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301005- PPC

WEEK 1 - Class Activity

Note: Work in the group and write down answers in your book. Present your answers in
the class.

Q1. Nonverbal Behaviour

Think about the nonverbal behaviour that might take place and the intentions behind it in
the following situation.
 Situation: You have been offered an interview for a job. Consider carefully the
nonverbal message you will want to convey at this interview. List six aspects of your
nonverbal behaviour that you will pay particular attention to.

Q2. Elevator Pitch (300 words)

Picture yourself in an elevator, and in walks in a prominent project manager of your
company. You have seen each other before, and he asks, “I see you all the time, what’s your
name? What do you do?”
You have less than a minute to pitch who you are and what you do. Write your pitch.

Q 3. Active Listening (300 words)

What is active listening, and why would you learn the strategies involved? List some (3+) of
strategies and explain why they are used for active listening.

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