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(For Official Use Only)



End User :TrD Maintenance Staff

May, 2016

egkjktiqj, Xokfy;j & 474 005

Maharajpur, GWALIOR - 474 005


“To develop safe, modern and cost effective Railway

Technology complying with Statutory and Regulatory
requirements, through excellence in Research, Designs and
Standards and Continual improvements in Quality
Management System to cater to growing demand of
passenger and freight traffic on the railways”.

Electrification of railway tracks plays an important role for reliable and pollution free operation of trains. Various instructions, circulars, letters
etc. are being issued time to time by Board/ RDSO/ Railways to keep Over Head Equipment (OHE) in good condition. During erection of OHE and its
operation and maintenance, various schedule of dimensions (SODs), manuals, reports, letters etc. are required to be referred.

For the convenience of OHE construction/maintenance staff CAMTECH has prepared this "databank on important guidelines, letters,
instructions, circulars etc. for OHE" which provides details and reference at the same place and may be used as and when required.

I am sure this databank will be useful for OHE construction as well as OHE maintenance and operation staff.

CAMTECH, Gwalior A.R.Tupe

Date: 24th May,2016 Executive Director
Over 26 thousands kilometers track has been electrified over Indian Railways and electrification work is in full swing to cater growing
demand of traffic. To maintain such a widespread OHE network, various instructions, circulars, guidelines etc. are issued by Railway Board,
RDSO, Zonal Railways for the reference of Railways.

Participants during various seminars held at Gwalior requested to prepare a data bank for OHE. This "data bank of important guidelines,
letters, instructions, circulars etc. for OHE" prepared by CAMTECH gives the details on various items with their references at a glance in a
tabular format. The databank covers instructions regarding construction, maintenance and operation of Over Head Equipment (OHE) over
Indian Railways. Some items have been added on basis of field experience of field staff. It is expected that this databank will serve as a
"KNOWLEDGE BANK" for field staff maintaining OHE.

It is clarified that this databank does not supersede any existing provisions laid down by Railway Board/RDSO/ Zonal Railways. This
databank is for guidance only and it is not a statutory document.

I am thankful to Zonal Railways and especially to Shri Shiv Ranjan Gupta, SSE/EL of this organization who put all his efforts and
lifelong service experience in making this databank useful. I am also thankful to all field personnel who have helped us in preparing this

Technological up-gradation & learning is a continuous process. Hence feel free to write to us for any addition or modification in this
report. We shall highly appreciate your contribution in this direction.

CAMTECH, Gwalior (Peeyoosh Gupta)

Date: 23rd May, 2016 Director Electrical
Sr.No. Description Page No.

Foreword iii
Preface iv
Contents v
Correction Slip viii

1. Foundation 01
Sr.No. Description Page No.

19. WIND LOAD 62

23. STAGGER 66
24. SPAN 68
31. TRACK 86
33. PORTAL 88
Sr.No. Description Page No.




The correction slips to be issued in future for this handbook will be numbered as follows:
CAMTECH/ E/2016-17/Databank-OHE/ # XX date---

Where “XX” is the serial number of the concerned correction slip (starting from 01 onwards).


Sr. No. Date of issue Page no. and Item no. modified Remarks
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Sr. Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
1. General
i. Measurement Top of Foundation above ground 50-100 mm ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II 6.5.9 Appendix
level –I (Page-13)
ii. Regulated OHE Length of mast below rail level for 1850 mm
regulated OHE
iii. Unregulated OHE Length of mast below rail level for 1750 mm
unregulated OHE
iv. Measurement Embedment length of mast in 1350 mm
v. Measurement of Concrete cushion below the bottom 150 mm
cushion of mast
vi. Super block Super block may be made of length As per requirement
and width equal to top of foundation
vii. Slope bank Foundation are constructed on the 500 mm from rail level ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II 6.5.8 Appendix
slop of bank, no part of it expose. –I (Page-13)
2. Selection of Foundation
i. Side bearing 300 mm solder width is available on Soil bearing capacity ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II 6.5.3 Appendix –
(Type – B) the bank 11,000 & 21,000 I (Page-13) & RDSO/ Drg. no.
kgf/m ETI/C/0058
ii. Side bearing 550 mm solder width is available on Soil bearing capacity ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II 6.5.3 Appendix –
(Type – B) the bank for overlap inter mast and 11,000 & 21,000 I (Page-13) & RDSO/ Drg. no.
mast on the inside of curve kgf/m ETI/C/0023

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Sr. Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
iii. Side gravity Adequate solder width is not Soil bearing capacity ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II 6.5.5 Appendix –I
(Type – BG) available 8,000 & 11,000 kgf/m2 (Page-13) & RDSO/ Drg. no. ETI/C/0058
iv. Side gravity „C‟ dimension as 800 mm As per RDSO Drg. no. i. RDSO letter No. TI/CiVIL/FDN12
(OHE foundation (instead of 600 mm) and TI/DRG/CIV/FDN/RDSO/ dated 26.03.2012
drawings for dimension has been shown as 00001/04/0 (sheet-1) has ii. CEE, CORE‟s letter No.
increase 600 mm been modified as Mod – ELCORE/T/OHE/ALD/FIT/410(Pt.
implantation from „B‟ III) dated 14.02. 2012 & 06.02.2012
2800 mm to 2900 iii. RDSO Drg. no.
mm from center TI/DRG/CIV/FDN/RDSO/00001/04/ 0
line of nearest (sheet 1 to 5)
track) iv. RDSO Drg. no. ETI/OHE/ G/01403 (
sheet 1to 3)
v. Pure gravity Soil surrounding the Soil bearing capacity ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II 6.5.6 Appendix –I
( Type- G) foundation is loose and cannot 5,500, 8,000 & 11,000 (Page-13) & RDSO/ Drg. no. ETI/C/0058
exert passive pressure on the kgf/m2
vi. Pure gravity Base only take all the bending Soil bearing capacity ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II 6.5.6 Appendix –I
( Type- P) moment. Used for portal 8,250 & 11,000 kgf/m2 (Page-13) & RDSO/ Drg. no. ETI/C/0058
vii. New pure gravity Foundation should not be Soil bearing capacity ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II 6.5.2 (1- ii) & 6.5.4
(Type- NG) exposed or 300 mm shoulder 5,500, 8,000 & 11,000 Appendix –I (Page- 11&13) & RDSO/
width is not available. kgf/m2 Drg. no. ETI/C/0058
viii. Pure gravity for Foundation are not be used Soil bearing capacity ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II Appendix –I
black cotton soil where swelling / shrinkage is 16,500 kgf/m2 (Page-13) & RDSO/ Drg. no. ETI/ C/0058
(Type-WBC) not expected at the foundation

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Sr. Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
ix. New pure gravity Foundation to be used where Soil bearing capacity ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II Appendix
for black cotton swelling/ shrinkage are expected to 8,000 kgf/m2 –I (Page-13) & RDSO/ Drg. no. ETI/ C/
soil (Type- NBC) occur, depth is 2.5 m 0058
x. Dry black cotton Foundation to be used where Soil bearing capacity ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II 6.5.2 (1- iii)
soil (Type- NBC) swelling/ shrinkage are expected to 11,000 & 16,500 Appendix –I (Page-11) & RDSO/ Drg.
occur, depth is 3.0 m kgf/m2 no. ETI/C/ 0058
xi. New pure gravity Different soil and site condition - ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II 6.5.2 (1- iv)
(Type-NG or SPL) and foundation are 500 mm Appendix –I (Page-12) & RDSO/ Drg.
exposed. no. ETI/C/ 0058
Soft rock Foundation to be used where soil Soil bearing capacity ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II 6.5.2 (1-vi)
xii. are soft rock. 45,000 kgf/m2 Appendix –I (Page-12) & RDSO/ Drg.
no. ETI/C/ 0059
xiii. Hard rock Foundation to be used where soil Soil bearing capacity ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II 6.5.2 (1-vii)
are hard rock. 90,000 kgf/m2 Appendix –I (Page-12) & RDSO/ Drg.
no. ETI/C/ 0060
xiv. For portal Ordinary soil ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II 6.5.2 (2-i)
Appendix –I (Page-13) & RDSO/ Drg.
no. ETI/C/ 005/ 68
Dry back cotton soil ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II 6.5.2 (2-ii)
Appendix –I (Page-13) & RDSO/ Drg.
no. ETI/C/ 0063
xv. Sand core The core hole is filled with Foundation is not used Treatise Volume II Para- 3.5.7 page 119
foundation perfectly dry sand and well packed for portals and & RDSO Drg. No. ETI/C/0012/69
with bitumen sealing at the top. location having
Top of foundation should always be bending moment more
kept above ground level. than 5000 kg. m

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Sr. Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
3. Special information as discussed during seminar held at CAMTECH on 29.03.2016 is furnished below
i. Type of cement, Portal cement conforming to IS: 269 (latest version) or Portland
As per IS-269 (latest version) or as
Aggregates and Pozzolana cement (fly ash based) as per IS: 1489 Pt.I (latest
per IS-1489 Pt.I (latest version)
water to be used in version) is to be used.
concrete work.
ii. The graded coarse aggregate 40 mm normal size (IS: 383 latest
version) shall be used or foundation. A coarse aggregate for
grouting muffs and embedding shall be of 20 mm graded nominal
size as per IS: 383.
Group Grade Specified Characteristic
As per IS:383 latest version
Designation Compressive Strength of 150mm
Cube at 28 days in N/mm
i. Ordinary M 10 10
ii. Concrete M 15 15
iii. M 20 20
4. Minimum cement The water cement ratio is an important factor for durability of
content and water concrete. Appropriate values for minimum cement content and the
cement ratio maximum free water cement ratio are given below in table of IS:
456 or different exposure condition.
Exposure Plain Concrete
Min. cement Max. free water Min. grade of
As per IS: 456
content Kg/m2 cement ratio concrete
i. Mild 220 0.60 --
ii. Moderate 240 0.60 M-15
iii. Severe 250 0.50 M-20
iv. Very Severe 260 0.45 M-20
v. Extreme 280 0.40 M-25

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Sr. Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
5. Concrete The mix proportions shall be selected to ensure the work ability of the fresh
mixture concrete and when concrete is hardened, it shall have the required strength,
proportioning durability and surface finish.
Concrete for foundations as well as for grouting, muffing embedding of
structures in foundations and for cable trenches at switching stations shall be
obtained by mixing cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and water in
accordance with proportions. The same is reproduced below.
Proportions for nominal mix concrete (Clause 9.3.1)
Grade of Total quantity of dry Proportion of fine Quantity of
concrete aggregate by mass per 50 aggregate of water per
kg. of cement to be taken as coarse (by mass) 50kg. of
the sum of the individual cement (max
masses of the fine and litres)
IS: 456 (latest version)
coarse aggregates, kg, max
i. 1 2 3 4
ii. M5 800 60
Generally 1:2 but
iii. M 7.5 625 45
subject to an
iv. M 10 480 upper limit o 34
1:1.5 and a lower
v. M 15 330 32
limit of 1:2.5
vi. M 20 250 30
Note: The proportions of the fine to coarse aggregates should be adjusted from
upper limit to lower limit progressively as the grading of the fine aggregates
becomes finer and the maximum size of coarse aggregate becomes larger.
Graded coarse aggregate shall be used.

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Sr. Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
For average grading of the fine aggregate (that is zone II of IS: 383, 1970 the proportions
shall be 1:1.5 and 1:2 and 1:2.5 for maximum size of aggregate 10 mm, 20 mm and
40mm respectively.
Specification or coarse and fine aggregate from natural sources for concrete (second

"Volume batching may be allowed only where weigh-batching is not practical and
provided accurate bulk densities of materials to be actually used in concrete have earlier
been established. Allowance for bulking shall be made in accordance with IS: 2386
(Part-3) (latest version). The mass volume relationship should be checked as frequently
as necessary. The frequency for the given job is being determined by Engineer-in-charge
to ensure that the specified grading is maintained."
4. Quality The job of quality control and quality assurance would involve quality audit of both the
Assurance inputs as well the outputs. Inputs are in the form of materials for concrete, workmanship
measures in all stages of batching mixing, transportation, placing, compaction and curing in order
to ensure proper performance, it Is necessary to inspect each step in concreting.
5. Compaction Concrete should be thoroughly compacted and fully worked around the reinforcement,
and curing around embedded fixture.
Curing is the process of preventing the loss of moisture from the concrete while
maintaining a satisfactory temperature regime. Exposed surface of concrete shall be kept
continuously wet condition by covering with a layer of sacking and kept continuously
wet for at least 10 days from the date of placing concrete.
6. Supervision Supervision is of extreme importance to check the concrete. Hence constant and strict
supervision of all the items of the construction is necessary during the mixing of the

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Sr. Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
7. Acceptance In acceptance criteria, compressive strength of concrete by random sampling procedure
criteria should be included in the contract documents.
Samples from fresh concrete shall be made as per IS: 1199 and cubes shall be made, cured
and tested at 28 days in accordance with IS: 516. The minimum frequency of sampling of
concrete of each grade as mentioned in para-15.2.2 IS:456 (2000) is furnished below:
Quantity of concrete in the work, As per IS:
Number of samples
m3 1199, IS:516
1-5 1 and IS: 456
6 - 15 2 (2000)
16 - 30 3
31 - 50 4
4 plus one additional sample for each additional 50m3
51 and above
or part thereof.
Note: At least one sample shall be taken from each shift.
8. Test result of The test results of sample shall be the average of the strength of three specimens. The
sample individual variation should not be more than +15 percent of the average. If more, the test
results of the sample are invalid.
The compressive strength specified in table shall be the criterion for acceptance or rejection
of the concrete. The same is reproduced below: As per IS:383
Group Grade Specified Characteristic Compressive Strength of latest version
Designation 150mm Cube at 28 days in N/mm2
i. Ordinary M 10 10
ii. Concrete M 15 15
iii. M 20 20

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Sr. Items Parameter Details Authority

Observation Action
1. Electrical clearance
Vertical and lateral distance between 25 kV live parts and earthed parts of fixed structures or moving loads/rolling stocks shall
be as large as possible. The minimum vertical and lateral electrical clearances to be maintained under worst condition of
temperature, wind etc. between only any live part of the over head equipment or pantograph and parts of any fixed structures
(earthed or otherwise) or moving loads / rolling stocks.
Minimum Long duration Between live & 250 mm i. As per Rly Board‟ Letter No.2011/ CEDO/SD/
electrical (vertical) earth for 25 kV AC IRSOD /Elect/02 dated 14.03.2012.
Long duration Between live & 250 mm ii. ACS No.-7 to the Indian Railway SOD (BG) 2004.
(Horizontal) earth for 25 kV AC chapter V-A Electric Traction ( 25 kV AC Cycles)
Short duration Between live & 200 mm iii. Railway Board letter No. 2000/RE/161/ Pt-III
(vertical) earth for 25 kV AC (ACTM) dtd. 24.05.2006
Short duration Between live & 200 mm
(Horizontal) earth for 25 kV AC
a. Long duration means when the conductor is at rest and short duration means when the conductor is not at rest.
b. A minimum vertical distance of 270 mm shall normally be provided between rolling stock and contact wire to allow for a 20
mm temporary raising of the track during maintenance. Wherever the allowance required for track maintenance exceeds 20
mm, the vertical distance between rolling stock and contact wire shall correspondingly be increased.
c. Where adoption of above clearance is either not feasible or involves abnormally high cost, permanent bench mark to be
provided to indicate the level of track to be maintained.

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Sr. Items Parameter Details Authority

Observation Action
2. Minimum height from rail level to the underside of live conductor
i. Minimum height Minimum height Under bridges and in 4.80 m i. As per Rly Board‟Letter No.2011/
from rail level to tunnels CEDO/SD/ IRSOD /Elect/02 dated
the underside of 14.03.2012.
ii. In the Open 5.50 m
live conductor
iii. At level crossing 5.50 m ii. ACS No.-7 to the Indian Railway SOD
(BG) 2004. chapter V-A Electric
iv. In running and 5.80 m Traction ( 25 kV AC Cycles)
carriage sheds
a. In cases where it is proposed to allow only locomotives or stocks not higher than 4.42 m, the minimum height of contact
wire, specified under Item 2(i), may be reduced to 4.69 m.
b. In sections, where the minimum height of contact wire has been kept at 4.54 m as per earlier provisions of IRSOD, 2004,
a board showing the restriction and specifying "locomotives or stocks higher than 4.27 m are not permitted to ply on this
section", should be exhibited at the entrance to the section.
c. For movement of over dimensional consignments, the height specified under Item 2(i) above shall be increased by the
difference between the height of the consignment contemplated and 4.42 m, In case, such on over dimensional
consignment is moved at speed not exceeding 15 kmph and is also specially escorted by authorized Railway staff, the
derived height of contact wire may be reduced by 50 mm.
d. On curves, all vertical distances specified in Item (2) above, shall be measured above the level of the inner rail, increased
by half the super-elevation.
e. Suitable prescribed gradient on the height of contact wire shall be provided for connecting these wires installed at different

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Sr. Items Parameter Details Authority

Observation Action
3. Maximum variation in alignment of the live conductor wire on either side of the centre line of track under static condition
i. Maximum Either side of On straight track 200 mm i. As per Rly Board‟Letter No.2011/ CEDO/SD/
variation of the centre IRSOD /Elect/02 dated 14.03.2012.
ii. On curves 300 mm
the live line of track
conductor under static ii. ACS No.-7 to the Indian Railway SOD (BG)
wire condition 2004. chapter V-A Electric Traction ( 25 kV AC
Note: These limits would not apply to special locations like insulated overlaps and out of run wires.
4. Maximum width of pantograph collector : 2030 mm
i. Pantograph Width of 2030 mm Tolerance i. As per Rly Board‟Letter No.2011/ CEDO/SD/
pantograph of 10 mm IRSOD /Elect/02 dated 14.03.2012.
collector maximum
width is ii. ACS No.-7 to the Indian Railway SOD (BG)
permissible 2004. chapter V-A Electric Traction ( 25 kV AC
Note: A tolerance of plus 10 mm on maximum width specified is permissible to accommodate variation in manufacture and
mounting with respect to the centre line of vehicle.
5. Minimum clearances between live bare conductors / pantographs and structure
It is desirable to provide the maximum possible clearances in the case of lines equipped for 25 kV AC 50 cycles single phase
electric traction.
i. Minimum Short Term Vertical and lateral distance 200 mm i. As per Rly Board‟Letter No.2011/CEDO/SD/
clearance Clearances between live and earth IRSOD/Elect/02 dated 14.03.2012.
(normally existing only for a
brief period) ii. ACS No.-7 to the Indian Railway SOD (BG)
2004. Appendix „A‟ to chapter V-A Electric
Traction ( 25 kV AC Cycles).

