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Call Reporting Multimedia

Installation Guide
Table of Contents
2 Prerequisites
3 Installing The Multimedia Software on the
Multimedia Server
4 How to Program Avaya Call Reporting Multimedia
Skills Based Routing
5 Programming Avaya Voicemail Pro
5 Transferring calls to a Avaya Call Reporting Multimedia Skill Group

6 How to Program Multimedia Skill Groups

7 Creating & Assigning Skill Groups
8 Creating Queue Announcements
9 Creating Queue Music


12 Routing to Skill Group by Tag

The following sections are instructions for users with Multimedia Add-On Licenses.

13 Queue Callback
13 Queued Callback Strategy
14 After Call Work Timer

15 How to Program Avaya Call Reporting Webchat

15 License Assignment
15 Design your Web Chat Interface
15 Preview
15 URL to Skill Mappings
15 Adding Agents to Skill Groups
16 Chat Settings

1.0. Prerequisites
Make sure you meet the following requirements prior to installing Avaya Call Reporting Multimedia.


Avaya Call Reporting Release 3.8 or higher

You can check your current version by navigating to the Avaya Call Reporting home page and
clicking the bell in the top right corner. If you are on version 3.6 or older, you must update to
the latest version. In order to upgrade, your Xima Care support coverage must be current.


A separate, dedicated server away from Avaya Call Reporting. (One Avaya Call Reporting
Multimedia Server will support up to 250 active Skill Based Routing and Queued Callback ports)*
If 500 agents are required, you will need 2 servers.
If 1,000 agents are required, you will need 4 servers and so on.
Windows Server OS (2008, 2012, 2016) or Linux (Most all distributions)
Either OS can be virtualized.
8 Core Processor
8 - 16GB RAM
500 GB Hard Drive
1 Ethernet NIC (10/100 or 10/1000)
Latest version of Java
Linux (Not included in the Avaya Call Reporting Multimedia Installation Package)

Avaya IP Office V1 or V2 Telephony Server; or Avaya IP Office Server Edition
Avaya Voicemail Pro (’Preferred Edition’ or ‘Advanced Edition’). If Voicemail Pro is not
present there will be no IVR or Auto Attendant, but calls may be routed direct to skills groups.
One 3rd Party SIP Endpoint license for every five ports of Queue Call Back.
Avaya Voice Compression Module (VCM) resources with licensing (One VCM resource is
required for each call while in Avaya Call Reporting’s multimedia server).

Avaya IP Office R5.0 or higher
One 3rd Party SIP Endpoint license for every five simultaneous calls in Avaya Call Reporting Multimedia.
One 3rd Party SIP Endpoint license for every five ports of Queue Call Back.

*For recording calls a separate server is recommended.

2.0. Installing The Multimedia Software on the
Multimedia Server
Before you can install The Multimedia Software you must download Java. You can do so here.
You will need to install a small software client on the server after confirming all prerequisites. The setup file
for Windows or Linux can be found here.

During the multimedia install, you will be prompted to enter the IP address of the Chonicall server.
Be sure to enter the correct IP address to ensure Multimedia will run properly.

3.0. How to Program Avaya Call Reporting

Multimedia Skills Based Routing


Open Avaya IP Office Manager and pull a local system configuration.


User extensions will be utilized as virtual handsets to distribute calls between

IPO and the Multimedia Server.
Create a new User for each Avaya 3rd Party SIP Endpoint license with the following settings:
1. In the User tab do the following:
a. Create a Name for the user. Repeat this name in the Full Name. Ex. MM1
b. Create a Password on the User tab and re-enter the password in the Confirm
Password field.
c. Set Account Status as Enabled. This option is not available in older IPO releases.
d. Insert an available extension in the Extension field.
e. In the drop-down for Profile, select the ‘Basic User’ option.
f. Check mark the Exclude From Directory box.
2. In the Voicemail Tab uncheck the box entitled Voicemail On.
3. In the Telephony tab do the following:
a. In the Call Settings section check the box entitled Call Waiting On.
b. In the Supervisor Settings section enter and verify a numeric password.
Document the password as it will be used later when configuring Avaya Call Reporting.
4. You will be prompted to select the extension type for the new user. Select SIP extension
and press OK
5. Repeat steps 1-5 for additional 3rd Party SIP licenses you have.


Navigate to Extensions in the Configuration menu and find the newly created SIP extensions.

