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1-Outline factors that contribute to workers’ competence.

2-A worker has been seriously injured in an accident at work.

Outline the immediate AND longer term actions that should be taken.

3-Outline provisions to be considered to help ensure the health and safety of disabled workers

4-Identify the general principles of prevention that can be used to reduce the risk of injury from hazards
in the workplace

5- Outline why it is important for safe systems of work to be in writing

6- Outline why it is important for an organisation to consider the number and type of accidents that
have occurred at its workplace.

(b) Outline:
(i) common immediate causes of accidents;
(ii) common root (underlying) causes of accidents.

7-Identify documents that could be examined when reviewing an organisation’s health and safety
management system.

8- Give TWO examples of health and safety performance information that can be used for

9-Outline why it is important for an organisation’s health and safety policy to include targets.

10-Identify why workers might not report accidents at work.

11-Outline how an organisation might decide whether a risk is acceptable.

12-When developing emergency procedures outline why the arrangements for contacting the
emergency and rescue services needs to be included.

13-Identify factors to be considered to help reduce the risks to workers required to work alone.

14-Outline the purpose of the three main sections of an organisation’s health and safety policy.

15-Identify ways in which organisations can positively influence the health and safety behaviours of their

16-Explain why it is important for organisations to review their health and safety performance regularly.

17-Identify factors that could influence the frequency of health and safety performance reviews.

18-Identify content that could be included in an accident reporting training course for all workers within
an organization

19-Outline the key elements of a health and safety management system

20-A worker in a busy kitchen has notified her employer that she is pregnant.
Outline factors that the employer should consider when undertaking a specific risk assessment for this

21-Outline why it is important that all persons in an organisation are aware of their roles and
responsibilities for health and safety.

22-Outline factors that should be considered to determine the frequency of health and safety
inspections in a workplace.

23- Outline the contents that should be included on a permit-to-work form.

24-An employer is setting up a health and safety training programme.

(a) Identify the benefits to:
(i) the employer;
(ii) the worker.
(b) Identify when health and safety training would be provided to workers.

25-Outline the health and safety duties of designers, manufacturers and suppliers of articles and

26-Identify key areas that should be addressed in the ‘arrangements’ section of a health and safety

27-Give the meaning of the following different types of incident AND identify a relevant example for
(a) injury;
(b) ill-health;
(c) dangerous occurrence;
(d) damage only.

28-Outline what is required in order for a risk assessment to be suitable and sufficient

29-Identify documentation that is likely to be inspected in a health and safety audit

30-Outline the typical content of a safe system of work for entry into a confined space.

31-Identify FOUR examples of a confined space that may be found in a workplace.

32-Outline ways in which workers’ perceptions of hazards in the workplace might be improved.

33-A machine has leaked hot liquid into a work area. No-one has been injured.
Outline reasons why it is important for an organisation to investigate ‘near miss’ incidents

35-An organisation is introducing a new work activity that requires a safe system of work.
(a) why it is important to involve workers in the development of a safe system of work; (4)
(b) why it is important for safe systems of work to have written procedures.

36-Outline the purpose of the three main sections of an organisation’s health and safety policy

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