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Sr. Items Parameter Details Authority

Observation Action
ii. Minimum Long term Vertical and lateral distance between 250 mm
clearance clearance live conductor's and earth (which may
remain for a considerable period)
a. In order to ascertain whether the requisite clearance would be available under an
existing structure, the permissible height of the contact wire shall first be determined
by competent authority. For this purpose the following particulars should be known
i. Particulars of the structure including profile
ii. Allowance for slewing of track
iii. Allowance for low joints in tracks i. As per Rly Board‟Letter
iv. Radius of curvature of track under the structure No.2011/CEDO/SD/
IRSOD/Elect/02 dated
v Super-elevation of track under the structure 14.03.2012.
vi. Maximum permissible speed under the structure ii. ACS No.-7 to the Indian
vii. Maximum dimensions of over-dimensional consignments which are permissible and safety Railway SOD (BG) 2004.
measures which would be taken for movement of over-dimensional consignments Appendix „A‟ to chapter V-A
Electric Traction ( 25 kV AC
viii Location of the structure in relation to level crossings, water columns and turnouts in the Cycles).
. vicinity
ix. Type of overhead equipment
b. After determining permissible height of the contact wire based on above particulars,
the clearance required between the lowest portion of the bridge or structure and the
top most position of the overhead wire shall be determined in each case after study of
the following
i. System of tensioning of the overhead equipment
ii. Atmospheric conditions

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Sr. Items Parameter Details Authority

iii. Maximum permissible number of electric locomotives per train (double or triple
iv. Location of the structure in relation to points and crossings, overlap, spans etc.
v. Length of structure along tracks
vi. Type of structure, girder, masonry etc.
vii. The span of overhead equipment under the bridge
viii. Presence of traction feeder
ix. Likelihood of diesel locomotive halting under' the structure
c. The minimum height of contact wire for a stock height of 4.42 m to be able to i. As per Rly Board‟Letter No.2011/
run on all sections electrified with 25 kV A.C. traction system with live CEDO/SD/ IRSOD /Elect/02 dated
traction overhead equipment 14.03.2012.
i. Height of the locomotive 4.42 m ii. ACS No.-7 to the Indian Railway
SOD (BG) 2004. chapter V-A Electric
ii. Maximum short time clearance to contact wire 0.25 m
Traction ( 25 kV AC Cycles)
iii. Allowance for track maintenance 0.02 m
iv. Minimum height of contact wire (Total) 4.69 m
Note : For OHE span length of 49.5 m or below, the oscillations of contact wire
get reduced to 0.05 m and the minimum height of contact wire in Para 4(a) (iv) can
be reduced to 4.69 m.
d. After determining the minimum height of contact wire on the assumption that
it would permit passage of standard locomotives and stock, the maximum
height of over dimensional consignments (ODC) with the live over head
equipment at speed over 15kmph (when vertical (C) oscillation of overhead
equipment is pronounced) is derived as under

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Sr. Items Parameter Details Authority

i. Minimum height of contact wire 4.65 m

ii. Less

iii. Minimum electrical clearance 0.20 m

iv. Track allowance 0.02 m

v. Allowance for' vertical oscillation of contact wire under 0.05 m

influence of moving pantographs

vi. Total 0.27 m

i. As per Rly Board‟Letter No.2011/
vii. Permissible maximum height of over dimensional 4.42 m CEDO/SD/ IRSOD /Elect/02 dated
consignment 14.03.2012.
ii. ACS No.-7 to the Indian Railway
e. If on Over Dimensional Consignment (ODC) is moved at slow speed not
SOD (BG) 2004. chapter V-A Electric
exceeding 15 kmph, there will be no downward displacement (due to oscillation)
Traction ( 25 kV AC Cycles)
of contact wire. However, to cater for the likelihood of an Over Dimensional
Consignment halting under a structure, a clearance of 0.25 m under rest condition
is to be provided, vide item 1 of Chapter V-A. In this case the derived height of
contact wire may be reduced by 50 mm.

In the case of light structures such as foot-over bridges, it would be desirable to

keep a standard height of contact wire of 5.50 m. In case of heavy structures,
such as flyover bridges or road over bridges, it is desirable to keep the height of
contact wire as low as possible, consistent with the requirements of movement of
Standard Class 'C' Over-Dimensional.
Consignments of height 4.80 m.

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Sr. Items Parameter Details Authority

Observation Action
6. Clearance working Between the earthed part of the 2m
clearance installation where men may
work and nearest live part of
any conductor
7. Return Static condition Return conductor to any part 150 mm
conductor which is earthed or likely to be
Dynamic 80 mm ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II. Appendix-I, Para-
clearance earthed
condition 3.2. (Page-7)
8. Return Clearance Return conductor and live part 400 mm Treaties Volume-II, Part-4 Chapter 7
conductor and between return of overhead equipment under Para
OHE conductor and the worst conditions
live part of OHE
9. Minimum Working Danger to personnel Earthed
electrical clearance not protective
clearance are available screen to be
not available provided
10. Height Height of Height of any conductor from 3m
conductor ground level
11. Distance Clearance Distance between any live part
(25 kV) and earth part or part 500 mm ACTM, Vol-II, Part-I,Para-20945 (Page-
likely to be earthed 190)
12. Minimum Projected fenced Minimum height of any live
6.1 m or
height part projected beyond the
fenced enclosure.
13. Clearance Clearance from Minimum clearance of 25 kV ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II , 22.2 Appendix –
overhead feeder crossing OHE of 2m I (Page-37)
equipment different elementary section.

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
1. Strands of Catenary Wire
i. Strands Maximum number i. If strands are broken i. Broken strands ACTM, Vol-II, Part-I , Para-
of parted strands upto 20%. binded by soft copper 20326.2 (b) (i) (Page-79)
allowed in section. wire.
ii. If strands are broken
more than20%. ii. Splice must be done.
ii. Strands Maximum number i. If strands are broken i. Broken strands CEDE/ER's letter No.El/94/2
of parted strands upto 03 numbers. binded by soft copper /HWH/SKP dated-21.02.05
allowed in section. wire. (File No.- EL/94/2/ Genl/Vol-
ii. Splice must be done. IX , page-65)
ii. If strands are broken
more than 03
2. Properties of cadmium catenary wire
i. Properties Equivalent copper Nominal equi-valent area 53 mm2 Cadmium Copper Conductor
area of hard drawn copper Wire, RDSO Specification
No.ETI/OHE/50 (6/97)
ii. Strands and No. of strands and 19/2.12 mm2
diameter diameter of wire.
iii. Over all diameter Approximate over all 10.50 mm
iv. Calculated area Calculated area on 64.84 mm2
cadmium copper

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
3. Chemical Composition Cadmium Copper Conductor Wire,
RDSO Specification No.ETI/OHE/50
i. Catenary Chemical Element % ppm
wire composition
Cu+Ag > 99.99%
Bi+Te+Se < 20 ppm
Pb < 5 ppm
Sb < 4 ppm
As < 5 ppm
Sn+Ni+Fe+Si+Zn+Co < 50 ppm
Oxygen < 450 ppm
ii. Weight Per Km Standard weight per km Standard - 597.3 Kg.
Maximum - 609.2 Kg,
Minimum - 585.3 Kg
iii. Resistance Resistance per km at Standard 0.3360 Ohm
20 C Maximum 0.3920 Ohm
iv. Breaking Load Approximate breaking 3920 Kgf
load of conductor
4. Codal life of cadmium catenary wire
Catenary Codal life Life of cadmium 60 Years Rly Bd's letter No. 2002/AC-
wire catenary wire II/I/10 dated 24.5.06 (File No.-
EL/94/0/ Codal Life, page-57)

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
1. Height of Contact Wire
i. Contact wire Standard height of i. Regulated OHE (new Lines) 5.60 m ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II, Para – 7.1
contact wire at ii. Regulated OHE (old lines) 5.55 m (Page-14)
various locations iii. Un-Regulated OHE 5.75 m
ii. Contact wire Standard height of Loco sheds / Inspection Pits 5.80 m ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II, Para –
contact wire 7.2.1 (Page-14)
iii. Contact wire Standard height of Level crossings 5.50 m ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II, Para –
contact wire 7.2.2 (Page-14)
iv. Contact wire Minimum height Minimum height of contact wire 4.80 m As per Rly BD‟LNo
from rail level to the underside of 2011/CEDO/SD/IRSOD/Elect/02
live conductor dated 14.03.2012. ACS No.-7 to
Contact wire the Indian Railway SOD (BG)
v. Minimum height in Minimum height of contact wire, 4.69 m
special case where locomotives or stocks not
higher than 4.42 m.
vi. Contact wire Tolerance (Except In contact wire height ± 20 mm ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II, Para – 7.3
on over bridge) (Page-14)
2. Gradient of Contact Wire
i. Contact wire Gradient Main Line OHE 3 mm/m ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II, Para – 7.4
ii. Contact wire Gradient Siding Line OHE 10 mm/m ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II, Para – 7.4

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
3. Properties of Contact Wire
i. Properties of Area Cross sectional area 107 mm2 Hard Drawn Grooved Contact
ii. contact wire Weight Standard weight per km 951.2 Per Km Wire, RDSO Specification No.
iii. Resistance Max. resistance per km at 20 deg C 0.1699 Per Km
iv. Tensile Strength Min. tensile strength 36.5 Kg/mm2
v. Elongation Min. Elongation in 200 mm 3%
4. Chemical composition of contact wire
i. Contact wire Chemical Element % ppm Hard Drawn Grooved Contact
composition of Cu+Ag > 99.95% Wire, RDSO Specification No.
wire ETI/OHE/76(6/97)
Bi < 2 ppm
Te < 2 ppm
Se < 2 ppm
Bi+Te+Se < 3 ppm
Pb < 5 ppm
Sb < 4 ppm
As < 5 ppm
Fe < 10 ppm
S < 15 ppm
Sn+Ni+Fe+Si+Zn+Co < 20 ppm
Cr+Mn+Sb+Cd+As+P < 15 ppm
Oxygen < 230 ppm

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
5. Thickness of Contact Wire
i. Contact Thickness by Measure thickness of new contact 12.24 mm ACTM, Vol-II,
wire micrometer wire in vertical direction Part-I,
ii. Thickness by Measure worn thickness of new 8.25 mm Para-20309
micrometer contact wire in vertical direction (Page-64)
iii. Thickness by Measure worn thickness of new 8.00 mm
micrometer contact wire in vertical direction
iv. Clearance Clearance shall be available between 02 mm
the bottom points of the dropper clip,
PG Clamp. contact wire splice and the
pan of pantograph
v. Thickness by Thickness shall be measured at same Measurement should be taken 20
micrometer point at each location in successive mm before the swivel clip in the
years direction of the traffic
vi. Identification A wide band shall be painted on the 75 mm wide band with black
of location face of the mast paint
6. Splice ( RI No. 1080 or 1080-1)
i. Splice Location Minimum distance of splice from 5m ACTM, Vol-II,
support Part-I,
ii. Splice Numbers of Maximum number of splices in one Not more than15 nos. Para-20310
splice tension length (Page-65)
iii. Splice Distance of Minimum distance between splices More than 100 mtrs
iv. Splice Use of splice Provision of old splice Not re- used

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S.No Item Parame Details Authority

ters Observation Action
7. Codal Life of Contact Wire
i. Contact wire Codal Life of contact wire 40 Years Rly Bd's letter No. 2002/AC-II/I/10 dated
life 24.5.06
(File No.- EL/94/0/ Codal Life, page-57)

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S.N o Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
1. Particulars of Turnout/crossover (i.e.1:8½, 1:12 etc.)
i. Turnout/ Cross over Measure as per site Measure as per site RDSO Maintenance
number & type Instruction
No.TI/MI/0028 Rev.-2
ii. Section As per site
dated 28.09.2001
Location No. As per site
ii. Date checked As per site
iv. Type of Arrangement - Crossed type/Overlap type Measure as per site
2. Height of contact wire above rail level
i. Height At support at i. Main line contact wire (mm) H
Obligatory Structure ii. Turnout contact wire (mm) H+50

3. Obligatory structure
i. Turnout span & Turnout span Measure turnout span 54 m or less RDSO Maintenance
Crossed type
ii. Crossed type Measure turnout span Turnout spans as per Instruction
arrangement Drg, ETI/OHE/G/02141 No.TI/MI/0028 Rev.-2
Rev.C dated 28.09.2001

ii. Track For best result, Track separation at obligatory Between 500 mm to 700
separation track separation structure mm
iv. Track As per site condition Track separation at obligatory Between 150 mm to 700
separation track separation structure mm

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S.N o Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
i. Drop bracket Supporting the steady Vertical distance between 300 mm
arm assembly with register arm axis and contact
steady arm hook plane
ii. Drop bracket Steady arm with eye Distance between register 250 mm
piece and steady arm arm axis and contact plane
iii. Implantation At obligatory structure If implantation is less than 3 03 m
m, take corrective action to
increase it to 3 m.
iv. Register arm At obligatory structure Register arm tubes of the Horizontal position
tubes bracket assembly are not
v. Clearance Clearance of nearest Measure clearance bracket more than 100 mm
obstruction insulator, register arm tube
etc. from the dynamic panto
swept zone
vi. Electrical Between extreme of Measure the clearance Not less than 320
clearance panto swept zone and mm
any nearest earthed
4. Height of Contact Wire in Overlapping Zone
i. Height At overlapping zone i. Main line contact wire (mm) H1 RDSO Maintenance
ii.Turnout contact wire (mm) Instruction
H1+50 No.TI/MI/0028 Rev.-2
dated 28.09.2001

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S.N o Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
5. Stagger
i. Stagger At Obligatory structure i. Main line contact wire (mm) 200 max
ii. Turnout contact wire (mm) 300 max
6. Movement of tower wagon
i. From mainline to turnout i. Take off 650 mm to 720 mm from
ii. Point of take off (in m from centre line of pantograph
O/S) to be measured
ii. From turnout to mainline i. Take on 650 mm to720 mm from
ii. Point of take on (in m from centre line of pantograph
O/S) to be measured
RDSO Maintenance
7. Section Insulator Instruction
i. Stagger Stagger of section At turnout/crossover +/- 100 mm No.TI/MI/0028 Rev.-2
insulator dated 28.09.2001
ii. Track At the location of section i. Runners towards the centre 1.65 mtrs Min
separation insulator of turnout
ii. Runners away from the 1.45 mtrs Min
centre of turnout
iii. Section Leveling of runners By sprit level horizontal plane
iv. Sag Sag of section insulator Adjust it to zero by adjustable Zero
droppers of section insulator
and/or by re-droppering the
OHE of the span.

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S.N o Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
v. Panto pan Panto passage under Runners are not hit by panto pan. Smooth passage of RDSO Maintenance
section insulator panto pan Instruction
No.TI/MI/0028 Rev.-2
8. Auto- Tensioning Device (ATD)
dated 28.09.2001
i. ATD Condition Pull the balance weight with Free to move up
balance weight downwards and downwards
ii. ATD Hex tie rod Redundant length of hex tie-rod of As per SMI No.
limiting device should be bridged TI/MI/0035 Rev.1
by inserting pipe of suitable length
on OHE side
9. 'G' jumper
i Jumper Distance Distance from obligatory structure 5.6 m RDSO Maintenance
ii. Jumper Length Length of jumper 4.0 m
No.TI/MI/0028 Rev.-2
iii. Nuts & bolts PG Clamp Nuts & bolts at PG clamps tighten Neither too tight dated 28.09.2001
nor too loose. As per Drg. No.
iv. Adjustments done ,if any Note/ attend ETI/OHE/G/05102

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
1. Current collection test by Oliver ‘G’
i. Current Duration of Current By SSE/ AEE/TRD level Every two months their 28th MSG TRD at SCR on
collection collection test by entire section Feb 2011 item no. 28.19
Oliver „G‟
ii. Sr.DEE /TRD Entire section once in six
months CAMTECH/ E/ 11-12/
OHE-Schedule/ 1.0
iii. Current Current collection More than 100 units (High Attend within a week
August, 2011(Chapter 4.2
collection test by Oliver „G‟ Intensity)
page 8
iv. Between 60 – 100 units Attend within a fortnight
(Medium Intensity)
v. Between 40 – 60 units Attend within a month
(Low Intensity)
2. Current collection test by Mirror
i. Current By Mirror By Depo/OHE in charge Once in three months over ACTM, Vol-II, Part-
collection JE/SSE level his entire section I,Para-20324 (Page-77)
ii. Current By Mirror By ADEE/TrD with Once in Six months over
collection Depo/OHE in charge his entire section CAMTECH/E/11-12/OHE
JE/SSE level Schedule/ 1.0August,2011
(Chapter 4.1 page 7
iii. Current By Mirror Sr.DEE/TrD with Depo Once in a year over his
collection incharge SSE entire Division

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SL No Item Parameters Details Authority

1.i. Bonds Structure Bond Connects the traction mast or structure to CAMTECH/E/2008/BE/1.0. April 2009.
the rail by means of M.S. flat strip of size Chapter-2, para 2.1.1on page-5
40 mm x 6 mm. ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II, Appendix II 2.0

ii. Bond Rail Bond/ Connects rail joints across two consecutive CAMTECH/E/2008/BE/1.0. April 2009.
Longitudinal lengths of rails. It is made of M.S. flat strip Chapter-2, para 2.1.2 on page-5
Bond of size 40 mm x 6 mm

iii. Bond Impedance Bond installed by S & T department, which CAMTECH/E/2008/BE/1.0. April 2009.
Bond provides a low impedance path for the Chapter-2, para 2.1.4 on page-6
traction return current and a relatively high Treatise Vol.-II, Part-III, 3.11.7 (Page-149)
impedance path for track circuit current

iv. Bonds Cross Bonds/ Between two rails of a track or two rails of CAMTECH/E/2008/BE/1.0. April 2009.
transverse bond an adjacent track. It is also called Chapter-2, para 2.1.3 on page-6
transverse bond. It is made of M.S. flat ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II, Appendix II 2.0
strip of size 40 mm x 6 mm (Page-51)
2. Bonds Signal Bond Across the rail joint provided by S&T * Treatise Vol.-II, Part-III, 3.11.7 (Page-
department to facilitate flow of track circuit 149)
3. Bonds Track Bonding In station yards elsewhere, where a track is ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II, Appendix II 3.5
not wired for its entire length, it shall be (Page-53)
wired for a distance of up to 50 m beyond
the traction mast at which the over head
equipment has been terminated. Rail
bond/cross bond shall be provided for a
distance of up to 50 m beyond the last
traction mast.