1. In the VOIP tab do the following:

a. Select the Reserve License drop down option and click on ‘Reserve 3rd
party IP endpoint license’.
b. Uncheck Re-Invite Supported and Allow Direct Media Path.


Create a hunt group in Avaya IP Office.

This group will contain the SIP endpoint extension and provides an overflow to the
failover group if all the endpoints are used to capacity.
1. In the Configuration menu right click on Group and select a “New” group.
2. In the Hunt Groups tab do the following:
a. Name the group. Make the name recognizable for future reference.
b. Provide an appropriate Extension number. e.g., 700.
c. Add the newly created virtual handset extensions to the User List.
3. In the Queuing tab uncheck the box Queuing On.
4. In the Overflow tab add any preconfigured or new IPO Hunt Group for overflow
calls in the event of a Multimedia Server failure or insufficient endpoint licenses.
5. In the Voicemail tab uncheck the box Voicemail On.


Create an Incoming Call Route to direct calls to Voicemail Pro (Auto Attendant greetings).

1. Select an Incoming Call Route or create a new one. It is recommended you select an
unused number for proper testing first.
2. If routing the call to an auto-attendant do the following:
a. In the Destinations tab do the following:
b. In the Default Value and Destination field, type in ‘Multimedia’ and hit OK.
Multimedia is a commonly used destination, however you may
choose any VM destination.
c. You may choose to add a fallback Extension of an IPO Hunt Group in the
destination in the event of a VMPro failure.
3. If the number is to go direct to a skill group:
a. In the Standard tab set a Tag of the skill group name, with no spaces.
b. Set the destination as the Multimedia hunt group.
4. Save and Merge*


1. Create a Call Flow with the same name as created in the Incoming Call Route destination.
a. Right click on Modules and select Add.
b. When prompted for a name, enter the same name set in the Destination of the
incoming Call Route.
2. In the Call Flow, create a Menu.
a. Select Basic Actions.
b. Select Menu and drag it onto the screen.
c. In the Menu, create a greeting whereby you greet the caller and provide them
menu or auto attendant options.
d. Inside the Menu settings, add at least one Touch Tone selection. If the Auto Attendant
option is to press ‘1’ for ‘Support’, insert a Transfer action from the Telephony
Options into the call flow and link the Menu option 1 to the Transfer action.
e. Inside the Transfer action select the Specific tab and do the following:
i. In the Destination field, type in the Multimedia Hunt Group previously created
in Avaya IP Office.
ii. Leave the Source field blank.
iii. In the Description field, enter the extension of the Avaya Call Reporting Multimedia Skill
Group, without spaces, that you will program later in Avaya Call Reporting Multimedia.
3. Add additional Transfer actions for each touch tone option in the AA Menu and enter
each Avaya Call Reporting Skill Group name into the description.
4. Save and Make Live

Program Avaya IP Office to transfer inbound or internal calls into a Avaya Call Reporting Multimedia Skill Group

1. Create a System Short Code in Avaya IP Office.

a. Code: Enter a unique extension number (ex: 600)
b. Feature: Voicemail Node
c. Telephone Number: Provide a name for the Voicemail Node (ex: Support)
d. Click OK, Save and Merge.

2. Create a System Short Code in Voice Mail Pro.

a. In Voicemail Pro Client, configure a new shortcode under the following directory:
IP Office -> Specific Start Points -> Short Codes -> Right Click and Select Add
b. Give the Short Code the same name as the System Short Code created in Avaya IP Office Manager.
c. In the working space, add a Telephony Action>Transfer to the call flow.
d. In the Transfer properties, Specific tab, enter the extension for the Multimedia Hunt Group in
Avaya IP Office in the Destination field
e. In the Description tab, type in the name of the Avaya Call Reporting Multimedia Skill Group that
the call is intended to go.

3. Save and Make Live

4.0. How to Program Multimedia Skill Groups
Avaya Call Reporting Multimedia needs the appropriate skills in order to send calls to the correct agents.


You will need to select which agents will be assigned to the skill groups.
1. Go to Admin -> System Settings -> Multimedia Voice Seat.
2. Select the agents who should be included in any given skill group*.


The Location of the Multimedia Server will also need to be programmed into the Avaya Call Reporting settings.
1. Go to Admin - > System Settings -> Multimedia Voice Seat
2. Input the Primary Multimedia Server IP


User profile extensions that were created in Avaya IP Office need to be configured in Avaya Call Reporting.
1. Select the SIP Extensions ellipsis tool from the Multimedia Voice Seat menu.
The SIP Extension window will appear
2. Enter the User profile extensions created in Avaya IP Office under the
Avaya Call Reporting Multimedia SIP Extension field and the corresponding supervisor
password from the same User extensions in the Avaya IP Office in the Password field.
3. Hit OK to save. Save and exit system settings.


