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I1 A I M

Generally fair with fog develop-

lag tonight, low around 55. Wed-
nesday mostly fair and not mnch
"thaikfe In ttmpcralare, high alwnt- Serving the Niagara Frontier for 104 Years
75. Details on Page 20.
Vol.65-No. 112 Niagara Falls, N.Y., Tuesday, July 8, 1?58 24 Pages—Seven Cents wmim "'•">• fr-n'^i i
""""•"'"•" " f mmmm
Work Force Bomb Takes
Hits Peak; Heavy Toll Bid-Letting Is Set
Jobless Up
government reported today
that employment rose to 64,-
In Beirut
BEIRUT, Lebanon (tf> —
An incendiary bomb wreck-
ed Beirut's leading 5 and 10
Aug. 7 to Start .-:>;

981,000 and unemployment

to 5,437,000 in June as a
flood of job-hunting students
hit the labor market.
The jobless rise of 533,000 from
cent store today, killing or
wounding at least 30 persons.
Roaring flames quickly whipped
through the building, evidently
trapping some of the occupants.
Rail Relocation m

Gannett News Service -> • • . •
May sent the unemployed total to At least 100 salesgirls are usually
a peak for any month since before employed in the store, which was ALBANY—The first phase of Niagara Fails' long-post-'
World War II—a 17-year high. doing a bustling business when the poned railroad relocation project is scheduled for bid-letting|| } m P i a rip
Employment soared "try $20,000 bomb went off at 10 a.m.
over May. Planted in Truck The Department of Public Works has listed the project, at
The data were reported in the
regular monthly survey of the
Commerce a n d Labor Depart-
The bomb was in a soft drink an estimated cost of $3,747,000, among a list of 21 proposed
delivery truck parked in front of
the building. The truck was de-
highway and canal improvement projects slated for bid-letting.
Fired On,
ments. __ molished. The blast shook build- The first phase work will include relocation of 5.12 miles
Industry Job Rise
Probably the most important
ings throughout the area and shat- of New York Central and Erie Railroad tracks on the eastern
tered glass for blocks.
outskirts of the city.
Fliers Say
feature of the report was that It was the worst act of terror-
manufacturing industries, worst ism in Beirut since a bomb ex- The relocated tracks will be built so that they will turn off WASHINGTON UPI — The
hit by the recession, shared in ihe ploded in a crowded streetcar May about 7,500 feet east of the city line and extend northward U.S. Air Force said today two
job rise for the-first time after a 26, killing six and wounding 20 Russian jet fighters shot down
year and a half of steady decline. FIRST PITCH — Bob Turley, of the New at Baltimore. Catching Turley for the persons. The bombings are the around the east side of the Niagara Falls City Airport to a the American transport piano
This, coupled with a sharp rise York Yankees, sails his first pitch at American League is Gus Triandos, of anese work of extremists among the Leb- point near the present Tuscarora Rd. crossing.
of six-tenths of an hour in the rebels trying to enforce a Structures will be built to carry* which crash-landed in Soviet
average factory work week, rep- the National League's Willie Maysj of Baltimore. Ed Rommel, of the Ameri- general strike called in an effort double tracks over Niagara Falls Aug. 7 on relocation of a portion Armenia June 27.
resented solid gains on the reces- the San Francisco Giants, today to get can L e a g u e , calls the balls and to paralyze the government. Blvd., Bcrgholtz Rd., Walmore Rd., of Robinson Rd.
sion front. Five of the nine airmen para-
strikes. (AP Wirephoto.) The explosion occurred after Lockport Rd., and Bcrgholtz Creek, The project will Involve con- chuted. Four others rode the burn-
A smaller factory work week in- the annual All-Star game underway several days of relative quiet in the department said, struction of an 1.02-mile extension
crease had been registered in May. downtown Beirut. Shopkeepers had Construction of 0.94-mile of in- of the road from its present eastern ing plane to the crash landing.
The May^June increase in work begun to ignore the general strike tersecting-roads also is included in terminus at Transit Rd. eastward
hours, aggregating nearly an hour,
is the largest two-month gain in
a dozen years. The factory work
37 Indicted Nationals Leading order and the bombing pre* ably the project, which has been delay- on new location on Beattie Ave., fighters made another tiring at-
was intended as a warning to ed for some years pending final where it will join with Dysinger tack on the crippled transport as
them. agreement between Erie and New Rd.
The Air Force said the Red

it was heading in for its landing.