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SL No Item Parameters Details Authority

4. Bonds Bonding in The Traction rail shall be provided with rail
Single Rail bonds over the entire length and also for a
Track circuited distance of 50 m on both sides of track circuited
section. length. In addition the track Rail shall be cross
bonded to the traction rail of the adjacent track
at interval not less than 100 m.
CAMTECH/E/2008/BE/1.0. April 2009.
In single line section, provided with single rail Chapter-2, para 2.2.13 on page-15
track circuit, the non track circuited rail shall be
ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II, Appendix II 3.7
provided with rail bond over the entire length
and for a further 50 m on both sides. It shall
also be connected to an earth at distances not
exceeding 100 m from each others. The
connections of the non track circuited rail to
each of the earths shall be made by two separate
mild steel flat strips of size 40 mm x 6 mm
each. The need for providing an earth wire is
thus obviated.
5. Bonds Bonding in Since no traction rail is available for structure
Double Rail bonding, an earth wire shall be run on the
Track circuited traction mast/structure/support. If the length of CAMTECH/E/2008/BE/1.0. April 2009.
section the earth wire exceeds 1000 m, it shall be made Chapter-2, para 2.2.14 on page-16
electrically discontinuous by providing cut-in
insulator. Each such section of earth wire shall ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II, Appendix II 3.8
be connected to an earth at two traction (Page-53 & 54)
mast/structure/support at a distance not
exceeding 500 m, apart.

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SL No Item Parameters Details Authority

No cross bond shall be provided between the
rails of the same track or between the rails of
different track in a double rail track circuited
6. Bonds Bonding adjacent Opposite to the TSS/FP the traction rail shall CAMTECH/E/2008/BE/1.0. April 2009.
to TSS/FP be provided with rail bonds for a distance of Chapter-2, para 2.2.12 on page-13
1000 m on either sides or cross bonded at ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II, Appendix II 3.9
distances of 300, 500, 700 and 1000 m. (Page-54)
7. Bonds Bonding of All traction rails shall be provided with cross
track in loco bonds at distance of not more than 100 m
sheds and apart. All sidings and/or dead ends shall be CAMTECH/E/2008/BE/1.0. April 2009.
Loco/EMU connected by rail bonds. The rails on wooden Chapter-2, para 2.2.10 on page-12
stabling sidings or concrete sleeper / support in Loco / EMU
inspection pits shall be provided with rail ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II, Appendix II 3.11
bonds for the entire length of the pit and also (Page-54)
upto a length of 50 m on both side and
connected to 10 Ohm earth.
8. Bonds Bonding of All traction rails shall be provided with rail
rails in a tunnel bonds over the entire length inside the tunnel CAMTECH/E/2008/BE/1.0. April 2009.
and wire for a length of up to 50 m, on both Chapter-2, para 2.2.9 on page-11
sides outside the tunnel. Besides, a cross bond ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II, Appendix II 3.12
shall be provided between the traction rails at (Page-54)
either end of the tunnel.
9. Bonds Bonding at All traction rails shall be provided with cross CAMTECH/E/2008/BE/1.0. April 2009.
level crossing. bonds at only one location within 5 m from Chapter-2, para 2.2.8 on page-11
either of the transverse edges of the level ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II, Appendix II 3.14
crossing. (Page-54)

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SL No Item Parameters Details Authority

10. Bonds Bonding at oil Both the rails of the siding secondary loop
depots siding line shall be provided with longitudinal
bonds. Besides transverse bond shall be CAMTECH/E/2008/BE/1.0. April 2009.
provided between the rails at distance not Chapter-2, para 2.2.15 on page-17
exceeding 30 m apart. The rails shall be ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II, Appendix II 3.15
connected to an earth at both ends (Page-54 & 55)
immediately outside the neutral zone. The
value of earth resistance of the earth
electrode shall not exceed 10 ohm. Each RDSO's letter No TI/OHE/GA /05 dated
and every noncurrent carrying part of a 28/29-06-07
traction mast /structure/support and other (File No.- EL/94 /0/Policy/ Vol-II, Page No.-
metallic structure in the vicinity shall be 234)
provided with structure bonds. Only copper
rivets shall be used for connection.
11. Bonds Bonding of Steel structure of a girder bridge shall be
Girder bridge connected to a A.C traction rail or to an earth
by means of two mild steel flat strip of size
40 mm x 6 mm each. The traction rails on CAMTECH/E/2008/BE/1.0. April 2009.
the bridge shall be connected by cross bonds Chapter-2, para 2.2.3 on page-9
at distances not exceeding 100 m apart. In a
single rail track circuited section, the non- ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II, Appendix II 3.16
track –circuited rail which is the traction rail (Page-55)
shall be provided with rail bonds and
connected to an earth at either end of the
12. Bonds Bonding of The metallic parts shall be connected either CAMTECH/E/2008/BE/1.0. April 2009.
over line to a traction rail or to an earth (10 ohm) by Chapter-2, para 2.2.5 on page-10
structure means of two mild steel flat strips of size 40 ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II, Appendix II 4.1
mm x 6 mm each. (Page-55)

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SL No Item Parameters Details Authority

13. Bond Bonding of exposed Less than Platform structure/
metallic parts likely to 350 m sheds, metallic
come into direct contact of fencing, wires, pipes
25 kV AC overhead and such other items, CAMTECH/E/2008/BE/1.0. April
equipment and located shall be connected to 2009. Chapter-2, para 2.2.6 on page-10
within a distance of 20 m an earth or traction rail ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II, Appendix II 4.2
from the nearest electrified (Page-55)
More than Connected to a
track and running parallel
350 m separate earth at a
to it for a distance of more
distance not exceeding
than 20 m
350 m apart.
14. Bond Bonding of earthing heels The earthing heel of an isolator
of isolator switch switch shall be connected by two
mild steel flats of cross section not CAMTECH/E/2008/BE/1.0. April 2009.
less than 200 mm2 each to the Chapter-2, para 2.2.7 on page-10
supporting traction ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II, Appendix II
mast/support/structure which in turn 4.3 (Page-56)
is connected to a traction rail or earth
wire and to an earth.

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Sr No ITEM Parameters Details Authority

1. Auto Tensioning Device
i. Winch Replacement of winch type ATD Should be planned on RDSO's letter No TI/GEN/MTG/ESC 54
Type condition/ performance dated 7/11-09-06 (File No-EL/94/1/ESC
basis. /Vol-II, Page-131)
ii. Pulley All future procurement of 3 Should be done with 27th MSG item 27.01
Type pulley type ATD modified pulley groove (File No-EL/94/4/16/ RDSO/MSG (27tth)
arrangement only. /Vol-III, Page-120/1)
2. Counter weight
1. Counter Winch type (Conventional) 400 kg RDSO‟s specification No- ETI.OHE/48
Weight Winch type (Tram way) 250kg RDSO Drg. No. ETI/OHE/P/5090-3 Rev - F
Pulley type (Conventional) 665 kg RDSO‟s specification TI/SPC/OHE/ATD/
Pulley type Modified (Tram way) 415kg 0060 Rev. 1
Pulley type (5:1) 400 kg RDSO Drg. No. ETI/OHE/P/5090-5 Rev - B
1. ATD Free movement of ATD By slightly 10 kg force
Checking pushing up or pulling down RDSO‟s Maintenance Instruction
the counter weights with the No.TI/MI/00018 (Rev-3)
Bearing Bearing Replacement help of spring balance

Bearings should be replaced

with only SKF 6305 – 2RS1
or NBC 6305-LLU.
2. Hex Tie Provision of GI Hex tie rod Provision of 20 mm GI pipe
RDSO‟s Maintenance Instruction TI/MI/0035
Rod on hex tie rod of Auto
Tensioning Device

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
1. Provision of Insulated Cadmium Copped Catenary Wire
i. Insulated Provision of insulated Minimum projection on 2.0 m Special Maintenance Instruction
catenary cadmium copped Catenary either side of over line No. TI/MI/0036 Rev. 0 dated -
wire structure 08.09.1999
ii. Insulated Purchasing Material specification As per RDSO RDSO Spec. No.
catenary specification ETI/OHE/75(4/95)
with A&C Slip No. 1&2.

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
1. Standard implantation for new electrification works
a. Implantation Mast having i. If minimum formation 2.8 m
Main Line single OHE width in embankment
available is as per SOD Para i.
Railway Bd letter no.
16, 17 schedule 1, chapter 1. 2000/RE/161/1 Pt.III
ii. If this formation width is dated 03.11.2010
2.5 m
not available, implantation ii. Your office letter no.
may be permitted upto 2.5 RVNL/BPL/Elect/B
m without approval of CEE YT-URK/21 dated
iii. Upto 2.36 m with approval 22.09.10.
of CEE. (ref:- Para 20.1,
2.36 m iii. This office letter no.
page 29 of ACTM 1994) 2006/RE138/4 dated
b. Implantation Mast having If 2.8 m is not available, Any specific approval not 26.02.10.
In Yard single OHE implantation can go down required from CEE iv. ACTM Advance
minimum upto 2.36 m correction slip no. 20
c. Implantation Mast carrying Portal upright & Head span Not less than 3.0 m which dated 3.11.10
more than one may be relaxed to 2.8 m with
OHE the personal approval of CEE
d. Implantation Portal Mast carrying more than one Not less than 3.00 m ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II,
OHE Appendix-I, 20.1 (Page-
e. Implantation TTC Main line 3.00 m 29)

Curve track: The minimum setting distance of masts including portals, head span masts etc. on curve is obtained by adding
the curve allowance and 150 mm slewing allowance to the setting distance. For Trunk routes and main lines,
where the speed may be increased in near future. Curve allowance for maximum speed of 200 kmph.

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
f. Implantation Outside Radius As per As per
curve ACTM Treatise
Radius of curvature greater than or 2.50 m 2.80 m
equal to 875 m
Radius of curvature less than 875 m 2.65 m 2.95 m
i. ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II,
g. Inside curve Radius of curvature greater than or 2.90 m 3.20 m Appendix-I, Para-20.2 (Page-
equal to 3500 m 29)
Radius of curvature greater than or 3.05 m 3.35 m ii. Treatise volume-II,Part –III,
equal to 2350 m but less than 3500 m chapter-6, Para3.6.4.2

Radius of curvature greater than or 3.25 m 3.55 m

equal to 1150 m but less than 2350 m
Radius of curvature greater than or 3.30 m 3.60 m
equal to 300 m but less than 1150 m
2. Masts with Counter Weight
i. Implantation Masts with Displacement of counter weight ± 50 mm ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II,
counter from the track centre in the worst Appendix-I Para-20.3, (Page-
weight condition due to wind transverse 32)
3. Implantation of platform mast
i. Implantation Mast on Setting of mast on platform Not less than 4.75 m ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II, 20.4
platform page -32
4. Implantation of obligatory mast
i. Implantation Obligatory Turnout Minimum – 3.00 m
structure RDSOs SMI no. TI/MI/0028 Rev-2
ii. Cross- over

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
5. Implantation of CLS AT Mast
i. Implantation CLS AT mast Minimum setting distance of the 3.50 m RDSO‟s drawing No-ETI/PSI/0036
AT mast
6. Implantation of Gantry upright
i. Implantation Gantry Minimum setting distance of the 4.30 m ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II, 23.2
upright gantry upright Appendix-I (Page-38)
7. Colour Light Signal without route indicator. Where there is no approach Signal is provided
i. Implantation Colour light Setting distance of mast near signal As per As per i. ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II, Para –
signal ACTM Treatise 20.5.1,
ii. Setting distance up to 80 m 3.25 m 3.55 m ii. Treatise 5 (a) Vol. II, Page -
iii. Setting distance from 81 m -110 m 3.10 m 3.40 m
iv. Setting distance from 111 m-190 m 3.05 m 3.35 m
v. Setting distance from 191 m -270 m 2.90 m 3.20 m
vi. Setting distance from 271 m -400 m 2.75 m 3.05 m
8. Where approach Signal is provided and signals other than for distant signals
i. Implantation Colour Light Setting distance of mast near signal As per As per i. ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II, Para –
Signal ACTM Treatise 20.5.1,
ii. Setting distance up to 50 m 3.25 m 3.55 m
iii. Setting distance from 51 m -70 m 3.10 m 3.40 m ii. Treatise 5 (a) Vol. II, Page -129

iv. Setting distance from 71 m-115 m 3.05 m 3.25 m

v. Setting distance from 116 m -160 m 2.90 m 3.10 m

vi. Setting distance from 161 m - 240 m 2.75 m 3.05 m

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
9. Colour Light Signal with route indicator. With horizontal route indicator.
i. Implantation Colour Light Signal Setting distance of mast near signal As per As per i. ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II,
ACTM Treatise Para – 20.5.1,
ii. Setting distance up to 60 m 3.72 m 4.02 m ii. Treatise 5 (a) Vol. II,
Page -129
iii. Setting distance from 61 m-125 m 3.50 m 3.80 m
iv. Setting distance from 126 m-170 m 3.25 m 3.55 m
v. Setting distance from 171 m-215 m 3.05 m 3.35 m
vi. Setting distance from 216 m-250 m 2.90 m 3.20 m
vii. Setting distance from 251 m-310 m 2.75 m 3.05 m
10. With other than horizontal route indicator
i. Implantation Colour Light Signal Setting distance of mast near signal As per As per i. ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II,
ACTM Treatise Para – 20.5.1,
ii. Setting distance up to 70 m 3.50 m 3.80 m ii Treatise 5 (a) Vol. II, Page
iii. Setting distance from 71 m -130 m 3.25 m 3.55 m
iv. Setting distance from 131 m-170 m 3.05 m 3.35 m
v. Setting distance from 171 m-215 m 2.90 m 3.20 m
vi. Setting distance from 216 m- 280 m 2.75 m 3.05 m
11. Colour Light Signal located between tracks. Signals without route indicators
i. Implantation Signals without OHE mast in the same line with the 600 m ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II, Para
route indicators signal may be at a distance – 20.5.2 (a) (Page-33)

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
ii. Implantation Signals without route Drop arm of portal in the 600 m
indicators same line with the signal may
be at a distance
iii. Semaphore signal First mast 3.05 m ACTM Vol.-II,
located outside the Part-II, Para- 20.5.3
Second mast 2.90 m
track, the minimum (Page-34)
setting of mast before Next three masts 2.75 m
the signal first mast
12 Mast on bridge piers
i. Implantation The setting of masts on piers of bridges As large as possible ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II,
Para – 20.6 (Page-34)
ii. Implantation Maximum variation in Check variation from SED If variation above ACTM, Vol-II, Part-I
setting distance more than 30 mm Para-20306 (Page-62)
advised to Concerned
P. Way
13 Minimum horizontal distance from centre line of the track to face of foundation of OHE Mast/ Portal
For facilitating working of track machine, following dimensions may also be ensured in the new electrification works either
connected with new lines/work of laying multiple lines/RE/gauge conversion:-
i. Horizontal Minimum horizontal Below the rail level up to the Railway Board letter
distance distance from centre formation level of the track on 875m (2575mm) No. 200/RE/161/1 Pt.III
line of the track to face straight line and curves upto dated-28.08.2012
of foundation of radius of ACTM Correction slip
OHE/Portals no. 23 dt- 28.08.2012
Below the rail level up to the
formation level of the track on 875 m (2725 mm)
curves with radius less than

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
1. Spacing of Track NB :- For curve more than 5 degree extra clearance to be calculated and account for
i. Track Centre Minimum distance Existing works 4265 mm Schedule of Dimension (SOD)
of center to center of Schedule-I, Chapter-I, 1 (Page-4)
New works/Addition to 5300 mm
existing work
2. Minimum Horizontal distance from centre of track to any structure except at a platform
i. Track Centre Distance from centre Existing works 2135 mm Schedule of Dimension (SOD)
of track to any Schedule-I, Chapter-I, 8.0
ii. New works/Addition to 2360 mm
structure except at a (Page-5)
existing work
iii. For Dedicated Freight 2825 mm RDSO‟s letter No.- CT/ DG/DFC
Corridor Limited dated 21/26-11-07
(DFCL) (File No.- EL/94/6/ Freight Corridor)
3. Spacing of Track for yard
i. For spacing of 5300 mm, extra clearance upto 5 degree has been accounted for. Extra clearance for curves more than 5
degree are to be calculated and accounted for.
ii. New/additional works cove lying of a new line. Extension of existing for replacement of points & crossings will not be
treated as new track.
i. Track Centre Distance center to Existing works 4265 mm Schedule of Dimension (SOD)
centre of track for Schedule-I, Chapter-II, 1(i) Page - 10
ii. New works/ Alteration to 5300 mm
existing work

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
4. Workshop and Running sheds
Note :
Where there is a structure between tracks, the distance of center to center of tracks is to be increased by the amount of the
width of the structure like OHE post etc.
i. Track Centre Distance center to centre Existing works 4570 mm
of track Schedule of Dimension (SOD)
New works / Alteration 4570 mm
Schedule-I, Chapter-III, 2
to existing work
ii. New works or alterations In workshop 4570 mm
to existing works
Running sheds 5260 mm
5. Tunnels, Through and semi through girder bridges
i. Track Centre Distance center to centre Existing works 4.495 mm Schedule of Dimension (SOD)
of track
New works/Addition to 4.725 mm Schedule-I, Chapter-I, 13 (Page-8)
existing work

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Sr.No. Item Parameter Details Authority