It is recommended to restart the Avaya Call Reporting Multimedia services to initiate a registration request.
1. After the service restart, navigate to Multimedia Configuration -> Multimedia SIP
Endpoints and check the registration status of the virtual handsets.
2. Restart Multimedia services and repeat step 1.
a. In IPO Manager go to System -> LAN(1) -> VoIP and ensure that SIP
b. If you see an “unauthorized” message for the extension, double check the user
supervisor and password and try again.
c. Other issues may be related to firewalls, ports, or require a PBX reboot.
Please contact Xima Support for assistance with any other us

*Agents must first be assigned Realtime Agent Dashboard licenses. AVAYA 6

Skill Groups are used to designate which phone operator should take a call based on the call type and
user created criteria. The following section will explain how to edit pre-existing Skill Groups and how to
create new ones.

To get to the Multimedia Skills window, do the following:

1. On the Home Page, select Multimedia Skills under the Multimedia Configuration tab.
In this window, you will see a chart detailing all your different Skill Groups and how each user
scores in each particular one. If this is your first time using this window, you will see we have
already provided three blank Skill Groups that you can use as a template. If you would like to edit
these or any pre-existing Skill Group, you can select the ellipsis tool at the top of each skill. If you
would like to create an entirely new Skill, just select the Add Skill button at the bottom of the
window. Both of these options will activate the Skill Definition window.
If you would like to assign an agent to a specific Skill Group, give them a numeric value in the cell
that correlates with the skill you want them to have. If the desired routing algorithm is Most Idle,
the agents still need a skill level assigned or the agent will not take calls for that skill group.


The Skill Definition window is used for customizing the settings for a specific Skill Group. This
window has many options to allow for control of even the most minute details. However, below we
have instructions for how to set a new skill with the required base settings.

To create a new skill, fill in the following values.

Name: The value used in the “Name” does not need to match the previous
description but will be the value used to represent this group in reports.
IP Office Tag: Add the identical description that you previously created in Voicemail Pro.
Each skill can have multiple descriptions/tags as long as they match the same description name in
Voicemail Pro.
Priority: Select a numeric priority for the Skill group. The higher the skill number
the greater the priority. This value is optional and will not cause routing issues if left blank.
Routing Algorithm: Select an algorithm. Choices are: Most Idle Agent, Linear, Circular,
and Intelligent Highest Skill First. Each algorithm is outlined below:
Most Idle Agent: Call will be delivered to the agent with the most idle time
Linear: Call will be delivered to the first agent in the list if available, every time.
Then to the second agent, so on and so forth. Consider this a priority list.
Circular: round-robin fashion
Intelligent Highest Skill First: Call will be delivered to the available agent with the highest
skill level. If there are at least two or more agents with the same skill level and available for
a call, the call will be delivered to the agent with the lowest overall skill level, leaving the
higher skilled agent free to take other calls. If the agents overall skill level is tied, the call will
then go to the agent that has been idle the longest.
If you are happy with these settings, hit OK.

With queue announcements callers will periodically hear customized messages while they wait in queue. For
example, they can hear their estimated wait time or position in queue.


To get to the Queue Announcement Configuration window, do the following:

1. On the Home Page, select Multimedia Skills under the Multimedia Configuration tab.
2. Select the ellipses tool above the skill that you would like to create a queue announcement for.
3. Select the ellipses tool located next to the Queue Announcements field. A new window
with a blue bar should appear, this is the Queue Announcement Configuration window.
4. Hovering your mouse over the bar will cause a pin and time code to appear over your
cursor. This represents the time interval your queue announcement will play.
5. Click on the time interval at which you would like the message to play and the pin will be
placed, causing the Edit Queue Announcement menu to appear.


The following settings are available for customization:

Start Time: The amount of time a caller will to wait before they hear the announcement.
Repeat Interval: The length of time at which the message will repeat.
Repeat Limit: The maximum amount of times the announcement repeats.
Announcement: The audio clip that will play during the message. Clicking on the ellipsis tool
will open the Queue Announcement window which will be detailed below.
QCB Related: Specifies that the announcement includes a queue callback offer. If it is set to
true, the announcement will discontinue playing if there aren’t any available QCB Ports or
if the customer has been called back and returned to the queue.