week had risen to 39.2 hours in
In Narcotics The fire spread quickly through York Central officials concerning The State Department of Public The nine men were released,by
June, which is still eight-tenms of
an hour off last ytar.
The increased work hours helped
boost average weekly earnings of
In All-Star Clash the big" A.B.C. store. Within half future use of the relocated tracks. Works has estimated the project Russian authorities to * American
an hour the ground floor was gut-
ted and flames were roaring up tol"
the top floor of the four-story
The state also will receive bids at a. $192,000 cost.
———— -—— . i i * ii
officials Monday, returning "to
their home station at Teheran.
factory workers by $1.27 to $83.10 BALTIMORE UrV-The National Leaguers held a 3-2 building. The Russian version of the inci-
a week in June, a new record.

steady at $2.12,
NEW YORK W—A sweeping
Average,hourly earnings remained indictment naming 37 alleged lead over the Americans at the end of two innings in today's
members of a Ttfafia international Ail-Star baseball game watched by 49,000.
The fire still raged an hour aft-
er the explosion, although firemen
Goldfine Gets Delay * dent was that the USAF transport
was compelled to land after it had
flown ittfp Russian territory and
Enter Labor Market by men seemed to be getting k that the plane burned on the
The Nationals scored twice in the first frame and once under control.
narcotics racket ring was opened
The report estimated that be- today in Federal District Court.
tween IVi and 2 million students Among them was Vito Genovese,
and recent graduates entered the a reputed U.S. Mafia chieftain each inning.
in the second. The Americans punctured home plate once in Windows in shops and buildings
for blocks around were shattered.
Of Day in Testimony ground.
Afire At 3,000 Feet
labor market at the close of the who arrested Monday night. Six fire engines rushed to the WASHINGTON (M — The Harris subcommittee granted Today's Air Force announce-
Musial's single in in the first f*nn /->« scene and ambulances moved back Bernard Goldfine a one-day postponement in testimony today ment said the American fliers re-
school term. Genovese entered a plea of in- cracked his own All-Star record ported they were intercepted by
and forth with the dead and
Witfi employment climbing by nocent to narcotics conspiracy
some 900,000 and unemployment charges and was held in $50,000 for hits in this classic series.
increasing by about 500,000, some bail. First Inning
500 scour wounded, Security forces cordoned
off the area after a struggle with
but warned, "We are going
Rep. Oren Harris (D-Ark), chair- *
to expect cooperation." the Migs and set afire at 3,000
feet altitude.
half million women, mainly school a hysterical crowd that gathered. man of the subcommittee investi- "A combination of extensiva
Also indicted, and arrested with
teachers not under contract, left Genovese as the government be-
the labor force, presumably tem- gan a major crackdown on the ner
Nationals—Mays singled. Skin-
lined to Jensen. On a hit and Adirondacks U.N. Report Scored
A Lebanese government spokes-
to a
request from
Two British thunderstorms,
conditions and
instrument flight
unreported high
porarily until schools reopen in underworld, was lower-echelon run play, Musial singled sharply man complained that a recent U.N. winds had caused inadvertent cross-
the fall. hoodlum Vincent L, Gigante. Gig- past Skowron into right field, Mays
ante was acquitted last May of reaching third. It was Musial's
For Girl, 5 observers'
MALONE «1—.An Army of evidence of interference by the
attorneys for
Attorney Roger Robb said his
a post-
Soldiers Slain ing of the Soviet frontier,"
statement said, thus conceding tha
plane had strayed into Russian