Observation Action
1. Height of ROBs & FOBs During Railway Electrification Work
a. Height of Railway Electrification work Minimum height above rail 4875 mm i. Railway board letter
ROBs & FOBs level for a distance of 915mm No.
on either side of the centre of 2011/CEDO/SD/IRS
track for overhead structures OD/Elect./02 dated-
Where D.C. electric traction 5410 mm
is in use or is likely to be ii. Addendum &
used, this dimension shall be corrigendum slip
(ACS) No. 7 dated-
b. Light overhead structures, 6250 mm 14.03.2014. Indian
For new overhead structure and such as foot over bridges Railway SOD (BG)
alteration to existing overhead
Heavy overhead structures, 5870 mm 2004
such as Road over bridges
c. Height of Wherever feasible, the height of Light overhead structures, 6250 mm
ROBs & FOBs contact wire shall be as high as such as foot over bridges
for existing possible, under the overhead
Heavy overhead structures, 5870 mm
overhead structures, to allow the passage of
such as road over bridges
structures Over Dimensional Consignment/
rolling stock of 4.8 m height. (For
4.8 m height of rolling stock/over
dimensional consignment)

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Sr.No. Item Parameter Details Authority

Observation Action
d. Existing Under restricted height of overhead Light overhead structures, 5270 mm i. Railway board letter
overhead structure, the minimum height above rail such as foot over bridges No.
structures level for a distance of 1600 mm on either Heavy overhead 5070 mm 2011/CEDO/SD/IRS
side of the centre of track for 4.8m height OD/Elect./02 dated-
structures, such as road
of contact wire from rail level 14.03.2014
over bridges
ii. Addendum &
Note: See Appendix for extra clearance required on curves.
corrigendum slip
i. Extra In case of existing structures, a special study shall be made, which will be accepted by (ACS) No. 7 dated-
clearance the concerned Electrical Inspector of the Railways, as indicated in Appendix-A to 14.03.2014. Indian
Chapter V-A before 25 kV A.C. traction is introduced. Railway SOD (BG)
ii. In areas where 25 kV AC traction is used or likely to be used, if any turnout or
crossover is located under a heavy overhead structure or within 40 m from its nearest
face irrespective of the position of level crossing gate, the minimum height of such
overhead structure shall be 6250mm*. Also, in case the turnout is beyond 40 m but
the level crossing gate is within 520 m from the nearest face of the bridge, the height
of such overhead structure shall be 6250mm*.
iii. The height mentioned against items 10(a), 10(b) & 10(c) above shall be measured
from the higher or super-elevated rail.
iv. On lines proposed to be electrified on 25 kV A.C system and also in other sections,
necessary provision shall be made in overhead structure and overhead equipment, if
necessary by using longer traction overhead equipment masts to permit an allowance
of 275 mm for raising of track in connection with the introduction of modern track
structure in future and for catering to increased ballast cushion, forger sleeper
thickness and deeper roil sections.
*(Under restricted situations, the minimum height shall be 5270 mm for 4.80 m high
contact wire)

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I- Clause 17.3 (ACTM VoLII, Part.II), Appendix-IV (Regulations for Power Line Crossings of Railway Tracks 1987) to be
replaced as under:

S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

1.(a) 17.3 (a) Vertical Clearance for OHE (Other than high rise OHE):
Vertical clearances Minimum clearance from Rail Level Advanced correction Slip No. 27,
for OHE (Other Railway Board letter
than high rise Overhead crossing voltage Existing Power Line Crossing for no.2015/RE/138/4/ FTS - 137487
OHE) existing non-Electrified line dated - 06.05.2016
i. Up to & including11 kV By Cable
ii. Above 11 kV up to 33 kV 10860
iii. Above 33 & upto 66 kV 11160
iv. Above 66 & upto 132 kV 11760
v. Above 132 kV & upto 220 kV 12660
vi. Above 220 KV & upto 400 kV 14460
vii. Above 400 kV & upto 500 kV 15360
viii. Above 500 kV & uoto 800 kV 18060
b. Vertical clearances Overhead crossing voltage New Power Line Crossing( for
for OHE (Other Electrified or non electrified
than high rise routes) or existing Power Line
OHE) Crossing planned for alteration or
modification (for electrified or
non electrified routes)
i. Up to & including11 kV By cable
ii. Above 11 kV up to 33 kV 14660

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

iii. Above 33 & upto 66 kV 14960
iv. Above 66 & upto 132 kV 15560
v. Above 132 kV & upto 220 kV 16460
vi. Above 220 KV & upto 400 kV 18260
vii. Above 400 kV & upto 500 kV 19160
viii. Above 500 kV & uoto 800 kV 21860
2. Clearances required for 25 kV AC traction
Vertical clearances Overhead crossing voltage Minimum clearance Minimum clearance Advanced correction
for power line to be maintained to be maintained Slip No. 27, Railway
crossings of between lowest between lowest Board letter
Railway tracks no.2015/RE/138/4/ FTS -
transmission line transmission line
137487 dated -
crossing conductor crossing conductor 06.05.2016
and Railway and Railway
structure as per structure as per
clause 61 CEA clause 61 CEA
At Structure At Mid Point
i. Up to & including11 kV By Cable
ii. Above 11 kV up to 33 kV 3700 2440
iii. Above 33 & upto 66 kV 4000 2440
iv Above 66 & upto 132 kV 4600 3050
v. Above 132 kV & upto 220 kV 5500 4580
vi. Above 220 KV & upto 400 kV 7300 5490
vii.. Above 400 kV & upto 500 kV 8200 7940
vii. Above 500 kV & uoto 800 kV 10900 7940

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

3. a. 17.3 (a) Vertical Clearance for OHE (High rise OHE):
Vertical Clearance Overhead crossing voltage Minimum clearance from Rail level
for OHE (High rise
Existing Power New Power Line
Line Crossing for crossing
existing non- (electrified/non-
electrified line electrified routes) or
existing Power Line
crossing planned for
alteration or
electrified routes) Advanced correction
Slip No. 27, Railway
i. Up to & including11 kV Normally By Cable Board letter
ii. Above 11 kV up to 33 kV clearances no.2015/RE/138/4/
mentioned in 4 are FTS - 137487 dated -
iii. Above 33 & upto 66 kV applicable for 16960 06.05.2016
iv. Above 66 & upto 132 kV double stack 17560
container routes
v. Above 132 kV & upto 220 kV however EIG may 18460
v. Above 220 KV & upto 400 kV relax as per clause 20260
vii. Above 400 kV & upto 500 kV 21160
viii. Above 500 kV & uoto 800 kV 23860
b. Vertical Clearance for OHE (High rise OHE
Vertical clearance Overhead crossing voltage Minimum clearance to be maintained
for OHE (High rise between highest traction conductor and
OHE) lowest transmission line crossing

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

At structure as per At mid span as per Advanced correction
clause 61 CEA clause 69 CEA Slip No. 27, Railway
i. Up to & including11 kV By underground cable Board letter
ii. Above 11 kV up to 33 kV 3700 2440 FTS - 137487 dated -
iii. Above 33 & upto 66 kV 4000 2440 06.05.2016
iv. Above 66 & upto 132 kV 4600 3050
v. Above 132 kV & upto 220 kV 5500 4580
vi. Above 220 KV & upto 400 kV 7300 5490
vii. Above 400 kV & upto 500 kV 8200 7940
viii. Above 500 kV & uoto 800 kV 10900 7940
Note : Applicable for 17.3 (a) & (b) Advanced correction Slip
No. 27, Railway Board
i. All heights/clearances are in mm under condition maximum sag. letter no.2015/RE/138/4/
ii. For existing power line crossing FTS - 137487 dated -
(a) In case of new line (with or without electrification) column 4 shall be applicable. 06.05.2016
(b) Dimension at column 5 are applicable if the nearest OHE structure/fixed structure is within 6000 mm
from overhead crossing conductor. In other cases, dimensions at column 6 are applicable.
iii. If crossing is provided with guarding, a minimum clearance of 2000 mm shall be maintained between
bottom of the guard wire and highest traction conductor.
iv. Height of the double stack container to be taken as 7100 mm.
4. Relaxation for existing power line crossings Clause 21.1, 21.2, 2E3 & 21.4 will be replaced as below
i. Power line crossing in station area and yards to be avoided. Under un Advanced correction Slip
Clause 21.1 unavoidable circumstances, relaxation by EIG will be necessary. No. 27, Railway Board
letter no.2015/RE/138/4/
FTS - 137487 dated -

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

ii. Clause 21.2 For electrification works of existing lines and existing electrified lines, existing
power lines crossing can continue. If dimension are as per column (5) & (6)
above. EIG of the concerned Railway to ensure fulfillment of vertical clearances
at column (5) & (6), with additional safeguards if necessary. Wherever feasible,
special design of traction overhead equipment, return conductor, 25 kV feeder
line be developed keeping in view the need for economy.
iii. Clause 21.3 All new power line crossing, whether in electrified and non – electrified
territories, must satisfy the dimensions as mentioned at column 4, 5 & 6.
iv. Clause 21.4 In case of non- electrified line in double stack container route all efforts should
be made for maintenance of dimensions as per column 4. However EIG may
issue relaxation with suitable safeguards on a case basis, after ensuring vertical
clearances as per dimensions in column 5, considering height of double stack
container as 7100 mm from rail level. power line crossing

II - Clearance for Power Line Crossings Including Telephone Line Crossings of Railway Tracks (Para-11(i), Chapter-I,
Schedule I of SOD 2004 BG)

S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Clearance For Power Line Crossings Including Telephone Line Crossings Of Railway track (Para-11(i), Chapter-I,
Schedule I of SOD 2004 BG) (Page-7, 8 to IRSOD 2004)
Minimum height above rail level of the lowest portion of any conductor of crossing, including guard wire, other than
telegraph, telephone and other such low tension wires or traction trolley wire, under conditions of maximum sag shall be as
a. For Existing Overhead crossing voltage Minimum clearances from Addendum & corrigendum slip (ACS)
Power Line Rail Level in mm No. 7 Indian Railway of SOD.
Crossings Railway Board letter No.
dated- 14.03.2012

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

i. Up to & including 11 kV By cable
ii. Above 11 & up to 66 kV 14100
iii. Above 66 & up to 132 kV 14600
iv. Above 132 kV & up to 220 kV 15400
v. Above 220 KV & up to 400 kV 17900
vi. Above 400 kV & up to 500 kV 19300
vii. Above 500 kV & up to 800 kV 23400
b. For New Power Line Crossings or Alteration to Existing Power Line Crossing in electrified
Vertical clearances for Overhead crossing voltage Minimum clearances required
power line crossings of from rail level
Railway tracks
Clearance at Clearance at
OHE Structures Mid OHE
in mm span in mm
i. Upto & including 11 kV By Cable Addendum & corrigendum slip
ii. Above 11 & up to 33 kV 14660 12384 (ACS) No. 7 Indian Railway of
SOD. Railway Board letter No.
iii. Above 33 & up to 66 kV 14900 12384 2011/CEDO/SD/IRSOD/Elect/0
iv. Above 66 kV & up to 132 kV 15560 12994 2 dated- 14.03.2012
v. Above 132kV & up to 220 kV 16460 14524
vi. Above 220 KV & up to 400 kV 18260 15434
vii. Above 400 kV & up to 500 kV 19160 17884
viii. Above 500 kV & up to 800 kV 21860 17884

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

c. For Power Line Crossings in Non-Electrified sections
Vertical clearances Overhead crossing voltage Minimum clearance on Minimum clearances Addendum &
for power line existing routes from from rail level for corrigendum slip
crossings of rail level for new track/ new power line (ACS) No. 7 Indian
Railway tracks additional line or gauge crossing or Railway of SOD.
conversion when line Is alternation to Railway Board letter
not anticipated to be existing power line No. 2011/CEDO/
electrified in mm crossing in mm SD/IRSOD/Elect/02
dated- 14.03.2012
i. Up to & including 11 kV By cable
ii. Above 11 & Up to 33 kV 10860 14600
iii. Above 33 & up to 66 kV 11160 14960
iv. Above 66 & up to 132 kV 11760 15560
v. Above 132kV & up to 220 kV 12660 16460
vi. Above 220 KV & up to 400 kV 14460 18260
vii. Above 400 kV & up to 500 kV 15360 19160
viii. Above 500 kV & up to 800 kV 18060 21860
d. Minimum Clearance Between Highest Traction Conductor & Lowest Crossing Conductor
Clearances Between Overhead crossing voltage Minimum clearance between highest traction
Highest Traction conductor and lowest crossing conductor (as
Conductor & Lowest per I.E Rule 1956,CI. 80)
Crossing Conductor
i. Up to & including 11 kV By cable
ii. Above 11 & up to 66 kV 2440

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

iii. Above 66 & up to 132 kV 3050
iv. Above 132kV & up to 220 kV 4580
v. Above 220 KV & up to 400 kV 5490
vi. Above 400 kV & up to 500 kV 7940
vii. Above 500 kV & up to 800 kV 7940
Note – i. All height/clearances are in mm and under maximum sag conditions
ii. Clearances at mid OHE span (Column-4) in Para 11(i)(b) can be adopted if the OHE
structure/fixed structure is beyond 6000 mm of nearest conductor of overhead crossing.
iii. If the crossing is provided with a guarding, a minimum clearance of 2000 mm shall be
maintained between the bottom of the guard wire and highest traction conductor.
iv. Power line crossing in. yards & stations area shall be avoided.
Para- 11(ii) Minimum clearance between any conductor not adequately insulated and any
railway structure under most adverse conditions
Crane working Voltage Minimum clearance in
under overhead mm
i. Up to and including 650 volts 2500
ii. Above 650 volts and up to & including 33 kV 3700
iii. Above 33 kV and up to & including 66 kV 4000
iv. Above 66 kV and up to & including 132 kV 4600
v. Above132 kV and up to & including 165kV 4900
vi. Above 165 kV and up to & including 220 kV 5500
vii. Above 220 kV and up to & including 400 kV 7300
viii. Above 400 kV and upto & including 500 kV 8200
ix. Above 500 kV and up to & including 800 kV 10900

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Para (iii). Minimum height above rail level for telegraph, telephone and other such low tension
wires crossing a railway – 6100 mm
Para (iv). Minimum Horizontal Distance Of Structures
The minimum horizontal distance measured at right angles from the centre of nearest track to any port
of a structure carrying electrical conductors crossing a railway shall be : For existing work
i. From rail level to 305 mm above rail level 1675 mm
ii. From 305mm above rail level to 4420mm above rail level and 2135 mm
(a) For rigid and well founded post/ structure, it‟s fitting and projections : For existing work
i. From rail level to 305 mm above rail level 1905 mm
ii. From 305mm above rail level to 4420mm above rail level and 2360 mm
Note : Any post/structure which is so constructed or guyed as to remain in a vertical position, or
failing this to continue to provide the clearances specified above, with one or all of the
conductors broken with its conductors attached, when subjected to maximum wind pressures,
may be considered to be a "rigid well founded post/structure",
(b) However, for other structures not covered in (a) above, it shall be equal to the height of structure
in meters above ground level plus 6 meters.

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Sr No Item Parameters Details Authority
Observation Action
1. SS Wire Rope Check
i. SS Wire Condition of stainless For loose wires/ Replaced immediately RDSO/No.TI/MI/00018 Rev-3.
Rope steel wire rope by strands, broken wires/ with new lubricated dated 01.04.2006
Magnifying Glass strands, rusting, wire rope RDSO/No.TI/MI/0029 Rev-3.
pitting/ corrosion and Dated 01.04.2006
bird caging
ii. Ovality of checked at three places If ovality is found Replaced immediately RDSO/No.TI/MI/00018 Rev-3.
SS wire (near pulleys) 300 mm more than 0.51 mm, with new lubricated dated 01.04.2006
rope apart by measuring rope wire rope wire rope RDSO/No.TI/MI/0029 Rev-3.
diameter at right angles Dated 01.04.2006
iii. Special care of SS wire Inserting the wire rope The strands of wire RDSO/No.TI/MI/00018 Rev-3.
Rope in SS wire rope end rope should not be open dated 01.04.2006-3. Dated 01
fitting. out while reeving over RDSO/No.TI/MI/0029
the wedge piece. Rev.04.2006
iv. SS Wire End reversal --- During each POH
2. Recommended Practices of SS Wire Rope Lubrication during AOH
i. SS wire Lubrication on Rope Proper lubrication of Lubricated the wire RDSO/TI/IN/0015 Rev „0‟
rope each wire & strands of ropes with lubricant dated 01.02.2010
wire rope with “BALMEROL RDSO/No.TI/MI/0029 Rev.04.
adequate pressure ROPELUBE 1000 2006
SS wire Cleaning of SS wire Rope should be dried Lubricated the wire RDSO/TI/IN/0015 Rev „0‟
ii. rope rope by a jet of air and and cleaned ropes with lubricant dated 01.02.2010
wire brushing methods “BALMEROL RDSO/No.TI/MI/0029 Rev.04.
ROPELUBE 1000 2006

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Sr No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
iii. SS wire Lubrication on rope Straight portion if the Lubricated the wire RDSO/TI/IN/0015 Rev „0‟
rope rope towards counter ropes with lubricant dated 01.02.2010
weight (leaving 250 “BALMEROL RDSO/No.TI/MI/0029
mm vertical length of ROPELUBE 1000 by Rev.04.2006
rope from center line brush/swabbing
of mast side pulley
towards counter
iv. SS wire Re- lubricant Should be carried out Wire rope replaced RDSO/TI/IN/0015 Rev „0‟
rope regularly after first damage has dated 01.02.2010
been ascertained. RDSO/No.TI/MI/0029
3. Equipments Recommended for lubrication during AOH
i. Wire brushes RDSO/TI/IN/0015 Rev „0‟
dated 01.02.2010
ii. Spray gun
iii. Lever operated grease gun
4. Recommended Practices for Lubrication during POH
i. SS wire rope Rope should be dried Rope should be passed under Lubricant can RDSO/TI/IN/0015 Rev „0‟
with a jet of air and the pulley submerged in the also reach to all dated 01.02.2010
cleaned with wire lubricant. Lubricant can also the wire. RDSO/No.TI/MI/0029
brushing methods be applied through spray gun Rev.04.2006
or spray nozzle on the rope
passing over the pulley

