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Part One: TYPES

A. CAPITALISM is more an economic system than it is political. Private
ownership of goods & services {i.e.,
1. “capital”} are not only permissible but encouraged.
Capitalists stockpile these in a free enterprise system w/little or no
government interference {laissez-faire}. Prices are determined according
2. law of supply and demand. {gold is best example}. Advertising tries to
manipulate this in order to increase profit or even create monopoly.
3. history: Prevalent in ancient times wherever & whenever there was
political stability {imperial China, aristocratic Athens, republican
+imperial Rome} replaced by feudalism in middle ages, reappeared with
the formation of European nations after the Renaissance as mercantilism
emerged 1500-1900. Even Nazis {who claimed to be socialist} were
really capitalists in 1933-1945 Germany. Thus, capitalism can co-exist
with monarchies, republics {Plato’s Republic (4th c. BCE)},
dictatorships, democracies, fascism {Mussolini’s Italy 1920s, Hitlerite
Germany 1933-45, Franco’s Spain 1936-75, Peron’s Argentina, etc.}
4. Assessments
a.. Adam Smith [1723-1790] Scot whose most well-known assessment is
Inquiry Into the Wealth of Nations (1776) concluded that when
laissez faire is maintained, businesses would flourish. Oddly enough,
opposed both monopolies & mercantilism.
b. Thomas Malthus [1766-1834] an English clergy man who argued in
“Essay On Population” (1798) that food supply will only be able to
increase arithmetically while population increases geometrically,
eventually resulting in inevitable mass starvation, even if govt. were to
intervene to redistribute the wealth
c. David Ricardo [1772-1823] an Italian Jew whose dad had immigrated
to UK (1790), developed the iron law of wages stipulating that labor
has two prices
1) natural price which is bare subsistence level that no capitalist
would elevate of his own accord but
2) market price which is higher for both skilled & unskilled whenever
labor is in demand.
Higher wages necessarily increase prices thus causing inflation such
that the cost of living increases, necessitating still higher wages,
necessitating still higher prices, etc. Like Malthus, pessimistic.
<Government is not supposed to interfere at all, but does (banning certain
drugs, restricting monopolies, etc.)>
B. SOCIALISM is a combined political/economic system in which the
government—as a creation of the people--is supposed to rule in society’s
best interests, for if free enterprise is allowed to develop unfettered, the rich
will get richer & the poor will get poorer Private ownership of some things
is permitted, but government ownership of vital goods {water, power,
etc.} & services {transportation [British Airways, Lufthansa, Air Lingus],
communication (e.g., the BBC). Idea probably originated with
1. Thomas More [1478-1535] Henry VIII’s Lord High Chancellor who
was moved by the miserable poverty of the peasantry caused by
capitalism so inked Utopia (1516) about a fictitious sailor who visits
fictitious Land of Nowhere where all property is owned communally, no
unemployment, a commonwealth {as opposed to private wealth, came to
the conclusion that “govt. is a conspiracy of the rich who—upon the
pretense of managing the public good—merely pursue their own private
2. Jean Jacques Rousseau [1712-1778] Swiss born gigolo moved to
France where he developed the theory that men are born good but are
corrupted by environment in his Discourse on the Inequality of Man
(1775). Especially critical of private property as a corrupting outside
force in Du Contrat Social (1762) which opens “man is born free but is
everywhere in chains” made many consider him to be the “Father of
Democracy”. Maintained that the individual is pressured by General Will
common good. Violation of the social contract makes revolution not
only justifiable but obligatory.
3. Francois M.C. Fourier [1772-1837] Frenchmen who felt free enterprise
& individualism was immoral & that work was boring. Recommended
creation of phalansteries for which workers would volunteer {1,600 to a
phalanstery} for a 2 hour stretch. Profits would be split communally:
5/12 to laborers; 4/12 to capitalists, 3/12 to specialists. 40 such
communities founded in France & abroad before his death, including
Brook Farm [1841-1846] a 200 acre community outside Boston, but
wiped out by financial woes.
4. Robert Owen [1771-1858] Welsh textile manufacturer w/conscience,
took pity on his Scottish factory workers, like Rousseau came to conclusion that
environment shaped men. Stopped child labor at his factory {New Lanark}, began
system of health insurance & old age pensions, cleanliness on the job site. Founded
cooperatives, including New Harmony, IN [1825] Briefly successful until he
returned to Scotland whence petty jealousies & disputes ruined the community.