the attempted murder of rackets 17th hit, breaking his own all-star 500 searchers scoured the Adiron- United Arab Republic in Leban- Boston millionaire client came to
Trapped Pair boss Frank Costello. His bail was record. Aaron flied to Mantle in dack wilderness today for a 5- on's affairs.
set at $35,000. deep left center, Mays scoring year-old girl who vanished from The complaint was made at a answer committee interrogators
Washington Sunday to prepare to
On Cyprus territory.
"Five crew members weref o r c -
again but had gone into a "slate ed to parachute to safety/ tha
NICOSIA, Cyprus » ~ Two Air Force announcement said.
Is Rescued U.S. Atty. Paul W. Williams after the catch. Banks was hit on her parents' camp Sunday.
told the court that the conspiracy the back. Thomas .walked, filling
involved importation into and dis- the bases. Musial scored on a wild through
news conference by Albert Mouk- of physical end mental exhaustion*
For the third day, men beat heiber, the minister h a n d l i n g after a chain of spectacular events British soWiers were shot tp death "The remaining four attempted to
m the east Cyprus port of Fam- make an emergency landing at a
rugged woodland 20 miles liaison with the U. N: observation Monday.
ANTONIO, Colo. UB — Two tribution throughout the United pitch. Mazeroski lined to Cerv. south of here in the hope of find- group sent here to check on al- Robb told the subcommittee at agusta today. crude strip 75 miles east south-
men trapped since Friday in a States of ""large -quantities of Two runs, two hits, no errors, ing brown-haired, blue-eyed Bren- leged U.AJR. intervention. 10 a.m.—when Goldfine himself The first official announcement east of Lake Sevan. With five
rugged Southern Colorado Canyon heroin and other narcotics brought two left. da Jean Doud. Moukheiber said a map marked was supposed to have returned to did not attribute the killings to parachutes in the air and the air-
were reported rescued early today. in through contacts in Europe, Americans — F o x grounded Copters On Search by the observers themselves show- the witness stand—that the dis- Eoka, the Greek Cypriot under- craft in flames the Migs made an-
One of them was believed serious- Cuba, Puerto Rico and Mexico." to Banks and reached first safely ed that a full company of 120 covery of a hidden microphone ground. But there was specula- other firing pass on the crippled
Two National Guard helicopters
ly injured. Williams tabbed Genovese "the when the shortstop's high throw and other light planes criss-crossed uniformed Syrian soldiers h a d near a hotel suite occupied by tion the shooting was in retaliation plane while it was on its final ap-
The state patrol office at Ala number one control man in this pulled Musial off the bag for an the area under gray skies. It was been holding a bridge at least Goldfine aides and theft of some for the death of two Greek Cyp- proach for a forced landing."
mosa said radio reports indicated conspiracy." Thfprosecutor add- error. Mantle, batting rightharided, drizzling at daybreak after an aH three miles inside Lebanon. of Goidfine's papers Monday had Plane Explodes
left Goldfine with little sleep and riots killed by British troops who
a ground party received the men ed: - ^ singled, Fox stopping at third. night rain. The minister said a formal pro- fired into a crowd of demonstra- The burning plane exploded on
by rope. The searchers said one "The government is ready to Jensen rapped into a double play, test on this would be made to me given him no time to bone up tors at Avgorou Saturday. the ground after the four crew
Brenda, daughter of Mr. and on committee questioning.
man was badly injured and re- prove that he made all the big Thomas to Mazeroski to Musial, Mrs. Robert Doud, Massena, dis U.A.R. An Eoka wreath laid on the able to reach safety.
members who rode it down wer§
quested an ambulance be sent to decisions as to the areas in which Fox scoring. Cerv singled. Skow- appeared from Eagle Pond while U. N. observers, in their first Set For Wednesday —-
"He has every expectation that graves of the two Cypriots carried
the South Fork of Conejos Can- narcotics were to be sold and made ron flied out. her parents were at work on the report, said they had been unable he will be able to appear before the inscription "Your deaths Will All members of the crew art
yon. The emergency vehicle was decisions as to who would have One run, two hits, one error, camp they are building. She was to establish that there was any suffering from extreme fatigue
the committee Wednesday and an- be avenged."
dispatched from here. the concessions. one left. wearing a blue blouse and blue large-scale intervention by the swer these questions," Robb said. The soldiers were shot in the and exhaustion, the Air Force said.
The two men disappeared while "He was the man responsible Second Inning shorts. U.A.R. and that most of the rebels In addition, Airman 2C. Peter K.
appeared to be Lebanese. In the aftermath of the micro- crowded shopping center of Fam- Sabo, suffered second degrea