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
1. Types of Droppers
i. Dropper Arrangement of Dropper assembly To be used RDSO Drg no. ETI/OHE/P/1190
ii. Dropper Distribution of In Span Droppers To be used RDSO Drg no. ETI/OHE/G/00161
iii. Dropper Special Dropper Provided in special case To be used RDSO Drg no. ETI/OHE/P/1400
wherever unavoidable
iv. Dropper Girder bridge Dropper is provided on the To be used RDSO Drg no.ETI/OHE/P/1410
girder bridge where the
OHE is supported on
member of girder bridge
v. Dropper Rigid Dropper It is made of contact wire, It should not be adopted ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II,Appendix-1
where dip is not available on main running line Item -10.4 (Page-18)
vi. Dropper Minimum dropper Minimum Encumbrance 150 mm ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II,Appendix-1
length Item – 9.3 (Page-18)
vii. Dropper Minimum dropper If the shortest dropper is No speed restriction ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II,Appendix-1
length with loop loop type and more than Item – 9.3 (Page-18)
150 mm
viii. Dropper Minimum dropper If the shortest dropper is OHE is suitable up to ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II,Appendix-1
length with loop without loop or of rigid 90 km/hr. speed Item – 9.3 (Page-18)
type or less than 150 mm
ix. Dropper Dropper material Electrolytic Copper Hard - ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II,Appendix- X
drawn Page- 235

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
x. Dropper Diameter Diameter of in-span 5 mm Handbook on principle of Design of
dropper 25 kv AC OHE Chapter -2, para
2.18.1, page- 43
xi. Dropper Diameter Diameter of inclined 7 mm Handbook on principle of Design of
dropper 25 kv AC OHE Chapter -2, para
2.18.2, page- 45
xii. Dropper Spacing of „A‟ dropper ± 30 mm (As per RDSO latter no.
tolerance (1st dropper from TI/OHE/GA/3013 dated 14.05.13)
the support) is
xiii. Dropper Length of „A‟ dropper ± 5 mm (As per RDSO latter no.
tolerance (1st dropper from TI/OHE/GA/3013 dated 14.05.13)
the support)
xiv. Dropper Length of other droppers ± 5 mm (As per RDSO latter no.
tolerance TI/OHE/GA/3013 dated 14.05.13)
xv. Dropper Spacing of other dropper ± 50 mm (As per RDSO latter no.
tolerance TI/OHE/GA/3013 dated 14.05.13)
xvi. Dropper Distance of 2nd dropper 5.25 m
from 1st dropper in 60 m
non standard span length
xvii. Dropper Dropper distance First dropper Always provide 2.25 m Treatise vol 2 part iii & iv Chapter 2
from support apart from centerline of para 4.2.1 page 214
xviii Dropper Dropper distance Second dropper Always provide either Treatise vol 2 part iii & iv Chapter 2
from support 6.75 m or 9.00 from para 4.2.1 page 214
first dropper depending
upon the length of
standard span selected

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
xix. Dropper Dropper distance Third dropper Other droppers are Treatise vol 2 part iii & iv Chapter
from support spaced 9.00 m apart. 2 para 4.2.1 page 214

xx. Dropper Non-standard Droppers at girder bridges. Droppers are spaced as Treatise vol 2 part iii & iv Chapter
spans droppers per dropper calculations. 2 para 4.2.1 page 214

xxi. Encumb Normal Used at single cantilever 1.4 m ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II, Appendix-1
rance Encumbrance structures Item – 9.0 (Page-17)

xxii. Encumb Overlaps Encumbrance of 0.4 m, 0.75 To get adequate Handbook on principle of Design
rance Encumbrance m and 0.9 m are used mechanical and electrical of 25 kv AC OHE Chapter -2, para
clearances 2.16, page- 41

xxiii. Encumb Over line Encumbrance of 0.6 m, 0.5 To get adequate electrical
rance structure m and 0.4 and 0.3 m are clearances
Encumbrance used

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action

1. Height gauge Height Height of the top member of level Not more ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II, Appendix -
gauge above the road than 4.67 m VII 2 (e) (Page-151)

2. Height gauge Minimum Minimum distance of rail height 8 m Question Bank of OHE (
distance gauge from the nearest track CAMTECH/E/13-14/QB/TRD/OHE/
1.0, Chapter-6- item 6.16

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
1. ODC
i. ODC Any package before Length 13716 mm ACTM,Vol-I, 10434
loading exceeds the (Page-46)
Height at center 2743 mm
following dimensions,
is called “ODC” or Height at corners 2134 mm
“out of gauge” load Width 2997 mm
Top width 610 mm
2. Classification of ODC
i. ODC 'A' Class ODC having clearance of 230 mm Treatise Vol. II, 3.2.2
and above from fixed structure Page – 5

ii. 'B' Class ODC having clearance of 150 mm

and above but less than 230 mm
from fixed structure
iii. 'C' Class ODC having clearance of less than
150 mm but more than 80 mm
from fixed structure
3. Movement of ODCs in 25kV AC electrified sections
Movement of ODC shall be undertaken only after sanction of competent authority has been obtained.
i. Movement .A' Class Gross clearance more than 250 No speed restriction Treatise Vol. II, 3.2.3
of ODC mm required Page – 5

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
ii. 'B' Class Gross clearance between 250 15 kmph speed Treatise Vol. II, 3.2.3
mm - 200 mm. restriction to be Page – 5
A representative should imposed and ODC
accompany to supervise safe would not be stopped
movement of the ODC. under critical locations

iii. 'C' Class Gross clearance less than 200 mm 15 kmph speed
but more than 100 mm. restriction to be
A representative should imposed with OHE
accompany to supervise safe power must be
movement of the ODC switched off.

iv. No movement of ODC Gross clearance less than 100 mm ODC movement not

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
1. Rolling Stock (Carriage & Wagon)
i. Maximum Maximum width for Maximum width over open doors, 4.04 m Schedule of Dimension
Moving passenger vehicles including all projection for passenger (SOD) Schedule-I, Chapter-
Dimension vehicles IV (A), 27 (Page-21)
ii. Maximum width for Maximum width over open doors, 4.265 m Schedule of Dimension
goods vehicles including all projection for goods vehicles (SOD) Schedule-I, Chapter-
(Doors of horse boxes, brake vans, luggage IV (A), 28 (Page-21)
vans raising and falling flap doors of
Goods wagon are exempted from this rule

iii. Maximum height Maximum height above rail level for a 4.265 m Schedule of Dimension
above rail level width of 760 mm on either side of the (SOD) Schedule-I, Chapter-
centre of unloaded vehicle IV (A), 29 (Page-21)
(Destination boards for passenger vehicle
may project 76 mm above the dimensions
upto maximum height above rail level at
sides when empty)
2. Rolling Stock (3660 mm width) (EMU width is also 3660 mm)
i. Maximum Width Maximum width 3.66 m Schedule of Dimension
Moving (SOD) Schedule-I, Chapter-
Dimension IV (B), 1 (iv)(Page-23)

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
ii. Maximum width for Maximum width over open doors, including 4.495 m Schedule of Dimension (SOD)
passenger vehicles all projection for passenger vehicles Schedule-I, Chapter-IV (B), 2
iii. Maximum width for Maximum width over open doors, including 4.725 m Schedule of Dimension (SOD)
goods vehicles all projection for goods vehicles Schedule-I, Chapter-IV (B), 3

iv. Maximum height Maximum height above rail level for a width 4.725 m Schedule of Dimension (SOD)
above rail level of 915 mm on either side of the center of Schedule-I, Chapter-IV (B), 4
unloaded vehicle (Page-23)
3. Rolling Stock (Locomotive)
i. Maximum Maximum width Maximum width from 1170 mm above rail 3.25 m Schedule of Dimension (SOD)
Moving from rail level when level when fully loaded to a height of 3735 Schedule-I, Chapter-IV (C), 11
Dimension fully loaded and mm when empty. (iv) (Page-25)
ii. Maximum height on Maximum height (above rail level for a width 4.265 m Schedule of Dimension (SOD)
either side of empty of 760 mm on either side of center of empty Schedule-I, Chapter-IV (C), 12
locomotive locomotive. (Page-25)

iii. Maximum width (X- Maximum width (X- Class locomotives) from 3.20 m Schedule of Dimension (SOD)
Class locomotives) 1145 mm above rail level when fully loaded to Schedule-I, Chapter-IV (C),
a height of 3735 mm when empty. 14(iv) (Page-25)
iv. Maximum height Maximum height (X-Class locomotives) 4.47 m Schedule of Dimension (SOD)
(above rail level for a width of 305 mm on Schedule-I, Chapter-IV (C),
either side of center of empty locomotive. 15,(Page-25)

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
4. MMD for Dedicated Freight Corridor
i. Maximum Maximum width Maximum width over all projections from RDSO‟s letter No.- CT/
Moving with fully loaded 305 mm above rail level, to 725 mm above 3.505 m DG/DFC dated 21/26-11-07
Dimension rail level, when fully loaded. (File No.- EL/94/6/ Freight
Corridor) (Page-114)

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
1. Wind Load
i. Wind Load Wind Zone Green Zone (light) 75 kg / m2 ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II ,
Appendix- I, para 4.1 (Page
ii. Wind Load Wind Zone Yellow Zone (medium) 112.5 Kg / m2 No- 7)
iii. Wind Load Wind Zone Red zone ( Heavy) 150 Kg / m2
iv. Wind Load Loading Rolled beams total projected area ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II ,
calculation Appendix- I, para 4.2 (Page
Fabricated structures one and a half times the No- 8)
projected area
Conductor and other 2/3 of the projected area
circular members
v. Safety Safety of mast Safety of mast and portal At 350 C temperature and full ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II ,
are checked for two wind pressure Appendix- I, para 4.2 (Page
conditions No- 8)
At 40 C temperature and 20%
of the governing wind

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S.No. Class of Assets Average Life in Years Authority

1. OHE conductors & components – for normal zone Board‟s Letter no. 2002/ACII/1/10 ( Vol.II ) dated
a OHE fixed structure
(Advance correction slip no.101)
Mast/structure/guy road / foundation 80
b Other than fixed structure
i. Cantilever assembly and all types of 40 Board‟s Letter no. 2002/ACII/1/10 ( Vol.II ) dated
insulator 25.02.2009 (Advance correction slip no.101)
ii. Isolator/ATD 30
c Wires
i. Catenary wire/feeder wire/return 60 Board‟s Letter no. 2002/ACII/1/10 ( Vol.II ) dated
conductor 25.02.2009 (Advance correction slip no.101)
ii. Contact wire 40 or on the basis of
condemning diameter
2. OHE conductors & components – for polluted zone
i. Cantilever assembly and all types of On condition base
ii. ATD On condition base

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority
Observation Action
1. Drop Arm
i. Drop arm Style „A‟ It is used on N, O, G, BFB type 6”x 6” BFB drop arm is Treatise volume II, Part-3,
portal. Made of 6”x6” BFB suitable for single and para3.5.13, item- 6 and RDSO‟s
single back to back Drg no. ETI/C/0076
ii. Drop arm Style „B‟ It is used in two track 8”x 6” RSJ drop arm is
cantilever suitable for multiple back
to back brackets
iii. Drop arm 8”x 6” RSJ Three Cantilever arrangement At a distance of 6.5 m RDSO‟s letter no. TI/CIV/MS/12-
from face of TTC upright dated 22nd May 2012
iv. Drop arm 8”x 6” RSJ Three Cantilever arrangement Away from 6.5 m from
on 8 m boom TTC upright is to be
unsafe and unstable
2. Boom is found to be safe if 3 cantilevers are provide on two Drop Arm
i. Drop arm 8”x 6” RSJ One Drop arm is to be At the midpoint of boom RDSO‟s letter no. TI/CIV/MS/12-
provided with one cantilever (TTB) dated 22nd May 2012
ii. Drop arm 8”x 6” RSJ Another drop arm is to be at farthest end of 8 meters
provided with two cantilever boom
iii. Drop arm 8”x 6” RSJ Single or Double Cantilevers is At a distance of 7.5 meters
to be provided on single drop from upright.
iv. TTC TTC OHE arrangement On TTC RDSO Drawing No. ETI/C/0076 &
v. TTC Span length Anchor span Not less than 54 m As per RDSO guide line Para 5,5(vi)
of ACTM, Volume-II, Part-II]

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
1. Condition based maintenance
i. Thermal Check hot spots, heat i. All types of jumpers and their PG clamps Depot /OHE in- 28th MSG TRD at
imaging development on charge (SE/JE) SCR on Feb 2011 item
infrared loose connections at ii. Catenary splice, „U‟ clamps and bulldog should inspect his no. 28.19
camera OHE ghat section clamps entire section
iii. Contact splices once in a six
iv. Isolators contacts, connectors, jumpers
and their PG clamps
v. Feeder wire jumpers connected with
OHE and their PG clamps
ii. Thermal Check hot spots, heat i. All types of jumpers and their PG clamps Depot /OHE in- 28th MSG TRD at SCR
imaging development on charge (SE/JE) on Feb 2011 item no.
infrared loose connections at ii. Catenary splice, „U‟ clamps and bulldog should inspect his 28.19
camera OHE Section clamps entire section
iii. Contact splices once in a year

iv. Isolators contacts, connectors, jumpers

and their PG clamps
v. Feeder wire jumpers connected with
OHE and their PG clamps

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
1. Stagger contact wire and catenary wire
i. Stagger tangent Contact wire Stagger on tangent track at ± 200 mm ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II Appendix –
support I, Para-8.1 (Page-16)
ii. Stagger tangent Catenary wire Stagger on tangent track at Zero ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II Appendix –
support I, Para-8.2 (Page-16)
iii. Stagger curve Catenary wire Stagger curved track at Not exceed (± 300 ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II Appendix –
support mm) I, Para-8.3 (Page-16)
iv. Stagger curve Catenary wire Stagger curved track at Zero, ± 200 mm ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II Appendix –
standard support I, Para-8.3 (Page-16) and drg no.
v. Stagger section Section Staggers at section insulator Normally zero, exceed ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II Appendix –
insulator insulator type neutral section ± 100 mm I, Para-11.1- iii (Page-18)
vi. Stagger PTFE PTFE Stagger at PTFE type Zero at support ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II Appendix –
neutral section I, Para-8.7.2 (Page-17)
vii. Stagger T/O & Catenary wire Stagger at turnouts and Branch line not
Diamond diamond crossing exceed 300 mm at any
crossing point in the span
2. Stagger at Un- insulated overlaps
i. Stagger tangent Contact wire Stagger in running line on Not exceed 200 mm ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II Appendix –I,
(3-span) tangent track at support. Para-8.5 (Page-16) and drg.
Only one contact wire is in- no.RE/33/G/02121 sheet-1

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
ii. Stagger curve Contact wire Stagger in running line on Not exceed 300 ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II Appendix –I,
(3-span) curve track at support. Only mm Para-8.5 (Page-16) and drg.
one contact wire is in- running no.RE/33/G/02121 sheet-1
iii. Stagger curve Contact wire Only one of the contact wire is Not exceed as per ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II Appendix –I,
(4-span) in- running mid span stagger RDSO drg no. Para-8.5(Page-16) and drg.
of the in running contact wire ETI/OHE/G/00202 no.RE/33/G/02121 sheet-1
iv. Stagger Contact wire Two contact wire run parallel 200 mm from each ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II Appendix–I,
distance runs parallel to each other between the other Para-8.5 (Page-16)
intermediate support
v. Overlapping Contact wire Overlapping zone 2.0 m to 9.0 m
3. Stagger at Insulated overlap
i. Stagger distance Contact wire Intermediate masts the two Minimum ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II Appendix –I,
runs parallel contact wire run parallel from clearance 500 mm Para-8.6 (Page-16) and RDSO drg.
each other no.ETI/OHE/G/02131 sheet-1
ii. Parallel path Contact wire Overlapping zone for smooth Not less than 2.0 ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II Appendix –
change over by the pantograph m to 9.0 m I, Para-15.4 (Page-22)

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24. SPAN

S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
1. Span
i. Span Span length Minimum 27 m Treatise Vol. II, 3.3.2
ii. Span Span length Maximum 72 m Page -7

iii. Span Maximum difference of Maximum difference between two 18 m ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II, 5.5. (i)
span consecutive spans in main line. (Page -8)
iv. Span Span of cross type Maximum span length of anchor span of 54 m ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II, 5.5. (vi)
OHE, turn outs cross type OHE at turnouts. (Page -9)
v. Span Span length at level Maximum span length at level crossings 58.5 m ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II , 5.5.
crossings where earth wire is provided. (vii) (Page -9)
vi. Span Tramway OHE Maximum span length tramway type 63 m ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II, 24.1.2
Regulated Regulated OHE (Page -38). RDSO drg. no.
vii. Span Tramway OHE Un- Maximum span length tramway type Un- 30 m ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II, 24.2.1
regulated regulated OHE (Page -38)
viii. Span Tramway OHE Un- Conventional OHE with contact catenary 31.5 m
regulated in station area wire, the maximum span may be increased

ix. Span Mast both side of track Mast located on both side of a track. It 4.5 m ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II, 18.4 (Page
shall be staggered -26)
x. Span Difficult locations Spans in rocky cuttings, girder bridges, No ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II , 5.5.(v)
location of mast on bridge piles and within standard (Page -9)
station area span

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority
Observation Action
1. Spacing of track
i. Track Minimum distance of Existing work 4265 mm Schedule of Dimension (SOD) Schedule-
ii. centre center to center of track on New works/Addition to 5300 mm I, Chapter-I, para - 1 (Page-4)
Main line.(BG) existing work
iii. Minimum radius of curve Curve 75 mm Schedule of Dimension (SOD) Schedule-
(10 degree) I, Chapter-I, para - 2 (Page-5)
2. Building and Structure
i. Horizontal Min. horizontal distance Existing work 2135 mm Schedule of Dimension (SOD)
ii. distance from centre of track to any New works/alterations 2360 mm Schedule-I, Chapter-I, para - 8 (Page-5)
structure except at a to existing work
iii. For Dedicated freight 2825 mm RDSO‟s letter No.- CT/ DG/DFC dated
corridor (DFCIL) 21/26-11-07 (File No.- EL/94/6/ Freight
Corridor) (Page-113)
3. Station Yard
i. Track Minimum distance centre Existing work 4265 mm Schedule of Dimension (SOD)
ii. Centre to centre tracks New works/ Alterations 5300 mm Schedule-I, Chapter-II, 1(i) (Page-10)
to existing works
4. Workshops and running sheds
i. Track Minimum distance centre Existing work 4570 mm Schedule of Dimension (SOD)
Centre to centre tracks Schedule-I, Chapter-III, para - 2
ii. New works/ Alterations to In Workshop 4570 mm (Page-17)
existing works
In running sheds 5260 mm