The Queue Announcement window is dedicated to assigning single or composite audio

clips to your Queue Announcement. Here you can select, edit, delete, or play preexisting
Queue Announcements.
If you would like to create a new announcement or a new composite announcement, you can
do so by selecting their respective buttons at the bottom of the window.


In the New Announcement window give your announcement a name and record a new
message using your phone, microphone, or by uploading an audio file from your computer.
If you would like to hear the message, press the play button.


A composite message is a sequence of preexisting announcements that play one after the other.
Once the desired sequence is built, give your composite message a name. The composite will
be stored in the list of available announcements for future selection.

The following section will explain how you can customize the music that you would like callers to hear while
they are waiting in queue.


To assign Queue Music to your desired skill group, do the following:

1. On the Home Page, select Multimedia Skills under the Multimedia Configuration tab.
2. Select the ellipsis tool above the skill group that you would like to assign the Queue Music to.
3. By selecting the drop-down next to the Queue Music field, you can assign the music that
users will hear when in the Queue for this skill group.
4. If you would like to create a new Queue Music track, you can select the ellipsis tool next
to the drop-down on the same field. From here, the Queue Music window should appear.


Accessing the Queue Music window will provide you with the ability to edit, preview,
delete, or add new queue music.
Create new music by selecting it’s respective button at the bottom of the
window. Doing so will open up the New Music window.


In the New Music window you add music and create a name by selecting the file from your computer
using the directory button. Press the play button to hear the audio clip.
Beware of copyright infringement.

When a queue callback has made its way to the top of the waiting list
and now 1st in queue, Avaya Call Reporting’s Multimedia Server will notify
the customer and place them back into the first place in queue. The wait
in queue option is optimal for queues with shorter queue times.

Multiple SIP extensions can be registered without an Avaya OEM license.

Each extension can be assigned 1-10 licenses, and the number of licenses
an extension is assigned should match the configuration on the IP Office.
Each extension will be able to handle five calls for every license that it
has. For example, the SIP extension 123 seen in the box below would only
be able to handle five calls because it only has one license, while the SIP
extension 456 could handle fifteen calls because it has three licenses.

Make sure the “Application Servers Group” option is checked.

Being a part of this group gives all extensions the ability to dial out
on one line while simultaneously receiving a call on a different line.

For those who have an older installation (IP Office 9 or less), leave
the “Application Servers Group” option unchecked because they
are unaffected by this setting.

For both Single SIP (Avaya OEM) and Stacked SIP

(Non-OEM), the prospective Multimedia extension
user must be part of a User Rights group with the
option “Application Servers Group” checked. There
should already be a configured User Rights group
called “Application,” which is identified as “Applica-
tion Servers Group.”

The non-OEM extensions use 3rd party SIP endpoint licenses and it is up to the client to know how many they
have available. To utilize these licenses seamlessly when using more than one license, you need to add
“ULI=(License Count)” to the “Source Numbers” of the potential Multimedia extension. You can see in the
image below that extension 391 is set up to have three licenses by looking in the right-hand section.

This combines the previous routing by tag with the new routing by short
code; they are both configured in the same dialog.
Short code routing numbers can be configured on the IP Office and then
added in Chronicall. This requires configuring the short code routing on
the IP Office and then adding in the desired number as the short code to
match up with that skill. For example, the image below shows the
number 412 and Sales tag as the desired short code for the skill “Default.”

Once the short code has been put in, you can then route to skills based on their short codes. This works
similarly to tags, but has a slightly different configuration on IP Office.
The “Incoming Call Route” will route to a short code that routes to the SIP extension. Read the short code
once received by the extension, and then route it to the skill with that short code in your identifier.

Here is an example to further explain. In this example, the Multimedia

extension is 392. The Incoming Call Route has been set up to send to the
destination 510 (see the blue highlighted bar in the image below). In this
example, 510 is also going to be our Skill Routing Identifier.

The short code configured is 5XX with the feature Dial Extn (seen in below
image under the Short Code tab in the Code and Feature fields respective-
ly). The short code in this example will accept any three digit number
starting with “5” and send it to the extension 392.

The Telephone Number field (seen in image above under

Short Code tab in the Telephone Number field) sends the
call to the extension prior to the “|” (pipe) with the config-
ured mask applied. The digits input for XX in 5XX are sent
with the mask in place of the “N.”