packing out of the mountain wil- for seeing that any annoying com- Nationals—Cerv took CrandalJ's Searchers included about 250 phone incident, the committee fired agusta's Greek sector. Moments burns.
derness. petition would be eliminated." fly. Spahn .walked. Mays bounced men from National Guard units its chief investigator, Baron J. after the shots rang out, shop-
Earlier story on Page 19. The indictment pinpointed some to Malzone whose throw to Fox at Malone, Saranac Lake and Shacklctte, who had rigged elec- keepers hurriedly dosed up and Lake Sevan is located between
of the major sale areas as New forced Spahn at second. Mays Glens Falls; 150 Army men from Tale of Charles tronic recording equipment in a shoppers and bystanders rushed the
Caspian and Black Seas near
Turkish-Armenian border.
York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, stole second and continued to Camp Drum, and more than 100 room next door to the Goldfine to their homes.
Floods in Poland Landing with the plane were
Cleveland and Las Vegas, Nev. third on Triandos' wide throw volunteers—'firemen and woods-
Earlier, Williams had termed the that got past Fox. Skinner singled men. Going Broke aides. A curfew was put on and hun-
dreds of troops were rushed to the Maj. Luther W. Lyie, the plana
Drown 7 Persons arrest of Genovese as of major scoring Mays. Narieski replaced More bloodhounds were brought Shaoklette denied arfy connection scene to aid police investigators. commander, Capt. James T. Kane,
WARSAW W—Floods follow- importance in the government's Turley. Musial popped to Fox. in from the state police barracks
ing torrential rains have drowned mounting assault on the under-
Is Just Slander ivith the reported removal of Gold-
fine papers.
Lt. James M. Luther and Tech.
This was the mird shooting at- Sgt. James G. Hotaian.
One run, one hit, one error, at Hawthorne. tack against Britons since Eoka
seven persons and halted produc- world. one left. Use Bloodhounds LONDON (UPI>—.Nine-year- When agreeing to a postpone- called for a cessation of operations Parachuting from the burning
old Prince Charles has every ment of Goidfine's testimony, Har- plane were Sabo, Col. Dale D.
tion in 16 industrial plants in Earlier story on Page 19. . Americans — Malzone flied to Six aircraft, including two heli- in March 1957. A British police Brannon, Maj. Robert E. Crans,
Western and Southwestern Poland. Skinner. Triandos singled. Apari- copters, and 200 volunteers cover- right today to ctaim his financial ris gave Robb and Goidfine's other official was fatally shot April 14 Maj. Bennie A. Shupe and Air-
Several hundred persons have cio forced Triandos. Narieski ed a 15-mile-square area of woods acumen has been slandered. attorneys a lecture. ' s and two British servicemen were man 2C. Earl H. Reamer.
been evacuated faom the flood
area in Oder River basin. Exten- 4 Youths Kill dumped a single over second base. and swamps Monday. State troop- A British newspaper started '1 can see that unless there is a killed May 4. All three attacks
Fox slashed a single to left field, ers from Malone, using blood- the trouble Sunday by report- change in attitude," Harris said, occurred m the same hah* square news conference with, Aht airmen
scoring Aparicio. Mays gathered hounds, led the search. ing the heir to the throne, who "there's going to be a clash, and mile. /
The Air Force said a scheduled
sive crop damage was reported. at Teheran has been postponed on
in Mantle's fly. is a student at Cheam School,
The airport at Wroclaw (Bres-.
lau) was flooded, cutting air com- Man, Take $5 two left. ' ed
Darkness halted their efforts.
One run, three hits, no errors, A few veteran woodsmen remain- •pent all of his pocket money prepared to meet i t . . .
in the area overnight ahead of schedule and tried to Expect Cooperation
if there is, the committee will be
The previous attacks came after the advice of medical authorities.
Eoka warnings thut it would strike
Britons in retaliation for alleged
munications with the area.
NEW YORK UV-Four teenag-
ersfataMybeat an elderly men and
Queen Elizabeth
T h e Massachusetts National recoup by selling his personal
Guard, now in training at Camp belongings.
"We are, going to expect cooper-
ation and compliances."
Since the
of political detainees.
struggle over the future Army Plane
robbed his wife of less than $5 Drum, dispatched the two heli- The story, which was circulat- of this British crown colony began,
On the Inside • # •
in a mugging in Brooklyn carry
today. They aflso attacked another 111, Quits Tour
copters and a light plane.
foreign news agencies, went like
The committee chairman ack-
ed around me world by some nowledged that Goldfine, 67, may 108 Britons have now been killed.
have had very Iktle sleep because The soldiers involved in Satur- Lands Safely
man shortly thereafter. this: day's clash at Avgorou were drawn
Three dozen detectives fanned LONDON (M—Queen Elizabeth
Flemming Approved Queen E l i z a b e t h allows
of practically round-the-dook inci-