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
Note : Where there is a structure between tracks, the distance of center to center
of tracks is to be increased by the amount of the width of the structure like OHE
post etc.
5. Tunnels, Through and semi through girder bridges
i. Track Minimum distance centre Existing work 4495 mm Schedule of Dimension (SOD)
ii. Centre to centre tracks New works/ Alterations 4725 mm Schedule-I, Chapter-I, para - 13 (Page-
to existing works 8)

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
1. Tower Wagon (4-Wheeler Mark-II)
i. Tower 4-Wheeler Make- Kanchrapara ACTM, Vol-II, Part-I Para-20318 (Page-72)
Wagon Mark-II Engine Capacity 83 HP (Simpson make)
Salient Feature Axle load 6.8 tonne
Pay load 3 tonne
Transmission Gear Box system
Brake system Vacuum
Speed potential 40 Kmph RDSO‟s letter No.- MC/TW dated 21-10-99
(File No.- EL/92/25/0/ Policy, Vol-I, Page-96)
Number of Single
Make of Engine P-6, Perkinson /TATA
Engine Position Under Slung
2. Tower Wagon (4-Wheeler Mark-III )
i. Tower 4-Wheeler Make Jamalpur / Ventra ACTM, Vol-II, Part-I Para-20318 (Page-72)
Wagon Mark-III Diesel Engine 185 HP
( DHTW) Type Diesel Hydraulic CAMTECH Training module for 4W-tower
Salient Transmission Hydraulic Transmission wagon driver issued on February 2003
Feature Brake system Compressed air brake
Pay Load 10 Tonnes RDSO Specification
Axle load 16 Tonnes no.TI/SPC/OHEWDHTW/0070 /dated.
Speed potential 75 Kmph 30.06.2007, chapter-2 page 9 &10
Tare Weight 22 Tonne
Number of Single -
ii. Make of Engine KCL
iii. Engine Position Under Slung

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
3. Tower Wagon (4-Wheeler Mark-IV )
i. Tower 4-Wheeler Make Jamalpur Ventra Locomotive‟s Operation and
Wagon Mark-IV Diesel Engine 205-215 HP Maintenance manual for 4-Wheeler
(DHTW) OHE Tower Car Mark-IV.
Brake system Compressed air brake
Feature Transmission Hydraulic
Axle load 16 tonnes
Engine Position Under Slung
Make of Engine Cummins (CIL)
Number of Engine Single
Pay Load 10 Tonnes RDSO‟s specification No.-
TI/SPC/OHE/4-WDHTW/ 0070 , June‟
2007 (Page-10)
Speed potential 75 Kmph RDSO‟s Specification no.TI/SPC/
OHE/4-WDHTW/0070 /dated.
30.06.2007, chapter-2 page 9
4. Tower Wagon (8-Wheeler DHTC )
i. Tower 8-Wheeler Make- ICF/SAN Engg./BEML
ii. Wagon DHTC Brake system Compressed air brake
Salient Feature
iii. Diesel Engine Single 530 HP, Twin 285 HP
iv. Number of Engine Single, Double. CAMTECH/2003/E/8-TW/1.0 -March
v. Make of Engine KCL, Cummins 2003
vi. Engine Position Under Slung, On Board
vii. Alternator 24V/30A- Lucas TVS make,
110/4.5 KW, KEL make

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
viii. Tower 8-Wheeler Generator set 230 V single Phase 2.1/2.4 KVA
Wagon DHTC of Shriram Honda
ix. Salient Axle load 16 t RDSO‟s Specification
x. Feature Maximum speed Maximum speed: 110 Km/h no.TI/SPC/OHE/8-W DHTW/0070 Rev.-
1 /dated. 14.07.2010, chapter-2 page 9 &
xi. Pay load Approx.12 t
xii. Transmission Voith's hydraulic ACTM, Vol-II, Part-I , Para-20318
5. Tower Wagon (8-Wheeler DETC )
i. Tower 8-Wheeler Make- Integral Coach Factory (ICF) ICF Manual for DETC
Wagon DETC Maintenance Schedule for
ii. Input to traction 620 HP
Salient Diesel Electric type 8 Wheeler
iii. Feature Axle load 18 Ton (Max.)
Tower Wagon
iv. Gear ratio 20/91
v. Power transmission AC/DC /1.0, December 2009
vi. Operating speed 100 kmph (max.)
vii. Hauling capacity 150 Ton (approx.)
viii. Brake systems Twin pipe air brake suitable to haul
ix. Clearance above rail Minimum of 102 mm with coaches fully
level loaded &wheels in fully worn condition.
x. Wheel diameter 952mm (new) 877mm (fully worn)
914.5mm (half worn)
xi. Wheel arrangement of BO – BO (All axles independently
power powered)
xii. Minimum radius of 175 mm

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
6. Maintenance Schedule of 8- wheeler tower car for DETC and DHTC
i. Maintenance DETC and With Engine stop Monthly RDSO Maintenance Instruction no.
Schedule DHTC With Engine stop Three TI/MI/0043 Rev 0 dated 01.08.2008
(TW) Monthly
Half Yearly
ii. POH of Traction Motor
iii. Maintenance of Rectifier
iv. Maintenance of Engine
v. Maintenance of Transmission
vi. Maintenance of Axel Drive
vii. Maintenance of torsion rod assembly
viii. Maintenance of Lifting and Swiveling Platform
ix. Overhauling during IOH/POH
7. Periodicity of major schedules of tower wagons
i. 4-W Tower Major 1st major schedule equivalent to AOH 12 month Rly. Bd.'s letter No.- 84/RE/158/1/Pt.-
wagon schedule dated - 31-01-06 (File No.- EL/92/25
ii. 2nd (intermediate O/H) of subsystem 24 month /0/Policy, Vol-I, Page-181
iii. 3rd major schedule 36 month
iv POH 48 month
i. 8- W Tower Major 1st major schedule equivalent to AOH 18 month
ii. wagon schedule 2nd (intermediate O/H) of subsystem 36 month
iii. 3rd major schedule 54 month
iv. POH 72 month

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
8. Codal Life of 8-W and 4 –W Tower wagon & all types Advance Correction Slip No. 73 Rly.
i. Tower wagon Codal life 8-Weeler,4-Weeler 40 years Bd.'s letter No.- 2002/AC-
and all types II/2/10/Vol.II.- dated – 22.08.2012
(RBA/No. 28/2012)
9. Schedule of Standard Examination of 8- wheeler tower car for DETC and DHTC
i. Maintenance DETC and Fill water in lavatory Daily RDSO Maintenance Instruction no.
Schedule DHTC in over head tank. TI/MI/0043 Rev 0 dated 01.08.2008
(C&W) Drain valves of brake
system etc
Body, Under frame, Weekly
bogies, brake rigging Monthly
Six monthly
Eighteen months
Thirty six months
Fifty four months
Periodical overhaul (POH)
seventy two months
10. Tower Wagon offering time during breakdown
i. Tower Breakdown Day time 30 minutes after fault JPO of COM/ER & CEE/ER vide No.-
Wagon localization EL/92/25/0/ Policy dtd - 05-06-2002
Night time 45 minutes after (File No.- EL/92/ 25/0/Policy, Vol-I,
blowing siren Page-81)

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
11. Norms / Yardstick for provision of Tower Wagon
i. Tower Provision/Norms Divisional HQ and ARMV 8- Wheeler Tower Wagon Rly. Bd.' letter No.- 84/RE
wagon / Yardstick of location (at the nearest OHE /158/1/Pt.-dated - 19-01-06
Tower wagon depot to this two locations
ii. All other depots 4 Wheeler Ref:
iii. Types of Tower 8- W Tower Wagon Twin Engine under slung Board‟s letter no.
wagon version with hydraulic drive 97/Elect.(G)/ 148/2 dated
iv. 4- W Tower Wagon Diesel hydraulic with speed 20.05.1998
protection of 75-90 Kmph
12. Maintenance of Tower wagon
i. Tower Maintenance of Engine and drives Through OEMs Rly. Bd.' letter No.- 84/RE
ii. wagon Tower wagon Vehicle portion Workshops nominated by /158/1/Pt.-dated - 19-01-06
Zonal Rlys. Ref: Board‟s letter no.
iii. Rehabitation/ maintenance of OEMs / Sources considered / 97/Elect.(G)/ 148/2 dated
other sub assemblies approved by CEE 20.05.1998
13. Scheduled time for POH
i. Tower 8-Wheeler POH schedule time 4 month Minutes of meeting on 15-
wagon Tower wagon 05.06 vide SME/Crane/HQ
ii. Tower 4-Wheeler POH schedule time 4- 3 month 15 days letter No.- MS/547/ Pt-II
wagon Tower wagon Wheeler Tower wagon mark- dated-05/06/06 (File No.-
III & IV EL/92/ 25/4-Wh, Page-71)
iii. POH schedule time 4-Wheeler 1 month 15 days
Tower wagon mark- II
14. Future Procurement of Tower Wagon
i. Tower Procurement Design & procurement of Only 8- Wheeler rolling stock Railway Board‟s letter No.
Wagon tower wagon on Indian Railways 2012/CEDO/SD/RS/04 dated

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
Spare Item
i. Spare Spare item OHE Spare 3% 26 th MSG item 26.7 & 26.8
Spare item PSI equipment 5% (File No.- 94/4/RDSO/ MSG Meeting/Vol-II)

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
Neutral sections are provided to isolate different phases of power supply in adjoining overhead equipment fed by adjacent
substations, which are normally connected, to different phases of supply. The neutral sections maintain mechanical but not
electrical continuity of OHE
1. Overlap type
i. Neutral Conventional Except in suburban and - RDSO's Drg.
section overlap type can heavy graded section no.ETI/OHE/G/02161, Sheet-
be used 1Mod-C
ii. Neutral length Neutral length of 41.0 m
overlap type neutral
2. Short neutral section of section insulator assembly type
i. Short neutral where adoption of In heavily graded Short neutral section of 5 i. RDSO's Drg.
section overlap type section and suburban m length may be adopted no.ETI/OHE/G/02161, Sheet-2
neutral section is section. ii. ACTM Volume II (Part- II)
not feasible Appendix-I, Para16.0
ii. Speed Speed restricted to 120 if the runners are in ii. Treatise Part-4. Chapter- 5 page
km/h trailing direction, 249
otherwise to 80 km/h.
iii. Tension length Half tension length Not exceeding 500 m
iv. Adoption of short Avoided in main Due to heavy weight,
neutral section running line restricted speed and
frequent maintenance
3. Short neutral section assembly (PTFE) type
a. Short neutral speed Bi- directional 200 Km/hr i. ACTM Volume II (Part- I)
section Para 20312 page 67
ii. Treatise Part-4. Chapter-
5,para-4.5.4, page 249.

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
b. Short neutral Installation location i. Where locomotives of any Short neutral section i. ACTM Volume II
section from cantilever type may become stationary must not be (Part- I) Para 20312
supports ii. At a midpoint anchor installed. page 67 of ns drawing.
location of the OHE
iii. On a streep gradient where
the interruption of power
will have an adverse effect
on the smooth passage of
the locomotive
c. Short neutral Installation location i. Neutral section shall be Short neutral section ACTM Volume II (Part- II)
section from cantilever located away from stop shall be installed Appendix-I, Para16.4, page-
supports signal 23
ii. Away from level crossing
and on tangent track and on
level to the possible extent.
d. Short neutral Installation location After the stop signal on tangent At least 400 m ACTM Volume II (Part- II)
section from cantilever track Appendix-I, Para16.4, page-
supports 23
before the stop signal on tangent At least 200 m
4. Arthur Flury AG Neutral Section

i. Short neutral speed Bi- directional 200 Km/hr As per Arthur Flury AG
section Neutral section manual
ii. Short neutral Diameter 24 mm
Diameter of new rod in good

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
iii. Measurement of
If the diameter is It should be turned by 72 deg
reduced by 2 mm at (2 marks). Insulating rods with
any point. reference to direction of
iv. All skids Profile at bottom If thickness of bulb reduced to
portion of all the skids 2 mm or less the skids should
and record thickness be replaced immediately
v. Earthing of middle i.Earth resistance i. Should be less than 10
section insulator Ohm

ii.Earth wire diameter ii.

Shall be 12.0 mm to 13.0
vi. Thickness of skids Check the profile at If thickness of bulb reduced to
bottom portion of all 2 mm or less the skids should
the skids be replaced

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
1. OHE Impedance
i. OHE OHE Impedance Single track OHE without RC 0.41 ohm/Km ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II , Appendix
Impedance value -V, 1
ii. Double track OHE without RC 0.24 ohm/Km (Page-99)
iii. Single track OHE with RC 0.70 ohm/Km
iv. Double track OHE with RC 0.43 ohm/Km

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority
Observation Action
1. Composite Insulator
i. Composite Use of 25 kV i. Use of only composite ESDD ≤ 0.3 i. Policy circular No. RB/Elect/ TrD
Insulator insulators on insulators of 1050 mm CD dated 04.2012
AC traction for stone pelting menace ii. Railway Board letter No.
system based areas with the approval of 2002/Elect.(G)/161/21 Vol.II
on Equivalent CEE dated 04.07.2012
Salt Deposit ii. Use of porcelain insulators iii. Ref: a. DSO's letter no.
Density of 1050 mm CD for other TI/OHE/INSCOM/SL/11/1 dated
(ESDD) test areas 04.01.2011
ii. Use of composite insulators ESDD > 0.3 b. RDSO's letter No.
of 1600 mm CD in all the TI/OHE/INS/GEN/12 dated
areas with the 07.06.2012.
approval of CEE c. This Office of even
Number dated 13.04.2010
iii. Severity of Method adopted is Brush Equivalent Salt Deposit RDSO Maintenance Instruction no.
pollution Wash of a polluted insulator Density (ESDD) as per TI/MI/040 (Rev.0) dated 05.04.2005
IS: 13134
2. Porcelain Insulator
i. Porcelain Failure of Check failure is due to i. Monkey/ Vulture RDSO Instruction no. TI/IN/0007
Insulator insulator external reasons electrocution (Rev.0) dated 07.09.2001
ii. Pantograph
iii. Tree cutting
iv. Short circuit by
snake, stay wire etc.
v. Stone throwing by

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
vi. Brake block hitting the mast
vii. Bad weather
viii. Potential difference at FP
ix. Pollutant deposition
x. Contact/catenary wire or any
other external reason
3. Load to be applied for testing of 25 kV Porcelain Insulator
Type of Specified Routine Tensile Dead Load Y to be provided for i. RDSO Maintenance Instruction
insulator SML in kgf Load (RTL) @ double rail in kg no. TI/MI/0042 (12/2008) Rev.0
55% of specified dated 12.12.2008
value in kgf 120 kg/m 104 kg/m ii. ETI/OHE/15(9/91) Insulator
manufactured prior to 2000
i. Stay arm and 5400 2970 66 118
ii. 9-ton 9900 5445 447 499
i. Stay arm and 7000 3850 201 254 i. RDSO Maintenance Instruction
Bracket no. TI/MI/0042 (12/2008) Rev.0
ii. 9-ton 9900 5445 447 499 dated 12.12.2008
ii. ETI/OHE/15(9/91) with a & c
slip no.1to 6
i. Stay arm and 7000 3850 201 254 i. RDSO Maintenance Instruction
Bracket no. TI/MI/0042 (12/2008) Rev.0
ii. 9-ton 11000 6050 540 592 dated 12.12.2008
ii. TI/SPC/OHE/INS/0070

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
4. Load to be applied for testing of 25 kV Composite Insulator
Type of insulator Specified Routine Tensile Load Dead Load Y to be provided i. RDSO Maintenance Instruction
SML in kgf (RTL) @ 55% of for double rail in kg no. TI/MI/0042 (12/2008) Rev.0
specified value in kgf dated 12.12.2008
120 kg/m 104 kg/m ii. TI/SPC/OHE/INSCOM/0090 or
i. Stay arm and 5400 3780 191 243 TI/SPC/OHE/INSCOM/0091
ii. 9-ton 9900 6930 675 727
iii. Stay arm and 7000 4900 363 415 i. RDSO Maintenance Instruction
Bracket no. TI/MI/0042 (12/2008) Rev.0
dated 12.12.2008
iv. 9-ton 11000 7700 794 846 ii. TI/SPC/OHE/INSCOM/1070
5. Following batches have been declared as FAILURE PRONE batches
i. Type of insulator Make Batches RDSO Instruction no. TI/IN/0012
Rev.0 dated 13.12.2005
ii. Stay arm insulator MPL 1966.1968 &1969 ( for undivided S.E Rly only)
iii. Bracket insulator 1960, 1968 &1975 ( for undivided S.E Rly only)
iv. Bracket insulator GDR 1966
v. 9- tone insulator All batches
vi 9- tone insulator JSI 5/96, 12/96, 2/97,
vii. Bracket insulator 2/89
viii. Bracket insulator WSI 9/88
ix. Stay arm insulator 9/88
x. 9- tone insulator 1/89

