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Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.40.459.28 on 1 January 1964. Downloaded from on June 21, 2020 at India:BMJ-PG
DUNLOP, D. M. (I963): Eighty-six Cases of Addison's Disease, Brit. med. J., ii, 887.
FELix-DAvIEs, D. (1955): Addison's Disease Presenting as Loss of Weight without Pigmentation, Ibid., 48, 1023.
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Medical Unit, Glasgow Royal Infirmary
Department of Pharmacy, The Royal College of Science and Technology, Glasgow.

A THIRTY-ONE-'year-old male patient was admitted four hours, but gradually returned to normal during the
to hospital three hours after swallowing 7.5 ml. of subsequent twenty-four hours.
I % atropine sulphate eyedrops in a suicidal
attempt. Discussion
Carter (1940) and Glaister (1957) describe
Case Report patients who have recovered following consumption
He was found to be hallucinated, irritable, and of similar quantities of atropine. Only symptomatic
tremulous. His pupils were widely dilated; muscle tone and supportive treatment have been available,
was increased, with exaggerated reflexes and bilateral however, and it seems agreed that chemical methods
ankle clonus. His tongue was dry and furred. His pulse of treatment are ineffective (Goodman and Gilman,
rate was 104/min., blood pressure I40/I00 mm. Hg.
He-had not vomited prior to admission to hospital, and I955; Graham, I962).
had not passed urine. Our results indicate that with forced diuresis
Treatment. A regime of forced diuresis, similar to 25.7 mg. of atropine sulphate, that is 34% of the
that described by Ohlsson (I949) and Lassen (I960) for ingested quantity, were excreted in the two hours
the treatment of barbiturate intoxication, was initiated. following commencement of therapy or in the six
The actual technique was as follows: hours after taking the drug. 30.9 mg. (41% of the
Two pints of normal saline were given intravenously ingested dose) were excreted in Io hours following
in one hour, followed by o.5 g. chlorothiazide intra- commencement of therapy, that is in the 14 hours
venously. Following this, two pints of 5% dextrose
water were given over ninety minutes, and these were after taking the drug. During this period the
followed by 8o g. of urea in 2oo ml. of water. Subse- patient passed 5,800 ml. of urine. By comparison
quently, one pint of 5% dextrose water was given hourly, Tonnesen (I950) showed that humans, given doses
and seven hours after starting the treatment a further of 2 to 5 mg. of atropine sulphate orally, excreted on
0.5 g. of chlorothiazide was given. average 12.7% of the ingested dose during the next
All the urine was collected by catheter and the atro- two days.
pine content was estimated by the Vitali Morin reaction. We were able to detect atropine in the patient's
(Appendix, Table I). urine for 24 hours after taking the drug, but no
Ten hours after commencing treatment the patient
was rational and no longer hallucinated. His tremor had atropine could be detected chemically or by the
disappeared and his reflexes had returned to nornal. cat's eye test (Sollmann, 1948; Krantz and Carr,
His pupils, however, remained widely dilated for twenty- I96I) after this.
January I964 GRODEN and WILLIAMS: Atropine Poisoning Treated by Forced Diuresis 29

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.40.459.28 on 1 January 1964. Downloaded from on June 21, 2020 at India:BMJ-PG
ATROPINE ExcRErIoN. (Results expressed as (C17 H23 03 N)2 H2S04, H20).
Time after commencement Volume of urine Atropine concentration Atropine excreted
of diuresis* (ml.) mg./ I00 ml. mg.
i st hour 500 2.3 11.3
2nd hour 1,360 I. I I4.4
3rd and 4th hours I,400 0.2 2.8
5th and 6th hours 380 0.2 o.8
7th and 8th hours 835 0.I 1.1
gth and ioth hours 1,325 trace 0.5
I Ith-I 4th hours I ,490 trace 0.2
Isth-I8th hours 2 ,000 trace <0. I
Total 9,290 31I.1
Subsequent specimens were tested chemically and biologically by the cat's eye test but showed no activity in the
original solution or in the extracts prepared from them.
* Forced diuresis commenced four hours after ingestion of atropine.