5. Pierre J. Proudhon [1809-1865] French journalist who concluded in
Qu-est-ce que La Propriete (1840) that “all property is theft” & that organized
govt.—even democracy—protects property, but only that of the few. Wanted to
abolish govt.& is considered the “Father of Anarchism”. Did not believe that
communism was the answer. So no need for govt. in a classless, libertarian society.
C. COMMUNISM is the extremity of socialism, whereby government becomes
unnecessary, property is communal, & there is only one class: the workers
who will jointly pool their efforts for the common benefit of all. Originator:
1. Karl Marx [1818-1883] German Jew, raised as a protestant in Prussia,
obtained Ph.D. in philosophy instead of practicing law as his parents had
wished, married Jenny von Westphalen most of their offspring died young,
despite efforts of his friend/benefactor Friedrich Engels [1820-95] tried to
support them. Came to conclusion that GWF Hegel’s dialectical
explanation of history being determined by a conflict of ideas was
inaccurate; dialectical materialism postulated that history was the product
of class struggle between the bougeoisie {haves or capitalists} &
proletariot {have-nots or workers}, the former exploiting the latter because
they controlled the means of production which they jealously guarded &
squabbled over, using religion {the opiate of the masses} & patriotism to
control the workers, who foolishly believed that they could get ahead.
Expelled from Germany, France, Belgium {after publication the
Communist Manifesto (1848)}, died ignominiously in the Soho district of
London where he did research in 7 languages & worked on his 4 volume
masterpiece Das Kapital (1867; 1885; 1894)
2. Vladimir I. Ulanov [1870-1924] born in Siberia to middle class school
teachers, became a Marxist (1889) after brother Aleksandr I. Ulyanov had been
executed for attempt to assassinate Czar Alexander III. Arrested & exiled to
Siberia, he took the pseudonym N. Lenin from the Lena River. Married Nadeshda
K. Krupskaya [1869-1939], formed RSDLP upon the belief that one was
necessary to instigate the worldwide overthrow of capitalism, but it soon split into
Bolshevik and Menshevik factions over democratic centralism. Mistook abortive
1905 Revolution for spontaneous overthrow of world capitalism, had to go into
exile in Switzerland where he lamented that he would not live to see communism.
Branded WWI as an example of capitalist greed in Imperialism: The
Highest Stage of Capitalism, he was caught unawares by the Feb Rev &
hustled back into Russia by Germans in a sealed boxcar where he delivered
the April Thesis at Finland station (4 Apr 1917), focused on controlling
{All Power to the Soviets!} in unseating Provisional Govt., seizing control
of Petrograd in so-called October Revolution (7 Nov 1917)
& hastily withdrawing from WWI via humiliating Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
(3 Mar 1918). Made Trotsky his right-hand man in order to win the Russian
Civil War (1918-22). Shot by socialist Dora Kaplan (30 Aug 1918), never
completely recovered from his wounds suffering from a series of strokes
that increasingly deteriorated his physical condition. He had enough
strength for NEP (1921+) & his Testament (Dec 1922) prior to his death.
3. Leon Trotsky (Lev D. Bronstein) [1879-1940] was made civil war
commissar by Lenin, traversed the country in his own auto-train directing
the Red Army under its czarist officers to victory. A true communist, he
advocated the Theory of Permanent Revolution & hoped to immediately
spread the workers uprising to other countries, a concept at which Lenin
balked. video #6: “Revolution in Red-Part I” videoworksheet #6
Boris Pasternak Dr. Zhivago
4. Russian Revolutions
a. Nicholas II [1868 (1894-1917) 1918] was an indecisive, gentle man,
loving father+husband, totally ill-equipped for rule & burdened by ill-
fate.He was unprepared for his father’s unexpected death, then was
the subject to misfortune & bad judgement:
1) coronation (1890s) saw the stadium collapse, killing hundreds, many
viewed as a bad omen. The humiliating loss in the
2) Russo-Japanese War (1904-05) over Sakhalin {a.k.a. Karafuto} was
only salvaged by TR’s Treaty of Portsmouth.
3) The Revolution of 1905 began with Sunday, Bloody Sunday (Jan
1905) illus p.674 when prayerful demonstrators were
downed by the palace guard in his absence, followed by a general
strike & the reconvening of the
4) Duma which was called, dismissed, recalled, as PMs came & went,
some by dismissal, some by assassination. This was compounded by
the outbreak of . . .
5) World War I (1914-1918) by which they were tied by Triple
Entente to England & France. The Russian Army was ill-equipped
& ill-prepared for war. When he took over personal command.