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
xi. 9- tone insulator MIL 10/87, 12/87, 11/2000
xii. 9- tone insulator W.G 1982
xiii. Bracket insulator BHEL 6/82
6. Suspected to be Failure Prone Batches
i. 9- tone insulator NGK 1980 RDSO Instruction no. TI/IN/0012
ii. 9- tone insulator JSI 2/96 Rev.0 dated 13.12.2005
iii. Composite How to i. Receiving, unpacking & storage RDSO Instruction no. TI/IN/0013
insulator handle 25 kV ii. Transport to construction site Rev.0 dated 19.12.2005
composite iii. On site handling
insulator iv. Installation by TrD staff/vendors
v. Conductor stringing & cantilever assembly
vi. Final inspection before energisation
vii. Care during maintenance
For polluted zone Rly. Bd.'s letter No.-2005/RE/220/2
iv Could be used in Non-polluted zone dated - 29-10-07
(File No.- EL/94/4/ RDSO/ Vol-III.
(Page- 293) & 2002/RE/161/21 dated -
(File No.- EL/94/4/RDSO/ Vol-III,
v. Insulator Creepage Standard 850 mm RDSO‟s specification No-
vi. distance Polluted 1050 mm TI/SPC/OHE/INS/0070
vii. Insulator Replacement Maximum number of 2 sheds ACTM, Vol-II, Part-I, Para-20326.2
of insulators broken sheds of insulator (a) (ix)
having allowed (Page-79)
viii. broken shed Maximum number of 1 sheds CEE/ER's letter No.-
broken end sheds of EL/94/4/ASN/CKS (133) dated 12-
insulator allowed in line 06-07 (Page-94)

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
i. Gauge Standard Track gauge 1676 mm Gauge (BG) Indian Railways Schedule of
Dimensions revised 2004
ii. Track Maximum Provision for future track 275 mm ACTM Vol.-II, Part-II,
tolerance raising Appendix-I, Para – 7.5 (Page-15)

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
Temporary speed restriction
The instructions regarding sped restriction, in electrified sections are being notified under GR-17.09. The temporary speed
restrictions shall be imposed by Electrical (TRD) Deptt, as per GR-4.09 wherein a caution order shall be handed over to driver
at the stopping station immediately short of the place where such precautions are necessary. While imposing temporary speed
restrictions, the following guidelines shall generally be followed:
i. Speed Temporary Temporary mast is provided. Speed restriction 15-40 kmph ACTM Advance & correction
restriction speed For new mast foundation to depending upon the site slip no.- 12 vide Rly.Bd.'s letter
restriction be casted. Curing time 5/6 condition total time in this No.- 2004/RE/ 161/1/ Pt-III
days. OHE shifting on new process is about 10 days and (ACTM) dated 03/05/2005
mast. block availability.
ii. Bent mast, if the same is Speed restriction 30-60 kmph
straightened using tirfor. depending upon the site
condition time duration 3-4
days and block availability
iii. OHE damages due to panto Speed restriction 30-60 kmph
entanglement, providing depending upon the site
temporary dropper etc, (not condition (Time duration 4
affecting OHE mast) days). and block availability

iv. Speed potential of regulated 90 kmph RDSO's letter No.- ETI/OHE

tramway type OHE (old /GA dated-10/19-06-97 (File
lines) No.-EL/94/0/ Policy/ Vol-II,

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
Portals: Where adequate track centre are not available and track cannot be slewed, portal are used.
i. Portal „N‟ Type It is used to cover multiple i. Maximum 4 tracks i. ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II,
portal OHE (8 cantilevers) and return ii. Clear span 10.0 m to 20.4 m Appendix -I, Para- 6.3.1,
conductors for Up & Dn lines. iii. Maximum bending moment (Page-10)
It is capable of carrying 8000 kgm at base RDSO's Drawing No.-
anchors on uprights. ETI/C/0064
iv. Cross section 450 mm x 450
ii. Treatise Volume II, Part
ii. „O‟ Type It is used to cover multiple i. Maximum 6 tracks
III., Annexure 3.5.1 page
portal OHE (12 cantilevers) and ii. Clear span 20.4 m to 30.5 m
return conductors for Up & Dn iii. Maximum bending moment
lines. It is capable of carrying 17000 kgm at base
anchors on uprights. iv. Cross section 550 mm x 550
iii. „BFB‟ It is used where track centre i. Maximum 5 tracks
Type portal are very minimum and un ii. Maximum clear span 24.6 m
avoidable, cover multiple OHE iii. Maximum bending moment
(6 cantilevers) and return 8000 kgm at base
conductors for Up & Dn lines. iv. Cross section 155 mm x 152
It is capable of carrying mm,10.66 m
anchors on uprights.
iv. „R‟ Type It is used to cover multiple i. Maximum 8 tracks
portal OHE and two return ii. Clear span 36 m
conductors on uprights. It is iii. Maximum bending moment
capable of carrying anchors on 20,000 kgm at base Cross
uprights. section 600 mm x 600 mm

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
v. „G‟ Type It is used where track centre i. Maximum 6 tracks
portal are very minimum and un- ii. Maximum clear span 30.5 m
avoidable, cover multiple OHE iii. Maximum bending moment
(12 cantilevers) and return 17000 kgm at base
conductors for Up & Dn lines. iv. Cross section 400 mm x 250
It is capable of carrying mm,10.8 m
anchors on uprights.
vi. Head span In yards where unregulated It can cover more than 6 tracks ACTM, Vol-II, Part-II,
OHE is used head span may be Appendix -I, Para- 6.4, (Page-
used. 11). RDSO Drg .no.
It is not used normally‟ ETI/OHE/G/03201

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
Trimming/ cutting of trees

i. Trimming/ Cutting of Whole sale cutting of tree By Engineering

cutting of trees i.e. cutting of trunks in the department in presence
trees electrified territories of authorized TrD staff i. Advance correction(AC) slip No. 79 dated
10.10.2002 of Indian Railways Permanent Way
ii. Trimming Day to day trimming of By the authorized TrD Manual 1986- Edition
of trees the tree branches, staff and supervisor
wherever required ii. Railway Board Letter No. 2008/Elect (G)/161
/8Pt. dated 05.09.2012.
iii. Clearance Maintain Maintain clearance 4m Policy Circular No.RB/Elect/TrD-06-2012
clearance between OHE to

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S.No. Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
1. Inspections
i. Inspection Foot Patrol OHE / PSI depot Total Jurisdiction once in
Incharge / supervisors 2 months HQ letter No.- EL/94/2/
Reliability/CKS dated-13/7/07
ii. Foot Plate OHE / PSI depot Total Jurisdiction once a
Incharge / Supervisors month (File No.- EL/94/2/ Reliability/
iii. Tower Wagon AEE/TRD Total Jurisdiction once a Vol-II (Page-16)
iv. Tower Wagon Sr.DEE/TRD Total Jurisdiction once in 6
v. Tower Wagon Sr.DEE/TRD-SP/FP/TSS Total Jurisdiction once in
12 months
2. Schedule of Monthly Inspection
i. Inspection Traction Sub Station Sr.DEE/TrD 01 ACTM Volume II (Part-I)
Annexure 2.01
DEE/TrD 01 (Parac20202,20223)
AEE/TrD 02
Depot In-charge/SSE 04
ii. Inspection Switching Station Sr.DEE/TrD 01
DEE/TrD 02
AEE/TrD 03
Depo In-charge/SSE 04

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S.No. Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
iii. Inspection PSI Depots Sr.DEE/TrD 01 ACTM Volume II (Part-I)
Annexure 2.01
DEE/TrD 02 (Parac20202,20223)
AEE/TrD 04
iv. Inspection Grid sub stations Sr.DEE/TrD 2 in a years
DEE/TrD 01
AEE/TrD 02
Depot In-charge/SSE 01
v. Inspection Office Inspection Sr.DEE/TrD 01
DEE/TrD 01
AEE/TrD 01

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
Ladder Trolley
Ladder Guideline of i. Working in i. With open line maintenance block Railway Board letter no. 200/RE/161/1-
Trolley ladder trolley traffic block (shadow block) Pt.II dated 18.05.2006
working of ii. Observe all safety requirements Ref:i. Board‟s letter no. 2000/RE/161/1
OHE work dt-09.11.2005
Use of ladder It cannot be used to carry material
trolley ii. GM/CORE‟s DO letter no.
EL/CORE/CRS dt 04.04.2006
Ladder trolley GRs-,15.22,15.26 and
governed in 15.27(2)
Movement of i. Ladder trolleys are non moving
trolley trolleys from station to station
ii. Wheel aid for movement by a few
meters( 100 to 200 meters)
Para 9.4 CRS report is applicable for lorries only

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
Corrosion Resistant Paint System for Outdoor Structure of Traction Distribution
Following guidelines are issued for use/ application of Corrosion Resistant Paint System as per RDSO Specification
i. Anti OHE structure Anti corrosion paint Avoid the i. RDSO‟s letter no. TI/CIV/09 dated –
corrosion applied on the OHE corrosion at the 21.05.2012
paint structure primarily up to bottom of
1.5 m height from muff structure ii. Rly Bd letter no. 2003/RE/161/1 Vol.2.
ii. Rusted structure The anti corrosion paint As per para 1.1
shall be used on rusted of specification iii. RDSO‟s letter no. TI/CIV/GCP/08
structures if it is inevitable dated-22.03.2012
iii. Rusted structure Paint shall be applied over As per para 2.1 iv. RDSO specification no.TI/SPC/CIV
of outdoor rusted surface of outdoor of specification /POR/0080 (08/2008)
galvanized steel structures
Exposed to atmospheric
condition for several years
and have started rusting
iv. Rusted structure Masts, structures, and other As per para „D‟
equipments of OHE and of specification
traction power supply
exposed to atmosphere
where corrosion/rusting is

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
v. Rusted Anti corrosion paint shall As per of i. RDSO‟s letter no. TI/CIV/09 dated –
Cantilever be applied over the rusted specification 21.05.2012
cantilever assembly
judiciously over the rusted ii. Rly Bd letter no. 2003/RE/161/1 Vol.2.
parts dated-18.09.2008

vi. Paint system Paint system shall be As per para „9‟ iii. RDSO‟s letter no. TI/CIV/GCP/08
carefully applied on the of specification dated-22.03.2012
corroded surface as per the
laid down safety norms of iv. RDSO specification no.TI/SPC/CIV/
Original Equipment POR/0080 (08/2008)
Manufacturer (OEM)
i. The anti corrosion paint shall be used on rusted structures if it is inevitable.
ii. Paint shall be applied over rusted surface of outdoor galvanized steel structures exposed to atmospheric
condition for several years and have started rusting.
iii. Masts, Structures, and other equipments of OHE and traction power supply exposed to atmosphere where
corrosion/rusting is surfacing
iv. Anti corrosion paint shall be applied over the rusted cantilever assembly judiciously over the rusted parts.
v. Paint system shall be carefully applied on the corroded surface as per the laid down safety norms of Original
Equipment Manufacturer.

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38. JOINT PROCEDURE ORDER (S&T and Electrical cable)

S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
Joint Procedure Order for protecting S&T & Electrical Cables
i. Joint Joint procedure order for undertaking Between electrical, signaling, i. Rly Bd letter no. D.O.No.
Procedure digging work in the vicinity of engineering and 2011/sig/ 8F/1/Pt dated-
underground signaling, electrical and telecommunication 23.04.2012
telecommunication cables. ii. Rilway Board's JPO No.
2004/Sig/G//7 dated
iii. Guideline on signaling cable
laying issued by RDSO in Oct

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
1. Measures for improving OHE reliability 12 points action plan
Work Yearly

i. OHE Turn outs/cross over OHE for its adjustment/alignments During

Reliability Live line checking bt Tower wagon maintenance
iii. Free movement of cantilever i. Railway Bd letter No.
iv. Status of overhauls of ATD and its free movement 2008/Elect(G)/161/8/Punct
v. Checking of PG clamps, splices by thermo vision camera dated 07.10.2011
vi. Provision of missing structure bonds/Rail bonds ii. AM/L's DO letter No.
vii. Cleaning of insulator at finalized interval 2008/Elect(G)/161/8/ Punct.
viii. Checking and calibration of protective relays at specified dtd. 08.09.10
iii. Board's letter No 2008/
ix. Attention to critical implantation (< 2.36 m + curve Elect(G)/161/8/Punct dtd.
allowance) mast on maim line 28.09.10
x. Replacement of rusted cantilever assembly
xi. To check the healthiness of lightning arrestor in lightning
prone area
xii. Replacement of silver brazing joints in contact wire
xii. Provision of screen to 1.83 m height on all FOBs to cover
gaps wherever existing between two lines

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
2. Progress of Nerta Car run: Section Running Nos. of Total Nos. % of Target date Action i. Railway Bd letter No.
date bad location location for plan 2008/Elect(G)/161/8/Punct
location attended attended remaining dated 07.10.2011
location ii. AM/L's DO letter No.
2008/Elect(G)/161/8/ Punct.
dtd. 08.09.10
iii. Board's letter No 2008/
Elect(G)/161/8/Punct dtd.
3. Population of predictive maintenance Tools:

Railway Division Oliver-G Thermo vision GPS mapping for i. Railway Bd letter No.
camera Netra Car 2008/Elect(G)/161/8/Punct
dated 07.10.2011
ii. AM/L's DO letter No.
2008/Elect(G)/161/8/ Punct.
dtd. 08.09.10
iii. Board's letter No 2008/
Elect(G)/161/8/Punct dtd.

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Observation Action
Provision of retro-reflective number plate on OHE mast
i. Retro-reflective Guideline of One no. of retro-reflective OHE number plates
number plate provision of recto- should be provided in each kilometer at the
reflective number beginning of kilometer.
ii. Retro-reflective number plates should be provided
at critical locations like before the stop signals and
before the permanent speed restrictions
i. 2001/Electrical (G)/170/1 Pt
iii. All other warning boards like DJ open, DJ close,
dated- 07.05.2012
500m board, 250 m board, coasting, dangers etc.
which are used in OHE (not PSI) should be retro-
reflective type as it will improve the visibility of ii. RDSO's letter No
running staff. TI/OHE/STR/NOP/04 dated
16/20.04.04 & 23.11.2011
iv. Number plate background i.e. traffic blue colour
will be non reflective type with no borders
v. Only the letters & figures will be retro-reflective
type in deep yellow colour.
vi. Sigma strips wherever provided should be on the
lower post of mast for proper retro- reflection
vii. Sigma strips may be provided on fog prone area

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Observation Action
viii. The retro-reflective strip in sigma shape for
identification of all signals shall be provided two
masts prior to all signal locations for easy
identification during foggy weather. The detailed
design for provision of sigma strip shall be
finalized by RDSO, It shall be advised to running
staff that this is only an aide to the running staff
and its non- availability/ damaged number plate or
poor visibility will not be considered the reason for
any signal overshooting.

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Observation Action
P.Way Maintenance Manual
i. Slewing of As per Para 283(g) Alteration of track Strictly No 2005 Elect (G) 161/8
alteration of track 86 (h) of Chapter II involving adjustment of implementation Punct. Pt.II Dated 17.08.20 12
of P.Way contact wire and alteration Policy Circular No.RB/Elect.
Maintenance Manual to track bonding /TRD 05-2012
Alteration of Tracks
i. Slewing of Involving adjustment Engg. department Traction department shall
alteration of track of contact wire sufficient notice should be arrange to adjust the OHE
(outside the agreed given to concerned traction i. No 200 Elect (G) 161/8
maintenance limits) department Punct. Pt.II Dated 17.08.20
ii. Permission to work Due notice shall be given TrD department may be ii. Policy Circular
to TrD dept. by Engg. dept adjusted to confirm to the No.RB/Elect./TRD 05-
before commence the work new conditions 2012iii
iii. Joint checking of rail Yearly maintenance of Any variations above 30 iii. ACTM Vol II, Part-I, Para
level and setting OHE mm in setting distance and 20306
distance 20 mm in rail level should
be advised to the PWI for
Alterations to track bonding
i. Bonding Removal and fixing By Engineering This activities shall be No 200 Elect (G) 161/8 Punct.
of bind department reported to ADEE/TD in Pt.II Dated 17.08.20 12 Policy
charge without delay Circular No.RB/Elect./TRD

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Observation Action
Precautions to be followed by Railways
i. Safety of Working of Electrified section, no Rly staff should climb OHE Power supply is completely Railway Board
Railway Railway staff in on top of any Rly vehicle including switched off and earthed lettr No. 2009/Re/
staff electrified engineering machine, electric locomotive 161/4 FTS- 748
section ,tower wagon, crane, or any other structure dated- 26.08.2014
including platform shelter roofs where 25 kV
wire crossing the shelter on the electrified
ii. In emergency climbing of the top of any i. PTW (Permit to Work) must
vehicle due to any reason be taken.
ii. OHE dead and earthed
iii. In the presence of OHE
iv. Private number will have to
exchange both at the time of
availing the block and at the
time of cancelling the block
iii. Counsel of staff All senior supervisor have counseled their Senior supervisor maintain a
staff register in which acknowledgment
of all staff under their control
have been taken
iv. For new staff joins Counseled immediately &
acknowledgement taken

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Observation Action
v. Caution Board Caution board and written instructions to be At Departmental vehicle/track Railway Board
provided machine /platform shelters for the lettr No.
same in Hindi/ English shown as 2009/Re/ 161/4
below FTS- 748 dated-
vi. 26.08.2014

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Observation Action
Creation of new plan head- TrD
i. New plan head TrD assets Traction Distribution (TrD) Traction Distribution i. Railway Board letter No.
Works including replacement of Work PH-3700 2011/Elect(G)/148/3 dated-
over aged TrD assets. 04.05.2012
ii. Excluding TrD Other electrical works Plan Head-3600 ii. RBA No. 8/2012. Rly Bd letter
No. 2011/ACII/3/1 dated

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Observation Action
Technical requirements for running of trains at 150 Kmph speed
i. Technical Drop bracket As per Drg. No. ETI/OHE/P/2360 along with steady arm as per Railway Board latter No.
requirements assembly ETI/OHE/P/2390 to give apush up of 110 mm 2001/Elect(G)/170/1Pt.
dated- 30.062009
ii. Cross type OHE Cross type OHE to be modified on priority
OHE tension Increase in tension is not required
iii. Contact wire gradient The contact wire gradient should be reduced from 3 mm per
meter to 1 mm per meter and difference in contact wire gradient
between two adjoining spans be reduced from 1.5 mm per meter
to 0.5 mm meter
iv. Pre sag Pre sag of contact wire should be reduce from 1.4 mm per meter
to 0.8 mm per meter
v. Condemning diameter The Condemning diameter of contact wire shall not be
vi. Dropper The flexible droppers for increasing current capacity are not
required as there is adequate provision of 'C' & 'G' jumper
vii. PTFE PTFE type short neutral section should be provided wherever
viii. Number plate Retro- reflective number plate should be provided
ix. Traction Sub station The Traction substation should not be augmented for running
only one train of high speed