If a call is routed to one of the pre-configured extensions without a shortcode as referenced above, the
service will look for a Tag associated to that call as a secondary routing identifier. A Tag can be assigned to
the call by the Incoming Call Route configured in IP Office Manager:

The destination of the Incoming Call Route will need to

be an IP Office hunt group with the virtual extensions,
and the Tag used will need to be configured with the
exact spelling in the Skill Group settings:

7.0. Queue Callback*
With Queue Callback, callers waiting in queue will be presented with the option of receiving a callback
when they are in first position in queue or when an agent is available to take the call.


When a queue callback has made its way to the top of the waiting list and now 1st in queue,
Avaya Call Reporting’s Multimedia Server will notify the customer and place them back into the
first place in queue. The wait in queue option is optimal for queues with shorter queue times.


When using the Reserve Agent queue callback strategy, the customer will be called back once
they have reached the front of the line and an agent is available. Avaya Call Reporting will reserve the
agent while the customer is called back and offered the option to be sent to the reserved agent.


When a queue callback is made, the customer will be presented with the option to accept, snooze,
or cancel the call. If they choose to snooze the call, Avaya Call Reporting will wait a predetermined
additional amount of time and will then attempt to call the customer back after the alloted time.


Outbound Call Prefix is the prefix used to dial out from the PBX.
Ex. Dialing 9 before making an external call.


When the customer is in the queue for a set period of time they are transfered to
another group or destination of choice.


Queue overflow is used when there are no agents enabled/ready in a certain skill. If this
happens, the call will overflow to another skill or destination of choice.

*Queue Callback License required.

Once a call has ended, the agent will be placed in an After Call Work (ACW) state which means Avaya Call
Reporting Multimedia will not present or offer another call during this period.

The After Call Work Timer does not have to be programed as it will be there by default with an initial time of
30 seconds and a 30 second snooze.
If you want to change these settings do the following:

1. Navigate to the System Settings, Multimedia Voice, then

click on the ellipsis tool next to the After Call Work Timer.
2. Choose the initial ACW duration.
a. Once a call has ended, this is the initial duration that an agent will be unavailable for
another skill group call.
Format is hours:minutes:seconds.
3. Choose the Snooze Duration.
a. If the agent needs more time, they may select a snooze button on the ACW timer. The
available time extension is set here. If you prefer the agents not have a snooze option, set this
setting to 00:00:00.

8.0. How to Program Web Chat
Web Chat provides customers the ability to Chat live with a Licensed Web Chat Agent from
any webpage.

Web Chat deployments using Xima Skills Based Voice Agents.

1. Go to Avaya Call Reporting Main Menu -> User Management - > Licensed Voice Agents to
assign voice agents.
a. Select all of your voice agents.
b. Click OK.
c. Refresh Users and Groups.

Customize the live chat configuration.

1. Select Admin System from the Avaya Call Reporting Main Menu.
2. Go to System Settings -> Multimedia -> Chat Seat -> Chat Config.
3. In the configuration you can select your desired Header Color, Agent Chat Bubble Color,
and Customer Chat Bubble Color. You can also insert your preferred Logo.

You can use the Preview button to see how what your configuration will look on your website as
you design your webchat settings.

Map specific pages within your website to specific skill groups.

1. Enter a unique word fount within the page URL into the URL that matches the field.
i.e., The keyword would be “support”.
2. Select the appropriate skill group for that page. This will map the web chat request to the
appropriate skill group.

To add an agent to a skill group, give them a skill level in the intersecting cell between the agent
name and the intended skill group.

Access Multi Media chat settings by going to Multimedia configuration -> Multimedia Skills ->
Select the ellipsis at the top of the desired skill.

1. Invite Header Text: This text is what will be shown within the Chat Invite on your website

2. When All Agents Are Busy: You are presented with three options when all agents are busy:

a. Offer Chat Queue, which will allow customers to wait for the next available Agent.
b. Offer Email allows them to send an email instead of waiting for the next Agent.
c. Hide Chat Box

3. When No Agents Are Logged In: You are presented with 3 options when no agents are logged in:
a. Offer Email allows them to send an email instead of waiting for the next Agent.
b. Hide Chat Box

4. Canned Messages: Administrators can create an unlimited amount of predefined canned responses so
agents can quickly address customer's common questions or concerns.

5. Customize Chat Widget Text: These are the predefined set of fields that are shown throughout
the Avaya Call Reporting web chat interface that can be customized to fit your wants and needs.


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