6) Alexandra (Alix of Hesse-Darmstadt) [1872-1918] who bore him 4
daughters{Olga, Tatiana, Anastastia, Marie} & son Aleksei [1904-
1918] was born with hemophilia, causing a great degree of guilt on
the part of his mother, nearly died when . . .
7) Grigor Efimovich Rasputin [1872-1916] a married, sexually-active
Siberian monk, self-styled starets who had ingratiated himself with
Alexandra’s closest friend, Anya, allegedly awakening her from a
coma, then arrived on the scene in time to stop what appeared to be
certain death & thereafter, permanently established his debauchery in
St. Petersburg (1911+) where he used his influence with the czaritza
to replace ministers as well, then convinced Nicholas to go the
western front & takeover personal command of the troops & leave
political incompetent Alexandra in charge of the govt. so that he
could run Russia. Thus, Princes Dmitri P. Romanov & Felix
Yussopov conspired to assassinate him in bizarre episode (Dec ‘
8) February Revolution (March 1917) due to Julian calendar
witnessed a general strike in Petrograd (8 Mar 1917) in which govt.
forces threw in w/the strikers & the Duma demanding that the czar
abdicate which he did for himself & son by the end of the month. A
provisional government was set under Prince Lvov [1861-1925]
(Mar-July) then Aleksandr Kerensky [1881-1970] (Jul-Nov) s PMs
establishing soviets {people’s councils} in each locality but made
the fatal mistake of staying in WWI. Massive desertions at the front
(Sum 1917) paved the way for the . . .
9) October Revolution (7 Nov 1917) usurped power as Bolsheviks
seized power utilizing nifty slogans: All Power to the Soviets!
Bread, Peace, & Land! From the inept provisional government.
Immediately dropped out of WWI as a capitalist-inspired tsarist
10) Russian Civil War [1918-22] pitted Whites & Reds,
the latter of
which had doctrine, the former was only anti-
communist, so
commies felt that it was imperative to execute
{contrary to legend, Anastasia did not escape} so that
the Whites
would have no focal point around which to rally. The
Reds won
as much because of White ineptitude &
video #7: “Revolution in Red-Part II” videoworksheet #7
11) Soso Djugashvili [1879 (1924-1953)] was the son of a hard-drinking
abusive Georgian shoemaker, became a Marxist in seminary to
become a Georgian Orthodox priest, joined the RSDLP, because he
was an opportunist, not a theorist. Married 1st wife Yekaterina
Svanidze (1905-07). Exiled to Siberia 6x, took Russian-sounding
moniker Josef Vissarionovich Stalin {“Man of Steel”}. Played
minimal role in October Revolution despite propaganda to the
contrary. Married 2nd wife, Nadezhda Alliluyeva (1918-32) who
bore son, Vasili [1919-43] & daughter Svetlana Alliluyeva [1926-]
before either committing suicide or being beaten to death. Made
CPSU General-Secretary (1924-53) into most powerful office in
USSR where he promoted Socialism in One Country which, like all
writings attributed to him, were ghost-written. Officiated at Lenin’s
funeral, decided to preserve his body & deify him liquidated rivals,
created an atmosphere of Trotskyite counter-revolutionaries.
Initiated anti-kulak campaign in forced collectivization policies of
the 2nd Five Year Plan creating, in the process, the sovkhoz &
kolkhoz system at the price of great famine. After the 1st radio show
trial of Sergei Kirov, began Great Terror (1935-39) during which
millions were liquidated {including Trotsky in Mexico} by the
KGB on the eve of the Great Patriotic War (22 Jun 1941-1945 May
9) vs. Holy Mother Russia, utilizing tested scorched earth tactics in
making himself Marshal in the process. Created the Soviet Bloc of
8 East European satellites {=the iron curtain} & WTO; was
apparently planning another chistla before unexpectedly dying on 05
March 1953. Stalin mausoleum [1953-61]
video #8: “Stalin” videoworksheet #8
6. Collective Leadership I [1953-56] {1st troika} between Soviet PM
Geo.M. Malenkov [1902 (1953-55) 88], Soviet Pres. Klementi E.
Voroshilov [1881 (1953-60)1969]; CPSU Gen-Sect . . .