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S.No Item Parameters Details Authority

Observation Action
x. Adjustment of OHE Railway must ensure that the adjustment of OHE shall have
same provision as mentioned in above in following condition as
these adjustment will save large scale adjustments required
later on to raise 150 kmph speed
xi. i. At the time of adjustment work of contact wire existing
main line OHE
ii. New construction work of OHE on main line

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Observation Action
Issue of Competency Certificate To Pointsmen for opening isolator during emergency

i. Competency Opening of isolator Station Master/ Assistant Station Master/ ACTM para Railway Board letter no.
certificate to during emergency Pointsmen should be issued with 20970-5 modified 2001/Electrical(G)/138/4 Pt.
pointsmen competency certificate, after giving dated- 10.01.2013
practical training to enable them to operate Advanced correction slip no. 24
specific isolator under instructions of dated-10.01.2013
Traction Power Controller (TPC)

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Observation Action
Antitheft Energisation Duration
i. Anti- theft Duration Period of anti-theft energisation Decided with approval of Rail Board letter No.
Item No. of ACTM Vol.II,Pt.II, CEE of the Zonal Railways 200/RE/161Pt.III (ACTM)
Appendix VII -1.2 dated31.03.2010

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1. General
i. Shock treatment Display of shock Electric shock treatment chart should be exhibited in every OHE Treatise (OHE) page
chart treatment chart maintenance depot, equipment room, switching station, cabin, OHE 159
inspection car shed, loco shed, OHE inspection car and wiring train and ACTM Volume- II,
also in offices of SM, ASM, CYM, AYM and HTXR. Part I, para-20332 page
ii. First Aid Boxes Provision of First aid box shall be kept at every switching station, maintenance depot, - 87
First aid box in OHE Inspection Car, breakdown vehicle and wiring train

iii. Testing Testing of tools Ropes, come-along clamps, tirfor etc should be tested once in six months
at least, in the presence of SSE/JE and record of such tests maintained in
each depot
2. Documents to be kept with OHE Supervisors for Work on OHE
i. Lay out plan Keeping of drawing A Complete set of structure erection drawings, lay out plans, Treatise (OHE) page
sectioning diagram, SWR and general supply diagram etc 159
pertaining to the overhead equipment under his charge ACTM Volume- II, Part
ii. Responsibility Responsibility of i. Ensure that all safety rules prescribed are actually observed by I, para-20333 page - 87
of SSE/JE SSE/JE (OHE) or in the staff when carrying out work on traction installations.
(OHE) his absence the ii. Duty of the supervisor to remind the staff periodically of the
senior most official various safety rules to be observed at work site
in-charge of the
3. Permit to work
i. Commencing PTW shall be taken Before commencing work on any part of the dead OHE or within 2 Treatise (OHE) page
of work m of live OHE, a permit to work shall be obtained from TPC or 159
other authorized person ACTM Volume- II, Part
I, para-20334 page - 87

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4. Protection of Staff against Traffic Movements and Protection of Trains
Protection of Working as per GR & i. The supervisory official in-charge of work on OHE shall observe Treatise (OHE) page 159
staff SR relevant provisions of GR and SR for protection of trains before ACTM Volume- II, Part I,
work on OHE is commenced and for the whole time the work is in para-20335 page - 87
ii. Measures laid down for power block shall be observed by all
concerned to prevent accidental energisation of the section under
power block on account of electric train movements.
5. Earthing before Commencement of Work
Earthing Earthing before i. All metallic parts within reach (either directly or through tools Treatise (OHE) page
commencement etc) shall be earthed, after they are made dead. 159
ii. Each working party shall be protected by at least two ACTM Volume- II, Part
independent earths, one on each side of a working party. I, para-20336 page - 87
iii. If the distance between the working parties exceeds 100 m
intermediate earths shall be provided in such manner as to
ensure that the distance between earths does not exceed 100 m.
iv. Even when earthing is provided by isolator switches with
earthing heels, additional temporary earths as about shall also
be provided.
6. Procedure for Providing Temporary Earths
i. Safety of Men posted on both Men shall be posted on both sides of the site of work to warn the Treatise (OHE) page
working party side of working working party of any approaching train on the same track and 159
& temporary party for warn of adjacent track(s).
earth working party ACTM Volume- II, Part
ii. Permit to work The permit-to-work shall be obtained prior to commencing work to I, para-20337 page - 88
make sure that power supply has been switched off.

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iii. Providing temporary For providing temporary earth on the OHE or other equipment after
earth on OHE it has been made dead, only discharge / earthing pole assembly
specially designed for this purpose alone should be used. The cable
shall be flexible and should have adequate cross-section (40 mm 2)
to be able to withstand short circuit currents.
iv. Procedure of Fix the earthing clamp securely to a mast at least one span away on
earthing clamp on one side of the work site after making sure that the mast to earth rail
OHE mast bond of this masts is intact. Alternatively, the clamp may be fixed to
the bottom flange of one of the traction rails, taking the cable under
the rails.
v. Procedure of In single-rail-track-circuited sections, the earthing clamp should be
earthing clamp in fixed to the traction rail i.e., non-track-circuit rail; on double-rail-
single-rail-track- track-circuited sections the earthing clamp should be fixed to the
circuited sections on mast.
OHE mast The mast-end or rail-end clamp of the discharge / earthing pole
assembly should be checked for tightness just before connecting the
top clamp on to the OHE as the earthing clamp fixed to the rail or
mast in advance could have worked loose
vi. Discharge rod hook Hook securely with a snap action the top clamp of discharge /
secure to the OHE earthing pole assembly to the OHE conductor close to the mast /
conductor structure and tie the earthing pole to the mast / structure. Never
hook on the top hook of the earthing cable to the OHE, till the other
end has been first connected to earth
vii. First earthing clamp The earthing clamps should always be fixed to the traction rail or
to the mast then top mast/ structure first and then the top clamp should be hooked to the
clamp to be hooked OHE to be earthed.
Repeat operations 4 and 5 for the second temporary earth on the
other side of the working party.

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Staff may start After temporary earths have been fixed on the OHE on both sides of
maintenance work the work site, staff may proceed with the maintenance work.
After completion of After work is completed and men, materials and tools have been
work men, material, removed and the OHE is clear, the above earthing rods may be
earth remove on the removed in the reverse order i.e., first remove the hook on the OHE
OHE and OHE and then the clamp fixed to the rail or mast / structure.
supply restored After warning all staff that supply will be restored and that they
should keep away from the equipment, the permit-to-work may be
returned and supply restored.
7. Precautions in Regard to Discharge / Earthing Pole Assembly
i. Discharge / Checking of cable The continuity of the cable connection between the top clamp and Treatise (OHE) page
Earthing pole continuity once a the earthing clamp should be checked once a fortnight. 159
assembly fortnight ACTM Volume- II,
ii. Cable should be renewed if more than 20% strands are broken. Part I, para-20338
during use, cable should be continually examined for fraying and page - 88
breakage of strands.
iii. Inspection of Discharge / Earthing pole assembly should be inspected by
Discharge / Earthing TFO/ATFO once a month.
pole assembly
iv. Procedure of During accidents when slewing the OHE and in similar
discharge / earthing circumstances, the discharge / earthing pole assembly should be
pole assembly provided at a location where it is not likely to be interfered with
during accident during crane working or due to work on the permanent way.

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8. Work on OHE or any Conductor having a Sectioning Point
When work is to be carried out on OHE or conductors which are not electrically bonded, following additional precautions are required
i. Work on OHE Work at sectioning The two sections of conductors or ends of conductor which may
point have snapped may be at different potentials. Each end should, Treatise (OHE) page
therefore, be separately earthed at two points after switching off 159
supply to both parts of the OHE or conductor. ACTM Volume- II,
ii. This precaution should also be observed when working on or in the Part I, para-20339
vicinity of a sectioning point and cut-in insulators. page - 89
iii. Neutral Sections should be treated as live equipment and earthed
separately at two points on either side of the work party before
commencing work
iv. When work is to be carried out on an isolator, both sides of the
isolator should be earthed at two points or more conveniently,
isolator jumpered temporarily.
9. Rules for use of Ladders
i. Ladder Use of ladder It shall be the responsibility of the supervisor to ensure that ladders are
stored in a protected enclosure properly maintained and reconditioned as Treatise (OHE) page
often as required. 159
A ladder should never be in such a position so as to likely to fall on a live ACTM Volume- II, Part
part. I, para-20342 page - 89
ii. Ropes used with ladders should be of cotton or jute. Use of metallic ropes
is prohibited. A ladder should be held by one person on the ground to
prevent slipping, while the top end should be tied to the supporting
structure or conductor to keep it in position and prevent in sliding away.
iii. Ladders should never be allowed to fall on or rest against the contact wire.

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iv. If the nature of the work involves risk of the conductor breaking
into two parts (due to opening out of sleeves or splices) the ladder
shall not be rested against the conductor. Trolley ladders shall be
used in such cases.
v. More than one person shall not normally be allowed on a ladder as
far as possible
vi. Climbing on a ladder with wet or slippery foot-wear is forbidden.
Ladders should not be used for transporting materials
vii. A rope should be used to pass tools or any equipment to the men
working on a ladder
viii. No one should stand directly below a work spot under a ladder.
10. Other Important Precautions to be taken while Carrying out Works on OHE
i. Other While working on The useful cross section of a conductor shall not be reduced while Treatise (OHE) page
Important OHE making joints. 159
ii. precautions Any contact with conductors which are not specifically earthed is ACTM Volume- II,
forbidden. Part I, Para- 20343,
iii. The strength of the anchoring rope should not be less than that of page- 90
the cable to be anchored.
iv. Temporary anchoring of conductors should only be done by using
stranded flexible steel cable at least of the same tensile, strength as
the cable to be anchored. Use of two cables of different strengths
joined together is prohibited. Use of cotton, jute or other non-
metallic ropes for anchoring is forbidden.
v. Structure bonds and cable connections of the structure to earth shall
be maintained in proper condition. No heavy materials should be
stacked on the rail bonds; transverse bonds between two rails of the
same track as well as rails of different tracks shall also be
maintained in proper condition.

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vi. Where rails to which structures are connected are replaced, the
structure shall be connected to the new rail immediately after it has
been laid.
11. Work on Overhead lines Running Parallel to Electrified Tracks
No work on any span of any overhead line (LT power line or other line) running parallel to an electrified track where the minimum
distance between the nearest conductor of the overhead line and he centre-line of the nearest electrified track is less than 8m, should be
done without switching off power from the 25kV traction line(in addition to making dead and earthing the overhead line on which
work is to be carried out, in the normal manner ) excepting for the following specific items for work
i. Overhead lines Work on Overhead Replacement of lamps, if below line Treatise (OHE) page
ii. lines Running Parallel Painting of structures/poles upto a distance of 2 m from the live 159
to Electrified Tracks wires of the power line. ACTM Volume- II, Part
iii. Reinforcement of foundations where such reinforcement does not I, Para- 20345, page- 90
involve any prior weakening of the foundation at any time during
the work.
iv. Replacement of aerials fuses
12. Procedure for Effecting Shut-Down for Work on Auxiliary Transformers
Auxiliary Procedure for Power supply to auxiliary transformers is affected through fuse- Treatise (OHE) page
Transformers Effecting Shut-down switches on the 25 kV side and the LT side is controlled through 159
for work on auxiliary fuses or double pole iron clad switch fuses. Isolating fuse switches ACTM Volume- II, Part
transformers should be opened out and fuses removed both on the HT and LT I, Para- 20344, page- 90
sides and the transformer earthed before starting work.
13. Isolators
Isolator Precaution taken Isolating switches on the 25kV system shall not be opened or closed Treatise (OHE) page
while opening and when current is passing through them. Normally, isolators should 159
closing of isolator only be opened or closed, after power supply to the section has been ACTM Volume- II, Part
switches switched off by opening the appropriate interrupter. I, Para- 20347, page- 91

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14. Petroleum Sidings
The following arrangements/precautions would be necessary:-
i. Petroleum Arrangements/preca An equi potential link between the petroleum sidings installation Treatise (OHE) page
Sidings utions earth and the track via a switch. 159
ii. Setting up of neutral zones (insulating joints) in the track to avoid ACTM Volume- II, Part
any risk of propagating stray current. I, Para- 20348, page- 91
iii. Setting up of neutral zones / sections in the contact wire similar to
loco inspection pits
iv. The tracks must be provided with longitudinal bonds on both the
rails as well as transverse bond (30m intervals). All masts and
metallic structures in the vicinity of the track / sidings should be
provided with structure bonds. Copper rivets should be used for
v. 10 ohm earths must be connected to the petroleum siding on each
side at the insulated joint
vi. Precautions
vii. No oil tanker is permitted to stable under live OHE for inspection
viii. Fueling to be done by side filling arrangement only.
ix. Pipe lines in the vicinity of the track should be properly earthed.
x. Minimum 2 m electrical clearance from live OHE of the adjacent
track or only other structure nearby must be maintained.
xi. During filling/loading and unloading of petroleum products, the
isolators at the neutral section of OHE should be kept open to
ensure that the OHE is dead and earthed.

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15 Protective Helmets
i. Helmet Staff are advised At the work-site, staff are advised to wear helmets to protect their Treatise (OHE) page
wear helmets heads against any tools or equipment which may drop down 159
accidentally, as well as to minimize head injury in case of accidental ACTM Volume- II, Part
fall from a height. I, para-20340 page - 89
16 Safety Belt
i. Safety Belt Staffs should wear Staffs working on structures or a ladder are advised to protect Treatise (OHE) page
safety belt while themselves against an inadvertent fall by wearing a safety belt for 159
working on structure supporting themselves by a rope sling. ACTM Volume- II, Part
/ ladder I, para-20341 page - 89
The recommended proforma for power block and permit-to work messages have been given. Particulars of other essential records to be
maintained in regard to OHE maintenance are given below:
i. Forms and Records to be Daily report of OHE maintenance to be submitted by the Supervisor Treatise (OHE) page
Registers maintain in-charge of field work to ATFO. The form in which reports are to 159
be submitted by the ATFO/CTFO to AEE (TrD) and ACTM Volume- II, Part
Sr. DEE / DEE (TrD) may be laid down locally by each Division. I, Chapter V, para
20349, page-91
ii. Register for foot-patrol reports. The reports regarding foot-
patrolling should be entered by the linesman in a register to be
maintained for the purpose by each section supervisor.
iii. Cantilever assembly maintenance register.
iv. Register of contact wire thickness measurements.
v. Register of clearance under over line structures.

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vi. Records to be Register of earth resistance measurements.
vii. Register of current collection tests shall be maintained
viii. Register of regulating equipment shall be maintained by each depot
/ sub-depot for its jurisdiction. This register should have a page
allotted for each regulating equipment. Particulars of adjustments
carried out, amount of catenary and contact wire cut etc. shall be
recorded in this Register, indicating the dates on which these items
of work have been done.
ix. Register for isolator Switches shall be maintained by each depot /
sub-depot indicating dates on which the isolators have been
inspected and the details of work carried out.
x. Register for Turn outs and Cross over shall be maintained by each
depot / sub-depot. This should indicate the dates on which each turn
out / crossover has been checked for adjustment and particulars of
work done.
xi. Register of vulnerable foundations- This should contain details of
checks carried out on foundations at vulnerable locations, such as
on over bridges, embankments susceptible to erosion etc.
xii. Register of feeder lines shall be maintained by concerned
depots/sub-depots to indicate particulars of patrolling of 25kV
feeder lines and maintenance carried out on such feeder lines.
xiii. Register of critical implantations- The annual check of implantation
at critical locations shall be recorded in this Register

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xiv. Records to be Register of level crossing - This should contain dates on which
maintain height of contact wire at level crossings as well as that of the height
gauges at level crossing have been checked.
xv. Register of splices.
xvi. Register of OHE break-downs - Each depot/sub-depot should
maintain particulars of OHE break-down occurring in its
jurisdiction. For each break-down a page should be allotted.
References to detailed reports submitted should also be given to
facilitate investigations subsequently.
xvii. Register may also be maintained for any other additional items in
the proforma prescribed by CEE.
xviii. The register should be of A-4 size. As they are required for
permanent record they should be cloth-bound. The nomenclature of
the register should be shown on the cover in 6 mm block letters.

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1. Manual of AC Traction Maintenance and Operation Volume II (Part–I) Fixed Installations 1994

2. Manual of AC Traction Maintenance and Operation Volume II (Part–II) Fixed Installations 1994

3. Special Maintenance Instruction, Specifications, Instructions letters issued by RDSO Lucknow

4. Treatise of OHE Indian Railways Institute of Electrical Engineering NASIK.

5. Indian Railways Schedule of Dimensions (SOD) 1676 mm Gauge (BG), Revised 2004

6. Manual of OLIVER-G plus M/s. Total Solution, Bhopal

7. Details of Thermo Vision Camera 28th MSG TRD at SCR on Feb 2011 item no. 28.19

8. Circulars, Instructions, Correction Slips and letters etc issued by Railway Board New Delhi

9. Suggestion given by participant for various Railways during seminar conducted on 29.04.2016 at IRCAMTECH,

May, 2016 Databank of Important Guidelines, Letters, Instructions, Circulars etc. for OHE

To upgrade maintenance technologies and methodologies and achieve improvement in productivity and performance
of all Railway assets and manpower which inter-alia would cover reliability, availability, utilisation and efficiency.

CAMTECH is continuing its efforts in the documentation and up-gradation of information on maintenance practices of
electrical assets. Over the years a large number of publications on electrical assets have been prepared in the form of
handbooks, pockets books, pamphlets & video films etc. These publications have been uploaded on the internet as well as
rail net.
For downloading these publications please do following:
1. On internet visit :
Go to Directorates  CAMTECH  Publications for download Electrical Engineering
2. On Railnet visit RDSO website at
Go to Directorates  CAMTECH  Publications for download  Electrical Engineering

For any further information regarding publications please contact:

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SSE/Electrical - 9755549297 (CUG)
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Indian Railways
Centre for Advanced Maintenance technology,
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Airport Road, Maharajpur,
Gwalior, Pin code – 474 005

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