Our results, therefore, are in agreement with the Appendix: Method of estimating atropine
known rapid early excretion of atropine (Tonnesen, Transfer an appropriate volume of urine to a separator
I950). Possible explanations for the rapid fall in and add 2 ml. 0. iN, HCl or sufficientto make acid. Dilute,
the excretion rate are the fixation of atropine in the if necessary, to about 50 ml. with water and extract with
ether (50 ml.).

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tissues and the process of detoxication in the liver Run off the lower aqueous layer into a second sepa-
(Goodman and Gilman, 1955; Beckman, I96I). rator, wash ether layer with water (io ml.) and add the
Although it is difficult to draw a strict comparison washing to the aqueous layer in the second separator.
between Tonnesen's results and our own because Make the aqueous layer alkaline with ammonia and
of the difference in the amount of drug ingested, extract twice with ether (5o, 40 ml.). Wash the bulked
we feel that the quantity of atropine excreted has ether extracts with water (2 x 5 ml.), transfer the ether
been significantly increased by producing a sub- to a flask and evaporate to small volume (about 5 ml.).
stantial diuresis in the early stages of the intoxi- Transfer the concentrated ether quantitatively to an
cation. evaporating basin and evaporate to dryness.
Add 0.3 ml. fuming nitric acid to the residue and
evaporate once more to dryness. Cool the basin and add
dimethylformamide (cf. Freeman, I955) (5.oo ml.) and
Summary ethanolic potassium hydroxide (o.sN, 0.5o ml.). Compare
The case is described of a patient who took a the colour produced immediately with a blank of distilled
large quantity of atropine (75 mg.) in a suicidal water at 56o m,u. Subtract the reading for a blank on
attempt. He recovered rapidly on a regime of normal urine and read off the amount of atropine from
a curve obtained by treating known amounts of atropine
forced diuresis. His excretion of atropine was sulphate with fuming nitric acid and continuing as
estimated and it was shown that 41 % of the described above from the words 'evaporate once more to
ingested dose was excreted in the io hours following drvness....'
commencement of treatment, at the end of which We would like to thank Mr. J. L. Paterson, Depart-
time he had recovered from his intoxication apart ment of Pharmacy, the Royal College of Science and
from continued dilation of the pupils. It is con- Technology, for performing the biological tests, and Dr.
cluded that forced diuresis is of value in the Alexander Brown for permission to publish the case
treatment of atropine poisoning. report, and for helpful advice.

BECKMAN, H. (I96I): 'Pharmacology', 2nd Edition, p. 415. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders.
CARTER, A. B. (I940): 'Atropine Poisoning-Description of an unusual case.' Brit. med. J3., I, 664.
FREEMAN, F. M. (1955): 'The Analyst', 8o, 520.
GLAISTER, J. (1957): 'Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology', ioth Edition, p. 621. Edinburgh: E. & S. Livingstone.
GOODMAN, L. S., and GILMAN, A. (I955): 'The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics', 2nd Edition, pp. 551 553.
New York: Macmillan.
GRAHAM, J. D. P. (i962): 'Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Poisoning', p. 326. London: Oxford University Press
KRANTZ, J. C., and CARR, C. J. (I96I): 'The Pharmacologic Principles of Medical Practice', sth Edition, p. 93I.
London: Bailliere, Tindall & Cox.
LASSEN, N. A. (I960): 'Treatment of Severe Acute Barbiturate Poisoning by Forced Diuresis and Alkalinisation of the
Urine', Lancet, 2, 338.
OHLSSON, W. T. L. (I949): 'Blodskoljningsbehandling Vid Svar Barbiturat Forgiftning', Nord. Med., 42, I471.
SOLLMANN, T. (1948): 'A Manual of Pharmacology and its applications to Therapeutics and Toxicology', 7th Edition,
P. 319. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders.
TONNESON, M. (1950): 'The Excretion of Atropine and Allied Alkaloids in Urine', Acta. Pharmacol. (Kbh.), 6, 147.

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