7. Nikita S. Khrushchev [1894 (1953-64)1971] Great Russian born in the
Ukraine, trained as a metalworker, apparatchik who joined Bolsheviks, served as
politruk [1919-21], climbed CPSU ladder from rayon to oblast to Uke 1st Sect
[1936-49] where he liquidated many on Stalin’s orders. Made CPSU Politburo
[Mar 1939] then CPSU Sect [1949] where he built Moscow Metro. Was present at
Stalin’s death, directed funeral arrangements, then outmaneuvered Malenkov in 1st
troika to become CPSU Gen-Sect [Sep 1953-64 Oct] a double-edged sword
necessitating that he make the famous Secret Speech at the XX CPSU Congress
(Feb 1956) & direct de-Stalinization & lambasting the cult of personality in the
process, yet made himself Soviet Premier [Mar 1958-64] {the only soviet leader to
hold both}. Survived Polish October & Hungarian Revolution (Fall 1956).
Success of Soviet Space program gave him ammo for kitchen debate (1959), but
Sino-Soviet Rift, UN speech (Sep 1960), Cuban Missile Crisis (Oct 1962) &
subsequent Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, failure of spring wheat program
made him appear incompetent & he was overthrown in bloodless coup [Oct 1964]
& confined to his dacha where he dictated memoirs: Khrushchev Remembers prior
to his death at age 77.
video #9: “Peasant Premier” videoworksheet #9
7. Collective Leadership II [1964-66] saw the struggle between Soviet Pres
N.V. Podgorny, Soviet Premier Aleksei N. Kosygin & CPSU Gen-Sect
8. Leonid I. Brezhnev [1906-82] shared Lenin’s patronymic, Ukrainian born
Great Russian like X who quit metallurgical school to join Komsomol
(1923) & study agriculture as an apparatchik, attached himself to X (1940+)
becoming obkom sect then Red Army politruk (1941) attaining rank of
Maj. General. Deputy to U.S. Supreme Soviet (1950), then Moldavian 1st
Sect (1950-52), Kazak 1st Sect (1955-56) opening the door to CPSU CC,
Politburo & Sect by the late 1950s. Made USSR President [1960-64]
traveling & enhancing prestige of the office of the theretofore honorific
position. Led cabal that ousted X, seized position of CPSU Gen Sect [Oct
1964-82], withstood PM Kosygin’s Economic Reforms (1965+) which did
not succeed. Promoted friend Podgorny to Presidency. Reinstated Stalin in
Soviet history as being a great—albeit excessive—leader. Halted Prague
Spring with WTO invasion of CS (Aug 1968) thereby est. the Brezhnev
Doctrine. Built his own cult of personality with collection of foreign autos
& resumption of USSR Pres. [1977-82] {although he would’ve preferred
PM} airbrushed photos, made himself Gen (1975) then Marshal (1976).
Pursued détente but authorized Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (1979+) the
imposition of martial law in Poland (1981) before dying on 10 Nov 1982.
Wanted Chernenko but
9. Yuri V. Andropov [1914-84] another CPSU apparatchik who had worked
in the Komsomol hierarchy & foreign ministry where he intrigued in
Hungarian Invasion (1956). Became KGB Chief [1967-82] where he
closely monitored foreign intrigues, including dispersal of dissidents for
Brezhnev, the succession of whom he had outmanuevered Chernenko with
aid of Gromyko & Ustinov as CPSU Gen-Sect [12 Nov 1982-1984] then
USSR President [June 1983-84 Feb] but his kidneys began to fail.
10. Konstantin U. Chernenko [1911-85] Siberian Uke, apparatchik, Brezhnev

protégé who came out of Agitprop (1939+) made CPSU CC (1971+)

Politburo (1978) B’s hand-picked successor who had to wait for
Andropov’s kidneys to fail to become CPSU Gen-Sect [Feb 1984-85] &
USSR Pres [Apr ’84-85]. His 13 months of power were the shortest in
Soviet history, during the course of which the USSR boycotted the XXIII
Summer Olympics (1984) in LA
11. Mikhail S. Gorbachev [1931(1985-)] photo p. 685 born & raised on
kolkhoz in Stavropol region, worked at machine-tractor station, studied
law at Moscow U, joined CPSU (1952+), married Raisa, became Stavropol
1st Sect. (1970), CPSU CC (1971), brought to Moscow as agriculture
expert (1978). A protoge of Andropov, became CPSU Gen-Sect [Mar
1985-90] tried to continue radical reform {perestroika} photo p.683
including increased reliance on market mechanisms. Also tried to curb abuse
of alcohol. The lifting of censorship {glasnost} resulting in a flood of
criticism of the CPSU & himself as well illus. p.691, especially from the
likes of more radicals such as Boris N. Yeltsin illus p.695, & the
Chernobyl incident (1986) Armenian earthquake (1988), the
increasing desire for independence among the union republics, culminating
in an ill-conceived KGB coup (Aug 1991) in which Yeltsin was able to
enhance his position as Russian President & Gorby was Pres of a USSR that
was dissolved & the CIS formed. He ran for Russian Pres 1996, but
received only 0.5% of the popular vote, proving that he was more popular in
the USA than in Russia. Wrote Memoirs (1996) & On My Country & the
World (2000). video #10: “Gorbachev” 60 mins. videoworksheet #10
Test #5: Soviet Communism
b. Chinese Revolutions CHINA styles itself as the world’s oldest continuing civilization. While
the Chinese culture certainly was civilized in earliest historical times:
Prehistory to 3000 BCE
History BCE to Present
Ancient BCE 3000-400 CE
Medieval 400-1500
Modern 1500-Present
it is not without influence from other cultures & not continuous.