from the Famagusta garrison. EUMiRA WV—<An Army Obser-
Councilman Asks out through the B^ps^nsvifle-Ees* II came down wkh sinus trouble For Cabinet Post Charles $2.80 a term to spend at
dents Monday. vation plane which was reported
New York se<rtk*w searching for But he said he himself had re- overdue on a flight from Camp
City Market Study the young thugs.
accompanied by fever M o n d a y the school c a n d y store but
WASHINGTON W—The Senate Charles spent it so fast he found ceived telephone calls at midnight Bowling Alley Drum to Harrisburg, Pa., hat
. • . Page 13 Police said Vasil Krougaikotf, 67, night. She canceled the final ap- Finance Committee today approved himself broke with almost a and still came to work Monday landed safely at Chemung County
t- * * * and his wife Marie, 57, bodi recent pearance of her current tour and President Eisenhower's nomination month to go in the current term. and today.
immigrants living in Brooklyn were started back to London by train. of Arthur S. Flemming to be secre- He decided to seM some per- Then Harris recounted diffi- Razed by Fire Airporti
Airport officials said the L20
AREA UTILITIES—Study of about to enter a subway station tary of Health, Education and Wel- sonal belongings cheap. The culties he has had with Goldfine
possible water sale to towns after visiting friends when the gang She became ill aboard the royal NEW YORK m — A five-alarm pulled into the airport Monday
fare. other students, anxious for royal since the House group first start- fire destroyed a bowling alley in night. '
asked by Councilman Strager. snatched Mrs, Krougtikoftf s purse. train Monday night after a busy Fkmmmg, 5 3 -year-old president souvenirs, bought them up quick- ed checking whether Goldfine has Queens today.
Page 13. day of official engagements in the Thunderstorms southwest of El-
They beat her when she resisted Renfrewshire area of Scotland. She d Ohio Wesleyan University, ap- ly and Charles marched off to received favored federal treatment Smoke and water damaged 17 mira reportedly forced the land*
* • * and knocked Krougltkoff to d>e peared before the committee briefly the candy store. But school au- because of his friendship with stores beneath the bowling alley in
HISTORICAL SITES—Group ground. Mrs. Krouglikoff s screams has been touring with her husband, in closed session before the voice
thorities said he had broken the Sherman Adams, President Eisen- the two-story building in Sunny-
bids to preserve old power brought police end the youths fled the Duke of Edinburgh. vote.
rules and confiscated the money. hower's top aide. side.
Officials said three persons were
station here. Page 13. with the purse which contained less The Queen had planned to go Flemming would succeed Marion Goldfine himself is testifying aboard the plane. They were Capt.
The only thing wrong with the The fire, discovered at 1:45 a.m., Charles L. Smith, the pilot, 1st
* » • then $5. today to Carlisle to celebrate the Fotoom in the cabinet post. The voluntarily, but there has been a was declared under control at 4
SCHOOL VOTE—Two con- Krouglikarc* died of head injuries granting of die first royal charter White House announced May 7 story, the headmaster of Cheam long subpoena battle over his a.m. Lt. Guy New, co-pilot, and Pvt.
tests and seven candidates for in Unity Hospital a few hours later. to the city in 1158. Then she was that Fotsom had submitted his res- said today is that "it is wholly records. And the committee could The five alarms, sounded mostly L.C. Fielding, a passenger. AM
Starpoint Central School Board. Mrs. Krouglikofif was in critical to fly back to London. Instead her ignation and expected to leave be- untrue and utterly unfair to the of course put Goldfine under b e c a u s e of the heavy smoke, gave Ft. Eustis, Va., addresses.
Page 15. condition. husband-stayed behind to make the tween July L5 and Aug. 1. boy." The headmaster should Fielding said a teletype hid been
subpoena at any time. brought 150 firemen with 25 pieces
« • * Julio Torres, 24, of Brooklyn, five-hour visit on her behalf. Flemming'has served in a variety know for he runs the school of apparatus. sent to the Ft. Eustis base when
Ann I-Andcrs *> was taken to the same hospital of government posts under both "bank" and rations out allow- Residents of two a p a r t m e n t the landing was made.
Amy Vanderbilt 6 with a brain injury after being Sixth Session Held Republican and Democratic admin- ances at a pace to prevent bank- Equipment Is Saved houses a half block away were The single-engine plane left
istrations. ruptcy.
6 jumped about a mile from the first
Boyle's Column 5 attack, police said. On Atom-Test Ban In Gimp Drum Fire evacuated the smoke.
for a time because of Wheeler-Sack Weld, at Camp
Drum at 8 pjm. Monday night, it
« . CAMP DRUM (UPI) — Fire No injuries were reported. No had a four-hour fuel supply for the
Bridge 19
Classified Ads
21, 22, 23 One Dead, 2 Injured Scientists from the West and the
21 In Tanker Collision
GENEVA, Switzerland tf> —

