9 (0.7)
• d = 6.3 degree
Example 2
• A prism made from 1.66 index
material is shown to deviate light 6
degrees. What is its apical angle?
• a = d
a = 6 / 0.66 = 9.09 degree
Effect of • To the observer,
Prisms viewing an object O
through an ophthalmic
prism, the prisms
effect is to move the
objects apparent
position to O’.

• In fact the object is

still positioned at O.
The objects appearance
will be otherwise
unchanged as the prism
has no effect on
Detection of Prism

To detect the presence of a prism, hold it over an object (eg: cross line), the portion of
line under the prism will appear broken and displaced towards its apex
Deviation produced by a prism can be
given by:

• Angular Units
– The deviation produced by the prism is
expressed in degrees or radians

• Prism Dioptres
– The unit of prism dioptres is denoted  .
Three prism dioptres would be written as 3 

• Centrads
– The unit of Centrads is denoted . Thus,
three Centrads would be written as 3 
Prism dioptre y

P=1 unit

100 units


• One prism dioptre produces a deviation

of one unit at a plane 100 units from
the prism
Prism Diopter
• tan d = P

• tan d = x
P = x
100 y

• A prism displaces light a lateral

distance of 9 cm at a plane 300
cm from the prism. What is the
power of the prism in prism
• Answer:
• 3 ∆ / 3 PD / 3 Prism Diopter

P = x cm
1 mt y mt

P = x cm
y mt

• How much prism power does a prism

have if it displaces a ray of
light 5 cm from a position it
would otherwise strike at a
distance of 1 m from the prism?
• Answer:
• 5 ∆
Base  Whenprescribing prism
Orientation it is, of course,
necessary to indicate the
direction of the prism
 While most cases will
involve prism in one of
the four main directions,
Standard notation (for BVPs & Prisms)
up, down, in and out,
oblique prism may also be
 There are two accepted
methods for indicating
the direction of an
360° notation oblique prism.
(for Prisms only
Standard Standard notation: This is
notation (for the same axis notation as
used for the axis of
BVPs & Prisms)
astigmatic lenses.
This notation requires
further indication of the
direction of the base. For
eg, it is not sufficient
to order RE: 4  at 135.
Standard notation (for BVPs & Prisms)
This could be either up
and out at 135 or down and
So the prescription needs
the direction as well as
360° notation the angle.
(for Prisms only
360° notation • 360° notation: This
system of notation is
(for Prisms
the same as standard
only) notation in the top two
quadrants but continues
to 360 ° in the bottom
• This system requires no
Standard notation (for BVPs & Prisms)other notation that the

angle. So,
• RE: 4  at 135 would mean
up and out, there is no
other possibility since
down and in would be RE:
360° notation
(for Prisms only 4 at 315.
Standard notation
1. RE: 5 ∆ at 45 base in and up
2. LE: 10 ∆ at 45 base in and down
3. RE: 3 ∆ at 135 base in and down
4. LE : 8 ∆ at 120 base out and down
360 degree notation
• RE: 4 ∆ at 135
• LE: 4 ∆ at 135
• RE: 10 ∆ at 45
• LE: 10 ∆ at 60
• RE: 15 ∆ at 300
• LE: 30 ∆ at 225
• Due to the difference in thickness between the
base and the apex of a prism, refractive
corrections incorporating prism power for one
eye only, the spectacles may be dispensed with
the prism power split between the two eyes.

• This is usually due to a noticeable and

cosmetically unacceptable difference in
thickness between the spectacle lenses if they
were made up as prescribed.

• It is important that the effect on the eyes as

a pair is maintained when the prism power is
split between the spectacle lenses.
– If the prismatic power
is prescribed
monocularly in a
Dividing prism power refractive correction
between a pair of that is similar
eyes: between the two eyes,
the prismatic power
R – 2.00DS 2D IN
L – 2.00DS should be split
may be dispensed as

R – 2.00DS 1D IN – Prism power with

L – 2.00DS 1D IN horizontal base
direction should have
the same base
direction in both eyes
R +4.00DS
L +4.00DS 6D DOWN

may be dispensed as

R +4.00DS 3D UP
L +4.00DS 3D DOWN

 Prism power with a vertical direction

should have opposite base directions in each
eye, with the base direction for the eye in
which the prism was originally prescribed
remaining the same.
• HPSB: Horizontal prism have same base
• VPOB: Vertical prism have opposite base

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