1) Pekin Man {Sinanthropus pequinensis} was a Homo erectus caveman (Chou-Kou-tien caves
near Beijing) who lived about 500,000 years ago extracted human brains, evolved into Homo sapiens
producing 1.1 billion
2) Hwang He (Yellow) River Valley civilization developed by 3000 BCE, including ideograph
system of vertical writing with 3,300 character “alphabet” illus p.174 resulting in pinyin
adoption by communists (1979+) & voice pitch tonal variations
3) POPULATION has always been the #1 problem map p.137
4) DYNASTIES listing p.143 used to measure history, beginning with the XIA (Hsia) 2200-1766
a) XIA (HSIA) DYNASTY [2200-1766 BCE] map p.146 were a semi-
legendary series of rulers who introduced hereditary monarchy, painted
pottery, & written language with 3,300 ideographs illus p.174 used until 1980s
when it was replaced with pinyin.
b) K’ung Fu-tzu (Kongzi) [551-479 BCE] whose mispronounced name
Confucius sketch p. 177 is synonymous w/philosopher was a minor govt
official who resigned b/c of attitude of his superior. Studied ethics & morality
& taught value of 5 RELATIONSHIPS: (1) ruler to ruled (2) parent to child
(3) husband to wife (4) elders to youngsters (5) friend to friend each
w/reciprocal obligations, the family unit was considered extremely important,
including grandparents. Numerous children were encouraged to treasure &
share agrarian labor.
c) 1st EMPIRE [BCE 221-220 CE] created by 2 dynasties:
i) CH’IN (QIN) DYNASTY [221-207 BCE] ruled for a brief time, but gave China its
name illus p.156
ii) HAN DYNASTY [BCE 202-220 CE] map p.146 approximated Roman Empire in
west, building 1500 mile GREAT WALL photo p.125 to keep out barbarians,
inventing paper, & sending envoys to Rome, w/whom they traded silk {The Silk
Road} & spices causing such a trade imbalance that the Romans were dispensing
$15,000,000 sesterces for Oriental exotica up until the Han overthrow in 220 CE
video #11: “Secrets of the Great Wall” worksheet #11
iii) Barbarian invasions of 2nd Mongol (Tartar) explosion disrupted development until
iv) T’ANG DYNASTY [618-907] map p.146 created a
d) 2nd EMPIRE which enveloped Korea & developed porcelain dishware,
gunpowder & printing as prosperity ensued despite political turmoil of 5
e) MONGOL (YUAN) DYNASTY [1280-1368] had begun near Lake Baikal
where Temujin {Genghis Khan} [1162(1175-1227)] beat on northern
Chinese stealing their use of gunpowder to pound on India, Iraq, Iran,+Syria
creating largest land empire ever known map p.146. His grandson, Kublai
Khan [1216 (1279-94)] made Peiping (now Beijing) the capital photo p.140
& living in the Forbidden City logo p.144, relinquishing the rest of
grandpop’s empire except China, utilizing Mandarins such as Nicolo’s son
Marco Polo [1254-1324] (1278-94) upon whose return to Italy (1294)
became POW in Venetian-Genoese War where he allegedly told his story to
Rusticiano who penned The Travels of Marco Polo complete with the tale of
Prester John & stories of exotic riches of the Indies, inciting Europeans to
seek sea-route to the Indies resulting in European discovery of New World
f) MING DYNASTY [1368-1644] continued the dynastic tradition of its
predecessors, famous for its precious vases, subjected to the arrival of the
Portuguese (1516) who were subsequently confined to port cities {Macao,
Hong Kong} illus. p.181 western technology desired but viewed as pollutants.