Communist world held their sixth

private session today to discuss
Copies of Gazette broke out in the regular army- estimate of the damage was avail- 214-hour trip.'
manned training aids building here able immediately.
last night,. but quick action by Cause of the fire was not im-
Capt. Richard G. Frank, ot Cam- mediately determined. Teenage Brothers
Dr. Molner
Financial News
7 BOULOGNE, France UK—Two means of policing a ban on nu-
10 tankers collided in the English clear weapons.
20 Channel off Boulogne early today. The atomic experts were ex-
Power Issue on Hand


in the
(10,000 worth of equipment
$8,000 of the
Sweet-Tooth Report
Die in Auto Crash
HEUVBLTON vtV-Two teen-
Local and Suburban 14 One sailor was, known to have pected to .continue their study of - Capt. Frank, wounded 11 times
Niagara Topics 13 died and two others were injured. nuclear test detection by checking WASHINGTON W*—Americans age brothers were killed Monday
In response to requests, the Niagara Falls Gazette is and decorated five times for gal- ate an average 18.1 pounds of night when an automobile in which . . ; •

Sports 16, 17 The tankers were the 11,209-ton sound waves m the atmospheric making available a limited number of copies of Sunday's lantry during World War II made candy last year, the Commerce they were riding overturned along \
Sylvia Porter 20 Dona Eugenia, of Panamanian or under water. This is one of several trips into the burning build- Department said today. Route 87 two mBes west of thU &•
Theaters . . . . . 1 9 registry, and the 12,906-ton Evje, several methods of detection under editions which /eaturcd a special section on the Niagara ing to bring out equipment. Per capita candy consumption St. Lawrence County commuftky. ^fi*
TV and Radio 8 out of Oslo. consideration. power project.
Soviet and Western scientists Pfc. Andrew C. Ettinger, of increased from 17.4 pounds in 1956 State police identified the boys \
Women's News 6, 7 The French tug Jean Bart went
Copies can be obtained by calling a< the Gazette circu- Hingham, Mass., organized a buck- to the highest level since 1950, as Ronald Raven, 15, aid W e * If
Weather Data and Map 20 to the aid of the Evje, which was have presented technical papers oe et brigade to fight the fire. when the figure was 1S.4 pounds. deH Raven, 13, of Heuvtkoa. > |
Your Pocketbook 19 damaged in the stern and lost detection problems. lation office, 310 Niagara,St.


Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski

n • • • ••^>^aia^iaa»aiaai^iai e^aaaaa^eataa^ataaU*ae^e*la1ia*1laftat 309 South 4th Street

Fulton New York

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