g) MANCHU (CH’ING or Q’ING) DYNASTY [1644-1912] was the last,
regarded as foreigners (even so today!) from Manchuria weakened by
i) Opium Wars [1839-42] vs. Britain illus. p.188
ii) Taiping Rebellion [1850-64] est. a rival dynasty {the Taiping} in Nanjing, then the
iii) Boxer Rebellion [1900] of militant, xenophobic youth whose teroristic actions
nearly resulted in the dismemberment of China were it not for the USA’s Open Door

iv) Hsuan T’ung (Henry Pu Yi) [1906 (1908-12) 1967] for whom a regency was
established in the person of Dowager Empress Ci Xi (Tzu Hsi) [1835 (1862-1908)]
whose death left 3 year old Last Emperor on the throne.
v) Guomindang (Kuomintang) {GMD or KMT} was the Nationalist Party org by
h) Dr. Sun Yat-sen [1866-1925]a Hong Kong MD who had lived in
Hawaii, GB, Japan where he’d org. the Society to Regenerate China
returned to win the 1st Revolutionary Civil War (1911-12) thereafter
become the 1st Pres. of Republic of China photo p.190; illus pp.228-229 but noble
intentions & ill health caused his to step aside in favor of
i) Jiang Ji-eshi (Chiang Kai-chek) [1886-1975] eldest son of wine
merchant Jiang Jung-jen who had joined Sun (1907), graduated
Chinese Military Academy & Tokyo Staff College. Became Pres. Of
Nationalist China [1928-75] illus pp.228-229 & immediately
thereafter precipitated 2nd Revolutionary Civil War vs. CCP which he
continued to pursue even after Japanese invasion of Manchuria (Sep
1931+) necessitating his kidnap & forced truce so he could be WWII
C-in-C of all land forces. Eventually, defeated in 3rd Revolutionary
Civil War [1945-49] & driven to Formosa {Taiwan} where he ruled
until his death.
5) Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was org. in Jun 1921 by some GMD
members, the most noteworthy of which was
i) Mao Zedong (Mao Tse Tung) [1893-1976] photo pp.198-199 ex-
librarian+schoolteacher 1 of 12 CCP Founders (Jun 1921) joined the GMD [1923-27]
until order by Comintern to try to seize power in abortive Autumn Crop Rising (1927)
precipitating 2nd Revolutionary Civil War [1928-31] during which wife #2 Y’ang Kai
Hui executed by GMD but reacted to Japanese invasion of Manchuria (Sep 1931) by
declaring war on Japan & fled to mts. where he allied with Chu Teh, for which CCP
expelled him. Among the 30,000 survivors (of 120,000) of 368-day Long March [Oct
In “Appeal to the Nation” (Aug 1935) called for a united front vs.
Japan. With V-J Day, Double 10th Agreement [10 Oct 1945] soon
deteriorated into 3rd Revolutionary Civil War [1946-49] drove
GMD to Formosa (Taiwan) marching triumphantly into Beijing on 1
Oct 1949 proclaiming the People’s Republic of China assuming
multiple chairmanships, which he relinquished with the
passage of time, becoming The Chairman authorizing Little Red Book
Video #12: “Mao” worksheet #12
ii) RED CHINA [1949+] was alienated by the USA, which refused to exchange
ambassadors until 1971. Thus, the planet’s most populous nation was closed off
from the UN, Olympics, international trade. Briefly attempted to ally with
USSR, but the latter’s reluctance to share nuclear secrets, centuries of border
animosity & dogmatic disputes led to isolation. Mao kept nation in constant
state of upheaval w/Great Leap Forward during 2nd Five Year Plan (1958-62)
with abysmal backyard furnace endeavor then the Great Proletarian Cultural
Revolution (1966-69) until Nixon reversed U.S. attitude with Sino-American
Détente (1971) to extricate from Vietnam. Utilized the talents of Chou En-lai
[1898-1975?] more & more as he aged & suffered from parkinson’s disease
iii) Deng Xiaoping {Teng Hsiao-ping}[1904-1997] illus p.204 joined the CCP as a
college student, where he came under the influence of Chou En-lai, rose to VP
& CCP Gen-Sect (1954-66) only to be purged during the GPCR, took 10 years
to get back in & to emerge as true successor of Mao & Chou and
as 1 of chief prosecutors of gang of four authorized Tianenman Square
Massacre (1989). Died on 19 Feb 1997. Video #13: “China Cry” worksheet #13

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